#goes  w / o saying  but  like  4  plots  ! :~)
Okie I get that the existence of a movie such as Gangubai Kathiawadi is v v significant+ important and what not but. It's such a bad movie. The characters are two dimensional and most of the times their motives are not properly explored and a lot of the time it treats them like they've been properly introduced and settled in the ecosystem when they've only been superficially gone over. And why. The fuck. Do people refer to themselves in third person so often. Idk how this happened because I know for a fact that the actors are really really good but I was honestly so disappointed. I'm sorry but that movie is a disaster.
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nyaagolor · 9 months
Merry DL6mas!
I wrote an inordinate amnt of words about Edgeworth and MVK and dynamics and meta and w/e, stuck it below the cut so I don't obliterate ur dashes
So originally I wanted to make a relationship flowchart for all the characters and then realized that the amnt of caveats would make the image entirely text so I’m just forgoing the image altogether and doing this group by group starting with the VKs bc DL6mas and whatnot. It’s an essay and also unorganized so um. Have fun or apologies in advance? 
Anyway. I think AA1 intending to be standalone and then getting these additional games does some fun things to the characters but especially for Manfred. I’m of the opinion that he was not created or written to be deep or nuanced or anything. He’s the final boss, we weren’t supposed to get more on him, he’s honestly just a symbolic representation of the forces Phoenix works against rather than a character in his own right (in AA1 at least). He’s cartoonishly evil and that was supposed to be it— and then we get JFA and Franziska and suddenly Manfred gets all this retroactive characterization as the story is built beyond its initial parameters. That’s part of the reason why I’m so interested in him— all this new information comes exclusively through other characters and insinuations rather than him actually being on screen up until Investigations and even then it’s like 4 lines. We get more on Manfred, yes, but it’s a shadow on the wall. I’m sorry to bring up allegory of the cave about the gay lawyer simulator but w/e I’m a melodramatist, it’s an allegory of the cave situation. The reason I bring that up is because I don’t really think about Manfred in the same way as other characters; I piece together how I think of him though his relationships and impact on others rather than as an independent dude. His past is inconsequential to me and the ppl who flesh him out are the real troopers but he matters to me more as a vessel for narrative themes than anything. This is all to say that everything I’m doing is conjecture and just kind of filling in the gaps based on my current understanding of the text. Headcanons for the broad and far-reaching audience of me, myself, and I. 
That being said. The whole spiel I just went on about “Manfred as defined by his relation to others” works quite nicely as tie-in to how he feels about Edgeworth, because I think Edgeworth occupies this symbolic space in MVK’s mind. Yes, Edgeworth is a kid he mentors and who lives in his house and who he is legally responsible for, but Edgeworth is also this physical manifestation of his failures. Edgeworth is a child, yes, but to MVK he’s a ghost, a consequence, a punishment. He may not be a VK, but he IS karma (sound the turnabout melody I am kissing you on the lips for this line btw). 
This also means that the way MVK views Edgeworth as an extension of his own thoughts about the DL6 incident rather than solely as his own person, which is something that changes pretty drastically over time. The way he talks about and to Edgeworth goes beyond who and what Edgeworth is as a person because for MVK, there was always an aspect of the self in there, and MVK interacting with Edgeworth is as much a reflection of his own identity as it is how he feels about Miles. 
If there is one thing the entire VK family does extraordinarily well it's projection, and I think MVK has been doing this since he brought Edgeworth into the picture (and before that, but it’s only relevant to me now). This is personally how I rationalize how absolutely batshit half of MVK’s actions are. I know the actual reason is “we expanded the characters around him which necessitates certain actions to drive the plot and inconsistency results from this expansion” blah blah blah paratext more or less confirms this, but we are going full Watsonian in this bitch. 
I have talked at length about the actual medical stuff around gunshots and how bullets are typically removed from joints specifically because of how badly they damage the surrounding tissues over time, I’ll link the post if anyone is curious, but tldr bullet wound symbolism. I bring this up now because I think the bullet acts as a physical representation for DL6, it literally and metaphorically tears him up inside. No one else knows about this murder, most people have forgotten the penalty, but he never did, because he can’t. For someone who has structured his entire self on the idea of perfection, this is an event of unprecedented magnitude, and the living proof of it is eating dinner at his table every night. MVK sits with the weight of what he’s done, and whether or not he feels justified or guilty or w/e doesn’t even matter because it’s making him lose his goddamn mind. His behavior gets more intense, more irrational, because before he was just a massive, scheming, paragon of perfection (and corruption but shh) but now he is in this inescapable cycle as the result of his choices and his choices exclusively. I don’t propose to know nor care about how he felt about it or what the specific emotions he felt were because they’re not particularly important in my mind, only that the lingering ghost of DL6 is driving MVK kinda bonkers and that drastically alters how he interacts with Edgeworth and Franziska. 
I’ve seen a lot of debate about why MVK took in Edgeworth, but my hot take is that he actually doesn’t know. I don’t think MVK ever processed DL6, I think he is filled with contradictory feelings (how ironic) and that this is what eats at him through all those years. Why did he take in Edgeworth? Because he felt guilty? Because he wanted to train him into everything his father hated as a twisted kind of revenge? Because he wanted a prodigy and saw himself in Edgeworth? It’s all of them, it’s none of them, it doesn’t matter, he doesn’t know. Why did he prosecute Edgeworth right before the statute of limitations ended? Was it revenge? Hatred? A way to test his prodigy? To project his own gnawing nest of emotions onto the person he felt embodied the incident? Same deal. (the real answer is that it doesn’t really matter bc we were not supposed to think about it this hard but. Shh. dw about it.)
I don’t take much interest into Manfred’s inner world because I ultimately think that a lot of his actions, while completely under his control, are him acting on impulse, on him doing irrational things because DL6, in a sense, killed him too. He comes out of that elevator a different person (not worse (can’t go down from rock bottom), not better, just a different kind of asshole), but destroyed from the inside out by a murder he committed. He’s so arrogant, so entitled, that he could never let this go, and I think that drives so much of the insane shit he tries to pull. He has centered his life around the axis of DL6 and he will always be pulled back into its orbit. The further we get from DL6 the more time he has to think, the more it tears him apart, the more the contradictory feelings about it rear their heads in turn and create this guy who is just desperate and angry. And when it’s days before the statute of limitations he just becomes completely subsumed by it all. He was always cruel, but now he’s cruel and desperate and completely willing to drag everyone down with him. The desperation is the important part. 
I will say though that he is, irrefutably, his own downfall. He molded Edgeworth in his own image, he created Phoenix Wright the defense attorney as a consequence, and it is the two of them who send him to his death. He is the one who planned the murder of Turnabout Goodbyes. From beginning to end, it’s his own hand. Manfred is one of the only characters in this series whose actions are not precedented by extenuating circumstances. It’s allllll him. He’s the bitch. He has been and will always be a selfish prick and for as much as he is lashing out because of DL6 he does so by dragging others in. 
Extremely long prelude to say that I think how he treats edgeworth varies so wildly over time and is so irrational in its presentation because of everything I mentioned before. He is Edgeworth’s greatest kindness and his worst nightmare— at the same time!! Multitasking king. He takes in Edgeworth as a snap decision for reasons he doesn’t entirely understand, and I think because of that he never quite views Edgeworth as a son (at least in the traditional sense). Edgeworth is not his child in the same way that Franziska is his child (and we will get to her in a different post I promise), but he’s not just some random kid either. Manfred is emotionally tied to him through DL6, and I think the fact colors the way that Manfred treats him. It’s a dynamic that I can’t really put a label on, because it’s mentor/student with so much extra baggage that it feels different than that. There is an emotional connection between them, a sense of atonement and revenge, and I don’t think either of them will ever be able to articulate what that means. Manfred does not address Edgeworth as his child, and I think there is an attempt in his language to distance himself from Edgeworth, but he finds himself drawn to Edgeworth all the same (bc Edgeworth is DL6 etc etc). He did not ask for a child, he does not WANT a child, but he has one! Get fucked!
MVK is obsessed with his own image, with this idea of perfection, and insofar as Edgeworth is DL6, Edgeworth is an extension of MVK. He pushes his ideals and tactics onto Edgeworth the second Edgeworth decides he wants to be a prosecutor, because even more than Franziska, Edgeworth is MVK’s living legacy. He is quite literally Manfred’s midlife crisis and I think Edgeworth wanting to be like him and becoming this Demon Prosecutor is this insanely fucked up kind of catharsis in MVK’s mind. And as Edgeworth becomes more like him, as he takes up MVK’s mantle, he becomes a mirror— that is where shit gets fun. I don’t think I need to spell out the ways in which MVK was simultaneously caring and cruel to his kids— you’ve seen Sound the Turnabout Melody, you’re seen Turnabout Goodbyes, we know this song and dance. 
The more time Edgeworth spends around him, as Edgeworth reflects more of Manfred back at himself, MVK simultaneously becomes proud and revolted. Edgeworth is growing beyond the consequences of DL6 and into a mirror of his adopted father figure mentor person. He is, from the ashes of DL6, becoming Manfred von Karma, and I think that drives MVK insane. He is becoming firmly entrenched in MVK’s life at this point. For as much as Edgeworth is DL6, he is now MVK himself. He becomes a walking contradiction, and Manfred’s projection then manifests as this rapidly oscillating clusterfuck of reactions. Edgeworth is out of his control but he’s super important to MVK— recipe for disaster. 
He builds Edgeworth up, teaches him everything he knows, starts to treat him like a son while at the same time irrevocably traumatizing for the rest of his life. He loves who Edgeworth is becoming while hating everything he stands for, and I think this absolute garbage pile of a child-rearing philosophy is as much a projection of himself as anything. It was never about Edgeworth the person. At first, MVK does not care in the slightest about Miles Edgeworth and it is only when he does, even a little bit, that shit hits the fan in my mind. Edgeworth the physical manifestation of DL6 is being overtaken by Edgeworth the Demon Prosecutor, and MVK starts to be proud of him— but this is an eventuality he did not plan for and cannot do anything about. For both of them, it’s personal now, and no amount of pushing each other away is really going to fix that. 
Anyway I don’t think literally any of this was intended. Manfred is not this deep, I am making literally all of this up, but it’s fine. If you got this far I salute you. Miles time. To pivot to Edgeworth’s POV for a while, I think that from the very beginning, Edgeworth looked up to MVK. It’s not the same idolization that Franziska does, but it’s up there. Obviously he idolized his father, but DL6 not only served as a complete evisceration of his family but also his ideals. Gregory the man was dead, but if criminals can kill his father and get away with it, that collapses the foundation on which Miles built his understanding of justice. Gregory the defense attorney– his ideals, his legacy, his philosophy– he died in that elevator too. Edgeworth pivots, completely independently, from a man who wants to protect to a man who wants to punish (and I firmly believe that this was his own decision and not Manfred pushing him into it, if MVK had not adopted him he still would have become a prosecutor just not so much of a dick). 
But so Manfred takes him in, and was spectacularly ill-equipped to handle this. I always saw Manfred as emotionally distant on the best of days (he’s born in the 50s what did u expect) but for Miles, who he barely considers a son at all, he isn’t capable of being the emotional support he needs. He never would be and never wanted to be. That’s layer one of baggage. What MVK does provide for Miles, though, is a purpose. Miles does not wallow in his father’s death, because he is taken in by someone who acts as a paragon of Miles’ new worldview. Manfred never lets a criminal get away. He is perfect in that way, and it gives Miles a tangible (albeit impossible) goal to strive for. MVK mentors him in this worldview and gives him the tools to outlet his grief and rage into something productive— fucked up and wrong, maybe, but productive. That’s layer two of baggage. 
For as complicated and twisted and contradictory as MVK’s feelings towards Edgeworth are, Edgeworth for most of his childhood sees MVK as this pillar of everything that is good and treats him with intense amounts of respect. He accepts any cruelty as tough love, he adopts his ideals and his tactics and his suit. Edgeworth needed *something* after the grief of DL6 and MVK is what he got, so Miles latches on and never lets go, for better or for worse. Miles Edgeworth is not Manfred von Karma but he actively tries to take his shape because whether or not it’s reciprocated, Edgeworth loves him and everything that he stands for. Manfred cares about him in that respect at the very least. And ultimately, this is my big take on Edgeworth: I think Edgeworth actively chased MVK. He became MVK on purpose. It’s a result of trauma and built entirely on false pretenses, but Miles is the one who takes the initiative and Manfred indulges him— And then Turnabout Goodbyes happens. 
Everything Edgeworth is, everything he made himself become, is wrong. Edgeworth has molded himself into a person he does not recognize and that person turned out to be a monster. The person Edgeworth idolized, respected, and maybe even loved is the very person who destroyed his life. He is wearing the skin of the monster he wanted to destroy, and he did it on purpose (in his mind). This is not to say he had much if any agency in this situation— this is not a path he would naturally take, this is structured entirely under false pretenses, and he was clouded by grief, traumatized, and most importantly nine, but what matters here is that Edgeworth FEELS like it’s his fault, and the complete collapse of his worldview AGAIN is what drives all the bullshit of RFTA. Edgeworth is not MVK (and you can tell because he is capable of self-reflection which MVK is ostensibly not (or at least unwilling to)), but it still drives him to this complete and utter devastation. He sees Manfred in himself and it isn’t until AAI1/2 that he’s able to see Gregory as well. MVK filled a need for Edgeworth at the lowest point in his life (and absolutely made him worse but that’s not the point). Edgeworth respected and loved Manfred’s ideals, STILL chases the idea of the man, and because of that still cares about him. He becomes aware of who the monster he loved is, and how has to reconcile with what it means to be that person’s reflection and legacy despite knowing— and feeling, and BEING— all the harm he caused.
Those contradictory feelings that I talked about earlier? Love and hatred all mixed together— questions that cannot be answered and actions taken without knowing why? That’s Edgeworth’s final gift from Manfred: he inherits the bullet and the legacy he carries forward. Unlike Manfred, though, Edgeworth takes that pain and shares it, lets other people in, scoffs at the veneer of perfection and allows himself to be hurt and vulnerable and it is only in that way that Edgeworth can break out of VK’s shadow and break the cycle. He holds onto the ideals that he learned from Manfred, separates them from the nastiness and acknowledges the place they came from. It’s obvious in the way that Edgeworth carries aspects of that legacy forward that he’s capable of disseminating everything that Manfred is, acknowledging the way he’s been influenced by him and what he still respects about the man despite it all, and make peace with the rest of it. The cycle of violence and corruption started with Manfred and Edgeworth makes sure that it ends with him too. 
I have a ton more to talk about with respect to his teaching methods and the nitty gritty of how he interacts with his kids but that’s for the Fran post. This is more of the “whys” than the “hows” but I’ll get there :)
Anyway, I think that’s it. I’m sure there’s more that I’m missing but my head is beyond empty rn and I can’t think of anything else I wanna talk about with respect to these two. I know I literally just spewed 3k words about into this textpost but I do love chatting about them (total shock I know) so if u also have thoughts or ideas abt anything related to them lmk :3
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skitskatdacat63 · 9 months
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Hey, do you remember that really homoerotic scene from Skyfall? No? That's okay, here's a Vettonso version of it :)
- explanation & w/o text:
Hi hello, finally my weird psychosexual relationship with Casino Royale has come to fruition. Yeah this is directly based off a scene from Skyfall, but I def envision the vibe as being more like Casino Royale hehe. I can't believe I made that inspo board for this AU almost 4 weeks ago, and then ended up drawing a four panel "comic" about it. Ahhhh proud of myself, a bit, a tad. I think this took 20+ hours across the span of a week? God. Anyways I digress! The AU!!
First of all, their Bond song would be "My Way of Life" by Frank Sinatra. It's so toxic, codependent and obsessive, I'm in love with it. And it really suits Fernando and his motivations and outlook in this AU. Basically, MI6(in the context of James Bond) in this AU is an analog for Ferrari. It picks theses guys up, tells them that they're Ferrari MI6's most special boy, chews them up, and then spits them out when they're finished extracting all their talent and skill and life force.
Much like with Ferrari, Seb in this AU replaces Fernando after Fernando loses favor and becomes undesirable. Now Seb is the new golden boy, and Fernando has turned to a life of crime! Fernando resents Seb for this of course, but also becomes obsessed with him and the idea of him , and how they are connected. It's weird to watch someone else basically go down your exact same path and unknowingly make all the same mistakes(buying into the mysticism of it all too much, being overly cocky, having naive beliefs and goals, etc.) He is caught between wanting to doom Seb even more but also wanting to "save" him, by corrupting him and convincing him to work together.
Basically: He's both a Bond girl and Bond villain.
Fernando is in such a weird place in this AU. I think he's just very dramatic. Seb is just casually living his best 007(005?) life, and Nando is watching him with binoculars, whispering to himself: "DOESN'T HE UNDERSTAND THAT WE ARE NARRATIVE FOILS!?" Yeah he hates Seb, but like the song lyrics say, their lives and dreams are inherently tied up together. He would feel lost without Seb, because Seb basically, unknowingly, destroyed and then took over his life. Maybe he'll feel satisifed if he manipulates Seb into going down the exact same path a bit better.
About the drawings themselves. Still can't believe this scene is a real thing that actually happened, insane to me. But in this AU, after the events of these drawings, Fernando definitely kicked all his henchman out of the room, and fucked Seb in the chair. And then against the wall. And then on the floor. Hey man, Seb is already looking mighty delicious with his unbuttoned attire and being tied up.
I think the general plot would be that Fernando keeps trying to seduce him to the dark side, and Seb keeps making him think it worked, only to escape at the end of the encounter. Leading Fernando to just come up with increasingly more violent and kinky traps. Seb goes along with it(read: enjoys it), leaving Fernando satisifed, only to somehow escape and wink and make kissy faces at Fernando in the process. (Fernando smoking cigarette in bed: "How do I make him stay. Sigh.")
I like to think though that Fernando does win in the end, by realizing, ah wait shit I do need to actually explain my motivations to Seb. And Seb is so worn down by his job, not Fernando, and how he's being treated, that he listens, really actually listens, and realizes Fernando does really have valid reasons. And then they become evil crime husbands yayyyy. Wow you thought this was a espionage AU? Well it is, but just not the outcome you'd expect.
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#ah well this was certainly a project....#rn i feel like im devolving into illness so im glad i could finish this up before it possibly gets worse#this is my magnum opus as of rn. just bcs ive not really drawn such a longform thing for them!! happy w it :)#i think i def like the first one the best#it made me suffer so bad but i think i soften on my own art after a few days#like i finish it and know its 'good' but cant help but critique every little thing#but ive had that one done for almost a week so now i look at it and really love it#i was originally just going to draw that one only but then realized i really like the full dialog so. might as well.#generally i liked this though bcs even if it ws difficult. it was nice to have really direct and clear reference#like ah ik where im going w this rather than it being an image in my head that i cant represent the way that I want#ah anyways all my vettonso aus tend to be just wanting to explore specific dynamics of theirs#and this one is basically how i feel about their mutual relationship to the institution of ferrari and how it affects their dynamic#basically: THEY'RE MIRRORS!!!#there's always something to be said abt nando being resentful abt seb bcs of 2010/2012/etc and then seb taking his seat at ferrari#but then witnessing seb basically go thru the same trials and tribulations and failures at ferrari#and realizing huh wait maybe he's not who i was villianizing him as. maybe hes at my level too. maybe he's not infallible. maybe hes like m#a very bitter nando who has to fight btwn his impulse to ruin seb further or to relate to him and start to like him#so yeah that's ^ basically what i want to portray in this au(just like all AUs tbh)#f1#formula 1#sebastian vettel#fernando alonso#catie.rambling.txt#catie.art.#vettonso#bond au
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crazykuroneko · 4 months
IWTV S2E5 Musings
Long ass note under the cut, but tl;dr Louis & Old Daniel is my new brotp. Armand can't take it away from me. And Armand has a PhD in gaslighting
• The impersonal statements Daniel pointing out. The implanted phrases Armand supposedly gave to Louis. Somehow my mind recalls the "vampire bond" explanation. The way Louis said it in S1 is like he's reading from a book.
• Current Louis knows Santiago's plotting
• Of course Armand is a lame crypto man 😭
• "His methodology is never violent" Oh, Louis
• "Armand preserves my happiness, even when I don't or can't" 🚨
• Louis still likes his coffin lined with a green silk 😭
• Young Daniel acts like a loser. I'm so sorry, I'm trying to take him seriously but he's funny lol
• "You're lonely. You're thrill seeking" Oh he reads him so bad. Why Louis stay with Armand tho?
• Louis and Young Daniel are just saying exactlyyyyy to one another lol
• Louis was agitated when Young Daniel pointed out the use of past tense on Claudia
• Louis is already in suicidal mind set even before Armand comes
• Interesting. The way Louis is reading his thoughts here. As in literal reading. He can't be in Daniel's mind (e.g. seeing what Daniel is seeing), his ability is limited to what Daniel's thinking. And Daniel is not thinking to himself, he just opens the Talamasca recordings right away. Thus Louis can only feel Hesitation from his mind, bu he doesn't know exactly what for
• "You don't have enough to fear from Paris?" On revealing their nature. I knew Louis had the man in the park an Roget. But why does this sound something bigger happened in Paris with the humans?
• "Is it the gremlin or good nurse tonight?" Well, he decided to be both tonight 💀
• "Throw pillow" "Use Claudia just to circle back to Lestat" So rich of him to shade Louis for his guilt over Claudia when he's the one who killed her.
• "It's all coming back" "Paris.." Louis forgets most of Paris?
• "She's calling me" I wonder if Louis is remembering Claudia calling him during her last moments
• No, I don't think Armand expected or waited for Louis to come into the sun like that. But he's definitely MAD because of that
• Armand is on mission to figure out what makes Young Daniel and Lestat interesting to Louis. Because Louis said he's dull
• "An instinct to self-efface" yes, both Daniel and Louis have that
• Armand kept Louis writhing in pain w/o blood for 4 days???
• Not @ Dubai Louis still giving excuses for Armand to Daniel 😭
• Armand calling Lestat. Lestat doesn't know where Louis is. Armand refuses to tell where they are.
• "You try! You were there!" Newfound friends found bickering lol
• "If you want insanity back, if you want to escape this prison of emphaty" Armand really says "Yes, I'm caging you, but you think this is bad? Well, you had it worse with him you wanna go back there??"
• Armand's tone during the coffin scene is very soft, but he's actually making himself clear he's mad MAD. Mad that Louis is trying to goad Lestat back to him again through the interview. Seeing how Louis always fast to reassure Armand with "all I said is trash" about Lestat, this is definitely an old problem to them. It makes me curious what made Louis stay with Armand post-Paris. What happened in Paris exactly? Lestat definitely knows Louis is alive and with Armand, unlike in the books. What has made him stay away? Did Louis pull a Nicki on him in Paris? Edit: wait, what if Armand reaches out to Lestat here is the equivalent of him going to NOLA in TVL and goes "news flash, Louis is actually alive. we were/are together"? Daniel doesn't hear Armand's first sentence to Lestat. and by that time, Louis does know lestat is alive but still numb 🤔 Armand mentions if Louis wants Lestat to chase him again, that's definitely about Lestat coming to Paris after the patricide.
• "All you had to do was ask" he says to the burnt Louis who is in need of his blood. A war flashback to "The silence is cruel. But you're never cruel" but in worse condition.
• Armand, making it clear he is extremely mad at Louis for trying to reach Lestat, that Louis is ungrateful cos he's been treating him better than Lestat, then dangling this channel of communication to Lestat in front of him, making Louis feels bad and coercing him to reassure him again. Armand has a PhD in gaslighting.
• The words from Armand afterwards. Louis certainly knows his answer but well, you can't answer that if you don't want Armand blowing up again.
• Armand only answers Louis back with Maitre once Louis assures him that he will stay with him.
• "I'm a bright young reporter with a point of view" Young Daniel is full of life and optimistic. Stubborn, refusing Armand's words, but they work. Then Louis came, saying it back to him, give him more words to re-find that motivation to live. Give him words to live on.
• Ngl I almost teared up to this scene with Louis and Old Daniel. They're precious as friends.
• To alter and surpress Daniel's memory, Daniel is already under a stage where he's very easy to be influenced and they give more drugs again.
• Old Daniel beeds to stay alive. I want Louis has one (1) friend that call out his and his boyfriend(s)' bullshits 😭
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muirmarie · 6 months
mcspirk month mYEAR planning post
idk if anyone likes these (these being planning posts), but here, it feels weird to have it tucked away in my notes when my BTHB and mcspirk bingo planning posts are on here, so. anywho. you know the drill: this is just me rambling, feel free to ignore!!
the bolded are those i still don't have a plan for <3 - as per my usual these are all tos unless otherwise noted
Day 1: Forced Proximity (“this isn’t a blessing,” mccoy hisses. “one day,” the king says, “you’ll see that is it.” - the one where spock and kirk cannot get more than an arm's length away from mccoy for 30 days w/o causing him debilitating pain)
Day 2: Touch-starved (spock and kirk cuddle mccoy out of touch starvation - this is like 75% done, I just need to finish it)
Day 3: Only One Bed (established mckirk to mcspirk. um. very nsfw. by far the most nsfw i’ve ever even considered writing lmao. currently sitting at almost 12k, probably will be around 15-17k all told. i don't even know how to describe this. kirk aggressively helping spock play gay chicken with mccoy until mccoy finally believes spock wants both of them, idk.)
Day 4: Hand Holding (maybe the one where spock & kirk slowly gaslight mccoy into holding hands with them - yes the tags are spones but i am very certain kirk would be very happy to gaslight mccoy into hand-holding as well)
Day 5: [hurt comfort or against a wall (no story planned)]
Day 6: Protective McCoy (no story planned *eta - actually i think i am going to take the one elian assigned me w/o even asking me lmao, where mccoy drinks the poison meant for kirk, but don't tell him that)
Day 7: Hand Kink (the one where spock is cucked w/ hand sex lmao)
Day 8: Public Display of Affection (would you still love and/or employ me if i was a worm?)
Day 9: Spock is a Hopeless Romantic (the flirty spock one probably?)
Day 10: [Hands or a bonus (no story planned)]
Day 11: Fuck or Die (vulcan sex magic hanahaki, this is, like. I have elements of it, but it’s not nailed down yet quite how it works. it's a vulcan disease but naturally mccoy's the one who gets it.)
Day 12: Aliens Made them Do It (the plato’s stepchildren one - i've been poking at this one since. like. january lmao. it's maybe 30% done, but it's not gonna be super long, i'm just slow with it. it is. hm. not a fluffy story. the platonians decide that mccoy simply needs to learn to say yes to them. how helpful they have spock and kirk around to help underscore the point.)
Day 13: [time loop or sex in a three way body swap or a bonus (no story planned, BUT do I really wanna write another time loop fic and/or can I really handle writing another smut fic lmao. If I did do time loop tho it would be the one where Kirk refuses to leave the time loop until he can solve the no-win scenario, i just don’t know how that goes yet. The sex in a three way body swap would be the AOS mcspirkura one, probably. Or the tos spones to mcspirk one. idk idk.)]
Day 14: Tarsus IV (kirk: i always knew i’d die alone. this is....jim character study, i think? I do need to come up w/ a happy (or at least: not sad) ending for it tho. So I’m still Thinking about this one.)
Day 15: Fake Dating (the one where the royal is trying to marry mccoy in order to keep him, and spock and kirk independently decide to fake date him to save him. also sarek loves trashy romance books. background uhura/scotty.)
Day 16: Lost the Ability to Speak (bones and uhura signing in federation common sign language - yes that's vague but all i need is something to center around tbh)
Day 17: McCoy Hurt w/ Spock & Kirk Comfort (this is like 95% of what i write lmao but i don’t have a specific plot yet)
Day 18: [Jealous Bones OR Oral Fixation (no story planned but it it’s jealousy it’s not gonna be traditional jealousy, bc I’m generally not a fan of jealousy storylines (unless all parties are unaware that they’re jealous - those I find VERY funny)]
Day 19: [Kirk is Missing, Presumed Dead or a bonus - probably a bonus (no story planned)]
Day 20: Accidental Voyeurism (okay the one where mccoy wakes up and his arm is trapped underneath kirk’s head and spock’s holding that hand as he’s laying on top of kirk and making out with him. I will have to find a plot tho. a reason. a Reason. It’s not established spirk either)
Day 21: Bondage (heh established spirk discovering mccoy’s penchant for getting tied up and/or tying others up and then literally not able to shut up about their platonic friends private habits for like a solid three months. they only care platonically of course. you don’t need those other ppl to tie you up bones you’ve got us. this one’s about 10% started.)
Day 22: Mirrorverse (mirrorverse katra sharing, it’s a whole thing, this is out of my wheelhouse but i have some Ideas, but this one isn’t going to be anytime soon)
Day 23: [reunion or teasing or a bonus (no story planned) - *eta actually for teasing i could maybe do the one where spock conducts an "experiment" in a private lab where he has mccoy & kirk work on a project for him while he gets extremely handsy w/ them - he's doing a study ("study" - they're all aware this is just spock's ideal version of foreplay) about human arousal in a working environment, and they're supposed to not let him distract them*]
Day 24: Temporary Blindness (this is going to be such a long messy mccoy whump story tbh. orpheus and eurydice part two. before i can even really start it tho i have to decide on pov, because that….really affects things for this one. but i mostly know how the story goes. also not anytime soon tho, maybe not even this year)
Day 25: Praise Kink (i COULD go temporary awkward ability if i don’t want to write anything too sexy, but the planned version is, like, kirk blossoms like a bashful babe and spock is genuinely moved when it comes to praise, but mccoy turns bright red and wants them to stop? BUT they like so much the way he flushes and struggles to accept the praise that they ask him to be good for them because THEY like it, and so he’s absolutely mortified but still? allows it for them? and they of course like it because they want to make him accept it.)
Day 26: Expectations vs Reality (counseling fic! The one where spock and kirk are dating but still somehow drag mccoy to their relationship counseling.)
Day 27: Vacation Gone Awry (no story planned) (*eta actually i think i'm changing this to Voyeurism and stretching that to make it work for the spirk - they keep coming up w/ weird sex injuries until they can finally convince mccoy to come over to help them figure out what they're doing wrong....he probably needs to watch....actually maybe hands on is better....actually maybe he just needs to stay forever*)
Day 28: Awkward Spock (checking for pulse over the liver instead of the wrist because he forgets where human hearts are when jim or leonard is hurt)
Day 29: Getting Interrupted (mcspirk sexy 3d chess - that’s right they’re interrupting mccoy’s WORK lmao)
Day 30: Desperate Measures (the enemy within one that’s 80% finished where kirk’s wolf and sheep sides both have to have sex w/ mccoy while spock melds with them both, all for very important science reasons - don’t worry about it.)
Day 31: Insecurity (*eta - mccoy gets out of a LDR and is bummed, and kirk tries to cheer him up by putting his name up for the underground "sexiest starfleet officer" bracket that scotty & uhura are running, to prove to mccoy that ppl find him attractive. unfortunately it turns out the crew finds him VERY attractive, kirk is having some jealously-related revelations, spock is gonna kill jim if he has to watch mccoy get asked out one more time, and mcco is yay close to having a nervous breakdown from being turned into a sex symbol*)
Bonus 1: nightmares (look this is fucked, just trust me this is a very messy thing and it is very fucked and i have to make all my maths fit together before i write it or it will feel too flimsy and fall apart, but. kirk's trapped in a nightmare by a parasite that bleeds into the waking world (there are reasons for it) that cause physical damage to mccoy. spock melds w/ kirk to try to change the dream. this has unexpected side effects. - this one WILL be written for mcspirk month i just don't know what day i'm replacing yet.)
Bonus 2: pet names (i think i might be able to fit the kiss me/fuck me fic into this prompt but i’m not 100% sure yet - aka the one where mccoy & kirk use “kiss me” as a SFW swear for “fuck me” and “don’t make me kiss you” as a SFW swear for “fuck you” and annoy everyone around them w/ this silly in joke until one time mccoy says “kiss me” w/o thinking to spock, and spock’s just. hmm. don’t mind if i do. and kirk thinks it’s so funny he starts kissing mccoy all the time as WELL. very pre-them even realizing they want a relationship (except for spock, spock has Plans, thank you). this will be written at SOME point, it depends if i need another bonus/if it fits the prompt enough.)
Other bonuses i’d consider if i need them, but no stories planned: blindfolds, misuse of the bond, uhura helps them out.
Other vague stories i have that i could rotate until they might fit a prompt: pacific rim au, space forgetties, [number]+1 of mccoy getting kissed awake/the +1 getting kissed to shut him up, spock going through the wringer re: mccoy getting hurt (that was written spones but could easily by mcspirk), empath era katra au, post-empath spock won't stop touching mccoy, katra transfer requires a kiss, this isn’t even all of them, it genuinely is absurd how many tag spirals i’ve written like this lmaoooo /sigh 
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touchstoneaf · 8 months
I'm reading summaries and transcripts, and once in a while forcing myself to watch episodes of anything after season 3 of Smallville (solely so that I can rewrite them in a way that's much more coherent (and CLexy, but that goes w/o saying))... and my GOD, they are so dumb sometimes. Poor Michael. having to convincingly say shit like "your girlfriend was possessed by the ghost of a witch" with a straight face! (Side note what the actual fuck is the plot in this season? Season 4 is insane and I don't even want to talk about it.) Yes the show has always been a little goofy and has some storylines that are questionable... but they are really pushing it now.
Also one of the main strengths of the show is the chemistry between Michael and Tom, and yet they have full episodes where they don't even interact, and it's just like, *what* are you doing?! And then to top it off, each summary just gets more and more ridiculous and complicated as the seasons goes on, and I'm just like oh thank god I have simplified it in fanfiction! They are no damn witches (because let me not even get started on how witches are portrayed in most TV shows!), there are no spirits floating around trying to possess people (just because you have Kryptonite around does not mean you get to hand-wave literally anything at all. Why in the hell would a Kryptonite nodule or some dust cause ghosts to exist? It affects *living cells* with *radiation*. I don't even understand why they would make a decision like that. They really must have been desperate for stories already, and we're not even halfway through the show yet).
I'm not going to even get started on my main gripes with the show that have existed from the beginning, like turning Superman into a self-serving, abusive, selfish liar who lies, or the fact that their main "villain" was created out of victim-blaming and abuse and then everybody's just gleefully happy for Lex be treated like shit for no fucking reason whatsoever, while his Literally Evil father is turned into some kind of pseudo "good" guy. Cuz yeah, abusers should be redeemable. but their victims should end up alone and tortured and treated like shit by everybody around them. That totally makes sense. I won't get started, I really won't, because I will be here all day. Or the fact that nobody seems to have figured out that Clark is a meta at the very least, when he does all kinds of weird shit all the time. These people are smart. Chloe and Lex especially are not fucking stupid by any stretch. It just simply would not have taken them four or more years to realize that he could easily one of the mutants in town. Nobody would be shocked in the slightest; but they play it like they're just too stupid to figure it out, and it's terrible because Clark is the worst liar in the universe.
Also, somebody who's not yet Superman is not going to be fighting beings like Doomsday when they're still like 20. It's just not going to happen. I'm not even getting started on creepy stuff like how they're totally sexualizing someone who's playing a minor because she is their eye candy on the show. Lana and Kristin deserved better! The female lead who basically existed to further the two guys' storylines for like three seasons finally gets her own story... but it's about being possessed by an ancient witch or some shit? They are actually sexualizing her near death experience, like some kind of creepy PG snuff film (who actually made the decision of trying to make Lana being slowly suffocated a weird sexy vibe?! So fucking problematic I don't even know where to start). And then the male lead's other love interest is summarily killed by their cardboard cutout villain of the week with his lack of character development, simply so that she can't get in the way of Supes' future storyline, because she was literally created only to be a roadblock to his future goals, masquerading as something to keep him from actually being lonely to death. All she did wrong was to wish she could free of stigma about Mental Health... then shortly afterward, when she was essentially killed about it, he turns around and is fine again because he gets a football scholarship. What the fuck?! (Yes, I'm looking at you, Pariah).
I can't even with this show sometimes. I'm so glad I quit when I did. I tend to forget how insane and Incredibly questionable a lot of it is until I have to watch something of it in order to rewrite it. But I guess that's why there's fanfic in the first place!
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istherewifiinhell · 4 months
im reading comics. ive got a blog. ive got screenshots
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[ID: panel of ravage thinking "Perfect! I cannot imagine a more ideal opportunity! END]
marveltf no.2, or 3&4 in the uk version, 1984.
[Deep breath] Plot: Bill Mantlo, Script: Jim Salicrup, Pencils: Frank Springer, Inks: Kim Demulder, Letters: Janice Chiang, Colour: Nelson Yomtov, Editor: Bob Buduansky, EiC: Jim Shooter
Digital re-master by digikore studios limited. collection edits by Justin Eisinger and Alonzo Simon. editorial notes and assistance by Mark. W. Bellomo
jeez again. well lets start of with the remaster hate, on top of the lettering miscorrections...
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[ID: Comparing the same shot of Soundwave from two versions. 1. the us printing, his plating has been coloured in purple. 2. digital remaster, its been corrected to blue. (Also Megatron happens to be in frame and thinking "As always Starscream slyly seeks to undermine my command, but his advice is sound!") END]
BOOO, they hate his pussy. purplewave you will always be real to me....
(i also dont think the job of a remaster should be to correct originally present errors, or EVER. to 'bring inline visual brand cohesion'. Imagine if they remaster mirage comics with 87 turtle headband colours... riots in the STREETS.
They should simply restore to higher resolution quality lost from age/accessibility accessibility. like high def scans and faded colour correction... i wish we could keep the quality and texture from print u know) (this is not the fault of individuals doing the restore work, whose names i dont even know, just the company that idw hires to do this work)
ANYWAY. commencing with the bullshit.
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[ID: Starscream scowling while Megatron is just behind him. Thinking "Megatron's deductions are most shrewd! I must be careful not to ever let my lust for power cause me to under- estimate his cunning! It is only a matter of time before Starscream commands the decepticons!" END]
ah there we go. im at baseline. im calibrated. locked in
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[ID: Large panel of Bumblebee lifted up on a car mechanics hoist, in the Witwicky garage. Hes saying "Help me, please! I'm dying!" A puddle of fluid draing away underneath him. Sparkplug, in sleepwear, shoes and a cap says "Buster-- This isn't like you-- Playin' a dumb joke on your old man in the middle of the night!" Buster pleading "This is no joke, Dad! Believe me, I'm as surprised as you are! I know it sounds crazy, but I'm sure this car is alive! And unless you do whatever it takes to repair it-- it will die! END]
kjfngjhsddfg BUH. fucked up. if im honest
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[ID: Two panels, Sparkplug looking up to Bee's undercarriage, finding the source of a leak he thinks "Here's the problem!" Off panel Buster explains excitedly "Four other cars then turned into giant robots and started blasting the jet fighters! "O" and Jessie must've split in all the confusion! I hopped into this car and steered it home!" Panel in silhouette, black on vibrant red, Buster gesticulates wildly, continuing "I mean it doesn't have an ignition or gas pedal or--" Sparkplug continues to look up, and interrupts "I don't know what they put in that popcorn at the drive-in, but i hope it s Not habit-forming!" END
KINDA GOES HARD..... if im honest.
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[ID: 1. Buster in Bee's driver's seat, Sparkplug standing outside, speaking to them. Bee: Fear not, Sparkplug Witwicky, I merely plan to relay your generous offer-- Finding some way to convert earthly resources to fuel for Autobot use-- to my leader Optimus Prime! I shall safely return with your son! Sparkplug: Right! Buster: Isn't this the most incredible thing that's ever happened to us?!? Okay, Bumblebee, like, take me to your leader! 2. Two humans, Buster's friends, look at Bee. "Jess, Buster's car just talked!" Jess: "I noticed!" END]
Around here I was coming to understand the off kilter humour their going for, contrasting the bots speech patterns with humans. i dunno if its good reading, but i get it. and yeah they were using a lot of the watchman ass 9 panel layout... if it works eh?
speaking of bot dialogue
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[ID: Three panels, Optimus rallying his troops and they change from bot to alt mode by saying "Autobots, convert to earth-modes! Let's move out!" END]
hmm. still work-shopping that one i see. you know. the classic thing autobots do.... convert and move out... what to catholicism or something??
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[ID: Panel of an asymmetrical and scifi looking castle on a rocky peak. Caption box: Meanwhile, in the half-completed Decepticon base, constructed from various parts of the erstwhile Harrison Nuclear Plant… END]
Different style but apparently comics Megatron still likes himself a castle. Okay dracula. okay NOS-4-A2.
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[ID: Optimus in bot mode, looming over the two humans, he says "I bring you Greetings from Cybertron!" Sparkplug: This one's even bigger than Bumblebee! Buster: Uh-- Hi! END]
He is bigger than Bumblebee... good scale tho, looks right to me anyway. there is a certain charm in this exchange. everyone's suitably and interestingly awkward.
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[ID: Panel of Sunstreaker shooting towards the sky, as Sideswipe takes off with a jet pack. Side: If it's a fight they want, Sunstreaker, we can give it to them! Sun: My electron pulse gun shouldn't disappoint them! Side: While you get 'em in your sights, I'll go meet 'em up close and personal. Sun, thinking: Ever-eager for battle, my brother has rashly employed his energy-draining rocket backpack! END]
ah. so the brother thing is from comics. okay. everything always is isnt it? and yes. all the fight scenes have had dialogue like this.
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[ID: Megatron stepping toward the viewer, menacingly. "Overconfident Fools! They entrusted the human to their weakest member!" He easily thumps Bee's head with one fist. The humans, small enough to be seen in the space between Megatron's legs. On says "He kayoed Bumblebee with just one shot!" END]
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[ID: Two panels, Caption box: And acts-- Megatron holds Sparkplug in one hand, Optimus points his gun and says "Megatron-- surrender the human or suffer the consequences!" Megatron replies "In a word, Optimus-- He fires his canon, the blast engulfing Prime with a "Wawooom" Megatron finishes "--NO!" But meanwhile Sparkplug is free from his grip, shouting "Geronimo!" END]
honestly this whole page of exchanges was great.... its what i love to see them do... get him megs lol. girl ur so funny. beast warsian almost.
...well thats basically it. its a race to find a way to convert earths energies to their use, and The 'Con have kidnapped the one human who seems willing and able to do it. Low on fuel, and on hope, will our intrepid heroes prevail? As Sparkplug's fate hangs in the balance... tune in next time for...
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[ID: Buster looking concerned thinking to himself "How will they be able to rescue Dad-- When it looks like they can't even help themselves?! Caption box: [small next arrow] And along came a... [title text] Spider-man! END]
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transfemlogan · 4 months
ok so obviously my mental health has been super fucking bad. um. for monthd jts been terrible so this is less me ranting abt sanders sides & more me having a mental break but were gonna ignore that bcuz im upset
i fucking HAAATE sanders sides fans who will defend thomas 2 the fucking death. im losing my mind.
i just saw someone say that janus acting onw way in svs & acting completely different in the grwm vid is "added depth 2 his character" . i acknowledge that character depth can be subjective but 4 the love of fucking god no it is not. that is not added depth.
character depth makes a character NOT one dimensional. current janus is VERY MUCH ONE DIMENSIONAL. he fits in2 a single trope, he does not stray from that trope. everything about him is TOLD to us, not shown. and i get that we havent actually seen him in canon sasi vids bcuz thomas cant do his job & its been 4 fucking years but holy hell. current janus is the "sassy gay man". hes the "bitchy & mean villain who doesn't care about anyone around him". he fits into THAT ONE TROPE. & does not have a DIMENSIONAL BONE IN HIS BODY. he is a remy fucking COPYCAT.IM SO MAD
svs janus while not perfect had some sort of fucking depth. janus has strayed so far from his original character that he is not the same fucking character. if u put svs janus & current janus in a room 2gether i think svs janus would kill the other.
and it SUCKS EVEN MORE. WHEN PPL CLAIM THAT A CHARACTER BEING OOC CANT BE "TRUE" IF THE "CREATOR IS WRITING 4 THEM" could u fucking imagine. imagine reading a book & the main character switches personalities midway thru w/o plot development & acts nothing like the og & the author just goes "what? its fine its my charafter i can write them 2 b how ever i want."
like 1: you obviously have never written anything in ur fucking life b4 if u think writers cant fuck up their own characters. but 2: if you ARE a writer i am EMBARRASSED. AND WORRIED FOR YOUR FUTURE WORKS. i am embarrassed for you. thats embarrassing.
its one thing 2 claim that thomas' writing is good (its not this guy cannot write) & adds depth 2 his characters (no it fucking doesnt do you KNOW. WHAT CHARACTER DEPTH IS.) but then 2 add "well actually um its his characters so who cares if its bad"
critical thinking is dead. media literacy is dead. your brains have been rotted so much 2 the point where u r a fucking idiot. i cant do this anymore. go outside & touch grass. i have 2 leave this fsndom again
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canislucrum · 1 year
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hellu hellu gloss here ( s/h, 21+ ) n happy opening day 2 us all!!! can't wait 2 get plottin n interactin w all ur cool muses ♡ im gna be writing for mr venture capitalist, wolf of ansan street, jin hansol!! he's lived in astra nearly all his life and only recently got his ass booted 2 ansan bc his rich n influential daddi-o pulled some strings to get his ass kicked out so ... awkward ... but yes!! you can find more nonsense info on hansol under the cut, but as alw, pls hit that LIKE button n ill come runnin into ur dms!!! also if u have d*scord pls pls lmk bc i cannot for the life of me keep up w tumblr ims orz edit 10/07: so i've decided hansol is gna take on a fake identity as some not-from-ansan dude named kim wonshik bc the anti-astra sentiment in nightrunners ( aka the place he's tryna infiltrate n gentrify ) is p strong and his family is too much of a household name rn!! he's gna be known as jin hansol in business and clinical settings but other times he's gna be known as wonshik but yep!! so muses from ansan prob only ever know of him as wonshik unless we plot otherwise <3
if ur an astrology h0 like me then ♡ he's a leo sun / scorpio moon / aries rising which explains a lot of his fuckassery behaviours 👅
lil backstory: his family owns cynet cybernetics, a v longstanding company and one of the major providers of androids ( aka ai robots / humanoids that run around doin ur house chores 4 u... yep... )!! they were one of the first in astra 50y ago which means hansol was born in astra!! he's Never been to ansan and honestly kinda looks down on it ( pun not intended ) so we know where this is goin 🥶
anw he's born middle child between big bro n lil sis n was unsurprisingly neglected : )) he was alm exclusively raised by cynet androids yikers so altho his physical needs were tended 2 as a kid ( 2 the point of overindulgence honestly ), his emotional needs is that year 1 science textbook sittin in the deep corner beggin 2 b read
a lot of his experience shaped who he was as a teen!! he was a bit of a black sheep n would alw get into tons of trouble like tw underage drinking and drug use n it was all rlly j his own way of trying to get his father's attention!! it seemed like those were the only times his dad ever acknowledged his existence even tho it was usually j 2 express his disappointment
meanwhile his obnoxiously overachieving older bro is taken under daddi-o's wing when he comes of age, even starts 2 intern @ cynet n this pushes hansol to clean up his act!! ofc given his track record his dad is Not goin 2 award him the same internship @ cynet so he ends up trying to prove himself in other ways aka scoring deals, funding startups w his sizeable pocket money, buying out said startups when it shows promise!! he's also a bit of a gambler n even got the rights to revel mayb ab 1y ago in a moderately high-stakes poker games so uh... revel peeps say hi 2 ur absentee owner ♡ also has a ton of body mods to help him cheat in these poker games aka cyberaudio 2 b able to pick up change in tone aka if the person is lying n cyberoptics which helps him read hidden cards!! i'll update his body mods page someday rip
ofc despite all his efforts, none of these r big enough to impress his dad so he goes higher!!! word spreads ab his 'talent' @ the game n this leads to his invitation to play a v v high-stakes poker game w the big boys aka dad's competitors friends!! it's to the point that they don't dabble in cash anymore so this is rlly The Game that would get him his father's attn if he won so he rlly goes all in!! all of the jin family members get a small share of cynet to ensure that the company stays in the family and ultimately overpowers non-relative shareholders in big decisions, n bc hansol is positive he's gna win ( bc he's cheating lol ) he bets his share of cynet eek
ends up LOSING bc it turns out they were cheating too but !! he only knows they're cheating bc he's cheating so can u imagine how that argument is goin 2 go down : )) so yeah cynet is so super impt 2 his family n his dad was absolutely livid to find out that hansol gambled his share away n chalked it up 2 his 'delinquent activities' being so bad 2 the point where it's not only detrimental 2 himself but 2 his family!!! anw 2 regain that cynet share that hansol lost, his dad reports him to the authorities for cheating ( dad obv found out ab his mods bc whose credit card do u think he's usin to install em ) n pulls some strings to get him kicked tf out of astra
so yeah now he's here!! it's been 3 months since n he's still trying to prove himself, this time 2 prove 2 his dad that he's a better businessman than his dad will ever be n the first step is 2 get himself back on astra!! of interest one of his current ventures is to gentrify the betting ring @ the nightrunners races n j make it more organised / official but understandably the nightrunners want their own representative runnin these bets so yeah this means hansol is tryna officially become a nightrunner
personality wise i'd say he's v cunning, likes to think he's more like his dad than his brother is bc he can be p cutthroat and he knows a good deal when he sees one ( n honestly it's true it's prob why his dad loathes him extra ) n he takes a lot of pride in it!! ( yeah he's got a capital D for daddy issues )
also has a bit of a one-track mind so it's like if it's related 2 wtv business venture he's focused on then he'll care 2 the point of obsession n micromanaging but if it's not a priority then he will literally pretend it doesn't exist!! what this means espc socially is if ur someone who's eg a nightrunner he'll be v present 2 u but if ur eg working @ revel he literally could not give less of a shit u prob won't even recognise him that's how absent he is
he can be really charming when he wants to be but honestly it's j part of the game, v wolf of wall street villain coded, has a predatory instinct @ pursuing wealth n will stop at nothing rlly
this is also bad but in line w bein raised by androids n just not respecting ansan at all it can sometimes feel like he's treating ansan as sorta his playground n by extension he doesn't rlly treat a lot of ppl from ansan like real humans n this may sometimes be sorta alluded to in j how he talks or the things he does......... but yeah this sorta goes back 2 his stuff w the nightrunners, like j not respecting their races n stuff n j seeing it as a business opportunity but idk!! mayb w more time in ansan he'll have a good character arc n learn 2 care for things
err as alw i've rambled on waaay too much so if uve made it this far i wanna personally thank u ♡ also below r some plots 2 get us started w the brainstormin!!
since he's p hyperfocused on the nightrunners rn i feel like @ nightrunners there'd b plenty of opportunities 4 positive n negative interactions!! mayb he's tricked u w his charm n u think he genuinely loves racing n shit teehee or ur sus ab his motivations n ur sleepin w one eye open when he's around idk!! i'd also love a nightrunner who's a friend of his ( who he probably approached when he heard ab the existence of these races ) who queued him in that nightrunners only want their own people runnin these bets, which gives him the bright idea 2 become a nightrunner!!
did i mention he loves a good gamble <333 anyone who's a gambling fiend urself pls step right up!!! he also prob places bets on fighters @ the underground so if ur muse is a fighter mayb he places a bet on u!! or against u!! hansol is also not above cheatin so imagine he approaches u n tells u to lose on purpose or smth n he'll give u money in return....
alternatively anyone working @ revel say hello 2 ur boss 😩 i imagine the prev boss was a little more hands on bc they actually cared a lil more for revel and since the ownership's passed to him it's rlly j been goin downhill... also fun thread where he dines @ revel for the first time n mayb he doesn't pay n they confront him n he's like i own this place n they're like o so ur also delusional
he honestly gets a cybermod for literally anyth ( could also b purely for aesthetic purposes honestly ) so anyone workin @ the circle installation centre and apollo medical see u for the monday am appt
he's currently staying at la mariposa ( yeah he was cut off from his fam but this is j proof of privilege 🤡 aka bein his father's son has helped him start off w a large capital to get his hands into a lot of diff businesses which are all now paying off n funding his time @ ansan )
i can also imagine hansol may not be So forthcoming ab him being from astra espc when he finds out ab some of the anti-astra sentiment so idk it would b cool if he kinda lied ab his identity to u n u bought into it n he's literally not at all the person u became friends w ( or even started dating 👀 )
alternatively if ur a diehard fan of astra he will use his birthright as an advantage : )) or if uve been to / are from astra mayb!!! yall could've known each other somehow!!
someone he's pissed off or wronged n mayb now it's comin back 2 bite him in the ass!!!
catch him at orbital sometimes bc old habits die hard
even someone workin at or used to work at cynet?? like the ansan branch or smth!! i feel like ur muse would know him bc he's part of the jin family n ngl once he finds out he's immediately gna start treatin ur muse as like an assistant or smth......... .. .. .... .... orrr mayb he will ask u for info on how daddi-o's doin idk lots of room 4 brainstormin!!
a bunch of his body mods r to make him a good poker player which is rlly handy in business bc he can usually tell when someone's lying!! maybe ur muse is tryna lie to him ab smth n hes like 🧐
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hitechlatte · 2 years
if you're still making the visual novel thing, do you have any advice on starting one? I really want to make one, but don't know how
Sorry for the delay in my response on this! Wanted to take some time to collect my thoughts and it took longer than expected!
So yep still working on on my game, but I have some bugs that I haven't been able to fix, so no updates yet. Hopefully I'll get some free time to work on those soon! And for the advice, I'm happy to share! Click read more to see my thoughts:
Tip 1 - Paper Prototype/Design
So especially if you've never made a game before, I'd recommend sketching out your game before making anything. This could be with actual paper or just in like a google doc or slideshow. This way you can detail out how you want the game to flow, so you don't spend a billion hours trying to make something just to find out it looks bad or won't work. (TOTES didn't learn this the hard way) For a visual novel specifically, I would recommend maybe just writing out the story in a google doc, like write out the story with possible "stage notes" referencing what may happen on screen so you can more easily determine what art assets you would need! Here is an example of the sketches I made before I started working on my coffee shop demo:
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Tip 2 - Start SMALL
Start SUPER small, especially if its your first game. Like come up with your idea and then CUT IT IN HALF maybe even a third or by ten! Like keep cutting away until you have a super basic idea you can test out and then after getting the hang of it, then I'd recommend doing something longer.
For example, if you wanted to do a visual novel where you bump into a love interest at a library and you see them every time you study for a month, chop it down to just one day and test out a flow to see how the idea would work.
For example in the game I'm currently working on, I'm just starting with a single customer on a single day and testing out all the features with him before I start moving to random NPCS or multiple days.
Tip 3 - Plot out your branches in a visual way
If your visual novel has branching options, make sure you have some way to check the flow of the story so you don't run into dead ends without an ending and to make sure you can check for plot holes.
For example if one branch the player decides to be mean, it wouldn't make sense for the character they are talking to to suddenly go down a branch where they say something super nice.
If the program you're using to make the visual novel in has a flow to view that's the best way to do it, but if not, then I'd recommend drafting it out in something like Miro (which is free btw, just requires an email sign up), or some other program where you can draft out flows. I mean if it's super simple branching even google images could work.
Tip 4 - The program doesn't really matter
Especially starting out, it doesn't really matter which game engine you use. The only thing that really matters is finding something you can learn quick so you can start getting your hands dirty.
If you don't have any engines in mind and would like some recommendations for free software, I feel any of the following would work:
Good for beginners, especially w/o programming experience from what I've heard
Heard it has some limitations if you want to do anything more complex
I haven't used godot yet, but I've heard nothing but great things! (I'm hoping to try it out soon, so I'll let you know once I get around to it!)
Require you to code, but it's usually pretty simple to get started as far as code goes.
The tutorials people have online are pretty awesome, and usually pretty good to follow along, and if you want to branch into more complex stuff, you'll have already learned the Unity basics.
I started learning game dev in Unity and have been using it for years so I always recommend it, but that's just what I've gotten used to.
I don't know a ton about this program, but its what the Grunkle Stan Dating Sim was made in, and that game was super awesome.
And also this is made for visual novels so it should have a lot of useful tools and features.
Yarn Spinner
So this isn't an engine, but it's something you can add to Unity or Godot to help you with adding in the dialogue.
I haven't had a chance to use this, but I've been meaning to mess around with it. I've heard nothing, but fantastic things.
Tip 5 - 80/20 Rule
I always use the 80/20 rule when making games, to help prevent stress and burnout. 80% percent of the stuff I add to my games, I know how to do, while 20% is the new stuff to learn.
Now since this is your first game, you might be like Yo! I don't know 80 percent!
But to that I say HUMBUG! You know more than you'd guess! If you've ever written stories before, then bam, the story writing is part of your 80%. Just make sure to stick to a simple story that you know you'd be able to write!
Do you doodle? Bam some of your 80% is art! Stick to making art assets, only as complex as you've drawn before!
Obviously this is more a guideline, so the TLDR just make sure to focus on learning one or two main things and then keep everything else easy, so you don't burn out!
Tip 6 - Free Shit is AWESOME
Don't know art or can't make music? Use assets from online! There are tons of free assets people post stuff online that you can use.
This way you can focus on this harder stuff and get some of the easy stuff out of the way.
Some free resources I use are as follows:
Game Assets: https://itch.io/game-assets/free
Audio Files: https://freesound.org/
Music: https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music/2
If using Unity, they also have an asset store. Also I think steam and humble bundle have free stuff you might be able to use too.
There tons more sites out there too, these are just the one's I've used in the past.
I will mention too, I'd recommend not paying for anything in the beginning. Because you may buy all these programs and then never use any of them again, and there is tons of awesome free stuff to use while starting out. That way you can figure out what areas of game dev you like more and buy programs as needed.
Tip 6 - Chaos is inevitable
Everything will eventually blow up in your face.
You'll spend two hours screaming at the same bug to just realize you forgot to hit save.
You'll delete files by mistake and lose hours of work.
You'll spend two weeks plotting out a story idea to realize it doesn't make any sense.
You'll spend a month working on a game idea to realize you hate the concept and it's not as fun as you thought.
You'll show your game to someone else and they won't get it because you didn't make the controls easy enough to use or understand.
You'll KEEP finding spelling errors in your dialogue after vigorously spell checking everything.
You'll get frustrated and want to swear off making games/visual novels and just abandon project after project.
Art isn't easy in any form and game dev is just art with math so it's the perfect storm.
So don't be too hard on yourself when you inevitably fail.
And know too, all your failures will make you smarter and you'll get better so when things click, you'll make something you're super proud of.
I have a graveyard of games that will NEVER see the light of day. Games I fell in love with that I'll never finish.
And that's okay.
Just like with exes, no matter how bad or messy things get, we can be grateful (most of the time), because we learned something about ourselves and we can grow from it.
So TLDR, don't be too hard on yourself and enjoy the journey! Make games that make you happy and just take developing at whatever pace works for you.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk and I wish you the best with whatever you make!
(Also if you need someone to play test I'd love to check stuff out <3)
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the first 4 from the villain songs game? (kittyandco)
Hiii <3 it has been at LEAST a year and a half since you sent this, I think??? I have gotten a degree and four jobs in that time. I have absolutely no excuse. But I am here now, and thinkin about Dr. Horrible, so the stars have aligned once more. Perfect timing, seventeen months later thank you Kitty <3
mr. cladwell — does your f/o have good publicity? if your relationship is public, how does being connected to them influence your reputation?
Ooh okay so Dr. Horrible ends the movie having gained fleeting, flash-in-the-pan notoriety. The way I read it, he's the scariest, flashiest villain in the public's eye– face in the papers, pullin heists like it's no problem, his name in the mouth of anybody in the hero or villain scene– for like, three months tops before the emotional roller coaster of I achieved my pipe dream career goal by killing the girl I liked and absolutely no one is any better for it grinds him down to a pulp. He crashes, and he crashes bad. Withdraws from the public eye, holes up in his apartment, almost jeopardizes his shiny new position in the Evil League of Evil by not Doin Shit.
We don't need to get too far into it but he swings himself back up by the time Em enters the picture so SUFFICE TO SAY he's known! He's a bit of a cult classic, even. A very small following, divided between those who jumped on the bandwagon after The Incident and those who have totally been around since the beginning, fake fans never even read his blog, you know he read my email on camera once, you know how it goes.
When they start getting into trouble together, Em tries very hard to keep a low profile, and succeeds for a little while? Hat on, mask up, trying to go super incognito for as long as they can to try and preserve their civ life. As stuff Ramps Up, they kind of lose a grip on their already flimsy outside-of-work friend group, so there's not much for them to lose that they haven't already lost in the way of reputation. Like Billy, they rely a lot on body language to get them through normal social things, like chatting with a cashier, without being recognized. There may be salacious rumors about how Dr. Horrible seems a little too attached to that one henchman with the glasses the rag mags keep getting grainy photos of, but that's not Em's problem until the ELE tells them that it's a problem. Even when they begin their relationship and are like, weirdly similar matches for Dr. Horrible and his hench, the weirdest comment they get is like, "I have a great idea for a couple's costume for you two."
Em likes to think being around Doc protects them, and in some ways, they're right.
don’t be the bunny — does your f/o struggle explaining their philosophies to you? how do you react to their worldview?
and he gets so MAD when he knows he isn't being taken seriously. The silliest fights on the subject are when Em makes little quips about praxis and needles him about the political implications of such-and-such a plot, and the worst fights are when they throw in his face how little of what they do materially benefits anyone, that there's no grand master plan behind what they're doing, throwing pennies onto a train track to try and make it skip. Billy screwed himself over young when he decided that no good at all can be done inside of a broken system, and that the whole thing had to be taken out at the ankles before any real *fixing* could be done. He doesn't know what that "fixing" would even look like– he barely knows what needs to be fixed.
(I'm making Bill sound like an accelerationist. I wouldn't go so far as to call Dr. Horrible an accelerationist because that would denote too much of a solid stance. Billy doesn't know what he's doing, he just needs to feel like he's doing something. If he had the whole goddamn world in his hands, he wouldn't know what to do with it.)
(Em's too tired and just cynical enough to hear what Billy's saying and not feel totally at odds with his position. And hey, it's usually assholes getting what's coming– a job is a job, and as far as jobs go, they could do worse. Em does not feel they are in a position to afford a stance.)
(And then they actually Get Along and start Looking Out For Each Other and Doing Crime just becomes part of their daily routine, it's what they Do, an inextricable part of their relationship that neither is quite willing to define yet)
(And then Penny comes back from the dead and shakes everything tf up and they have story arcs worth of conflict and then they all get married yayyy)
wide smile, high style — does your f/o have fun being evil?
Oh, he does, god he does. It makes him feel like a crusader, like the lone bastion of reason in a mess of hopeless incompetence, like the fucking Pygmalion who's gonna shape the whole world into something worth loving.
And he's never grown out of needing that juvenile high of spitting at the assholes in charge before grasping for control. You're good, but good hurt me– I can never be good, so let me show you how awful I can be. It's an act of self-affirmation. He and Em see eye-to-eye very easily in that regard.
there’s me — how frequently does your f/o let themself be soft around you? what do they do when you need support?
aaaaaaaaaaaaah okay Doc changes SO much when he shifts personas, the lab coat gives him an extra layer of confidence that he wears like armor. So both needing and giving support look totally different on him depending on context.
When he's out of uniform, Billy is quieter, milder, a little less comfortable in his skin. He keeps to himself– he gets very caught up in his own head when out and about in civilian clothes, and he's either overthinking what he's saying and how he's acting to the point of tripping over himself, or he doesn't care enough about who he's talking to to be careful and he says something out of left field and makes the other guy super uncomfortable. He can be caustic when he's irritated or inconvenienced, but he's usually the kind of guy your eyes pass over in a crowd. It takes him a while to get comfortable showing affection in public– he doesn't have much in the way of a civ social life (he and Moist hang out at the apartment when they get together, and anybody else is a work friend), so just being in public with someone else feels very obtrusive, let alone, like, holding hands. Like, people are gonna see how badly he wants to. And they're gonna think he's a freak. He hasn't figured out a way to be normal about it yet. But he's getting there.
Dr. Horrible is a bit of a toss-up. Em's usually the one jumping into the fray and causing a distraction to keep him from getting the shit kicked out of him, so when the roles are reversed, the situation tends to get a little drastic. Early on in their partnership, it wouldn't be uncommon for him to forget that he had a henchperson out on the field in the heat of the moment, sure, but as they grow closer, Doc isn't afraid to get a bit dramatic with his support. It's enough to make any henchperson blush.
Being in private with him is its own category. Nursing wounds, long conversations, playing with hair. Dicking around in the lab til the wee hours of the morning, slow dancing in the kitchen to the music in our heads. I get to meet a little bit of the kid he was before somebody picked him to pieces, and he gets to meet a little bit of mine.
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kahananui · 5 years
hi  all  !  im  so  excited  to  b  here  w  u  all  n  cannot  wait  to  get  this  show  on  the  road  !  i’m  ruby  ,  i  go  by  she  her  pronouns  and  below  is  my  big  bubbly  hawaiian  boi  iz  !
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paging  doctor  𝐢𝐬𝐫𝐚𝐞𝐥  𝐤𝐚𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐢    (  jason  momoa ) ,  the  𝑝𝑒��𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑐  𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑟𝑦  𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔  !  they  are  forty-one  years  old  and  are  originally  from  honolulu ,  hawaii .  they  are  known  to  be  very  𝒔𝒊𝒍𝒗𝒆𝒓-𝒕𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒖𝒆𝒅 ,  but  they  can  also  be  𝒈𝒍𝒖𝒕𝒕𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 .  (ooc  ruby,  18+,  she/her  )
basically  giant  6’4  smile  w  pigtails
he’s  the  middle  sibling  of  5  kids  who  grew  up  in  a  pretty  poor  area  of  honolulu  .  his  parents  turned  everything  into  an  adventure  tho  so  they  never  saw  it  as  something  detrimental  .  just  a  ‘lifestyle’  lmao
throughout  his  life  he  was  always  the  carefree  guy  ,  mellow  n  everyone’s  friend  .  the  go-to  guy  for  a  pick  me  up  tbh  he’s  just  always  been  this  ray  of  sunshine
he  was  a  big  buff  guy  but  never  really  fucked  much  w  sports  other  than  surfing  ,  was  really  passionate  abt  marine  biology  which  translated  into  a  general  love  of  the  sciences  that  went  really  well  with  the  unyielding  determination  he  has
ended  up  doin  REAL  well  in  school  and  stayed  local  for  university  ,  got  a  bunch  of  internships  at  local  medical  centers  n  the  honolulu  medical  research  institute  which  means  he  YEETED  into  med  school  real  easily  !
his  20’s  were  spent  in  school  and  his  residency  was  completed  at  the  maui  children’s  hospital  ,  where  he  also  worked  to  establish  a  clinic  that  went  out  and  did  pop  up  services  for  kids  in  run-down  areas  at  a  more  affordable  rate  bc  that’s  a  cause  close  to  his  heart  !
basically  everything  was  goin  well  until  his  eldest  brother  had  an  accident  on  a  construction  site  that  left  him  unable  to  work  .  with  several  of  his  nieces  and  nephews  now  left  without  a  source  of  income  ,  iz  decided  to  step  up  to  the  plate  for  his  family  ,  as  he’d  always  done  ,  and  accept  an  offer  from  seattle  grace  to  come  work  for  their  pediatric  department  ,  as  it  was  a  huge  pay  raise  with  significant  resources
he’s  been  at  sg  for  a  few  years  now  and  the  ritzy  glam  of  the  city  has  been  a  huge  change  of  pace  for  him  to  get  used  to  ,  but  he  loves  his  job  and  is  super  grateful  to  make  enough  to  send  back  home  to  his  brother’s  fam  to  help  support  them  !
somewhere  along  the  line  about  4  years  ago  ,  he  had  a  fling  that  resulted  in  the  birth  of  his  daughter  ,  a  gorg  little  girl  named  kalani  who  is  the  absolute  light  of  his  life  and  brings  out  the  responsible  side  in  him  ,  even  if  the  whole  situation  w  his  baby  mama  might  be  a  bit  messy  lmao
* 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚
basically  all  u  need  to  know  is  that  each  holiday  season  iz  spray  paints  his  beard  white  and  parades  as  santa  thru  the  peds  ward  n  it’s  the  thing  he  looks  forward  to  most
that  basically  sums  him  up
KSJDKSJD  i  kid  ,  but  on  the  real  israel  is  adored  throughout  the  years  of  his  work  for  being  just  such  a  friendly  ,  amicable  guy  .  he  loves  making  people  smile  more  than  anything  and  ppl  could  swear  he  doesn’t  have  a  mean  bone  in  his  body
he  also  doesn’t  have  a  thinking  bone  in  his  body  but  .  .  ..  we’ll  talk  abt  that  later  sdjfsdhfs
just  a  generally  kind  person  ,  ppl  would  say  he’s  soft  n  he’d  be  like  yer  darn  tootin  i’m  soft  lmao  he’s  not  at  all  ashamed  nor  embarrassed  to  be  such  a  big  teddy  bear
on  that  note  ,  any  complaints  he  receives  would  be  from  the  staff  that  he  can  be  a  bit  unprofessional  ,  bc  he  puts  his  heart  first  and  tends  to  think  later  .  he’s  cost  the  hospital  QUITE  some  money  in  experimental  treatments  and  failed  trials  bc  he’s  just  so  passionate  abt  saving  these  lives  he  sometimes  forgets  to  stop  for  a  moment  and  just  think
he’s  been  solid  as  an  attending  but  has  been  rejected  for  the  few  times  he’s  applied  to  the  head  of  peds  openings  since  he’s  worked  at  sg  bc  he’s  good  at  what  he  does  ,  just  not  very  reliable  to  be  good  at  the  technical  side  of  things
also  has  a  tough  time  being  serious  n  doesn’t  like  to  let  his  mood  go down  .  ..  .  when  things  go  wrong  w  a  patient  ,  the  whole  floor  can  feel  the  energy  change  bc  israel  internalizes  EVERYTHING  and  takes  each  failure  as  a  personal  attack  ,  often  sending  him  into  moods  that  make  him  rather  difficult  to  work  with
also  can  be  50/50  as  a  friend  ,  he’s  either  amazing  or  will  flake  on  u  bc  he  literally  forgot  y’all  were  hanging  out  n  for  some  reason  he  thinks  all  will  be  forgiven  as  long  as  he  hugs  u  real  tight  ?
big  golden  retriever  energy  but  sometimes  we  h8  him  kJDKSDS
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epictacobird · 2 years
Saw another ball shaving ad, so anyone who saw this knows why this is here
Anyway here’s your sub!Azul x Dom!MC thing ya filthy animals (affectionate)
Obviously, NSFW below. I don’t use gendered pronouns for MC, only “you”. Have fun ;)
I haven’t written smut in so long let’s see how this goes
Contains: edging, overstim, handjob, bit of a ruined orgasm, MC is a bit of a sadist lol, 100% porn w/o plot
Maybe a lil ooc? It’s probably fine
“Azul, you’ll cum too quickly if you stay so tense.” You warn as your finger draws a delicate line up his weeping dick.
He opened and closed his mouth in a poor attempt to respond, but Azul could only muster a weak groan. He leaned back into your chest and rested his head on your shoulders. You could feel him relax as you whispered sweet nothings to him.
“Good boy… just like that alright? Now let’s see how much longer you can last.” A devious smile graced your lips as you heard his breath hitch. Azul bit his lip, much harder than he intended, in an attempt to stifle a moan.
He just couldn’t admit that every touch made him insane. So as you wrapped a hand around his cock, slowly pumping it as you rested your head on his shoulder he couldn’t stay quiet. A slew of curses and breathy moans left his lips, all while you hummed in content.
“Please…I need to cum-“ Azul whimpered, his mind hazy from the pleasure- and truthfully, a part of him wanted you to say no. He loved relinquishing control to you, it felt so freeing. He wanted, even needed, to be your toy.
You kissed his neck gingerly while he squirmed under your touch. His pretty, curved cock was slick with precum. Your hands equally so, and as you pumped it again you could feel his cock twitch.
“How about a deal?” You teased, “We count down from 10, and when I say 1 you can cum.”
“And if I…” Azul stuttered out, “If I cum before then?”
You gave a warm smile, “Well, I’ll make sure you won’t be able to walk properly for a week.”
Azul bit his lip, he already felt so close. His only hope was that you would count fast- but even then…
“Ok.” He shuddered, “Ok ok, it’s a deal. Just please-“ His voice went uncharacteristically high pitched as your hands worked his dick. Azul threw his head back, biting his tongue as he moaned.
“Say it with me,” You paused as Azul let out a desperate, “Ok”
“10.” Azul tried everything to calm down. His body felt so heavy against yours, with his back resting against your chest. No, he couldn’t think about your chest now.
“9.” Azul repeated shakily, your hand seemed to go faster. And he couldn’t neglect how you kissed his jaw so softly. He felt himself melt, and at the same time tense with your movements.
“8…Azul.” You spoke low, “You’re- actually I don’t think I’ll help you this time. It’s a challenge after all.” You laughed.
Azul frowned, “That’s not fair.” His breath hitched as you squeezed his dick lightly.
“It’s not?” You hummed, “I think it’s perfectly acceptable.”
Azul opened his mouth to respond, but he quickly shut up as you went faster. He resisted to scream as pleasure overtook him. “No-no it is! I’ll be..I’ll be good alright?”
You slowed down as you heard him whimper, and as a quick reply you said, “I’m glad you agree. Now, 7.”
Before he could reply he moaned loudly. You were picking up the pace again, the deliberate and long strokes became faster. Azul knew he was going to lose when he replied shakily, “6.”
Azul’s breath became more erratic, at this point his body was so tense it was a miracle he could move at all. He could barely respond through his moans.
And as you moved your hand hard down his cock you felt Azul shudder followed with a suppressed whimper. You didn’t let him ride out his orgasm, instead choosing to cruelly hump your hand for pleasure. He apologized over and over in a whispered prayer. He clasped a hand over his mouth, but it truly did nothing to hide his moans.
“I told you earlier to not stay so tense.”
Azul wanted to give some sort of snarky reply but he couldn’t find the words. Instead he chose to whimper pathetically over heavy breaths. He wasn’t sure if he was excited or nervous to find out his punishment. Maybe it was both.
You looked at the cum covering your hand and smiled. “Azul,” You spoke in a singsong tone, “Looks like you couldn’t fulfill your end of the deal…”
Azul looked over his shoulder with half lidded eyes. He couldn’t read your expression well in his haze.
“Now,” You began to pump your hand faster, “I’m going to milk you dry since you want to cum so bad.”
Azul squirmed, his mouth letting out lewd sounds. He saw stars, and as you picked up the pace he gripped the sheets with such intensity you became sure they’d rip.
He began to moan out your name, repeating it over and over as if it would convince you to slow down. “Fuck- MC please-“ He threw his head back again, his back pressing so hard against you it was a battle not to fall over.
You rested your other hand on his stomach, gently running circles around the soft skin. “Relax, Azul.” You cooed, bringing your hands up to rest on his chest. You could feel his rapid heartbeat under your fingertips and you found another smile reach your lips.
Azul took in shaky breaths, relaxing for a moment until you picked up the pace once again. For a moment you thought that everyone on the dorm could hear, although you didn’t think Azul could care at this point.
“Please, please.” Azul whined, his body felt weak and you could tell how close he was.
“Cum whenever you want alright?” You grinned as you continued to work your hand on his dick. As it twitched in your hand you brought your other hand to his nipples. His breath hitched as he let out a small warning.
A high pitched moan escaped his lips as he shuddered. Despite his weak protests you continued at the same pace. Playing with his soft chest simultaneously. It didn’t take long for him to cum again, he cried out your name while he painted your hand white. And when you refused to let up your pace you could see the tears prick his eyes from the overwhelming feelings of pleasure.
Azul didn’t know whether to ask you to slow down or speed up. His body and mind felt so confused, he saw stars and his body screamed for a break; but he loved being at your mercy. The feeling of your hand working his cock was addicting, and it didn’t take long for him to reach another climax.
“MC, MC, please-I” For once, Azul truly couldn’t bring together a coherent sentence. He moaned breathlessly, straining under your hands as he tensed up again.
“Please, what? Azul, are you really in a position to bargain right now?” You laughed quietly, “Unless you want more? You know I have a few toys you might like…”
Azul shook his head, unsure if he could really take anything more of what you had in mind for him. You just hummed in response, focusing once again on his dick.
“Fuck- please, more, MC-“ Azul begged, hopelessly thrusting his hips into your hand. “I’m so close…!”
You smiled, you had to remind yourself that this was supposed to be a punishment. But watching him become putty in your hands in an attempt to cum wasn’t something you could overlook. You simply made a small note for later in the night.
Azul bit his lip, thrusting in your hand for any sort of pleasure. He was a bit too relieved when you began to match his pace. He moaned loudly, legs feeling weak as he felt himself cum again into your hand. He shuddered, his breathing and heartbeat slowing from his previous high. He threw his head back and rested it on your shoulder.
“You look so pretty all exhausted like this.” You hummed, “But you didn’t think I was done, right Azul?”
You were truly going to be the death of him tonight.
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wayward-pendragon · 4 years
Anime Recommendations!
Hi everyone, I hope y’all are safe and happy! With quarantine still in place (at least in my country), I’m gonna keep the random rec lists coming! I’ve been watching a lotttt of animes and rewatching favourites, so I thought I’d share some of my favourites of all time! A lot of them are pretty mainstream, but for my friends who aren’t really into anime, these will get you hooked! In no particular order, let’s get started!
1. Snow White with the Red Hair, 24 episodes 
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This is hands down my favourite anime of all time. This shoujo anime make me feel so happy and it’s so wholesome, honestly such a feel good anime. Without spoiling too much, it’s about a herbalist named Shirayuki who ends up having to flee her home country and ends up meeting Prince Zen and goes to live in his country. The cast of characters in the anime is so good, there’s not a character to dislike. The genuine build up of friendship and eventual romance is just so sweet please watch. 
2. Demon slayer (26 episodes) 
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One of the best anime I’ve watched this past year. This anime has amazing plot, awesome animation and a great cast of characters. This anime follows Tanjiro as he becomes a demon slayer after a demon killed his family. Tanjiro and his sister, Nezuko were the only survivors but Nezuko was turned in a demon and now Tanjiro is on a journey to change he back into a human. If you are into anime with amazing fight scenes, I highly recommend. 
3. Hunter x Hunter (148 episodes) 
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I am currently watching this anime and it honestly made it onto my lists of favourite anime super quickly. The series starts with Gon and his quest to become a pro hunter and find his dad and goes on from there. With so many episodes and arcs, you can’t stop watching. The characters immediately hooked me on this show, Killua and Gon’s friendship is one of the sweetest things I’ve ever seen in anime, I literally want to adopt both of them. This anime is so heartwarming but also kinda dark and action packed. 
4. Haikyuu!! (73 episodes, on-going)
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My favourite sports anime my god. Haikyuu follows a high school volleyball team as they try to make it to nationals. This series made me so much more emotional than I thought it would, but you get so involved with the team and characters and want them to succeed. All of the characters from all of the teams are also fantastic and hilarious. If you need a fun but exciting anime, please please please watch Haikyuu!!
5. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (64 episodes)
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Where to even begin. I would say this is one of the most popular anime and for good freaking reason. Without giving too much away, this anime follows brothers Edward and Alphonse Elric as they go on a quest to get their bodies back. Honestly this is one of my fav animes, if you like awesome fight scenes and really intriguing plot, you will love this anime. 
6. Yona of the Dawn (24 episodes) 
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Another amazing anime but sadly, unfinished. I think this anime is best to watch w/o knowing very much. Just know that there is really good characters and character development and a very attractive love interest :))))
7. Soul eater (51 episodes) 
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One of the first animes I ever watched and as I remember it’s hella awesome, if you like halloween then the whole atmosphere of this anime will intrigue you. The fight scenes in this are really fun and so are the characters. If you need a fun medium length anime, I would recommend this one!
8. Inuyasha (193 episodes)
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This anime is worth all the hype in my opinion. The plot was great, the characters are fantastic and romance is so freaking cute I can’t. I’m also a sucker for asshole characters who are secretly really sweet. 
9. Fruits Basket (2019) (25 episodes (S1), S2 on-going)
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This is the cutest anime. The whole cast characters is amazing and you get so attached so fast. The protagonist is so sweet and optimistic and I really just wanna protect her. I went into this knowing next nothing and I think that’s the best way to do it. The 2001 version is good too but 2019 has better animation and is closer to managa (and has more episodes!). 
10. My Hero Academia (88 episodes, on-going)
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I love this anime with my whole heart. There is an adorable cast of characters and amazing fight scenes, I love this sm. It’s set in a world where like 95% of the population has ‘quirks’ which are basically super powers but not all of them are super powerful. Super heroes protect cities and the anime follows a high school where the students are training to become heroes. The main character is born without a quirk but through some crazy circumstances he ends up acquiring one. In my opinion this anime is worth the hype. 
11. Ouran Highschool Host Club (26 episodes)
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This one is wild. Ouran Highschool Host club is so iconic and it’s hilarious, I laughed out loud watching this one so much. Honestly I went into this knowing nothing and I think its funnier that way. 
12. Yuri!!! On Ice (13 episodes)
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THIS ANIME. The first sports anime w/ canon LGBTQ+ romance and its beautiful. I love the style, the skating, the music, the characters, just everything about it. This follows Yuri Katsuki, a professional figure skater from Japan and his skating career. After messing up a major championship, Yuri is lost and doesn’t know what to do w/ his career. After seeing a video of Yuri skate, his idol Victor, a skating legend, shows up to be his coach. Please watch this anime. 
13. Attack on Titan (62 episodes, on-going)
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If you are looking for a badass action anime this is the one for you. Humanity has fallen to the mercy of giant man-eating titans, and the people that survived live within a walled city to keep the titans out. This anime is a little disturbing and violent but it is so badass. Also Levi, the most badass character ever, makes this entire anime worth watching. 
14. Ao Haru Ride (12 episodes)
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Hands down my favourite romance anime. This anime is so freaking cute and it gave me so many fuzzy feelings. The animation is also super nice so that is always a plus. It follows Futaba and Kou who liked each other in middle school but were separated. They meet again in high school but they have both changed so much. If you want a romance anime I really recommend this one. 
15. Naruto (720 episodes)
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This is a freaking classic and really long. Almost everyone and their mother has heard of this anime or watched some of it before. Basically it’s about ninjas and follows mainly Naruto Uzumaki who want to eventually be the leader of his village but his ninja skills need a lot of work. I honestly didn’t think I would love this anime as much as I did but its just so good. It is a very big commitment to finish though so be prepared. 
16. Your Lie in April (22 episodes)
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Well this anime is literally beautiful. It is centered around 2 teens w/ major musical talent. It gets deep very fast but its also light hearted and wholesome. This anime made me cry like a baby so get your tissues ready. 
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neo-shitty · 2 years
ahh congrats on finishing midterm!! sending u party toot thingies so we can toot party toot things together toot toot (idk what theyre called)
but for the firectors cut!! if i can be so selfish as to ask for two..
⭐️ meet me where the flowers are
⭐️ thou shall not die
literally anything you wanna say about them pls maam i'll be happy w mere crumbs
(i actually went back to ur m.list and i really wanna reread these)
thank you so much! sorry it took me a day to reply, i was waiting for one final midterm (i was technically done with majors but this one subj just felt important to make me wait a whole damn day only to never issues the exam <3 i am fucking pissed) it's not selfish to ask for two! you could've asked for more and i wouldn't bat an eye.
meet me where the flowers are - hwang hyunjin
oh, the love of my life. i think i spent days trying to find the right word combination to open the fic. i wasn’t heading anywhere with anything and i had rows upon rows of opening lines until i finally found the right one. it took a while, i can even remember just letting it sit in my drafts, completely given up on. but alas, i came up with the right word combination and with a plot already ready, i got to writing.
three inspirations: the k-drama youth of may which i finished days before i started writing this, the song hain ka by bullet dumas, and my frustration towards the results of our national elections. i came up with this at a restaurant (haha i remember looking at a chair across the room and imagining hyunjin sitting there? yk, like in that scene?) but i think the ride there was the actual medium. it gave me time to think about all three of them and before i knew it, i was typing this down on my notes app.
i was mad then, hearing the news of the son of a dictator leading the race for presidency. i couldn’t fathom how people allowed this blatant repetition of history to happen. i heard of stories of corruption, abuse, torture and killings back when that man’s father was in power and they ousted him and his family for it. only to have the same damn hands welcome them back into power 4 decades later. fucking hell. but, as enraged as i was, this story wasn’t written out of hatred (maybe a little bit haha). this was born out of grief towards people i never got to know but people who nonetheless only had the country’s best interest in mind. they fought back and lost their lives for it. everything that they fought for, all for nothing. (im not gonna bore you with politics tho so!! moving on!!)
i watched youth of may not knowing that the story would take a similar turn. turns out 80s in korea and 80s where i’m from weren’t too different lol lots of governments enforcing martial law and justifying extrajudicial killings as part of their duty <3 the gwangju massacre was a lockdown on an area where the SK gov’t suspected NK spies resided. and it frustrates me how a room full of people could issue a few commands to kill off a hundred innocent people just because of poorly supported suspicions. same goes for my country back then. and while i was very fortunate to live in a region where the dictator had some sort of bias towards, i never suffered losing someone directly. but i’ve heard enough stories, watched too many documentaries to still live in this bubble of neutrality. 
then there’s ‘hain ka’ which translates into ‘where are you’. it’s a song written in my mother tongue making it more personal than literally anything else on my playlist. it tells a story of someone wondering what life would be like if the person they miss was still around. it breaks my heart every time i listen to it and it hurts no matter which way i listen to it. be it from the perspective of a friend suffering a fall out or a person grieving over someone who has passed away. YOU KNOW I’D BE HAPPY TO TRANSLATE THE WHOLE THING FOR YOU, that is if you want me to.
tldr; it’s a very personal fic, second only to ghosting. and it might be the first fic where i tackle a topic out of the ordinary fic scope. it’s borderline reality disguised in the form of fanfiction.
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thou shall not die - kim seungmin
this is straight up chuuya brainrot disguised as a stray kids fanfic. i distinctly remember that this was inspired by me <dying on the dentist chair> and seeing my doctor’s sleeve smeared with my blood for the first time in the decade i’ve been visiting him. no, i’m not romanticizing my dentist or the act of going to my dentist. i was just shocked to see evidence of my bleeding be visible. the gauzes come and go but that smear would take bleach to remove and maybe a change of gowns before the next patient came in. it made me feel mortal in a way and like, i know i am, i’m just not actively reminded about it. i also know i nearly died a couple of times in that clinic but that was just the first time i paid any particular attention i guess. 
fic-wise, this drew inspiration from a lot of things. there’s the wheel from howl’s moving castle, fissures with monsters from game of thrones, chuuya and yosano’s abilities from bungo stray dogs. there is really no deeper meaning to this beyond wanting to kill off a strong mc that actually has a chance to fight back but their power has a limit and this is it? DID THAT SENTENCE EVEN MAKE ANY SENSE. 
god i just realized that both these fics are just people running out of time. i picture how mc could’ve lived instead of sacrificing themselves. if they waited a little longer to regain their strengths and had that miraculous 1 out of 14 million chance of winning the losing battle without another casualty, they would’ve. but that wouldn’t make a good story to tell 🥱 honestly, i haven’t thought too much about this bc i hated it : ] but looking back it had such good dystopia potential especially with their abilities. i wish i introduced the whole gang and how their powers worked but i haven’t thought that far into it, didn’t feel the need to.
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tagged to do @sunsetknowsaboutyou 's game yoke by themself and @praninlove (ty to you both for seeing my mind kraken and declaring: release it!) so better get a shuffle on
1. your all time favourite bl and why
the untamed. not only is it genres georg, but the genres therein are almost exactly catered to my taste. the characters would so easily be flat archetypes but they coloured in between the lines to give each of them their own protagonist potential, which just makes for such dynamism in story telling and such Big Emotions. the actors are so skilled (and absolute knockouts it goes without saying), the landscapes are phenomenally beautiful, the costumes, the music, the rich lore of the cultivation sects, meditations on home...
the only thing that stops me from a "there's nothing i don't like about it!!!" review is the censorship, and while it's no small thing in a broader sense, it's hardly the fault of the show and they really rise to the challenge of it. you'd have to be delusionally heterosexual to think it's anything but the most aching of love stories. also, it was my gateway into the bl genre so i have a lot to thank it for 🤍
2. that one bl that scarred you for life
i'm grand tbh, though there are a few i'm annoyed to have spent life minutes on lmao
3. is there any bl that made you feel very single?
bad buddy, obviously. ingredients. and gameboys, actually, which came into my house and said a pandemic wasn't an excuse not to be having the love story of my dreams it's literally just me lol
4. if you could change one thing from a bl, which one would it be?
i'm going to take this to mean a plot detail, and also leave the bb finale alone bc that's so fresh. this might be sacrilege but i'd scrap something from the end of atots to help w its "too many endings" disease
5. that one bl you detest (don't hold back)
there are many i've dropped off but i actively hated nitiman. complete shite, i wanted to strap boss thanabat to my back and parachute out of there
6. your top 5:
not in order bc i'm literally incapable but; the untamed, bad buddy, dark blue kiss, he's coming to me, kieta hatsukoi.
i am the world's most indecisive, that was painful and already looks wrong
7. that trashy bl that you lowkey like
has to be why r u. what a fucking mess lmao 🤍
8. your favourite korean bl (it's important we know)
light on me by a landslide
9. but also your top 3 for kbls
i'm not as fond of kbls generally but light on me, you make me dance, to my star
10. season 2? which one?
my engineer but literally o n l y ramking pls
11. a bunch of dramas will air soon. which ones are you the most excited for?
vice versa, the eclipse, and i know i'm a squad of one for this but: unidentified mysterious girlfriend 😂😂
12. tag them!
if you want to do it say i tagged you! i found this so hard lmao, and if anyone wants to chat about any of ^^ then drop me an ask 🤍
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