mintmatcha · 2 years
whos the biggest man slut in the HQuniverse
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hqinfinity · 6 years
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welcome to the hottest new dating app on the market! find a valentine’s date, expand your network, meet new friends, and more -- all on the comforts of your phone. try it out today! who knows who you’ll meet? 
this au will be a little non traditional so buckle up kids! 
instead of our typical ocb, you will be uploading the equivalent of your muse’s dating profile. ( note! this should be a brand new muse as it is a independent au from your irl player )
once you have posted the dating profile for your muse, you may start commenting on other people’s dating profile (ocb). if your muse would be interested in dating or chatting with another muse, comment swipe right. if your muse is not interested, comment swipe left. 
if your muse has swiped right on another muse’s profile and they have also swiped right on your profile, the messaging may begin. all threads will essentially start out as text messages between the muses. 
if the muses agree to meet up ‘irl’ after texting, you may do a more formal thread between the two characters.
character creation for this au will be open from feb 14 - mar. 14. 
tag any posts relating to this universe: “#vday!au”.
if you will be using a non-default fc, reply to this post with your chosen fc and their occupation (for example: kim junmyeon/suho, exo).
***** suggested but not mandatory psd that you can use for your dating profile. ( here )
you are free to format your dating profile/ocb any way you want but your ocb must contain the following information:
character name 
sexual orientation
at least one picture of your muse must be included in the profile
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writeiolite · 4 years
so you know how people will talk about wanting to date their favorite characters or their bias and stuff? after seeing your face reveal i frl ship you with iwaizumi or oikawa or kuroo🥵 if you were an anime character or sumn i could see yall dating. plus your personality?! you're so fucking sweet and a baddie and there's no way you can tell me that those three aren't into a queen like you. slay on sis
please just take my heart and stomp it into smithereens i frl cant read this without crying and going some ugly type of smielasjkfgjh sgkjfsk yall know i can’t do selfship stuff bc i feel weird but yall kNOW!!!! i love me some iwa and oikawa and kuroo u_u gimme semi and terushima and daishou too pls.... futakuchi too... 
idk if it’s bc i’m iorny but if i don’t teleport into hquniverse rn and marry iwa and wrap mu hands around his arms... bro imma be mad ADFHJFAGJ let me give him my soul at this point i’m so distraught like where is my lane??? oikawa please come pick me up????
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hquniversal · 2 years
hquniversal  is   an   oc   appless  roleplay   group   set   in   a   performing   arts   academy   in   london,   uk.   the   concept   will   take   inspiration   from   tv   shows   such   as   dance   academy ,   victorious,   etc.   we   will   focus   on   the   life   of   students   and   staff    alike   as   they   try   to   reach   their   full   potential   in    the   academy .   if   you’re   a   fan   of   the   performing   arts    or   looking   for   a   relaxed   group ,   consider   joining   us  !
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hqinfinity · 6 years
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aburaya, the bathhouse, is known to all in the spirit realm of japan. it’s grandiose design and elaborate structure are just a few reasons why it is beloved by the spirits. gods as old as time and spirits anew all find sanctuary in this place where they may rest and be attended to by the most elite customer care.
for centuries, the witch yubaba has been proprietor, running the bathouse with an iron first. yet, for all the power, magic, and wealth she has accumulated, she has been unable to quench her thirst for more riches. eager to sate her obsession with gold, she continues on to expand her business.
in partnership with an overseas warlock, a new bathhouse has been established on jeju island. here, the new building hosts similar warmth and glamour as the original. set to replicate the same success of the original, a similar system has been implemented within the bathhouse. contract systems have been set for all employees, of course still on a name stealing basis. hierarchy is well maintained -- head warlock and guests at the top, followed by higher ups made to be the supervision and eyes where the warlock cannot be. well below are all the entertainers and attendants.
make no mistake that the lavish nature of the bathhouse is all possible by the grueling work of those employed, maintained by a just as cruel and ambitious owner.  
now with the bathhouse being well established and attended by the local deities and mythical beings, the story unfolds.
guests — honored guests are typically deities, spirits, and gods who are well off. every whim of theirs is catered to at the bathhouse. * we highly encourage you look into korean mythical figures to help you think of muses!
higher ups — apprentices of the head warlock, bath tokens manager, bodyguards.
entertainers  — the people who give life and spirit to the bathhouse. they gamble, speak, perform, and so on. hierarchically, they are a bit above attendants. however, their living conditions are still roughly equivalent and they are expected to work just as hard.
attendants  — these are the employees that attend to customers directly in regards to baths, servicing of food, cleaning, and etc. typically, employees have an area of focus, be it the cleaning team or solely servers. some attendants also have apprentices that they are tasked to train.
hosts  — the face of the business. they are the ones that guests first meet when they set foot on their grounds.
others  — messengers, chefs, gardeners, boiler room workers, etc.
ooc, this au will be open from jan. 19 - feb. 21. unless extensions are announced, you are free to continue threads but are no longer allowed to start new ones after feb. 21.
tag any posts relating to this universe: “#spiritedaway!au”.
if you will be using a non-default fc, reply to this post with your chosen fc and their occupation (for example: kim junmyeon/suho, exo). 
after deciding on your faceclaim, you are free to post your official character blurb (ocb.)
you are free to format your ocb any way you want and to include any information you want, but your ocb must contain the following information:
character name (must be different from faceclaim’s name + one character name if an employee.)
being ( for example: oneuli - goddess of time, goblin, nine tailed fox )
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hqinfinity · 6 years
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it was said that on the thirteenth birthday of the thirteenth queen, the stars would align to see a prophecy fulfilled -- for the birth of the girl was the death of the galaxy.
the prophecy reads:
let mars see the moon
and as water touches fire,
let the galaxy end
by the hands of the daughter.
year 1027 of the new world -- the known galaxy. planets have fallen into the hands of war. these titans and giants of the sky have been reduced to ash and rubble at the feet of three warring species: the industrial TEC, the psychic Advent and the alien Vasari.
chaos has broken and turned stars into stardust, civilians into refugees, refugees into pirates and killers and criminals. while good still exists in mercenaries, peace-seekers and walled cities, the universe has undoubtedly been plunged into a war that has been going on for fifteen years -- a war that has only just begun.
the Mallenia, TEC, Advent and Vasari were the ruling species of the universe. they oversaw the Universal Council and ensured peace across galaxies together.
however, after Celeste was crowned queen of the Mallenia and head of the council on her thirteenth birthday (following her mother, Celina's, abrupt and mysterious death), the Mallenia's corruption was soon exposed. following a failed attempt to takeover Thulniotune (the TEC's home planet), it was revealed that Celeste had bribed many corrupt TEC officials to stage a coup so that the Mallenia could have control of the TEC and their weapons. it was revealed that they would use these weapons to take control of Pandora (the Advent's home planet), then Vinci (the Vasari's home planet), then eventually the universe.
however, one brave TEC official led an underground rebellion not soon after Thulniotune was captured. the TEC have always been known to be a violent species inclined to war, so their reaction was nothing short of expected. this rebellion launched an aggressive counter attack -- effectively destroying Megnilia (the Mallenia's home planet).
this broke the treaties that were in place at the time, and effectively started the war of the empires.
the queen Celeste was forced into hiding, and the few surviving Mallenia scattered across the galaxy -- sought by bounty hunters and revengers who had been waiting to see the empire fall.
Thulniotune was reclaimed by the TEC (the Mallenia stationed on the planet massacred ruthlessly.) the Vasari sided with the Mallenia, launching an attack on Thulniotune. while the Advent (predictors of the prophecy, who had seen it fulfilled) remained neutral and worked on protecting their planet, the TEC soon attacked them, as well.
and so, the war was born. and so the hatred between the TEC, the Vasari and the Advent grew and grew and grew -- until what little understanding existed between the species disappeared. diplomacy abandoned, and the origins of war now just an excuse for an arms race.
the Mallenia are an incredibly intelligent and beautiful species. they are  humanoid, with two legs, two arms and a body and face structure very similar to earth's humans. their industry is concentrated on science and medicine, which is why natural births are no longer common among them. they have their own language, known as Melig. names typically have profound and elaborate explanations and meanings, and are usually shortened into nicknames such as: appetence (appie), quatervois (vois), magoa (mags), novaturient (nova), etc.
physical appearance and other attributes. an average mallenia stands at seven feet. those who have seen them describe their looks as fairy- or even god-like. their skin, similar to the shade and variety of earth-humans' skin, even appears to sparkle in the light. because most mallenia offspring are created in laboratories and spliced with healthier genes, they are highly resistant to illness and even heal relatively quick. they are typically beautiful, well-spoken and charming -- difficult to miss in a crowd (a quality that is no longer helpful now that the very few existing Mallenia are being hunted across the galaxy.)
Mellegnia. they originate from the planet Mellegnia, which was about 23 times bigger than earth, with a gravity that was about 8 times that of earth. a single day on Mellegnia lasted 20 hours, and a year lasted 330 days. the planet was made up of 2 continents, which made up 62% of the planet's landmass. 3 moons orbited the planet and Mellegnia itself orbited a yellow sun in an elliptic orbit.
Mellegnia was destroyed by the TEC. only a handful of Mallenia exist today and, because they are in hiding, they are incredibly difficult to find. an average mallenia, in good condition, can be sold on the black market for (in earth's terms) a couple million dollars. however, even dead mallenia can be tagged with a good price.
the TEC come from the planet Thulniotune named so for the planet's properties, is an ice giant planet in a small solar system with ten other planets. it is about 27.1 times bigger than aarth and its gravity is about 5.88 times that of earth. a single day lasts 45 hours and a year lasts 431 days. the planet is made up of 11 continents, which make up 54% of its landmass. 3 moon(s) orbit the planet and Thulniotune itself orbits a yellow sun in a fairly circular orbit.
physical appearance and other attributes. an average TEC stands at five to six feet. they are even more human-like than the mallenia, but wear very distinctive clothing and have very distinctive markings all over their bodies (that are said to resemble circuitry and wiring.) (think, al bhed from final fantasy.)
they are the most technologically advanced species, overtaking the mallenia in revenue and ability years ago. their industry is also arguably the biggest in the universe; they typically deal in weapons, energy, electricity, among others. many planets depend on the TEC for energy. the TEC are notorious for being quite an aggressive and violent people. they are typically quiet and talk in the form of short phrases, only saying what is necessary. they have their own language known as technician.
all efforts of the TEC today are going into the war. service in the military has become mandatory for all TEC citizens of legal age. names are typically three-five letters long and include many l’s, r’s and b’s (eg. ric, tel, lina, nara.)
the Advent come from the planet Pandora, named so by its discoverer. it is a diamond planet in a densely populated solar system with twenty-one other planets. Pandora is about 21.4 times bigger than earth and its gravity is about 10.92 times that of earth. a single day lasts 44.71 hours and a year lasts 165 days. the planet is made up of 15 continents, which make up 58% of the planet's landmass. 1 moon orbits the planet and Pandora itself orbits a yellow sun in a slightly elliptic orbit.
pandora offers a unique sight in the night sky of nearby planets. its colors and distance to the planets around it occasionally makes the night quite magical on those planets, especially those with an atmosphere.
physical appearance and other attributes. the advent are known to be very spiritual people, milling out prophecies and predictions daily. though the advent credit their abilities to the skies, science is yet to explain the advent's powers of compulsion and prediction -- so for now, they have decided to call the advent, psychic.
an average advent stands at six to eight feet. they are described to be humanoid but with skin and hair that are either green, blue, orange or  white in color. their eyes are wide, white and glow in the night. their garments typically consist of white hooded cloaks.
though they tried to stay neutral when the war broke out, they were attacked by the TEC and effectively joined the war. their defenses are impressive and they are well-known for their walled cities.
the vasari come from the planet Vinci, as it's called by most of the natives. it is an earth-like planet in a huge solar system filled with fourteen other planets. Vinci is about 12.9 times bigger than earth and its gravity is about 7.67 times that of earth. a single day lasts 39.66 hours and a year lasts 142 days. The planet is made up of 12 continents, which make up 39% of its landmass. 1 moon orbits the planet and Vinci itself orbits a blue sun in a circular orbit.
the vasari's planet is central to their evolution and current-day appearance and abilities. vinci is one of the most complex collection of ecosystems in the known galaxy, which has made scholar-tourism one of the main sources of income of its people.
more about vinci. the plant-like organisms on vinci are almost all huge, towering trees, high above a layer of various shrubs, grasses and flowers. the trees can and often will completely block out light, which sometimes leads to a fairly empty ground layer, full of dead leaves. the aquatic organisms aren't very large in numbers, but they are huge in size. They can grow to sizes of nearly 100 meters (328ft) and a diameter of up to 5 meters (16ft). these underwater giants give this aquatic world an eerie atmosphere as you never know what could lurk behind that pillar. but at the same time, they provide homes to thousands of species on all depths, which makes studying even 1 giant coral an absolute delight.
vinci has an abundance of life in all shapes and sizes. birds, reptiles, insects, fish, mammals, you name it. there are even a few dozen sentient species, most of them either reptilian or amphibian. however, the most remarkable species is only barely sentient. but it's not their sentience that makes them interesting. these large mammals have bark-like skin, comparable to the skin of an elephant but with the texture of a dragon's scale. these mammals are slow and docile, which they can afford to be with such armor, but their gentle nature causes moss, plants and other small organisms to grow on their skin. some individuals look more like walking trees than a member of their own species and it has lead to unique micro-ecosystems.
however, vinci's supply of natural resources is also one of the most inconsistent. in the early days, there existed two species on vinci -- one more violent than the other. they warred for nutrients and resources for hundreds of years. the vasari today is the species that emerged victorious.
physical appearance and other attributes. the vasari appear very alien -- with an exoskeleton for skin that is harder than metal. their eyes are typically yellow or black. they stand at an average of ten feet, and have sharp teeth. their clothing typically consists of armor made from the plants and animals from their home planet.
besides scholar tourism, importing and exporting materials made from the plants and animals on vinci is another main source of income for the vasari.
you can play as any of the species mentioned above -- however, there are millions of species of sentient beings across the universe. you are free to play any one that you can think of. (yes, humans still exist --- but only a small portion of the earth remains inhabitable; humans have scattered across the galaxy.)
ooc, this au will be open from jan. 19 - feb. 21. unless extensions are announced, you are free to continue threads but are no longer allowed to start new ones after feb. 21.
tag any posts relating to this universe: “#space!au”.
if you will be using a non-default fc, reply to this post with your chosen fc and their occupation (for example: kim junmyeon/suho, exo). note! if you plan on playing a mallenia, reply to this post with ‘mallenia’ --- since only 5 can be played. + celeste is an npc, and no one knows where she is at the current time.
after deciding on your faceclaim, you are free to post your official character blurb (ocb.) 
you are free to format your ocb any way you want and to include any information you want, but your ocb must contain the following information:
character name (must be different from faceclaim’s name)
species (can be one of the four mentioned above, or something else completely --- you can be as descriptive or brief as you want, go crazy!)
rightful credits go to: sins of a solar empire, final fantasy and fantasynamegenerators.com.
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hqinfinity · 6 years
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in the beginning, thirteen constellations watched over the world from the skies: aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, ophiucius, sagittarius capricorn, aquarius and pisces. humans looked to these stars --- the zodiac --- for guidance. humans believed in the stars, relied on them, sought them. however, over time, humankind has turned away from nature and towards themselves more and more. overtime, the constellations have dimmed.
as more clouds covered the sun and the stars, the constellations began to grow weaker. confident and comfortable, they thought nothing of their powers fading. it was only after the sudden disappearance of ophiucius, who had so little believers and had grown so weak, that aries stepped up and banded the remaining zodiac together.
to rally the remaining constellations to regain their power and control, aries proposed a competition: at the beginning of every century, the zodiac are to assume human forms, turn from stardust into skin, descend to earth, and reclaim the faith of the people through any way they can. whomever claims the most number of believers will have the most humans born under his sign, and therefore be the most powerful until the next competition. because of this granted rise in power, the winner is also exempt from the next competition, and will, instead, take charge and facilitate (this includes making sure everyone is participating and overseeing the book of records, which automatically tallies the competitors’ scores.)
this effort has proven successful as it has been seen across time --- taking on the face of famous astrologers, alchemists, cosmologists, and fortune tellers.  today, it’s on magazines, newspapers and snapchat stories: daily horoscopes, What Do The Stars Say About Your Future?
2019 marks the start of another competition. the zodiacs have descended --- this century’s competition taking place in seoul, south korea. assuming the form of local residents residing in one apartment building, the zodiacs have set out to compete.
they’re the friendly fortune teller on the sidewalk, the face reader in the mall, the astrologist on your tv screen, that one friend who won’t shut up about zodiac signs, the girlfriend asking you what time you were born. they’re everywhere, hidden in plain sight, walking among everyday humans --- trying to reclaim as many believers as they can.
this au’s focus is to play up the traits of the signs! (it’s advisable that you google what a birth chart is before reading on.)
the zodiac as humans are all heavily influenced by their sign. think of it this way: the average human has different signs in his birth chart, but gemini as a human will have solely gemini for all placements of his chart.
as humans, the zodiac’s powers are muted. however, they all possess the ability to influence the luck of those under their sign. (for example, virgo can subtly influence the luck of a human with a virgo sign; the more virgo is in the human’s birth chart, the more easily virgo can influence his luck.)
in addition, each zodiac has another power which comes from their sign and is unique to them. this power, too, is muted, and is not wildly supernatural enough that it is noticeable (nothing wild like fire manipulation, teleportation or flight; these abilities are mostly psychic) --- however, it is significantly enhanced compared to an average human’s ability. (for example, taurus might be very charming, the gemini twins might have a slight telepathy, cancer might have the uncanny ability to make someone feel safe, virgo might be incredibly eloquent, pisces might be able to heal slightly quicker than the average human, etc.)
the zodiacs’ mission is to get as many people to believe in their existence and influence again as possible. they tend to get very creative --- it’s up to the player to decide what their character’s age, background, etc. is.
with that said, refer to the list below for character traits that your chosen zodiac must possess:
aquarius — friendly, creative, aloof, unpredictable
pisces — imaginative, compassionate, escapist, pessimistic
aries — passionate, courageous, impulsive, confrontational
taurus — patient, independent, stubborn, lazy
gemini — soft-spoken, intelligent, inconsistent, anxious (the gemini twins work towards one score, however, their score is cut in half to keep things fair)
cancer — faithful, protective, clingy, moody
leo — energetic, loyal, possessive, arrogant
virgo — reliable, perfectionist, judgmental, overcritical
libra — charming, just, indecisive, superficial
scorpio — intuitive, ambitious, jealous, resentful
sagittarius — straightforward, generous, tactless, impatient
capricorn — practical, disciplined, pessimistic, stubborn
the zodiacs live together in a nondescript, four-story apartment building in hongdae. 
first floor: lobby, the facilitator’s office, the facilitator’s apartment (a fully spacious one-bedroom apartment with one big bathroom, a walk-in closet and a kitchenette), and the shared kitchen. there is a small garden and a pool in the back.
second floor: 3 single rooms (each with one bathroom and no kitchen.)
third floor: 2 shared rooms (a shared room accommodates two people; has one bathroom and a kitchenette.)
fourth floor: penthouse accommodating five people (three single rooms and one shared room, two bathrooms and a fully functioning kitchen.)
room assignments are based on placements in the last competition --- the winner gets the facilitator’s apartment, those who come last have to deal with tight single-bedrooms, while the top five get to share the penthouse. however, there are no rules against trading rooms among competitors. (ooc, rooms and placements from the last competition will be assigned randomly.)
in-game, it is already march; the zodiacs have been in seoul for two months (january and february) and will stay for another ten months. ooc, this au will be open from jan. 19 - feb. 21. unless extensions are announced, you are free to continue threads but are no longer allowed to start new ones after feb. 21.
tag any posts relating to this universe: “#zodiacs!au”.
reply to this post with your chosen zodiac once you have been contacted by the main. (if you will be using a non-default fc, include the name and occupation of your faceclaim; for example: mark lee, nct: leo). note! gemini are twins; two slots are open for gemini, and the players can choose to have the same faceclaim for gemini.
the focus of the au is the relationship between the characters, not the competition itself. there will be a winning zodiac declared at the end of the au, but it will only be randomly generated. whether your zodiac is in it to win, just coasting by, or barely participating is up to you! just remember that the zodiac who comes last is always the weakest in terms of power.
wait to be assigned your character’s room number before posting an official character blurb (OCB).
you are free to format your ocb any way you want and to include any information you want, but your ocb must contain the following information:
character name (must be different from faceclaim’s name)
biography/background (this can include their feelings about the state o the zodiac, about being a zodiac, and even the background they’ve invented for their current human form)
performance in the previous competition (1919 in Russia) (their placement in the last competition will be determined randomly; this part can include their feelings about their placement in the last competition, etc.)
state whether or not your character is eligible to win (some zodiacs are more/less competitive than others, after all)
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hqinfinity · 6 years
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the comet came and the fire nation conquered. word of the avatar’s death spread quickly across the continents. it was all anyone could talk about. you remember hearing it from your classmates, your teachers, your friends and your neighbors. 
the avatar is dead. the fire nation is coming. 
while celebrations, feasts and festivals were held across the fire nation and its colonies to revel in their great victory, the rest of the world that never bowed to the fire nation cowered in fear. while others ran and hid as quickly as they could, still many others prepared to fight for their homes. 
now, FIFTY YEARS AFTER THE WAR was won, red flags and red banners decorate every inch and corner of the world. the rebels have been slain, and the rest of the world has been enslaved. no more strongholds, no more resistance. earthbenders, waterbenders, and citizens of fallen nations have been made to renounce their identities in service of the new Phoenix King, Uzen---and anyone who refuses to kneel is mercilessly killed.
now, being born a waterbender or an earthbender is a curse that brings only suffering and death. those that can’t hide are stripped of rights and forced to work, and those that do hide are hunted ruthlessly.
the reincarnation of the avatar has ended. the reign of the fire nation has only just begun.
you can play a waterbender, earthbender, or firebender. 
ooc, character creation for this au will be open from feb 1 - mar. 5. unless extensions are announced, no new muses are allowed to join the verse after mar. 5.
tag any posts relating to this universe: “#atla!au”.
if you will be using a non-default fc, reply to this post with your chosen fc and their occupation (for example: kim junmyeon/suho, exo). note! phonexic king uzen is an npc. 
note! in this au, all the events in the show are canon but the avatar and his allies were killed.
after deciding on your faceclaim, you are free to post your official character blurb (ocb.)
you are free to format your ocb any way you want and to include any information you want, but your ocb must contain the following information:
character name (must be different from faceclaim’s name; keep in mind that in fire nation colonies in the earth kingdom and water tribes, parents have stopped giving children water tribe or earth kingdom names, and have instead started giving them fire nation names; this guide might be helpful)
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hquniversal · 2 years
hquniversal  is   an   oc   appless  roleplay   group   set   in   a   performing   arts   academy   in   london,   uk.   the   concept   will   take   inspiration   from   tv   shows   such   as   dance   academy ,   victorious,   etc.   we   will   focus   on   the   life   of   students   and   staff    alike   as   they   try   to   reach   their   full   potential   in    the   academy .   if   you’re   a   fan   of   the   performing   arts    or   looking   for   a   relaxed   group ,   consider   joining   us  !
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