jambolaja · 3 months
San Leonardo picerija
Za konec sezone sem moral zapreti apartma v Barbarigi. Na poti sem se ustavil v Bujah da bi plačal račun za stroške. Bil je čas za kosilo, zato sem poiskal kar tam mesto s hrano. Usedel sem se v San Leonardo, predlagala mi ga je punca, ki je delala na pošti. Lep vrt, mize tudi na trgu. Nabito polno ljudi, predvsem penzionerjev. Ponujajo pice, testenine in solate. Jaz sem izbrala pico z inčuni.…
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peterjancic · 1 year
Čudež: Vlada preprečila podražitev nafte in bencina, dražje kurilno olje
Ker je vlada znižala trošarine na energente se bencin in nafta nista podražili še šestič zapored. Cene bodo še dva tedna nespremenjene. Se bo pa povišala cena kurilnega olja. Za liter 95-oktanskega bencina bo na bencinskih servisih izven avtocestnega križa potrebno plačati 1,511 evra na liter. Liter dizla bo na bencinskih servisih izven avtocestnega križa v novem obdobju stal 1,558 evra. Iz vlade…
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Exploring Poceni Hrvaška: Tips for Budget Travelers
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Poceni Hrvaška, or modest Croatia, has turned into a well known objective for budget-cognizant travelers. The nation offers a plenty of regular miracles, rich social legacy, and dazzling sea shores, all at an affordable cost. From Dubrovnik's antiquated walls to the glasslike waters of the Adriatic Ocean, there's something for everybody in Poceni Hrvaška.
Here are a few tips for travelers who need to investigate the best of Poceni Hrvaška without burning through every last cent.
Plan Your Excursion in the Slow time of year
Croatia's pinnacle traveler season is from June to September. During these months, the nation is packed and costs for convenience and exercises are higher. Notwithstanding, on the off chance that you visit during the shoulder season (April-May or September-October), you can partake in similar sights and encounters at a lower cost. Additionally, you'll keep away from the groups and partake in the lovely climate.
Investigate the Shoreline
Croatia is known for its lovely shore and perfectly clear waters. The most effective way to investigate the coast is by ship or sailboat. There are many ship courses along the Adriatic coast, associating islands and waterfront towns. The ships are generally modest and offer staggering perspectives on the shore.
Visit Public Parks
Croatia is home to 8 public stops, each with its own special highlights. The parks offer an opportunity to investigate the normal magnificence of Croatia, from cascades to gulches to lakes. Extra charges to public parks fluctuate yet are somewhat cheap. Probably the most famous public parks in Croatia incorporate Plitvice Lakes, Krka, and Paklenica.
Remain in Confidential Convenience
Confidential convenience is a famous choice in Croatia, particularly for budget travelers. You can track down confidential rooms, condos, or even whole houses for lease on sites like Airbnb, Booking.com, or HomeAway. These facilities are frequently less expensive than inns and proposition a more real Croatian experience. Click for more info poceni hoteli hrvaška
Eat Like a Nearby
Croatian cooking is assorted and delightful. From fish to meat dishes to veggie lover choices, there's something for everybody. Eating out in touristy regions can be costly, so attempt to track down neighborhood eateries or markets. You can likewise set aside cash by preparing your feasts assuming you're remaining in confidential convenience.
Exploit Free Exercises
Croatia offers many free exercises, from exploring antiquated remnants to climbing in public stops. The absolute best free exercises incorporate strolling along Dubrovnik's antiquated walls, swimming in the Adriatic Ocean, or visiting the neighborhood markets. You can likewise find free strolling visits in significant urban communities like Zagreb or Split.
All in all, Poceni Hrvaška offers an extraordinary chance for budget-cognizant travelers to investigate quite possibly of the most lovely country in Europe. With its dazzling shoreline, public parks, and rich social legacy, Croatia has something for everybody. By following these tips, you can encounter all that Croatia brings to the table without burning through every last dollar. Thus, gather your packs and prepare for an undertaking in Poceni Hrvaška!
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technicallychiefpeanut · 10 months
Ker so pravna in znanstvena merila v neposrednem nasprotju s ponovno odobritvijo glifosata, PAN Europe zadevo predaja sodišču EU.
Komisija EU je takoj po glasovanju v odborih za pritožbe držav članic prižgala zeleno luč za nadaljnjih 10 let uporabe glifosata. Med glasovanjem Komisija ni mogla pridobiti kvalificirane večine držav članic za podaljšanje odobritve glifosata. Avstrija, Hrvaška in Luksemburg so glasovali proti ponovnemu sprejemu, Slovenija pa je po naših informacijah glasovala ZA  ( Slovenija je s tem dokazala,…
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daffodiline · 1 year
hrvaška točke italiji?????
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mocacheezy · 1 year
I love some of these costumes, and then we have some that are bland af
Hrvaška be serving quality, very gender
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jerkovicsblog · 4 years
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Za 💪super PETAK - za odličan početak vikenda u našoj 🍴ponudi samo najbolja jela! MENU 45 kn Riblji brudet Vratina grill uz krumpir Carbonara Tjestenina punjena piletinom (Chicken momo) Rižot kobasica i gljive Fishburger #accommodation in Zadar #hinterland #vacations #urlaub #kroatien #2020 #konoba_croatia  #hrvatska🇭🇷 #volimhrvatsku #cro #croatia  #croatian #zadar #zadarcroatia #kroatien #hrvaška #croatia_photography #summer #karingornji #tour #dalmacija #croatiafulloflife #kroatia #croazia #urla #timeoutcroatia #time #visitcroatia #accomodation #trulycroatia #natgeotravel (na lokaciji Restoran Dalmacija) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAe15bbhLgN/?igshid=8ptlrw8v6t9r
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matejpocervina · 7 years
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Velebit, Croatia 2017
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visit-croatia · 7 years
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#Repost @vilim_stojkovic ・・・ #croatia #travelblogger #beach #jadranskomore #croatiavisitslove #centraldalmatia #dalmatiancoast #chasingthedonkeycroatia #coastalcroatia #paradise #sea #visitcroatia #hrvaška #chorwacja #instagram #total_travels #amazingplace #croatiawithlove #bluesea #putopis#ig_picture #beachbody #beachday #beachtime #mustvisit photo: @vilim_stojkovic (at Mali Rat)
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jambolaja · 9 months
Bare in Majke - Arena Zagreb
Vstopnice sem videl aprila in kupil dve, 20 € za kos. To je bila glasba iz moje mladosti. Koncert je bil septembra. Nekaj dni pred koncertom so ga zaradi težav s prizoriščem prestavili na december in ga preselili v Areno Zagreb iz dvorane Dražena Petrovića. Tedej mi je odpovedal, zato je vskočil bratranec Kenan. Po službi sem spakiral za pot, ki je sledila koncertu, in šel na pot. Težave na…
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peterjancic · 2 years
Hrvaška pošilja helikopterje Mi-8, Rusi stiskajo Bahmut, nad Vuhledar samomorilsko
Ruska vojska se je v pozicijski vojni, ki traja že več mesecev, z velikimi žrtvami na severovzhodu še za kakšen kilometer približala Bahmuta. Na jugozahodu mesta pa jih je Ukrajinska vojska zadnje dni ustavila in potisnila nekoliko nazaj. Le pri Bahmutu je prišlo do premika na fronti. Ukrajinci se večino povsod le branijo, Rusi pa brez večjega uspeha poskušajo prodreti. Hrvaška za transport v…
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Pula, Istria, Croatia
Photo found on Flickr
Follow us: here
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technicallychiefpeanut · 10 months
Ker so pravna in znanstvena merila v neposrednem nasprotju s ponovno odobritvijo glifosata, PAN Europe zadevo predaja sodišču EU.
Komisija EU je takoj po glasovanju v odborih za pritožbe držav članic prižgala zeleno luč za nadaljnjih 10 let uporabe glifosata. Med glasovanjem Komisija ni mogla pridobiti kvalificirane večine držav članic za podaljšanje odobritve glifosata. Avstrija, Hrvaška in Luksemburg so glasovali proti ponovnemu sprejemu, Slovenija pa je po naših informacijah glasovala ZA  ( Slovenija je s tem dokazala,…
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protoindoeuropean · 3 years
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Gender of countries in Slovene:
masculine singular in light green, plural in dark green
feminine singular in light brown, plural in dark brown
neuter singular in light blue
Multiple names are noted when a popularly used name is of a different gender than the actual name. The other colour is shown in horizontal stripes.
Diagonal stripes represent a class of countries whose names are of feminine gender, except in the accusative and the locative case,* where they are of neuter gender.
This aberrant accusative and locative reflect the fact that previously, the feminine and the neuter form of the adjective were used concurrently as names of countries – and if you compare the other Slavic languages, the corresponding names in BCSM are (wholly) feminine and in Czech and Slovak they are (wholly) neuter. In Slovene, both names survive, it's just that one is almost never used in the accusative and the locative and the other almost always.
An additional factor is that with the feminine names, the prepositions v and iz : '(in)to' and '(out) from' are used, while with the neuter names, the prepositions na and z/s : '(on)to' and '(off) from' are used.
*This is the resulting paradigm (on the example of "Croatia"):
N Hrvaška G iz Hrvaške | s Hrvaškega D Hrvaški A v Hrvaško = na Hrvaško L v Hrvaški | na Hrvaškem I Hrvaško
– in the accusative the forms are identical (but we can see which name is used based on the preposition), while the italicized forms in the genitive (neuter) and locative (feminine) are rare (neuter nominative Hrvaško, dative Hrvaškemu and instrumental Hrvaškim of course also exist, but are even more rare).
When we thus say "We're in Croatia," we use the neuter name: Smo na Hrvaškem. But when we say "We're coming back from Croatia," we use the feminine: Vračamo se iz Hrvaške.
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matejakateja · 5 years
With all my heart...
Hi my Beloved!
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What I want to hear from others, we can give ourselves! First!
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The container is full! And only from a full container can it flow to others. Unless I always feel like I'm being robbed. Do I resent them for not appreciating that I sacrificed myself!? My time for their time.
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It is precious that I love myself. With all my heart. I love it. I like to be full. 
But it's always easier.
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Love yourself, be yourself! Have fun!
 Be delicious... inside outward...
 P.S.: Be yourself! Love! Enjoy delightful fun day!
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writer1306 · 5 years
ZATERIKA hrvaška rusija mi ti samo pomagamo, pomeni mi ti samo omagamo, podtikanje bolezni do brezupnega položaja, omaganja
Nwo nobrat v ogabno, nobrat v gnusno, zobrat v ogabno, iobrat v ogabno, sobrat v ogabno
New world order
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