yutadori · 5 months
um . how on earth does a professor become your mentor.....
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defness · 4 years
JAKSHSWKSHSKDHSLJJAJSJSJSJSS OKAY! But, I'll answer that anon's ask here :3
They asked about a mutuals of my choice and I wanted to say that I chose you and AnonymousLiquee! And, well gosh, I love you so much (platonically!) You're honestly so fun to talk to and such an amazing person!
You make me so happy every time you appear on my dash, even if it's just a Reblog, because when I see your icon, I say, "Yeah, that right there? That's my amazing friend who's doing amazing things." I dunno!!! I just get so happy when you're around and I just!aa!!! Love you so much! Platonically! And I really appriciate even getting to talk to you, even if it's just a hug and maybe a little chat here and there?
And speaking about you, gosh, I don't know how I found you! I think I was looking for art for a specific fandom and you had it! I really , REALLY loved your style so I decided to give you a follow! And then you made me fanart and I,,, gosh,,, I still look at it to this day! I love it so much!!! Uwa! Then you made new characters (Like Viper and those Axolotl lads) and Aa! Your characters are so cute and they grab my attention for forever, I just wanna stare at your art for hours! You're amazingly talented and keep doing what you do best: be amazing, kind, funny and above all else, a good person :3
And for AnonymousLiquee, honestly, I don't know how to start. I remeber vaugley that I found you while looking for Cookie Run stuff! I think you had a thing on Wind Archer and then you drew a Wind Archer! (Specifically, the Guardian of the Millennial Tree costume) :D! I think I started to talk to you more and let me tell you that I did not expect a friendship to blossom out of that! At least, I consider you my friend! You're so wonderfully creative and talented, all your aus and characters bring me so much intrigue that I just wanna talk about them FOREVER! AAH! I dont wanna make this too long so imma end it here so I wanna say ily platonically and youre AMAZING :3
(And I remeber the art you did on Defness when you were bored and I still look at that. It's so, so amazing and it speaks volumes to me! I cannot tell you how much I love it.)
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pebbles-scatter · 7 years
what up im kelly-alec im [redacted] and i never learned how to deal with stress
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