astro-tag-9 6 months
I have a couple request 馃グ馃挄鉂わ笍
me: Gemini Sun, Libra Moon, Libra Rising, Cancer Venus
husband: Sagittarius Sun, Scorpio Moon, Capricorn Venus
馃Gina and Ricky馃
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taiyoooh 8 months
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a franxx-esque co-pilot au with buttcontrol
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justsomeoneunordinary 1 month
As cute as I find those "love a first sight" HashiMito stories, I need them to dislike each other at first more often.
Hashirama and Mito meet as kids already when Butsuma visits the Uzumaki to go over their contracts and brings Hashirama and Tobirama with him.
Mito is extremely unimpressed with Hashirama - what kind of shinobi and more importantly, future clan head is this boisterous when their entire career revolves around subtlety? What's up with those mood swings? Why is he so stupid, how does he not know basic sealing theory? And don't get her started on his terrible outfit and that hairstyle!
Hashirama in turn finds Mito so mean (meaner than Tobirama even! He didn't know that was possible!), arrogant and just plain snooty. He also does not appreciate being bullied by her with pranking seals just because he doesn't understand how seals work!! If, in turn, he makes her trip on a root every now and then, then that's neither here nor there...
Tobirama and Mito have no such problems. Tobirama finds Mito the fucking funniest person ever and admires her skills in sealing, while Mito is glad to have found someone to talk to on her intelligence level and appreciates his interest in the Uzumaki's sealing style. They hit off immediately and become besties.
The older they get, the more Hashirama and Mito have to restrain themselves. Oh, they still very much hate each other but now instead of pulling petty pranks and outright calling each other names whenever they meet again, they keep it down to passive-aggressive comments - Mito's sharp and cutting, and Hashirama's overly friendly and cheerful.
And then. Well, and then they grow up. Now, Hashirama isn't a gross, snotty kid anymore but a man, a leader, a force of nature, and Mito learns to admire the easiness with which Hashirama knows to laugh and the friendliness he displays despite all the horrors he lived through so far, despite the power within him that could crush them all. Suddenly, the smile she always found makes him look stupid seems quite charming to her and when she talks to him, she finds out he's the opposite of the fool she thought him to be.
He also grows up quite handsome, she can't deny that. She may or may not let her eyes wander more than is appropriate and comes to the conclusion that she very much likes what she sees.
Hashirama in turn learns to appreciate Mito's helpful insights, her creative mind and her knowledge in the arts of sealing which she readily shares with him. He also can't help but laugh at her comments, now that they're witty rather than mean and not aimed at him anymore. And oh, does he find himself enamored by her sharp tongue! Just like Hashirama wields his charm like a weapon, Mito knows to cut with words rather than knives and every time Hashirama thinks his respect for her can't grow anymore, he's proven wrong.
Also, the haughty princess has turned into a fine, poised lady and Hashirama is all but utterly besotted with her beauty.
And well. If Tobirama thought it was difficult when his brother and his best friend used to hate each other, he's really not ready for when they start fucking dating. Absolutely disgusting behavior, Touka, get him some sake for his sanity, please!
I just think it would be more interesting if we saw them grow fond of each other over time more often rather than them being immediately smitten with each other upon first sight. (But do I ever write it? No, of course I don't...)
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ginaporterr 1 year
i miss my people (rina)
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sa-bo 2 years
I've seen no other fandom shorten ship names like the Naruto fandom does. Like only insane people can pick out what ss, sns, nh, and ns mean just by looking at them. They all look like abbreviated names for other series. And why do we shorten character names as well. Tbrm. Hsrm. Mdr. This is so ridiculous
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allsassnoclass 2 years
i mean it's cheating because i actually know this about you but you def know More about the inner workings of a stage production than the average non-theatre kid. and i love that. xoxo bella
@clumsyclifford yep that's exactly the example i thought of! on one hand i can write very accurate theater aus! on the other hand that sometimes gets in the way of the story and i forget to explain things
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meetbag 1 year
I'm sitting here staring at ur art. u make the most beautiful hsmt
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thank you so much, anon! Here's a derpy beast mode mito for you. :)
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purplina 5 months
Albums :
鈥our is in first place. It is iconic, dramatic, it's THE album you ask your bf to break up with you for the lenght of it and act like you guys were tragic lovers, doomed from the beginning before you realize he was in fact just being a bitch
鈥uts is here, without surprises bc she has 2 albums hfjzk. It has some really good songs that are fun to sing. But Lance is a dramatic sad bitch, not a dramatic angry bitch (he HAS to have some water placements in his chart)
鈥ometimes, he listens to the HSMTS soundtracks.
Favorite songs :
鈥bsessed : the dramaaaa, the bitternesss, the ambiguityyyyy
鈥avorite crime : AGAIN the dramaaaa of being someone else's crime, the haunting feeling, how you might have been smitten to death, swoon off your feet to feel like you killed each other, one for passion, the other for the lack of it, how traaaagic
鈥ope you're okay : my closeted oblivious bisexual son thinks he's an ally when in fact, the only lonely queer he was trying to comfort was his dumbass (he's midly okay but hes trying okay)
(I told you, he has water placements)
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junes-pistol-whip 30 days
does anyone else read the hsmt cases from other states for fun. like some of them have cool lore im here for it
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blee-bleep 1 month
mikochi is a babygirl bubblegum pink princess ik but GOD. artists drawing her being a mama to maguchi is making me 馃馃拲. i need more artists to draw her in a more mature, not lewd, but kinda hot middle aged woman way where shes a girlfailure but also this woman who is on her last decade to a 401k and has three kids w hsmt. PLS GOD.
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madbuns 2 years
I worked too fast on those horror doodles I lagged like the discord have a sweet Hsmt hiding under a mushroom :3
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allamericansbitch 5 months
One question, if you had to put in order your top 5 Olivia songs, from the two albums + HSMTS songs, how would you place them?
of all time is so hard but at this very moment:
all american bitch
pretty isnt pretty
love is embarrassing
drivers liscense
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justsomeoneunordinary 8 months
Mito finds herself in Hi no Kuni's capital for business reasons, and during her stay at an inn close to the Damiyou's court, she meets an orian who sweeps her off her feet in on time.
Mito isn't surprised by her attraction to the orian - orian tend to be beautiful women, after all, and Mito has two very well-functioning eyes, thank you very much - but she is surprised by how well she gets along with the courtesan during those times they have a conversation when the orian isn't busy entertaining one of the regularly visiting nobles.
Falling in love with a high-class prostitute really hadn't been on Mito's agenda and she's sure she's fucked, because obviously, nothing could ever come out of it.
... But little does Mito know that said orian is no one else but the Senju Clan Head Hashirama in disguise on a honeypot mission, who falls just as stupidly in love with Mito as Mito does with him.
(Mind you, said mission was supposed to go to Touka but Touka straight-up laughed in his face and told him no, and Tobirama when asked rightfully pointed out that even Butsuma in his latter years would've been the better choice for a honeypot mission than him. So Hashirama had to do it himself. (And Tobirama had the most fun he's had in years coming up with a jutsu that could change Hashirama's gender more permanently than a henge (not to mention how gleeful Touka was when she got to doll Hashirama up.)))
It all works out well in the end, but not before some drama and hilarious ups and downs transpire between them, as well as a small crisis Hashirama's in which he considers staying a woman forever since clearly, Mito prefers women, and he all but plans a funeral for his manhood. (It's fine, though, it turns out later that Mito doesn't care about gender and likes male Hashirama just as much as the female one. (They do keep the jutsu, however, just for, you know, fun times *wink wink*))
And if the clan elders get a heart attack upon finding out that Hashirama found himself a wife while acting as an orian during a honeypot mission, well then that's neither here nor there.
(It's not like they can say anything against it - Mito is an Uzumaki after all.)
(Tobirama is honestly just as speechless for once. Because frankly, what else can he say to that but what the fuck?)
This concept was brought to you by my horny brain which wishes to see Hashirama all dolled up seductively pretty please with a cherry on top and thank you :]
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ginaporterr 1 year
i was supposed to have my celebration going by the end of the month.......
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denialcity 2 years
馃拰 could I ask for a hsmt headcanon?
i think he learned to braid hair specifically to help her do her hair in a loose low braid before they sleep so it doesn't tangle (his just is magic and doesn't really tangle anw) and he's not very good at it because he doesn't want to pull too tight but he's getting better and he'll give her a lil shoulder massage when he's done and she thinks it's the sweetest thing ever then they do a lil goodnight kiss and cuddle to sleep
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bisexualsharpay 1 year
Hsmts seasons 4 honestly had so many digs at Zac and Vanessa that I think it definitely felt on purpose because they decided not to join lol
i haven't watched so i've only heard about the couple's therapy thing lol
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