quasimagical · 7 years
Happy MLK day, y’all!
Last Monday was my first day of spring semester, which I also had off, because it got cancelled due to icy weather (best first day of school ever!). Two Mondays off in a row is gonna have me spoiled come next week... 
I’m both terrified and pumped for this new semester — the last one straight up kicked my ass to Pluto, but I ended up getting all A’s, so now I am feeling pretty accomplished.
My hope is that I’ll have more time for writing fanfiction now. Last semester kinda sucked me dry of any motivation to write anything, but my new classes don’t seem like they will be as essay-heavy. CROSSING MY FINGERS ANYWAY HJAFUIOPOAS;FK
In any case, writing (even fanfiction) takes time... A lot of time (for me, at least). And very unfortunately, what ends up happening alongside the loss of motivation is intimidation to even try when I do have time, because time management + keeping schedules is a challenge in of itself for me, and I am often mentally exhausted after school/homework. So my free time usually ends up going to my yoga practice before anything else. :’)
It’s been driving me crazy that I've barely written anything since the summer, tho... I still have so many plans for HTDWR (don’t worry, I haven’t given up yet!!) and I’ve been playing around with some original ideas as well. 
One thing in particular I want to practice more is writing very short things, because I don’t do this nearly enough. Which brings me to my next point...
I decided to start a new twitter account specifically for this practice! Fitting a fictional moment into 280 characters while also providing enough information for the reader to know/figure out what’s going on is actually a pretty fun challenge. It also doesn’t consume nearly as much time, so I get to enjoy worry-free creative expression even when I have a busy schedule. 
If anyone wants to follow my twitterature: [link] (this will include original content as well as stuff involving fan-OCs, fanfiction, etc.)
And/or my personal account: [link] (this will include all my daily millennial trash thoughts)
Thanks to all of you for your time/support/patience! It means so much.
Bliss. ✌💙🕉
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quasimagical · 7 years
a few of my plans for the next few chapters of HTDWR have changed, ever so slightly. but i am very, very excited about this.
speaking of which...chapter 4 will be ready soon!!
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