#how to dance with rainwings
motheline · 8 months
WoF Headcanons:
LeafWings' wings and frills change colour depending on the season, they get greener with warmer months and duller/browner with colder months
MudWings often get markings engraved on their tusks or horns, royal ones get them engraved in gold
BigWing MudWings wear gold rings on their horns- one for each of their siblings
HiveWings have their own language similar to SeaWings' Aquatic- which revolves around various flight patterns similar to how bees communicate, usually used as a way for soldiers to get a message across quickly
Some SeaWings live in polar waters near the Ice Kingdom- have thicker scales and blubbery skin similar to whales or seals
SilkWings have long tongues like butterflies- nectar is repurposed as a sweet and rich drink, seen as a delicacy- sometimes alcoholic
SandWings have a third eyelid and thick eyelashes to keep sand out of their eyes
SandWings hold their tails up when threatened or as a warning sign to enemies, giving them a chance to back off
Sky Islands exist because I said so, magic can exist so why can't floating islands, SkyWings don't deserve to just live on mountains
SkyWings can handle much higher altitudes than other tribes, some choose to live on the floating islands- most of which are so high up only SkyWings can reach them
NightWings born under blood moons have red tinted wings
SkyWings have hooked snouts like beaks, as well as feathers because I can
MudWings are incredibly culinarily (???) advanced and see food as a very vital part of their culture. They hold tribe feasts on special events
LeafWings have green blood
LeafWings need sun time as much as RainWings do- they still eat actual food but get most of their energy from the sun
SeaWings are slow fliers, their wings more built for swimming than flying
SkyWings have courtship dances similar to birds
RainWings aren't fit for flying long distances as their wings are built more for gliding through trees than flying
NightWing seers have white diamond shaped markings on the top of their heads, usually resembling a third eye
That's all for now, follow to see me break canon even harder
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lpsgirl109 · 8 months
You know I enjoy tiktok as a place to post stupid memes and silly animatics and me dancing around with my dinosaur mask, but when you actually try to post a genuine take on something, you'll be met with some of the dumbest motherfuckers alive. I remember someone made a post calling out the ableism in WCUE, and how people on that game will tell disabled cats they can't be warriors and it's too unrealistic and shit like that. And I made a response saying how a mentality like that is a result of the books themselves, because the series constantly teaches children that disabled people are incapable of doing the same jobs able bodied people can. That then leads to people in rps and rp games fully believing that the books are right, and thinking it's 'against the rules' or 'unrealistic' for disabled cats to be anything other than medicine cats or elders. I then went on to bring up WoF as an example of a series that doesn't really do that. WoF is def not perfect when it comes to disabled rep, but it handles disabled characters far better than Warriors. Many of the RainWings think Tamarin is weird or incapable of helping in the royal challenge, but you're never supposed to agree with them. She then goes on beat the flower challenge in like record time, proving that she is in fact just as skilled as the other dragons. Whiteout being neurodivergent is something that is absolutely essential to who she is as a person. The second she starts acting "normally," it's not seen as a relief, it's seen as a cause for alarm. Arctic enchanting her condition away isn't treated as a good thing, it's a violation to Whiteout, a horrible thing he does to her. This is largely why you don't see a lot of ableism in WoF games or WoF rps, because the books aren't hammering it into children's skulls that being disabled means you're not as skilled as able bodied people, and you can't do the same tasks as them. You rarely see people saying shit like "disabled dragons can't be soldiers, disabled dragons can't be queens." I'm sure it still happens, but not to the extent of the warrior cats fandom, because WoF has several disabled characters who are shown to be just as capable as everyone else
I then received multiple comments saying "But Tui wrote warriors!! She wrote warrior cats!! She's responsible for all the ableism in warrior cats!!" I'll just let you decide why that's a piss poor response
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puzzled-pegasus · 11 months
WoF tribe headcanons pt 3
SandWings store quite a bit of fat in the bases of their tails.
SeaWings store a lot of fat and generally appear quite blubbery because of how rapidly temperatures can change in the water; a little extra fat helps keep them insulated. By natural selection, thicker SeaWings are culturally considered more viable mates 😏
SeaWings can have stripes or ripple patterns on their scales, which helps with camoflage.
SkyWings have yellow forked tongues, like a monitor lizard.
Since SandWings have the most snakelike tongue, it gives them a little bit of a lisp when they speak.
SandWings like to keep pet ravens.
SkyWings are extremely superstitious and believe in good luck and bad luck charms. Give me some ideas as to what those are! :)
SkyWings recently started to come up with some aerial dances influenced by SandWing and RainWing music and dance moves.
SeaWings love to listen to whale song and some even study whale and dolphin sounds and figure out what they mean.
The SeaWing royal pattern is an effect of inbreeding. SeaWing light mutations happen outside of it, but rarely.
IceWings and MudWings often have vestigial gills. RainWing ruffs are modified, but come from gills.
Birth defects were disturbingly common while the NightWings were on the volcanic island, but no one was allowed to talk about it to any other tribe. Dragonets with too obvious or too inhibiting of defects were culled and hidden and never spoken of again.
On the positive side, Queen Ruby has decreed that if a dragonet hatches with a disability, deformity, illness, or other anomaly that will not necessarily kill or harm it, throwing it off the cliff is now illegal and punishable by years of inprisonment.
SandWings can show affection by flicking their snake tongue against another dragon's scales, not unlike a peck on the cheek.
Heterochromia is common in SilkWings.
SkyWings have organized a smoke signal code similar Morse code in their military so they can communicate from a distance through breathed smoke.
SkyWings have a very high pain tolerance and some of their fun activities can get their Non-SkyWing friends rather banged up. They also affectionately slap or bite other dragons too hard really often.
RainWings have a much higher resistance to poisons and impairing substances than other Pyrrhian tribes. LeafWings, however, take the cake out of all known tribes.
Despite their otherwise toughness, SkyWings have rather breakable bones due to them being less dense to allow for their incredible flight. They just have very good reflexes that help them to avoid breaking their bones. A broken SkyWing wing will often never heal properly. (Scarlet and some other past cruel queens used to have dragons who broke their wings killed as they were no longer useful)
When fighting with a dragon or large prey near water, MudWings will attempt to drag their opponent under and perform a death roll similar to an alligator. This can break limbs and, if their opponent is not a Sea or MudWing, drown them.
MudWings and SkyWings are the tribes most prone to bad teeth/jaw pain.
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secretly-a-catamount · 3 months
Kinkajou was horrendously, unbelievably, and utterly bored. The small RainWing had many talents, but sitting still for hours and hours was clearly not one of them.
Her scales — patterned like a peacock, teal and ruby-pinks and sun-golds — had small flashes of red on her graceful wings. If Winter remembered correctly red was irritation, or maybe anger?
“Stop squirming.” He said exasperated, serrated claws wet with paint.
“Well, I’m sorry that you are taking forever.”
“This is taking forever because someone is squirming.”
Winter’s talons gently scraped against the goat-hide canvas.
A wide green swoop for Kinkajou’s neck. Little talon-pricks of dark blue.
An intricate necklace of flowers. Large, silvery-white ones that Winter vaguely remember saying he liked once.
In fact, now that he saw them up close they almost looked like—
“Icefrost Bells.” Winter blurted out, thanking the three moons that his scales wouldn’t betray his emotions.
“Are we playing a game where we say random word associations, because if we are: walrus, scarf.” Kinkajou said, as if that made remotely any sense, to anyone, ever.
“What? No! It’s just that Icefrost Bells is the name of the flowers.” He added at her quizzical look, “On your necklace.”
“Sorry, icicle-face—“
“But these are Lace Bells, not whatever it was that you said, and two: this is important because . . . ?”
Winter seriously wished could just melt into the cave floor. He muttered something incoherent.
“Come on, you can tell me. Is it some sort of IceWing courting ritual or something?” Came Kinkajou’s joking response, unknowingly hitting the nail on the head.
“Just amongst the lower Circles!” Winter cried, flaring his wings out in panic.
“Are you serious?” She asked, her body kaleidoscope-ing in colors Winter didn’t even have names for.
“But we’re not—“
“I know.”
Kinkajou responded to this social etiquette dilemma by bursting out into rambunctious laughter. “This — is — amazing!”
“It most certainly is not.”
“Tamarin is going to love this!” She chortled.
Jumping up and bouncing over to Winter, Kinkajou grabbed his messy, paint-covered claws with her own and spun the pair of them around.
The dance was uncoordinated and awkward. And fun.
“All hail, Princess Winter.” Kinkajou giggled.
“You know perfectly well that I was a Prince.”
“And nephew of Queen Glacier.”
“Yes, and you . . . are making fun of me.”
“Yup.” She gave an outrageous twirl, whacking him in the snout with her wings.
“You’re doing the waltz wrong.”
“Then teach me how to do it right, Winter. I modeled for you, you teach me to dance.”
Winter sighed, “For starters, fold your wings against your body, like this.”
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thumpercloudbright · 5 months
At the ask of @dragonstylemeringue, I made a MudWing opera mask!
Tho, I'm gonna be honest, I had forgotten it was specifically an opera mask, so I made a tribal mask first before I realized xD Perfectly fine tho, I really enjoyed making these!!
Here is the art
Tumblr media
The subject who is wearing the masks is my MudWing oc Doe<3
The right mask is the opera mask, which I'll discuss first:
•These masks are worn during theatre performances, where the actor either acts, sings, dances, or a combination of all three
•The masks are elaborately decorated to fit the role the performer is taking on. For example, Doe was taking on the role of a swamp witch, which is why her mask has herons, a storm cloud, and a third eye. MudWings will also make costumes to go along with their mask
•The opera mask is clamped on with leather straps below the chin and wrapped around the horns, then secured on with metal clips at the ends
•MudWing dances use a lot of rugged, strong movements, with a lot of stomping and wings slowly flapping with the beat. It's similar to fut san, which is a chinese southern lion dance that embraces powerful moves that are derived from kung fu
•MudWing singing is very throaty, with croaks, ribbits, and roars often being thrown in to give it emotion and strength. While the songs would sound strange to say, SandWings, SkyWings, and IceWings, they would angelic and soulful to MudWings, SeaWings, and RainWings
Now for the tribal mask!
•The tribal mask is given to MudWing troops when they are seven years of age as a proper gift for their endurance, strength, and perseverance for getting to that age, as many, especially in the lower class, don't
•The mask is normally green, black, or grey in color, with a gator like ridge right on the snout, and little gator tails at the end of the first chains. This is because the MudWing's first ever queen was Queen Alligator, who had brought thr tribe together and gave them long prosperity, with not only her great leadership, but her knowledge on crops, and the importance of staying together
•On the first chains are also polished clay beads, sized and painted to resemble the MudWing's sibs. The biggest one is the bigwings, the second oldest is the second biggest, and the smallest is the youngest. The beads vary in amount, depending on how many siblings they have and lost, for their bead is buried with their sibling when they pass on
•The second chain holds a raindrop shaped bead, and is the mask wearer's own color. The reason for the singular to be on a different chain is to remind them that they are still an individual who can do things even if they must do it alone
•The clay nodes all over the mask serves two purposes, being so that the clay doesn't pop or crack during baking, and to give it texture, which is something MudWings heavily enjoy
And that about wraps it up for the masks! Thank ya so much for reading☆
Y'all have a good day/night where you are now, and take care🎉
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ave1dragon · 6 months
Wings of Fire schooling headcanons:
All Pyrrhian tribes, except for the Rainwings, are taught the basics in school: reading, writing, math, the history and geography of Pyrrhia, and the differences between the Pyrrhian tribes. If I say "Basic Pyrrhian education," this is what I mean. Many tribes also teach battle training at the school, although many are taught by their families. Hunting is taught by their families.
A royal dragon's education is taught by special tutors to make sure they have the best education. The only exception being the Nightwings, who make sure to give everyone the best education. Female heirs are taught additional classes on how to run the kingdom.
Every Mudwing village has a school. Common Mudwing dragonets are taught the basic Pyrrhian education, but battle training and hunting are learned on their own.
Royal Mudwings’ education starts imminently and is watched over. Common Mudwing’s education is not as enforced but is still mandatory.
Mudwings go to school between the ages of 1-4. From the ages of 4-6 Mudwings will try out apprenticeships of different jobs, settling on one when they turn 6.
Sandwings also learn the basic Pyrrhian education, same as Mudwings. Battle training is also taught in school, unlike Mudwings. Hunting is taught by the families. Homeschooling is common in the Sand Kingdom.
Like Mudwings, Sandwings go to school between the ages of 1-4, and are apprenticed in a job between the ages of 4-6. Sandwings are usually apprenticed in the trade of their parents.
I based Skywing education off of knight training in the medieval period.
Skywing education is a lot more fight based than Mudwings and Sandwings. Skywing schooling is between the ages of 2-8, but 2-4 and 4-8 are different from each other.  
All Skywings are registered and hatched in the hatchery. After they hatch, the Skywing dragonets are raised in the Wingery until they are two years old, although their parents visit often. The wingery is a huge space in a tower located near the top of the palace. The base of the tower is covered with black and gold rugs meant to catch any young dragonets who fall, and toy spears and shields, and balls and attack dummies, also small cooking supplies to bring in snacks for the dragonets. The walls are covered with fake rocky outcroppings and platforms to practice jumping on. The highest levels are for flying practice, with longer spaces to cross, ropes to catch onto midflight, and obstacles to swerve around. The wingery has a giant portrait of Queen Scarlet.   
When Skywing dragonets turn two, they become pages and are sent to live with the nobles of whatever town their family lives in. They are then trained how to fight and hunt properly, as well as music, dancing, and etiquette. The priest of the town will teach them the basic Pyrrhian education along with the legends and teachings of the Skywing religion, as Skywings are a very religious tribe. The dragonets are also taught blacksmithing, gemstone mining and identification, and jewelry making, as these are the skills Skywings are most well known for. Dragonets also run errands for the nobles of the house to teaching them humility and obedience.
When the Skywing is around four or so, they become squires. The dragonet will move to the palace where they will serve a particular Skywing soldier over the age of 8, looking after their armor and equipment and helping them get ready for battle. They learn even more about fighting and hunting. They learn to run, fly fast, shoot arrows, wrestle, and fence. They also learn how to carve meat, and how to play popular board games, such as chess, checkers, and backgammon.
At the age of 8, Skywings go through a special ceremony where they kneel before the queen and promise her their loyalty, then the dragon is dubbed a full-fledged adult Skywing.   
Normally Skywings choose an official job at 8, usually the family trade, and get on the job training. During the great war, Skywings were required to stay in the army between ages 8 to 12 before choosing a job.
A female Skywing noble can also choose to be a priest at age 2 and not have to fight in the army, where they learn the priestly rituals for the next ten years.
Seawing Schooling is more detailed than Mudwings, Sandwings, and Skywings. Seawings go to school from 1-7, longer than most other tribes. After 7, Seawings will choose a job, usually the trade of their parents.  
Seawings are taught the basic Pyrrhian education, but the Seawing schools put Queen Corals scrolls as the most important things. Seawings are taught reading through Queen Coral’s dragonet scrolls, history through Coral’s scrolls, other tribes through her scrolls, and battle training through her scrolls on fighting. Seawing schools also teach a lot about writing through reading and dissecting Queen Coral’s scrolls, along with poetry through Queen Coral’s scrolls.  
Seawing education focuses heavily on the arts, such as painting and drawing, cooking, and music, as Seawings see themselves as an artistic tribe.  
From the Scorching to Queen Jacaranda's time, Rainwings were taught the basic Pyrrhian education.
Between Queen Jacaranda and Queen Granduer's reign, Only royal and ambassador Rainwings were taught the basic Pyrrhian education, the other Rainwings were taught useful skills for the Rainforest, such as tree gliding and venom training.
During the rotating Queen's reign, all Rainwings were only taught the skill of their environment.
Queen Glory is trying to incorperate some of the traditional schooling into her tribe. She is working on reading, writing, math, and the history and geography of the rest of Pyrrhia and its tribes; but not battle training, since Rainwings don't fight, or hunting, since Rainwings eat fruit.
Rainwings are raised in the wingery, which is just for play and has no schooling, until age 2. Rainwings are schooled between the ages of 2-5 and try out different jobs between 5-8. At age 8 Rainwings choose their preferred job.
Rainwings are oral storytellers, and specially trained Rainwings are taught the histories of the Rainwings to retain the information. Although storytelling is mostly reserved for new, fictional stories.  
Rainwings are taught how to count and add, but not much more complex math.
Rainwings were kind of aware of the other dragon tribes before Glory's reign, but they were not familiar with them because of their isolation.   
Icewings are fairly isolated from the rest of Pyrrhia, so most of their history and geography revolves around the Ice Kingdom and Icewings.
Noble Icewings put a focus on school. They learn the basic Pyrrhian education. They are measured up by the rankings wall. They are also taught how to hunt polar bears, how to fight, how to pose as a guard properly, and diplomacy. They are in school from ages 1-7.  
Village Icewings are also taught the basics, however, they are not taught as much about the other tribes so much as the history and geography of the Ice Kingdom, so many only know the basics of the Nightwing guide and the map of Pyrrhia. They are also in school from 1-7.
Village Icewings who are good at memorizing become bards who tell stories of the Great Ice Dragon and Icewing warriors.   
When Noble Icewings turn 7, the Queen picks out a job for them based on them and their parent's ranking. Village Icewings have more freedom in their job choice and can choose one for themselves, although their job is usually based on the family trade.
All Icewings are taught stories of the Great Ice Dragon and how she created Pyrrhia, as they are a very religious tribe.
Nightwings put a heavy emphasis on school. Nightwings are in school from ages 1-10. Nightwings are also taught a lot more science and math than other tribes.
During Darkstalker's time, Nightwings went to school between the ages of 1-7, and took specialized schooling between the ages of 7-10 based on what the future seers of the tribe said they would be, whether science, battle training, or carpentry. They were taught the basic Pyrrhian education, as well as advanced classes in math and science. The mind readers and future seers were taught classes for their gifts. Nightwings also had to take creative classes, such as art and music and cooking.
During the volcano time, Nightwings were only taught science, superiority, and survival, no arts or geography or knowledge of other tribes. They also took classes on how to lie, how to pretend to read minds, and how to come up with believable prophecies. They were in school from 1-10 like the past, but had no special classes from ages 7-10.
In the Rainforest, they are currently being taught the basic Pyrrhian education. In Renewal, they are being taught more like the volcano times, with a bit more added creative classes.
Nightwings pre-Darkstalker would be given the job of their future visions, and would find a job of their training at age 10. On the island, Nightwing's jobs were chosen by the Queen. In the rainforest, Queen Glory has given them freedom on what job they wished to have, and they use a similar system to the Rainwings. On Renewal, Fierceteeth tells the Nightwings which job they should do, but most take it as a suggestion.
The basic Pantalan education is different from the Pyrrhian one. The basic Pantalan education includes the history and geography of Pantala, reading and writing, math, animal studies, and physical exersice. This does not include battle training, since Pantalans cannot fight, or other tribes, since they don't have kingdoms.
Before the Tree Wars, the three tribes were taught a basic education from 1-6, and then went off to college for more specialized schooling.
After the Tree Wars, history is taught a lot less and doesn't go before the Tree Wars, and only Hivewings got a specialized education.
Silkwings are taught the basic Pantalan education: history of the Tree Wars, literature and writing, math, animal studies, physical exersice, and silk studies from ages 1-6.
Silkwing teachers are Hivewings and are taught that Hivewings are the superior tribe.
Silkwings are given a basic education and receive on the job training afterwards. Queen Wasp chooses their jobs. They are not allowed to go to college.
Hivewings have a much more specialized education starting early, depending on the Hive. Cicada hive teaches Agriculture studies, Mantis Hive teaches science, and so on. The beginning education is from ages 1-6, and college is from ages 6-9, after which Hivewings choose a job based on the specialization. While Queen Wasp and the Lady of the Hive must approve their jobs, their jobs are not chosen for them.
Hivewings are given a basic education based on their specialized schools, so a Agriculture school would teach terrarium and plant studies, math including how to calculate crop yields and prices, science with chemistry and botany; art by drawing plants, the occational history lesson on the Tree Wars and Clearsight, and Flight classes.
Hivewing schools also have better teachers and a more thorough education on things like math and science then Silkwing schools.
All Leafwings are taught reading, writing, and math from ages 1-5. Leafwings are also taught how to survive and navigate the Poison Jungle since hatching.
PoisonWings don't really have proper schools, basic schooling is taught by the parents, and battle training is taught by Belladona's army. Sapwings do have teachers.
PoisonWings are also taught a lot about how to use the plants as weapons and battle training and defeat the Hivewings. Sapwings are not taught this.
SapWings also teach classes on creative things like art and music, PoisonWings do not.
Belladonna chooses the job of the Poisonwings after they graduate. The Sapwings choose their own job.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 4 months
for the Emrald Academy au I imagine reader to be a bit of a rebel or social butterfly in terms of social norms. Like maybe they actively seek out or are friends with scavengers. Sneaking out to dance or socalize in the town square. probably covered head to toe trying to hide their appearance trying to be as human as possible how would platonic yandere parents react?
Okay! (My first answer got deleted, so I'm doing this again!). Now, first, Reader and the others dragons aren't human-sized. Humans are usually 5-6 feet tall, with a regular dragon size being about, 15 to 20 feet, I think? Dragons age fast the first seven years of their life (count year one for a dragon as three years old for a human, then times by three until you reach seven, which would be twenty-one for a human, then they age slowly for the rest of their life). I'm making the ages easier. So, a one year old dragonet would be a two year old human, two year old dragonet would be a four year old human, and by age eleven, a dragon would be considered an adult. I hope this works, and makes sense for this au)
Chary (NightWing Xavier) would be worried if Reader wanted to befriend or have a pet scavenger (they're humans, but called scavengers). He applauds Reader wanting peace between them and the dragons, but he's worried for Reader's safety first and foremost. Why can't Reader befriend other dragonets? They're possibly more open-minded than a scavenger towards dragons...
Storm (IceWing Storm) wants Reader to be safe and happy. She'll allow this friendship, but only as long as the scavenger is a good friend and isn't dangerous. If they try to hurt Reader, then Reader won't be allowed near them again. She has either her nephew or herself spy on Reader and the scavenger when they meet up.
Locust (HiveWing Wolverine) doesn't like it one bit. He thinks scavengers are dangerous and that they'll hurt Reader, so he'd rather Reader make friends with the other dragonets rather than a human. He will hunt down anyone, dragon or scavenger, who hurts Reader.
Beauty (SilkWing Beast) finds it fascinating. He wonders if it's an experiment being done, and wants to ask so many questions. He refrains, for the most part. He likes that Reader is open-minded, but reminds them to be careful.
Manta (SeaWing Magneto) is completely against it. He will NOT tolerate any scavengers near his students, least of all a student he views as like his own dragonet! He's putting his talons down on this, and won't allow it. He tries to hunt the scavenger, especially if it hurts Reader.
Majestic (RainWing Mystqiue) finds it odd. Why would Reader bother being around a scavenger? Is it a weird joke? An odd phase? She doesn't understand it, but doesn't mind as long as Reader isn't being used or turned against them.
Sawfly (HiveWing Sabretooth) doesn't like it at all. He's hunting down the scavenger and threatening it, if not outright eating it. He's worried it will hurt Reader, as he and his brother were hurt when they were dragonets, so he'd rather skip to the part where he eats it and Reader goes back to the school, possibly mad, but safe from scavenger schemes and brutality.
At best, they're all confused, at worst they're disapproving or trying to break the friendship apart. Either way, Reader won't be friends with the scavenger for long (that is assuming the scavenger accepted Reader, and didn't run in terror or try to kill them...).
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some-pers0n · 1 year
Part of the Process
Fandom: WoF
Characters: Morrowseer, Mastermind, Battlewinner
CW: Mentions of RainWing torment and torturing (what fun!!)
Summary: Mastermind's just finished up with some work on a project, so he's dragged along Morrowseer to present to Queen Battlewinner.
Word Count: 2.2K
A/N: Oh. Ohoho. Did you think that one post I made about wanting Mastermind to be silly was a one-off thing? How wacky! I miss writing silly characters in WoF so much. Mastermind is very near and dear to me for no reason because I'm completely altered his personality now. He's such a jerk (I love him). I want to rewrite his introduction scene in TDS as well...
It was a rarity nowadays for Morrowseer to drop by and visit Queen Battlewinner. One may chalk it up to how it was quite difficult to get her to speak, considering how she's been submerged in the same vat of lava for decades now, but Morrowseer found himself...busier these days. Between having to assist Nautilus with the Talons of Peace and joining hunting parties to feed the starving populous, it's been a lot. He almost envied his queen. All she had to do was sit there in a pool of molten rock and spout vague three-word orders from time to time.
Regardless, envy is for those who aren't strong enough to do better, and Morrowseer was no weak dragon. The Dragonet Prophecy plan was working. Word from the guardians told them that their precious harbingers of peace were healthy. The stern and haughty rambles from Kestrel about their physical training were a bit much though. That dragon got on his nerves a lot. Thank the moons he had the idea of shoving her into a cave for all of time.
However, the false prophecy was the only part of this plan. No, their grand return to the continent would include an invasion. While the others tried to downplay it, calling it a "takeover" or an "occupying space", there was no question that they were planning for battle.
They were going to take the Rainforest Kingdom for themselves.
The tunnels that the betraying animus made for them once upon a time showed Morrowseer how much they suffered. While the NightWings rotted and withered away from disease and hunger, the RainWings carelessly played with their food. They had enough fruit to spare the wildlife! They would laugh and dance in the treetops and breathe in their fresh, luscious air. Sometimes when life grew too stressful, Morrowseer would risk everything to stand at the edge of the tunnels and breathe in that blissful, glorious air of the tropical forest.
He needed it. The whole tribe needed it. They deserved it after thousands of years of suffering and torture on this decaying island.
But, they needed a plan. RainWings are unfortunately annoying to handle. While the rest of the continent forgot, the NightWings remembered the days when they were feared. When the rainforest dragons would be used as monsters to scare the dragonets, for their deathly venom and ability to disappear into the shadows were their greatest strength. It would be foolish to go running into their domain, even if they've been reduced to half-minded pacifists.
Yet, they figured out a solution. What was it? Well-
"Uhh, excuse me, Morrowseer?" a tenor voice rang in his ears. Morrowseer could feel his associate tapping his scales impatiently. "Are you done brooding by any chance? You've been staring at the entrance for ages. I haven't got all day."
His eyes glanced over to see a smaller NightWing standing beside him. His round glasses sat crooked on his snout, enlarging his dark green eyes. He fidgeted with his scrolls and blueprints in his claws, scowling.
"I suppose I am. Thank you for interrupting me."
"You're very welcome!" It was hard to tell if he picked up on Morrowseer's sarcastic quip or not. "Now then, let's move on. I need to get back to my work."
"Your work," Morrowseer said. "Your work involves you staring at dragons trapped in cages. You do not ever leave your lab unless I drag you out. Half the time when I come and check in on you, you are just sitting there and laughing to yourself while writing incomprehensible notes."
"Research! All research! Trust me, the scholars of the mainland would kill for what I've learned about these dragons. It's all a part of the process."
"Including having a RainWing run on a treadmill for nine hours while threatening to kill them if they don't?"
"That is precisely it, my friend," he said with a smile.
Morrowseer felt his joints stiffen from that mere sentence. He didn't care to be called a friend by this dragon. Their relationship was more one of...forced compliance. Mastermind on the other talon believed it to be more friendly than it truly was. Only natural. Morrowseer is the only dragon who talks to him.
"Now, let's move on. I don't want to be kept waiting. Time is valuable. A minute wasted is a minute you'll never get back."
"You can wait, Mastermind. It wouldn't kill you to learn the value of patience." He unpinned a corner of the map before then, lifting it up. Behind it was not a rock wall, but a tunnel large enough for both of them to comfortably fit through.
"Out of the way." He pushed past Morrowseer, scampering into the tunnel. Irritation flared up in him and he was ready to speak, but he swallowed his words. Anything he said would turn into an argument. Mastermind could never possibly be wrong or inconsiderate.
He trailed after him. As they continued, their pathway only grew smaller and smaller. Finally, a sharp curve. Mastermind trotted over to it, his talons clicking against the floor. "Finally! Took us  long enough."
It was a large and spacious room made of marble, streaks of obsidian black flowing through it. It was unbearably hot, with half of the room being floor and the other half being a massive pool of lava.
"I trust you told Battlewinner that we would be here by now."
"I did tell our queen that, yes." He checked Mastermind in the side. "Show some respect for her as well."
He scoffed. "If it makes you happy."
"It's so that you don't end up dead. I wouldn't go around insulting the flaming dragon that can drag you into your scorching and agonizing death."
"Eh, whatever. I don't care." He shrugged. "Besides, she knows I'm the most valuable dragon on this island. Without me, the whole operation would fail."
"Is that what you tell yourself?" He snorted.
"It's true though, you simply don't want to admit that you're not the only one with some power here." He straightened his neck, trying to look as tall as possible.
"Bold words coming from you." Morrowseer snapped. "If you had any sense of decency, you'd know when to shut your trap-" Before he could finish his sentence, the sound of rumbling and bubbling came before them.
The lava twisted and shifted before a pair of claws shot out of it, grabbing onto the ledge. The lava splattered and sprayed, some coming dangerously close to Morrowseer. Moments later, the head of a large NightWing breached the surface, steam and smoke pouring from every scale. She opened her mouth, frigid cold air fuming out. Then, her eyes opened. A dark black with a piercing blue glow that could only be described as the embodiment of frost.
"Ah, pleased to see you, my queen." Mastermind dramatically bowed, shooting Morrowseer a cocky look upon uttering those words.
"Enough with that..." Battlewinner hissed, her voice rough and scratchy, like the bellows of a horn before battle.
He blinked. "Hm, as you wish. Whatever happened to politeness and greeting your queen? To valour and respect and treating your ruler with-"
"Enough!" Battlewinner snarled, her claws scraping the floor. "I grow tired of your voice very...very quickly, scholar..."
"It would be more accurate to call me a scientist, but regardless-" He smirked, "-at least I'm the one who showed honour and respect to our glorious queen."
"Queen Battlewinner does not and should not feel obligated to give you any more attention than you deserve, especially over something as idiotic as bowing and spewing empty praises. If you want to find someone who'll listen to you spout nonsense and arrogance, you should look for the dragon you see when staring into a mirror; they're the only one who can stand to be around you," Morrowseer said.
"Is that what you really think of me? Eugh, to think I have to work with you..."
"Yes, how terrible for you."
"Silence!" Battlewinner growled. "Both of you..." Her eyes turned towards Mastermind, her head following suit. "Explain yourself... What news have you brought before me?"
"Finally! I have been preparing this all week. I believe you'll finally come around to appreciate the work I've done to support our plan."
"My plan." Morrowseer corrected. "Or rather the plan Queen Battlewinner and I made. You have no part in this. Don't pretend you're some great contributor, for your own sake."
The corners of Mastermind's mouth tightened. "Oh, please." He rolled his eyes. "Whatever. I've drawn up a plan. I would've brought more to show, but none of the RainWings felt like accompanying me. They just sat there dejectedly or tried to claw my eyes out, screaming obscenities and madness." He giggled. "Ah, what fun!"
"Make it quick..." Battlewinner rasped. "I don't have all day..."
Mastermind exhaled. "Fine. I can make do with that." He pulled out some scrollpaper, clearing his throat. "So, I've been experimenting a bit. I recall our previous conversation. You told me that you wanted a way to join us on land. Reasonable to want to walk amongst your citizens on the land you've fought so hard to rightfully claim. However, due to your- ahem- situation, it's a bit difficult to do so. I've spent weeks and weeks of countless nights, having to listen to the perpetual wailing of those RainWings. Do you know what it's like? It's enjoyable in the daytime, but at night it's quite annoying-"
"I said make it quick."
He snorted. "Alright. Fine." He presented the paper to Battlewinner. "I've been drafting a suit of armour. A light enough design for you to comfortably walk around in, but with enough space between the plates for one to pour fresh lava to keep you from dying." He pushed up his glasses. "Enough of an explanation to hold you over?"
Battlewinner stayed quiet for a second. "...you're certain it wouldn't kill me?.."
"Oh, definitely. I mean, what kind of royal scientist would I be? To kill my own queen by tricking her?" He laughed, pushing Morrowseer in the side. "Funny, isn't it?"
"The idea of you murdering our tribe's queen isn't exactly what I would call 'humour'."
"No fun. Neither of you. Don't know how to take a joke." He looked towards his queen, who was submerged in boiling hot lava and glaring at him with murderous intent. "But, back to the topic. I'm still working out some of the kinks in order to get a proper design that won't let the lava bleed through and kill you, but the idea is solid enough. Lava is extremely dense. By my calculations, it's practically three times more dense than water. There should be enough room between the plates and your scales for as much lava as is necessary to keep you alive as well as to let you move around freely. Perhaps even fly! Although, it'll take quite a lot of testing."
"How long will this take?..."
"Well, let's see." Mastermind held his talons to his chin. "Combined with the materials and...no, carry the fourteen...adding on that I'm dying of seven afflictions...hm, yes! My prediction is that I will complete a prototype version in less than two weeks."
"I need a better answer than that, scholar..." she grumbled. "I need a final product. I need it now. I need armour to protect me from venom. I need to walk among my dragons once more. I need to lead them into battle and take what's OURS-" Battlewinner cut herself off, going into a coughing fit. She quickly submerged under the lava once more.
"Uhh...she alright?"
"Yes. She tends to get...ramped up. It speeds up the process of the frostbreath. Too much and she needs to warm her body once again."
"Oh, thank the moons. I believed she was furious at me."
"She definitely is annoyed by you."
"Hm. Don't care though." He shrugged. "This is who I am. If anybody doesn't fit it appealing, it's their issue."
"Yes, it really is our issue that you go around talking like an idiot with no self-awareness or humility." Morrowseer glanced at him. "When was the last time you had a dragon nearly kill you? Remind me again. I think it's been far too long since the last time someone had put you in your place."
Mastermind chuckled. "I didn't know you were capable of such bold words! Ah, but I do understand. The wisest dragons shouldn't need to bother themselves with such brutality though. It's much...simpler, fighting and war. Doesn't require half a brain to use your fire and claws. It must be why you're in charge of that department."
"You..." Morrowseer's claws tensed. Before he could get another word out, Battlewinner came rising from the lava once more.
"I accept your proposal, Mastermind..." she said. "I expect you to show me progress soon..." Without saying anything else, she dipped back into the pool.
"She said yes! Aha!! I knew she would!" He laughed. "It's truly a fool-proof plan. I would start to question the leadership and intelligence of her if she had refused." He turned around. "Now! I must return to my lab. I have a suit of armour to build. Finally, something other to do other than poke and prod the RainWings. It's invigorating, but tiring after a while, no?"
"Yes, it gets exhausting to watch the torment of a dragon."
"It does! You get it."
"I was being sarcastic."
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tacoma-narrows · 6 months
Tac's OC Ref Masterpost!
Heya everybody! I'm not sure where the thought for this came from but I wanted to make a post that just has all of my OCs' refs in it in case anyone ever needs to find them and doesn't wanna ask me for them (which ur always welcome to do btw!) or doesn't wanna go digging through their Toyhouse galleries. This will be linked in my pinned post as well, so if you ever need to find it again, it'll be there! Every character will have their Toyhouse page linked below their ref, so you'll have easy access to more in-depth info and more gallery images if needed!
All the refs are below the read more since this is going to be a really long post, so be prepared for that if you take a look lol. It's organized the same way as my Toyhouse, with sonas first, then primary, secondary and tertiary OCs (basically categorized by how much I use them and how much development they have). I'll put a little bit of information about each character and whenever I make a new ref for a character, I'll swap out the old version with the new one here!
Also feel free to ask me anything abt any of my characters ever!! I adore talking abt them <333
(These guys are ordered by how much I use them/how representative of me they are)
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Shep (Toyhouse Link)
My main sona and most complete representation of myself out of all my characters!
22 y/o asexual biromantic German Shepherd
Boyfriends with PBnJ
Lead vocalist/guitarist for Let's Get Back!
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PBnJ (Toyhouse Link)
Secondary sona
Usually goes by just PB
Also Ace/Biro, Golden Retriever
Boyfriends with Shep
Bassist and backup vocalist for Let's Get Back!
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Starburst (Toyhouse Link)
Main comfort sona, personal favorite OC <33
Kinsona based on Jenny from Wayside, who's my biggest comfort character!
Do not draw her without her outfit!! Also please only draw her anthro!
Second tallest of my anthro characters, slighter taller than Shep, not as tall as Wilkołak
Very friendly, adventurous and always looking to live life to the fullest!
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Spatter (Toyhouse Link)
Move set: Dragon Pulse, Earthquake, Rain Dance and Protect. Feel free to draw him using any of these!
Has roughly equal number of purple and green splatter markings
Very squishy, loves giving/receiving hugs
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Vostok (Toyhouse Link)
Main Dragon/WoF-sona
My oldest OC, I've had him since February of 2017
May look intimidating but rlly just a big soft guy
Blue and purple scales make chevron shapes (not zigzags, not checkerboards, not stripes, etc.)
(Characters from here going forward are listed alphabetically per section)
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Agouti (Toyhouse Link)
Relatively quiet and shy until you get to know her
Lesbian, girlfriends with Rhazz
Can feel the emotions of others very strongly (for better or worse)
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Doppler (Toyhouse Link)
SeaWing/RainWing hybrid (75% Sea/25% Rain)
Weather forecaster with his wings and scales that show weather radar
Makes up a weather watching/storm chasing team with Sundial and ThunderSnow
Boyfriend of Sundial
Radar can show any kind of weather (rain/thunderstorms, hurricanes, snow storms, tornadoes, etc.)
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Eejanaika (Toyhouse Link)
SkyWing/RainWing hybrid
Name pronounced Edge-a-NYE-ka
Goes by Eej as a nickname
Has issues with anxiety and self-confidence
Demisexual, girlfriend of ThunderSnow
Has a short right horn, RainWing frill spines with no membrane, a double-pointed nose spike and is missing every other spine along her back as a result of being a hybrid
Name and design based on the old color scheme for the Eejanaika roller coaster at Fuji-Q Highland in Japan
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Firecracker (Toyhouse Link)
Jack Russell Terrier
Small but full of energy!
Loves 4th of July themed snacks and baked goods (his personal fav are Star Spangled Ding Dongs haha)
Friends with Starburst over their shared energetic lifestyle and red white and blue color solidarity :]
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Isaac (Toyhouse Link)
Celestdog - Australian Shepherd
Nonbinary Asexual
Quiet and reserved, generally prefers to do their own thing
Very smart, loves trivia facts
Sibling to Moxie and the rest of the Celestdog family
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Kwaro (Toyhouse Link)
Gay, boyfriends with Rutabaga (owned by @/macaronichewtoyz)
Likes to sing, but is self-conscious about singing in front of others
Generally softspoken
Kinda velvety soft rather than full scales
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Luau (Toyhouse Link)
Major comfort OC
Very chill, laid back attitude
Good friends with PB and Shep
Occasionally guest vocalist for Let's Get Back! and often runs the lights/effects for their shows
Always has a flower in her hair, but can be any flower!
Girlfriends with Seabreeze
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Moxie (Toyhouse Link)
Celestdog - Siberian Husky
Another major comfort OC
Loves to have fun, can play a little rough sometimes but always means well
A bit bigger and more stocky than Isaac
Sister to Isaac and the rest of the Celestdog family
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Pebble (Toyhouse Link)
Small and fluffy with long, silky fur
Husky/Samoyed mix
Hates getting his fur dirty
Smallest of my feral dog OCs
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Pumpernickel (Toyhouse Link)
Twin brother to Rye
Drummer and backup vocalist for Let's Get Back!
Easygoing and relaxed
Enjoys being outside at night
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Rhazz (Toyhouse Link)
Huge comfort OC
Design and personality based around the Roaring Twenties
Super energetic and affectionate
Lesbian, girlfriends with Agouti
Stage performance partners with Foxtrot
Has a necklace, two hoop earrings on her left ear, a ring on her left horn and a feathered headdress (all are not optional when drawing her!)
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Rye (Toyhouse Link)
Twin to Pumpernickel
A bit more rambunctious than his twin
Likes to strut around thinking he's cool stuff when he's really just kind of a dork
Keyboardist, backup guitarist and backup vocalist for Let's Get Back!
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Seabreeze (Toyhouse Link)
Lively surfer girl
Girlfriends with Luau
Good friends with Starburst as well, as both are pretty adventurous
Always has her lucky seashell necklace
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Wilkołak (Toyhouse Link)
Big scary (or at least he tries to be scary) transgender wolf guy
Name can be pronounced either Veel-koak or Will-ko-Lack (His name means Werewolf in Polish)
Tallest of my anthro OCs
Has hydrokinetic powers and his blue markings glow when he uses them
Used to be a WoF Fantribe OC named Galeforce before I redesigned him lol
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Arroyo (Toyhouse Link)
Sometimes acts as an older brother figure to Rhazz
Higher-up at a gold mine in the desert
Ruff is stylized to look like messy hair
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Foxtrot (Toyhouse Link)
NightWing/SilkWing hybrid
Stage performer, performance partners with Rhazz
Loves showtunes music
Feel free to simplify his design if needed lmao
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Magma (Toyhouse Link)
Biggest of any of my dragon characters
Veteran of some war (he never specifically says which)
Has a scar on his tail
Adoptive older brother to Sunrise
Fits the "cool uncle who brings the kids awesome gifts at their birthdays and holidays" role
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Sundial (Toyhouse Link)
IceWing/RainWing hybrid
Girlfriend of Doppler
Makes up a weather watching/storm chasing team with Doppler and ThunderSnow
Wings show what the sky outside looks like at any given time (day/night, clear/rain/snow, etc. - think like a Minecraft clock lol)
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ThunderSnow (Toyhouse Link)
IceWing/SkyWing hybrid
Wavy spines are a hybrid side effect
Wings are meant to look like a blizzard, icicles and lightning, all meant to tie back to his name
Storm chaser, works with Doppler and Sundial
Boyfriend of Eejanaika
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Wanderlust (Toyhouse Link)
Owns a safari tour business in Pantala
Sometimes wears a pith helmet at an angle as part of her tours :]
Probably has an Australian accent lol
Her catchphrase/business tagline is "Everybody needs a little more wonder in their lives!"
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Cenote (Toyhouse Link)
PackWing (WoF Fantribe)
Name is pronounced Seh-noh-Tay)
Lives in the forest and has a lot of knowledge about herbs and plants and stuff
Spends so much time in the woods that the smell tends to follow him wherever he goes
Markings and stuff can be simplified if needed lol
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Chernobyl (Toyhouse Link)
NightWing/SandWing hybrid
Used to be the king of a fantribe I had made called FissionWings, which is why he has his floaty crown
Orange stripe along his flank is highly radioactive
The spots on his wings flicker with little sparks of radiation
Generally cold and stoic, usually keeps to himself
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South (Toyhouse Link)
Melanistic IceWing
Named to contrast all of the IceWing OCs named North lmao
Youngest/smallest of all my dragon OCs
Very innocent and happy since he's still pretty young
Love to play with his friends
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StrangeEvidence (Toyhouse Link)
NightWing with weak future seeing powers
Based on the terrible Science Channel show of the same name [I have no shame]
Tries to interpret his visions but goes like, way overboard and sounds ridiculous in the process
When they turn out to be something totally mundane, he's just like  "alright, so that's what that's about. Hm, neat" and walks away
These last two are doubled up due to Tumblr's 30 image per post limit </3
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Sunrise (Toyhouse Link)
Also fairly young, but older than South (like what would be tween age in humans)
Kind of a ditz and lacks any kind of inhibition, which sometimes gets her into trouble
Adoptive younger sister to Magma, who often helps her out of the trouble she gets herself into
Tōhoku (Toyhouse Link)
SeaWing/SandWing hybrid
Lives by the beach
Loves to cook and owns a snack shack by the ocean
Very chill, would probably host a surfing contest
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quasimagical · 7 years
Happy MLK day, y’all!
Last Monday was my first day of spring semester, which I also had off, because it got cancelled due to icy weather (best first day of school ever!). Two Mondays off in a row is gonna have me spoiled come next week... 
I’m both terrified and pumped for this new semester — the last one straight up kicked my ass to Pluto, but I ended up getting all A’s, so now I am feeling pretty accomplished.
My hope is that I’ll have more time for writing fanfiction now. Last semester kinda sucked me dry of any motivation to write anything, but my new classes don’t seem like they will be as essay-heavy. CROSSING MY FINGERS ANYWAY HJAFUIOPOAS;FK
In any case, writing (even fanfiction) takes time... A lot of time (for me, at least). And very unfortunately, what ends up happening alongside the loss of motivation is intimidation to even try when I do have time, because time management + keeping schedules is a challenge in of itself for me, and I am often mentally exhausted after school/homework. So my free time usually ends up going to my yoga practice before anything else. :’)
It’s been driving me crazy that I've barely written anything since the summer, tho... I still have so many plans for HTDWR (don’t worry, I haven’t given up yet!!) and I’ve been playing around with some original ideas as well. 
One thing in particular I want to practice more is writing very short things, because I don’t do this nearly enough. Which brings me to my next point...
I decided to start a new twitter account specifically for this practice! Fitting a fictional moment into 280 characters while also providing enough information for the reader to know/figure out what’s going on is actually a pretty fun challenge. It also doesn’t consume nearly as much time, so I get to enjoy worry-free creative expression even when I have a busy schedule. 
If anyone wants to follow my twitterature: [link] (this will include original content as well as stuff involving fan-OCs, fanfiction, etc.)
And/or my personal account: [link] (this will include all my daily millennial trash thoughts)
Thanks to all of you for your time/support/patience! It means so much.
Bliss. ✌💙🕉
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aaronymous9 · 2 years
tribe hc: some SeaWings are born with neon gradient glowing scales and others can change the colors at will, kind of like how the RainWings' scales work to show emotions.
also NightWings used to have full moon festivals and stuff, and their powers would become weaker when the moon was in a certain position, and their silver scales would slightly fade. they brought the tradition of the full moon festivals back once they moved into the rainforest and just imagine rainbow and black dragons with silver paint and glowsticks dancing around in the rainforest and okay i can't take this anymore-
As for the Seawing hc I love that sm! It allows for a lot more design creativity, like Anemone’s glowing scales turning a red hue during the fight with Turtle 👀
FULL MOON FESTIVAL RAINBOW BLACK NIGHTWINGS DANCING!!! I imagine that once they become more integrated with the Rainwings they would also include them into their traditions and so it would be a big colorful night festival where everyone was having fun and eating good.
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blurrycow · 2 years
ok so i ended up watching the first three episodes w out my friends because I couldn’t wait (I feel bad now but aaaaaaa) and this is what I learned
- Diego is a shit dad: probably because he never really had a good model to look up to as a kid. I was surprised that his kid was white???? and not adopted??? How does a desi person and a hispanic person have a white biological child????? Please explain, netflix good lord
- on the related note of the child, stanley, he’s fucking fantastic. Kid can make a hell of a molotov cocktail. 
- Reggie is... surprisingly sad this season? He looked kind of like a drowned rat and I almost felt bad for him then i remembered that he locked Klaus in a maloseum
- I expected to like Sloane but she’s kind of manipulative. I don’t know what to think of her.
- Luther acted high the entire time but maybe that’s just how he usually is, I don’t remember. I haven’t watched the other seasons in a long time
- They handled Viktor’s coming out very very well! I loved the different reactions. My brother was talking when Viktor came out to Allison so I didn’t get to hear it, but I especially loved how enthusiastic Luther was about it. 
- Five!!!!!! Five five five. I missed seeing him so so so much. I’m so glad he’s back. I loved how he was able to take a step back and just enjoy! I also found it funny how it was the complete opposite than it was in my World’s Largest Ball Of Twine fic- in the fic, Five was on a mission, and Klaus just wanted to see some sights, so he was the one who yanked the wheel into the exit. In the actual episode, the roles were completely reversed!!! 
- Lila my beloved!!!! She is so so pretty. I will never not find it funny how she and Five can go from killing each other to casual conversation. (Also, the plaid skirt fit???? that was hot as fUCK) (Id let her kill me in a heartbeat) (maybe im just depressed though)
-I am so so so so glad that they are finally letting Allison lose her shit. SHE HAS BEEN THROUGH A HELL OF A LOT OF STUFF!!!! SHE DESERVES TO LOSE IT IF SHE WANTS!!!! and she does and thats fucking fantastic!!! Im so glad for her!!!!!
- klaus’s aunt was only in the show for like a brief two scenes but she’s awesome i love her
- Ben is an asshole, lmao
- I wish Marcus hadn’t died! You theorists got it right. I’m disappointed but not surprised. 
- I know Grace was religious in the comics but not THIS RELIGIOUS JESUS CHRIST WHAT HAPPENED TO THE ICONIC ‘HARGREEVES IS NOT GOD’ PANEL??? Grace honey the kugelblitz is not your lord and savior 
- (Gerard Way, please see a therapist)
- my immediate thought was JAYME THE RAINWING but she’s actually got a super cool power. The dance scene had me in literal tEARS
- on that note Five’s scene with Dolores!! Jayme that was cruel. 
- (does anyone else know what he was saying to Dolores? I know it was italian but I don’t know italian) 
- Alphonso was pretty cool! HOW on earth did all you fanfic writers predict the voodoo doll thing???? 
- HARLAN. I GUESSED HIM AS SOON AS I SAW THE CASSETTES. It made me so happy to see him!!! I missed him!!!! 
- AND ALSO MR. PENNYCRUMB. I saw the collar and immediatley went “THATS HIM THATS MY DOG” and he didnt end up belonging to Five but its oKAy (and then he fucking DIED)
- Luther child. people know what condoms are
- Christopher is so weird wtf. he dont even got a personality he just a cube
- if i have more notes ill reblog this post but i dont remember them rn
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amazon160 · 3 years
Okay whenever I listen to a songs I like my mind will automatically chime whatever WoF character fits it best. Either a canon character, my original character, or someone from my WoF AU. So Imma record ALL of my grand ideas on here 😌
1. You can’t hide-Strongwings and Fierceteeth watching out for Sunny the night she steals the Obsidion Mirror.
2. Dead but not buried-Orca’s statue chasing Tsunami and also because it’s an inanimate object created to kill dragonets I REALLY wanna use Orca for a crossover
3. It’s in my blood-Winter mad at his dead dad
4. I got no time-Fathom and Indigo hiding from Albatross while he goes insane :)
5. Fetch-Deathbringer bragging about fetching his dead targets as an assassin
6. No more-My OC Polar be breaking the system in the arena
7. Die in a fire-Sora literally tries to explode Icicle with fire of course she wants Icicle to die in a fire
8. Into the pit-Battlewinner be chilling in a pit of lava and Starflight thinks the Nightwings are sus
9. The ultimate fright-Wasp mind controlling the Hivewings and creeping out the Silkwings
10. Get away-Blue getting away from said Hivewings
11. The puppet song-Clay being the supportive bean he is
12. Withered-Flame complaining about his face
13. We’re not coming back-Wren and Sky running off on their own and not going back to their families
14. Dance to forget-Foeslayer the MOTHERLY FIGURE being tortured in “UNDERGROUND” ice cave and being frozen by stabbing her COLD CHEST
15. Labyrinth-Smolder dealing with his sisters and trying to live a happy life then it all goes down and he can finally spite them
16. Lullaby dies-Albatross singing Fathom a lullaby like a nice grandpa but the lullaby dies and he tries to kill him
17. Don’t forget-Leafwings be angry at Hivewings for killing them off and killing their home and now they angry and want revenge
18. Run run-Either Palm or my OC Dusk, both of them like to run away from people
19. Break cycle-The DoD and Jade Winglet shall break the cycles of wars between tribes
20. Afton family-I think the royal Seawing family is screwed up, but the royal ICEWING family is even more screwed
21. Disconnected-Webs was bEtRAyEd by the talons of peace
22. Cycle-Io and Swordtail bout to break their cycle they fell victim to. Great song too 😆
23. Nightmare by design-Hailstorm and Pyrite having identity issues
24. Dream your dream-Whiteout will dream her dream because her life is messed up and it SHOULDN’Tbe she be a precious bean 😭
25. Save me-Coral rushing down to save her children and mourning over Orca
26. To be beautiful-Scarlet manipulating Icicle and saying how beautiful she was before her face was melted off lol
27. Break my mind-Dude Gill got some mental
28. Look at me now-Look at Darkstalker he be trapped inside Peacemaker now :O
29. Join us for a bite-Fatespaker trying to be friendly to Starflight but everyone else is NOT HELPING-!!
30. Stay calm-Turtle trying not to have a heart attack the length of his life
31. Don’t come crying-Anemone acting like she’s all that
32. Left behind- Chameleon was left behind by the Rainwings. I mean come on. The song screamed Chameleon to me.
33. I can’t fix you-Icicle being all that to Winter’s face and she be disappointed in him
34. Phantoms in the night-In my AU Chameleon’s forms are individual “spirits” like in this song
35. Count the Ways-If all the WoF deaths had some sort of puppet master behind it all, it would be Crescent from my AU trying to kill off Chameleon because he’s still alive
36. It’s been so long-Kestrel mourning over her post children. Mostly her son who she supposedly killed.
37. Springtrap finale-Hawthorn has been punished for his actions stuck in a cramped space away from others for a long time. He knows a lot of things and is kinda insane. Plus he’s green.
38. Crawling-For some reason Ennard reminds me of Arctic. Cause Arctic had to rip out his own guts just like the Funtimes-if there was an in the flesh song I’d put it as Arctic-😭
AAANNDD that’s it!! Thanks those who stuck with me till the end. Heck this still wasn’t as many ideas as I’ve had, I just shuffled ONE playlist I have and went from whatever song comes up first. Ha. Expect MORE crossovers!!! Until then feel free to use these for any ideas!
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hermits-in-space · 2 years
Tell us about the bees!(Keralis and Chrys)
Of course!!!! Also the read more is because this post got pretty long- Enjoy!!
 So Keralis and Chrys are both Apisites. While Keralis was born one, Chrys took the form of one as he’s from the same species of shapeshifter as Hex. Coincidentally Chrys is also a relative of Hex (Brother or cousin, I haven’t decided) but that’s a story for another day.
Apisites reside on a planet I currently call “Lush” since I don’t have an actual name for it yet. It’s fitting cause it houses an incredibly diverse amount of flora and megaflora. By megaflora I mean that there are giant flowers, and frankly it looks like something out of a children’s book. Apisites also reside here along with two other species, Mantodia (Stress’s species!) and the Mazliota/Maliophyta (Bdubs’ species! Torn on their name tho) It’s a hive, pun half intended, of activity! Unfortunately it may be on the Watcher’s radar for this exact reason but it’s safe. For now.
Ok, back to the bees! Apisites come in all shapes and sizes! You have ones resembling bees, hornets, wasps, etc etc. There’s also more “alien” appearing ones as patterns can variate. Also I’d like to think they mimic bee/similar pollinator species that exist in the galaxy. I don’t have a reason for this lore-wise, I just think it’s neat! Elytrian patternings work the same way, but this post is about the bees not the birds! (Haha get it, the birds and the bees-)
Apisites are known as fabulous craftsmen and architects. Instead of towns or cities they live in hives of varying sizes! Some are small and house about a villages worth of folk while others dwarf the flora with their grandeur! They also aren’t too picky about where they build either. In the trunks of massive trees, hanging from their branches, built from the ground up or even the ground down! What they are particular about is presentation. Competition between new colonies to see who can build the most extravagant or innovative hive are common. Usually these are in good faith.
Another noteable thing about Apisites is that their hives run on a form of Monarchy. But it’s a little odd. The queens of the hive switch freely, meaning they only stay in power for about some few weeks at a time. An example and inspiration of this idea would be the Rainwings from Wings of Fire. Technically it would be more of an oligarchy but the title of “Queen” just sounds neat. The responsibility of the hive is also shared and fosters a closer community as everything is more of a team effort. Just like earth bees, a lot of communication revolves around body language. While yes, dancing is important to them and serves a lot of purposes, they don’t communicate by it. Mainly a lot of factors like tone, intention, etc can be picked out from their body language. Antennae position, wing buzzing, how they hold their arms, and more is all apart of how they communicate! This often results in a lot of miscommunication with other species, though, especially among the Apisites newer to space.
Speaking of a lot of Apisites don’t partake in space travel! Their food source is a honey made on Lush, specifically from the flora that grows around them. It’s harder to produce in space, annoying to ship long distances, but at least it stores well. Plus many Apisites consider themselves homebodies and prefer to stick close to the hive. Ok since this post has been sitting in my drafts for like a week plus its just. Really long, I’ll cut it here. Though feel free to ask more about them!! I love my bees :]
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mudwingpropaganda · 4 years
*holds out hands* please but a crumb of spare peacemaker facts. i wish to see people talk more about my boy.
HOHO, I was so excited to talk about this that I’m taking a minute before I eat my Pizza Lunchable™️.
I have two ideas for Peacemaker! Both of them end up having the same kind of plot, but they come from two different places.
Personally, I’m not a fan of the premise of Darkstalker getting yet another second chance in the form of the innocent baby Peacemaker. But, I love the idea of a character like Peacemaker having to pay for what Darkstalker has done. 
So Peacemaker either comes from the end of arc two, where Kinkajou tricks Darkstalker into turning into a baby, getting adopted by Foeslayer/Hope. 
OR, he comes from a more complex headcanon I have about animus magic alongside @woffled. Where animus magic works like a web with dewdrops on it. Because Darkstalker’s magic was SO HEAVY on the web, when he was killed, all of the dewdrops were suspended, which is causing the “broken animus magic” in arc three. But out of the residue of Darkstalker’s magic, a whole new entity was created, in a dragonet they found in the Rain Forest. One who Hope took in to help frame her as a NightWing who had no idea what happened on the island, because, of course! She was in the Rain Forest raising her son.
Regardless, Peacemaker somewhat lives up to his name. He becomes versed in both cultures of the RainWings and becomes a dedicated historian of the NightWing culture. With respect for both tribes, he helps create/support projects that begin to tie the Rain Forest tribes together.
Two of them being “The Feast of all Feasts” and “The Moonlight Festival,” celebrating the plethora of food and a newfound appreciation of the life and warmth in the Rain Forest. The other was something established to help NightWings cycle back to their bat-like schedules, an enthusiastic celebration in which NightWings bask in the moonlight and see what really made their tribe beautiful. Not a demonstrative internalized idea of superiority, but a resurgence of arts and creativity, song and dance, but is shared with the RainWings, who will often stay up late to join the festivities with open wings. 
While Peacemaker isn’t necessarily a leader in these projects, he suggested many of these projects and very much values teamwork and putting these projects together as a community. Despite this, he’s quite familiar with Queen Glory, who often comes to help monitor these projects and spread the world. He’s well known around the Rain and Night cities and often comes to schools to ask for student volunteers if they want to help put together the festivals! 
But personally, Peacemaker is a terribly anxious and paranoid dragon. He’s terribly friendly, always willing to stretch himself thin to give a helping talon, but there’s a quiet solemnness to him. He’s wracked with terrible and frequent nightmares, which came out of night terrors as a dragonet too. When he’s not working on community projects, he does his best to stay out of everyone’s way, often turning back to studies or trying to bide his time with more planning, worrying immensely if something ends up getting off schedule or not according to plan. Though he never takes it out on anyone else, but as a consequence is quite self detrimental. 
He’s a sweet boy who is simply doing his best even if his reputation grew a little too big for him to handle. He’s a tad confused why the adult Jade Winglet continues to side-eye him and study him carefully when they meet with him, but again, he’s on good terms with Moonwatcher who’s almost acted as an odd form of aunt who continues to check up on his dear mother and himself.
I would also like to imagine he befriends Auklet and Cliff, but as it stands right now, I’m not quite sure how they’d meet! 
I’ll definitely try coming up with a design for him later on!!! I’ll get more in-depth about him then. But until then, thanks for asking about Peacemaker! Now I’m going to eat. :>
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wof-culture · 4 years
How dragons entertain themselves. I’m assuming they don’t have movies so they gotta do something am I right?
Dragons spend a lot of time exploring, doing chores, working, looking after dragonets, and hunting in their spare time, but when they seek entertainment specifically...
Skywings are big into theatrics. Queen Ruby repurposed the arena to be for shows! Concerts, plays, inspirational speeches, and open mic nights happen all the time.
Mudwings have a wide array of paints/pigments, they paint houses, canvases, and even other dragons!
Rainwings like to dance- they have music nights and often just like to dance in their regular lives.
Nightwings sing. They are naturally gifted with vocal chords that have a wide range, making beautiful tones in the air like a work of art.
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