#htf god trio
herebecritters · 4 months
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Updated the trio references! Plus bonus god powers~
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glitchh3d · 4 years
Halloween Party (Terushima x Reader) [HTF]
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So, I didn’t proof read this. My apologies. 
Also, it’s not the best because I’m not the best at writing and i’m very tired and sad because my halloween went to crap but y’know. whatever. 
Ily guys!! Here you go! 🥰
Word Count: 3.1k
Warnings: Cheating but not really. Language. Talk about sex. Talk about drugs. Alcohol and other college party stuff. 
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(Y/n), Terushima, Futakuchi, Atsumu and Taichi walked into Kuroo and Bokuto’s house later than expected, but there was a round of cheers for them as soon as they were noticed. Kuroo bounced over excitedly, his drink spilling over the edge of his red solo-cup as he pulled (Y/n) away to lead her toward Matsukawa and Hanamaki who were waiting for her in the backyard with Oikawa and Iwaizumi. 
She giggled upon seeing them in their costumes. Hanamaki had darkened his hair somehow so it was red but Matsukawa had left his, instead styling it slightly. 
“Oh my god, you two-” She fell into a fit of laughter as they strutted around and showed off their legs that were covered in thin white tights. She pulled them into a tight hug, thanking them for doing the group costume with her. “I love you guys, thank you so much!” 
Hanamaki and Matsukawa both laughed and shrugged it off. 
“Anything for you, (Y/n). You’re our girl.” Matsukawa said, slinging his arm around her shoulder. Makki wrapped his around her waist and Oikawa flailed his arms around excitedly. 
“Let me get pictures!” He shouted, his halo nearly falling off as he jumped excitedly and rushed towards them. Iwaizumi rolled his eyes but smiled at his friends. 
(Y/n) giggled at his annoyed look, curious on how Oikawa managed to convince him to do a couple costumes with him. They were an angel and a devil. Iwaizumi looked like he didn’t really care though, only wearing a red tight fitting t-shirt and black skinny jeans with a little devil tail clipped to his belt loop and a devil horn headband on his head. 
Oikawa on the other hand, was wearing a pure white robe that had gold accents. His cheeks were dusted with gold and he had a halo headband on. Gold bracelets went up his arms and he had big angel wings on. 
“He looks ridiculous, huh?” Iwaizumi asked as he caught (Y/n) eyeing his boyfriend's costume. She smiled and shrugged. 
“It’s cute. Yours though, mister. Holy shit. Who gave you the right to be that hot.” She asked, making him blush. Oikawa snapped a couple of pictures of the trio in their costume and then turned to admire Iwaizumi with (Y/n). 
“Iwa-chan is hot, isn’t he? But stop ogling my boyfriend! Go ogle your own!” Oikawa said, shoving his cell phone into Iwaizumi’s pocket. 
“Oh shush. You’re my pockets for the night, deal with it.” Oikawa demanded. (Y/n) smiled at them and then saw Terushima, Taichi, and Atsumu walk into the backyard. Terushima smiled at her lovingly before approaching. 
His costume, Boomer from the Rowdyruff boys, looked good. They went for more of an e-boy route so he was wearing a black and white striped long sleeve shirt under a blue t-shirt that had the iconic black stripe across the chest. He was also wearing black fishnets under his ripped skinny jeans. He stuck his tongue out and winked at her as he approached. 
“Hey baby girl,” He said, pulling her away from Hanamaki and Matsukawa who raised their eyebrows at him. 
“Look at this tool,” Matsukawa said as Terushima wrapped his arms around (Y/n)’s waist and rested his chin on her shoulder. He cocked his head to the side and winked at them. 
Taichi and Atsumu approached on either side of them. Taichi looked bored, but Atsumu was grinning. 
“Wow, lookin’ hot Matsukawa.” He teased. He’d gone with Butch from the Rowdyruff boys but instead of wearing a long sleeve striped shirt, he was wearing a black hoodie under his green t-shirt. And he had dyed his hair back to black just for the night.
(Y/n) had tried suggesting to just use some wash out spray to do his hair but she was a few minutes too late. 
Flashback to the night before
(Y/n) walked into her apartment after a busy day at work, Taichi trailing after her tiredly. They had been on the closing shift for the night. 
“Teru! Atsumu! Ken? You guys here?” She called into the apartment. She heard a loud crash in the bathroom and hurried towards it, dropping her bag on the floor in her rush. “Holy shit, what happened? Are you oka….y?” 
In the bathroom, Atsumu was sitting on the toilet with a towel wrapped around his neck and shoulders. Terushima was holding a bottle of hair dye and Futakuchi was laying in the bathtub, watching. 
“Why the hell didn’t you just use the halloween hair dye spray that washes out?” She asked as Taichi peeked in over her shoulder. He groaned and turned and walked away. 
“...I didn’t think of that.” 
END of flashback
“Fuck, I know.” Matsukawa said back, a grin rising to his face. They fist bumped. 
Hanamaki grinned at Taichi who shook his head. 
“Don’t.” Taichi said. He was Brick and he absolutely hated it, even though he didn’t wear anything out of ordinary. He was in a red jumper with singular black stripes on the upper arms. He had a lock and chain necklace on and a single dangly cross earring on.  He also was wearing a black beanie and he looked cute in (Y/n)’s opinion. 
“But Taichi, bro! You look good. We’d make a picture perfect couple, don’t you think?” Hanamaki asked, batting his eyelashes at him. 
“I’m going to find Semi.” Taichi disappeared after that. Hanamaki pouted but turned and grinned at (Y/n) again a second later. 
“I’m gonna go harass him,” Hanamaki said, making everyone laugh as he sprinted off. Atsumu and Matsukawa followed after him, leaving Iwaizumi, Oikawa, (Y/n) and Terushima alone. Oikawa smiled at Terushima but it was a bit forced. 
“You two look good. Don’t they, Iwa-chan?” Iwaizumi stared at the couple then he shrugged. 
“(Y/n) looks good. I dunno about Terushima though,” Terushima gasped and pulled away from (Y/n), glaring at the two older men. 
“You two are fucking rude.” He said making (Y/n) snort. “I’m going to grab a drink, alright babe? I’ll be back in a few, yeah?” (Y/n) nodded. He kissed her cheek goodbye and then walked towards the glass sliding door that was wide open. (Y/n) smiled after him and then turned back to her friends who were watching her with fond looks. 
“What?” She asked defensively. They shrugged. 
“You just look really happy is all,” Iwaizumi said, crossing his arms. Oikawa nodded in agreement. 
“You do seem happy. I’m glad. You deserve it, (Y/n)-chan!” She smiled at them and pulled them into a hug. 
“Aw, you guys…” She said as they both hugged her back. Iwaizumi was the first to squirm away, claiming he also needed a drink. Oikawa and (Y/n) let him go with little pouts but when they curled up on chairs next to the fire pit and chatted to themselves.
“So (Y/n)-chan. You and Teru have been together for a few weeks now, yeah?” 
“And he treats you right?” Oikawa asked, eyes narrowing. She nodded. 
“Of course he does. He gets a simp of the year award.” She said with a smile. Oikawa nodded and fist bumped her. 
“Iwa-chan does too. He’s very sweet behind closed door,” Oikawa winked and she snorted. “Speaking of behind closed doors. Have you two-” 
“No.” She replied quickly making Oikawa freeze with wide eyes. Then he smirked. 
“My my, (Y/n)-chan. That was a hard no, wasn’t it?” He asked and she rolled her eyes, pulling her legs to her chest as she stared at the flickering flames of the fire. “Why’s that? You’ve had sex before haven’t you?” She shrugged. 
“I- I guess I’m scared?” (Y/n) said, not looking up. 
“Why?” Oikawa frowned. 
“Because Yuuji has this image, right? He’s popular. Nice. Funny… I’m scared that once he gets all of me then he’ll leave because he’s had better and-”
“Sorry, I’m gonna stop you there.” Oikawa grabbed (Y/n)’s hand and squeezed it gently. “I don’t know Terushima too well, but from what you tell me, he seems like a great guy. One who respects you and cares about you a lot. I don’t think you need to rush to have sex or anything but I don’t think you should be scared to have sex either.” 
She nodded and smiled back at him. 
“Yeah… You’re right. I just-” (Y/n) was cut off by the back glass door getting slammed open. Iwaizumi was fuming and his hair was dripping with water as he walked towards them. “Oh shit, what happened Iwa?” 
“I swear to god I’m going to kill your boyfriend (Y/n).” 
“What? Why?” Her heart was racing.
“He fucking- that bastard just almost drowned me in that stupid apple bobbing bullshit!” (Y/n) and Oikawa laughed as Iwaizumi ran his hands through his hair. He flicked droplets of water at them and then sat in the small gap of the chair next to Oikawa before pulling his boyfriend onto his lap. 
Oikawa whispered something into Iwaizumi’s ear and the ex ace began to turn red. (Y/n) smiled and looked away from them as they started having their own little private conversation. She didn’t want to intrude so she stood up, saying she was going to grab a drink. 
“Hey hey hey! What’s up, (Y/n)!” Bokuto asked as (Y/n) entered the house. She smiled at him and patted his arm as he pulled her into a side hug. 
“Hey Bokuto! I like your costume!” He looked down at her confused. “I LIKE YOUR COSTUME!” She shouted over the music. He laughed and nodded. He was a sexy firefighter, wearing only the pants of the costume with suspenders and the helmet. 
“I like yours too!” (Y/n) smiled at him and then eyed Akaashi who was standing next to him, wearing a lifeguard costume (aka just a shite t-shirt with a red cross on it and red swim shorts). He had sunscreen smeared on his nose and a cheap flimsy whistle around his neck. He smiled at her as she got done looking him up and down and then also pulled her into a small hug. 
“Hello, (Y/n)-san.” 
“Hi Akaa-chii! He smiled at the nickname and patted her head before he was dragged away towards a beer pong table by Bokuto who was screaming at Kuroo and Daichi for a re-match. 
She chuckled fondly and kept maneuvering her way through the crowd of unfamiliar faces and costumes. She dodged angel and devil wings and even a long dragon tail. She also had to avoid the ass end of a donkey costume that was dancing wildly on the dance floor. 
She sighed as she got to the kitchen, reaching into a random cooler to grab a drink. She popped the cap off the bottle and took a long swig, her face contorting in disgust at the taste of whatever she grabbed. 
“Hey, (Y/n).” Futakuchi said as he entered the kitchen. She smiled at him. 
“Hi Ken,” She smiled at him. “Where are the others?” 
“Ah, Terushima is dancing in the living room I think and Taichi and Atsumu are doing keg stands in the game room.” She nodded and thanked him, heading towards the livingroom to try and track down her boyfriend. 
Upon entering the living room, she immediately spotted him. There in all his glory he was dancing with their newfound friends. Suga and a bunch of people she’d never seen before were hyping him up, dancing and jumping around with him. He was in his element. 
“Do it! Do it! Do it!” A chant started and Terushima laughed along, rolling his eyes. There was a girl with blonde hair standing next to him that grabbed him by the back of the neck, yanking him down and into a kiss. 
At first (Y/n) didn’t realize what was going on. And then it clicked. 
Terushima had just kissed someone. 
Her boyfriend just kissed someone that wasn’t her. 
Her boyfriend willingly just kissed someone that wasn’t her, in front of her. 
“What the fuck.” (Y/n) said, her hand that was holding her beverage falling limp against her side. Everything felt like it was in slow motion. 
Everything aside from Terushima was blurred as he laughed and joked with the girl he’d just kissed. Like he didn’t do anything wrong. 
(Y/n) realized that the only reason everything was blurry was because of the tears gathering in her eyes. But if Terushima was going to act like nothing was wrong, then so was she. So she left. She set her bottle down on the counter as she walked towards the door. Kuroo and Semi both tried calling out to her but she ignored them, exiting the house quietly. She wrapped her arms around her bare arms as she walked down the sidewalk and towards the unfamiliar city of Tokyo. 
She didn’t know where she was going, but she knew Kait was somewhere within the giant city. She just hoped that Kait had her phone on her.
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(Y/n) walked a little further to a little empty park, sitting down on the empty swings. By now all the trick or treaters were gone and the streets were empty aside from a few small groups of teens who were laughing and teasing each other. 
“What the fuck,” (Y/n) repeated to herself as the image of her boyfriend kissing another girl replayed in her head. She didn’t want to believe that it was true, but she’d seen it with her own eyes as Terushima pressed his lips to some blonde girls. 
She didn’t realize that the tears were falling until they dripped down onto her lap and through her thin dress. She was shaking from the cold but she didn’t care. She only had to wait 15 minutes and then she’d be with Kait and they could figure things out together from there. 
Would she break up with Terushima? 
Did he not love her? 
Was he just using her? Did he get bored that fast? Maybe if she’d done more he wouldn’t feel the need to go off and kiss someone else. 
She tried to be enough, she really did. 
School and work filled a lot of her schedule but she always tried to make as much time for him as she possibly could. 
Why was this happening? 
“(Y/n)?” A voice called out. Was that Kait? Had it been 15 minutes already?
 (Y/n) looked up as she heard Kait’s voice call out to her.
“Oh (Y/n),” Kait rushed forward, followed by three other figures. (Y/n)’s lip quivered as she stood up from the swing. As she met Kait halfway the tears she’d been holding back broke free and she let out a choked sob as Kait enveloped her in a hug. “Oh, honey, no…” 
Terushima laughed as he tossed back another shot of something clear. He knew it definitely wasn’t water as it made the back of his throat burn but he was okay with that. 
It was halloween night and he was at a party, the point of this entire night was to get drunk and have fun and that’s exactly what he was doing. 
“Yo, Suga! You were holding out of us with this guy! You knew he existed and didn’t tell us?” Tanaka laughed as he danced next to Terushima. Noya was jumping around excitedly next to them, screaming the lyrics to whatever song was playing on the speaker. 
Tanaka was wearing a blonde wig, an entirely pink outfit, imitating Regina George from Mean Girls. His girlfriend, Kiyoko was Aaron Samuels, wearing a simple blue mens polo shirt and some baggy jeans with her hair pulled back into a low ponytail. Noya was Gretchen Weiners but his brunette wig had ended up falling off when he did a keg stand earlier and he was just too lazy to put it back on. They had convinced their friend Kinnoshita to be Karen Smith but he was currently puking his guts out in the bathroom upstairs accompanied by Ennoshita and Narita who were Cady Heron and Janis Ian. 
“Yo I could kiss this man right now,” Terushima said as Tanaka poured him another shot. Noya smirked. 
“Do it!” Suga rolled his eyes but nodded in agreement. 
“Do it! Do it!” 
And soon enough the entire room was cheering for the two to kiss. Tanaka rolled his eyes but reached and grabbed Terushima by the back of his neck, pulling him down into a quick kiss. When they separated, they laughed and fist bumped, taking another shot. 
After a few more minutes of dancing, Terushima made his way towards the kitchen where Semi and Kuroo looked concerned. 
“What’s going on guys?” He asked as he pulled a beer can from a cooler. He popped the tab and took a sip as they exchanged looks of concern. “Hey, either of you two seen (Y/n)? I left her in the back with Oikawa and Iwaizumi but I haven’t been back there and-”
“Terushima, (Y/n) left.” Semi said, making Terushima freeze. 
“We both just saw (Y/n) take off out the door a few minutes ago. She looked like she was about to cry,” Kuroo said, making Terushima enter panic mode. 
“And neither of you tried to stop her?” 
“I- we called out to her. We thought she was just getting some fresh air or something, calm down. I’m sure she’s fine.” Semi said, making Terushima shake his head. 
“No, I gotta go find her. She doesn’t know her way around Tokyo. None of us do, what if she gets kidnapped?” 
“What’s going on in here?” Matsukawa asked as Terushima slammed his beer can on the counter. He pulled out his phone and started texting (Y/n). 
“Did you see (Y/n) leave?” 
“(Y/n) left?” Oikawa asked as he and Iwaizumi entered the kitchen. Terushima shook his head as he got no response. 
“She’s not answering me. Oikawa, text her.” 
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“What? What the fuck is going on?” Iwaizumi asked as Oikawa pulled out his phone and began texting their friend. 
“(Y/n) took off a few minutes ago and now she’s not answering her phone.” 
“Okay so check all the rooms and stuff. And check outside. Try and find her around the house before we go out looking, yeah?” Kuroo said, making everyone in the kitchen nod and split up. Terushima and Semi went out the front door, calling (Y/n), hoping to either get her to answer or to hear her ringtone but there was nothing. 
“Fuck!” Terushima shouted. “I lost my fucking girlfriend and she’s probably scared and upset and-” 
“Do you think someone drugged her?” Terushima’s head turned at lightning speed and he glared at Semi. 
“Why would you even say that?” 
“I- what! It happens!” 
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Well. That happened. 
Another post tomorrow <3 
Love you guys! I hope you had a Happy Halloween! Goodnight! 
Taglist: @kaitycole, @cosmicmermaid25, @sempiternal-amour, @99astrid, @hidden-otaku-stuff, @vicassa, @elianetsantana, @ankl3s, @newfriendjen, @oikawa-simp, @dakotacecily, @axolotleyeliner, @heyyourecute, @tchalameme, @toobsessedsstuff, @marinovakovich, @disaster-rose, @tacosforexo, @sleep3deprived, @prettyinblack231 (Open)
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herebecritters · 1 year
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❤️❤️❤️ They’ve committed many atrocities ❤️❤️❤️
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herebecritters · 8 months
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If you have a highly elaborate story you’re making, I highly recommend making little organized charts for simplicities sake
Cricket, Kyzer, Romeo, Carrot, Icky, Hopps, and Screwy belong to @ickyguts
Kyle, Bully, and Kyle belong to @technicoloranimalviolence
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herebecritters · 1 year
can the idol trio KILL kill someone if they wanted to?
Yep! And they have. All they have to do is skip the last step.
They can even do it in mass. Since the Isles formed there have been two major exterminations. One after the First Civilization rebelled and the other after the 300 Year Colony fell apart.
They prefer to not have to wipe the slate clean like that but sometimes it is necessary for their survival.
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herebecritters · 10 months
I’m not very well-versed in Happy Tree Friends BUT if your trio of kooky sumerian gods were actually canon to the show, I’d push everyone away just for them, words can’t describe how even though I don’t know shit about the source, I love these three so badly! And the amount of detail and depth you go into them is so astounding and AUGHHHHH!! And quick question! What would they look like as humans? I gotta know!!
Holy cow! This was such a nice message to receive thank you!!! Don’t worry I got plenty of Idol Trio stuff planned and in the works! 💪😤
Basically htf is just…Cute critters being violently killed by random silly bouts of bad luck only to come back for the next episode. Think Looney Tunes but gorey ehehehehe
And lemme clarify, the three are not Sumerian, they are Mesozoic cave people (well technically burrow people but yknow what I mean) However, considering people didn’t exist back during the Cretaceous….and considering that ancient Mesopotamian/Sumerian/Assyrian civilization has the oldest historical records to go off of, it does provide a lot of inspiration for them. Specifically for First Civilization.
But I also pull a lot from the little bit we know about Neanderthal life as well as many various Paleolithic hunter/gatherer societies such as the Ohallo II site and the ancient Natufian settlements. These sources help especially for the Dino-Sore days era of their lives. But of course, there’s no WRITTEN records from these times so it makes it a bit difficult when it comes to research and understanding how these people really lived. You can only tell so much from stone tools and bones sadly.
Because of this, the trio has been inspired by a hodgepodge of a bunch of different ancient cultures, not just one. Not to mention the occasional fictional liberties I take with them. I mean it’s a cartoon after all. ;D
Shoot I rambled a lot ANYWAYS
the HILARIOUS thing about this message is that literally the day before I had gotten this in my inbox I actually DID do some human trio doodles while at dnd so I went ahead and finished one of ‘em up for you! :D
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It’s been a little while since I’ve drawn humans so forgive me hehehe Again thank you for asking this humanifying them has been so much fun!!!!
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herebecritters · 3 months
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Are the characters without an x on them going to have significant role in any of the stories ?
Well Bullet (the red guy in the bottom left corner) isn’t so much actively in Be Brave but he’s still technically canon to it. He’s a big part of the Flippy backstory that @ickyguts has written and im pretty much in love with it so it’s canon to me ^w^
Kyle the Mononykus and Splash (the lil mint colored Dino and the purple plesiosaur) are part of the overall Be Brave story but they are only alive during the Dino-Sore Days timeline. I mean…mass extinctions are pretty rough. But they were very close pals to Cro during those days and have had their own run ins with the trio before the meteor hit. You may see them in the main timeline but they will be fossils hehe
Nergal has a particular dislike for Kyle since he’s the one who gave Nergal his lip scar. ;)
Abigail, Lydia, and Aaron (the lil kid rat at the top, the blue girl rat and the yellow goat at the bottom right) are also significant to the story but they are only really around for the 300 year Colony. They did not survive past it. Lydia is John’s sister and Abigail’s mother. Aaron is Abigail’s father and Lydia’s husband. They were all important and active parts of John’s family.
There are other ocs too that are a part of this universe. We are always fleshing out the entire world and history and it’s constantly growing and taking shape, I’ll have to do an update on it soon. It’s become a HUGE thing and writing it in dms with your friends is one thing but making easily digestible content to present publicly is a whole ‘nother beast entirely. Slowly but surely <3
The interest and interactions that y’all show up here really does help give me that gas I need to work on it more so thank you! Even if I’m kinda garbage at responding in a timely manner…But it really does mean the world to me.
I’ll rethrow these up here for good measure!
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Of course new characters and stories have been written and added since these were made but they still hold up.
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herebecritters · 7 months
HEY!!!!when splendid wound back time in better off bread, did the idols get to keep the blood from the first time everyone died in that episode, or did the blood get, like, slurped back
So I had to think about it a bit and uh…yeah I think because it reversed time the original deaths didn’t count. The trio don’t really mess with time other than prolonging how long everyone lives. They have no idea it even happened.
Nergal though did experience some heavy deja vu as he caused Giggles to fall off the ledge and then threw a whole ass meteor at Toothys face that second time. —Side note, this meteor was probably the size of the chelyabinsk meteor (19 meters in diameter) rather than the Chixulub meteor that Nergal wiped out the dinosaurs with (approximately 15000 meters in diameter); the one he threw at toothy was just enough to destroy toothy and the surrounding forest and cause havoc in the town, but not world ending—
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Bad luck was already in motion before Splendid got there and made it worse.
Thats why Splendid is considered one of the Isles “catalyst” residents. He’s just another bit of bad luck in motion. And Nergal takes advantage of that when it happens. It’s like Nergal sets up the dominoes and the catalyst comes in to knock ‘em over. Flippy is also often used as a catalyst resident and Lumpy’s amazing mental prowess causes him to end up being one from time to time too. Predominantly full time catalysts are fairly rare on the Isles though. Splendid ignoring the cries for help that second time around didn’t save anyone, it just took away his own involvement in their deaths is all.
Also speaking of time travel, Sniffles totally went all the way back to the DinoSore days when the curse was starting. Probably not too long before the meteor hit and set the curse of the Isles in full swing.
Right image I’d say it’s either a type of ichthyornithiformes, toothed flying birds that lived alongside their non avian dinosaur family members, or a Nemicolopterus, a small pterosaur from the Cretaceous. It died out technically before the end of the Cretaceous but I’m just working with what they give me here. To the right…..look….i have to remember that the people who worked on htf were not trying to be accurate and were just throwing around prehistoric looking animals willy nilly, but that thing looks like a drepanosaurus which was a bizarre little reptile from the Triassic period. I’m just gonna take some artistic liberties and say it’s a surviving member of that lineage that may or may not have existed during the Cretaceous and move on.
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And also this guy totally lived in the trios old village and he ends up living in the First Civilization after the meteor impact I’ve decided. He may look like an anteater but he’s actually a gypsonictops. And yep, ants also existed at the time and they probably were eaten by mammals like gypsonictops. Im using Linguamyrmex vladi, the “hell ants”, just as an example cus they are cool.
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herebecritters · 1 month
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I’ve got a ton of lore writings in the works and there’s a lot of little terms used by treefolk and by the trio. So here’s a handy guide in case anyone needs it.
THIS IS A LIVING DOCUMENT. There are sure to be edits and additions as time goes on.
Dino-Sore Days
Period of time at the End of the Cretaceous Period before the meteor hit and the Death Curse began.
First Civilization
Period of time directly after the Meteor Strike and the Isles were formed. Cities built around the new Gods. Ends in extermination.
300 Year Colony
Period of time 66 million years after First Civilizations eradication. Years 1698 to 1998. Ends in extermination.
Current Era
Modern HTF as we know it.
Common knowledge
(Terms that most treefolks on the Isles will be familiar with)
The Isles: Also known as “The Isles of Da-rí-šè”, is a lush, multi-biomed cluster of islands hidden in the middle of the ocean and encompassed by a 66million year old Immortality Curse.
Critters/Treefolk: Sentient inhabitants of the world. Anthromorphic animals. Or “People” for lack of a better term.
Simple Beasts: Animals and creatures that live in the world who are not anthropomorphic characters. Pets, wildlife, ect.
Death Curse: The never ending loop of dying and regeneration experienced only within The Isles.
Blacking out: The sensation of losing consciousness and being unable to recall the specification of one’s own death on the Isles.
Death Hangover: The feeling one experiences when waking up alive after a death. Feelings of mental haze, disassociation, and a slight queasiness. Like you woke from a nightmare that you know you had but can’t seem to recall the details of it.
the Outside world/the real world/back home: No official word for this but many Treefolk tend to refer to the world and and their old life outside the Isles from time to time. As distant and far away as it now may seem to them…
Perma’d: the state of being dead without revival. Permanently dead.
Trio Terms
(Terms used among the trio or during the time of First Civilization and before.)
(Holidays Celebrated during the First Civilization Era and still regarded by the Trio in private)
Day of Two Suns: New Year for the Critters of the First Civilization. Anniversary and Celebration of the day that the chixulub meteor hit the earth and ended the reign of the “Titans”. Transition from Spring into Summer.
Festival of Shedding: Summer into Autumn harvest festival and feast.
Nesting Day: Preparation of Autumn to Winter. Preparing the nest of Ki for the colder months.
Festival of Frogs: Winter into Spring festival when the frogs come out of hibernation.
Union: Solar Eclipse celebration
Bleeding Night: Lunar Eclipse Ritual to revive Theia from death with a chosen sacrifice.
Theology and Myths
Theia: The moon; deity of the Night and watcher of the small folk and critters.
Sâmâs: The Sun; deity of the Day
Ki: The Earth; Child of Theia and Sâmâs, asleep in the core of the planet.
Alagtila: The Idol of Life
Alagkana: The Idol of Misfortune
Alagumuna: The Idol of Blood
Dingirtila: Formal Title for the God of Life
Dingirkana: Formal Title for the God of Misfortune
Dingirumuna: Formal Title for the God of Blood
Egalkana: Temple of Misfortune
Egaltila: Temple of Life
Egalumuna: Temple of Blood
Mushhush: The name of Nergals monster form
Umamumurgu: Ancient beast of Rage and Fire sent by Sâmâs to protect the children of Theia from the Titans.
The World of the Curse
The Blood: Concentrated Suffering in the form of blood. Gives the idols their power.
The Wells: Underground rivers and lakes where the Blood is held. How full they are determines the amount of power the idols have.
Burrows: Series of tunnels deep below the Isles leading to the wells and to the Trios private chambers.
Hibernation: State of stasis where the trio can go long periods of time of inactivity to conserve Blood.
Ludari: “The Eternal People” The term used to describe the people who lived during the First Civilization before the Rebellion.
Lukurra: “Outsiders” Those who are not one of the three Idols. This term replaced Ludari after the rebellion.
Titans: The dinosaurs, pterosaurs, plesiosaurs, mosasaurs and other giant reptiles that went extinct after the meteorite hit.
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herebecritters · 1 year
Welcome to my HTF blog, I have lore and gore all for you to enjoy.
What’s goin on here?
Well I make a Happy Tree Friends Au called Be Brave that delves into why htf is the way it is. Why is everyone dying all the time? Why won’t they stay dead? Why do I love laughing at their misery? What’s up with those weird little stone idols?
Well wonder no more…unless you have your own headcanons. That’s fine too. But if you’re hankering to hear my take, here’s a quick disclaimer and some convenient links to make navigating this blog a wee bit easier.
This story and this blog is NOT intended for a child audience. I am SERIOUS. I am an ADULT making content for ADULTS. Do NOT put yourself in an adult space if you are uncomfortable with ADULT themes. There will be violence. There will be gore. There will be foul language. There will be sexual humor and adult jokes and topics. Consume at your own risk.
Ocs will play active and important roles in this story. This includes many of my friends ocs. If this is a problem then oopsie poopsie, aw well. Cry me a river.
Shipping is a thing. FlippyXFlaky is my main canon ship and it will be explored in this story. As well as a bunch of oc ships. A few other canon ships may be mentioned or shown as well. If any of this is also a problem then too bad, too sad.
Harassment is not tolerated. I am not afraid to block. I’m old and tired and I give no fucks. The real world is already enough of a stressful nightmare, and Auntie Critters needs their wine and story time to unwind. Just don’t be a dick. It’s as simple as that.
Be patient! Again, I am doing this for fun. But I want to be able to share that fun as well cus I really love the stuff I’ve been cooking for this. However, making content to convey all these ideas I have to an audience is a LOT of work. And I am doing this on my free time. So do not expect there to be a set schedule and understand that I am unfortunately a slave to the whims of my hyperfixations. But I will do my very best to deliver all these stories to you 😤
Now onto the fun stuff…
Quick links!
Origins of a curse series:
* Dino-Sore Days Lore
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* The First Civilization (coming soon)
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* The 300 Year Colony (Coming Soon)
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Be Brave: An comedic adventure comic with notes of horror and existentialism sprinkled throughout. Follow Flaky as they are roped into saving the Isles and everyone trapped on them from an ancient and evil curse.
*To start reading the Be Brave comic, click here
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Other links!
* Character References for the God Trio
* Lore Tag
— Paleo Files —
* Cro and Dumuzi Paleo File
*Geshtu Paleo File (Coming Soon)
*Nergal Paleo File (Coming Soon)
*Kyle the Mononykus File (Coming Soon)
*Splash the Plesiosaur File (Coming Soon)
— Tales of the Ancient Past —
* Cro and Dumuzi Backstory (Coming Soon)
* Nergal Backstory (Coming Soon)
* Geshtu Backstory
* Meeting Kyle the Mononykus (Coming Soon)
* For What it’s Surf (Coming Soon)
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herebecritters · 1 year
Hello again funny htf art gorgonops, while nergal is the god of mischief bad luck and just generally being kind of an asshole, what are the other two gods of and do they have any “care” for the citizens of the isles?
Nergal is the Idol of Misfortune, Geshtu is the Idol of Blood, and Dumuzi is the Idol of Regeneration. They each have a job that allows the Isles to work like a machine.
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As for if they care for the residents, Geshtu and Dumuzi are way more introverted than Nergal so they tend to keep their distance, especially after how the first civilization ended. They’d rather not mingle with the livestock.
Geshtu doesn’t feel a need to know any of the residents. The only reason he would care to is if he absolutely had to for the benefit of the trio and their work.
Dumuzi is aware of everyone who has died on the Isles. This isn’t because she cares to. Their souls must pass through her in order to regenerate. She has felt everything they feel.
And yet, she is still unable to feel anything for them.
I must stress. She is only able to be aware of those that have died on the Isles. And there is only one resident who has not died since before the Isles were formed.
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herebecritters · 8 months
Is okay to make god like ocs based on your au
Honestly, you can make whatever ocs you want. If my au inspires you to make god ocs then run with it! If my au is inspiring creativity in another then that’s AWESOME!
My only thing is I just wouldn’t expect them to become canon to the au. This is only because I have a narrative I’m working with, and other gods would be potentially plot breaking. The fact that the gods are who they are and that they are alone is a huge and crucial plot point of the story.
Also the trio are SOOOO bad at being gods. They are gods that are rifled with human flaws out the wazoo. So other more competent gods would easily overrun them. AHAHA Then there’d be no story.
Not to mention Nergal is highly territorial of the Isles.
You can make your own au of my au or your own au involving gods in Htf. Or just make it for fun who cares. It’s fandom, none of its real. No rules, just right. If it makes you happy and it’s literally hurting no one, go for it!
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