bestbakubros · 4 years
a/n: hello babes! this is the last of my art/writing trade fics and this is for @htownsmash!! I enjoyed writing a story for her oc and tamaki and i’m so happy i could write for her again!! thank you for being the best nani!! 
warnings: fake dating, friends to crushes, obnoxious family members, fluff!!, aged-up izuku, prohero deku
pairing: nani higurashi x izuku midoriya
Be my Date for the Night (wedding/fake dating au with Izuku Midoriya and Nani Higurashi)
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The cheering and roars of applause had quieted down as the soon to be husband and wife sat at the table for the Higurashi annual family dinner. Nani’s sister, Audrey, was going to get married in a few weeks and the Higurashi family was quite excited to see one of their own get married off. As the family began to dine into the delicious foods in front of them, one of Nani’s aunts, who loved to gossip, strikes up a conversation that caught the relative’s attention. “So Nani?” She looks up at her aunt in acknowledgement. “Yes?” Her aunt gave her a sly smile as she cleared her throat.
“When are you getting a boyfriend?” Nani knew her aunt was going to bring this topic up as she did every year. She sighed and was about to use the answer she always told her but Nani thought it would be harmless to tell a little white lie, but she was so wrong. "Actually auntie! I have a boyfriend!” The long table of relatives suddenly became silent as they looked over and stared at Nani. Audrey was the first to perk up with questions. “YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND AND YOU NEVER TOLD ME! NANI!!” Next was her favorite aunt. “Nani! Who’s your boyfriend? How come you never told any of us?” Questions upon questions were thrown at Nani as she continued to eat her dinner and roll her eyes at the ridiculousness she placed upon herself.
“PLEASE!” The nosy relatives turned their heads and were silenced by Nani’s father, who sat at the head of the table. Nani let out a sigh of relief, praising him for silencing the table. “Nani, darling, why didn’t you bring your boyfriend to our annual dinner? We would’ve loved to meet him!” Nani looked at her father, formulating situations in her mind. “Oh! He’s on hero patrol tonight so he couldn’t attend!” The Higurashi family roared at her statement, starting up the millions of questions again. “SILENCE PLEASE!” Nani’s father says, quieting the family once more. “He’s a prohero? What agency does he work for?” Nani looks down at her food before telling her father another lie, adding to the spiral she already put herself in. “Uh… Our relationship is secret to the world so I can’t tell you… Sorry!” 
Her dad simply hummed. “Bring him to your sister’s wedding! I would like to meet the man who captured my princess’ heart.” Nani’s mother and sister speak up after. “Dad! That’s a great idea!! You should totally bring your prohero boyfriend to my wedding!” Audrey teases her older sister with a bright smile on her face. Nani knew she was screwed. All of her thoughts went something like, “Oh shit… What have I gotten myself into.”
A few days after the family dinner, Nani went home from her little vacation and returned back to her hero duties. She walked into her agency, thoughts of her situation still running through her mind. She was so deep in thought, she didn’t even notice the tall broccoli boy walking towards her. “Hey Nan- oof!” Nani’s face strikes right into Deku’s chest, causing her to fall backwards. “Whoa! Sorry Midoriya! I didn’t see you there!” The green-haired boy lets out a shy laugh. “Haha It’s okay! Um… We have a new mission already, that's why I came running to you!” He lets out another shy smile, turning away from her. “Oh cool okay! Let me get dressed first and I’ll meet you down here!” He nods, stepping aside so she could get through the doors.
After changing into her hero outfit, Nani meets Deku where they had previously run into each other. They walk out of the hero agency together towards the location they were assigned to. As the duo walked through the streets together, Izuku decided to relieve the silence between them. “So Nani? What were you thinking about earlier? You looked very deep in thought!” She looks up to the prohero next to her before looking back down at the concrete. “Well… A couple nights ago, my family had their annual family dinner where all the relatives come ya know? And this year’s dinner was an important one since my little sister is getting married in a few weeks.” Deku hums, letting Nani know that he was listening. “Annnd… I kinda threw myself into a spiral of lies that is haunting me! But you know it’s fine! I’ll just show up and make up an excuse.” Izuku couldn’t help but feel a little curious about the lies she had told so he asked Nani.
“What did you lie about? If you don’t mind me asking!” She let out a small chuckle before continuing. “Not at all! Basically I lied about having a boyfriend… It’s stupid I know, but my aunt that loves to start up gossip decided to ask me the same question she does every year… and so, this year I was tired of her asking me… So to shut her up I- I told her that I have a boyfriend. Instead of her just hearing, my ENTIRE family heard and now they want me to bring said boyfriend to my sister’s wedding in a couple weeks.” Midoriya nodded understandingly. “Oh I see! Why not find a date?” He suggests, but Nani only laughed at his comment. “Well duh! I didn’t think about that!” She says sarcastically.
Deku scratches the back of his neck in embarrassment. “I’m only teasing Deku! Of course I thought about that! The only problem is that I have so much on my plate right now with hero duties, and I don’t have time to look for a date. I mean we’re on missions upon missions that it’s impossible to find time to date anyone.” Izuku’s mind starts formulating a situation for Nani that could help her, causing him to blush, “What are you blushing about?” Izuku looks down at the white-haired girl, quickly looking away, letting out an awkward laugh. “Well… I was thinking maybe I could help you…” She looks over to the flustered boy, confused then suddenly understanding what he was hinting towards. “DEKU YOU ARE A GENIUS! YOU COULD TOTALLY BE DATE TO THIS WEDDING! AH THANK YOU!!!” She wraps an arm around the green hero’s waist, squeezing him excitedly, causing his face to go tomato red. “I-it’s not a problem Nani!”
A few weeks had passed and the wedding day was finally happening. Instead of staying at the fancy hotel the Higurashi family were occupying for the wedding, Nani told her family that she would get ready with them but had to go home so she could bring her ‘boyfriend’. After getting her makeup and dress on, Nani drove to the agency where Izuku was patiently waiting for her. She spots him in the front of the building, honking her horn to grab his attention. He waves as she parks and gets out of her vehicle. Nani flattens her dress down as she walked over to the well-dressed hero a few feet away from her. Izuku couldn’t take his eyes off of Nani. “Nani you look so…” She pipes up a joke. “Ugly? Aw I thought I looked really cute!” Deku’s cheeks turning a bright shade of pink. “N-NO! Not at all! Y-you look very beautiful!” Nani beams a bright smile towards him before giving him a peck on the cheek, careful not to get lipstick on his freckled cheeks. “I’m just joking with you Izuku! I know I look hot!” The duo laughed before getting into Izuku’s car so they could drive down together. 
The pair arrived perfectly an hour before the wedding. Along the drive there Nani told Izuku what to remember if people started asking questions about their relationship. “We’ve been dating for 3 months, and we met when we first started working at the hero agency. You got that Deku?” Izuku nodded. “Yes ma’am!” The ‘couple’ walked towards the venue where the ceremony was going to be held. Nani grabs Izuku’s calloused hands in her soft ones, intertwining their fingers together, causing another rush of pink on Midoriya’s cheeks. “Just to make it seem real…” He nodded, a thought running through his mind. “I wish it were real.”
As they walked in hand in hand, the Higurashi family members couldn’t help but notice Nani and her ‘boyfriend’ walk in. Small gasps were heard from a few of them as well as a couple of murmurs. “OMG! She’s dating THE number one prohero Deku? No way!” Izuku looked down at the usual cocky girl, who now wore a completely different expression on her face. He leans down to her ear. “H-hey. It’s okay Nani!” His thumb swiping her knuckles. “We only have to do this for one night! As nervous as you are, I’m a hundred times more. So don’t worry okay?” Nani nods at him, smiling at the reassured smile he gave her. Izuku leans down once more, giving Nani a kiss on the forehead, making the both of them blush. “To make it seem real.” He winks to her. “To make it seem real.” She said, squeezing his hand.
The ceremony ended and it was now time for the reception. The Higurashi family as well as their new in-laws gathered into the reception hall, sitting at their assigned tables. Nani and Izuku were placed with Nani’s parents, making Izuku feel more nervous. Nani turns to Izuku before her parents could meet them at the table. “Oh shit… Izuku... “ He turns to her. “What’s up?” She looks up at him, hesitation in her eyes. “About my dad… He’s um… He’s an ex-villain…Please don’t freak out or anything! I promise after prison he learned his lesson and became a good man!” Izuku’s eyes widened in shock. Before he could say anything, Nani’s father’s voice booms in their direction. “YOU must be the boy Nani has been talking about? That’s my princess’ heart you stole, so you BETTER be careful… I’m watching you.” 
Izuku let out a nervous laugh. Nani’s mother hits her husband’s arm playfully before turning to the green-haired boy. “Oh hush! You’re going to scare him away! It’s very nice to meet you…” Deku bows towards them, introducing himself. “Izuku! Izuku Midoriya!” Nani’s parents smile at Izuku’s politeness. “It’s very nice to meet you Izuku or should I call you Deku! You’re a very famous name in the villain world you know!” Izuku glances at Nani, who proceeds to give him an embarrassed expression. “Hehe yeah I guess I am! You know being the number one hero and all?” Nani’s father lets out a hearty laugh. “I like this guy Nani! He has quite the humor on him!” Her parents excuse themselves as more relatives went to greet them. Nani turned to Izuku, giving him an apologetic look. “Sorry about him… oh and were you making a joke?” Izuku shakes his head. “N-not at all… I was just-” She puts a hand on his arm to stop him from rambling. “It’s okay Izuku! You don’t need to explain yourself.”
The reception soon began and everyone was having a blast. Family members, especially Nani’s nosy aunt kept coming to Nani and Izuku asking millions of questions about their relationship. They answered to the best of their ability, and by the end of the night they were exhausted from talking to so many relatives. It was time for the dancing portion of the wedding, and the DJ started the night with a slow song. “All you lovebirds out there besides our newly weds, come on down to the dance floor!!” Izuku looked in Nani’s direction, who was across the room talking to her cousins as he went to get them drinks. He placed the beverages down before making his way to Nani, adrenaline pumping through his veins. “Would you please excuse us? Nani how about we dance?” Izuku extends his hand to her, which she took hesitantly. Nani’s cousins squeal at the cuteness unfolding before them.
Deku led Nani to the dance floor, placing her hands on his shoulders, then his hands on her waist. “How bold of you Izuku! I never saw you as a type to ask a girl for a dance. You’re always so shy!” She teased. He lets out a little laugh, smiling down at her. “I don’t know what came over me… I was grabbing us drinks and suddenly I was asking you to dance with me.” Nani couldn’t help, but wear a stupid grin on her face at his words. “My dad was right! You are funny!” Izuku took in the way that Nani looked at him with her beautiful golden eyes, rosy cheeks, and pretty smile. “Earth to Deku! You okay up there?” Nani waved a hand in front of his face after noticing Izuku quieting down and staring at her with his emerald eyes. 
“Ha… S-sorry!” She gave him a curious look. “What are you thinking about?” Izuku’s cheeks burn red. “I-it’s nothing!” Nani rolled her eyes at him. “Nothing, my ass! What were you thinking about broccoli boy?” He looks away trying to think of something to say before looking back down at her. “Well… I was just…” A sigh escapes his lips. “I-I was just admiring you. T-that’s all!” Nani smirks. “Aw I’m that pretty! Thanks Izuku!!” She gives him another peck on the cheek. Silence grows between the two of them again as they continue to dance to the music. “Maybe us fake dating wasn’t a bad idea…” Izuku mumbles. “What do you mean??” Nani looks at him puzzled. “Uh… Maybe we should… Actually uh…” Nani’s eyes widened in surprise at what he was implying. “I-I m-mean w-we don’t have to! I-it’s just a silly thou-” Before he could finish his sentence, Nani pressed her lips onto his. She pulls away, smiling up at the flustered boy. “I would love to go on a date with you broccoli boy!” The duo smiled at each other, cheeks shaded a bright red color. “Ha! T-then it’s a date!”
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bestbakubros · 4 years
a/n: hey friends!! this is another special fic for one of my friends @htownsmash​!! Nani is such a wonderful person and I love her so so much! she and i are also doing an art/write trade and she gave me what i commissioned already so here is her fic!! I hope you enjoy nani!!
warning: fluff!!, shy boy hours, red string of fate au that literally made my heart UWU
pairing: nani higurashi x tamaki amajiki
Red String of Fate AU with Tamaki Amajiki and Nani Higurashi (@htownsmash’s oc)
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Nani Higurashi was never the type who solely believed in red strings or soulmates as a way to meet the love of your life and she had better things to pursue and think about like her future hero career. All of her friends had met their soulmates already or were so close to meeting them, leaving her behind. Her string has always been long, reaching distances she couldn’t easily walk to. Even if she didn’t believe in the red string that often, Nani still wanted to see who was on the other side.
It was a chilly night as Nani patrolled around Tokyo where her agency had stationed for the day. As she walked around making sure there wasn’t any trouble in the city, the red string connected to her pinky finger was particularly active as it bounced around in all directions. Nani chuckled looking down at the glowing string. “What are you on about huh?” Her fingers play with the little string, lightly tugging at it to acknowledge the person at the other end. Nani didn’t feel a response causing her to sigh out in disappointment. As much as she wanted to believe someone was there, she played it off and chose to believe that the string moving was just the wind. As Nani continued her patrol, a loud explosion went off to the right of her in one of the corporate buildings.  
Nani was quick to make her way towards the sight of the explosion as she saw the criminals holding the employees inside hostage. There were people on the ground crying, coughing from the debris as Nani was quick to scoop them away from the scene. More proheros and the police soon came in after her. A familiar blonde making his way towards her. “LEMILLION! THERE ARE HOSTAGES INSIDE WE HAVE TO GET TO THEM!” Mirio nods at her direction, quickly disappearing into the concrete and making his way inside. 
“WE WILL LET THE HOSTAGES GO ONCE THE TRANSMISSION GOES THROUGH!” One of the larger criminals yells out from the glass door. After placing the victims at a safer distance, Nani quickly makes her way to the back of the building where two larger guards were. “Hello Idiots!” With a cocky smile on her face, Nani was quick to take down the guards with her fire. The guards tried to shoot her down as she made her way towards them, dodging the bullets with ease. “EAT THIS!” Fire emitting from her body as she aimed it towards them and easily taking them down. The fight quickly ended and Nani tied up the two guards together. “Scumbags.” She quickly left them, heading inside the building to meet up with the proheroes who have already made it inside. 
As the mission continued, Nani failed to notice her red string was beginning to shorten as she made her way up the building. She runs through the halls looking for victims caught in the debris and some villains to take down. Nani reaches the level where the villains had been holding the hostages, guns to their heads. “Shit…” She quickly makes her way to the other side of the wall where another hero was waiting, Suneater. The two make eye contact, nodding in each other’s direction as they make their way to the villains. The duo snuck up behind the captors, taking them down. The last of the employees had been taken down to the ground by the other proheroes as the duo fought the villains. 
Nani landed a punch of the main boss when she began levitating off the ground. One of the henchmen using his quirk on her. “HEY!” She couldn’t move back down and her body began moving towards the window. The next thing she knew she was falling out of the 100th floor, plummeting towards the concrete below her. Her screams rang out, watching as time began to slow down. Tamaki felt a harsh tug on his pinky finger, his eyes turning to the direction of the string. He quickly ran towards the opening, and saw Nani plummeting down. He jumps out, activating his eagle wings, flying towards the girl.
Tamaki reaches out towards Nani, noticing the string becoming shorter and shorter and glowing a brighter shade of red as he reaches out for her hand. Nani notices the string's distance and color as well as she looks at the shy hero reaching out to her. Tamaki finally closes the distance between them, grabbing Nani’s hand and pulling her safely into his arms. Tamaki held her hand, the other arm around her waist as he brought them down to the ground for safety. 
Nani stared at Tamaki with shock in her eyes as Tamaki covered his face with his hood to hide the blush that painted his face. The heroes, realizing where they were, looked back at the scene before them. Everyone was brought to safety and the villains were in squad cars being driven away. Before the news reporters could reach the duo to talk about the fight, Nani took Tamaki’s hand in hers dragging him away from it all. As they got away at a good distance, Nani stopped, making Tamaki face towards her. “W-we’re soulmates?” Tamaki shyly looks down towards the white haired girl, the pink of his ears turning red, both of their hearts burning with excitement, causing the string between them to emit a beautiful crimson color. “We’re s-soulmates.”
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bestbakubros · 4 years
thank you for everything :)
damn 2020 huh? what a shit year it has been… my spring semester of junior year was ruined, virtual learning was so bad for me, my senior year was in the middle of a worldwide pandemic, my mental health took an absolute downfall… 
it truly has been one hell of a year, but i couldn’t have done it without the amazing people i have met along the way. I started this account back in january, not expecting to gain much. i just wanted to write and make stories people could enjoy reading. I never thought i would meet so many people, make new friends, and have as much support for my work as i do now. honestly when I first started I thought I wasn’t going to do well and I’ve had countless times where I thought about shutting my account down, but here I am today! So to show my love to all my mutuals and babies here is a little shoutout post to all of you!
to all of the people in the POCuties server, i wouldn’t have made it through 2020 without you guys. Like i said before, my mental health wasn’t doing so well through the chaos of 2020, and when I met you all I felt like I had a safe place I could go to whenever I needed it. You made me feel like I belonged somewhere in this world and that I was appreciated for being myself. I don’t know how many times I just wanted to give up and somehow through your words of kindness and love I made it. Being part of this server made my 2020 a billion times better and I don’t know how I would’ve made it without y’all. Everyone in the server are the kindest, most loving, funniest people I have ever met and I’m so grateful that I can talk to you all and that I met you. Thank you for always being there for me. I love you all so so much. (Sorry if didn’t tag you I tried to get as many people as I could!)
@tamasoft | @cellotonin | @kingtamakimurder | @boqutos | @bakugoustanaccount | @gardenwritings | @vixenpen | @suckersuki | @sems-diarie | @greywritesfics | @spike-this-ass | @liltodo | @chocoboba | @cocoacinna | @hitoshisbabygirl | @htownsmash | @ohoematsu | @bnhatrashh | @uliscribbles | @babytoshiii | @prettyliberosclub | @ramelanin | @burnedbyshoto | @bnha-butterfly | @angelwazhere | @katsushimaa | @reddriot | @dimplesum | @ererokii | @combat-wombatus + many many more!!
to all of my anons! thank you for requesting and sending me messages every once in a while! it’s always nice to see your messages and words of encouragement! I appreciate and love you all so so much!! I don’t know what i could do without all the support you give me! I’m so glad you joined the little bestbakubros community and thank you for making it special for me.
and ofc I could never forget my 1.4k babies!! whether you’re active or not I thank you for supporting me through this long ass year! even when I had to be inactive because of school, you guys always stuck around and supported me through and through and I couldn’t be more grateful for everything you’ve done for me. I always get excited when I see people enjoy the content I make, it gives me that extra boost of serotonin I need everyday. without the 1.4k babies I have now, I don’t think I would even keep writing, but you guys keep me motivated every single day and I hope you all know that I’m very very thankful for every single one of you. Thank you for being by side and enjoying the things I love to write.
i wish you all the best going into 2021 and i love you guys 🥺
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