#huggy wuggy x mommy long legs
sunshinelui · 8 months
"Angel Team."
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I mean, really. It's a really interesting pattern. Although I'm not sure if daddy long legs will be in the game ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯
I don't think we need to think about it.:')
But I'd like to see him...
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And of course, my favorites :}
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icdrawings · 5 months
Bigger body survivors au by me
Seems like Dogday has some competition
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bunji-enthusiast · 8 months
Hiii! Im not sure how requests are doing, but I wanted to add one in if that’s okay? Based off the I’m So Sorry story, what if reader went missing for months. None of the toys know what happened, because the company was like “You know what? Nah we can’t risk it”. And then the day right before the Hour of Joy a new toy is revealed in Play Care (or wherever else), a mermaid/merman 👀 And then that just further fuels the toys want to cause the Hour of Joy once they find out
Harmful Revelations
Note || for those confused, here’s the link to the post. BUT— THE ANGST?? HELLO?
Note V2 || sorry this took so long, it’s mayhaps short and stout. Headcanons like before, but this will work okay?
Sypnosis || How would one think this is a dream come true? Well you’re wrong. So out for long and long time had you been found missing, how wonderful to know your importance in their eyes.
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Something felt off, strange. You were gone for so long, quite a long time now. It was appearing to be strange to both CatNap and DogDay alike, all the other Smiling Critters had shared the same sentiments. Why did you disappear so suddenly? Nothing could be known about you, you simply just went off the grid.
DogDay had tried asking around, any employees in sight that he could find. Even trying to take it up with any superior, alas he was left without a plausible answer. Always faced with, “Sorry, but your angel has been terminated.” or, “Oh, em? I’m pretty sure [First Name] quit as far as I know.” 
Many, and by many toys, were visibly concerned about your lack of appearance. Huggy and even Mommy asked about You, to which DogDay had apologized – he was in the dark as they were. Pug-a-Pillar felt sad, he couldn’t do anything to help, or even find out anything plausible. Mommy reassured the fluffy pillar, saying how many toys felt sad about you not showing up to the building anymore.
Oh hell.
Soon enough, their anger was rightfully provoked. A new toy had been introduced to Game station, retaining an appearance that was very reminiscent of your physical and mental quailites. Mommy found it odd and disturbing even for someone like him, why did this half-human, half-fish person look so closely like you? 
The insomniac cat was the first to notice this alongside Mommy as she had talked about her concerns with CatNap, spreading this information quickly among the Smiling Critters. Soon so many more had found out about this, knowing about the toy that looked so much like you. Huggy Wuggy was one of the few that had a gall to strike a conversation with the toy, nobody (or no toy) had expected the hugger to come back with a very strikingly angry look about his wits. 
Oh they were all very angry as soon as Huggy began spreading this information around once again, revealing the fact it was indeed you. Completely transformed, your consciousness being molded into the body you were in now. You were experimented on as they were, the few of them were extremely set off.
Might one even dare say that they were unnerved to the point to finally set off the Hour Of Joy. 
Let’s say nobody came out alive to tell the tale for a reason.
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nataszaluiz · 6 months
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Wedding Eslipse.
Ps: There was supposed to be Daddy Long Legs still talking in the background, but I have no idea what the priest says during the wedding. If anyone wants to tell me or help me, I will be grateful ^^
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bipolarbitties · 8 months
Hey team all these Smiling Critters x readers are platonic right cause the critters are children right so it would be weird for it to not be platonic/Sibling/Parental right team? RIGHT???????
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hildagirl99 · 7 months
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Best marriage proposal!
Mommy: 😎
Catnap: *isn't happy to be there*😒
Poppy: *dies behind her poster* 😵
Huggy: 😃
Kissy: *didn't see anything*😖
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abirbwilldecide · 27 days
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I draw this kinda stuff on twitter
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queencay4 · 7 months
Poppy Playtime x Reader
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I was laughing happily with my new family. I finally got adopted and as a present my “parents” had gifted me a Huggy Wuggy toy. I hugged him close, content with my new gift. As we were leaving my “parents” lead me to their car and we are leaving the toy factory’s parking lot. Looking back all I could feel was sadness because I was leaving everything and everyone in that building behind. All of my friends but it’s fine I will beg to visit.
When we got to my new house I excitedly jumped out of the car and ran to the front door. They were laughing at my excitement and opened the front door. I looked around after I stepped into the house, they took my hand and gave me a small tour when we finally got to my room. I was so happy with what I saw. No more not having a family now I had a new home and I was happy.
That night I went to sleep with a smile on my face. Not knowing that the day before was my last day ever setting foot in the factory again. It has been weeks since I’ve been to see any of my friends and I was sad and upset. Why couldn’t they take me to see my friends? I begged and begged but my “parents” still refused. After the fourth week of asking and getting the same response I had given up.
I do feel guilty for not going to see my friends but there is nothing I could do about it. One night however my life changed and not for the better. Someone broke into the house. I quickly hid behind one of my bookshelves that was far enough from the wall that I could fit behind it but still didn’t look to obvious. I heard my door open and held my breath, hoping whoever was in my room didn’t hear me. What I assumed to be 30 minutes later the person left. Yet I still stayed hidden. Next thing I hear is a scream, coming from the intruder.
‘Stay quiet, and don’t make a noise no matter how much it scares you’ the thought repeatedly going through my head. No noise, no more screaming, leaving my hiding spot and going to the living room I see the intruder covered in blood ,a stray animal already eating him. He was ripped apart, and I knew he was dead. I quickly ran to my “parents” room only to discover their bloodied bodies. I cried, he did this, the intruder but who killed him?
That’s when I felt small arms locking around my form, taking me into a hug and when I looked I saw my Huggy Wuggy toy staring up at me covered in what I assumed to be the intruder’s blood. I hugged him back before standing up and looking around for a phone. After finding one I called the police and told them that someone broke into our house and killed my “parents” but were killed by a stray animal that came into the house. Not even 25 minutes later did the police arrive and that was the last I saw of that house.
No more family, no more happiness. And it was all taken away by that man. I sat in the back of the police car and looked out the window, closely holding my huggy wuggy to my chest as we left the area. Luckily I hid or I would be dead to. I sighed and asked what would happen to me now and the officers told me that they didn’t know. Turning away and looking back out the window, I hoped that my life would change and I didn’t go back to being an orphan. Leaving behind everything as I left in that police cruiser, even the child memories made at a factory that would face a downfall not even two days after my departure.
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donutz · 8 months
Poppy Playtime with a twist!!
SUMMARY||So younger you meets you in the present at poopy playhouse, but like it's super cool
“Find the flower?” Is it a pretty flowerrr? Not really..
Playtime Co? Oh. Playtime Co. Uhm. Well everybody who worked there isn't working there, not anymore. I'm not saying they disappeared. I read the letter!!
Hey they spelt disappeared wrong.
I drive over to Playtime Co in my [any type of car] and end up seeing blocked off doors.
I mean this place is abandoned so what do you expect?
Another warning to not go in. But like, I'm wayyy too bored in life so I'm goin in.
Somebody's at the door?
I wonder who.
After 10 minutes, surprisingly not taking long, I managed to open the doors.
Getting a view of the colorful place that I once worked at, I also see a person.
“Hello! I was waiting for you! Somebody told me you got sent an envelope so I stood here, waiting.”
I stood there, looking at them with a bit of surprise. And being a little bit suspicious.
Are they not gonna talk?
They kind of look like me, as if they were my identical twin. Just born at different times.
I somehow muster the courage to speak up after a moment of awkward silence.
“... Why do you look like me, but older..” I asked with sweat slowly collecting on my face.
I take note of what they said and say, “Hm, come here for a sec”.
I walk over to them and stand there looking at them, looking away from time to time.
“Hm.” I examine the person. “Oh! Because I am you but older”!
“WH— What.” I lowered my volume, just in case something would spawn out of nowhere.
“It looks like you went to the future.” I tell the past me.
“You're me? But older? Coooll.” I drag my words with imaginary stars in my eyes.
“Follow me m'kay?” I command. Sounds kinda fancy, command.
I was so gullible.
We both go to a colorful room with a few trains that have different colors per train.
“You see those trains right?” I question my younger self.
“Those colors on each train are for a color code.” I stated.
“Green, pink—”
“Yellow and red”.
“Good. Now we're gonna go to that color pad thing and put in the colors”.
“Can IIIII do that..?” I ask with a smile on my face.
I put in the colors and the door unlocked. I softly grabbed the handle as I slowly opened the door, observing what's inside the room.
“There's nothing spooky in the room”.
.. Stupidly, I flinched from older me talking because of how focused I was.
“Did you just flinch”?
“I don't know what you're talking about”.
“... Sure”.
After finishing the grabpack tutorial, we go up to the big door and I[past me] scan[scans] with my[their] blue hand.
“This might take a bit so just wait”.
The door is fully open.
I see, huggy? But he's.. Oh. “Hey young me”.
“Yeeeess?” I ask with curious eyes.
“I think, I went back to the past”.
“You did”?
“I'm gonna nerd out for a sec”.
“It's okay, I do that too”.
“I think that once you started coming here, maybe the factory was— restarting to the past. Like a process of it. Maybe that's why they were moving around so much. While I was at the front desk it was still happening. But when you entered it finished. Oh and y'know what? Maybe me walking around here was also me going through that time traveling process.” I explained.
I was wide-eyed. Mouth open a little bit even.
Ooo. That's.. Okay..? I mean I hate what's gonna happen but. Whatevs. “Yo, tiny baby”.
“.. Me? Are you seriously talking to me”?
“Mhm. Follow me”.
“Is that Huggy Wuggy”.
“No, it's Gojo— who do you think that is”?
“I—!” I make a click sound with my tongue and look away.
“You suck.” I claim, furrowing my eyebrows.
“Thanks. Anyways, this is my baby, Huggy. Who is going to kill us in the future. Or try to”.
“Hey, I bet you twenty bucks that once we go into a room, after like 30 seconds he'll be gone. But you gotta look away. Anddd, I bet you another 5 bucks that he can hear us, or me, talking right now”!
“That's not fair. You're in the future so you know it's going to happen”.
“Mhm, bet or no bet”?
“No bet”.
I go to the door with a bunch of stuff inside and try to open it.
But I end up hearing a jingle of keys..?
“Thanks Huggy.” I smiled when saying that and walked towards the electronic room. At least that's what I call it.
Unlocking it I go in—
“Don't leave me pretty please”!!!
…I expected younger me to follow but I don't need to worry right now.
Once we were in the room, the door locked. I mean that's what I heard. I'm basically going through my life, again. This is something that would be studied. Old people would kill for something like this.
“Did the door lock”?
“I don't know, try opening it”.
I wandered over to the poles and solved a puzzle while younger me was freaking out over the locked door.
“Uhmmmmm, I think Huggy's gone”!!!
“Wait weally????” I mocked, a small smile creeping up on my face.
“I've been through this already, you baby”.
I finished the puzzle and then walked towards the kid.
“Move out the way please!!” I said, making my eyes big and sad looking, like a cartoon character.
The door opened, and we both walked out.
“Alright, time to move to the next area”.
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endeenderman · 5 months
The biggest disappointment of 2024 so far is the fact that I found out that in Poppy Playtime kids cannot take home the toy that they made with the "make a friend" machine... 😭
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icdrawings · 7 months
Bigger body survivors au by me
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lovelybee666 · 8 months
I'm bored so I'll do my general poppy playtime ranking.
🥇 Candycat
Do I identify with a cat that eats candy that has nothing of relevance to the game? Y E S
🥈 PJ pug a pillar
🥉 Dogday
4. Bobby Bearhug
I identify with her? Yeah
Do I feel bad for it? Yeah
I love her? Yeah, a lot
5. Huggy Wuggy
I want to hug him even though he will probably kill me
6. Kickinchiken
cool chicken(KFC)
7. Pickypiggy
Once again, I identify with this pig AND I HATE IT AND LOVE IT AT THE SAME TIME
8. the other smiling critter
I love the Smiling Critters in general
9. Miss Delight
I love her design
10. Bunzo Bunny
Idk I like his design I guess
11. Kissy Missy
12. Bron
He has GREAT potential for a chapter
13. That dancing robot
14. Poppy
I love her but I don't trust her
15. The others
I love all the characters actually
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kadieeverfree · 7 months
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Poppy playtime 👌💕
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hildagirl99 · 7 months
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Now kiss !! ❤️
Meme on Pinterest
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iheartleopards · 3 months
the little merpig
Picky piggy as Ariel
Player as king triton
Bubba bubbaphant as prince Eric
Dogday as Sebastian
Kickin chicken flounder
Catnap as scuttle
Huggy wuggy as chef louis
Boxy boo as flosam
Pj pug a pillar as jetsam
Mommy long legs as ursula
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sirensea14 · 7 months
Humanized Huggy and kissy :3
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SHIP (cartoon counterparts only)
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Then Bunzo and Mommy
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All of em still 2022 art
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