#hugh dickson
letterboxd-loggd · 10 months
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Death Line (Raw Meat) (1972) Gary Sherman
July 30th 2023
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white-cat-of-doom · 10 months
The last Wednesday show of Asia Tour 2022-2023 as the cast begins to wrap up everything in Taipei, Taiwan. After today (09 August 2023), there are only six shows left!
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George Hankers covered Mungojerrie today, and Katie Hutton give him the praise he deserves as a temporary partner to her Rumpleteazer, and his overall role in the company.
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A group of Toms gathered for a picture.
With Russell Dickson as Munkustrap, Nathan Zach Johnson as George, Oliver Ramsdale as Admetus, Saverio Pescucci as Alonzo, Matthew Levick as Bill Bailey, Cian Hughes as Carbucketty, and Johnny Randall as Mistoffelees.
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Cian got in four pictures of his Carbucketty, and found Lucy Rice covering Bombalurina in one.
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Saverio Pescucci was ready for a great show day.
Matthew Levick as Bill Bailey brushes his troubles away.
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nethervoice · 1 year
Hugh Edwards The One Voice Awards is doing what no VO award show has ever done before. As of this year there is a category for the best non-binary voice. The One Voice Awards are part of the One Voice Conference UK edition that takes place in London from May 10 – 14. A One Voice USA conference has yet to be announced. I asked one of the conference organizers, Hugh Edwards, to give me some…
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its-kinda-snowy · 4 months
Tag Game : 5 underrated things!
Tagged by the lovely @hugh-lauries-bald-spot yippee!
Underrated band: Adult Jazz - If you're a fan of experimental rock I cannot recommend these guys enough, severe vibage
Underrated book: The Dragon and the George by George R. Dickson - A fun 70's fantasy that inspired The Flight of Dragons (1982)
Underrated movie: The Fall (2006) - Probably the most visually striking films you will ever see with the bonus of an incredibly bittersweet narrative on the power of storytelling, 20/10 I cried :(
Underrated food: (idk if its actually underrated but its uncommon in my area don't kill me pls) Pierogis!!
Underrated Artist (free space) : pspsps check out @mac-n-cheese-art best art in the world 100% guarantee
No pressure tags: @transmascskywalker @veradragonjedi @aweisz and anyone else who wants to join!
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scotianostra · 9 months
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Tragedy struck Midlothian on September 5th 1889 when Sixty-three miners, some as young as thirteen, died in an underground fire at Mauricewood Pit, Penicuik
The cause of which was never discovered, it was the worst mining disaster in the history of the Lothians. Most of them died from suffocation when smoke entered the ventilation system.
The following is extracted from “The Mauricewood Braves” one of Wilsons ‘Mining Lays, Tales and Folk-lore’ published 1916.
“The Mauricewood Pit, at Penicuik, near Edinburgh, took fire on September 5th, 1889, and sixty eight men and boys lost their lives.
The principal product from the pit was ironstone, although coal in small quantities was also produced. The pit had a vertical shaft of 480 feet then a level roadway eastwards of 180 feet and this was followed by a one in eight dip decline of 960 feet (Deaths Incline). Halfway down the decline a steam engine had been erected and another steam engine did duty at the bottom. The steam pipes traversed this route, and it was at the 800 ft slant that the fire broke out among the support timbers. The wood was tinder and inflammable, and it was soon apparent that the conflagration would spread and become disastrous. There were no other outlets to or from the lower level, and unless the men below received a warning note to give them a chance of escape, they must inevitably perish.
Three trapper and pony boys – Robert Hook Tolmie (my own surname but no relation) , aged 14; Michael Hamilton, aged 15; and Thomas Foster, aged 17 years, volunteered to go round the mine and warn all the men below of their danger, but the only shiftman there, his mate was away in another district of the pit- pleaded with the boys not to go away and said that he would go himself to warn the other men of the fires danger, but the boys in unison shouted as they ran
“No, we’ll go” ….. And they went. The brave boys never came back alive.
“They died to save” The bodies of the boys were afterwards recovered (surrounded by over twenty other bodies) near a trapdoor that had got blocked up in the meantime cutting off the avenue of escape. The mine was subsequently flooded to quench the fire that was raging in the workings, and over a year elapsed before the last body was brought to the surface.
The heroism and self-sacrifice of the three lads aroused sympathetic expressions and admiration throughout the mining world, and a monument marks their last resting place in the Penicuik’s KirkHill Cemetery.
Names of Dead
The alphabetical list of names below is from a report in the Scotsman. Among the names is a Robert Tolmie, I wonder if he was some sort of relation to my family, although I did know of some Penicuik Tolmie’s who were not related to us.
Thomas Adams, 7 Manderston Place
David Anderson, 1 Manderston Place
T Bennett, 4 Lindsay Place
William Brockie, 13 Walker Place
William Brown, 1 Lindsay Place
William Brown, Glebe
William Daly, 3 Fieldsend
J Davidson, Edinburgh Rd
Robert Dempster, father, 6 Lindsay Place
R Dempster, son, 6 Lindsay Place
William Dempster, 19 Walker Place
Robert Dickson, 13 Fieldsend
Thomas Foster 13 Leslie Place
John Fraser 27 Napier St
John Glass, Pryde's Place
William Grieve, 5 Leslie Place
C Hamilton, son, Greenlaw Cottages
Mitchell Hamilton, father, Greenlaw Cottages
Mitchell Hamilton, son, Greenlaw Cottages
Robert Hamilton, 4 Leslie Place - uncle of Richard Hamilton, brother-in-law of Robert Tolmie
Richard Hamilton, 4 Leslie Place - nephew of Robert Hamilton
Robert Hunter, Roads farm
William Hunter, 8 Walker Place- father-in-law of David Penman
Thomas Hunter, Pike
James Irvine, 10 Leslie Place
David Kinnimont, father, Roslin
Robert Kinnimont, son, Roslin
William Lamb, 5 Walker Place - son of Robert Lamb, Leven, Fife
George Livingstone, 22 Fieldsend
Alex McInlay, 12 Leslie Place
David McKenzie, 10 Lindsay Place
Hugh McPherson, father, 12 Lindsay Place
Peter McPherson, son, 12 Lindsay Place
Thomas Meikle, 5 Lindsay Place
William Meikle, father, 6 Leslie Place
William Meikle, son, 6 Leslie Place
Walter Meikle, 6 Leslie Place
Robert Millar, 3 Fieldsend - stepson of William Daly
William Miller, 3 Fieldsend - stepson of William Daly
Martin Morgan, Pryde's Place
G Muir, Greenlaw Cottages
David Penman, 8 Walker Place - son-in-law of Wm Hunter
George Pennycuik, father, 12 Walker Place
George Pennycuik, son, 12 Walker Place
D Porterfield (brother of Robert Porterfield)
Robert Porterfield (brother of D Porterfield)
James Porteous, 5 Walker Place
J Purves, 10 Lindsay Place
John Sinnott 7 Fieldsend
James Somerville, 18 Napier St
Alex Stewart, John Street
James Stark, nephew, Pike
M Stark, uncle, Pike
Thomas Strang, 2 Walker Place
Robert Tolmie, brother-in-law of Robert Hamilton
William Urquhart, Eskbridge
John Walker 4 Fieldsend
John Walker, James Place
Andrew Wallace, brothers, 2 Lindsay Place
David Wallace, brothers, 2 Lindsay Place
James Wright, brothers, 9 Lindsay Place
William Wright, brothers, 9 Lindsay Place
Matt Wright, 8 Leslie Place
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igazikutya · 1 year
Zajok a nappaliból – Traxelektor 2023. 03.
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Elnézést! A csúszás oka egyfelől, hogy ez a szám egy szinte teljesen megújult gépen készül, illetve, hogy egy kellően őrült március múlik el éppen, így teljesen okés, hogy a márciusi szám a bolondok napján publikul.
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Az I:Cube-ot nem szokták a French Touch hősei (Daft Punk, Lauren Garnier, Cassius, Air, St. Germain..) között emlegetni, pedig sokkal konstansabb és szélesebb életművel bír Nicolas Chaix munkássága, és hát a ’97-es Picnic Attack (nekem) van olyan fontos mű, mint az Air – Moon Safarija vagy a Homework. A Cubo Live Session-ök voltak 2020/21-ben az utolsó megjelenések, és most egyből albummal ébred álmából az I:Cube. Az EYE CUBE címet viselő lemez (ezzel azt hiszem a bandanév összes béna variációja el lett lőve) minden olyan ismérvet magán visel, ami a Merovingienne/Lucifer En Discotheque/Cryptoporticus korszakban jellemzővé vált. Kevésbé táncos, annál művészibb zenei kompozíciókból épül fel, annyira, hogy ez már szinte Sheffield és a The Black Dog synthspace-e.
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A háromszorosan elismert dzsungelmesteri paszományát rugdalhatná térdeivel basszusokra és törtekre Alex Dickson, ha a dárembézesek elkapnák a plecsnikórt és a díjfluenzát. A szelíd mosolyú Pugilist változatlan tempóval (4,2 ep/év) szeli a hullámokat. Talán még a minőség is mondhatni egyenletes, bár őszintén szólva, inkább nem és a Negative Space EP lóg ki felfelé, magasan.
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Sam Goku ismerős lehet, annak, ki követi az oldalt (debut album: East Dimensional Riddims [2021], Flowery Rave Tales [2021] - nyolcadik a Top 12 EP/Single Charton). Sam Goku aka Robin Wang szerzeményeiben felismerhető a kínai organikus zenei építkezés, s egyfajta zeitgeist: a technológia és a természet könnyed egyensúlyára törekvés. A „berlin based artist” The Things We See When We Look Closer című albuma talán kissé sterilebbre sikerült, mégis figyelemre méltó.
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Lia Kohl chicago-i csellista feljátszott kortárs zenei témáit úgy keveri hangminták és effektek rétegei közé, hogy egy egészen különleges, bár műfajában egyáltalán nem ismeretlen ambientet kapunk. A lemez hullámzását tehát lassú cselló futamok, váratlan és stílusidegen megőrülések, széteső, akár darabjaira hulló etapok, csendes, mély terek adják. A The Ceiling Reposes hatodik albuma a művésznőnek, s melynek hat sora verssé áll össze.
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A London Contemporary Orchestra idén már kiadott soundtrack lemezt is Cate Blanchett és Sophie Kauer közreműködésével, mely Todd Fields tavaly bemutatott, Lydia Tár karmesterről szóló filmjéhez készült. A Robert Ames és Hugh Brunt által vezetett LCO-tól nem áll távol az underground elektronika művészeivel való kollaboráció sem, lásd Actress (2018). Most Oscar Powell-nek kínáltak menekülőutat a klubok zajától. A 26 Lives album válogatás Powell és a LCO tavaly januárban a Barbican Centerben elhangzott négy órás koncertjének felvételeiből.
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Old Castle néven tömörülnek trióba Robin Storey (Rapoon, Zoviet France), Robert L. Pepper (Pas Musique), és Shaun Sandor (Promute). Öregkastélyék nem falazzák a köntölt, az Artwork 51 albumot nyitó Rage Goat, lassan lefelé tekeredő, ellenállhatatlanul dögös, ámde akadozó gitárriffjével, eddig az év egyik underground slágere. Az album nagy részét a kísérletezés uralja, még akkor is, hogyha trendi elemek formájában kering körülöttünk, spoken word-ökkel, krautrock vasakkal. Az album a lengyel (gdanski) Zoharum kiadónál jelent meg, de nem a spotify számára.
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Christina Sealey és Richard Oddie az újrahasznosítás jegyében 2011 és 2015 közötti felvételeik (Tangled Paths, Vanishing Point, Apparition, Hungry Ghosts) újraértelmezésébe fogtak. A csak szerzői kiadásban érkező Revenant EP gyakorlatilag hibátlan, az Orphx-től megszokott és elvárható tökély (4/4). Mivel szerzői kiadás, a spotify-on ne keresd!
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Anthony Child, aki Discogs profiljába a különféle párhuzamos világok Matt Damonjairól készült fotókat tölt fel szórakozásból, új albummal érkezik.
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Tény, hogy 2018-as az utolsó Surgeon album (Luminosity Device) – az ő profilképén meg valamelyik Oliver Kahn mosolyog. Na, szóval az is tény, hogy akármennyire is kiemelkedik a technomezőnyből, neki is a kislemez/ep a gyakoribb esemény, azok három éve történtek (Europa Code EP, The Golden Sea EP, 2020). Újabb revenantunk Surgeon, a modern elektronika egyik legmegbecsültebb tagja, kvázi ikon, aki ezt megalkuvásmentes, kitartó életmű-építésével vívta ki magának - nem emlékszem gyenge kiadványra tőle. A berlini Tresor-nál megjelent Crash Recoil pedig méltó az előzményekhez, nagyon erős anyag, főleg a szerkesztés szintjén, Surgeon a váltásaival végig feszesen tartja az élményt. A Crash Recoil Tour március 4-én Gijonban indult el, kizárólag nyugat európai helyszínekkel. 
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A sznoébresztő úgy szólna: Ayaz nevű artista Unpinned című műve Mr. TC és Lo Kindre kiadójánál, a Phase Group-nál jelent meg 300 példányban bakeliten, bár erről még a Discogs se tud pillanatnyilag (a Phase Group alatt). Ayaz nevére a Discogs-on 6*7 azaz 42 találat van, jelentsen ez bármit is a bárkivel szemben. Semmiképp nem Ajax, mert az Amszterdam, akkor inkább Feyenord, mert ez az arc a Bandcamp szerint rotterdami dj, producer, sőt azerbajdzsáni légiós dj. Így már számomra is érthetőek a különös hangminták, amik az album bizonyos szakaszain fel-felbukkannak. A záró Reprise egy naiv, cukros klisé volna például, de hallani, hogy ezt nem európai elme szerkesztette. Úgy vezeti ezeket az ismert elemeket, mintha ázsiai repetitív népzenét hallanánk (ez nem volt píszí, mi? marad). Igazából az Unpinned – ami valószínűleg debutalbuma a szerzőnek – engem teljesen elragadott, mondhatnám, magával rántott, mint radákot az amorf. Bár zeneileg más, annyira mozis, mint egy tetszőleges Recoil. Totális leftfielditás, ködös laposkúszás valakinek az álmaiban, színes, távoli sötétség.
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François Marché és Stéphane Bodin kettőse a Froid Dub nekem eddig ismeretlen volt, miként a két zenész számos egyéb pszeudója is. Pedig a Deep Blue Bass album - melynek címe amilyen elcsépelt, annyira pontos – már a második albumuk. Az, hogy annyira mégse hideg dub az a kék basszus, a fényeknek tudható be, amik sokszor vépörveresen verdesik felszínét és verődnek vissza a térben. A klasszikus dub összes erénye feltűnik tiszta elektronikába csomagolva, a bravúros Isla Morada / Original Stalker / Rude Light záró hármas kifejezetten kedves darabok szívemnek, úgyszólván slágerek (bár erről a környezetem többnyire mást gondol, jelbezárnám).
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A Laibach hitelessége számomra sose lehet kétség tárgya. Teljesítményük, jelenlétük ereje, hogy mekkora zenei spektrumot lettek képesek átfogni életművükkel döbbenetes. Gondoljunk csak bele: ez a 300.000 Verschiedene Krawalle side project-től a Folk albumig húzódik. Gyengém, hogy amikor a Laibach átcsap operába, már nehezemre esik követni. Ezért is volt megnyugtató a Sketches Of The Red Districts címét és borítóját látni. S mint hamar kiderült, egészen a genezisükig visznek vissza minket Milan Fras-ék, az 1980-as megalakulásukig, Tbovljébe. Ez egy önvizsgálat, témája pedig a hitelesség. Visszatekintés a zenekar ideológiai, esztétikai, a zenei hangzásbeli gyökereire a mából. Az a Jugoszlávia nagyon messze van a mai uniótag Szlovéniától. Megváltoztak a médiumok, amiket a Laibach tudatosan használ az NSK megalapítása óta, megváltozott a világ, amire mindig reagáltak, értelmezték, művészetükkel újraértelmezték. S közben a kortárs zenében lezajlott forradalom részesei is voltak. Innen oda visszatekinteni, annak tudatában, hogy az idő és a történetek mindazt újraírták rég.
Ami pedig a zenét illeti, ez most tényleg az a klasszikus Laibach, kein eurovision liederfest. Az ipari elektronika könyörtelenül pontos szívsebészei, hegyekről legördülő gitárhurkokon elmormolt velős gondoltaikkal delejeznek. Van vasbakancsos belassulás, lassú, spirális emelkedés, téboly, mozdulatlanná merevedés. Indusztriál pszichedelia, neue/alte slowenische kunst.
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Material + Object aka Andre Ruellonak új albuma van. Mármint ez az a Material Object, aki az Elektronik  I-II albumot jegyzi 2011-12-ből a megboldogult ambientgéniusz Pete Namlookkal, s aki jobbára a 2010-es években volt aktív. Na de ez a borító! Kedves Andre! Nem szeretném szavakba önteni, az olvasóra bízom. Kedves olvasó, köszönöm a befogadást, áldás!
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A Telepath az Editions Megonál jelent meg, és maga Atom TM aka Uwe Schmidt masterelte. Experimental ambient és szintetizátor-művészet, akár bevállalós, negyedórás elszállások formájában is, hol az elektronika citerahangokká esik szét csellóágyon (Hyphae). Andre azt mondja, hogy vannak olyan trackek is, mint a copertina. Igaz. Meg az Enter se csak egy enter, így a címében, mert hogy introtrack, és akkor enter, itt kérem be vagyunk léptetve, meg lettünk enteredve. A Telepath az ambient hőskorszakát idézi, manírmentesen.
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Ayaz - Unpinned [2023, phase group][EP] Froid Dub - Deep Blue Bass [2023, Delodio][LP] Hoshina Anniversary - HakkyouShisou [2023, Constellation Tatsu][LP] I:Cube - EYE CUBE [2023, Versatile][LP] Laibach - Sketches Of The Red Districts [2023, Mute][LP] Lia Kohl - The Ceiling Reposes [2023, American Dreams][LP] Material + Object - Telepath [2023, Editions Mego][LP] Old Castle - Artwork 51  [2023, Zoharum][LP] Orphx - Revenant [2023, Self-Released][EP] Powell & London Contemporary Orchestra - 26 Lives [2023, Diagonal][LP] Pugilist - Negative Space [2023, Of Paradise][EP] Sam Goku - The Things We See When We Look Closer [2023, Permanent Vacation][LP] Surgeon - Crash Recoil [2023, Tresor][LP] Valentina Magaletti & Laila Sakini - Cupo [2023, Magaletti Sakini][LP]
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Meemo Comma - paradinas padavanka, veszett idm-dzsunglista a Planet Mu-ról – Cloudscape című felvételénél nem csoda, ha fennakad a füled, ugyanis a Loverboy album nyitótrackjében az Orbital Belfastjának vokálja hangzik fel szokatlan zenei környezetben. Az albumot megelőző Cloudscape maxin a kiadó tulajdonosa, Mike Paradinas is remixelte, nyilván µ-Ziq néven, de a hölgy eredetije jobb.
Lopott dallamok rovatunknál maradva, a Nulladik típusú találkozások ufo-szelídítő öt hangja csendül fel a Polipores – Our Tiny Orbits szerzeményében, míg Kouslin, Danny Boyle Sunshine (2007) sci-fijének segélyhívó hangjából kreált dallamot a Livity Soundnál megjelent Five Fourban.
Coco Bryce olyan nekem, mint egy nagy Jungle-Break Vidámpark, szédítő hangulat, sokaság, tarrbélára vágott külvárosi mobil lombkoronasétány party, de azért csak elhangzik, hogy – én erre nem ülök föl, baz’ – ...három track így is becsúszott az ehaviba a Point Of No Return-ről.
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Traxelektor 2023 03 Spotify playlist - link
(51/60, 3:45/4:38, 85%)
Traxelektor Playlist 2023 03
Austen - Merece Mejor [Medulla, Soft Raw] Ayaz - Ilham Comes with Irada [Unpinned, phase group] Ayaz - Reprise [Unpinned, phase group] Ayaz - Sredstvo [Unpinned, phase group] Ayaz feat. Leyla - Dota [Unpinned, phase group] Carrier - Harsh Features [Lazy Mechanics, The Trilogy Tapes] Carrier - Lazy Mechanics [Lazy Mechanics, The Trilogy Tapes] Carrier - Ten by Ten [Lazy Mechanics, The Trilogy Tapes]
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Coco Bryce - I Want My Money Back [Point Of No Return, Fresh 86] Coco Bryce - Kohaku [Point Of No Return, Fresh 86] Coco Bryce - Make U Mine [Point Of No Return, Fresh 86]
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Depeche Mode - Before We Drown [Memento Mori, Mute] Die Wilde Jagd - Kelch [Ophio, Bureau B] Die Wilde Jagd - Perseveranz [Ophio, Bureau B] Flore - Base IQ [Get Digit / Base IQ, Peder Mannerfelt Produktion] Froid Dub - Isla Morada [Deep Blue Bass, Delodio] Froid Dub - Not Loved [Deep Blue Bass, Delodio] Froid Dub - Original Stalker [Deep Blue Bass, Delodio] Froid Dub - Rude Light [Deep Blue Bass, Delodio] Hiroaki Iizuka - Behind The Frame [Recall, Arts Collective] Hiroaki Iizuka - Recall [Recall, Arts Collective] Hoshina Anniversary - Dakuten [HakkyouShisou, Constellation Tatsu] Hoshina Anniversary - Dareka no Rettoukan wo Nomikomu [HakkyouShisou, Constellation Tatsu] Hoshina Anniversary - Karoushi [HakkyouShisou, Constellation Tatsu]
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I:Cube - 0 0 01 48 [EYE CUBE, Versatile] I:Cube - La Grotte Aux Fees [EYE CUBE, Versatile] I:Cube - Vantableu [EYE CUBE, Versatile] Kouslin - Five Four [Patterns EP, Livity Sound]
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Laibach - Glück auf! [Sketches Of The Red Districts, Mute] Laibach - Lepo - krasno [Sketches Of The Red Districts, Mute] Laibach - Moralna zaslomba [Sketches Of The Red Districts, Mute] Lia Kohl - Sit on the Floor and Wait for Storms [The Ceiling Reposes, American Dreams] Lia Kohl - When Glass is There, and Water, [The Ceiling Reposes, American Dreams] Materia + Object - Enter [Telepath, Editions Mego] Material + Object - x6x [Telepath, Editions Mego] Meemo Comma - Cloudscape [Loverboy, Planet Mu]
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Moderat - Fast Land (The Bug's G36 Mix)[EVEN MORE D4TA, Monkeytown] Old Castle - Bloody Teeth [Artwork 51, Zoharum] Old Castle - Rage Goat [Artwork 51, Zoharum] Orphx - Apparition (Veiled)[Revenant, Self-Released] Orphx - Hungry Ghosts (Revenant)[Revenant, Self-Released] Orphx - Tangled Paths (Hypnagogic)[Revenant, Self-Released] Orphx - Vanishing Point (Erasure)[Revenant, Self-Released] Polypores - Enchantments [Praedormitium, Castles in Space] Polypores - Our Tiny Orbits [Praedormitium, Castles in Space]
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Powell & London Contemporary Orchestra - 14, 23, 18 [26 Lives, Diagonal] Powell & London Contemporary Orchestra - 23 [26 Lives, Diagonal] Pugilist - Circuit Breaker [Negative Space, Of Paradise] Pugilist - Daggers [Negative Space, Of Paradise] Pugilist - Micro Dose [Negative Space, Of Paradise] Saint Abdullah & Jason Nazary - Insistently, Mystically [Evicted In The Morning, Disciples] Saint Abdullah & Jason Nazary & Peter Eldh - Divine Timing Is Intuitive [Evicted In The Morning, Disciples]
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Sam Goku - Lotus Drive [The Things We See When We Look Closer, Permanent Vacation] Sam Goku - Mangrove Railways [The Things We See When We Look Closer, Permanent Vacation] Sam Goku - Zoom Out [The Things We See When We Look Closer, Permanent Vacation] Surgeon - Leadership Contest [Crash Recoil, Tresor] Surgeon - Masks & Archetypes [Crash Recoil, Tresor] Surgeon - Oak Bank [Crash Recoil, Tresor] Surgeon - Second Magnitude Stars [Crash Recoil, Tresor] The Black Dog - BCN 4 (Part 2)[Mixed] [Music For Airport Lounges, Dust Science]
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citizenscreen · 2 years
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"Federal Theatre Project Special Broadcast" -(standing l-r) Walter Abel, Ralph Bellamy, Hugh Herbert, Gale Sondergaard, Henry Fonda, Joan Blondell, Dick Powell (seated l-r) Gloria Dickson, Patricia Morrison, James Cagney, Lionel Barrymore during a special broadcast presented by the Screen Actors Guild on June 26, 1939
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atletasudando · 1 year
Otro 3.000 de lujo para Fedra Luna y Florencia Borelli
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Fuente: CADA Las mediofondistas argentinas Fedra Alana Luna y Florencia Borelli confirmaron su excepcional momento de forma al mejorar -ambas- el récord sudamericano de los 3.000 metros llanos en pista cubierta durante el meeting Eure, que se disputó este sábado 4 de febrero en el Estadio Jesse Owens, en Val de Reuil, Francia. El sábado anterior, Borelli se había convertido en la primera sudamericana en bajar los 9 minutos en pistas “indoor” al registrar 8m.59s.61 también en Francia, durante el meeting de Lyon (la marplatense, además, posee el récord sudamericano de esta distancia al aire libre con 8m.53s.89 en Memphis 2022). Ese mismo día, Luna -otra ascendente atleta argentina, que desde la última temporada entrena en España- había batido el récord sudamericano de los 1.500 en pista cubierta con 4m.12s.95 en Sabadell, España (mejorando los 4m17s94 logrados por Borelli pocos días antes en Valencia). Para Luna, aquella carrera fue su estreno absoluto en pistas bajo techo. Ahora, en Val de Reuil, Luna ocupó el cuarto puesto con un nuevo tope sudamericano de 8m.57s.59 y Borelli quedó quinta con 8m.58s.59, también debajo de su primado anterior. La carrera fue ganada por la etíope Diribe Welteji con la mejor marca mundial de la temporada: 8m33s44. Welteji es una de las mejores mediofondistas del circuito mundial y en julio pasado ocupó el 4° puesto sobre 1.500 metros llanos en el Mundial de Oregón. Ahora terminó delante de su compatriota Sembo Alawey (8m.35s.94) con tercer puesto para la alemana Hanna Klein con 8m36s42. Fedra Luna, nacida el 5 de julio de 1995, viene protagonizando un fulminante progreso en los últimos tiempos y se convirtió en una de las figuras de la Selección Argentina en los Juegos Odesur de Asunción, a fines de la pasada temporada, cuando logró el doblete dorado sobre 1.500 y 5.000 metros llanos. También se apoderó del récord argentino de los 1.500 en Castellón con 4m.11s.66 y fue subcampeona iberoamericana de 5.000 en Alicante. Borelli, por su parte, es la poseedora de todas las marcas nacionales en ruta (desde los 10 km. hasta el maratón) y también protagonizó un sensacional 2022 con sus victorias en el medio maratón del Iberoamericano y del Sudamericano (Buenos Aires) y, además, su medalla dorada de los Odesur sobre 10 mil metros. En los 60 metros con vallas, el brasileño Eduardo dos Santos Rodrigues de Deus terminó 5° con 7s.75, ganando allí el estasdounidense Michael Dickson con 7s.53. El meeting de Val de Reuil reunió a figuras de primera línea internacional como la ucraniana Yaroslava Mahuchikh, campeona mundial indoor de salto en alto, quien ahora ganó con 1.95 m. El español Mohamed Katir, campeón europeo en mediofondo, s e adueñó hoy de los 1.500 llanos con 3m.35s.48. Y en salto triple también se dieron cita varios de los astros de la especialidad con triunfo para el recordman mundial Hughes Fabrice Zango (Burkina Faso) con 17,48, seguido por los cubanos Lázaro Martínez (17.16) y Andy Díaz (17.09). El subcampeón olímpico Yaming Zhu, de China, fue cuarto con 16.90. Y en el salto con garrocha para damas se impuso la finlandesa y campeona europea Wilma Murto con 4.63, el mismo registro que la canadiense Alysha Newman y la china Xh Huiquin. Read the full article
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pharology101 · 1 year
LOTD: Little Ross Range Front & Rear
(from: http://www.ibiblio.org/lighthouse/sctsw.htm)
Little Ross Range Front
Date unknown. Active; focal plane 21 m (69 ft); two white flashes every 5 s. 10 m (33 ft) square white solid stone tower; an external ladder provides access to the light. Trabas has a photo and Google has a satellite view. This is an outbound range guiding vessels departing Kirkcudbright Bay. Located at the north end of Little Ross Island, a small island at the western side of the entrance to the bay. Accessible only by boat. Site and tower closed. Admiralty A4633.99; NGA 4827.
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(full photo found here; ©Trabas)
Little Ross (Range Rear)
1843 (Alan Stevenson). Active; focal plane 50 m (165 ft); white flash every 5 s. 22 m (66 ft) round masonry tower with lantern and gallery, attached to a 1-story keeper's house. Lighthouse painted white with buff trim; lantern painted black. David Collin's photo is at right, Trabas has a photo, Lighthouse Digest has a historic photo, Marinas.com has aerial photos, and Google has a satellite view of the light station. A notorious crime occurred at this station: assistant keeper Robert Dickson murdered relief keeper Hugh Clark in August 1960. The 4th order Fresnel lens used here was placed on display at the Stewartry Museum in Kirkcudbright in December 2014. The station is now a private residence. In July 2017 the 11.7 ha (29 acre) island and the keeper's house were for sale for £325,000. Located atop a small island at the western side of the entrance to Kirkcudbright Bay. Accessible only by boat. Site and tower closed. Operator: Northern Lighthouse Board. ARLHS SCO-125; Admiralty A4634; NGA 4828.
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(full photo found here; ©Trabas)
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dailyrugbytoday · 2 years
Highlanders Super Rugby 2023 Fixtures & Stream today
New Post has been published on https://thedailyrugby.com/highlanders-super-rugby-fixtures/
The Daily Rugby
Highlanders Super Rugby 2023 Fixtures & Stream today
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The Highlanders is a New Zealand professional rugby union team based in Dunedin that compete in Super Rugby. The team was formed in 1996 to represent the lower South Island in the newly formed Super 12 competition, and includes the Otago, North Otago and Southland unions.
All Super Rugby games in 2023 are streamed in Australia via Stan Sport, while one Saturday night game a week is broadcast on free to air on Channel 9.
Please note that all times below are in Sydney/Melbourne time, and that “Broadcast” refers to the Australian broadcaster.
Highlanders Super Rugby Read More:
Highlanders add Argentinian winger for Super Rugby 2023
McKenzie returns for Chiefs as McMillan names 2023 squad
Super Rugby Pacific 2023 Fixtures and how to watch
Highlanders Super Rugby Fixtures
Saturday 25 February Highlanders v Blues Forsyth Barr Stadium, Dunedin 5:05pm Stan
Friday 3 March Crusaders v Highlanders AAMI Park 6pm Stan
Friday 10 March Chiefs v Highlanders FMG Stadium Waikato, Hamilton 5:05pm Stan
Sunday 19 March Highlanders v Force Rugby Park, Invercargill 1:35pm Stan
Saturday 25 March Highlanders v Fijian Drua Forsyth Barr Stadium, Dunedin 2:35pm Stan
Friday 31 March Moana Pasifika v Highlanders Mt Smart Stadium, Auckland 5:05pm Stan
Saturday 8 April Highlanders v Hurricanes Forsyth Barr Stadium, Dunedin 5:05pm Stan
Saturday 22 April Force v Highlanders HBF Park 7:45pm Stan/Nine
Friday 28 April Waratahs v Highlanders Allianz Stadium 7:35pm Stan
Friday 5 May Highlanders v Chiefs Forsyth Barr Stadium, Dunedin 5:05pm Stan
Sunday 14 May Brumbies v Highlanders GIO Stadium 2:35pm Stan
Saturday 20 May Highlanders v Rebels Forsyth Barr Stadium, Dunedin 2:35pm Stan
Friday 26 May Highlanders v Reds Forsyth Barr Stadium, Dunedin 5:05pm Stan
Friday 2 June Blues v Highlanders Eden Park, Auckland 5:05pm Stan
2023 brings the arrival of a new Super Rugby Pacific season and a new captain for the Highlanders. The squad includes 22 forwards and 16 backs with just three Super Rugby debutants in Bay of Plenty loose forward Nikora Broughton, Otago lock Will Tucker and teammate first-five Cameron Miller.
Super Rugby Pacific, locked in until 2030!https://t.co/CNbP0DkV5m pic.twitter.com/unNUQ1BL6j
— Highlanders (@Highlanders) December 2, 2022
Highlanders 2023 Squad Announcement
Backs:  James Arscott, Connor Garden-Bachop, Marty Banks, Mosese Dawai, Folau Fakatava, Sam Gilbert, Scott Gregory, Mitch Hunt, Vilimoni Koroi, Jonah Lowe, Cameron Millar, Jona Nareki, Fetuli Paea, Aaron Smith, Josh Timu, Thomas Umaga-Jensen
Forwards: Jermaine Ainsley, Leni Apisai, Nikora Broughton, Daniel Lienert-Brown, Josh Dickson, Shannon Frizell, Ethan De Groot, Billy Harmon (Capt.), Max Hicks, Fabian Holland, Luca Inch, Ayden Johnstone, James Lentjes, Andrew Makalio, Rhys Marshall, Saula Ma’u, Marino Mikaele Tu’u, Pari Pari Parkinson, Hugh Renton, Jeff Thwaites, Will Tucker, Sean Withy
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white-cat-of-doom · 11 months
The final, two show day in Kaohsiung, Taiwan for Asia Tour 2022-2023.
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Alice Oberg, previously a Swing in South Korea, is now a joyful Demeter! Congratulations Alice!
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The week was crazy, but Katie Hutton as Rumpleteazer, Billy Mahoney as Mungojerrie, and Jack Danson as Rum Tum Tugger made it through.
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Matt Krzan rests backstage before show two, and Russell Dickson shows his buddies Lydia Gerrard and Benjamin McMillan.
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Cian Hughes covered Mistoffelees again. Onwards to Taichung City next week!
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tahyirasavanna · 2 years
Jeffrey Schwarz's Show and Tell Flick Boulevard! Is Streaming on Apple TV
Jeffrey Schwarz’s Show and Tell Flick Boulevard! Is Streaming on Apple TV
Boulevard! A Hollywood Story is now streaming for rental or purchase on iTunes and Apple TV  from Emmy-winning director, Jeffrey Schwarz (The Fabulous Allan Carr, Tab Hunter Confidential, I Am Divine, Vito).  Dickson Hughes and Richard Stapley, two young songwriters and romantic partners, find themselves caught in movie star Gloria Swanson’s web when she hires them to write a musical version of…
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movenahas · 2 years
Endnote word 2013 slow
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Endnote word 2013 slow portable#
Sarah Ann Harris, ‘William Shakespeare 400th Anniversary: Can you recognise the words coined by the Bard?’, HuffPost, 21 April 2016 No Sweat Shakespeare, ‘Words Shakespeare Invented’, Roma Panganiban, ‘Twenty Words We Owe to Shakespeare’, Mental Floss, 31 January 2013 Daniel Swift, ‘Laughable Maybe, but Never Lacklustre: Words of the Bard’, Telegraph, 21 March 2014 Josie Gurney-Read, ‘How Well Do You Know Shakespeare’s Words?’, Telegraph, 21 March 2014 Including such words in antedatable totals would add two to the Swift, Mental Floss and No Sweat Shakespeare counts and one to the tally in Unmasking the Real Shakespeare. A further three words are on record shortly after Shakespeare’s usages, suggesting that they, too, may have been already active. Bill Bryson, Shakespeare: the World as a Stage, rev. Holger Schott Syme, ‘People Being Stupid About Shakespeare III’, 11 July 2011, Cited in Andrew Dickson, ‘Can the world’s biggest dictionary survive the internet?’, Guardian, 23 February 2018 Over 60% of the words on Schäfer’s list that the OED currently records in use at a later date can be antedated further than Nashe on via EEBO. Nashe himself can now frequently be antedated. Jürgen Schäfer, Documentation in the OED (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1980). Thomas Heywood, Troia Britanica: or, Great Britaines Troy (London: W. 37, in EEBO-TCP Andrew Willett, An Antilogie or Counterplea to An Apologicall (he should haue said) Apologeticall Epistle published by a Favorite of the Romane Separation, and (as is supposed) one of the Ignatian Faction (London: Thomas Man, 1603), p. by Gervase Markham (London: James Roberts for Thomas Millington, 1597), p. Vertues teares for the losse of the most christian King Henry, trans. Murray, ‘Preface to Volume I’, in A New English Dictionary (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1888), p. 147, in EEBO-TCP Samuel Rowlands, (London: G. Edward Evans, Verba Dierum, or, The Dayes Report of Gods Glory (Oxford: Joseph Barnes, 1615), p. 483, in EEBO-TCP Thomas Nashe, Nashes Lenten Stuffe (London: N.L. by Josuah Sylvester (London: Humfrey Lounes, 1611), p. Guillaume de Salluste Du Bartas, Du Bartas his Deuine Weekes and Workes, trans. Hugh Craig, ‘Shakespeare’s Vocabulary: Myth and Reality’, Shakespeare Quarterly, 62.1 (2011), 53-74 (p. by Stephen Greenblatt and others (New York: Norton, 1997), p. Stephen Greenblatt in The Norton Shakespeare, ed. David Crystal and Ben Crystal, The Shakespeare Miscellany (London: Penguin, 2005), pp. David Crystal, Think On My Words (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008), p. David Crystal, The Stories of English, 2nd edn (London: Penguin, 2005), p. edn (New York: Columbia University Press, 2015), p.
Endnote word 2013 slow portable#
210 Seth Lerer, Inventing English: A Portable History of the Language, rev. Harold Bayley, The Shakespeare Symphony (London: Chapman and Hall, 1906), p. by Sylvia Adamson and others (London: Arden, 2001), p. 35 Terttu Nevalainen, ‘Shakespeare’s new Words’, in Reading Shakespeare’s Dramatic Language, ed. Russ McDonald, Shakespeare and the Arts of Language (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001 repr. Rubinstein, Unmasking the Real Shakespeare: The Truth Will Out (London: Pearson, 2005 repr. Stephen Marche, How Shakespeare Changed Everything (New York: Harper Collins, 2011), p. by Mireille Ravassat and Jonathan Culpeper (London: Continuum, 2011), pp. Valenza, ‘Shakespeare’s Vocabulary: Did it Dwarf All Others?’, in S tylistics and Shakespeare’s Language: Transdisciplinary Approaches, ed. Alfred Hart, ‘The Growth of Shakespeare’s Vocabulary’, The Review of English Studies, 19.75 (1943), 242-254 (p. speaks, speaketh, spoke etc.), rather than lemmas (e.g. Figures in the region of 28-31,000 are sometimes given - these are counts of word forms (e.g. Subsequent scholars have not diverged significantly, with most figures coming in between 17,000-20,000. In 1943, Hart calculated Shakespeare’s lemmatized vocabulary as 17,677. Metcalf, Predicting New Words: the Secrets of their Success (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2002), p. 28 Richard Lederer, T he Miracle of Language, rev. Shipley, In Praise of English: The Growth and Use of Language (New York: Times Books, 1977), p. Stanley Wells, Shakespeare For All Time (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003), p. 109 Leslie Dunton-Downer and Alan Riding, Essential Shakespeare Handbook (London: Dorling Kindersley, 2004), p. by Will Sharpe and Erin Sullivan (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015), p. by Michael Dobson and Stanley Wells, 2nd edn, rev. Shakespeare and 'The Licence of Ink': Endnotesġ] Vivian Salmon in T he Oxford Companion to Shakespeare, ed.
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scotianostra · 2 years
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Tragedy struck Midlothian on September 5th 1889 when Sixty-three miners, some as young as thirteen, died in an underground fire at Mauricewood Pit, Penicuik 
The cause of which was never discovered, it was the worst mining disaster in the history of the Lothians. Most of them died from suffocation when smoke entered the ventilation system.
The following is extracted from “The Mauricewood Braves” one of Wilsons ‘Mining Lays, Tales and Folk-lore’ published 1916.
“The Mauricewood Pit, at Penicuik, near Edinburgh, took fire on September 5th, 1889, and sixty eight men and boys lost their lives. The principal product from the pit was ironstone, although coal in small quantities was also produced. The pit had a vertical shaft of 480 feet then a level roadway eastwards of 180 feet and this was followed by a one in eight dip decline of 960 feet (Deaths Incline). Halfway down the decline a steam engine had been erected and another steam engine did duty at the bottom. The steam pipes traversed this route, and it was at the 800 ft slant that the fire broke out among the support timbers. The wood was tinder and inflammable, and it was soon apparent that the conflagration would spread and become disastrous. There were no other outlets to or from the lower level, and unless the men below received a warning note to give them a chance of escape, they must inevitably perish. Three trapper and pony boys – Robert Hook Tolmie (my own surname but no relation) , aged 14; Michael Hamilton, aged 15; and Thomas Foster, aged 17 years, volunteered to go round the mine and warn all the men below of their danger, but the only shiftman there, his mate was away in another district of the pit- pleaded with the boys not to go away and said that he would go himself to warn the other men of the fires danger, but the boys in unison shouted as they ran “No, we’ll go” ….. And they went. The brave boys never came back alive. “They died to save”  The bodies of the boys were afterwards recovered (surrounded by over twenty other bodies) near a trapdoor that had got blocked up in the meantime cutting off the avenue of escape. The mine was subsequently flooded to quench the fire that was raging in the workings, and over a year elapsed before the last body was brought to the surface. 
The heroism and self-sacrifice of the three lads aroused sympathetic expressions and admiration throughout the mining world, and a monument marks their last resting place in the Penicuik’s KirkHill Cemetery.
Names of Dead
The alphabetical list of names below is from a report in the Scotsman.  Among the names is a  Robert Tolmie, I wonder if he was some sort of relation to my family, although I did know of some Penicuik Tolmie’s who were not related to us. Thomas Adams, 7 Manderston Place David Anderson, 1 Manderston Place T Bennett, 4 Lindsay Place William Brockie, 13 Walker Place William Brown, 1 Lindsay Place William Brown, Glebe William Daly, 3 Fieldsend J Davidson, Edinburgh Rd Robert Dempster, father, 6 Lindsay Place R Dempster, son, 6 Lindsay Place William Dempster, 19 Walker Place Robert Dickson, 13 Fieldsend Thomas Foster 13 Leslie Place John Fraser 27 Napier St John Glass, Pryde's Place William Grieve, 5 Leslie Place C Hamilton, son, Greenlaw Cottages Mitchell Hamilton, father, Greenlaw Cottages Mitchell Hamilton, son, Greenlaw Cottages Robert Hamilton, 4 Leslie Place - uncle of Richard Hamilton, brother-in-law of Robert Tolmie Richard Hamilton, 4 Leslie Place - nephew of Robert Hamilton Robert Hunter, Roads farm William Hunter, 8 Walker Place- father-in-law of David Penman Thomas Hunter, Pike James Irvine, 10 Leslie Place David Kinnimont, father, Roslin Robert Kinnimont, son, Roslin William Lamb, 5 Walker Place - son of Robert Lamb, Leven, Fife George Livingstone, 22 Fieldsend Alex McInlay, 12 Leslie Place David McKenzie, 10 Lindsay Place Hugh McPherson, father, 12 Lindsay Place Peter McPherson, son, 12 Lindsay Place Thomas Meikle, 5 Lindsay Place William Meikle, father, 6 Leslie Place William Meikle, son, 6 Leslie Place Walter Meikle, 6 Leslie Place Robert Millar, 3 Fieldsend - stepson of William Daly William Miller, 3 Fieldsend - stepson of William Daly Martin Morgan, Pryde's Place G Muir, Greenlaw Cottages David Penman, 8 Walker Place - son-in-law of Wm Hunter George Pennycuik, father, 12 Walker Place George Pennycuik, son, 12 Walker Place D Porterfield (brother of Robert Porterfield) Robert Porterfield (brother of D Porterfield) James Porteous, 5 Walker Place J Purves, 10 Lindsay Place John Sinnott 7 Fieldsend James Somerville, 18 Napier St Alex Stewart, John Street James Stark, nephew, Pike M Stark, uncle, Pike Thomas Strang, 2 Walker Place Robert Tolmie, brother-in-law of Robert Hamilton William Urquhart, Eskbridge John Walker 4 Fieldsend John Walker, James Place Andrew Wallace, brothers, 2 Lindsay Place David Wallace, brothers, 2 Lindsay Place James Wright, brothers, 9 Lindsay Place William Wright, brothers, 9 Lindsay Place Matt Wright, 8 Leslie Place
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stroudtimes · 2 years
What's on: Barbara Dickson to star at the Sub Rooms
Hugh Phillimore and his team at the Sub Rooms have landed another big-name star with iconic singer Barbara Dickson set to perform in Stroud later this year. In this special acoustic performance, Dickson and her pianist Nick Holland explore her catalogue of songs at an intimate level. The pair let the words and melodies take ‘centre stage’ as they perform a wonderful range of material drawing on…
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fyeahrebeccafront · 3 years
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