#human Gelfling au
ericaportfolio · 2 years
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Dark Crystal Sketch Dump from Instagram.
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twiggystarrdust · 2 years
"But twiggy, why are there other races in your OC? Where did the merfolk come from? And the gnomes? And how are their humans on Thraa?!?"
Well my dearies...
"Thraa had always been a place in which everything had its place. Each of the gelfling clans resided in their own dwellings, taking sanctuary beside the seven great trees. The Stonewood's lived in the Endless Forest in Stone-in-the-Wood and the Grottans stayed deep in the Caves of Grot. The Sifans explored the seas or resided by the coast, while the Vaprans settled high in the mountains of Ha’rar. The Great Smerth homed the Drenchen clan, the Crystal Desert homed the Dousan, and Sami Thicket was a haven for many of the Spritons tribes, but there was never a place for those that didn't quite fit in gelfling societies. The outcasts, the exiles, the wanderers and the lost.
Long ago, in the days when Aughra’s son Raunip would roam the planet, There sat a rock near the sea. Raunip, the greatest wanderer of them all, while frustrated and longing for answers, would often come to this rock and sit upon it, contemplating his conundrums. To those close to him, the rock became a symbol of meditation and knowledge, and a sanctuary to any who found themselves lost.
Many trines later, after the unification of the Gelfling clans and the great rebellion in the Age of Resistance, new races began to emerge. Gelfling had often believed that the creatures of their lands were all that inhabited Thraa, but once the clans united and shared their skills and resources, they began venturing out, exploring all that the Silver Seas offered. New continents populated by unfamiliar races were found. The Sifan sailors discovered a race that called themselves humans, while The mariner, Skeksa, met a species known as the Gnomes. With the promise of new lands, migration began, and the new species began to mingle. The news of these new creatures roaming Thraa spread from the Sifan coast to the Valley of the Mystics. Hearing of this, the Dwarfs surfaced from deep within their mountain dwellings that they had resided in undetected for hundreds of trine to offer trading and master craftsmanship. Tribes of Reptilians emerged from the sanctuary of the grasslands, far beyond the Mountains of Grot, and Merfolk arose from their underwater homes. With the threat of the Skeksi diminished, and the alliance of the new species, Thraa began to prosper, offering a home to a vast array of new cultures and species.
However, there were still those who didn't fit into any of the colonies, clans or tribes and so would go in search of their own haven. Tuck Pot, a close friend of Raunip, would often come across these wanderers and would offer them sanctuary in his grove. He took in many creatures of every species, offering them a safe place, but he knew that his grove could not hold all those who were lost. When a large tribe of reptilians came to seek refuge, Tuck led them and the other wanderers to Raunips Stone and helped them build a place to call their own. The colony of wanderers grew, and soon, a new city was formed.
The City of Rivers sat on the edge of the land, wedged in between the High Hills and Raunip’s spine. Many rivers weaved in and out of its cobbled streets, leading out towards the vast Silver Sea. A great wall surrounded the inner city, where the descendants of the original Reptilian settlers lived, while a second wall surrounded the outer city limits, protecting all of its citizens. At its centre, in the heart of the city stood Raunips Stone."
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gretchensinister · 8 months
Dark Crystal Vampire AU Part 4: I GUESS THIS THING NEEDS A PLOT, HUH?
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Onto the Age of Resistance and the original movie:
The inciting incident is still AU Mira getting drained with a witness. AU Rian unfortunately is up against the general perception that vampires aren’t real. I’d set this part in the 1930s because if I go with the 966 eclipse for the split date, that means that the 1000 year anniversary is fast approaching. So let’s say Rian was able to take pictures but one of the issues is finding a place to have them developed that he’s sure won’t get back to the skeksis. The location of the AU skeksis castle I’m thinking of as Venice, I’m pretty sure they have a reasonable number of old palaces there that could accommodate a gaggle of rich old vampires.
On the subject of the 1000 year anniversary—Skeksis like SkekZok, and SkekTek separately, have concluded that the original ceremony didn’t grant them permanent immortality, and something needs to happen at the 1000 year mark to make them live forever. They don’t know what it is but they know they can’t do it if they’re arrested for murder.
Well. There is one big thing that could happen. SkekGra told them. But they DON’T need to reunify, they’re the superior parts of the URSKEKs, that’s horseshit, goodbye!
SkekGra and UrGoh are doing fine, by the way. They moved to Tangier, Morocco, at some point, and during this first phase of the AU story, that’s the International Zone or Interzone and being eccentric weirdos there is really working for them. They are having lots of kinky threesomes for blood and they’ve discovered that it really decreases the pain/thirst to live with and get along with your other half! Also pairs drinking each other’s blood drastically lowers the amount of external blood needed.
(SkekMal and UrVa know this last thing too, because UrVa at one point decided to harry SkekMal forever across the Earth, never letting him settle, and after one too many disrupted hunts SkekMal was like “then I’ll just drink from YOU” and it ended up being a very interesting night.)
SkekSa and UrSan are...somewhere...in the Mediterranean Sea.
UrLii ended up living in the Paris catacombs. It happens. Eventually SkekLi ended up there too.
I think Aughra has to be a book in this AU. Maybe another esoteric acronym, AUGHRA.
I haven’t thought out much plot mapping for the show as AU. Maybe the gelfling characters are the remnant/descendants of the original URSKEK cult members? And it’s kind of an underground/esoteric religion? Would help explain the emotional sway of the skeksis/not just calling the cops. The URSKEK underground religion is what the skeksis wipe out before “movie” events. I think the urRu still raise Jen. He’s still got to help with reunification, and so does Kira, but it’s something that takes more time and is more like real detective work/solving a mystery in this AU.
As for the ending...there is reunification but I’m not sure if would let them all just leave. They certainly don’t become the original URSKEK humans again. Something different has to happen. It’s 1966! Try something new!
And that’s the vampire AU!
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mixterglacia · 1 year
TDC/SU AU: The Skeksis and Gelfling
(Note, this is not hyper accurate to SU lore. Just vibe with it y’all.)
Thra is a planet under the rule of Algodonite, the Empress of the Metamorphic Court. 
A result of failed experimentation by Homeworld. The original goal was to split a group of lesser Diamonds to clone them. However, this resulted in the loss of 18 natural Diamonds. They each split into two distinct Gems, none of which mirrored their former glory. Fusion is required to return to their previous state, but the Metamorphic Gems stubbornly refuse. They believe they are the stronger half, fooling themselves into thinking they can become Diamonds without Fusion.
Their counterparts are the Prism Gems. Lead by Shell Agate the Mistress.
While most are still withdrawn, a few of the Prism Gems have reached out to work with the humans that have broken away from the rule of the Metamorphic Court. While they cannot change what their species has done, they feel they need to help save the planet they had a hand in destroying.
Currently, three humans are also considered honorary Prisms.
Rian was born into a long line of guards that served the Metamorphic Court. He accidentally witnessed the Court he protected as they carried out an experiment on his beloved Mira. They were trying to see if a human soul could fill the void left by the Division. While it seems to work temporarily, it doesn’t last forever and kills the human in the process. While this fact doesn’t deter the Court, it sets Rian on his quest to save his planet.
Brea is from a royal bloodline, appointed by the Court to govern the other humans in their stead. She’s deeply curious by nature, and has a thirst for knowledge. This is what leads her to question the Court’s intentions. After seeing a horrible event where members of her people were forced to hand over family heirlooms, she sought the truth. What use are human artifacts to a Gem? These thoughts lead her to a strange, semi-sentient creature by the name of Dolerite. With their help, she joins the Prism’s in their quest to save Thra.
Deethra, also known as Deet, is from a small group of humans that live in a former Kindergarten. She’s deeply in tune with the natural world, often tasked with feeding the farm animals that sustain her remote village. After being attacked by a rampaging bull, Deet woke at the base of the Sanctuary Tree. A living database of Homeworld history, with full sentience. It’s unclear why the Great Trees are aiding the Prism Rebellion. Some think the Trees know they will die along with Thra if the Court is allowed to continue. The Sanctuary Tree gifts Deet with a vision of the future, and sets her on her path to join the Rebellion. Along the way, she befriends a Pebble that goes by Hup. While technically a Gem, Pebbles are treated like slaves. Hup escaped, and she intends to do whatever it takes to help save Thra.
A being by the name of Aughra is now organizing the Rebellion…in her own strange way. She seems to be a physical representation of Thra itself.
The Metamorphic Court:
-Algodonite the Empress
-Crocoite the Gourmand
-Lepidolite the Ornamentalist
-Howlite the Heretic (Banished)
-Yellow Goldstone the ??? (Shattered)
-Prehnite the Collector
-Mookite the Satirist (Banished)
-Bloodstone the Huntress
-Hematite the Slave Mistress
-Ulexite the Scroll Keeper
-Pectolite the Mariner
-Sonora Sunrise Cuprite the Treasurer
-Cinnabar the Chamberlain
-Jadite the Scientist
-Magnesite the Garthim Mistress/General/Empress
-Rutilated Quartz the General
-Scheelite the ??? (Shattered)
-Sunstone the Ritual Mistress
The Prism Gems:
-Shell Agate the Mistress
-Andalusite the Cook
-Coral the Weaver
-Linarite the Wanderer (Sort of Banished)
-Blue Goldstone the ??? (Shattered)
-Milarite the Nun
-Septarian the Storyteller (Self-Exile)
-Tigers Eye the Archer
-Plume Agate the Herbalist
-Sanskrit Jasper the Scribe
-Variscite the Swimmer
-Tektite the Numerologist
-Serandite the Chanter
-Realgar the Alchemist
-Moldavite the Healer
-Iolite the Peacemaker
-Feldspar the ??? (Shattered)
-Boulder Opal the Ritual Guardian
The Fractured Diamonds:
-Radiant Diamond
-Sun Diamond
-Peach Diamond
-Indigo Diamond
-Green Diamond (Shattered)
-Teal Diamond
-Fawn Diamond
-Red Diamond
-Black Diamond
-Umber Diamond
-Aqua Diamond
-Gold Diamond
-Maroon Diamond
-Peacock Diamond
-Gray Diamond
-Sage Diamond
-Fallow Diamond (Shattered)
-Scarlet Diamond
The future is…uncertain for our band of rebels. The outlook is bleak, but you never know. Stranger things have happened.
(Inspired by @sifanjewel / far.dreaming.maudra on tiktok)
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talkin-tdc · 6 months
Jim Henson AU feedback
So I’m looking to possibly write a big fic on Jim Henson multiverse kinda with an emphasis on dark crystal. Basically a few gelfling would be transported to earth which is shared between fraggle rock, muppets, and Sesame Street all in their irl locations (fraggle rock in Canada, seasame street New York, muppets in Los Angeles).
But idk where everyone would go necessarily? I feel like Rian would definitely end up in fraggle rock, possibly with Brea and Deet maybe? Maybe Hup? Trying to also determine who would go to the muppets and who would go to Sesame Street.
Basically the premise is it’s an AU where tdc characters (mostly gelf) get sucked into an earth where the muppets, fraggles, and Sesame Street is all real. Their mission is to find each other and get home. I may also place a few characters from each in Thra but again focus would mainly be gelfling on earth.
The characters I see going to Thra are probably uncle traveling Matt, Kermit, Cookie Monster, Fozzie, and Boober, with their respective friends scrambling for leadership replacements/trying to find them. But if anyone could find better fits to go to Thra lmk. I was preparing to have Honeydew and Beaker stay on earth with Doc to come up with a way to get the gelfling home when they eventually team up. Other than that lmk who you guys think should go to Thra/be interesting plot points. The only one I know for sure is staying is Gobo so he can interact with Rian.
I’d go in depth on Matt/Gobo’s relationship and how much it actually hurts Gobo that he’s always gone/he longs for something more and for Matt to be close more often and see him as more of a son than nephew. I think for Kermit I’d explore him not having to take a leadership role and realizing he’s happier getting to be part of a group and not have to lead it.
For the gelfling, it’d be finding out how the world works on earth and them slowly realizing the Skeksis were actually oppressing them. For Mayrin/Ordon, they’d learn how much they put work over their kids and ended up hurting them and strive to have better and stronger relationships with them. For Rian, Gurjin, Brea, Deet, and a few others, it’d be hardening them to an unfamiliar world and making them a bit more serious/respect the lives they had rather than try throwing it away by putting themselves in dangerous situations. For characters like Tolyn/Seladon, it’d be that they can have fun sometimes and not to only focus on work but on those around them they love.
I also point out characters like Gobo and Kermit as being the leaders of their respective shows they’d also be semi main focuses. I’m thinking possibly a team up in the end to defeat the Skeksis with the Skeksis teaming up with others as well? (Though other JH villians are kinda hard to find…maybe the hecklers form muppets? I don’t think Doc would help them though…but maybe unwillingly or they lie to him that they’re the good guys?).
To give more clarity on the timeline it happens right before AoR and on earth would be the original muppet show, fraggle rock, and semi original Sesame Street (perhaps a few years after Kermit started the muppets and switched jobs from Sesame Street to the muppets). Not planning on Walter or anything like that. Main human with be Doc or ocs/side characters without a big role.
But anyway any help is greatly appreciated might make this more of a summer project but I’d enjoy any feedback I got thanks!
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marine-indie-gal · 2 years
Ok, so little Unpopular Opinion to say the least, but I actually do like The Super Mario Bros Movie with Bob Hoskins (even though most of the Movie's Plots were indeed Shitty and that some of the Character Designs look absolutely nothing like the Original Characters) but what I do like about it is how it takes up a little FairyTale Aestheic Realistic development but on how that despite most of the designs being inaccurate, I like other people's takes on Designs that are Quite Different for their own personal interpretations despite the New Mario Movie coming up which I am exicited to see. As far as I am indeed one of the Few Fans who actually liked the 90s Movie, I decided to put up a little spin around the SMG4 characters if they were in the 90s Movie Universe. Inspired by a Few Out there who have done their own personal takes on what Characters in a Different Media based on the Said Franchise would look like in a Different Style. Considering that the 90s Movie made its own versions on some of the Mario Characters different, I figure why not do the same with some of the SMG4 Characters if their own LA Movie Counterparts were to be different than the Originals.
Some Info About My Own Personal Takes:
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Meggy - While not looking alike at all with the Cephalopod Humanoid Creatures that we are all familiar with, I wanted to make an attemption of Inklings and Octolings by making them more Merfolk-like with a little spit of some Alien features as if Merfolk Cephalopods look something like Water-themed Aliens that still resembles most Cephalopods in Marine Life (kinda like the Amphibian Man from "The Shape of Water" and other Sea Monsters). Granted, I wanted to make Meggy's Inkling form something like an Actual Cephalopod Mermaid with more Squid/Octo-Like features (she still has the ability to transform into a Squid whenever she can) and as for her Human form, I know it's not very Athlete-like, but just imagine that she's still the same Meggy who can kick ass like a total badass but can still go through her Mer-Squid form whenever she want too. Also, Yeah, the Inklings and Octolings in this AU (while being Merfolk instead of looking more Humanoid) have the ability to transform into Humans for disguises whenever they go on land (so techincally think of it as in AU where if Meggy never lost her Inkling form).
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SMG4 and SMG3 - Eh, not much about these designs. Let's just say I sorta redesign the New Designs of them by making them look close to how Mario and Luigi are depicited in the '93 film but I used accepts of more of their Real-Life Counterparts considering those Guys are indeed their Main Avatars to their own Fictional Mario World. I also gave SMG3 a sockhead instead of a Plumber Hat.
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Melony - Considering that the Zelda franchise has Fantasy aspects, I wanted to make Melony look more like those Elf/Fairy-types of Creatures considering that she was turned as a Human by the Fierce Deity Mask. Say that she's sorta of a Fairy type inspired by the Nymphs of Greco-Roman Mythology, I also wanted to add in some Pink Flowers in her Hair while making her Wear a Forest-Fairy themed dress like most Fairies in Folklore (minus the Wings). As for the Real Inspiration for the Ears and even the Eyes, I mainly went with one of the Cult 80s Classics, "The Dark Crystal" by making Melony be inspired by the Gelfling characters in that Franchise; https://darkcrystal.fandom.com/wiki/Gelfling Axol - As far as Artists go throughout the Years, I wanted to make Axol look like some 90s Artist who can still draw Characters and Comics. Despite being born in Inkopolis in SMG4 Canon, in the 90s Movieverse, I can imagine him being born from a Sailor Family who had a passion for Art and even moves to Japan just like how did in the Original Series (so needless to say I did kept the Japan part of his life but for his Birthplace since Inklings and Octolings are Merfolk in this AU, Axol would have to be born in a Family of his near the Ocean at his own Beachouse where Inklings and Octolings still roam around the Seas). I also gave him one piercing in one of his earrings and let's just say that the badges that he wears are Buttons of Classic Anime Icons (like Goku from Dragon Ball or Sailor Moon).
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Boopkins - Considering that most of the Mushroom Kingdom residents in the 90s version look nothing like their own actual counterparts from the Game, I had to make Boopkins a Human just like how the '93 Movie went. I know that Fishy Boopkins is based off of Spike (considering that he does appear in the Movie) but I actually wanted to make Boopkins look different from Spike like he's his own Actual Character. I went with the Blonde Hair and Green Eyes to resemble how he looks, I also gave him a Shirt that has a Fish on it considering that he's a Sea Creature but he's still the Guy who bonds with Sea Creatures and Anime. Bob - Like the Original, he is a Garo but I tend to take some inspirations off of the Garo Master from the Zelda Franchise. So like how that the Movie Goombas are, I wanted to make Bob's species look even more different by having them look something like the Skeksis from "The Dark Crystal" (hint by that Bird face which looks something like a Plague Mask and even the Reptellien-like tail), I also took one accept from his New Design by having him wear a Bandana around his Neck. I also gave Bob some pupils that would make it look extra Creepy.
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Tari - I wanted to make her look something like a 90s Gamer by the tell of the Gloves and even that Outfit (which has the Rubber Duck on it), I also gave her Brown Hair and Blue Eyes with some little Blue diet on her Short Hair to still resemble on how she actually looked. In an addition, I also gave her a Heart necklace to resemble her own kindness. Saiko - Since she's a Bad Girl judging by her own name which translates to "Psycho Bitch", I wanted to make her look more Punk-like with a Few More Spikes to resemble her own Style and even have a Skull wearing a Bowtie on her own Top Shirt. I also gave her a Pink Eyeshadow since Pink is her Main Color but has for her Hair diets, I cut them off and made most of her Hair more Pink and even replace the Bowties for the Pigtails with a Headband that has a Bow on her head (I also gave her a piercing on her Nose). Imagine her living on the Streets like she's part of some Punk Gang who's got a Weapon of a Baseball Bat instead of a Giant Hammer.
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Swag and Chris - Ok so much like how that the Mario Bros are depicited in the Film to resemble their Original Counterparts, I wanted to do the same for both Swagmaster and Chris, only instead, they work as Police Offiers working at a Police Department but are still are Security Guards like how they are in the Original Series. Swag almost looks like the same as his OG Self but for Chris, I added an Eyepatch on his own Scared Eye cause I thought it would be cool and I also gave him a little Tattoo that's meant to resemble Black Fire if you can at least spot the Other Addition that I added in. Shroomy - Easy as peasy, I made him wear a Different Scout Outfit to resemble his OG Self, though for the Hair color, he's still a Redhead like Meggy but I also gave him some Freckles as a relfection to some of his Spots from his own Mushroom head but even the Hair Bangs is mainly the real reflection behind his Actual Mushroom head.
SMG4 (c) Luke and Kevin Lerdwichagul Super Mario Bros. Movie 1993 Film (c) Rocky Morton and Annabel Jankel Mario (c) Nintendo
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benjimatorarts · 3 years
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Couple of Human AU art dumps.
1.)Drawing Ambassador SkekVar and General Skekvar
2.) Couple of sleepy Silung human drawings... because I can’t stop drawing them.
3.) Skekgra the Conqueror is going through a lot of realizations and perhaps guilt...
4.)The tables have turned... smol gelfing now towers over the smol skeksis bois.
I just thought it be funny if Rian is on the hit list of a small compact bounty hunter. Mal maybe smaller than Rian, but he is not less of a threat. While Sil is wise to keep his distance from Rian. Rian can and will beat Sil up...
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imagin8 · 2 years
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I drew the Drenchen siblings as humans for my high school AU. I included Eliona and Pemma as well since I feel like they don't get mentioned a whole lot.
So in this AU Maudra Laesid would be in charge of the swimming team with Naia being vice president. Gurjin is on the team and is currently their best team members.
Since Eliona and Pemma don't really have a description in the books, I had to think up my interpretations of what they'd look like. It was harder to think of what they'd look like as humans than as gelfling for some reason lol. But anyway,Eliona would not be as involved in the swim team as her older siblings. Instead I feel like she would be more interested in Environemntal or geography class. And Pemma would be in the elementary school, which would be a branch off of Thra high school (that's what I'm calling it for now).
I'm feeling like drawing human Amri just to pull together the entire book squad.
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hegaveyoubones · 4 years
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modern/human AU Tavronica sketch!!
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skekshroom · 4 years
I’m curious to how exactly a human would be presented/portrayed to the gelfling? We know that the Skeksis pretty much would see a human as a pet, but to the public how would it appear? A newly-arrived noble? A ‘civilized savage’ (because colonialism sucks)? Some tamed physical manifestation of nature (in the case of cryptid!human)? The Seladon x reader made me curious
So, were a human to arrive on Thra it would greatly depend on HOW they arrive and how much previous exposure to gelfling you've already had to determine what they are.
So were gonna choose your own adventure! 
In my AU's, the portal in which the human actually GETS to Thra isn't able to be pinpointed, so like in 3 Suns/Dark Sun's/etc etc- you wake up washed up on the coast. I'm playing with a few ideas where you wake up buried alive and just spawn out of the ground. The skeksis however, will deny any suggestion that you're from another world, if asked. They still push the "we're native too we've always ruled" agenda.
Anyways, your most likely one determines your fate!
You manage to bypass all gelfling before you run into the skeksis, you are coerced or go willingly with them: 1
You manage to bypass all gelfling before you run into the skeksis, you are taken against your will: 2
You run into a few gelfling briefly in passing but don't engage before you go willingly with the skeksis: 3 
You run into a few gelfling briefly in passing but don't engage before you are taken by the skeksis: 4
You familiarize yourself with the gelfling you meet before you are shown to the all Maudra and then the skeksis, you go willingly with the skeksis: 5
You familiarize yourself with the gelfling you meet before you are shown to the all Maudra and then the skeksis, you are taken by the skeksis: 6
Part 2:
You had no previous experience with gelfling, but you become a royal pet: A
You had no previous experience with gelfling, but you become a tamed beast: B
You had no previous experience with gelfling, but you become a consort or demand equal standing: C
Your previous experience with gelfling was them expressing wonder or reverence, but you become a royal pet: D
Your previous experience with gelfling was them expressing wonder or reverence, but you become a tamed beast: E
Your previous experience with gelfling was them expressing wonder or reverence but you become a consort or demand equal standing: F
Your previous experience with gelfling was them expressing fear, but you become a royal pet: G
Your previous experience with gelfling was them expressing fear, but you become a tamed beast: H
Your previous experience with gelfling was them expressing fear but you become a consort or demand equal standing: I
Part 3: 
You can be trusted to play your part +
You cannot be trusted to play your part: =
1A+, 3D+, 3G+: You are shown off to the Maudra as a sort of 8th wonder of the world. You may converse with the Maudras and high ranking gelfling, but you are not given Lord status, moreso the Emperor's lion that sits pretty next to the throne and... Of course, can speak. If anyone had seen you before, especially if they were frightened by you, that was just you waking up a bit disoriented from thousand trines of slumber and walking the land as if it were new again. Anyone who saw should have looked away, and should feel privileged to see the awakening of a very old symbol of the skeksis.
2A+, 3E+, 4F+, 4E+, 4H+, 4G+ : Same as above, but you are given less free range when speaking to gelfling. You are there to look regal and that's about it. You can be cordial, just hold your tongue if the Maudren ask how you got there. If anyone heard that you put up a fight in the beginning or scared some gelfling on the way, you were simply disoriented from thousands of trine of slumber beneath Thra. 
1C+, 2C+, 3C+, 4C+: They'll have the gelfling apologizing for their own ignorance Emperor's New Clothes style. skekOk will rewrite all of history and insert you into it. You have ALWAYS been a companion of the skeksis. You have simply been slumbering for many, many, trine. You went on a cosmic voyage. Being a different kind from the skeksis, your mortal shell perished and you just now are born again. But anyways, you are Lord and the gelfling will all welcome you back. Just fake it till you make it, if you slip up it's fine, you've um... You've been asleep a while. 
5F+, 6F+, 5I+, 6I+,. 5D+, 6E+, 6I+ This part is a little more messy, but they'll use similar excuses as above. You have traversed a realm between Life, Death, and Thra itself. You have projected your mind in a cosmic voyage. That's why you're disoriented. That's why you mistakenly said you are FROM "Earth". That's why you didn't recognize gelfling, and that's why you may have scared some of them, or perhaps even been unwilling to go with the skeksis. Fear not, gelfling. You've were simply still in a sleep state, an altered state of consciousness. You're awake now. You've come to your senses.
1A=, 1C=, 3C=, 3D=, 3F=,3I=, 4D=, 4F= : It's not that they don't like you... You're just a bad liar and they can't trust you to interact with gelfling. You are paraded sometimes, shown off, but you will never converse with gelfling. The skeksis will implement social rules to forbid mortal gelfling from tainting your presence. The excuses are similar to as above. You'll get demigod status, but it'll be very lonely. If you cave and talk to one... You could seriously screw things up for you and the skeksis. I highly recommend doing it.
2A=, 2B=, 4E=:5G=, 5H=, 5I= Dungeons. Confines. You are NEVER to be seen or acknowledged by the gelfling. You do not exist. You have never existed. Whatever they saw was a trick of the light. A myth... Like the Hunter of Sami Thicket. Whether or not you're treated well depends on your status. The tamed beast who cannot be trusted to behave will always be hidden away. The consort or pet who may have frightened gelfling and is a terrible actor will simply be hidden away when gelfling are present. You'll be treated well, but you'll live your life looking over your shoulder.
6D=, 6E=, 6G=, 6H=, 6I=: YOU NEVER EXISTED. You are a product of mass Hysteria. A monster maybe, don't worry gelfling, the skeksis have killed the threat. It's fine. The skeksis will gaslight the general population like no tomorrow. You could easily topple so much faith in the oligarchy simply by letting it slip that you exist. Do with that what you will.
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honestly ....... i’m sorry but i have to!!! there’s not a lot of deet and rian art so I have to make it 🥺🥺🥺🥺
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assembleallrats · 4 years
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don’t mind the depressed boi he’s just vibing
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twiggystarrdust · 2 years
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far from finished, but i think this is going to be a long haul, so i might as well post the progress for day 6 of dark crystal week.
it's my Dark Crystal AU, where gnomes, merfolk and humans live on thraa with the gelflings.
OCs are (in order):
Fondel the elemental mage gnome, Griddle the merfolk prince, Twiggy the gelfling and last of the vilyayans, Fiona the rogue and rafiki the preacher.
I'm so happy with how this is going considering this is a redraw of an old group pic of them, my skills have improved so much in the last 6 months. practice makes progress!
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sharkonaut-draws · 3 years
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Me making a humanised skekMal its more likely than you think
I know what you’re gonna say! But Shark! They’re supposed to be old decaying vultures. I l know I know, but I want feral forest man beefcake Mal, let me have this Also Aughra called him the most beautiful so
Also I drew Brea for size reference of the gelfing in this Human Skeksis AU, they’re not tiny little puppets. So the human skeksis still came in and destoryed the gelflings world ya know like typical humans….
Anyway I’ll get to the others eventually, I have ideas for them all~
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mixterglacia · 1 year
SU/TDC Au: Diamonds
So user far.dreaming.maudra on TikTok/ @sifanjewel here had pointed out that White Diamond reminds her of an urskek. So you know I had to take that idea and run with it. I'll be adding to this as I go. I'll also be doing the reverse and converting TDC to gems/humans. Anyway, here we go!
White Diamond 
- skekIte the Navigator
-urWhi the Lamplighter
--IteWhi the Radiant
Blue Diamond
-skekUe the Prosecutor
-urBlu the Mourner
--UeBlu the Therapist
Yellow Diamond
-skekLow The Warden
-urYel The Investigator
--LowYel the Judge
Pink Diamond
-skekInk the Innovator
-urPin the Philosopher
--InkPin the Challenger
Steven Universe
A reincarnation of InkPin, Steven is a Stonewood Gelfling by the name of Sven. For many trine, he had no idea that his 'mother' was in fact urPin. They had formed a relationship with a roaming Stonewood bard named Gelt, and performed a ritual to give their beloved a childling. This resulted in the unprecedented reincarnation of InkPin's soul into the body of a gelfling.
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talkin-tdc · 1 year
Calling all AoR and good omens fans!
After watching season 2, I have an AU I made recently I’d like to share! (No spoils for season 2 don’t worry). So it’s basically Crowley and Azi (AU begins after season one ends), get transported to Thra by both satan and god as they’re mad Armageddon is ruined, god just got Netflix, and wanted to trap them in a fictional world where the outcome is predetermined so they can’t save anything and will be helpless but to watch everything wither. Crowley just chills and drinks but Azi is like “ThE gElFlInG,” so Crowley tries to help save them or try to prove they’re beyond saving (whichever gets Azi happy about them finally being able to be away from the shenanigans of heaven and hell).
They arrive at the castle, Crowley parties with the Skeksis while Azi goes around befriending each guard and getting to know them by name, their backstories, and their families, and decides they need to be saved. After slight bickering, Crowley agrees it’s worth a shot. So, they try to conjure up a miracle to make the Skeksis go away. But it doesn’t work. They both realize rather quickly that while they can perform small miracles, big ones aren’t possible (ie no changing the story), so they summon their car and bookshop to have a place to hunker down and find out what to do.
They both go back and forth with Crowley arguing it’s technically all fiction (he’s a dark crystal fan but has only seen the movie) so the gelfling don’t exist ergo they should relax and let it happen. Azi argues they’re creations of the humans and therefore god as god made humans in her image. Crowley spits out for Azi to prove it, when a bold Drenchen man walks in. Azi tends to him and allows him to join the conversation, though sad to inform him he can’t check out any books. The gelfling assured him it’s not a problem since he can’t read anyway. He introduces himself as prince of the swamp, and claims he was worried about them as he heard the other guards whispering bad things about them. He tells them to just ignore the other guards, that they can’t stand what’s different, and that he thinks they’re great and hoped to get to know them better. Azi is all smug and asks Crowley if it’s enough proof. So, off they go to save the gelfling.
The plan is Crowley convinces the Skeksis to give the gelfling their freedom and Azi starts a small rebellion led by gelfling (Azi wanted to lead himself but Crowley got upset bc he thought it was too dangerous so Azi obliged). But…he’s so enthusiastic about the idea that he hands out flyers and starts speaking about it out loud. Crowley convinced the Skeksis to ignore it, but the gelfling are unnerved to say the least. To the first official rebellion meeting (with crumpets and tea of course), there’s only four members. The Drenchen man from before, his StoneWood and Vapra friend, and another StoneWood looking man but with a deathly glare. Azi knew of course Gurjin, Rian, and Mira by name, but the StoneWood man he’d never met. He writes the three names down, before asking the StoneWood for his, making conversation about Rian’s name meaning in StoneWood and asking if the man’s name had any meaning. The man was starkly offended, correcting that he was Spriton and on the verge of leaving. Azi apologized to the Spriton he now knew as Tolyn.
They form a plan to get new recruits and stop the Skeksis from draining the crystal (intel they gathered via Crowley) for unum (months) after. In this time, Crowley and Azi become closer than they had in the past as they were forced to live together since the gelfling all but cast them out as they were deemed too unsafe to be in a village and the Skeksis didn’t wanna waste the resources to make another house like Azi’s bookshop. So romance between them as they grow closer, making Crowley more eager to keep the whole thing going so they don’t have to return to reality. He does this by sometimes thwarting Azi’s rebellious plans, and by making up silly bets to keep him distracted (‘Oh, bet you ten pounds I could get the Spriton and Drenchen together by the end of the unum! Oh I bet five pounds Rian is dating Mira and Ordon knows!’). Eventually, Rian messes up Azi’s plan so bad he gets hurt.
It wasn’t due to Crowley’s intervention that time, but when his angel comes to him weeping and begging for hugs and cuddles and attention, Crowley quickly finds he is sickening addicted to it. He felt bad that Ordon seemed so stressed and worried at Rian getting hurt yet…he couldn’t help but be in complete euphoria. It had been awhile since he and Azi had been forced to be so close, yet they hadn’t discussed anything about them possibly being a thing. Crowley got it into his head (probably from too much time around the Skeksis), that if he picked up the pieces enough, he could mold the way Azi saw him enough to get what he truly wanted, them being together. He decided he needed someone on the inside so he enlists Tolyn, who is very easily swayed, and they stop the rebellion. Though the rebellion still have wins, they have devastating fails, each worse than the last.
Crowley and Tolyn work great as a team, and they make sure the rebels do no real damage to the Skeksis power. Eventually, perhaps through Ordon or another channel, rebellion learns that Tolyn and Crowley were behind their failings. I don’t exactly know what happens from there, probably them being stubborn and fighting till getting back together through finding the dual glaive or something with minimal Gelfling casualties as the Skeksis become no more. After all is said and done, Azi decides they can stay in Thra and Crowley agrees, though not before they go to earth to gather a few things. They then go back to Thra, congratulating the gelfling and making Thra a better, brighter place for the thralings.
If there are ships you don’t like, feel free to ignore them I get it’s not everyone’s cup of tea and I want everyone to enjoy this! Any suggestions to make it better? What would you guys add or change? Thanks!
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