#humble defector
mtg-cards-hourly · 3 months
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Humble Defector
"You were once Mardu, so your body and will are strong. Now we must train your mind." —Houn, Jeskai elder
Artist: Slawomir Maniak TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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magicjudge · 1 year
If I enchant Humble Defector with Freed From the Real and activate and untap it a few times, and then allow those all to resolve, will it always be me drawing the cards, or will control of Humble Defector at the time of resolution mean the target opponent draws most of the cards?
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You control Humble Defector's ability because you're the player who activated it, therefore you're the one who draws the cards. If they wanted the current controller to draw cards, they could have worded it that way, but they didn't.
So you can draw a lot of cards this way, sure. Your opponents likely won't want to give Humble Defector back to you, though.
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cherrypikkins · 8 months
Here is my contribution to today's prompt from @fe-oc-week ! Oct 14 - Supports
with some more Kitt art and lore :3
cw body horror, death
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I will also be linking some old support art soon :3
and once again for more lore, take a look below the cut!
The Burgess Family It is difficult to pinpoint exactly when the family of Burgess arrived at Annwen, though in likelihood they appeared some time after the defeat of Nemesis, and well after Gwyn was laid to rest. Though they claimed to be a family of merchants, many suspected that they were refugees from remnant factions of the now dismantled Agarthan empire. Gwyn, the founder of the original city of Annwen, had been known to take in defectors of Agarthan origin. And so, in following the example of their departed hero, the people of Annwen accepted the merchant family into the fold, sheltering them from the Church of Seiros.
They settled in without trouble, bringing with them ancient artifacts stolen from the underground caches of their former civilization. These they offered up to the people of Annwen for safekeeping and communal use. Mostly, they included crafting implements that were used to forge armor, weave garments, and polish stones.
Among the artifacts was a curious knife, ordinary-looking in all appearances yet strangely versatile in various applications of craftsmanship. Villagers would often remark on how it would subtly change in appearance over time, but not in a way that signified normal wear and tear. There were times when it appeared to shift and transform before their very eyes, though many dismissed this as a trick of the light. Others believed that the knife was magical. But whenever the people of Annwen used it for their own purposes, there was never any trouble.
In any case, these artifacts enabled the people of Annwen to thrive independently, away from the Church and the Empire, as well as the Kingdom and the Alliance when they each formed years later. These contributions cemented the Burgess family's place in the village for ages thereafter, even enabling them to take on leadership and guidance roles within the village from time to time. Eventually, enough time passed such that not even their present day descendants could remember their Agarthan ancestry…
The Village at Lake Annwen - Part II Many followers of the Church of Seiros wondered why certain remote settlements were allowed to exist in Fodlan away from the enlightenment of Seiros' teachings. The village of Annwen, which Gwyn held sacred, was one such example before its destruction. In particular, Saint Cichol was known to forbid anyone from interfering with the affairs of the village by order of the Church. Even in recent years, Seteth has remained adamant on this stance. Only a handful of scholars and researchers have been allowed to visit on a provisional basis, on the condition that there was to be no proselytizing.
That was not to say that the people of Annwen did not pay respects to the Goddess - only that Seiros and the Four Saints were less prominent in their worship. Even the hero Gwyn, despite not trusting Seiros and her followers, had been known whisper prayers to the Goddess Sothis. And so, in following the example of their hero, the villagers of Annwen honored the Goddess in a manner wholly unique from the Central, Eastern, and Western Churches. For some reason, the Central Church has decided not to object to this, and allowed the people of Annwen to live peaceful lives of their own choosing. Such was the promise sworn by Saint Cichol to the hero Gwyn.
Perhaps this was one of the factors that led to its destruction, for it left the Church unaware and unable to intervene when mages from a more sinister faction began to make frequent visits, making their ill intentions known only once the people of Annwen were fully accustomed and trusting to their presence. Disguised as humble scholars, they were determined to retrieve the fabled Heart of Annwen for their own dark purposes. In a sudden and coordinated attack, they struck down any who dared stand in their way, burning the village to the ground in the process.
One can only imagine the wrath they would have faced if Gwyn were to witness the crimes inflicted upon their beloved village and its people. Perhaps this was why the survivors who managed to escape the initial attack decided with heavy hearts that the time had finally arrived to enact the Rite of Awakening, even at the cost of their own lives.
Though the Rite of Awakening was meant to revive Gwyn from their endless sleep, it is speculated that something more ancient and terrible was summoned forth instead. But what could have gone wrong? The only evidence is a peculiar knife that was found at the scene of the ritual. At first it was ordinary and innocuous in appearance. But once placed in Kitt's hands, it transformed into weapon resembling a Hero's Relic. As its power awakened, so did the rage and torment of the demonic creature whose bones and blood were used to forge it.
But as the legend goes, both hero and demon are one and the same - thus it can be argued that perhaps in some unrecognizable shape and form, Gwyn did return to life.
... A few months after Kitt was rescued by Seteth and Flayn, a handful of dark mages returned to the scene of Annwen's destruction to pick at the ruins, searching for clues on where a certain Crest Stone may be found. One by one they were hunted down and felled without mercy, while a scant few survivors fled back underground to tell the tale. How ironic that those who fancied themselves superior to gods and beasts alike would now flinch at having to contend with a ghost instead.
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hughjidiot · 3 months
Something occurred to me recently about an issue I have with Amphibia season three. I know; "Hugh Jidiot ranting about Amphibia? Must be a day ending in Y." But this is something I actually haven't discussed before, at least not at length.
Not only was Marcy not properly utilized in season three, but neither were the Newts as a whole.
The whole thing with Amphibia's backstory is that for a thousand years the inhabitants lived under a caste system; Frogs as the peasants/working class at the bottom, Toads in the middle as military/enforcement, and Newts at the top as nobility/administrators. The plot of season 3B was about bringing these different castes together to form a resistance against Andrias, culminating in The Three Armies where they had to overcome centuries-old prejudices.
The Frogs were represented largely by the residents of Wartwood, who the audience was very familiar with. The Toads had Beatrice as their firgurehead, whose role in the series beforehand was brief but still had a backstory as part of the Toad military.
The Newts however were represented by... Tritonio and his gang of theives. I have nothing against Tritonio, he's a fine character. But in my opinion he was not a great representation for Newts as a whole. He was an outcast and conman as opposed to someone who came from a position of privilege like a majority of other Newts we've seen.
I've talked at length before about a hypothetical season three where Marcy is rescued and involved with the rebellion and actually has to work through her issues with Sasha and Anne. Well let's expand that for a moment: imagine Olivia and Yunan's rescue being successful, and they escape not just with Marcy but several other defectors from Newtopia, who then have to learn to get along with the Frogs and Toads that spent centuries being oppressed by the upper class. Imagine a plot where the Newts are not only humbled by also having to suffer under Andrias's tyranny like everyone else but come to recognize just how privileged they were when they learn what sort of lives the other species led.
Like all of my Amphibia takes this is just my opinion, but I feel like the role of Newts as a whole could have been done much better in season three.
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markrosewater · 10 months
Do multiplayer and 1v1 have different limits with regards to what is a color pie break? An example: Humble Defector. In a traditional Magic duel I'd assume it to be a bend at most, since the card advantage is negated by sharing it with your opponent. Seems somewhat in line with wheel effects. In multiplayer, though, two players can hog the card advantage without sharing it with the rest of the table.
The color pie applies equally for all formats.
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mk-nightrider · 17 days
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This isn't an organized lore post. Just some general peeks and rambles into some future plans for the factions we have for the world since right now the fic is locked in on Tomek and Billie's childhood. On a technical storytelling standpoint, this is also way to get some characters in so not everyone is old as dirt by the time Billie and Tomek are old enough to be fighters. Also entry points for you fellow OC havers to "canonically" get in on the fun.
Once those kids are more grown and independent, Kano is going to go on a hiring spree. The only ones he really has left at this point are Tasia, Jarek, and Kira. Kano will also begin to investigate avenues to extend his lifespan both through technology and magic. Sure, Billie is his heir, but he doesn't plan on giving up the throne any time soon.
Dark Raiden is naturally going to be an important force going forward. Effectively attempting to quarantine Earthrealm from the other realms and using a combination of the Shirai Ryu and Special Forces to enact his new hands on and offence focused regime. Possibly also drawing in/employing other organizations to his cause. Events that will surely lead to a schism in the Special Forces as some object to Raiden's actions as too far authoritarian or outright cruel to anyone not fully aligned with Earthrealm.
Kabal will be an early defector from Special Forces. Going on to found an anarchist group similar to how he does in the Midway Era. However, since he can't just reforge the Black Dragon this time, the group will likely be called Ragnarok because it's the death of gods and monsters that exercise control over the realm. Seeking to let something new and less controlled be created.
Kotal is in a terrible state. All the things he overthrew Mileena for he has caused to pass. Weakened, desperate, and the alliance with Earthrealm shattered. Will he manage to humble himself and seek new alliances with the further reaches of Outworld, or will the realm's cutthroat survival-of-the-fittest culture see it tear itself apart without Raiden even needing to lift a finger?
Rain meanwhile
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orowyrm · 2 years
i think what it really comes down to is that grineer armor is big and bulky and i am a humble enjoyer of big bulky men. i refuse to accept that they aren’t also beefed up under the armor it would make no sense. you want an army that consists entirely of malnourished twinks???? well ok i just remembered what grineer standard rations are made of perhaps loyalists are just malnourished as hell. DEFECTORS THOUGH……. you BET they’ve got some meat on them bones. i want to believe. i heard cressa tal was shredded i heard clem has like an 8 pack
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ADBK: Trap Master
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Epithet: The Mad Trapper
Voice Actor: Ian Sinclair
Tribe: The Kindred
Biography: This Warrior is a weird one, even by this franchise's standards. He was originally a humble cobbler with a forgotten name in the village of Redstone, until he was attacked and mutilated by Sword Slasher and his platoon of Karakuri Spiders. He was turned into a cyborg monstrosity by Jinzo, but was saved from eternal servitude by Charubin the Fire Knight and his right-hand man Fireyarou.
Although retaining his free will, the torturous process of mechanizing him had warped his mind, turning him into a deranged fighter obsessed with Machines, how they work, and their Spell-Proof armor plating. He soon became the foremost expert on Trap displacement, Trap replacement, and how to dismantle the hardware of any Machine Monster under Perfect Machine King's control.
He's a member of The Kindred, but is kept on a tight leash should his mind fully disappear behind a wall of weapons-grade insanity. Now only known as the Trap Master, he became a colleague of the Time Wizard, and began reprogramming fellow cyborgs within the Machinations' ranks.
Noted defectors include Cyber Saurus, Dice Armadillo, Rocket Warrior, Gadget Soldier, the duo of Roboyarou and Robolady, and Cyber Commander. However, he has one major goal in mind, the reprogramming of the one who made Trap Master a Trap Monster, Jinzo!
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mtgbirthdays · 6 months
Happy birthday to Humble Defector (PRM), who's turning 3 years old today! This has always been a pet card of mine. Such a fun effect.
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idolskpop · 8 months
Song Joong Ki Reveals His Overseas Auditions and Plans to Expand Career Abroad
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Song Joong Ki is ready to take on new challenges as an actor and explore different opportunities in the global entertainment industry. The star of “Hopeless” opened up about his overseas auditions and his ambition to expand his career abroad in a recent interview.
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(Photo : Song Joong Ki Instagram)
Song Joong Ki on Becoming a Father
The actor, who recently welcomed his first child with his wife Katy, shared how fatherhood has changed his life and perspective. He said that he feels happy and amazed every time he hears that his son resembles him, especially his lips.
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(Photo : Song Joong Ki Fan Cafe) "My lips are similar to my son’s. I feel good every time I hear that. I’m doing well with Katy while taking care of our son."
Song Joong Ki on His New Movie “Hopeless”
Song Joong Ki also talked about his latest film “Hopeless,” which is also known as "Hwaran." The movie is a dark thriller that follows a man who gets involved in a mysterious incident that leads him to a dangerous path. The actor said that he wanted to try a different genre from his previous works and that he was honored to work with talented actors and staff.
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(Photo : Cannes Film Festival) Song Joong Ki, Hong Sa Bin, BIBI "As a viewer, I enjoy that genre. It was a natural appearance to me, but I think it might sound fresh to the audience who have a different image of me. I wanted to do it naturally because it’s a genre I usually like." “I’m grateful to the actors and staff who worked hard on this film. It was an honor to work with them.”
Song Joong Ki on His Overseas Auditions and Career Goals
Song Joong Ki also revealed that he has been auditioning for various projects in other countries, hoping to broaden his horizons and showcase his versatility as an actor. He said that he has failed most of his auditions so far, but he is not giving up on his dream of working in different cultures and industries. "I have an audition after this activity as well. I hope I pass this time because I failed most of my auditions before. I think I’m getting more greedy to try in various industries in other cultures."
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(Photo : tvN's Official Instagram) The actor said that he is interested in working with directors and actors from different backgrounds and genres, such as action, comedy, romance, and drama. He said that he wants to challenge himself and learn from others. “I want to work with directors and actors who have different styles and colors. I want to experience various genres and emotions. I want to challenge myself and grow as an actor.”
Song Joong Ki’s Upcoming Projects
Song Joong Ki is currently busy promoting his movie “Hopeless,” which is set to hit the theaters on October 22. He will also star in a Netflix original series called “My Name is Loh Kiwan,” which tells the story of a North Korean defector who falls in love with a woman who has lost her will to live. The actor will reunite with his “Vincenzo” co-star Jo Han Chul and work with rising actress Choi Sung Eun for the first time in this series. Song Joong Ki is one of the most popular and respected actors in Korea, who has proven his acting skills and charisma in various projects, such as “Descendants of the Sun,” “Arthdal Chronicles,” “Space Sweepers,” and more.
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(Photo : News 1 Korea) Thrilling Confessions: Song Joong Ki's Journey as a Father and His Bond with Dad He is also known for his humble personality and generous donations to various causes, such as COVID-19 relief efforts, children’s welfare, animal rights, and cultural preservation. What do you think of Song Joong Ki’s overseas auditions and plans to expand his career abroad? Are you excited for his new movie and series? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below! Don’t forget to share this article with your fellow fans of Song Joong Ki! Subscribe to IDOLS KPOP for exclusive updates and captivating content. Read the full article
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bitegore · 9 months
This is sort of coming out of left field, but in your humble opinion would any of the stunticons be game to fuck D.J.D. members? Or do they know better than to even try?
see the thing is, it's really fucking hard to square the circle of "the djd existing" and "literally every other piece of tf media where the djd don't exist" - we just don't see that level of "join the autobots and get protection or die" desperation in anyone making their power plays anywhere. So it's like genuinely difficult for me to work with the djd as a concept even in other parts of IDW because the purpose of them works largely by ripple-effect and that effect isn't there, because JRo kinda just invented them for his own purposes but no one else was working with them even after his invention. They work well in MTMTE and associated stories, but beyond there I find it hard to make them "work".
That being said.
Wildrider would fuck anyone because he's Wildrider and on a good day he's never heard of fear and on a bad day he's more afraid of the inside of his head than anyone else. And also I think he'd think Kaon was really fucking hot, being that he's a voltage rig AND a massage chair AND a bondage cross AND a guy at the same time and that's the promise of like three separate new and interesting sensory experiences in one.
Dead End might? I think he and Tarn would get along. The real question would be if Tarn would look at him and I think the answer to that is an extremely obvious "no" lmao.
Motormaster I don't think would be interested. They're just like. Not that interesting to him. They don't even kill Autobots much, they fight defectors, that's stupid and embarrassing. They're not frontliners. I do think he'd be wildly into someone like Deathsaurus (commander and frontliner, walks into battle at the front, leads an entire planet) or Overlord (unbeatable), though, it's just that the concept of a DJD strikes me as though, to him, it would be like a place you put cowards who can't hold their own in a fight. But I generally hc him as having such a dim (and deeply naive) view of traitors that he can't even imagine them being a threat to the Decepticons, so there's that context too.
Drag Strip would fuck any of them but first you'd have to call him a scaredy-cat or something. I don't think he's terribly interested for his own sake, none of them are playing his games.
Breakdown is the only one who is just like "guys you know they kill other decepticons, right? That's not great" but i don't think he's that much more afraid of them than anyone else either, he'd just be like. Reasonably paranoid honestly that they'd assume he was also a traitor and go after him about it mistakenly.
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mywifeleftme · 9 months
154: Young Jessie // Shufflin' & Jivin'
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Shufflin' & Jivin' Young Jessie 1987, Ace
Deadspin/Defector writer David Roth coined a phrase for the idle pastime of recalling also-ran baseball players: Let’s Remember Some Guys. If you’ve ever sat around with friends who share a fandom and found the conversation pleasantly degenerating into taking turns naming Guys (e.g. “Oh man, Skeet Ulrich!”) and reacting (“Oh shit, I remember him!”), you’ve had the pleasure of Remembering a Guy. (I’ve uh homaged this bit a few times in this series already.)
Roth draws a distinction here between Guys and Dudes. A Dude is someone who had a respectable degree of success at the highest levels of their practice (made an all-star team; did an album the average stepdad has worn out multiple copies of), whereas a Guy is someone who was more of a workaday stiff who has become lodged in your mind for personal, arbitrary, or outright mysterious reasons.
To whit:
Soccer player Megan Rapinoe is unequivocally a Dude. Former Arsenal player Ray Parlour is a Guy.
The Pokemon Pidgeotto is a Guy. Bulbasaur is clearly a Dude.
Ex-porn star Carter Cruise is a Dude. Scarlit Scandal is currently a Guy with Dude potential.
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Guy. The wrestler Duke “The Dumpster” Droese is a Guy. AEW’s Britt Baker is a Dude.
Basketball player Detlef Schrempf is a Dude. Christian Wood is a Guy and it’s no one’s fault but his.
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The talking doorknockers from Labyrinth are Guys. Ludo is an absolute Dude.
Border collies are a Dude breed of dog. Drevers are Guys.
I trust these carefully chosen exemplars have helped you calibrate your Remembering devices. So, based on what you know about the rules of Guy Remembering, would you say Young Jessie was a Guy or a Dude based on the stats below?
Active between 1953 and 2020, but best known for a short run of rock ‘n’ roll singles in the first decade of his career, some of them featuring guitarist Mickey Baker (among sidemen a definite Dude, otherwise technically a Guy?) and saxophonist Sam “The Man” Taylor (same)
Briefly a member of The Flairs (Guys) and The Coasters (Dudes)
Writer of the song “Mary Lou,” later covered by Bob Seger (Dude), Steve Miller (Dude), Frank Zappa (Dude), and The Oblivians (Dudes, within their specific niche)
Performed and recorded sporadically (mostly jazz) over the ensuing decades
Pencils down. What do you say?
Yeah, Young Jessie is obviously a Guy, but he’s a great example of the worthiness of humble Guydom, and the joys of Remembering Guys. There was a huge glut of talent working during rock ‘n’ roll’s first decade, and despite the public’s insatiable appetite for the new sound there wasn’t enough limelight, enough studio time, enough capital for most singers to get even a single whack at the pinata. To his credit, Young Jessie had enough onstage electricity, and enough craft in his pen, to cut thirteen singles between 1954 and 1963, including some work with the legendary songwriting duo Lieber & Stoller (Dudes).
The concept of an independent (or alternative) class of recording artists didn’t really exist in Jessie’s prime—studio time meant somebody somewhere was willing to risk money on you in the hopes you might have the decency to reward them with a hit. There simply wasn’t as much willingness to invest in a longshot at stardom back then, and you needed, luck, fortitude, and ideally something special vocally to stand out.
Relatively few of Jessie’s peers had the juice to fill out a retrospective compilation, let alone one with the spring of Shufflin’ & Jivin’, which collects most of his work for the Modern Records label (’54 to ’57), plus a few previously unreleased tracks and a token entry from his time with vocal quartet The Flairs (the latter with Ike Turner [Dude] sitting in on guitar). These are pretty hot recordings in general, not far off the jump blues-derived sounds of Big Joe Thornton and Chubby Checker (both Dudes), and Jessie makes a good host. He’s believable when he asks a woman if she’d like seven or eight kids, and he has the strut needed to sell a hustler’s anthem like “Hit, Git & Split.” But he never managed to land a real hit, and he was ultimately the type of unflashy pro that had a more limited ceiling in his stardom-driven era.
But, for anyone who is a true fan of early rock ‘n’ roll and can’t get enough of this sound, this compilation (like Young Jessie himself) is an excellent find, and if you say his name among the right crowd, you’re sure to get an appreciative, “Hey, I remember that guy!” We should all be so lucky to leave such a fond legacy.
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doctor-seamonster · 1 year
Most of what you know about the DPRK is insultingly bad lies. Like, the post you got so mad at was making fun of the idea that 'red is banned because it's the color of capitalism'. Yeonmi Park, probably the most famous 'north korea defector' today, is an obvious scammer who's a regular on fox news and also talks about how in Chicago she got assaulted by black women and the police refused to help her and called her racist. Just accept you've been had and shut up.
I have literally zero unbiased sources of information on the dprk. I'm very aware that there's a lot of misinformation about it.
But I'm also not going to tolerate tankie bullshit. I'm going off of facts that are objectively true, like the fact that they've been ruled by the same family of autocrats for three generations.
The Kim family are absolute monarchs in all but name, forgoing "king" or "emperor" for the much more humble and down to earth "Supreme Leader."
I think that's a little sus. Don't you?
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mtg-cards-hourly · 5 years
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Humble Defector
"You were once Mardu, so your body and will are strong. Now we must train your mind." —Houn, Jeskai elder
Artist: Slawomir Maniak TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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magicjudge · 7 years
If I use Feldon of the Third Path to make a copy of the Humble Defector in my graveyard, then activate it, giving control of it to my opponent, will they still have to sacrifice it at the end step?
You have to sacrifice it, but you can’t sacrifice a permanent you control, so nothing happens when that trigger resolves. This means that the token sticks around. It’s just a normal free token now.
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featherssideblog · 2 years
Feathers Reacts: Motorcity - Episode 11 - Off the Rack
Time for more Motorcity! Now with more Julie. :)
Episode 11 Thoughts
Oh, the Burners are helping refugees from Deluxe escape! I'm really curious about what exactly the political situation is in Deluxe - how much of the population opposes Kane? I mean, they live in a corporate dictatorship, but it seems entirely possible for someone like Claire to never feel like their freedoms have been limited, and to be extremely sheltered from the violence caused by Kane's expansionist tendencies. Anybody doing polls up in Deluxe? XD
Julie, Julie, Julie. Do you feel guilty because you couldn't help the Burners on this particular mission, or do you feel guilty because you're keeping secrets, or do you feel guilty because your dad is a cruel person with anger management issues who you love anyway? Because I have a feeling all of that guilt is about to result in some real unfortunate decisions.
Claire's total lack of understanding about why Julie is rebelling against Deluxe is just so darn intriguing to me. No understanding of broader social causes - maybe that's the effect of propaganda, maybe it's a bit of willful ignorance given that she's met people from Motorcity - but she's incredibly loyal to Julie on a personal level. Claaaaaaaire I wanna know more about what goes on in your brain!!!
Julie's acting out mission impossible here XD
Texas . . . don't be a bully. :( What's up with you, man? I know he's not the best on picking up on other people's emotions, but this "Miss Deluxe" feels very targeted. On the other hand - Texas is a big bundle of machismo, which - I mean, that sort of braggadocio and extreme performance of masculinity often implies a lot of insecurities. In which case you could interpret his behavior as a projection of his own need to be perceived as masculine. Since Julie is "one of the guys" in his head, she falls into the category of "people whose gender I need to police to make sure I'm not girly."
Mike: "You don't need to prove anything." This guy is so good to his friends, I am filled with warmth.
"The percentage of defecting Deluxians is miniscule." Ahhhh, so this answers some of my questions from the beginning of the episode. And Kane's reply! "We lost Mike Chilton and look where that got us." It's really all about Mike, isn't it? Kane would expand into Motorcity even if Mike hadn't defected, but I wonder how much of his wrath towards the place is specifically about losing control of his prize cadet.
Uhhhhh those cube things don't have people in them, right?? No, the Burners definitely just took down some buildings. Well, now Kane is launching actual human beings at their cars. I guess everybody's wearing invulnerability suits, so no harm done, but holy shit. If there are no casualties here it'll be a miracle.
HAHAHAHAHA oh my GOD Kane's advertisement for Kane Shades with his naked sweating muscular chest, what the HELL?? It's making me think of various other real-life dictators and autocrats who have tried to hype their own sex appeal in state propaganda. XD
Julie: "Are you insane??" Mike: "You'll be fine; you've got the safety suit!" Julie: "Yeah, but what about you??" Mike: "I've got Mutt" :) Mike is such an adrenaline junkie
With Kane pulling crap like this it's a wonder there isn't a higher percentage of defectors. Ahhh but he blamed the Burners. I see.
Concluding Thoughts:
It seems like it never really sunk in for Julie that she doesn't need to prove anything to anyone. And I think that indicates that her insecurity stems from guilt about lying to her teammates and guilt about her father, because those are the things that haven't changed. At least she can confide in Claire.
And speaking of Claire! What an intriguing character! She's not about to join the revolution, per se, but on the other hand she is absolutely risking her life when she lies to Kane to cover for Julie. I love it. :)
Texas is just. A lot. In Texas-ify It, he was slightly humbled by realizing he had misplaced the trust he put in Kaia, but I wonder if we're going to get a Texas-centric episode where he learns to be generally more emotionally aware. We don't need Mike levels of intuitive empathy here, just - I think it would be interesting to poke a little bit more at his character and why he behaves the way he does, and what it would take to get him to make an effort to change his behavior for his friends.
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