#hunk baby i'm so sorry 😭
v-tired-queer Β· 1 year
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✨️ Sapphics in Space ✨️
Have some headcanons for this very specific AU that absolutely no one asked for:
All of their names are nicknames that they go by, none of these ladies use their actual names
Keith's name is Akira Kogane, but she started to be called Keith as a joke from the other firefighters in her dad's department, but it kinda just stuck and she secretly liked having a special nickname from the firefighters anyway, even if it was a traditionally male name
Shiro's name is Tatsuo Shirogane, but she and her family are originally from Japan and during kindergarten in America her classmates began to call her Shiro since her name was hard for them to pronounce
Lance's name is Alejandra McClain, but got her nickname from her family when she was younger and always wanted to play soldier or guard. Veronica was the first one to use it and then everyone else started using it, too, and Lance absolutely loved it
Hunk's name is Halia Garrett, and her nickname came from, well, almost everyone. She's always been curvy, but the added on muscles she has gave her her nickname in late middle school
Keith and Lance are adoptive sisters in this AU, where Keith joined the McClain family at 16 after being in foster care since she was 8. Originally, she was there temporarily, but the McClain's adopted her a few months after she'd been in their care
Their one-sided rivalry started in middle school but only got worse after Keith moved in, but settled down after she was adopted and the two actually became friends, but in a I'm-not-going-to-acknowledge-that-I-care-about-you-outloud-but-will-always-protect-you kinda way
Lance teeses Keith about her crush on Shiro, and Keith teeses Lance about her crush on Hunk, and this almost always ends with the closest inanimate object being hurled at each other
Pidge is also cis swapped in this and he and Coran are the only two men on the Castleship and Lord help them, they are terrified
Keith and Acxa are twins, with Acxa being older by about seven minutes. Keith never knew she had a sister, let alone a twin, until she was stranded on a space whale with her long lost mother
Thace and Ulaz are mates, and Regris is their kid. Regris is about five years older than Keith and Acxa, and is their only cousin, as Thace is Krolia's little brother
Kolivan and Antok are in a queer platonic relationship, as Antok is aroace and Kolivan is pan and polyamorus. Kolivan and Krolia end up together and very much in love, eventually getting married
Speaking of, Keith is a lesbian, Shiro is a lesbian, Lance is bi, and Hunk is pan
Hunk as always been a phenomenal baker, as baking is a science, but cooking was something she had to grow into as it's more of an art. With time, practice, and a lot of encouragement from her moms, she became a master chef by the time she was fourteen
The shell on Lance's bracelet was the last shell she grabbed from the beach before her family left Cuba when she was fourteen and moved to the United States for her father's work. She wears that bracelet all of the time, feeling a sense of peace whenever she touches the shell when she's anxious or depressed
Shiro has an older sister named Mayumi, and the two are very close. Their whole family is close, actually, and their parents support both girls when Mayumi comes out as trans and Shiro comes out as a lesbian
Hunk and Lance have been best friends since their freshman year of high school. The two get into a lot of mischief together thanks to Lance, but almost always avoid actually getting into trouble thanks to Hunk
Pidge joined their group when they entered the Garrison and his first thought was "These girls are gonna get me into so much trouble." His second thought was "Lance is crushing so hard, how does Hunk not know??"
Allura absolutely loves to have Girls Nights with the Paladins, where they all get together in her room and have a giant sleepover, complete with blanket forts, unhealthy snacks, teasing, and so much nail painting that Keith is pretty sure she's gotten high on more than one occasion
While Allura is fascinated by Keith and Lance's sisterly relationship, Shiro and Hunk are simply Tired Of The Bickering
Keith is 18; Shiro is 21; Lance is 17; Hunk is 17; Pidge is 16
Shiro and Keith have been best friends since Keith stole Shiro's car and the older bailed her out of Juvie. They got very close while at the Garrison, and Shiro gave Keith her dogtags before leaving for Kerberos. She carries them with her at the bottom of the bags on her hip. There was an unspoken understanding between them that they loved each other, that they wanted to always be together and they cared about each other more than anything, but the time was never right
Shiro and Keith finally start dating while in space after realizing that love doesn't wait for the right time and there's no time like the preasent to let yourself be happy, but Hunk and Lance don't start dating until they get home to Earth because they are, somehow, more awkward about their feelings than Shiro and Keith
Eventually Krolia and Kolivan have a son together and name him Yorak and Keith absolutely adores her baby brother and Shiro absolutely adores seeing Keith with a baby
Kosmo is the bestest teleporting space wolf doggo πŸ’™
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nothingelsematterswrites Β· 5 months
Happy New Year!
Oh my i was soooooo happy when i got a notification that the fic was updated, i missed it so dearly! Thank you for an another wonderful chapter πŸ’—
Finally these two sweet baby angels are mated 😭😭😭😭😭 (and also had sex in the carriage hehehehe)
Also a very embarrassing memory came back haunting me when reading the part where Mark and David went to have some alone time and i need to confess: the first few chapters (6 or 8?) i had no idea that David was DC - i never really checked the tags and i was wondering why Mark was paired with a random OC named David when it could have been like Seb or idk (or DC)… it dawned up on me that its DC when i saw a random redbull video with him and then it immediately clicked and im still ashamed that i was so obliviously dumb 😐
sorry for rambling
Thank you again for the upload!
Sending much love πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–
Happy New Year to you, too!
I'm glad you like that they're finally mated (and the carriage sex was a must).
the laugh I may have laughed when I read your ask at that part was so loud it startled me. Red Bull definitely had a team of tall, razor-jawed hunks back in the day ;)
thankyou for the lovely asks <3
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