#hunter 'bluey' cruz
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Sprite Michael by @dovewingkinnie my beloved, I wanna kiss him sm <3(Hope you don't mind the fanart, hhh-) Attempted a lineless style here!
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Purple Eyes: A Million Dreams.
Friday, October thirteenth, 1987. “Where is my son?! Where is my Cassidy?!?” A Women asked frantically. “We don’t know yet, Ma’am, but we’re working to find them as fast as we can.” Scott said calmly. “Where’s my little Brady?! I can’t find her anywhere!” Another woman whimpered. “Alright, everyone, please remain clam and we’ll try to find your children as soon as we can! They probably just wandered off somewhere we can’t find them.” Scott said calmly. 
(In the Saferoom.)  “They don’t suspect a thing?” William asked, taking off the now messy spring bonnie suit. “Not a thing~! They don’t suspect anything~!” Hunter chuckled. “Well done! Now then, where to hide them……” William thought. “Well, the new suits just came in…” Hunter suggested. “I like how you think!” William smirked. “Really?” Hunter asked. “Of course!” William smirked. “We both know you’re lying, Will.” Hunter frowned. “This time, I am not lying, you are following in my footsteps quite well!” William congratulated. “Thanks….” Hunter said, her gaze falling to the floor. “Something’s troubling you. What’s wrong?” William asked. “It’s just……I’m following in your footsteps and I’m not sure that Mikey likes it…..” Hunter blushed. “Stuff and nonsense! If he doesn’t like you for you, then he’ll have to find someone else!” William said. “I know……I’m just……Still new to this……” Hunter shrugged. “It’s normal to feel this way the first time around. Don’t worry! Michael will warm up to you doing this!” William assured. “Now then! You put those two in Bonnie and Chica, I’ll put these two in Freddy and Foxy!” William said. “There’s still one kid left, William. What about him?” Hunter asked. “There’s an old Cakebear suit in the back, put him in there.” William said. “Oh….Right….” Hunter said. Hunter and William put the kids in the suits and walked out after changing into new work clothes. 
“Hey Phoney~!” Hunter greeted, walking to the dining area. “Hunter, have you seen five kids? I can’t find ‘em and neither can their parents….” Scott said. “Sorry, I haven’t…..” Hunter sighed sadly. “O-Oh….Thanks anyway……” Scott sighed. “I really am sorry….” Hunter apologized. “It’s-It’s fine……I’ll find ‘em someday….” Scott sighed. “Hope ya find ‘em soon, Scott!” Hunter said springing up and leaving the pizzaria. 
(A few weeks later…) Hunter walked to work to find the place under investigation. “Shoot!” Hunter muttered. “Hunter! There ya are! The place is under investigation for the missing kids and it looks like we may get shut down for it!” Scott said. “WHAT?!?” Hunter gasped. “I know……I didn’t wanna shut down now……especially so soon after Fredbear’s shut down….” Scott lamented. “No….This can’t be happening!” Hunter muttered. “I know, but all good things must come to an end…..” Scott sighed. “I gotta go.” Hunter said walking towards the saferoom. (Inside the saferoom.) “Really?!” William gasped. “Yeah……Really…..” Hunter sighed. “No no, Hunter! This is going EXACTLY according to plan!” William giggled. Hunter raised an eyebrow. “Listen, they won’t remain shut down for good, but every time they reopen, they’ll have a smaller crowd coming to them!” William smiled. “So…?” Hunter asked carefully. “So I’ll have my revenge on them!” William said triumphantly. “For what?” Hunter asked. “Don’t ask questions! Just go along with it!” William ordered. “Fine, I guess.” Hunter shrugged. “Did they order new suits for their last birthday party at this location?” William asked. “Yup! It’s Freddy and his friends!” Hunter smirked. “YES!” William cheered. 
(Timeskip) Friday, July thirteenth, 2008. “This is it, Hunter! We just have to clean up our tracks and we’ll be fine~!” William said. “W-Will, I dunno about this……This feels wrong……” Hunter said. “WHAT?!? THIRTY years and you’re regretting it NOW?!?” William snapped. “Well, yeah, at the start it seemed fine, cause it was only the five kids, but now? Now we’ve hit 150 kids. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY, WILL! THAT’S A LOT MORE THAN JUST FIVE!!!!” Hunter snapped. “(Grr…….) So you’re quitting, then?” William asked. “Y-Yeah. I am.” Hunter said shortly. “(No! She can’t quit! Not now!) Well, I can’t let you do that~ Not without a parting gift~!” William said coolly. “What is-“ Before Hunter could finish asking, she felt something hit her on the back of the head and she blacked out, feeling herself get dragged somewhere. 
When Hunter woke up a few hours later, she felt that she was in something. A springlock suit. “Will?” Hunter whimpered. “Hunter! You’re awake!” William said cheerily. “W-Will, wh-what’s going on? Wh-Why am I in the spring Fredbear suit?! Why-“ Hunter began panicking before William pressed a finger to her lips, signaling for her to be silent. “All in due time, old sport, all in good time~” William smirked. “Bu-“ Hunter started before William gave her the signal to shut up. “Ya see, Hunter, I don’t appreciate you turning your back on me~ It gives me a feeling that you…….DON’T LIKE me anymore….That’s not true, is it~?” William asked, lifting Hunter’s chin up. “N-No, o-of course n-not! N-Now, c-can ya lemme outta this suit? I don’t f-feel very s-safe in this….” Hunter asked carefully. “Now, why would I do that~?” William asked. “I-I’m your friend…?” Hunter said weakly. William chuckled evilly. “Oh, you’re a RIOT, Hunter! FRIENDS don’t turn their backs on their friends~! Besides, I’m the one who put you in there~!” William said. “Wh-What…?” Hunter gasped. “Ah, ah, ah~! No breathing on the springlocks~! It may accidentally make them…..SNAP~!” William said, releasing one springlock into Hunter’s arm. “W-Will! W-We can talk about this!” Hunter whimpered. “Are you gonna rejoin me again~?” William asked. “No! I’m not!” Hunter denied. “Alright then. Enjoy the suit~!” William said, activating the whole springlock suit. “AAAAGH!!!!!” Hunter screamed as the springlocks entered every inch of her body. “W-Will, h-help me-!” Hunter choked out. “Oh, but of course~!” William said. Hunter had a hopeful look in her eyes as William walked over. “After all, I forgot one part of the suit~!” William said. “Wh-What? NO WILL I-“ Hunter started. William shoved the Fredbear head onto Hunter’s head, releasing the springlocks. “WILL, I’M *KAFF KAFF* SORRY!!!” Hunter whimpered. “Shoulda thought of that before ya decided to betray me~” William said. “W-WILL, I-“ Hunter choked out. “Ah, ah, ah! No talking! That’ll only make it worse for you~!” William said teasingly. “WILLIAM, P-PLEASE HELP ME-!” Hunter choked out. “What did I just say~?” William said tauntingly. “W-WILL, I-“ Hunter choked out desperately. “You what~? Didn’t wanna abandon me~?” William taunted. “WILLIAM, PLEASE, I-I GOTTA TAKE CARE OF ALEX!!!” Hunter choked out. “Oh, don’t worry~! He’ll be taken care of~!” William said. “DON’T YOU DARE HURT HIM-! *KAFF KAFF KAFF KAFF!!!!!!*” Hunter choked. “Oh, I won’t, don’t worry~! He’ll be in one BIG HAPPY F A M I L Y ~ !” William said tauntingly. Hunter’s eyes looked dull. “Don’t worry, old sport, he’ll be safe, I promise~!” William said, putting a hand on Hunter’s shoulder and walking away after taking his hand off. 
(Timeskip nine years.) “Well, that’s the final one destroyed. That was easier than I thought~! Just gotta do a few things, then I can-“ William started. “We remember what you did….” A voice said. “Wh-What…?” William whimpered slightly. “We remember….” Another voice said. “N-No…..” William whimpered. Five ghosts appeared in the saferoom William was in. “NO!!!!! Y-YOU’RE DEAD!!!!!” William chuckled nervously. “Thanks to you.” A ghost said. “N-No! I-It was Hunter!” William said. “But she’s already dead, William. You killed her.” Another ghost said. “No!” William said. “Look in the corner, William. She’s there. D E A D .” Another ghost said. “N-No…..I-I didn’t m-mean t-to!!! I-It was an accident!!” William whimpered. “Another loved one, dead by one of your machinations…….Sad, isn’t it?” Another ghost said. William looked at the corner in horror. There it was. The Fredbear suit in which he springlocked Hunter. “You made a mistake, William. Will you amend for it?” A ghost asked. William panicked and speedily put the spring Bonnie suit on. BIG mistake. The springlocks broke free and within seconds, William was screaming in complete agony. 
(Timeskip nine years.) Hunter woke up to the sound of the saferoom being broken into. “He—o?” Hunter called out. “It’s alive….!” Someone said. “C-n y— -elp -e?” Hunter asked. “Its voicebox is broken!” Another person said.  “-lease!!! -Y -TTLE -OTHER -S -N -ANGER!!!” Hunter begged. “It has a brother?” Someone said. “-OU HA-E TO LIST-N T- -E!!!” Hunter begged. “What do you need to tell us?” Someone else asked. “-RING -ONNI- -OMEONE ST-FFED IN-IDE!!!!!!” Hunter said. “Someone’s inside the spring bonnie suit?” They asked. “Y-S!!!” Hunter warned. “Bogus, it’s in suit mode.” Someone else said. “-T N-T AL-AYS -N S-IT M-DE!!!!!” Hunter said. “Don’t worry, I believe ya.” They said. “Name’s Steve, yours?” Steve asked. “-‘M ——BEAR. — —- - TRAP…….” Hunter said. “I’ll call ya Beartrap, okay?” Steve asked. “Y-AH…….S-UNDS G—D….” Hunter said. “Where’s the bunny? I wanna see the corpse.” Someone asked. “Brian! Not the time!” Steve said. Hunter slowly got up and shambled over to bonnie. “-IGHT -ERE.” Hunter said. “Whoa……That’s disgusting, dude! I can see the organs!” Brian said. “How long have you been here, Beartrap?” Steve asked. “-INE -EARS.” Hunter said. “Nine years?!” Steve gasped. “Y-AH.” Hunter sighed. Bonnie slowly began to move. “What do these suits have in them to kill anyways?” Steve asked. “SPRING——. - ——— TRAP.” Hunter said. “What did you say?” Steve asked. “Spring trap?” Lily asked. Bonnie snuck up behind Brian. “SPRINGTRAP!!!!!!” Brian screamed as he turned around. “——, -TOP!!!!!!!” Beartrap begged. “WELL, WELL, WELL! IF IT ISN’T THE TRAITOR~!” Springtrap smirked. “He knows you?” Steve asked. “H- -as -y ol- -oss!” Beartrap said. Springtrap chuckled dryly and darkly. “ST—E! RUN!!!!!!” Beartrap shouted. Steve ran out and the others couldn’t get out fast enough. “-ILL, PL—SE!!! L-T T-EM -O!!!” Beartrap begged. Springtrap walked over to Beartrap after stuffing the others into suits. “AND WHY SHOULD I HAVE DONE THAT~?” Springtrap asked, grabbing Beartrap’s chin and lifting her head to meet his gaze. “T-ey didn’t —serve th-t…….” Beartrap whimpered. “HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT, MY DEAR~?” Springtrap grinned. “They were just curious……” Beartrap whimpered. “COME NOW, THEY WERE INTRUDERS~! I ONLY MADE SURE YOU WERE SAFE~!” Springtrap crooned. “You only want what’s best for me……” Beartrap sighed, her gaze falling to the floor. “THAT’S RIGHT~! I ONLY WANT TO PROTECT YOU~!” Springtrap crooned, hugging Beartrap tightly. “I know…………..thank you….” Beartrap said, slowly hugging back.
(Timeskip 21 years.) “So this is the place?” Someone asked. “Yeah, this is it.” Steve said. “You’re making this dump into a horror attraction?” They said. “Yeah. And it’s not a dump! It’s the original Freddy’s location!” Steve said. “Whatever.” They scoffed, rolling their eyes. They walked to the saferoom. “”I swear this is where they were….” Steve said. “You look elsewhere, I’ll look in here.” Reuben said. “Alright. Be careful, Reuben.” Steve said walking off. “What does this dump have to offer?” Reuben sighed. Reuben looked inside a crate, searching for items of interest. “Nothin’ but junk…..” Reuben grumbled. Reuben was too busy searching around to hear the footsteps behind him. Reuben felt a freezing cold thing touch their shoulder. “UWUWU!!!” Reuben shivered. “Who’s there?!?!” Reuben called. “I GO BY MANY NAMES~! BUT YOU CAN CALL ME….” A voice chuckled. A hand covered his mouth and another grabbed around his midsection. “SPRINGTRAP~!” Springtrap said, grinning evily. Reuben whimpered in surprise and struggled in Springtrap’s grip. His grip only tightened. “SHHH……………….IT’S ALRIGHT, DON’T BE AFRAID~!” Springtrap crooned. Springtrap dragged Reuben off to a corner of the saferoom, not being affected by Reuben’s struggling. “What the heck?!? What is that suit?!?” Reuben asked. “AN OLD SPRINGLOCK SUIT~!” Springtrap crooned. “A WHAT?!?” Reuben asked. “SPRINGLOCK SUIT~! HERE, LET ME SHOW YOU~!” Springtrap crooned. Springtrap shoved Reuben into the black fredbear suit and let the springlocks out on him, pretty much instantly killing him. (Timeskip.)
Fazbear’s fright somehow caught fire and everyone was being evacuated. Springtrap grabbed Beartrap and dragged her outside. Springtrap and Beartrap stuck together searching for parts to repair their suits with. Beartrap found a torn up Fredbear suit, Springtrap found a worn down Spring Bonnie suit. Years passed and people came and went. (Timeskip brought to you by dancing Helpy!)
“Time to get everyone together and end this. For all of us.” Michael sighed. Michael heard a rustling sound outside and went to check it out. When he looked out, he saw a worn down bear animatronic. “Fredbear…? Poor guy…..looks like he’s had some rough times….” Michael sighed. Michael picked it up and took it into a room and set it down on a chair and started a tape. 
“Begin tape. Leaving dead space 3, 2, 1. The purpose of this tape is to test automated response times and reactions from interactive attractions following audio stimuli. If you are playing this tape, that means that not only have you been checking outside at the end of every shift, as you were instructed to do, but also that you have found something that meets the criteria of your special obligations under paragraph 4. Follow these instructions: document response times, then safely secure the space before leaving. Upon sealing the room, you are not to return.” The tape droned. Michael sighed. He started the next tape. “Congratulations on completing your first day, however your job isn’t over just yet. There’s another aspect of your end of day routine, and that is inspecting any animatronics found in the alley outside the backdoor. Things are found here quite often and while we aren’t sure why, what we do know is that they can be used for parts. Which can mean a much needed revenue boost before starting your next day. Of course, as with everything in this line of work, those benefits come with risks. The safest thing to do is throw it back outside, but then you get no money for the salvage. Choose to keep it and you run the risk of certain negative consequences, namely death, should the item not be as docile as it first appeared. If you do decide to salvage it, then you must complete the maintenance checklist. During this testing phase check on the animatronic frequently, if you feel it is coming unstable, use the taser provided to you. You can can use it three times without damaging the animatronic. Every use over three, however, will decrease the item’s salvage value.” The tape droned. Michael chose to salvage it. He played the next tape. “You have chosen to procede with the maintenance checklist. Remember, use the company-issued taser to return the animatronic to a neutral state if you feel it’s becoming unstable or aggressive. You can only use it three times before it begins to damage the animatronic and decrease its value. Begin audio prompt in 3, 2, 1.” The tape droned, playing an eerie noise. The noise stopped. “Document results.” It droned. It repeated this again before something changed. “Okay, that’s a yes.” Michael said checking yes. “………………I……chael….” It wheezed. “What? What did you just say?” Michael asked, confused. This didn’t happen with the others. Why did it talk to him before it was over? “Ichael……………I…..” It wheezed. “Wait……Is-Is someone in there?!?” Michel gasped. It nodded weakly. “Here, lemme make it easier for ya to talk.” Michael said, fixing the head of the animatronic to where it could talk clearly. “I………Thank you, Mikey.” It said. Michael finished the tapes and marked yes for all of them. “You have completed the maintenance checklist and may proceed with the salvage, well done. End Tape.” The tape droned. “*Wheezy laugh* oh, Henry…….You sly, sly, man.” It chuckled weakly. Michael left without another word and left the pizzaria. (Timeskip brought to you by Henry being an idiot and thinking another fire’ll put William outta commision!)
“So-o-o-o-o-o Mikey got-ot-ot-ot a new guy-y-y-y-y?” Molten Freddy asked. “I believe so, yes.” Scrap Baby nodded. “I wonder who it is.” Lefty hummed. “*OW, that hurts! OW!!*” A voice whimpered. “I PONDER INDEED.” Scraptrap said sarcastically. The sound of a vent busting open was heard in the other room. “Is that-“ Baby started. “HUNTER.” Scraptrap sighed. A shriek was heard. “DEFINATELY HUNTER. “ Scraptrap grimaced. “*Voices! People! People?!*” Hunter called. “IN HERE.” Scraptrap said. The sound of something slamming against a wall was heard. “USE THE DOOR.” Scraptrap grimaced. The door opened and a shabby looking Fredbear walked in. “Hey-ey-ey guys-s-s-s-s!” It grinned. “Hello, Hunter.” Baby smiled softly. “Hello.” Left hummed. “Heya-a-a-a Willy!” Hunter grinned. “DON’T CALL ME THAT. IT IMPLIES WE’RE FRIENDS.” Scraptrap growled. The ears on the mask fell. “S-Sorry Willy….” Hunter apologized meekly. “GOOD.” Scraptrap growled. Hunter’s gaze fell to the floor. “I HAVE TO DO SOMETHING.” Scraptrap said, shoving Hunter away from the door. “Oi-i-i-i-i-i!!!” Hunter snapped. “WHAT?” Scraptrap asked. “Watch it, pal-al-al-al!!!!” Hunter snapped. Scraptrap slammed her against the wall. “CARE TO REPEAT THAT?” Scraptrap snapped. “N-No, sir!!” Hunter whimpered. He let go. “THAT’S WHAT I THOUGHT.” Scraptrap growled, leaving the room. Baby helped Hunter up. “Sorry about Daddy, he’s just-“ Baby started. “Stressed, I know.” Hunter growled. “That’s all he seems to be around me.” Hunter grumbled. “Hunter, I’m sure it’s not your fault.” Baby encouraged. “How do you know?” Hunter grumbled. “I’m certain that Daddy didn’t mean to hurt you, Hunter-“ Baby started. “THEN WHY AM I IN THIS GOD FORSAKEN SUIT?!? AND DON’T YOU DARE TELL ME HE WANTED TO KEEP ME SAFE, BECAUSE THEN HE WOULDN’T HAVE TRAPPED ME IN THIS!!!!” Hunter snapped. “Hunter-“ Baby started. “HE HATES ME BUT JUST DOESN’T SAY IT BECAUSE HE DOESN’T WANNA HURT MY FEELINGS!!!!!!!!! HE HATES ME, I KNOW HE DOES!!!!!” Hunter snapped. “That’s not true-!” Baby started. “YOU KNOW IT’S TRUE, ELIZABETH!!! HE NEVER LIKED ME!!! HE ALWAYS TREATED ME MORE LIKE A THING THAN A PERSON!!!” Hunter snapped. Hunter stormed off and Molten Freddy followed in the vents. 
Hunter collapsed against a wall and tried to not break down into tears. (With Baby and Lefty.) “Do you think she was right about Daddy hating her?” Baby asked. “This is Afton we’re talking about. The man wasn’t happy.” Left hummed. “She did say Daddy forced her into the suit.” Baby said. “I do not know, Lizzy.” Lefty hummed. (With Hunter.) “He hates me, I know it….” Hunter hiccupped. Hunter didn’t hear a vent open. “I’m stupid………” Hunter hiccupped. Molten Freddy silently climbed out and gently grabbed her right arm. “Huh?” Hunter grunted. Before she could react, Molten pulled her arm off quickly and she screamed bloody murder. “Hehehehehehehehahahaha~!” Molten cackled. (With Baby and Lefty) “Maybe Daddy DOES hate her…..” Baby sighed. “Probably.” Lefty hummed. A scream echoed through the pizzeria. “Who-?” Lefty started. “HUNTER!!!!!!” Baby said roller skating over to Hunter. (with Hunter) Hunter held her upper arm shakily, struggling to keep her breathing steady. “HUNTER!!!” Baby said rolling over to her. “I…….I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I’m sorry…..!!!” Hunter whimpered. Baby helped her up while Lefty went to get an orange Bon-Bon to attach to her lower right arm. “Who did this?” Baby asked. “M-Molten….” Hunter whimpered. “Oh. HIM.” Baby chuffed. “Why did he do that….?” Hunter asked. “*WHAT’S GOING ON? WHY DO YOU HAVE THE BON-BON RECOLOUR?*” Scraptrap asked. “*Molten tore Hunter’s arm off.*” Lefty explained. “*HE DID WHAT?!?!?*” Scraptrap snapped, running into the room. Scraptrap stormed in to find Hunter curled into herself on the ground. “WHAT HAPPENED?” Scraptrap asked. “M-Molten Freddy attacked me…..And I don’t know why….!” Hunter whimpered. Lefty affixed the puppet to Hunter’s arm. “It’s alright, Bearscrap. I’m here for you.” Scraptrap said. “W-Will…..?” Bearscrap whimpered. She had never heard this tone from Will before. Well……except for-
(Timeskip because I’m lazy and this needs to be finished.)
Bearscrap crawled through the vents to the office. Since it was the last day of the week, this was her last opportunity to catch him. She’d never reached the office, so she was greatly surprised when she entered to find herself staring face-to-face with- “MIKEY?!” Bearscrap gasped. “G-Get back…!” Michael whimpered. “What are you doing in here?!?” Bearscrap asked. “I own this place!!” Michael snapped sheepishly. “M-Mikey-i-it’s me!” Bearscrap said desperately. “I don’t know you!!” Michael said sheepishly. “Mikey, I-“ Bearscrap started. “What’s the holdup, Hunter?!” Scraptrap snapped. Michael’s heart sank. “H-Hunty….?” Michael asked. “Y-Yeah…?” Bearscrap smiled sheepishly. Michael half-heartedly played an audio lure for Bearscrap while looking her in the eyes. “Oh-hold that thought, Mikey! I have to deal with something!” Bearscrap said happily. Bearscrap took off in the vents towards the audio lure. Michael sighed unhappily. He didn’t wanna do this. Not to her……She’d already been through so much. He finished up and all the vents shut, sealing in anything that was inside them. Bearscrap started panicking. She started to bang on the vents. “MIKEY?!? WHAT’S GOING ON?!?” Bearscrap asked. She felt it start to heat up and her eyes widened. “MIKEY!!!!! MIKEY LEMME OUT!!!!!!” Bearscrap screamed. “-And for you monsters trapped in the vents, be still. After the smoke clears, I believe that there is peace, if not more.” A tape played. “HENRY.” Bearscrap growled. “But for two of you, I do not believe that is true. The deepest pits of Hell have opened up to swallow you whole, so don’t keep the devil waiting, old friends.” The tape droned. She started tearing up. She knew she did bad things, but she didn’t wanna be torn away from her Mikey. Even though she knew she deserved it. She sighed. “Cause every night I lied in bed, the brightest colours filled my head, a million dreams had kept me awake…….I thought of what the world coulda been, a vision of the one I saw……A million dreams was all it was gonna take…..” Bearscrap sang sadly. The building started collapsing and Michael heard Hunter singing. “A million dreams for the world we were gonna make…..” Michael and Bearscrap sang. End communication.
Hey guys! So if ya finished reading this, thank ya! This took much longer than I expected to write mostly because I was swamped with schoolwork and other projects that held a higher priority to me. I was writing this as a little farewell to the Fnaf franchise (For now.) because it has done so much for me. Make no mistake, I am in no way done writing fanfics for this fandom. Far from it. I have other ideas cooking up and I may get them done soon(™) so keep an eye out for those! But, I added this part because I wanted to say something. Thank you. Thank you Scott Cawthon for creating a franchise that got me into horror, writing-Heck! Ya even got me into programming games! But in all seriousness though, this franchise means more to me than you guys can even imagine. It’s up there with Bendy. I first joined the fandom when three started being teased and I was in LOVE! That is the reason why I choose all springtraps as my fave animatronics! This may sound sappy, and I really don’t care! This fandom is probably my favorite one I’m in right now! It has inspired so many characters I have created! (Hunter being one of them!) And I cannot thank you enough for that. Thanks also go to my friends Sam, Ana, Alex(You know who you are, you absolute unit!) and my other followers. Your continued support for this fanfic kept me writing it. If nobody wanted to read it, I wouldn’t have written this. I even almost wanted to give up writing this because it started getting tedious. But did I quit? Almost, yes. But I pulled through and wrote a (hopefully) really awesome fanfic! I wanted to write something with Hunter and Michael forever, but I didn’t know what. But, my friend Alex introduced me to the moviesical (Musical movie) “The greatest showman” and I got an idea! This fanfic is that idea put into fruition! I wanted to put more in here, but I felt that those plot points belong in another fanfic, so I left them out for another day. Also, I didn’t mention it here because I felt that since you’re on my Tumblr, you know the premise of Bearscrap, but Alex(Hunter’s little brother) IS inside the hand puppet. I also left it out because it doesn’t really fuel the plot in any way. Anyways, this basically a “Farewell, see ya later!” For the Fnaf franchise. In my opinion, if it DOES get another game, I want it to be about Fredbear’s and why William started to murder the children. Besides that, I think that all other things have been explained somewhat well. (Maybe explain Ennard a bit, perhaps?) Other than that, I hope you enjoyed the fanfic! Oh, and yet again, because I CANNOT SAY IT ENOUGH.
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The next ten pages of my reworked Fnaf Nightguard AU Comic! :D(Reblogs appreciated!)
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So, if you’re Discord friends with me, these are no secret, but I’ve made ref sheets for the characters in Security Breach and two OCS!(Hunter and Delta) In order of most important to least for my AU we have ref sheets of: Vanny, Glitchtrap, Delta, Malhare, Hunter, Gregory, Glamrock Freddy, Roxanne, Monty, and Glamrock Chica!
Before it gets asked: Malhare and Glitchtrap ARE THE SAME PERSON. I just gave different ref sheets because Malhare is Glitchtrap while he’s still trapped in the VR game, while Glitchtrap is him OUTSIDE of the VR game! 
I MAY consider adding in Security Girl(I don’t remember if she has a name, rip-), but who knows, since Hunter may fill that spot.
Hope y’all enjoy!(Reblogs HIGHLY appreciated!)
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NEW ANIMATION UP NOW, Y’ALL! ENJOY! :D(Reblogs appreciated!) I’m SERIOUSLY proud of how this turned out because I made it while dealing with Anxiety AND a whole bunch of other bad mental health stuff, but it DIDN’T leak into the animation! Seriously, enjoy guys! Y’all deserve it! :D
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“I’m sorry, I-I shoulda known better...! Cassidy, James, Theodore, Susie, Jax-Everyone....!!! I’m so sorry...!!!”
So I was watching playthroughs of Five nights of flirting again and I got an idea-(Reblogs appreciated!)
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A compilation of stuff I don’t know if I’ve posted here yet or not, but I’m posting anyways cause I’m proud of them! First up we have Fnaf!Hunter happy! Next up is My reluctant followersona heading out! Next up, we have Reaper and Winter’s awkward first meeting after Winter comes back to Overwatch! Then we have two of Ebony’s siblings, Penelope and Bentley!(Both are Shiba Inus because YES)! Lastly, we have a bionicle oc I made hiding from Nidhiki using his mask power!(Reblogs appreciated!)
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Have a splash of Fnaf: The New Guard AU Art! Featuring: Angy Hunter, Hunter’s scarf collection, Hunter’s dad, even MORE ANGY Hunter, and Hunter’s mom!(Reblogs appreciated!)
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Explaination? Naaah(Reblog if ya like! This is just a little preview of a future comic thing!)
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Last few pages of the remastered fnaf comic’s first bit! :D I was one off, there’s 31 pages!(Reblogs appreciated)
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Reworking my old fnaf Nightguard AU Comic thingy! This is 10 pages out of 30, so be ready for the rest to come up!(Reblogs appreciated!)
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Okay, but hear me out, just-just-just hear me out about Hen-(/j)(Reblogs appreciated!)
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squoosh the salmon’s face :3(Reblogs appreciated!)
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Idk what this is but I just wanted to doodle a normally colored Henry and Voidwalker-ish colored Legacy! Jack lmao (Reblogs appreciated! :D)
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Random vent-y doodle thingy, idk, my brain just decided to give me an small crisis at 3:00 AM :’D(Reblog if ya want-)
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