#hurin & fingon being besties
stacytea · 5 months
it's time to ask some real questions: Why are there only like 3 Fingon&Hurin fics on ao3? like where are fics about Fingon and Hurin being besties? Where are the fics about them getting drunk together, drunk dancing together at parties? Them throwing snow at each other's faces? Just overall messing around? Where are silly comedies of Hurin being about to meet Mae for the first time and hearing from anti-feanorian residents of Hithlum some stories of Maedhros, of how horrible and a monster and a spy of Morgoth he is. And Hurin after hearing that, going to Finno and being like ,,I'll do anything in my power to protect you from that awful person'' and Fingon's like ,,????....oh, you've heard these weird rumours? Don't mind it. My husband is the most lovely person you'll see!"" and Hurin being like ,,.... your... husband?'' and it's just such a shock for him because Fingon has never mentioned being married before (he thought it was obvious or sth). Anyway, there comes the day when Hurin finally meets Mae. And for a while he really is close to believing the stories, despite his bestie being so fond of the guy, because Mae's zobie-esque looks and overall grumpy manner (he was tired after the trip, like, the way from Himring is long, cold and on top of that he has to deal with phantom pains, everyone would be a bit moody in his position) However, at the end they would bond over their love for Fingon ( romantic and platonic respectively) , Hurin would probably tell Mae some of dumbass shits Fingon has done when Mae wasn't around to be his voice of reason ( or even just self-preservation instinct, because Fingon himself has NONE). Silly story ending with Hurin promising Mae to look after his husband & drag him out of all the dangerous situations he might get himself in. Also I think maybe some short Fingon agenda - Hurin being a bit taller than Fingon and constantly teasing him about it
Idk what else, at this point probably anything. WHY IS THEIR FRIENDSHIP SLEPT ON *sobs into my pillow like seriously, they have so much chaotic duo potential
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Unfortunately you became the latest victim of “Tumblr just unfollows people randomly for literally no reason”
So I’m following again now!
Húrin and/or Maedhros for the character asks?
@outofangband Ooof I've been lucky enough that it hasn't happened to me (I don't think? O.o) but welcome back lol! Anyway I'm gonna do them both because they deserve it! (also taking this opportunity to link one of my all time favorite fics "In Equal Measure": it's a Russingon time-travel au WIP and my ultimate place for headcanon theft re: both Maedhros and Fingon.)
How I feel about this character:
Maedhros: My man held Beleriand, the House of Finwe, and himself together, all alone with nothing but willpower and spite, we stan. No but seriously I think he's super cool, and if the Silm is ever adapted (knock on wood) I think that he'd make an excellent main character, given that he's around for most of the important events, and is consistently sympathetic. Yes even during the Kinslayings (to me at least). It's horrific and he becomes a monster equal to Morgoth in the eyes of the lands he once fought so hard to save, driven mad by an endless cycle of failure and loss and an Oath that he's more afraid to break than to keep, and I still find myself hoping for him. I'm not sure how to rank my favorite characters (besides Luthien being #1) but he's a serious contender for second place.
Hurin: :((((( He deserves better. I think the biggest thing is, he just didn't get a chance to heal? He went straight from watching daughter and son's miserable life end to being set loose into a world that largely hates those released from Morgoth, wanders around being miserable and inadvertently helping to cause several disasters, sees his wife die, and then dies himself. Just. There really are no happy endings in the Narn.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Maedhros: Fingon <3<3<3 I'm basic what can I say /j. I don't really have anything original to write about them, I just love their love. And they work with so many tropes too, star-crossed lovers: even complete with a Romeo & Juliet style family feud, slow burn, mutual pining, angst with a happy ending, angst with a bad ending, fluff, married, not married, truly the most versatile couple :P
Hurin: Morwen. Tall goth small sunshine is one of the ideal forms of romance (actually wait that applies to Russingon too). Still not many opinions on them, but in a perfect world they'd get to live happily together with escaping sheep as their biggest worry.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Maedhros: Maglor. I really like the headcanon that Caranthir was his actual primary advisor, but even if Mae and Mags weren't the closest during the long peace, I think that they were in Valinor and after the second Kinslaying. There are some things you can't go through without bonding: being the oldest siblings is the less depressing option. That's also the reason I love the eldest-siblings trio (Maedhros, Fingon, Finrod) in Valinor. Also, this is agressively non-canonical, but I stand firm in my belief that if they had met with no baggage attached Maedhros and Luthien would've been terrifying besties.
Hurin: Well thanks to you, the "Screw Morgoth Club". It doesn't quite fit into my headcanons for how Mandos and Mystery Afterlife work, but I adore it nonetheless. Also Fingon, again thanks to you lol.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
Maedhros: Hmmm I don't know if it's unpopular or not, but I feel very strongly that post-Angband he would hate to be called Maitimo. It was already a very personal name, but after everything "well-formed one" would probably feel like a cruel joke. And I don't think he ever really liked Nelyafinwe, it being a result of Feanor's feud, then Quenya was banned and Russandol wasn't an option anymore, so he compromised.
Hurin: I don't think about him enough to have opinions >o< /hj. Maybe that he didn't really vibe with Gondolin? I don't know how canon goes re: this, but I feel like lots of people would think its policy of utter isolationism (except when it's convenient to them/divine intervention) was selfish- especially post-Bragollach, when they didn't even bother to send troops. After the Nirn and its fall this view probably softened some, but a 15 year old in a strange place with strange people- beautiful and untouched by a war they refuse to involve themselves in even as their kin are dying- would probably be unsettled at best.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
Maedhros: Ok. So I don't actually wish this, for many reasons but partly because it would make the story less interesting, but. That he'd died. Gosh you know it's bad when that's the happy(er) ending. At any point before canon, really, although the obvious options are on Thangorodrim and post-Nirn. I might write something about it one day, but even if everything went the same, things would still be better just because there was one less person commiting violence. Heck, even if things somehow went worse you could make an argument for that. It's not something I think about often, given how absurdly depressing it is (my angst needs happy endings ;-;) but it does pop up every now and then, helped along by one or two aus I foolishly read while wanting to cry.
Hurin: I wish canon didn't happen :( on a more serious note... that he'd been rescued. Even if it wouldn't've helped much, that display of "you weren't forgotten, there is good yet in the world" would make things a little better. And then promptly even worse if canon continued as canon does. (If Morwen rescued him... more Maedhros parallels are tragic tragic chicken soup for the soul.)
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kendrixtermina · 4 years
Orodreth’s timeline
Orodreth actually gets a whole lot of pagetime, but he’s always very adjacent to the action; He’s got moments but seldom are all the bits we learn about him presented with a throughline, so here’s a compilation of everything we learn of him from start to finish
The one 4th generation person to have an active part in the debate, suggesting that he was possibly the oldest of the 4th generation; (I guess Turgon just took forever to ask Elenwe out) - one might speculate that he went cause he couldn’t bring himself to leave his parents or Finrod.
Close to Finrod (but Finrod was pretty much everyone’s favorite family member in the house of Finarfin)
never wanted to leave, and boy did he have a bad, bad time in middle Earth
may or may not have made the crossing with C & C. Personally, I like to think that he just happened to be playing with Celebrimbor and that C& C just let him, A& A on the ship so they could keep talking, having no idea of what Feanor was gonna pull; If we want to reconcile this with the later scenes where Angrod is rather salty towards the Feanorians we may assume that he grew disillusioned sometimes between the burning of the ship and finding out that everyone else crossed the ice... they’re not noted as prominent leaders during the march, though Finrod and Galadriel are. 
In any case, A & A were also said to be very close buds with Fingon, with no ambiguity here. But Fingon gets along with everyone anyways. I want more fic of him being besties with A & A (and Hurin, for that matter!) and how this related to Orodreth NOT supporting Fingon’s later plans
Got Finrod’s old fortress when he left to build Nargothrond
Would have been allowed in Doriath
was relatively learned (one can imagine that Finrod taught him)
loved nature & the mountains in particular (which is reflected in how he picked his sindarin name)
Curufin did not consider him particularly sharp or competent (at least after things turned sour) but of course he’s not exactly an unbiased source
Married a Sindarin chick; From this & the nature loving & being somewhat aligned with Thingol policy wise one might suspect that he took after or felt an affinity to the Telerin side of the family; Had anywhere between one and three kids sometime during the long peace, one of which may or may not have been Gil-Galad; Finduillas was old enough to be betrothed by the time of the Nirnaeth
Obviously then the Dagor bragollach happened; A & A are killed(and probably Edhellos, too) According to one version, C & C make it to his stronghold, help defend about two years, until they’re all forced to make for Nargothrond, where the arrival of their forces might have conveniently coincided with an orc raid the helped to repel
used to be somewhat soft/ nice (see the scene where he picks up Finrod’s crown, or when he tells the angry mop to let C & C escape alive) though by the time Turin shows up he’s significantly more jaded at least in the verse version 
(thats the one where he has an older son who gets terribly murdered by orcs); The prose coH heavily implies that Finduillas has got zero brothers, though the Shibolleth version makes him Gil-Galad’s father; There’s even some genological table where he was supposed to have two sons. But brothers or no brothers, nothing comes of Finduillas bethrotal since poor, poor Gwindor gets captured and whatnot
wanting to protect his people/ putting caution first is noted as a motivation and he’s characterized as not entirely unskilled at this
At the same time, character flaw numero uno is that he is not a very dominant or leader-like person at all; Probably gets shouted over a lot; Kind of always following someone wether it’s Finrod, Thingol or Turin; C& C have no trouble sizing control under his watch; That’s how he ended up listening to Turin and meeting his eventual death by glaurung
poor, poor Finduillas kicks it not much later
If Gil-Galad was his kid we can assume he escaped from the destruction somehow at this point, if he was not evacuated after the Bragollach based on some prophetic vision from Finrod
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