#husk familiar! Jungkook
katnisspeetaprim · 1 year
Pluto Pt. 2
Summary: You finally meet and get to go home with Jungkook
Warnings: idol!au, female reader, hybrid reader, mentions of being mistreated, anxiety, felling humiliated, hybrids being second class citizens
Word Count: 2857 M.list
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You sat quietly in the interview room, fidgeting nervously.
You knew how these things went. They ask to meet you because your mysterious past and striking looks intrigues them, but when they find out you aren’t so willing to talk about it they quickly get bored, and end up adopting some other hybrid instead. Just how you like it.
Truth be told you could do without this tonight. All you wanted to do was finish your book, but if someone requests to meet you, then you don’t really get the choice to refuse, for fear of offending a potential ‘customer’.
You’d clocked the handsome stranger as soon as he walked through the door. For some reason he felt extremely familiar, though you couldn’t quite put your finger on why.
‘Here we are!’ The sudden door opening startled you from your thoughts. You couldn’t stand Margaret. She always had this fake smile around customers and it made you sick.
‘Why don’t you make yourself comfortable, Mr. Jeon?’ The stranger eagerly followed behind her and took a seat across the table from you, flashing you a reassuring smile.
‘I’ll leave you now. If you need anything, press the call button!’ And then, it was just the two of you left alone. Neither of you spoke at first. You certainly wouldn’t start the conversation, so unless he did, then you would both sit there forever, in silence I guess...
Jungkook suddenly cleared his throat.
‘I uh.. I’m Jungkook. Y/N right?’ You looked up at him and nodded slowly. Silence again.
‘Sorry. I didn’t really come here prepared...’ Jungkook laughed apologetically. He  really should have planned better. He noticed that you still had yet to say anything.
‘Do you want to talk?’ he asked kindly, not wanting you to feel pressured. You quickly shook your head, no.
‘That’s ok. Can I talk and you listen then?’ You looked at him for a moment, still suspicious before nodding. Jungkook picked up on your nervous nature, so he smiled softly at you. Now that he was actually meeting you, the anxiety he was feeling earlier seemed somewhat silly now. Although, he did notice that you were still ill at ease just sitting here with him.
‘You don’t have to be scared, I’m not that mean.’ He joked, hoping to relax you.
You heard it all before, seen through the facade, but for some reason, you believed Jungkook when he said he meant no harm. Just his whole nervous demeanour showed he had no cue what he was doing here.
‘Tell me about you...’ You whispered, so quietly he almost didn’t hear you. Jungkook was surprised to hear your voice after saying you didn’t want to talk, but he took in the sight of your ears, still pinned back nervously, so he just smiles and agrees.
‘Well, I’m a singer, pretty well known I guess you could say.’ He chuckled and rubbed at his arm.
‘You’re famous?’ You asked, a little taken a back by this new information.
‘You could say that.’ He laughed again, not picking up on your attitude change until he noticed you once again looking down, adverting your gaze.
Celebrities adopting or buying hybrids wasn’t unheard of and some were genuine and really did care for them, but a lot weren’t like that at all. You had known a few hybrids who were adopted by celebrities, only to be returned months later, a husk of who they used to be.
‘Is everything ok?’
‘I’m not going to be some PR stunt or sex toy for you! If that’s all you’re after then we can end this now!’ Jungkook’s eyes widened in shock after hearing your outburst, and quickly back peddled.
‘No! God no! That’s not it!’ He waved his arms frantically, trying to make you understand.
You narrowed your eyes and leaned back, allowing him the chance to talk. He let out a sigh and ran his fingers through his short hair.
‘Honestly... I’ve been more and more lonely recently, so I thought getting a hybrid might help...’
‘Oh..’ You once again fell silent with a frown.
‘Do you even want to be adopted?’ Jungkook suddenly broke the silence again. You looked at him confused.
‘I’m not going to force you to go if you don’t want to leave.’ You just stared at him, face still contorted with confusion. Usually, if someone wanted you, you didn’t get a choice, so you always tried to make yourself seem as undesirable as possible to people.
You weren’t used to actually having a choice...
‘I do..’ You mumbled out after a few tense moments of silence. Jungkook’s face lit up and he had to stop himself from leaping out of his chair.
‘Perfect! I mean... That’s great!’ You stared at the excited man across the table and gave him a small smile to show that you really did want this. Just as fast as it began, the moment was over when the door swung open again and Margaret strolled back in.
‘Sorry to cut this short, but we actually are closed now...’ Now that the shelter was closed, the sweet voice had faded away to one of slight annoyance.
‘Oh of course! Sorry I didn’t realise.’ Jungkook got the hint and stood up apologetically. She gave him a tight smile before turning towards you.
‘Y/N, why don’t you go to your room whilst I show Mr. Jeon out, hm?’ With one last glance to Jungkook, you quickly got up and scurried out of the room.
Margaret had already started walking away, so Jungkook jogged to catch up to her.
‘Actually Miss, I’d like to adopt Y/N.’ She stopped in her tracks and span round to face the startled man with a perplexed look. ‘S-she said she wanted it too, so...’ Jungkook was taken off guard by the sudden scrutiny.
‘She actually spoke to you!? Huh, interesting.’ Margaret looked him up and down before spinning round and carrying on down the hall.
‘If you follow me, there is paperwork to do.’
Jungkook didn’t really know what to make of the strange interaction, so he chanced a look back to the interview room, where he caught sight of your fluffy ear as you peaked round the corner at him. You gasped slightly when he saw you and ducked away. Jungkook couldn’t help the laugh that left his mouth as he turned away and followed after the annoyed woman to work out the details.
Turns out getting a hybrid isn’t as simple as he thought. You couldn’t just turn up and leave with one the same day, there was a system.
Somebody had come out to his home to make sure it was a safe environment for a hybrid. Space wasn’t an issue for Jungkook, but the room he had haphazardly set up was a little lacklustre.
Since that visit, Jungkook had gone all out on decorating the room and furniture. He’d even gotten you your own TV and tablet. He’d be damned if you wouldn’t be comfortable whilst living with him. The inspector was much more impressed on their second visit.
When he returned to the shelter a week later, he found you already in the waiting room with your bag, waiting for him to arrive. He couldn’t help but notice that you only had a small rucksack worth of luggage.
‘Hey, is this all you have?’ You nodded as you fiddled with the straps of your bag.
‘Oh Mr. Jeon! She’s all ready to go. Do you have a collar for her?’ Your face soured at the word.
‘Umm no? Does she need one?’ The receptionist, a different woman than before, reached under the desk, pulling out a plain collar with plastic tags reading 'temporary.’
‘Yes it’s law. She can wear this until you get a replacement and we’ll put a sticker with your address on.’ She stood up and looked at you expectantly. You knew it would only make a scene if you refused so you let her put the collar on you, feelings of humiliation washing over you.
‘There, that’s better.’ Jungkook quickly picked up your bag and ushered you out the door, and into the front seat of his car.
When he was securely sat next to you, he reached over and took the plastic tag of the collar between his fingers.
‘You don’t have to wear this you know.’ He was trying to help, but he was very wrong. He still had a lot to learn when it came to hybrid laws. You shook your head.
‘In public I do. You’ll be fined if I’m seen without it.’ You spoke sadly and pulled the tag from his grip, hiding it within your own hands. Jungkook sighed in defeat and shook his head before looking back to you.
‘We’ll figure something out, ok? And when we’re home, you don’t have to wear it at all if you don’t want to, ok?’ You caught his gaze and saw the sympathetic look in his eye, and you couldn’t help but trust him.
‘Thank you.’
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Jungkook had told you he was famous but you still didn’t really know who he was. You didn’t have a phone and finding an unoccupied computer at Pluto was rare, so you couldn’t even Google him. So imagine your surprise when he pulled up to one of the wealthiest gated communities in South Korea.
‘What’s that look for?’ Jungkook laughed when he noticed you looking round in awe.
‘I just didn’t expect this...’ Jungkook laughed again and focused back on the road.
‘You’ll get used to it.’ As he was pulling into the parking lot, you only then realised how long you’ve been driving. Plus you’d passed some pretty high end hybrid shelters on the way, ones with more exotic hybrids, so why would he travel all the way to Pluto?
You decided to keep the questions to yourself for now, not wanting to scare him off before you even got through his front door.
‘So here we are, this is my home!’ You looked around the room and the first thing you noticed was that the walls were quite bare, but you could already tell it was a nice place just from the first room.
‘I know it could do with some decorating, but I’ve been too busy...’ He trailed off almost shamefully.
‘I think it’s nice.’
‘I can give you a tour if you like? Or you can walk round alone if you prefer?’
‘I’d like to walk alone please.’ Jungkook nodded in understanding.
‘Ok! I’ll work on lunch then. You must be hungry.’ Before he could scurry away, you called out to ask a cautious question.
‘Is it still ok for me to take this off?’ You gestured to the uncomfortable collar. Jungkook gave you a sad smile.
‘Yes, definitely. Here, let me help.’ He came up behind you and with gentle hands, undid the offending clasp. ‘There, hopefully you’ll be more comfortable now.’
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You walked the lavish home, still cautious of this all being some cruel joke, or Jungkook not being as kind as he’s made himself out to be.
If doors were closed, you didn’t attempt to open them, only venturing through open doors. Sticking your had into a room, you noticed that it was mostly empty aside from some exercise equipment and... What’s that in the corner? You curiously ventured forwards and your ears fell down sadly when you realised it was an empty dog beg, with a few toys scattered round.
He hadn’t told you he had a dog. You didn’t have a problem with animals, but you would have liked a heads up. You held yourself tightly, anxiety slowly rising again. You speedily made your way from the room, breathing heavily and trying to stop the panic.
‘Hey- Woah! What’s wrong!?’ Jungkook rushed down the hall to you and went to grab your arms, but thought better of it. He settled for hovering his hand behind your back, ready in case you fainted.
‘You didn’t tell me you had a dog.’ You mumbled out sadly. He looked confused for a second, before groaning out, annoyed.
‘Y/N I’m so sorry! I thought they would have told you, or at least shown you my forms...’ You just shook your head with a frown.
‘Shit...’ He whispered and rubbed his face in frustration. How could they not tell you something so important?  ‘I’m sorry. Seriously I am. Will it be a problem for you?’ Jungkook held his breath after he asked the question. If you couldn’t live with Bam, then he didn’t know what he would do. He didn’t think he could handle taking you back after giving you false hope, but he couldn’t get rid of Bam either.
‘It’s fine.’ You whispered after what felt like an eternity. Jungkook released his breath with a thankful sigh, but noticed you were still a little on edge.
‘He’s not here if that helps. I thought it might be a bit much for you at first.’ You nodded, grateful that he’d thought about your comfort.
‘Did you see your room yet?’ Jungkook asked, trying to move on the conversation.
‘Um no. The doors were closed so I didn’t know if I was allowed..’ Jungkook just shook his head.
‘You live here now Y/N, nothing is off limits. Come on!’ He walked ahead and gestured you to follow behind. He stopped in front of a closed door at the end of the hall, but he paused before opening the door.
‘Before you see it... I tried my best with the decorating, but I’ve never decorated for a girl before, plus I didn’t really know what you liked.’ You stared at him incredulously. He’d gone through the effort of decorating your room. That was the most thoughtful thing someone had done for you in a long time.
He pushed the door open and your breath hitched in your throat. You had expected a tiny room with a bed just about fitting, but what you saw threw you completely off guard.
In the middle of the room was a king size bed, with simple baby pink bed sheets and soft looking pillows. As you stepped forwards, you were shocked by the sight of the massive TV  mounted on the wall at the end of the bed. It was bigger than any of the TV’s  they had at Pluto. You noticed a door next to the TV and went to open it before Jungkook stopped you.
‘That’s just a walk in closet. I didn’t realise you had so little clothes so we’ll have to go shopping at some point.’ Curiosity got the better of you. Even though he had told you it was empty, you still wanted to see. Pulling open the door, you gasped when you realised this simple closet was bigger than your whole room at Pluto!
Backing out, you closed the door and leaned against it as you once again looked into the room. Finally in the corner of the room, sat a desk whose top was littered with all different kinds of books and drawing/writing materials. Also a very expensive looking tablet.
‘I noticed you reading at the home, so I picked out some books I thought you’d like.’ Jungkook hurried over and began standing the books up, only for them to fall back down. You let out a gentle giggle as you watched him struggle.
He stopped and turned to face you, smiling wide at the sound you made. Having him stare at you like that made you feel hot all of a sudden. You looked away with a blush.
Jungkook laughed to himself and rubbed the back of his neck.
‘Um, I sort of didn’t know what else you liked, so I got you some craft stuff too.’ He gestured to the other items on the desk. Maybe you can make some stuff to decorate my walls with! Or draw on the tablet.’ Jungkook joked but you weren’t listening anymore, not really. As you took one last look round the room, tears began to form in your eyes. Jungkook was horrified when he saw.
‘N-no! Please don’t cry! If you hate it, we can change whatever you want! We-‘
‘I love it.’ You cut off his panicked ramblings with a strangled sob, emotions getting the better of you. ‘Nobody’s ever done anything like this for me before.’ You covered your mouth as you began to sob harder with happy tears.
Jungkook felt tears of his own form as he stepped forwards and reached out his hand to touch your shoulder, but he once again hesitated.
Without any hesitation on your part, you threw your arms round his shoulders and buried your face into his neck.
‘You have no idea how thankful I am.’ Jungkook was stunned at the sudden contact from you, but still tightly wrapped his arms round you in a comforting hug. He knew that’s what you needed right now.
As you stood in the warmth of his arms, you’d never felt safer than you did in that moment.
In that moment, you knew everything would be alright.
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jjungkooksthighs · 4 years
Edacity | jjk (m)
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Pairing: boyfriend!jungkook x reader
 Genre: platter of smut, the barest hint of fluff and the tiniest garnishment of angst / nonidol!au / college!au
 Rating: 18+ / nsfw
 Word Count: 8.2k
 Summary: After a rough day at college in your biochemistry class, you come home to your boyfriend, who is sweetly making you dinner. In his efforts to help calm you down, he only riles you up when you realize that it’s not the food you’re hungry for…it’s him.  
 Warnings: dom!jungkook, possessive!jungkook, jealous!jungkook, big cock!jungkook, sub!reader, lots of dirty talk (let’s face it I love that shit), praising, fingering, grinding, fellatio (cock sucking), cock worship (just a smidge), unprotected sex (reader has a birth control implant in her arm but Koo doesn’t like condoms, so yeah), breast/nipple play, nipping, marking via hickeys, sucking, pussy stretching, rough and possessive sex, begging, muscle kink, scratching, precum play if that’s a thing, manhandling, pinning down, cursing, wet and messy sex (kind of), degradation kink (koo calls you a slut a couple times but that’s about it), size kink, hair pulling
 A/N: This fic is brought to you by 201008 Jungkook from the “Savage Love” video he posted. I saw it, got horny and then wrote this filth. Blame him for this, not me. Also, please let me know what you guys think. Your feedback means more to me than you know. Tagging @nervouskiwi​ , @tricethecharm​ and @nightshadevinter​ per their request! 
The door to your apartment opens and shuts with a heaved sigh from you as you drop your bag to the floor with a thump, the day’s toil stemming from an unhelpful and unknowledgeable lab partner finally taking its toll on you while you rub your eyes as if to clear away the sight of the freshman boy who’d stared dumbly at the temperature probe and gas pressure sensor before asking you which was which in your biochemistry class. After that, he’d proceeded to clumsily knock over the catalase solution you were meant to measure enzyme activity with on several occasions in his ceaseless cloddishness.
 Even your professor had not noticed your lab partner’s negligence despite the seven times that you’d had to go procure a new vial of solution from the back of the classroom and when you’d asked to just do the lab alone upon finding out that your lab companion didn’t even know how to work the magnetic stirrer, your teacher still had not yielded to your plea. You had ended up doing all of the work and your efforts had gone entirely unnoticed to all but yourself. Well, almost everyone.
 “Bad day?” The mellifluous voice of your boyfriend of three years wafts over to your ears and you don’t have to open your eyes to know he’s in the kitchen directly to your left, your body instinctively wanting to seek the comfort of his warm embrace after such a long day. The sound of him already has the agitation crumbling, his voice the music to your ears that you are sure you will never tire of.
 “Terrible,” you whine, “my professor paired me with someone that didn’t even know what the equipment we were using was called. I had to do all the work.”
 “Aww…I’m sorry to hear that. Come here, babe. I’ll make it all better, yeah?” He asks.
 Your body is already moving at that and there’s the distinct clinking of a utensil against cookware that dots the space of your shared apartment. When you breathe in the succulent smell of sundubu-jjigae (one of your favorites of his) the earlier irritation is drawn away as you take in the aroma that has your stomach rumble tellingly in hunger. You really hadn’t been in want of food before you walked in, so now you’re not sure if it’s the dinner that has you craving or if it’s the person that made it.
  Wanting to look upon the source of the delicatessen, you open your eyes to find your boyfriend who is already gazing softly at you while he-with one occupied and tattooed hand-attends to the stew and it is as if the frustration is drained from you immediately as you drink in the sight of domesticity.
 His hair has been drawn up in a manbun that would be an instant panty-dropper if he went outside right now with the way that he’s left some of his chocolate brown fringe to frame each side of his face. It is wavy with the water from the shower he must’ve taken in the way that it darkly curves to the sides along his eyes and that alone has you suck in a breath. You let your eyes trail downward, your own malnourishment throughout the day causing familiar hungry desire to begin to pool heatedly within you at the visage of the black pajamas you’d bought for him a week ago after he’d ripped his previous pair apart in one particular voracious spur of energy to hastily plunge himself into the silken depths of your pussy. The striped shirt he now wears is open deliciously into a perfect ‘V’ shape that boasts the luscious expanse of his chest all the way down before tortuously stopping at the crest before his navel. He wears the matching pair of pants, their length giving a salacious view of his calves that you are sure the gods themselves must have had a hand in crafting.
  In the dimmed light of the kitchen, you can see the shadows that curl temptingly around his abdominals, your fingers inadvertently twitching against your sides in your want to touch, to feel him again.
 You know from experience how defined his chest is. You know how hot his skin is against your fingers. You know the bliss his body grants, for he has reminded you timelessly in the way that his perfect cock finds its dwelling in the wet warmth of either your mouth or your pussy as he brings you to paradise. You’re quite sure that you’ll never be able to sate yourself of him, the memory of him driving his cock into you from this morning bringing a familiar wave of desire to wash over you. You’d left him on the bed with a hardened cock after round two upon deciding to ride his thigh, thoughts of his pleading words and strained expression living in your thoughts all day long in your decision to punish him for grinding his cock into your ass so early into the morning.
 Usually he wouldn’t have gone so easy on you, but after all your texts throughout the day that were telling of your stresses, he couldn’t find it in himself to discipline you. Wanting to ensure that you felt better, he had decided to wait. After all, patience was a virtue, as you had told him before.
 Before you know it, you’re standing before him, one of his arms winding around you to pull you close as you let your irises dip from his eyes to those lips of his that must’ve been created by the devil himself in how they tempt you. Your boyfriend watches with interest, arousal coloring him internally when you look back up at him, your eyes beginning to cloud over in lust as you slide your hand down the sliver of his chest that he’s left uncovered for you. His skin receives you as if it had been waiting for this very moment, his muscles flexing proudly as you stroke the heated skin with appreciation. He’s more taut than usual under your touch which means he must have gotten back from the gym some time ago in the way that his muscles are tightly tensed from such use.
 It is that thought that has you press your lips to his in a heated kiss, your tongue sliding through his parted lips to kittenishly lick along the roof of his mouth to earn a groan from him, the sound caught between your lips and travelling with sonic speed right down to your pussy. He takes control when you try to wrap your tongue around his, the hot muscle plunging straight into your mouth as the other hand he’d been using to stir the stew abandons its earlier movements to find purchase on your ass as he squeezes you firmly between his fingers. When you disconnect, it is with a pant after the breath he has stolen from you.
 You breathe, “You’ve already made it better, Kookie, but do you want to know something?” You question as you bring your lip between your teeth, enjoying the way his eyes fix on that action as the inklings of desire begin to manifest in his eyes, in the way the soft exterior he’d been showing earlier begins to melt into something darker and far more primal under your attention.
 “Tell me, baby,” He husks as you close one hand around the silk of his shirt to bunch the fabric between your fingers as you dare to unearth the heated skin of his left pectoral, “If this is how you’re going to greet me, I would very much like to know.”
 When your mouth descends upon him to give soft, featherlight kisses along the line of his exposed chest, you manage to utter between them, “I bet the food you made for us is delicious, but the only thing I want to taste right now-” you peer up at him through a fan of dark lashes “-is you. You’re the only one who can give me what I really crave.”
 Your boyfriend’s eyes darken instantly at that, his other hand finding its place along your ass and you need no instruction to wrap your legs around him as he lifts you like you’re a feather only to prop you back down on the cold, hard countertop as he growls, “What a needy little girl you are. Didn’t have enough of this cock this morning, huh? God, you’re such a slut for me, aren’t you?”
 He lowers his head and you instinctively bare your neck for him, your legs spreading so he can step between them as you let your head fall back while one of his hands is already there to cup your nape in his effort to hold you there. You both keep your eyes locked on each other the whole time, desire burgeoning to life wildly within you as he peers at you with a hooded gaze while he moves torturously slow to where you want him and finally, finally, his lips find their home in a hot, open-mouthed kiss on the sensitive spot on right under your ear. 
The warmth of his mouth has you gasp, your back straightening as one of your hands finds purchase in his hair to coax him downward as you mewl, “Yes, Kookie…yes. I’m only a slut for you. It’s only ever been you.”
 You hastily unbutton his shirt while he lets you and instantly you’re salivating at the perfect canvas of him that is presented to you as the offending piece of clothing is pushed off his shoulders. Your palms, magnetized to him, splay over his abs, catching on the ridges of the defined set of muscles as they jump excitedly under your touch while you trail your hands upward. He sighs in satisfaction against your skin when the pads of your fingertips graze his dark nipples and you nearly coo at the sound of that alone.
 “That’s right, Y/N. No one else makes you this desperate, huh?”  He manages between kisses.
 You nod as much as you can in this position and you feel the way his lips turn upward in a smirk borne of the boost to his ego, his lips descending down the column of your neck in a wet trail and it is when he gets to the jugular notch between your collarbones that he presses the wet, heated muscle of his tongue to the delicate skin there that you keen, your fingers curling inward within his hair as he hisses at the pull and in punishment, nips you there. 
You are utterly powerless to stop your juices from collecting along your folds that you know is going to ruin your underwear. Without thinking, your hips begin to search for friction and you grind against him, the warm bulge of his member hardening under your ministrations.
 “A-ah, Kookie, please.” You beg for his mercy and his grin deepens as both of his hands run down your clothed arms. His mouth continues to trail across the sliver of skin over your shoulders and when his hands make another pass upward along you, you watch the way that his brows scrunch together as if disturbed by something and suddenly his devilish mouth is gone. The unforgiving cold is left in his absence and you whine at his loss, not understanding why he has stopped.
 Both of his hands settle on the countertop to either side of you as he leans forward, his tongue hotly poking against his cheek in a sight that only makes you wetter when his eyes narrow, “You smell different. Why?”
 Your boyfriend has always had a sensitive nose, but right now, you’re hardly in the mindset to think about what it is that he’s disgruntled about as you whimper, “Kook, I was doing a lab and dealing with chemicals. That’s all, okay?”
 You watch his fingers curl inward until they’re white with how hard he’s gripping the marble, his jaw setting as he hisses, “This morning you left smelling like me after I fucked you,” he grasps your chin with one hand, “Now you smell like someone else. Explain or you will get none of this cock that I know you want so bad.”
 You try to think past the haze of desire, you really do, but all you can do is blink owlishly as you try to navigate the sea of want for him that has filled your mind. Under his piercing gaze, you’re frozen in place and you swallow thickly to manage the only answer that your mind can supply with a stammer, I-I… It was my lab partner,” you watch his expression begin to contort in anger and before he can sink further into the emotion, you put both hands to either side of his face in effort to keep his attention on you, “He kept brushing against me when I was doing measurements for the assignment, Jungkook. It was nothing. He is nothing to me. I promise.”
 You hadn’t really thought of the implications of the first thing that you’d said, but you could see the momentary fury that had begun to color his very irises and wanting to quell it, you urge him close, your hands falling to rest on his chest as you plead with your eyes for him to understand. You both have been together three years and deep down, your boyfriend knows you would never betray him like that, but the lion of possession within him had roared loudly and there was little he could do to quiet it without the reassurance you had been so quick to feed it with.
 Before you have time to process anything, your shirt has been torn from your body and lands somewhere behind you, but you have no care for that right now. Instead, your focus is on Jungkook, the anger that had begun to set in his irises overtaken by something far more carnal as he orders, “Get on your knees, Y/N. I think you need to be punished for letting someone else touch what isn’t theirs. You’re mine,” he boldly wraps a hand around each breast to give a harsh squeeze, “show me you can be a good girl and suck me off until all you know is the feeling of me on your tongue.”
 His words have fresh arousal depositing itself between your thighs and with a submissive nod, your body obeys. He watches you with a darkened, lustful gaze as you lower yourself to the hardwood floor, your hands still by your sides while your boyfriend, all in one go, sheds his matching pajama pants until they puddle along his feet abandonedly. 
Your mouth waters at the sight of his thick, muscled thighs that you’ve fucked yourself on more times than you count, but your salivary glands do not fully exert themselves in hunger until your irises trail up to the thick shaft that arches deliciously upward as a constellation of veins scale along it all the way up the bulbous head that is already wet with precum. His tip rests artfully along his abdominals in some kind of lewd painting brought to life that you could stare forever and a day at, a whine coming from your lips as you lick them.
 Your boyfriend watches with interest as you ogle him and when he sees the pink of your tongue draping itself sinfully against his lip, he declares, “If you don’t get your mouth on me right now, baby, I’m going to fuck your face later, yeah?”
 That one has you moaning in thought, your boyfriend’s lips turning up in a smirk as you quickly lean forward, both hands trailing slowly up his legs and compressing around the thick, corded muscle as you do. When your hands find his member, you lightly run the tips of your fingers over his aching dick, the veins there throbbing energetically at your touch. He groans at that and then one of your hands encircles itself over his base where you gently squeeze the half of him that your fingers can reach, your other hand curling around him and stroking up and down as he grunts in pleasure, his eyes screwing shut.
 You swallow with some effort when your thumb runs over his slit to collect more of his fluid before swathing it along his glans as you ready him for your mouth. He’s already substantially hard, but you have no doubt that he will become even more so when you finally do suck him off. He really does have the world’s most perfect dick and you don’t think you’ve ever seen a thicker, bigger and better one than his. 
Granted, you’ve only ever actually seen and felt his, but you have never had a wish to have anyone else’s. You couldn’t possibly have room to want anything else when he fills you so deliciously, when he fits inside you like he was made for you.
 “Such a nice, pretty cock, Kookie…thank you for letting me have it,” you praise.
 As you bring him toward your waiting mouth, you blow out a puff of air to have him suck in a breath, his jaw clenching as one hand finds itself in your hair to guide you forward. With one final look up to his face, you take him into your mouth to watch his face contort into an expression of pleasure, his eyebrows scrunched together and his hair veiling his face to the point where you can only see his eyes based on the glint in each iris that flashes erotically at you as he takes a stuttered breath. 
Your walls clench contract around nothing as his member fills the wet cavern of your mouth while you try to take him as far as you can. Even like this, your hand still holds his base in his profound length despite the fact that you’ve gotten him as far your throat will allow.
 You’ve deep-throated him many times in the bliss that you have discovered you can grant him and now will be no different. There is nothing that you enjoy more than knowing that you alone can give him pleasure.
 When you’ve fitted him inside your mouth a little bit more, that’s when you run your tongue along his length before sucking, your cheeks hollowing out as you do. Your boyfriend’s fingers tighten in your hair as he growls, “Yeah, that’s it, baby. God, you’re so perfect for me. That little mouth takes me so fucking well.”
 You swallow around him, drawing him deeper into your throat as you all but guzzle him in your ministrations. He leaves a salty taste on your tongue in the precum that you collect and you can’t say you don’t fucking love the taste of him. You hungrily slide your tongue over his slit before kittenishly licking along the sides, a guttural moan tearing itself from the recesses of his body as he bucks under your ministrations.
 When your boyfriend opens his eyes to peer down at you, it’s enough to have his cock throb inside your wet warmth. The way that his cock disappears beyond the cradle of your lips is sin itself, but the way that you stare heatedly at him with desire simmering hotly in those irises of yours…Jungkook thinks if eroticism had a picture, you would be it right now. 
He’s just hit the back of your throat and because of that, drool has begun to pool along the sides of your mouth and fondness floods him at the sight, his thumb brushing away the spit only to lather it over your lips as he croons, “Look at my beautiful, messy girl starting to fall apart on my cock. Fuck, you’re so good for me, Y/N. Such an obedient little girl,” you suction your mouth intensely around him at that, “Think you can take me farther? I bet you can fit all of me down that tight throat of yours if you really try.”
 His praises have your walls fluttering around nothing as you engulf him impossibly farther into your mouth with another swallow, the wet slurping sounds of your ministrations filling the room as he starts to massage your head through tightened fingers that pull at the roots of it. You inhale through your nose, unable to any longer breathe through your mouth through the cock that blocks your airway and in one fluid motion, you press forward and try, but fail, not to gag around him as his dick sinks further into your throat.
 Tears instantly threaten to fall from your eyes as they water, your vision becoming blurry as you sputter against his dick. The sensation of your throat closing around him earns a hiss as he responsively thrusts his cock into you, unable to stop himself from chasing his pleasure.
 You let him fuck your mouth, enjoying the sounds of rapture that tumble freely from his mouth and content in the knowledge that you are able to gift him this euphoria. Tears are quick to fall from your eyes as you suckle him, the wide girth of him easily hitting your gag reflex in the back of your throat as you trail your tongue along the underside of his shaft while you slacken your jaw to ease his access.
 Your boyfriend coos while he watches your tits rise and falls with the efforts of your breaths, “Such beautiful tits, baby. If you hadn’t been a bad girl earlier today, maybe I could have used them as a cocksleeve. I bet you would have liked that, too, you dirty slut.” 
 You preen at his words with a moan, the vibrations of that heightening his pleasure and it is when you slide a free hand under him to grasp and fondle his balls that are extremely full in the seed that aches with need to be released that he grunts with fervor and when you roll them in your hands like dice before you gently run the pads of your fingers over them, he throws his head back, his mouth parting as he drives his cock into you one more time. With how far down his cock hits at your larynx now, you can’t see him any longer through the blurred vision as tears stream down your cheeks while you cry out his name.
 “Fu-fuck, baby. I can’t l-last much longer if you keep doing that. You really love this cock, don’t y-you? Tell me how much you love it. I w-wanna hear it with my cock in your mouth.” He manages through labored breaths.
 You hum in agreeance, the burn of his dick inherently insistent as he moves and the vibrations your sound makes has his cock throbbing dangerously as it begins to swell in warning of his impending end. He’s so hard already and your pussy aches to receive him, your walls contracting around nothing at the feel of his hot member between your lips.
 “I love it, Kookie. I love it so much. Love how big you are.” You splutter despite the very large dick currently nestled between your lips.
 You make a point to show him by swiveling your hand around what little of him is beyond the reaches of your mouth at this point while your other hand drags itself downward from his balls to rub at his perineum. That one has his back bowing inward, his fingers fisting in your hair as he groans and you can feel how his cock pulses in warning of his climax that you cannot wait to taste the fruits of as you flick your tongue along his length once, twice and then three times before suddenly, with a guttural sound, his fist pulls at your hair roughly to effectively extricate himself from your mouth as he breathes laboriously above you.
 You both watch as your spittle clings to his cock in a thin line in its attempts to remain connected to him until it sadly breaks off and away. You whimper at the loss of him, blinking up at him far too innocently for someone that just had a dick rammed down their throat and you watch the way his eyes flash cravingly at you only to rub your neglected thighs together in search of some friction.
 “As good as that was, baby,” he lowers himself down to your level to wipe away the tears that had collected along the sides of your face as he darkly declares, “there’s somewhere else that I want to cum in today and you’re going to let me, aren’t you?”
 You nod without a thought, his hands are quick to wrap around your waist and lift you with ease until you’re splayed out on your back for him along the countertop that is mercifully long enough to support your torso. Your legs dangle precariously off the edge, but they never reach the floor and like this, you’re granted an unfettered view of him, his now engorged dick standing to attention along his abdominals and when you peer up at his blown out irises, you release a shaky sigh in anticipation as he licks his lips like you’re a meal he’s about to fucking devour.
 “You know, I wanted to eat you out, baby. I really did,” he husks as he steps forward between your legs that you part in invitation, “but you sucked me off so good that now all I can think about is ramming this cock into you so hard that you won’t remember anything but my name and getting my fill of you until you milk me fucking dry, Y/N.”
 Arousal ignites within you at that and you pleadingly implore, “I want you to do that, gods, I do, but first, Kook…kiss me. Please, kiss me. After that, you can fuck me to your heart’s content.”
 You don’t know how you find yourself wanting even more of him, but you do. His mouth, you are sure, is the work of an incubus in the way that it can work sinfully against you. The words that tumble from them light the fires of desire within you and just want to feel the warmth of his lips again, honestly. 
 He arches a brow at this as he leans over you, one hand finding purchase along your waist as he rasps, “You want me to taste myself, baby? Is that it?”
 You can tell by the lilt in his voice that he’s playing with you and you already know this is a game he will ultimately lose, for you have a trick up your sleeve that he forever and always falls for. You let your hand slither along your body, your index finger dipping between your wet folds while he watches with a hooded gaze as you bring your soiled hand to your lips to dapple your essence over them like a lewd lipstick before you angle your chin up invitingly to beseech, “Won’t you taste me, Kookie? Don’t you want to taste us? Please,” you whine,” all I want is a kiss. No one...no one kisses me like Jeon Jungkook. Please, Kookie. I want your mouth so bad.”
 Your boyfriend brings his lip between his teeth at that as he lowers himself down to your level, his sinful irises burning heatedly into your skin as he utters, “That’s it, baby. I love it when you beg for me. So fucking hot.”
 With that, his lips descend over your own, your arms wrapping around him as you mewl into his mouth. He consumes you and drinks from you like you’re his last means of sustenance, his lips capturing yours in voraciousness as his tongue runs boldly along them in quick movements of possession before he’s sliding the wet muscle everywhere he can reach in his mission to claim the depths of your wet cavern. He can taste the remnants of himself on your tongue and with the sweet juices of your sex that you’d lathered over your lips, it’s a combination he has come to thoroughly enjoy the taste of in how well flavor of you both coalesce into something so tangy.
When he’s satisfied with his mapping of your mouth, he draws your lower lip between his teeth before suckling the tender flesh to have you gasp at the sensation.
 Distracted by that alone, you do not notice the hand of his that isn’t currently attached to your waist that snakes slowly downward to slip with ease under your grey sweatpants and between the silk panties that cover your womanhood. Your breath hitches upon the sensation of his long, tattooed fingers dragging themselves against your slit and you’re not surprised at the generous collection of your juices that make his digits glide along your folds, but he hiss he makes is delicious when he curses, “Fuck, Y/N. You’re this wet when I haven’t even touched you? God, you really are a slut for me, huh?”
 With one hand, you entangle your fingers along the hair at the nape of his neck as you breathe, “Only for you, Jungkook. This is all for you.”
 He plunges one finger inside you at your response and immediately sibilates at the way that your wet warmth welcomes his digit enthusiastically and energetically. With as wet as you are, you know that you will have no problem taking him, the considerable amount of slick between your legs tangible evidence of your need to receive and welcome him into your sex. It takes no time at all for him to add a second finger, one thumb rubbing at your clit as you moan his name, your eyes falling shut as under his ministrations. Warm waves of heat fall over you under his touch and you bask in his avid attention. Without extricating his hand from your pussy, he orders, “Take off your pants, baby. I want to see this pretty cunt while I fuck it.”
 You heed his command, one hand disconnecting from around his neck to hurriedly discard your pants and underwear along the floor in one fell swoop as your boyfriend’s hungry irises flick downward to feast upon the visage of your dripping cunt. Something about the way that his fingers disappear into your wet depths transfixes him, the squelching sounds that your pussy makes going straight to his core as arousal flares within him. Wanting to prepare you for him as thoroughly as he can, he continues to swirl his fingers over your clit in measured circles before the two fingers he’s got inside you curl inward in a come hither motion. The sensation has you throwing your head back, a stuttered cry coming from your lips as your fingers tighten in his hair and your unoccupied hand latches onto his strong bicep in search of something, anything to cling to.
 His vision darts upward to your face to catch your expression shift to one of pleasure under his touch, thick and heavy desire for you demandant in its need that manifests in the ache of his cock that pulses with need to find its home within your silken walls. He yearns for you so much now that it’s almost painful to bear it when the source of his relief is only a few inches away and, distantly, he thanks the gods above that you’d gotten a birth control implant before you’d both become intimate for there is no greater heaven, he is sure, than when he is burrowing his cock into you velveteen walls and finishing there where he belongs.
 He lowers himself to your ear, his warm breath pebbling your skin as he husks, “What do you want me to do to you, baby? Do you want this? Or,” you whimper loudly when his fingers are pulled from your pussy only to hitch your breath upon the hot, hard member he is quick to slide against your generously lubricated folds, the edges of him torturously dragging just above your waiting slit as he smirks darkly, “do you want my fat cock? Fuck, you really just can’t get enough of me, can you?”
 You mewl when he takes your earlobe between his teeth, his tip brushing along the tender bundle of nerves along your clit, words escaping you beyond his name as you manage, “Jungkook.”
 You watch as he angles himself along your sopping entrance, the continued sweep of his dick across your folds an erotic sight that has heat lather itself like honey over your core as you wrap your legs around him in answer. Words elude you like your mind is caught in his maze and with every stroke of his cock between your sensitive labia, your mind is brought to a dead-end that you have the truest of troubles navigating.
 Your boyfriend takes your silence as disobedience, both hands laying possessively over pierces you with his commanding gaze, “I asked a question, baby. I require an answer if you want to get fucked,” he punctuates this to mercilessly poke his tip against your entrance while squirm against him, “Use that pretty mouth and tell me what you want or else I’m going to tie you up and leave you crying for me on our bed while you get to watch me finish myself off with my own hand.”
 His words have fresh arousal depositing itself within your folds as you mewl, but under his ministrations that have him running his cock along your sex, his dick catches your newly released taint when you wrap your legs around him in your effort to encourage him inside and he hisses at the sensation as your labia embrace and enfold around his member as he squeezes your sides tight enough that there will be marks there tomorrow in the shape of his fingertips.
“Tell me now, Y/N, or you’re going to be punished. You’ve been so good, baby. Do you really want to be naughty now?” He rasps as he uses the grip he has on your hips to pull you even closer, the promise of sin flashing dangerously in his eyes through the fringe that falls along them.
 Powerless to resist his demand, you submissively whisper, “Want …want your big cock. Want you to fuck me so good with it that I can’t walk and for you to paint my pussy with your seed. God, Jungkook, I want you so much right now. Can I please, please have your cock inside me?”
 Your boyfriend leans up to tower imposingly and commandingly over you, excitement flourishing within you in the anticipation of what he’s about to do to you as he smirks while he angles himself toward your entrance and with a flick of a dark brow, he warns, “Prepare yourself, baby, because I’m not going to go easy on you. I’m going to fucking ruin you because that’s what you deserve for getting me so fucking hard for you, (Y/N).”
 That is all the caution he gives you before, all in one go, he propels his length inside you with a sharp thrust of his hips. You moan as he enters you and he doesn’t stop until he’s fully sheathed within you, his tip just barely missing the cluster of nerves hidden within your center as your mouth parts in an ‘o’ shape.
 Your walls greet him eagerly and envelop him with fervor only to cause him to groan, “Fuck, baby. How are you still this tight after I fucked your little cunt this morning and last night?”
 Lost in the sensation of him buried within you, you can’t find the words to answer him when he starts to impel himself into you without abandon, his irises glazing over in desire as he chases his pleasure. Like this, his bangs hang heavily over him and flit back and forth frenziedly in his ministrations, but you can see his eyes in their entirety now and their darkness seeps straight into your core in the lust that simmers there.
 Captured in his consuming gaze, you notice the way that his irises dip from your own to the neglected breasts that bounce in the jostling movement he wracks on you, heat licking up your spine when you watch the tip of his pink tongue hungrily dart across his lips to wet them. Before you realize what’s happened, his hot mouth is upon one of your mounds, his lips suctioning your tit against him with avid voracity as he leaves a purple petal to blossom there under his ministrations. It joins the myriad of others that he’s left from your previous couplings like brands over your skin and you relish in the new addition that marks you as his.
 “Shit, I love your tits so much. So soft and warm in my mouth. You really do have the most beautiful breasts, baby.” he mutters as you close your eyes at the sensation of him on you, your fingers leaving their own claim on him as you claw your nails down his back while he pounds into you with vigor. He seems to approve with the way that he speeds his movements like the rabbit he reminds of while in some kind of heat. You throw your head back when his velvety lips enclose around your areola, his hot tongue flicking against your pert nipple unrelentingly as you buck underneath him with a weak, broken mewl. The sinful chuckle that erupts from him is felt before it is heard, the deep thrum of the vibrations dripping right through you and straight to your core that clenches around him in response.
 “Please…” You breathe out the only word that can come to mind through the haze of hormones that now cloud your vision.
 When you sink one hand into his locks once more to pull at his hair, he makes a sound of disapproval,  blown irises heating you like a furnace as he focuses his sight on you when he growls, “I’m not done yet, Y/N. I’m going to suck these pretty nipples of yours until they’re  fucking swollen because of me. These,” he blows a warm puff of air against the sensitive areola of your left tit,” are mine. You need to be reminded of that.”
 You whimper at that, his other hand palming at your other breast while he rolls your nipple with practiced ease between his fingers. When he punctuates a particularly acute slam of his hips into you with a long, wetted lick of his tongue in a stripe over your engorged bud, that’s what has your eyes rolling to the back of your head as you wail, his dick hitting your g-spot with precision that tears the sound from your throat in the way that he pairs it with an agonizingly delicious ministration of his tongue.
 He suckles you through it all and when the warmth of his mouth finally leaves you, your breast is freed from him with a ‘pop’ from between his lips and don’t see the way that he’s painted you with his spit, nor the way that he peers longingly at the engorged, abused nipple he’s left in his wake before he’s moving to the other to latch onto your neglected tit like a newborn trying to coax the life-giving essence of milk from you. You cry out when he decides to nip at you, the hand that he’s left on your hip gripping you roughly in effort to keep you in place against his fierce thrusts of his hips inside you.
 Before long, you feel your nipple harden under his ministrations and with a groan, he releases you from his mouth only to rise and watch your freshly marked breasts move laboriously up and down in your strained breaths, the gleam of his spit shining prominently under the dimmed lights in the kitchen. Your neck is arched back and your eyes are screwed shut in the picture of submission as you let him use you for his pleasure while he continues to pound into you with the strength of an ox every single time.
 You feel fingers grasping your chin to urge you to angle your chin downward as he commands, “Look at me, Y/N. When you’re getting fucked by me, you’re going to watch me and keep those pretty eyes on me so you can burn it into that head of yours that there’s only one man who can make you feel this good.”  
 If you weren’t panting before, you surely are now as your body heeds his demand, his words playing you like an instrument as heat coils heavily in your core as you take him in cravingly while he coos, “That’s a good girl. So obedient.”
  He’s leaning above you now, the muscles of his chest flexing and contracting as he rolls his hips piercingly into you to hit just the right spot time and time again, euphoria steadily building each time. His hair, from all of your attention, is mussed and somehow the man bun he’d been sporting before is looser to allow more of his chocolate tresses to frame his face, his lips reddened from lavishing on your breasts. Sweat sluices his skin everywhere, which somehow makes him even more irresistible as you urge him down for another kiss.
 He denies you at first, deciding to smirk cockily as he angles his head and in the movement, you notice the attractive tint of rosiness to his cheeks in the blood that has rushed there through his earlier efforts as he clucks his tongue, “Words, baby. Use that mouth of yours and maybe you’ll get what you want.”
 You whine as he rams into you, your vision jerking upward as you wrack your brain to formulate some kind of response through the sea of lust that resides there now. Somehow, you manage, “I-I want another kiss.”
 His fingers sink deeper into your waist as he prods, “Yeah? Where do you want my mouth, angel?”
 In answer, you take the hand he isn’t holding you with, your digits wrapping around his index finger as you bring it to your mouth to breathe, “Here,” you lower your joined hands in a slow trail down your throat that contradicts the rapid thrusts he impels you with,” here,” you drag his hand through the valley of your breasts until it’s splayed possessively over your stomach, “and here. I want you everywhere, Kookie. Please.”
 Your boyfriend licks his lips as he lowers himself down once more to your level as he husks, “Fuck, the things that you do to me, baby. You’ll get what I decide to give you, yeah?”
 His mouth descends upon you in a French kiss that puts others to shame, his traitorous tongue leaving no part of your mouth untouched and wrapping possessively around your own in a show of dominance that you have no wish to resist. He presses his lips insistently over yours, consuming you in his wet heat that you relinquish your own mouth to. The hand that had been draped along your side before slides along your waist to relish in your contours, his other hand moving behind your head to hold you there as he drinks his fill of you.
 When he breaks for air, you’re breathing heavily and he gives you no time to recover before heavy, lingering kisses are rained down along your jawline and then he’s descending like a stream down the frontal column of your previously marked throat from last night’s exploits with him. He lathers his mouth over you in open-mouthed kisses, his tongue brushing over your sensitive skin while he keen, your back arching up and into him as you press your naked chest against his own to earn a hiss from him while he continues to pound into you relentlessly.
 His name leaves your lips in a stuttered breath, “Jungkook.”
 Your boyfriend croons, “Be good for me and take it, baby. If you do, I’ll let you cum around my cock.”
Your feel your core tighten and clench compactly around him when his mouth trickles down between your breasts, adding a few more hickeys on the way so that there are now entire constellations of his marks in mottled purples and reds all along your body. When he manages to get to your stomach, that’s when he administers a closed-mouthed kiss that is made domineering by the way his irises peer hotly at you before he parts his lips to lick heatedly above the area of your navel as you whimper out.
 With his face inches from your own, you can see the blown out irises that stare hungrily at you, your gaze thirsting to drink him in as the sounds of your coupling fill your ears. With every roll of his hips into you, his balls slap against your pussy mercilessly in combination with the lewd squelches his dick makes as it drives itself into you without pause. 
He rams into you now with the might of ten men, your core tightening around him as he groans in his ministrations. He pulls you into him with the hand that is wrapped around your side, your moans joining his when the hand he’d been holding your head with snakes heavily down your body in a hot trail from your neck and then down to your abdomen before stopping torturously just before your glistening folds. 
 You wrap your fingers around his wrist to urge him where you need him most as you breathe, “C-close, Kookie. I’m almost there. Please, let me cum.”
 Your walls are beginning to tense around him with your impending end and he knows how to play your body like an instrument to get it to sing the tune he wants. He watches you plead with your eyes imploringly at him while he denies you what he knows you want most, instead choosing to plunge himself inside you especially hard to cause you to cry out. There is nothing quite like your pussy, nothing quite like the way that you suck him in and refuse to let him go until you’ve ensured that he has released inside you like an uncontrollable pubescent boy learning how to come for the first time.
 You make him ravenous and in that appetence, the ambrosia that is you is a delicacy he will never grow tired of. So, he indulges in you and lets himself enjoy your sweet depths for as long as he can until you’re screaming nothing but his name in your need to come undone, your thighs trembling from under him as you curl your fingers unyieldingly around his wrist.
 He finally obliges you, his thumb pressing deeply down onto your clit as you wail in pleasure before he’s quickly drawing figure-eight patterns along the bundle of nerves as he pistons in and out of you deliciously. Your walls begin to quiver with your oncoming end and knowing this, your boyfriend stares zealously at you to darkly command, “Come on, baby. Cum for me. Cream all over this cock that you love so much.”
 It takes one final slam of his hips into you to have his cock bury itself so deep inside your pussy that it perfectly presses against your g-spot while his fingers rapidly attend to your clit before your body instinctively heeds his order, spots erupting behind your eyelids as thousands of tiny, warm presses inside your sex signal your orgasm while you throw your head back, your eyes still locked on him as your mouth parts and you shriek his name out for the entire apartment complex to hear as your climax explodes with the intensity of a firecracker within you.
 He groans at that to utter, “That’s right, baby. Let everyone know who has fucked you so good. Tell them all who owns you.”
 Your walls flutter and spasm deliciously around him and your boyfriend grunts at the sensation, loving the way you wrap around him like your pussy was made for this and before he knows it, he’s throbbing and following behind you with his own release as he colors your walls with his creamy seed in violent, energetic bursts.
 “Mine. You’re mine,” he repeats over and over as you both ride out your orgasms.
 You wrap your arms tighter around him to give him a light peck along his jaw as you say, “Yes, Kookie. I’m all yours. I love you so much.”
 He catches his breath as you fondly wipe away the sweat that has collected in beads along his forehead while you tenderly tuck his fringe behind one ear before he earnestly tells you, “I love you more.”
 Sometime later he feeds you the stew he made for you as you moan in delight at the warm trickle of it down your throat while he spoons it to you from your place  on his lap. Your sounds of enjoyment had been quick to get him hard underneath you as you’d knowingly fidgeted in effort to drag your ass over his member that you found yourself longing for once again. Your antics had proven successful in the fervid way he’d eaten you out like a five course meal before you fed him the dessert of your sweet juices before he’d dragged you to the bedroom for round three. 
Hours after that find you both well into the night with the window open so that the moonlight can spill in on the two of you atop your shared bed. You are sure to remind him just how much you love him then when he wakes to find you grinding on top of him as you welcome him once more into your wet warmth that has only and will only ever belong to him.
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lust-bts · 4 years
Kink: choking with jk
Can he please 🤤
it had been a long time since you and jungkook hs started hooking up, in fact it was probably close to a year at this point. you had stopped for a while, right around the time you got into a relationship but that fizzled out quickly and now you were back in familiar territory; jungkook’s bed.
“fuck, you’re so tight, your ex not fuck you good enough?” he husked by your ear, dropping down to rest his forearms on the mattress while he fucked you against it.
“n-no, he could never,” you moaned, arching your back while your eyes rolled into the back of your head.
“that’s right, baby, he could never fuck you like i do,” he agreed, kissing the side of your neck before moving a hand to your throat and applying the perfect amount of pressure. jungkook knew how much you loved being choked, his hands were so big and rugged, the ink on them standing out against his skin, making him look just as edgy as he was.
“i’m gonna come,” you told him breathlessly while your cunt pulled him in greedily and the grunt he let out at your warning just helped push you closer to the edge.
“good, show me how much you missed my cock,” he grunted, directing your face to his so he could steal the little breath you had left. this was always how you liked to come- and how jungkook liked you to come- your eyes rolling back, your head spinning and your breathing raspy.
“fuck,” you whined when he made you hit your peak and then he let go of your throat, letting you gasp for breath while he fucked you through your favourite high.
“that’s it,” you could hear the smirk on his face without even having to look back at him and when he thumped into you harshly it made you gasp. “stay still for me baby,” he cooed, kissing your shoulder blade before picking up the pace again until he pulled out and jerked himself off so he could come on your ass.
he collapsed on to your back, mindful not to crush you under his weight, while he caught his breath. now it was your time to reach back and pull him close for a kiss by his hair.
“i missed you,” you whispered against his lips and he rewarded you with another passionate kiss.
“i missed you too.”
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honeymoonjin · 6 years
enjoy your stay - chapter fifteen (final chapter)
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A/N - I don’t put links in anymore so that this comes up on search, but check my masterlist linked in my bio for links to every previous/future chapter.
Word count 3k. I hope you feel like it’s a satisfying conclusion to the story. I’m a little sad that it’s over, but it just means that we can start on a fresh story soon!
ENJOY YOUR STAY ↳Boss!Namjoon, Chef!Jin, Receptionist!Hoseok, Bellboy!Jimin, Bartender!Jungkook, Accountant!Yoongi, Photography student!Taehyung ↳Some inappropriate language and cursing. Later chapters have sexual content.
SUMMARY ↳Working the graveyard shift at a hotel isn’t the most exciting job in the world, but your coworkers are certainly happy to have you here.
CHAPTER FIFTEEN ↳You have to work out how you’re going to survive now that you’re unemployed, even though all you want to do is cry for a year straight. But life has a funny way of going on even when you wish it would just stop for a bit.
By the time you catch a bus back to your apartment, with nowhere else to go, you have a headache from crying and you feel sick with despair.
You aren’t able to form a single coherent thought about what you should do, so you immediately fall into a dreamless, restless sleep.
The next morning feels like the day after a funeral. You mope around, hungry without appetite and too despondent to cook. The only thing you manage to get enough energy to do is to text Tae that the Jimin-revenge plan was off. It was childish in the first place; pretending you two were together to get him to realize what he was missing, but now that your recent history had been laid out on a silver plate for you to analyze, you realized how horrible an idea it was, and how vindictive of you to even conceive. He replied back asking why, but that one text took all the energy out of you, so you turned your phone on silent.
Although you were angry at him for lying to you, you can’t help but feel relieved when you hear Jungkook’s key in the lock and his familiar tone call out your name in concern. At least, hopefully, the presence of another person can stop you from spiraling even deeper into your mini-depression.
“I’m so so sorry, Y/n, I don’t know what came over me, I swear to God I never meant to- Woah, are you okay?”
You probably look a mess. You didn’t have the emotional bandwidth to survive looking in the mirror, but you were sure your hair was unkempt, your eyes were red, and your cheeks were swollen. You sniff and shrug, trying to talk through an unstable voice. “I lost my job.”
He halts, bag halfway to the floor, dangling from his elbow. “Because of me?”
“Because of everyone.”
He tips his head to the side, voice soft like he’s expecting bad news. “Everyone?”
You sigh out shakily, feeling the waterworks start up again. “I’m so sorry too, Jungkook. I’m a terrible person.”
He joins you on the couch, rubbing your back. You break into a fresh set of heaving sobs, feeling like you don’t deserve his comfort. “Woah, hey, you’re not a bad person. My taste in women isn’t that rubbish,” he jokes, but goes back to being serious when you don’t have a sliver of humor left in you. “Look, I clearly don’t know the whole situation, and you don’t have to tell me if you’re not ready, but we can still make this work. Let me pay for rent for a few months while you find a new job.”
You wipe your eyes and look up at his imploring gaze. “You need that money for uni.”
“I’ll drop out for a semester; go back later.”
You scoff, but there’s nothing but emotional exhaustion behind it. “God, Jungkook, don’t throw away your life over someone who can’t keep it in her pants. I don’t know what I’m going to do. You might just have to move in with your parents.”
He laughs nervously. “Ah, about that. After you left, I had to explain pretty much everything to my parents. They’re not so keen on seeing my face around for a while. They made me realize how wrong and selfish it was to try and keep you all to myself. I wanted to apologize. I didn’t know things would go this downhill this fast.”
“I don’t know what I thought would happen,” you confess in a conspiratorial whisper. “At one point, karma was going to catch up to me. The consequences of all my shitty, shitty actions. I have to live with it now.”
He rubs your back in slow circles, and you can’t help but lean into it. “Hey, why don’t we just think about what we can do? You could ask for your job back, you could apply for some other part-time jobs in the area, you could- Stop shaking your head, Y/n, I’m just trying to help! You could call the accountant, Min. Ask him what your rights are financially. Maybe you’ll get severance.”
You bite your lip. “You hate Yoongi.”
“I was jealous of Yoongi,” he corrected, “which mum and dad have made me realize is a bad emotion to have. If he can help, you should call him.”
You know Jungkook said you didn’t have to tell him everything, but it feels weird him still thinking nothing happened. You had lied so much that you could barely see out of the grave you dug yourself. “I guess,” you answer finally. “Although I already know what I’m entitled to. 2 weeks’ severance pay with no more work, because Namjoon ‘doesn’t want to see my face again.’ If I ask for my job back, he’ll probably pursue legal action.”
Jungkook frowns, hand stilling. “That doesn’t sound like him.”
“I deserved it,” you insist flatly.
Jungkook sighs and gets up, walking over to the kitchen counter where your phone is charging. He unplugs it from the wall and tosses it to you. “Call Yoongi. Take whatever advice he has to give you. We might have missed something. Besides, it can’t hurt.”
You scroll down to the bottom of your contacts, getting up to shut yourself in your room before you call, which Jungkook seems put out about but doesn’t object to. It only dials once before he picks up.
“I’m glad you called,” his resonant voice drips through the phone like honey, “I’m sorry I offended you the other day. Let’s just pretend it never happened and move on.”
You sit down heavily on the end of your bed, rubbing your eyes with one hand. “…Yoongi, I lost my job.”
He’s silent for a few moments, and when he finally talks, it’s with a degree of strain. “Is it because of what happened with us? I can talk to Namjoon, tell him it was all me. I know you need to work for the hotel more than I do.”
“If it was just you, maybe that would work.”
Another pause. “Oh.” You choose not to answer, just breathing out heavily, hating yourself more every moment. “I suggest you start looking for another job, Y/n. Your budget will fall through without a source of income, and then you’ll be eating into your very limited savings.”
You scrunch up your nose. What was it with these men thinking it was that simple? “Namjoon has made it very clear he’s not interested in giving a shining recommendation to any future employers,” you answer drolly, “not when I was fired for gross sexual misconduct.”
He sighs slowly, although he doesn’t seem mad, per say. “Even if I wasn’t the only party…involved, I still feel partly responsible. You can come live with me for a while, save on living expenses while you work out a different solution.”
“But Jungkook lives here, he can’t afford this place either.”
“Jungkook can go back to tugging on his mummy’s skirt, I’m more worried about you. Come stay with me,” he repeats.
You don’t know what to say. Finally, you settle with a noncommittal, “I’ll think about it.”
“Please do,” he replies back immediately. “I have a meeting in 5, so I need to hang up, but please keep in mind the offer is there.” There’s a long pause. “Just because of what happened that day, don’t think that I don’t care about your wellbeing. I consider you a friend, Y/n, and I hope the reverse is also true.”
You manage a small grin. “You got it, chief.”
Instead of rebutting straight away, you can just hear the fond smile in his voice when he ends the call with, “take care.”
Your rent is due in three weeks, which means for at least a fortnight, you can enjoy the comfort of your own apartment, and the company of your own self-pity. Jungkook still goes to work every day, but he won’t talk about it anymore, and after 5 days of his unusual silence on the topic, you’re forced to call Hoseok about it.
Ignoring the texts he’d been sending you at least once or twice a day, you call him, and he picks up soon after it starts ringing.
“Muppet,” he cries with relief, “thank you for finally getting back to me, I’ve been so worried. If it wasn’t for Jungkook telling me you were okay, I would’ve broken the door down to your apartment myself!”
Although you’ve felt too like much of a husk to cry recently, hearing his voice brings back a tingle in your nose and an ache behind your eyes. “Hobi, I’ve missed you. And Jungkook is right, I’ll be okay.”
“I’ll be okay isn’t the same as I’m okay now,” he counters. “Have you been eating?”
You hum in confirmation. “We can’t afford takeout anymore, and neither of us can cook very well, so it’s been ramen for a few days, but ramen is good comfort food, so… How’s everyone at work?” you ask out of the blue, wanting to get straight to the reason for your call before you’re too drained to continue.
“Gosh, you should see it. It’s like we’re on death row now. Customers have been complaining that the food tastes bland, because Seokjin’s got no passion to actually make something decent, your roomie has started putting water in shot glasses so he can pretend to be drowning his sorrows,” you crack a fond smile at that, “and Jimin’s burst into tears twice now.”
Your smile disappears as quickly as it goes. “And Namjoon?”
You hear Hoseok take a few slow breaths as he decides what to say. “Namjoon is…quite angry at the moment. I don’t really have a clue what’s gone down, he won’t tell us anything, but I can tell that picking up your workload as well is taking its toll on him.”
You frown. “He didn’t tell you why he fired me?”
“Uh, no. Is it bad? Jungkook’s acting like he doesn’t know either, and that can’t be true.” “Jungkook doesn’t really know the whole truth. Don’t worry about it, Hoseok. You can tell anyone who asked that I made several mistakes and now I’m just trying to pay the price.”
“…You can’t tell me not to worry and then say something extremely concerning, muppet. But I won’t pry. You just stay healthy and happy, okay?”
You nod even though you know he can’t see you. “Okay, Hobi. Have a good day. Please tell Jimin and Jin that I’m okay.”
Hoseok makes a noncommittal sound in the back of his throat. “Okay, but you should really tell them yourself, Y/n. I’m sure they want to hear from you. We all miss you.”
When in a crashing airplane, you’re told to put the mask on yourself before assisting others, but your survival plan was the opposite. Step one was ensuring Jungkook had a home to go to, and only then would you allow yourself to ponder your own situation. Knowing you had an offer on the table, although not completely ideal, was a reassurance too.
You get out your laptop before you lose your nerve, and type up an email to someone who you’re sure doesn’t want to hear from you.
Dear Namjoon,
If I said sorry a million times, it wouldn’t be enough, but I’ll say it anyway. I’m truly sorry.
I know what I did was wrong; however, I maintain that in each instance there was another consenting party involved, and as I am aware, I am the only one facing repercussions.
I don’t want you to punish or discipline any of your other workers. I care for them too much to want them to suffer with me.
I just have this one request. With no job, I’ll probably lose my apartment. Jungkook can’t go back to his parents’ house, and he can’t afford a place all by himself. Can you please put him up in a room at the hotel like you do Taehyung?
I can face the consequences of my actions wholeheartedly, but I don’t want Jungkook getting caught in the crossfire. He’s just a kid.
If I know he has a place to stay, I promise you’ll never have to see me again. I won’t contact you again, either.
As much as it hurts, you’re doing the right thing here, and I respect you immensely, Namjoon.
You don’t proofread, just wanting to get it out there before you lose your nerve, and the reply comes shockingly fast, within five minutes of sending it. It’s a single line.
Room 18, I’ll put the key aside.
You breathe out a sigh of relief and let your laptop lid fall shut.
Jungkook cries when you tell him. He’s grateful for having a place to stay but seems unbelievably upset when he realizes it means he’ll never see you around anymore. It tears at your heartstrings to see him that way, but you finally look at him and see him as a young adult, and as more of a younger brother than a lover.
He’s so naïve, so needy and dependent, and just wants love. Just wants to love and be loved in return, and he put all his eggs in one basket when he thought he could have that with you. Now that it’s being taken away from him, he doesn’t know what to do.
Jungkook takes a couple of sick days in your final two weeks in the apartment together, and you treasure the bittersweet moments you shared with him over that time; playing video games together, trying to cook something more complicated than ramen, lying in bed together for hours and whispering about what joys the future might bring if you two should make it past this hurdle.
You feel closer to him than you ever have before, and maybe if this came earlier on in your relationship, it would’ve led to something more, but this feels like a slow-motion farewell rather than something new blossoming. You both feel the tight vise of time closing in on you day by day.
He cries again during your last night together, and you both cry when you hand over both sets of keys to the landlord, fully moved out.
Yoongi was more than willing to go through with his offer of residence, and you quickly fell into his routine, changing back into a normal nighttime sleeper rather than going by night-shift hours. It’s nice to be fully awake during the day, and occasionally you allow yourself to splurge on a hot cup of coffee at a nearby café, feeling the sunlight sinking into your skin through the window.
He encourages you to search for a job, and while you feel it’s futile, after 2 months of living in Yoongi’s spare room, you get a job offer from a small florist company on Yoongi’s side of town that desperately need a receptionist to handle their flourishing business.
It’s the same florist that Hoseok loves so much, and because Yoongi always goes there to buy Hoseok flowers, he’d become acquainted with the owners. He got you an interview, they asked the right questions and avoided the one you were dreading having to answer, and you got the job.
It was just an elderly couple, the ones who opened the business, and you, which meant the chance of you repeating your earlier offences were next to none, though you knew deep down you had learned your lesson.
This was also where Jungkook came to visit you occasionally, updating you on his latest university grades and drinks he learned to make, and Hoseok began to do the same.
Soon enough, every night shift employee from the hotel had visited you at least once just to catch up. Even Namjoon.
He had walked in with a solemn look on his face and told you he had heard you were working here and was happy to hear you had found something. It was a brief visit; he was in the shop no more than a minute and didn’t buy any flowers, but it felt like closure, and you appreciated him for having to courage to come down and say that.
The one person who hadn’t visited was Jimin. Jungkook, although he didn’t know the full story, had once said that Jimin told him he didn’t know how to face you after being so irresponsible and getting you fired.
It was odd how everyone you talked to insisted you getting fired was their fault, since it wasn’t them that was fired, and you decided now was the time to be the bigger person.
You hadn’t seen him in just under three months, but he was still in your contacts, and you opened up your past chat log, typing and sending a message you had been wanting to for weeks.
I’ve missed you, Jimin. I hope you’ve been well.
You receive a read receipt within a few seconds, and he responds soon after.
I missed you so much! It’s been hard without you. I acted like an absolute fuck boy, and by the time I realized it, you were gone.
You frown at his message, reading it several times over to try and recreate the way he would be saying it, and the nuance involved. You think over your reply for so long that he ends up sending you another message first.
Do you think you could forgive me? I wish I had handled the situation better. I wish I had respected you and listened to you and not been so focused on the sex aspect.
You punch out an answer before he can keep going.
All is forgiven. I was no saint.
You bite your lip and send another.
I don’t like texting about this. There’s too much to explain. Can we meet?
Instead of a long sentence, he gives the most basic affirmative answer at the speed of light.
You smile softly, and press your phone against your chest, feeling that, even if life isn’t perfect now, all will be well in time.
Keep an eye out for the epilogue - a look into what happens after Jimin and our MC catch up for coffee. I felt like it would cause whiplash if I had her getting with Jimin right after all that’s happened, but I know some of you wanted MC to end up with Jimin, so an epilogue a little bit into the future will be my compromise.
I want to get started on my new AU first, though, so it won’t be published for a while.
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zayneternal · 6 years
《 Invitation Only 》
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summary ↠ It’s been a while since the boys have had an entire weekend away from practice or since you’ve gotten to welcome them home to a newly cleaned dorm, freshly baked goods, and a prospective move night. However, after a particularly intense last rehearsal, Kookie has a few, slightly less-innocent ideas to kick off the weekend. Will you accept the invitation?
genre ↠ fluff | SMUT | and then some more fluff, idolverse member ↠ jeon jungkook warnings ↠ 18+ | fingering | oral (male receiving) | mild dirty talk  word count ↠ 5.4k
moodboard by @kpopwishes || requested by @jeongsanjeon21, a shy bunny. This is heavy one, boys. Hang on.
Your fingers run across the silky fuzz of the last gently folded blanket placed neatly atop the others in your amassed collection that you’ve broken out for the events of the night. Setting the basket of assorted covers next to the couch, you stand straight, hands resting on your hips as you survey the dorm, checking the final product of your efforts. The wide apartment, a raging mess when you had arrived this morning, is now tamed, low lighting quietly illuminating the spotless space of the living room. The pillows are fluffed and ready, waiting along the line of the sofas and armchair, the carpeted floor is freshly vacuumed, the texture soft and comfortable under the squish of your toes, and the air is filled with the aroma of the freshly prepared cookies taunting you from where they’re almost done baking in the kitchen. 
Prompting yourself forward, you begin sauntering around the space, finger trailing along the various surfaces as you pass, finalizing your sweep through while you still have the dorm to yourself. Dimly flickering candles are dotted randomly along the TV stand, the coffee table, and upon the low hanging shelves beside the many stationed pictures, frames full of familiar and smiling faces glowing out against the light of the fire. The tangled jungle of strewn controllers and video games abandoned from their casings is now hidden away behind the solid wood of the television cabinet, and the matching mess of oddly tossed clothes, thrown about in the many instances of early and rushed mornings, has been collected and designated to the wash, the soft hum of the machine audible down the hall.
In the kitchen, the overwhelming mountain of assorted cups and pots in the sink has been demolished, each dish plated away to it’s rightful spot behind the many cabinets, the surrounding counter tops now shining with a lemon scented cleaner. Your bare feet glide over the freshly swept floor, finger clicking against the oven light to inspect the state of the gingerly browning cookies inside. Tummy rumbling at the sight of the protected sweets, you groan, switching the light off before padding back into the living room. 
You have to admit that the ambiance you’ve set tonight is quite comfortable, the low flickering of the candles and dimmed recess lighting in the living room cloaking the large span of the dorm in a cozier embrace. Your body flops down along the cushion of the couch, arms flailing above you as your tired breath expels. You’d arrived here just after the boys had left for a long day of rehearsal, setting to work straight away in preparation of a surprise movie night. This weekend will be their first full break in a few weeks, and you wanted to kick it off the right way, welcoming them home to something better than they left.
Shifting on your side, you steady yourself to rise, aiming to head to the bathroom to check your appearance before anyone arrives, but before you’ve even attempted the move, the jangling sound of keys in the front door breaks through the calm quiet. You jolt up, eyes flitting to your phone on the coffee table to see that it’s a little later than you’d originally thought. Excitement begins bubbling in your stomach as you push yourself to face over the back of the couch, awaiting the 7 friendly faces to appear from behind the opening door.
Namjoon is the first to enter, his weary eyes widening with pleasant confusion as he takes in the changed view of the dorm, his head tilting around until it finds you folded sweetly on the sofa.
“Surprise!” you call gently, waving your hands as Taehyung’s face materializes next to Namjoon’s. A boyish grin falls over his features when he sees you, a contended breath lowering the tension in his shoulders.
“Y/N!” he exclaims excitedly, opening his arms as he runs with a childish giggle towards you. You slide from the couch to meet his wide embrace, face getting lost in the oversized fabric of his shirt. 
“Oh my god, Tae, you stink,” you laugh against him, pulling yourself from his arms as you wave the potent stench away from your nose. His face falls, arms left hanging empty in the air. 
“That’s not fair, I’ve been dancing all day,” he pouts, shuffling to the side in his disappointment to reveal Yoongi and Jin who have just made their entrance, eyes matching Namjoon’s as they stare around the space with a pleasantly surprised expression.
Jin’s gaze falls on you after a moment, his mouth parted with a hopeful expectance. “Do I smell cookies?” he asks, eyebrows rising as you nod, a giddy grin on your lips when you see how animated Yoongi and Jin become. 
“Our jagi made us cookies!” Taehyung announces, bouncing on his feet with an adorable dance as you laugh, shoulders shaking with contentment from watching Tae’s unique expression. 
“Your jagi?” a voice suddenly questions, the familiar timbre of it setting free the captive butterflies in your stomach. Turning back towards the door, you see the gentle and warm face of Jungkook striding through the doorframe after Jimin and Hoseok, an affectionately curled smirk squishing his soft eyes into glinting crescents. Your heart thuds when you see him, a silly smile overtaking your features as you’re hit with the embodiment of comfort emanating from his presence. Involuntarily, you begin hopping towards him, arms outstretched long before you’re near enough to encircle him.
His eyes study you fondly as you approach, the natural simplicity of your familiar beauty never failing to leave him instantly relaxed. Your hair is streaming messily from a loose updo bouncing along with you as you move, soft strands of the rich color floating down to frame your sweetly rounded face. It’s with a stuttering gaze that he double takes your body, vivacious figure hidden away under the oversized bundle of one of his shirts, supple legs taunting him from the coverage of your cotton shorts, barely peeking out from under the hem of the stolen top. He swallows hard, trying to hide the obvious way his previously tired eyes have alighted under the sight of you before him . He blinks back the urge to rake the line of his gaze along your body again, the temptation of your physical proximity something he wasn’t expecting to find as soon as he arrived home. 
He opens his embrace as you approach, your face nuzzling against the soft fabric of his hoodie as his arms coil around the shape of your shoulders, his legs spreading somewhat as he curls you into his stature, his towering height leaning over you like a warm and welcoming safe haven. “Hi,” you squeak into him, the sound of your gentle voice riddling Jungkook’s spine with tingles. 
“I missed you,” he admits quietly into your hair, plumps lips applying loving pressure overtop of his words. You hide your elated smile in his chest, arms tightening around his waist as your hands clench the material of his top. “You make quite the surprise to come home to.”
“That was the point,” you giggle, pulling away enough to see his smooth and sharp face, beautiful even under the taxation of his long week, shadowed under-eyes and frazzled hair just a few of the subtle indicators. 
“Hey, why does he get to hug you?” Tae whines from behind you before Namjoon stifles his complaints, throwing an arm around the oblivious dongsaeng and leading him into the kitchen to join the others, eagerly tucking into the finished cookies Jin has pulled from the oven.  
You chuckle at the scene, leaning into the prompting pull of Jungkook as he rests his folded hands in the curve of your waist, gazing down at you with a fondness. “I’m going to take a quick shower,” he explains, leaning down to plant a chaste kiss against your forehead. “And then we can watch whatever movie you want.” 
You nod in agreement reluctantly allowing him to slip from your grasp to disappear down the hall. He pauses just before you’ve fully released him, glancing into the kitchen to make sure none of the other members are eavesdropping before he smirks, leaning back to place his warm lips against the chilled skin of you ear. “Feel free to join,” he whispers lowly, the sweet, loving Jungkook of a moment ago dissolving into the husk of his voice. You freeze under the utterance of his invitation, breath catching in your chest as he pulls away, that knowing smirk still riding his lips as he turns and saunters down the dark hall.
You choke on your caught breath, swallowing down the remnants of your surprise as your eyes flit around, double checking that you were the only one to hear his prompt. Clearing your throat, you subconsciously tug at the hem of your shirt, turning to slip back to the couch and wait patiently for Jungkook’s return. At first, you succeed in busying yourself on your phone, the other boys still munching away in the kitchen, but after a few agonizing minutes of attempting restraint, the wheels in your brain begin to turn, images of Jungkook, sweaty and glowing in the fog of the bathroom, beginning to press their way to the forefront of your thoughts. 
Your lip is absentmindedly captured amidst the warrant of your teeth as the picture of Jungkook stripping his damp clothes away from the defined figure of his lithe body start to take shape, the tantalizing temptation of his richly shaded skin underneath your wandering fingertips almost overwhelming. Your fingers begin twitching in your lap, eager to feel the physical model of your thoughts in real time. 
Shaking your head of your growing desire, you cast off the idea of moving from the couch, the presence of the other 6 members just a few yards from you stifling your will to rise. Just as you’ve resolved to stay reluctantly put, a buzz lights up the dark screen of the phone in your hand, a single message popping up under the familiar contact.
Jungkookie: I’m waiting.
The heat in your stomach jolts as you read his words, desire pooling in the pit as your heart hammers uncontrollably. You risk one last deciding glance into the kitchen, pursing your lips with relinquished restraint as your body slowly lifts itself from the couch, inching back from the living room as your eyes remain trained on the unaware group of the snacking members. With careful and quiet steps, you reach the juncture of the hall, pausing for only a moment before swiftly turning and shuffling along the wall of the dark corridor towards the end where a soft stream of light is filtering out from under the cracked door of the bathroom.
You can hear the water running as you approach, your tingling palm coming to rest against the surface of the door. Tender and twitching fingers press into the wood, the entrance cracking open just enough for you to slip inside. The room is slightly foggy under the pounding of the shower head, your hand slowly reaching through the haze to pull back the opaque curtain you assume Jungkook is behind, just before a brazen palm collides with your wrist, long and hard fingers capturing your limb as you’re forced back into the solid edge of the sink.
Jungkook’s face appears before you, dark and glossy eyes visible with the sudden proximity as he closes in, your lungs barely having time to inhale again before his lips crash hungrily to yours, eager mouth devouring your own. Jungkook’s fingers quickly ensnare both of your writhing wrists, easily pressing them behind you to collect in one of his wide palms as the newly freed hand snakes to grip the curve of your waist. He kneads the flesh ardently, his hips driving forward to press against yours with an uninhibited desire. 
Your body stutters under his surprising advance before instantly melting into him, his rough and needy touch sizzling against your skin. He tilts his head, deepening his intense kiss until he feels you begin to reciprocate, recovered lips moving against his own with equal heat. You feel him smirk into your mouth, the immediate response of your body obviously pleasing him as he rewards you with the release of your captive hands. He shifts his stance to curve over you, leaning down into his hold on you as his other palm encircles the small of your back, tugging you roughly into his chest.
Your free arms celebrate by flying forward, desperate to feel him underneath you, and you’re contentedly surprised to find his torso completely bare under your touch. Jungkook groans wantonly into the kiss as your nails rake slowly down the expanse of his chest, brushing fingertips reveling in the chiseled dips and grooves as you go. 
Jungkook’s hand rises to fist itself in your hair, using the leverage to tug your head back and away from the kiss, the sudden disconnect leaving a gentle whine to escape your abandoned lips. You hear Jungkook chuckle lowly as his mouth finds a new target along the expanse of your throat, his tongue licking hot stripes between every other kiss planted. “You look so fucking pretty like this,” Jungkook praises, his eyes raking down your body as he widens his gaze, his free hand roaming with need along your waist.  
You shiver under the methodical pet of his fingers, his aroused words pulling a deep moan from the back of your throat that makes his stomach twist with desire. Your own fingers stumble their way back down his chest as Jungkook’s lips reattach under your ear, sucking gently, as you clumsily find the elastic band of his joggers sitting snugly around the jut of his delicious hipbones. 
At the feeling of your hands skimming the flesh over his hips, Jungkook groans, his pelvis shoving forward involuntarily against you, allowing the fullness of his growing arousal to press into your stomach, only intensifying the throbbing heat between your legs. You squeeze your thighs together to alleviate some of the uncomfortable pressure as Jungkook’s soft tut breathes lowly into your ear.
“Is my baby already ready for me?” he coos seductively, the rasp of his voice carving shivers into your spine. You nod sedately, your fog filled head lulling forward onto Jungkook’s shoulder as he continues the relentless sucking over the flesh of your neck, his expert lips beginning to make their way lower, heading towards the hidden skin of your collarbones. Your fingers, stroking the soft path of hair under Jungkook’s belly button, follow the happy trail to where it disappears under the line of his trousers. 
“Take them off, jagi,” he grunts brokenly, his chest heaving as he presses himself into you once more, desperately requesting release from the confines of the tightening fabric. You comply instantly, fumbling fingers hooking into the band and tugging until the obstructive material falls away along with his boxers, the spring of his free member brushing along your bare thigh. 
You squirm under the sensation, suddenly feeling overly hot in your t-shirt and shorts. “Jungkook,” you mewl, pawing at his chest as his head remains dipped into the curve of your neck.
“Tell me what you want,” he requests, his fingers frustratingly skimming the prickling hot skin of your arm. You reach up to grip his hand, desperately attaching it at the hem of your own shirt as you wriggle against his body. Jungkook chuckles into your neck, the buzz of his warm breath leaving an impatient burn in its wake. “Use your words, Y/N. I want to hear you say it.”
“Undress me,” you utter, your voice thick with an eager whine. “Please.” Jungkook thankfully complies, his hand detaching from your hair to join the other at the hem of your shirt. He moves with excruciating lethargy, the tips of his fingers stinging the skin over your hips as he teasingly raises the material, exposing the swell of your tummy. 
“Lift your arms, baby,” he instructs gruffly, the disclosure of your flesh prompting him to move faster as he tugs the baggy cloth from over your elevated hands. The moment the shirt is removed, leaving you to stand before Jungkook with nothing but your cotton shorts and silken bra, you suddenly feel vulnerable under his greedy eyes. Your arms involuntarily rise to fold over your chest, body curling in somewhat before Jungkook’s hands are quickly gripping your wrists, tugging them away from you with ease. “Don’t hide from me. I want to see you.” 
Your body ignites as you watch him watch you, his hooded, black irises shining at the vision of your newly solicited flesh, the equally enthralling picture of him standing stark naked in front of you stealing the breath from you lungs. His body is glowing, narrow and muscular frame sharpened under the sheen of sweat coating his honey skin, his stock length twitching impatiently in your lower peripherals. 
His tongue darts out between his panting, parted lips, wetting them with a hot stripe, and you feel yourself begin to squirm in his hold, the prolonged pause leaving you desperate to reattach yourself to him. He smirks at your antsy movements, slowly tugging you back towards his chest, his hands sliding up the length of your arms as he does so. Without hesitance, your lips connect to the damp skin of his collarbones, your teeth grazing hungrily along the protruding muscle as Jungkook groans against you, his hands pressing upwards along your curled back to reach the clasp of your bra, adeptly detaching it with his nimble fingers before it falls away between the two of you.
“I’ve been thinking about you all day,” he mumbles sedately, his voice rasped with sex. “About touching you, feeling your soft skin against me.” You moan into his neck as your breasts are freed, the sensitive buds of your nipples tingling as they graze against Jungkook’s pectorals. He adjusts his stance to crane his eyes down, avidly absorbing the view of your perked chest before his fingers covetously ensnare the rise of them, kneading the flesh in his large palm. You twitch in his hold, the sudden stimulation driving you wild as you continue the hungry assault of his skin. 
“So soft,” he reiterates as he massages you, his own lips finding their rhythm against the sweat dotted hollow under your ear, tilting your limp head to the side in the process and forcing your mouth from his chest. Writhing against his relentless touch, you paw at him, searching for another form of release as your hands rake down his stomach, fingers halting to tease the soft skin just above his intimacy. You feel him jolt against you, lips stuttering under you ear as his grip on you tightens. When your fingers remain dancing above him a moment too long, an egging groan escapes his wanton lips. 
“Use your words, Jungkook,” you manage to breathe out, smirking over his shoulder as you use his prompt against him. “I want to hear you say it.”
“Fuck,” he curses through clenched teeth as your nail delicately ventures along his member, the flaming muscle twitching under your touch. You can tell he’s hesitating to allow you to take control, but his aching needs get the better of him. “I want you to touch me, Y/N. I want your soft hands around me.” His voice is broken with desire, the mere sound of it spoken low into your ear surging you into action. 
Your hand slowly drags out from his stomach just after you feel the hard muscles tighten there in anticipation, fingers gingerly wrapping around his length as his body jars in your arms. Incoherent curses spill from his cupid’s lips as you begin pumping him, methodically squeezing the shaft as you go, your thumb grazing the angry head with every repetition. Kneading your sensitive breasts is no longer enough for Jungkook, your newly placed attentions forcing him to find another method of reciprocation. One of his wide hands detaches from you, lowering down the gentle slope of your stomach until you feel his fingers pinch the drawstring of your shorts, tugging swiftly against the knot before the fabric slides limply down your legs, leaving you in nothing but your underwear. 
Jungkook wastes no time in pressing a single finger to your core, long digit pushing the material into the hot pool of arousal between your aching folds. The feeling of him touching you, just the small amount of pressure pure bliss, sends you writhing against him, your steadily stroking hand speeding up in consent. Flinching with sudden, earnest want at the increased pleasure, Jungkook moans, his gentle hand turning ravenous as he easily pushes the wet fabric to the side, fingers eagerly massaging your lips as his thumb rubs intense and blithe circles against your swollen clit. “You’re soaking,” he observes hotly, his chest straining with heavy breath. 
“Jungkook,” you whine incoherently, your body jolting as his own speed picks up, the hand gripped around him doing its best to remain focused under his merciless administrations. His hips begin bucking into the hold of your hand, the tip of his raging arousal brushing against your stomach with every thrust. Jungkook’s fingers are relentless, a single digit causing your teeth to dig into the flesh of your cheek as it slides suddenly inside of you, the unexpected intrusion dotting black fog in your vision as his assault brings you closer to the edge. “Please--”
Your request is cut short by the explosion of convulsing pleasure spiraling through your body, Jungkook’s hungry fingers rubbing you through your high as your legs shake beneath you. His arm is quick to encircle your waist, holding you steady against him as your orgasm takes over, head lulling forward onto his shoulder as your hands abandon their post, clinging to Jungkook’s neck for support. “That’s it, jagi,” he praises against your hair. “Let go for me.” 
Desperate whimpers fall from your lips as your high begins to come back down, the stimulation of your clit becoming overly sensitive against Jungkook’s touch. Your hips tremble as they jerk back, out of his reach, the pleased smirk riding Jungkook’s lips evident against the top of your head, your chest heaving with heavy pants. Before you have time to fully recover, Jungkook’s arms are tugging you away from the sink, holding you upright as he walks both of your flush bodies backwards.
“I want you in the shower, Y/N. Now.” His long arm sweeps away the obstructive curtain, humid steam spilling from the confines of the bath, tumbling water stirring the fog around you. You’re adeptly lifted over the rise of the tub lip, left stationary on white acrylic for a only a moment before Jungkook has you pinned against the soaked and steamy wall, hand pressed against the surface next to your head while his other makes swift work of the panties you didn’t realize were still on. He bends down long enough to prod your wobbly feet to step out of them before carelessly tossing them back over the curtain, dark eyes taking a moment to drink in the picture of you wet and naked before him. 
“Perfection,” he worships, his hooded gaze stirring the heat in your stomach once more. He urgently surges forward, capturing your swollen, red lips between his own as he kisses you, hungry palms grabbing at the flesh of your hips. After a minute of getting lost in his rough touch, Jungkook’s lips slide from yours, moving slowly down the line of your jaw, the curve of your neck, and making their way across your collarbone, the curl of Jungkook’s towering frame clueing you in to his intentions. Your hands fight through the sedated haze, placing themselves firmly upon Jungkook’s broad shoulders, pulling his confused gaze back to yours. 
You give a small shake of your head, tugging him gently back up to his full height as he looks down to you, the pounding shower head cascading against his frame. “I want to make you feel good,” you whisper over the rolling water, your nervous hands falling down his torso, slowly trekking towards his still-red arousal, twitching violently against the building pressure. Jungkook’s eyes grow dark, filled with desire as soon as he understands your directive. The look he gives you is only confirmation of your want to pleasure him, the long and taxing week he’s had leaving him much more deserving of a release than you. 
Your shaking fingers fall back to his member, stroking along the length of it as you slowly lower yourself to your knees, Jungkook’s back blocking the shower head’s assault as you do so. Your eyes stay trained on Jungkook’s face the whole time, shining irises desperate to memorize the shaded and vehement look of pure want laced in his features, relentless licking and biting storming the blush red of his puffed lips. Once you’re successfully in front of him, your hand gripped at the base of his shaft, you lower your gaze to stare lustfully at the aggravated head before you.  
Swallowing the trembling ardor tensing in your stomach, you gingerly lean forward and lick a tender stripe along the head, the salty taste of precum dissolving on the brunt of your tongue. 
“Oh my god,” Jungkook blanches, his hand flying up to steady himself against the wall of the shower as the muscles in his toned thighs visibly strain. Bolstering your courage, you part your lips, slipping Jungkook inside of you as you begin pumping the end of his length in your hand, the coating of water making the skin feel slick in your palm. You can hear the deep moans of approval spilling from Jungkook’s chest above you, the hot sound too great a temptation to look up. Through dark lashes, you gaze along the expanse of your lover’s body, the look of tense bliss contorting his face almost sending you over the edge again. The raining droplets above him have soaked his dark locks into a black tangle, damp strands sticking against his drawn face, eyes screwed shut under your careful attentions. His fingertips are turning white against the pressure of the wall, pressing hard to release some of the building ache lying stiff in your mouth. 
“Faster, Y/N,” he instructs, his raspy tone hot with urgency as you comply, swallowing more of him in between your lips until the heat of his arousal is brining the welcome sting of tears to your eyes. You continue to pump what doesn’t fit with your hand, speed increasing at the heed of his desperate request. “Fuck, that’s it. Look at me.” Once again, you raise your gaze, this time to find Jungkook’s eyes open and hot, burning as he drinks in the vision of him inside you. He allows you to prompt his nearing release, his muscles beginning to clench all over before his hand finds a grip in your hair, his shaking arm attempting to move you away from him. “I’ll cum like this if you don’t stop.” You quickly remove your wrap on him, understanding the message of his words.
“I want to feel you,” he explains eagerly, words tumbling over one another as he prods you to stand back up, lips seeking the warmth of yours with a deep affection before he continues. “I love you.”
The passion and desire of the moment builds as he grips your waist, walking you back into the wall once more before his hand slides around the inside of your bare thigh, roughy tugging your limb up to hang over his forearm, your throbbing core exposed to tingle against the hot air. “I can’t get enough of you,” he mumbles into your neck, frantic eyes trying to memorize as much of the vulnerable girl in his arms as he can. Instead of a coherent response, you simply groan, hands washing over his body in an attempt to draw him closer to you, the brush of his thick arousal taunting your entrance. 
“Tell me,” he requests one last time, the effort of his restraint evident in the stumbling tone. “Say it.”
“I want you, Jungkook,” you spill, eyes screwing shut as your head tilts back in desperation. “Please.” Your ardent begging finally cutting through the pause, Jungkook thrusts forward, his twitching member sliding easily and deeply inside of you, the fullness of it causing you to gasp rapturously. He stills for a moment, allowing the sensation of this new connection to settle before his hormones and desire can’t wait a moment longer. He begins pumping in and out of you, slowly at first, his head tilting back in pleasure as he hisses through clenched teeth, but his speed steadily picks up, the feeling of your clenching walls massaging him proving too much to restrain against. Muffled moans of gratification rumble from your chest, your weak arms dangling helplessly from around his neck as he thrusts, each repetition pushing you closer and closer to another orgasm. 
“Hold on, baby,” Jungkook stutters, his hips becoming hopeless in their rhythm to please. “Don’t cum yet. I’m almost--fuck--I’m almost there.”
You attempt with every fiber of will power to restrain your growing release, the burning pleasure in your stomach tightening all the more. The pounding of his lithe hips begins to stumble, the steady cadence of thrusts stuttering sloppily as he nears his apex, the few final pumps, strong and deliberate, finally pushing him over the edge, in return allowing the complete and intimate crumbling of your insides, body breaking in Jungkook’s arms as he steadies the both of you. Hot streams of his release paint the walls past your tightening slit, the stiff shaft inside of you softening under the pleasured twitches of his orgasm, silently thanking yourself for getting on the pill if it means you can feel this encapsulating experience of Jungkook’s ethereal explosion every time. The feeling of Jungkook spent and sexed against you, the solid breath of his muscular frame pressed into your limp body, arms holding your lulling limbs in his sturdy embrace, is pure euphoria. 
As you recover, your hands lift to tangle tenderly in the the soaked tendrils of black, nails softly drawing comforting shapes into his skin. Jungkook moans contentedly into your shoulder, his plump lips pressing loving expressions into the tingling flesh, a lazy smile finding its way onto your lips as you just hold each other, enjoying the feeling of your exposed and vulnerable bodies lain flush. 
“I love you,” you finally reciprocate, words forming coherently in your brain once more as you both regain your breath. Jungkook’s arms tighten around you, a soft fingers forging prickling paths up and down the curve of your spine as he hums with sedated happiness, the buzz against your skin tickling as you giggle, enraptured. 
“We should probably finish showering,” you venture after a sweet and quiet moment. “We’ve been gone a while. I’m sure the others will be curious.”
Jungkook mumbles adorably in protest, readjusting his firm hold on you as to keep you captive against him. “They’ll be fine,” he assures, lips skimming your neck. 
You’re about to scold him playfully through your giggles when a soft knock echoes against the wood of the bathroom door, your body freezing in Jungkook’s hold as he remains unfazed, perfectly content to keep you in his arms despite the 6 awaiting boys in the living room. 
“Jungkook-ie?” Taehyung’s voice calls, muffled through the door. “Are you almost done? I want to watch a movie.” You can’t help the amused smile that tugs at your lips at Tae’s simple request in the contrasting aftermath of the passion filled events that just took place between you and the boy you’re curled into. Jungkook groans into your hair, the moment of peaceful recovery with you now dissolving as he’s prompted to move.
“We’ll be out in a minute,” he calls reluctantly, a huff of laughter expelling from his chest as he leans back from you. 
“We?” Tae questions quietly to himself, still audible through the wood as he tries to obliviously decipher Jungkook’s words. Namjoon’s voice is suddenly outside the door as well, the image of him corralling the innocent boy from the hall easily visible in gentle admonishment of his tone.
“Come on, Taehyung-ah,” he rouses amusedly, probably shaking his head. “I want to teach you about something called boundaries.” 
Their voices saunter off and out of earshot, leaving an amused and relaxed Jungkook to watch as you fight the fit of laughter surging from your stomach, an affectionate and fond smile gracing his face as he stares. “He’ll never learn, will he?”
(if you read all that, god bless you, this took so long compared to my other works LOL but it was fun nonetheless ;) 
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sighingsiren-tales · 6 years
|BTS REACTION: When you tell them you want it slower|
I have NO idea what possessed me to do this. I was listening to this mashup and I just HAD to write something to it. Turns out I wrote this reaction and finished two other fics lol.
The song I was listening to
But anyways, enjoy!
~Admin Kae
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The moment those words left your lips, Jin stilled, letting his hand glide down between your bodies and his thumb lazily rub circles into your swollen clit. Taking his other hand and letting it caress the back of your knee, he hitched your leg higher up on his hip and gave a shallow thrust.
“You want me to make it last, yeah?” He asked in a breathy tone from his place above you.
You nodded wildly, letting your arms wrap around his neck as he guided your bodies to meet over and over and over again.
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“Slow?” He asked, raising an eyebrow as you let your fingers dance between the silky strands of dark hair.
You took your bottom lip between your teeth, nodding slowly before the genius in question lifted you from your place next to him and placed you on top of him. He let you position him between your thighs before you sank down slowly onto his erection. He bit his lip at the sight of you on top of him, head thrown back and hair a mess as he watched you lose the shreds of control you were clinging to. He gripped your thighs fatherly harshly prompting eye contact between the two of you before he let his eyes pass over your body.
“Go as slow as you want princess, I’m in no rush”
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“S-slower daddy” you stuttered out, your nails clinging onto his shoulders as he stilled for the first time in what seemed like hours.
“Slower?” He asked, taking on a feigned puzzled look before he lifted one of your legs, and placed it on his shoulder gently.
His first thrust was rough, causing both the bed and your body to jolt but he pulled out slow, tortuously slow, allowing your body seconds to recollect itself before he slammed into you again. You whimpered endlessly at his ministrations but he only chuckled.
“You wanted this baby girl”.
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He pushed his hair away from his forehead ina fluid motion seconds following your request before he spread your legs open in a tortuously slow pace. He pinned your hands above your head, pressing your body down into the pillow as he rolled his sinful hips into yours, pushing his cock in places you swore it had never been before. You let it a strangled moan at the same time he exhaled deeply.
“Look at how well you take me baby” he whispered before he let his hips roll once, then twice into you.
You could do nothing but take the onslaught of pleasure, pushing your head back against the sheets as Hoseok told you each and every dirty thing he would use your body for.
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“Slow, eh?” He teased.
You nodded, biting your bottom lip to conceal the smile that was spreading across your lips, a smile that was caused by his gaze.
“I can do that” He husked before pulling out of you slowly.
You missed his length the minute he was fully away from you but it was soon replaced with the sight of jimin between your legs, hooking his arms under your thighs as he inches closer and closer to your sex.
“Tell me when you can’t take anymore” he whispered and, while keeping full eye contact, he flattened his tongue against your sex, letting his graze against your clit in such a slow fashion that your body mistook the few seconds of pleasure for hours of torture.
You whined his name loudly and he only repeated the action, letting his tongue dip in every so often as he promised you that this orgasm would be built for hours.
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The moment you asked for slow, you weren’t exactly sure what it was that you conjured out of Taehyung. He currently had you bent over the couch, hands behind your back as he rubbed the tip of his erection against your wetness in a slow, leisurely manner. 
Back and forth, back and forth.
He made the “mistake” of letting the head slip in a few times but wouldn’t fully push into you until he was satisfied with the mess he made of you. You felt the need to beg him for the pleasure that only he could give you and you did. But he only tsked and responded with a gruff “when I’m ready darling”. With both hands on your hips, gripping the flesh there, he let out a low command of “push back on it”. You did as you were told and the hold on his hips that you mistook for passion was really a restraint as he made you sink down on his cock, inch by tortuous inch. When he was fully seated inside he leaned over your body, his lips finding your ear with ease as he promised you that you were not cumming for hours.
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In a familiar action, the golden Maknae pushed his tongue out against the skin of his cheek as he walked over to the couch, spreading his arms out against it like a king sitting upon his throne. He looked from you to his bare lap, motioning you over. You walked over to your man, his gaze faltering to your hips. Once you were in reach, he gripped the object of his gaze and pulled you to straddle him but just as you were about to sink down he gripped the flesh of your ass harshly. You hunched over in pleasure, resting your head on his shoulder as he let his fingertips dance up your spine.
“Sit down on it slowly beautiful. I want to take my time with you”.
And so you did, tortuous inch by tortuous inch until you were fully seated. With your waist now in his grasp, he rocked you back and forth on his lap in what seemed like real time slow motion. He controlled and worked your body how he wanted, toying with you just the way you asked for.
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masonwithkookiez · 6 years
The Perfect Smile - Part 5
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I shuffle through the doors to the dance studio, tired because I had to run from my apartment to the studio down the road. Jungkook and Tae are already there, hair messy and sweaty, sticking to their foreheads. They don’t even notice that I had walked in and just stay as husks that were collapsed on the hardwood floors.
“I’m sorry for being so late, my alarms didn’t go off,” I slur as I throw everything in my arms away and onto the floor. They wouldn’t be in the way there in the corner of the room that was filled with the rest of the unneeded things for the day. 
I was a mess, I knew it. Everything I had brought with me was destroyed in some way. My bag was half-zipped to show off pencils and stray papers filled with notes, my shoes had managed to get untied despte being double-knotted, and my phone’s case was breaking because I dropped it so often.
Taehyung just rolls his eyes at me whenever I look at him, but Jungkook looks worried. The little shine in his big eyes makes me almost feel bad for not being able to get enough sleep no matter how hard I tried. He knew I was struggling in class and that I was a mess only on days that had started with watching the sunrise. Unintentionally. 
“Are you sure you’ll be able to practice today? Want to just sit out?” The concern in the poor kid’s voice is the only thing I can hear. It was like we were back in high school again when I had mental breakdowns every 5 seconds because of the constant memories of nightmares. Nothing had really changed, but we were kids back then and couldn’t handle our own problems. In only a few seconds he was scrambling to stand and curry over to with a face contorted into a scowl.
“Hey, Kook, I’m okay. Let’s get into the swing of things and I’m sure I’ll be totally okay.” The fake smile I had when I walked in comes back to try and reassure them.
“He’s okay, Jungkookie,” Tae pipes in with his deep voice, a faint boxy smile showing to do the same as mine; calm him.
It seemed to work for the moment, making him smile back and nod at us. The songs start up again and he’s soon back to being the bubbly kid I missed, not caring about a thing in the world other than the music that was shaking the glass in the mirrors.
As we get done with our third song of the day, they both notice how unbelievably tired I am and force me to sit down to at least relax. It takes some convincing, but they finally get me to sit on the floor. 
The conversations start out smooth. 
“Work has been a real nice ride lately. Finally I get to have a break from everything,” Taehyung says with a proud smile.
Sometimes memories of when they were kids long before they had met. 
“It was the worst experience of my life! I was so embarrassed... and what makes it worse is that I know everyone was watching me!” We all burst into laughter, trailing into similar experiences. 
I pipe in to share mine and I’m laughing before I’ve even started telling it. “Gah, the only thing I can remember is falling off of a blue ladder and landing face-first in the wood chips. My teacher had to wash my face off in the drinking fountain because all of the bathrooms were being used!”
Another round of laughter fills the room, making us pause to catch our breaths before moving onto the next story followed by even more laughter. We were laughing until our stomachs hurt and we couldn’t think of anything besides what we were sharing.
Until the previous day was brought up by the blonde of the bunch when the giggling and jokes stopped. I could tell he knew I didn’t want to talk about it, but that only made him even more happy to talk.
The room suddenly wasn’t as light as it was previously and I realized how much I craved just bullshitting with these guys.
“It was so nice seeing you two outside of this room. Why did you seem so flustered while talking to me, Hyung?” The mild mocking tone in his voice makes me squint at him. It wasn’t a glare, just a look with a slight hint of hatred.
He knew exactly why I didn’t want to talk. I could tell.
“Can we change the subject? It’s boring to talk about, I just work there,” I say.
“It wasn’t a busy day.”
“It’s still work, Tae.” His angry huff and furrowed brows only makes me glare harder, trying to telepathically force him to change the subject. Maybe he’d talk about that one time in ninth grade he got picked up by some girl and suddenly was very awkward the rest of the day because we wouldn’t stop teasing him. 
I snort at the familiar vision of him getting dragged down the hall and around the corner, but Jungkook’s firm slap on the arm makes me snap back into reality.
“I saw you walking up to talk to us. Why didn’t you,” he repeats for the third time, a slight groan leaving afterwards because he was so annoyed. I could tell he was genuinely curious this time, not talking to make me spill about anything I didn’t want to. 
It was weird how is voice was able to change so suddenly from one intention to the other. It was rather cute.
“You were sitting with someone that I often see there and was worried that I would intrude on something important. When you left I was told that someone else was tending to you.”
But he knew that wasn’t the honest truth.
“That doesn’t sound like you, Jimin. You would immediately run up to me if I was with someone else,” he says. 
“Maybe, but that time I felt like letting you have your space. Premonition, you know? I could tell it was something important that you were talking about.”
“I don’t believe you,” he retorts, not even taking a second to process my answer.
“Well you should. I decided to start listening to my gut after I got threatened to be fired that one time.”
This time it was Jungkook’s turn to burst out laughing, most likely caught up in how I was dragged off by our boss. I was basically clawing at the floors of the back room because I didn’t want to lose my job.
“Stop it, we’re having a serious conversation,” Taehyung snaps and closes his eyes, thinking about everything I had said.
Then he suddenly gasps. “You-”
Taehyung’s train of thought is cut off the loud ringing of my phone, signaling me to leave. It was the alarm I had set before I left to remind me that I needed to leave early to get home, study, and hopefully listen to the same person make that wonderful music again. The frowns I receive from both men makes me want to strap myself down to my chair so I could stay, but I knew that there was no way in hell that I’d be able to stay. 
Sleep was on my mind the second I set foot outside so the fact that I had to car to drive home in made me want to sit down and throw a tantrum, but that would only make things worse. Plus the stares would be horrendous and traumatizing.
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Finally, a long update! You ready for what’s next? I bet you aren’t because this is when shit starts pickin up. :) Hope you enjoyed!
~No new songs! Go to previous updates to see songs I listen to while writing!~
Part 5/12
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btsfanficss · 7 years
Lust and Limerence Pt. 4
Read 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Series: Slytherin! JJK x Reader x Gryffindor! KTH
Word count: 3.3k
Genre: Lots of angst this chapter! // Harry Potter AU!  
A/N: Yes it’s short, but at least this will give you some room to breathe. Or did I just make it worse for y’all? 
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One year ago...
The night was old, dark and unforgivably cold with only the luminescence from the headlamps of the Hogwarts carriages to provide a dimly lit path, yet the boy to your right, looked beyond thrilled to be huddled up next to you, an endearing grin as he rested his gaze on your smiling yet tired expression. Your eyelids were heavy with exhaustion from the hectic day full of travel as the two of you returned from Christmas break. 
“Thanks to you, this was the best Christmas holidays I’ve ever experienced. Maybe I should come back next year, too,” Jungkook’s nose crinkled from his affectionate beam.
“You don’t have to wait till Christmas, baby. We can do this again during Easter holidays if you wish,” you rested your head on his shoulder, staring out into the eternal darkness surrounding the carriage. 
“I can’t believe how quick the year went by... It’s already going to be the New Year soon. Do you have any New Year resolutions?” Jungkook asked, fixing the way your robe hung off your shoulder.
“I haven’t thought about it yet. What about you?”
“I suppose I want to be one step closer to recovering their memories. I really miss my family. I can’t wait for you to meet them, they’ll definitely love you,” Jungkook smiled. “But you’re not allowed to fall for Jung Hyun. He’s a pretty cool guy, after all.”
“Of course not, Kook. I’m interested in you and only you. You don’t have to worry about me falling for anyone else-- including Tae!”
“Alright,” Jungkook exhaled. “I trust you. Especially since you gave me something you can’t give to anyone else,” his eyebrows danced victoriously as he said those words. 
Jungkook helped you carry your luggage since he had not much to carry himself. In fact, he’d only brought a large camouflage print backpack for the whole trip. The two of you walked hand in hand, as happy as ever to return to Hogwarts. It really did feel like your second home despite the strict rules regarding curfew and whatnot.
“Jungkook,” a professor approached from behind and the two of you greeted him with polite bows.
“Yes, Sir?”
“May I have a word with you?” The professor requested, his eyes were averted to his feet and the crook of his lips was very... enigmatic. 
“Of course,” Jungkook nodded and let go of your hand to follow the professor.
Your eyes were glued to the back of his head before the two disappeared off into the darkness.   
“What was that about?” You heard a familiar husk resonate in your ear. Taehyung stood behind you, a heavy suitcase in his hand as he had his eyebrow raised suspiciously.
“I’m not sure, Tae,” you answered, a little concerned as to why Jungkook was suddenly requested upon arrival.
“Let’s just hope it’s nothing too serious.”
“Professor,” Jungkook pleaded. “Professor you can’t do this to me. This isn’t right. Why is this happening now of all times?” Jungkook paced after the teacher with trembling steps.
“Jungkook,” he sighed, “the staff here don’t want to let you go either.”
Jungkook could feel his face twist after processing his words. “But there’s not much we can do if the Ministry of Magic insists you to...”
“Leave?!” Jungkook raised his voice in pure panic.
“I can’t leave! Hogwarts is my home! Since you already found out about my family-- I’m sure you’d understand how much this place means to me. I don’t have a family anymore. I don’t have a home anymore. This place is the closest thing I have to a home,” he begged with desperation, hushing the taller for a couple of seconds.
“Jungkook,” the professor sighed, “we’re sorry but there really is nothing we can do to help you now.”
“No, I’m sure if I petitioned or something they’d let me stay, right? At least they’d let me graduate from Hogwarts. I only have 1 more year.”
“Jungkook, I don’t know how else I can make it clear to you but-- you're expelled. You know the authority of the Ministry. You’re our brilliant student and we want you to graduate from Hogwarts but your mistake is not something that can be fixed with a petition, apology letter or even suspension. Hogwarts is partially and legally responsible for your actions so we have no choice but to expel you,” he explained.
“You’ve broken the most important law regarding magic and you will have to face consequences. Even if... it was... just a mistake.”
“Why did the Ministry find out about this just now?” Jungkook whispered under his breath, his eyes coated with gloss. “It’s been years since that happened!” 
“The staff heard some rumours from the students and I guess somehow from there, the ministry found out and began to investigate your case.”
“I can’t leave, Sir. I was finally getting my life together. If you expel me now, there isn’t any way for me to recover their memories,” Jungkook pleaded again, this time, his voice was trembling too.
“There are other alternatives. The Ministry demanded us to expel you from Hogwarts but they can’t stop you from joining other schools.”
Jungkook’s gaze dropped to the floor as he began to blur out the Professor’s words with violent ringing in his ears. 
“Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is your best option right now. If you really are serious about finding a cure then you must consider Ilvermorny. The Hogwarts staff will do their best to make sure this mistake of yours doesn’t affect your bright future. We apologise for this, Jungkook. We never thought we’d ever be forced to expel a student against our own will but...”
Jungkook stood there in complete silence. He hadn’t noticed just how tight he’d clenched his fists until he felt a sharp sting of pain shoot into his bleeding palms from the merciless way his nails dug into his flesh.
“Save it,” Jungkook spat. “When do you want me gone?”
“The Ministry insists you leave the campus by the end of this week... You should start packing soon.”
“Baby!” you yelled from down the corridor and Jungkook’s head turned to the sound of your sweet call.
You ran over to him with a vibrant smile, only for the smile to fade at the sight of his glossy eyes.
“Oh my god, baby,” you cooed and cupped his face gently with your hands. “Are you okay? Baby, what happened?”
He let out a long sigh before inhaling a deep breath. You held his hand, analysing his painful expression that struck at your worries. 
“Oh my god Jungkook. What happened?”
“You’re not going to like it,” he said in a small voice, “and I don’t like it either.” 
Your smile faltered, eyebrows furrowing at his vague comment. “What do you mean?”
“(Y/N),” Jungkook sighed and brought his bleeding palms to hide his face. “I got expelled. I have to leave Hogwarts.”
You weren’t expecting that at all. “What do you mean?” You repeated.
“I have to leave Hogwarts by the end of the week. The Ministry of Magic insisted that I leave Hogwarts because they found out about that spell I cast on my family.”
“Oh my God,” those words left your lips ever so softly and Jungkook noticed the way you froze at his explanation.
“I’m sorry, (Y/N),” Jungkook apologised and you immediately refuted.
“Why are you sorry? This isn’t right... It was a mistake, don’t they know that?”
“Even if was a mistake, I still broke the law. I deserve at least this much... But that doesn’t mean that I’m not upset,” Jungkook suddenly yanked you into his chest, his arms curling around you as he rested his head in the crook of your neck. “I don’t know what I’m going to do in Ilvermorny without you around,” his words tickled your skin, sending a shudder down your spine. 
You hugged him back, closing your eyes to fully indulge in his embrace, more than usual since you knew he would be far from you by the end of the week. “So you’ll be transferring to Ilvermorny?” Your voice sounded strained, half from the way Jungkook hugged you tightly, the other half from the thought of him leaving you behind. 
“I don’t have a choice. This expulsion is just another driving factor for me to recover their memories,” Jungkook explained and finally straightened his back, his hands gripped your shoulders to hold you in place whilst he scanned your expression.
You could feel his chest drop at the sight of you; your head suddenly felt heavy. He lifted up your chin with his fingertips and noticed the lack of sparkle he loved so much in your usual eyes. Jungkook sighed, pressing his forehead against yours as he wrapped his arms around your lower waist. 
“(Y/N),” he whispered, “I’m so sorry baby girl.” He brought up his palm to cup the side of your face, his thumb soothing the heat of your cheeks. 
“Jungkook, please don’t say that,” you pleaded, turning your head so you could move away from his touch. “I know you don’t have a choice but... all I can think about is..” 
He caught you graze your bottom lip roughly with your teeth. “What’s going to happen to us?” 
“I won’t let this interfere with us,” Jungkook eased the flames within your gut. “It’s going to be a little harder but...” 
“It’s... It’s just that you know, Ilvermorny is kind of far from Hogwarts. Very far, in fact, we’ll be oceans apart and things will be--” 
“--I’ll write letters. I’ll come back whenever I get the chance. I’ll do anything that makes you feel loved, (Y/N) because I really do love you... this sucks for me too. I don’t want to go. Hogwarts is my home... and to think that I won’t get to see this face every day.” 
A sudden clash of teeth; your hands cupped his face as you pressed your lips onto his. His eyes were wide with shock, only for a split-second, before he closed them to kiss you back with the same level of passion you’d surprised him with. 
The burn in your lungs made you detach your lips from his, a quick inhale through your nose before you spoke into the warmth of his neck. “I’m going to miss you.”
“And so will I,” he whispered, breathing in the scent of your hair. “But this isn’t over between us. You can’t get rid of me this easily,” Jungkook chuckled and you could feel the vibrations from the way your head was rested on the warmth of his chest. 
“Promise me you won’t forget about me,” you pleaded. 
“How can I?”
It’d been a couple of months since he moved from Hogwarts to Ilvermorny. The first couple of weeks, in particular, was tough -- for the both of you. He kept his word and made sure to write to you every chance he got. For the first week, that would be every day. 
You’d read his letters always before bed, and you’d write the replies before classes in the morning. It was nice to fall asleep knowing how much you circulated in his mind, the warm sensation in your chest lulling you to sleep. 
Eventually, as time progressed, and the workload increased due to the upcoming NEWT exams, he’d written less. You’d get his letters once every 2-3 days, and the start of them would usually be along the lines of, “I’m sorry I haven’t been writing every day. Things are so stressful right now...” 
You understood him since you were also going through a similar situation. Your long nights usually consisted of studies, going through notes and practising past papers as the most important exams of your life was just around the corner. 
But thankfully, there was a break in between school and the NEWT exams which were the Easter holidays. You’d mentioned briefly to Jungkook about visiting home together, but Jungkook never really replied to the idea properly. It didn’t bother you though because you were planning to visit him as a surprise. 
Over the months of your last year in Hogwarts, you’d saved up enough money to buy return tickets from Scotland to North America, where Ilvermorny was. Jungkook really had no idea that you were going to show up at his school. Weirdly enough, the idea actually came from Taehyung. You wouldn’t stop complaining to him about how much you missed him so he said as a joke that you should go surprise him in person.
And so it turned out that the joke became a reality. 
7th Year // Late March 
You breathed in the scent of the nature surrounding the Ilvermorny campus, the air thick with a mix of forest and musk. It was no doubt, refreshing to your lungs. You wheeled your luggage behind you, finding it a little difficult to wheel it through patches of grass and mud. 
There were strange stares eating you whole soon after, as the surprisingly crowded halls scanned your appearance from top to bottom. 
“Excuse me,” you called after a random girl who looked the most friendly out of the pack of wolves staring you down with suspicion. “Do you perhaps know of Jungkook in 7th Year?” 
Her eyes softened at the sound of his name. “Jeon Jungkook?” 
“Yes, that’s him,” you giggled, your heart swelled with pride as she knew of who he was. He must’ve been popular in Ilvermorny, too, like in Hogwarts... before they all found about his... parents. 
“Of course I know who he is. There’s not a soul in Ilvermorny who doesn’t know who he is,” the girl sighed, a dreamy expression on her face. 
“In a good way or?” You followed closely behind her, strutting at a faster speed to match her rather, large paces. 
“Are you kidding? Have you seen his face?” And the two of you shared a giggle. 
“Well, yes. I’m his girlfriend,” you chuckled and you saw the other girl’s face drop in shock. 
“Oh my God,” she muttered under her breath. You couldn’t tell if that was an expression to be proud of or to be worried. 
“I know, it’s a surprise, isn’t it? How someone like me can end up with someone as handsome as him?” You continued to blabber on, your heart speeding like an ambulance on a highway at the idea of getting to see him again, let alone, kiss him. 
“Well,” she choked, “he could be in his dormitory right now. You can enter after getting a visitor pass from the office. It’s just straight down from here then a sharp left,” she muttered before quickly distancing herself from you. 
It was a little weird, but you didn’t think much of it. Perhaps she was just jealous that you were his girlfriend so she suddenly distanced herself from you after you’d told her? But it really didn’t matter. Nothing mattered at that point, you were finally going to see him after months of not having him in your arms. 
You followed the directions she’s provided and noticed many students staring at you along the way. Perhaps they were still not on Easter holidays yet, there were too many students for it to be a holiday. Their stares were specially tailored to your Slytherin scarf that Jungkook had given to you before his departure. They must’ve been interested since it was very uncommon for magic students from other schools to appear on campus. 
After multiple flights of stairs, which reminded you of the Astronomy Tower back in Hogwarts, you’d finally reached room number 243. Your heart was beating abnormally fast and you could practically feel the excitement bubble in the pit of your stomach. You’d been dreaming of this moment for the longest time and now you were finally here, right outside of your Jungkook’s room. 
You knocked on the door gently, your knuckles producing a soft song on the wood but no one came to the door. You inhaled another deep breath in an attempt to calm yourself down before knocking again, this time, a little louder against the dark wood. To your disappointment, Jungkook still hadn’t swung his door open to lift you up and spin you in his arms. 
You swallowed the lump forming in your throat before twisting on the golden knob, and to your surprise, it was open. You decided that it’d be fine to sneak in, convincing yourself that the surprise would be more impactful this way. You took in the sight of his room and breathed in the familiar scent of Jeon Jungkook. Oh God, you’d missed this. 
His room was a little messy, his white t-shirts carelessly thrown over his chair. You scanned the endless spread of notes all over his desk and you couldn’t help but smile with pride. He was certainly studying hard, you could tell from the stack of completed past papers that sat piled on his bed. 
You heard a small shuffle from a room close by, making your heart race even faster than before. Your hands were clammy and you could hardly tear the smile off your sore cheeks. Your lover, Jeon Jungkook, the one you’d been dreaming to hold was only a couple of meters away from you -- and the thought had your knees wobble with happiness and excitement. 
You were beyond excited about seeing him again. How would he react? Would he kiss you immediately? Would he hug you first? Would he do that thing you loved so much where he snuggled into the crook of your neck to plant the softest of kisses on your skin? Would Jeon Jungkook shout at your appearance, in complete joy at your surprise visit? 
The possibilities were endless, but you’d never expected this to be a possibility. 
You saw the back of your lover, there was no doubt about it - from his broad shoulders to his small waist you were convinced he was Jeon Jungkook. He was leaning over the bathroom sink, almost pressing something up against it. His raven locks were tousled and messy, as though fingers were threaded through them. 
Fingers that weren’t yours. 
You’d also noticed, through the small opening of the bathroom door, the out of place, colour of flesh wrapped around Jungkook’s waist as he was clearly wearing a black shirt. 
“Fuck, you’re driving me crazy,” you heard a moan that certainly didn’t belong to your boyfriend. The sound was too feminine for it to belong to Jungkook. 
You hadn’t noticed how you’d stopped breathing, initially it was from excitement, but now from pure... heartbreak. Your heart stopped it’s beating in the moment, watching silently as the unknown girl ran her nails down Jungkook’s back, in complete ecstasy as he continued to plant hungry kisses down her neck. 
“I can’t wait any longer, just fuck me already,” she begged and her fingers frantically worked to unbuckle his belt. 
You hadn’t noticed how tight you’d clenched your fists until you felt a sudden sting, your nails digging into your palm until Vermillion began to ooze from the flesh. You inhaled to soothe your burning lungs, only to realise the cooling sensation of air hit the sudden moisture on your cheeks, tears trickling down like endless waterfalls. 
You inhaled sharply, making a pained noise as your throat contracted quickly from the outburst of tears. Jungkook whipped his head to the sound and froze at the sight of you between the slit of the door opening. His face immediately lost colour, contradicting the flush of pink on his lips. His eyes were wide with shock as he slowly peeled himself off of the girl who was sat on the bathroom sink, revealing to you her flushed cheeks and the endless galaxy of purple down her neck.
“(Y/N),” was all he could whisper before you dashed for escape from that hell.
Part 5 here 
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sopewriters · 7 years
Snap pt.3 [M]
Previously in the Series: Part 1 | Part 2
Pairing: Hoseok X Reader; Yoongi X Reader (as of now)
Genre: Drama, Humor (an attempt?); Exorcist!AU
Word Count: 2.5K
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“Leave, and never return.”
“Why?” The voice is rough, the words simple: an elaborate mask. “Why should I?”
A hand shoots out, grabbing his, and leaving behind scars and screams.
It’s Monday.
You wake up to rain pattering outside your window, a comforting rhythm that nearly lulls you back to sleep. You manage to right yourself, drowsily sitting up and reaching out a hand for your phone, which blares Dope out loud for the world to hear.
It is quickly silenced, as you scramble out of bed. Today’s the day, after all, and you can’t afford to let it go wrong. There’s something different in the air, but you don’t pay it much mind as you go about your daily routine. That routine, unfortunately, involves having to go downstairs and bid goodbye to husks of people, those who once cared for you.
“Bye mom.” You say quietly, into the still air, “I’m going to school now.”
There’s no answer, as expected, from the woman occupying the corner sofa; she just stares outside blankly, with glassy eyes. Vacant, soulless and empty, as usual. You would need to be insane to ever expect otherwise.
You close the door quickly. You don’t want to see her any longer than you need to.
The ride to your university is the same as always, with you plugging in your headphones and staring out the bus window absently. The rain makes it difficult to see though, and you thank the heavens above for giving you the foresight to have prepared yourself for the rain.
You see Taehyung as you rush inside the building, shaking close your umbrella. Well, you don’t exactly see him; instead, you get the shit scared out of you when his hands cover your eyes, large and warm.
“SHIT!” You screech, and feel the familiar cold tingle of the blue fire dripping from your fingers, only to blink stupidly when Taehyung laughs, dancing around, cackling manically, “TAEHYUNG!”
You chase him across the hallway, hands lit up despite knowing the holy fire can’t hurt him. Is it your fault that the redhead always tries so hard to piss you off? Of course not. Is it your fault that he’s literally asking for it? OF COURSE NOT.
“Get back here, you idiot!” You yell at him threateningly, immediately forgetting your previously sour mood, “Kim Taehyung, if I get my hands on you—”
“Calm down princess.” Jungkook ruffles your hair as he passes by, skillfully ducking to avoid your well-timed karate chop, “Don’t you have a class to get to?”
“Shut up, prick face.” You snap, craning your head to catch sight of Taehyung in the crowded hallway, “Where the fuck is that little ass hoe?”
“Who… Tae?” Jimin walks up, wrapping his arms around Jungkook’s waist and planting his face against his back cutely. As much as you hate to admit it, they look cute together, especially when you see Jungkook’s cheeks redden. Too bad they haven’t actually gotten together though, but it’ll have to happen eventually.
You don’t say anything, just nod, then glare at Jimin when he chuckles at you: the nerve.
“It’s not funny.” You definitely don’t pout as you cross your arms, “Stop laughing.”
“Wow.” Jungkook deadpans, leaping at the chance, “I’m so scared.”
“Ah, when do you have your summoning today?” Jimin interrupts, saving his future boyfriend’s life, “I think Hoseok hyung mentioned it before.”
“It’s at two.” You answer, still glaring spitefully at Jungkook, “It’s the only time he’s free apparently, and since this is my final project, my schedule doesn’t really matter.”
“Huh,” Taehyung’s back, and he slings a chummy arm around your shoulder despite your cold stare, “So what class do you have now then?”
“EE,” You say, “With this one.”
You jerk an angry thumb at Jungkook, who glares back at you. Jimin laughs nervously, hands coming up to block the two of you from staring at each other.
“Now, now,” He says nervously enough, “We’re all friends here!”
He doesn’t wait for a reply though, quickly tugging Taehyung away by his wrist toward…well, you aren’t sure. But they leave, and it’s only you and Jungkook staring at each other in disgust.
“Well, let’s go.” You mutter sarcastically as the two of you trudge up the stairs, “Fun.”
Your Elemental Exorcism class is as fun as you’d expect…which is not fun at all, really. Honestly, why do they expect you to take this class for more than one year? It’s only theory about the workings of the elemental magic possessed by demons, and how they could be theoretically used. Professor Jin’s class is much more useful, since it’s about practical applications and how you can actually control the demons. You’ve got a separate class for drawing demon circles, and other protection mechanisms which is justifiable…but this?
You hate it.
You hate the teacher too, a woman with the passion of a dried lemon. She gets on your nerves even quicker than Jeon Jungkook does, which is saying something. Honestly, the only reason you still attend this godforsaken class is because you’re expected to. But next year…. well, goodbye Felicia.
She’s not there, luckily, because you would’ve been subjected to nearly an hour’s worth of lecture, something you wouldn’t even have listened to, frankly. There’s only so much of the woman anyone can take, and you’re no exception to that.
“She’s not here yet?” You ask one of the students—a blonde, doodling on his desk—curiously, “She’s normally never this late.”
“Nah, she hasn’t come in yet,” The student smiles brightly, and you struggle to recall his name—Minhyuk, you think—as he shakes his head, “It’s really weird, but I wouldn’t question it if I were you.”
Almost on cue, the door is slammed open, and the old bat struts in, all pompous and glamorous as always. Except, this time, she seems a bit different.
“She’s smiling.” Minhyuk gasps in what can be described only as horrified fascination, and you can only nod, transfixed at the sight of her beaming face, “Why is she smiling?”
“That’s a good question.” Jungkook murmurs from where he’s sitting, “Who on earth died for her to be this happy?”
“Class!” She greets you cheerily, which is weird enough, “I’ve got some wonderful news to share with you all!”
“It’s going to be another project, isn’t it?” You muttered sullenly to some girl beside you—Hwasa—who only nodded in solemn agreement, “FML.”
“There’s been political unrest in the demon world lately,” She starts off, clasping her wrinkly, aged hands, “Hence why it’s getting increasingly easy to summon them. They’re not mentally stable enough to resist the call now, so we can get rid of as many as we want now!”
The entire class stares at her in a mixture of fear and wariness.
“Political unrest?” Hwasa frowns, “Wouldn’t that be…I don’t know, a bad thing?”
“Why would it?” Professor Woo counters, face growing even more wrinkled with her scowl, “I see nothing wrong here.”
“Well,” Jungkook speaks up, making the attention shift to him. His eyes are dark, almost serious, and you hold back a snort at the thought. As if Jungkook could ever be serious, please, “For starters, the entire Underworld’s practically in chaos now. If this uprising is serious, many of them are probably going to try and flee. And if that’s the case, we’d have a much tougher job on our hands.”
“That’s true,” Another girl chips in, So Hee, “While we’d definitely be able to consciously call for some of them, there are the ones that are coming uncontrollably that we need to factor in as well.”
You see, from the corner of your eye, Professor Woo’s arms beginning to shake, and know she’s at her limit; as expected, she finally yells loud enough for the entire floor to possibly hear.
“ENOUGH!” She hollers, and you didn’t think she could have that voice on her; you shrink back into your seat, never fond of loud voices, “I HAVE LET THIS GO ON FOR LONG ENOUGH!”
Everyone falls silent at that, and you notice Jungkook’s gripping the table with enough force to possibly break a chunk of it right off. Your attention switches back to your Professor though, watching as she breathes deeply to calm herself down.
“You know what.” She says, and you slump in your seat, “Open up your course books.”
And the rest of your course goes as normal, with you falling half-asleep over your opened books. Elemental Exorcism with Professor Woo has never been fun.
You don’t have any classes for the rest of the day anyway, so you head to the girls’ dorms. You don’t actually stay on campus, namely because you can’t afford to, but your university is cool enough to lend temporary rooms in case commute got too difficult.
You luckily find a room to stay in, dropping your bag by the door as you stagger inside, shrugging your jacket off. It was rainy in the morning, sure, but it’s sunny as hell now.
You check your phone: 11:43. You’ve still got 2 hours, roughly.
You take out your laptop, browsing uninterestedly through your Facebook Feed, liking posts randomly. It’s meaningless, you’ve grown to realize, because there’s so much work being put in for normal people that it’s easy to forget that you yourself can be normal sometimes too. You usually treasure these moments, but not now, not anymore.
You see you’ve got a message, which is rare, in itself, and your eyes widen when you see who it’s from.
 My Cutie~ (3) 11:47 AM
Hands shaking you move your mouse over the message, hesitating, before you tap your finger against the mousepad. The message takes an agonizing amount of time to load, and your heart begins to hammer furiously at your chest in terror. And then, it shows. And the messages you see make your breath stop in fear.
  My Cutie: sis, I need to tell you something
My Cutie: hurry up and answer me
My Cutie: just HURRY
  You push yourself away from your desk hurriedly, shoving your laptop into your bag with fumbling fingers, and beeline it out of the room. Your breathing’s grown heavy, and you don’t—can’t, actually— notice anything as you shove past people, heading straight for the stairs.
It seems like forever for you to catch sight of those red locks, and you fling yourself at Taehyung, all shaking limbs, who manages to catch you just fine. Your legs tremble, just like the rest of you does, and you sag into his comforting warmth. Taehyung has been with you for a long time, and his embrace feels like the home you’ve lost.
“Yah, Y/N.” He says softly to you, and you just shake your head, burrowing your face into his shoulder, “Come on, let’s go and talk—”
“Tae.” You say, teary, and he falls silent, meeting your watery eyes with his soft browns, “Tae, he messaged me, but he’s gone, it can’t be.”
“Y/N, what are you talking about?” He asks you seriously, giving up and tugging you by your wrist over to a corner, so that the two of you can talk undisturbed. Your nerves tingle, and air escapes your lungs as a rattling breath, giving away just how shaken up you are.
Taehyung is worried, obviously, and he has the right to be, especially at your next words.
“My brother, Taehyung,” You whisper out, but it sounds so loud, ringing through the hallways as though being screamed, “My dead brother just messaged me.”
“What have you done?” She whispers, words flicked away by the wind, just like the ashes, “You monster.”
There’s silence, only silence.
And you scream.
You meet Hoseok at two, as promised. He’s already waiting for you, a half grin on his lips that dies when he sees the lack of smile on your normally pleasant features.
“Y/N, is something wrong?” He asks urgently, getting up from his seat, “We can always reschedule—”
“No.” You say quietly, forcing a smile onto your lips and the next words from your mouth, “It’s nothing serious Hoseok, don’t worry about it.”
“Alright, if you’re sure,” He says doubtfully, but his gaze turns grave, serious, “Just remember you need to be completely focused for this, Y/N. There’s no turning back once we start.”
“I know.” You respond, though a part of you still rings with uncertainty, “Let’s get started, shall we?”
“Okay.” Hoseok looks hesitant, before his hand rests lightly on the crown of your head, carding through your tangled locks, “Just…tell me if anything seems off, okay? I’m here for you.”
“Y-yeah.” Your cheeks turn red, and you stutter your answer to the boy’s youthful grin, taken aback by the display, “U-uh.”
Fortunately, he manages to save you from any more embarrassment by turning around, so that his back faces you, as he fishes something out of his backpack. You take a deep breath, willing yourself to forget everything and just relax, focus, don’t mess this up.
Hoseok returns with a dagger, and his hazel eyes are serious, posture rigid, and you see none of the previously smiling, carefree, boy that you’ve seen recently. This Hoseok looks more mature, more focused, just more. It’s nice to see him so occupied.
“Ready?” He asks, breaking you from your reverie and you snap out of it, quickly nodding your head. Your hip feels heavy, adorned with a set of metal cuffs you procured from your professor.
It’s already dark, but the two of you cover up the windows as much as you can, trying to cast the room in complete darkness. The light would only disturb everything, but Hoseok is supposed to stand by the window so that they can shine it on the demon when it appears.
This is a Fire Demon so you’ve got to be the most careful at that step; the part before is much easier, and you carry out the ritual as planned, as simply as your book says it’s supposed to be. It’s only when you’re supposed to use the dagger that things get complicated.
You carefully balance the knife so that it’s tip touches the sensitive pad of your index finger, and quickly let it pierce your skin and pull it back. According to your book, precisely one drop of blood is enough, but that’s where things go wrong. Your finger bleeds more than expected, and a dizzying amount spills out before your mind connects and your other fingers wrap around it—but the damage is done.
You look up in terror to lock eyes with Hoseok—who looks just as shocked as you—and he just manages to mouth ‘MOVE BACK’ before you’re thrown back with a huge force that causes you to hit your head against the wall. You groan pitifully as you crumple against it, and blearily watch, through your swimming vision, as Hoseok is slammed back against a covered window by a dark mass.
And, very slowly, a pale hand reaches out from it, wrapping around the column of Hoseok’s throat.
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Written By: Midnight
Next in the Series: Part 4 (coming soon)
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rnufharose · 6 years
Love Yourself (Bangtan and EXO fanfiction/SehunxOC)
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Chapter 15
"Weird," Namjoon scratched his nose as we left the cafe. "their leader just walked up to you..."
"I doubt they should know me," I agreed. "I'm still new, after all..." I looked to Sehun, who walked beside Suho, that blank expression still on his face after what happened with Il-sung of Cardinal Love. It took everything inside me not to just ask him what he was thinking right now. He didn't speak a word while we were inside.
We were heading back to the cottages to get ready for the bonfire tonight, and it gave us a chance to put on a fun performance for the other groups that were participating in the award show. Just as Red Velvet and I were about to go inside, a familiar face came running toward me.
"Ha-Neul-ah!" It was the stylist from the modeling agency. What was she doing here? "It's great to see you again!"
"You too," I bowed and she grabbed my arm, hugging me close.
"Can you believe it?! I'm going to be your stylist for the award show! Don't worry, Bangtan will be in good hands!" She assured me, displaying some aegyo, her voice high-pitched and sweet.
"Who is this, Ha-Neul?" Irene asked as she looked between us.
"O-Oh, this is--" I began but the stylist cut me off.
"Aigoo! I can't believe I forgot to introduce myself!" She whined cutely. "My name is Eun-jae. I'm a stylist and I'll be handling Bangtan's look for the award show since Jeon Meijiwoo wasn't able to come."
"We look forward to working with you," Jungkook said with a grin and Eun-jae stumbled backward, staring at him for several moments before gasping.
"Y-You're... Jeon Jungkook!" She squealed.
"Yes, I am," He cackled gently.
"You're my ultimate bias!" She exclaimed, running up to him. "I'm going to make sure you're the sexiest man on stage!"
"Why um," he scratched his cheek with the tip of his index finger, grinning shyly. "thanks...?" He spoke with uncertainty and looked over at me, "Ha-Neul, should we work on something fun for tonight's bonfire?"
"Ne!" I replied with a vigorous nod. "I like dancing with you. It's a lot of fun."
"You're... going to perform at the bonfire together?" Eun-jae asked slowly and my friend responded.
"Yes, I want us to warm up for the award show in two weeks. Think of tonight's performance as a test run."
"Well then," she clasped her hands together, continuing to display some aegyo. "Good luck! I hope you two have a wonderful performance tonight."
"Gamsahamnida," I bowed before her and she giggled, walking away.
"Weird girl," Wendy said, holding her hip and watching her leave. "Or is it just me...?"
"No no," Yeri waved. "She's way too chipper... I understand what you mean... anyway, you both should get ready if you're going to perform tonight! We look forward to the entertainment."
"We should sing in Japanese," I faced Jungkook. "What do you think, Oppa? Should we?"
"Good idea," he agreed. "it's only right to introduce the culture of this region by singing in Japanese. Let's get started."
"Sehun-ah," Chanyeol tapped the maknae's shoulder. "Sehun-ah! We gotta come up with something for tonight! You haven't spoken since we got gelato!"
Suho looked away from his sheet music and toward the youngest member, furrowing his brows in concern, "Sehun?" He stood up, holding his shoulder. He knew it had to do with Il-sung and the affection he showed Ha-Neul.
The black-haired male licked his lips, elbows on his thighs and hands folded as he continued to play through Il-sung kissing Ha-Neul's hand. He knew that man suddenly became interested in her, and he wasn't going to let him have his way. He stood up and looked at Chanyeol, "I know what we're going to sing!"
"You do?" Chanyeol raised his brows, eyes wide.
Suho took a step back, "You do?!"
"You do?!" Kai shouted toward the maknae, still reading book and music blasting in his ears.
"Why do I have a feeling this isn't going to go as planned?" Kyungsoo pressed a hand to his mouth.
"Don't you get it?!" Baekhyun smacked his shoulder. "Sehun-ah likes Ha-Neul! That's why he's angry!"
"We're singing in Japanese," Sehun stated. "Loving You More from the COUNTDOWN album."
"B-But--!" Kai stuttered, his book falling out of his hands as he took off his earbuds. "Th-That's for the drama I was in!"
"Too late," Sehun urged. "It's my song to Ha-Neul now!"
"Waaaaaa, he really does like her," Xiumin muttered in amazement. "Why didn't you tell us?"
"Yeah, we're allowed to date now," Chen added. "We would have been fine with it."
"She just debuted," Sehun answered. "If a scandal came out about us dating soon after she became an idol, Bangtan's image would have been ruined. We're keeping it a secret so please, you all need to keep quiet about this too."
"Y-Yeah, of course, we will," Chanyeol replied. "But you do realize that if you sing that song, people will figure it out."
"They won't," he shook his head, "not if Bangtan sings with us. I want Il-sung to know she's mine, and he can't have her."
"You sure are clingy," Kyungsoo laughed, standing. "Alright then. We'll get Bangtan over here."
"What about Ha-Neul?" Kai wondered.
"She's performing too," he stated. "That way, no one knows what's actually going on."
In the beginning, it seemed they were making a joke about their youngest member falling for a girl, but it actually happened. For a while, they wondered if Sehun was interested in anyone, and he always answered by saying he wouldn't get married until he was thirty, but here he was--crazy about a girl he only met several weeks ago. They were happy he was being free with someone other than them. Their little brother was finally growing up.
Without hesitation, he called the Bangtan and they walked into the cottage, taking a seat on the floor or the couch. "What's going on?" Jimin asked as he took a seat beside Kai.
"Sehun wants us to perform together," Suho said to him. "He wants to..." he tried to word the next phrase carefully without giving away Sehun's attraction toward Ha-Neul. "prove to Cardinal Love that we are better..."
Ha-Neul looked at Suho for several moments, and he met her gaze, giving her a discreet nod as if telling her he knew. She had a feeling this had to do with when Il-sung kissed her hand, "Prove you're better?" She parroted. "That... doesn't sound right."
Taehyung scrunched his nose. "Why would we? It's not like we hate them or anything."
"It's nothing like that," Sehun agreed. "It has to do with Ha-Neul, and since you are her older brothers in a sense, don't you find it odd that he suddenly just walked up to her?"
"Well," Yoongi crossed his arms, contemplating what he said. "you're right. It did rub me the wrong way, actually."
"Oppa!" Ha-Neul faced Yoongi in disbelief. "You do know that I can take care of myself. It may not look like it, but I'm very grounded!"
"Ha-Neul-ah is right. He isn't a bad guy," Hoseok spoke up. "He was just being a gentleman."
"Well, either way, it would make me very happy if you sang with us anyway," Sehun clapped his hands together. "If we're going to prove to our fans that we have always been friends then we should do this. The reason for this award show is to end fan wars after all."
"You have a point," Jin said. "alright, we'll collaborate with you. It's a request that's been long overdue."
"Gomaweo, hyung," Sehun sighed with relief.
"It's no problem," Namjoon shook his head. "Just tell us which song you want us to sing with you, give us the line distribution, and we'll be ready."
"We know the choreography of all your songs already," Jungkook assured him. "so you don't have to worry about practice," he gave Ha-Neul a sad grin and looked down. "Mianhe... it looks like our partner performance for tonight will be postponed..."
"It's okay," Ha-Neul shook her head and grinned back, butterflies fluttering in her stomach as she mulled over Sehun's request.
The maknae of the older group looked at her once more, noticing the look of uncertainty in her eyes. It wasn't like he was doing this for ill purposes. He just wanted her attention and he wasn't going to let anyone else take that away from him. He had nothing against Cardinal Love... just its leader and his shameless behavior--well, shameless in Sehun's eyes, as hypocritical as it sounds.
The bonfire was lit on the stage, and Bangtan and EXO were ready for their performance. Ha-Neul was standing backstage, her eyes on the various boy and girl groups that were in the audience, all seated on logs that were placed on the sand, the sound of waves in the distance and the sun had finally set on the horizon. She could see the stars now, the orange and indigo gradient of the sky breathtaking.
She was wearing a leopard print dress with black sheer sleeves and a choker around her neck, her dainty dancer's feet in heels. Sehun took in her slender legs and the way her hair cascaded down her back. He fixed the cufflinks on his leather blazer and walked up behind her, inhaling the sweet scent of apple blossoms from her perfume before wrapping his arms around her petite frame, nuzzling the side of her head.
"Oppa," she spoke quietly. "If the others see--"
"So what," he cut her off. "My hyungs know about us... they won't say anything."
"But my hyungs will," she chuckled, giving into his embrace. "You're really angry, aren't you...?"
"Very," he spoke sincerely. "Jagiya, all I want is for you to focus on me. I want to be the only one who makes you happy."
"You're such a puppy," Ha-Neul giggled. "if you wanted my attention, you could have just said so."
"But I want more," he breathed, closing his eyes. "If I could just make you my little doll... and I could hold onto you and never let you go... the things I want to do to you, jagi..." he husked with need.
"You dirty minded potato," she teased him and she heard him laugh into her hair before he pulled away, his hands on her shoulders as he turned her to face him, his dark eyes staring into her bright brown ones.
"This song is for you," he said, his expression solemn now. "no matter what, whatever song I'm performing, if we're performing on the same stage or you're watching, all of the songs I sing are for you. They are my feelings for you."
Ha-Neul gave a single nod and she heard Jungkook call out, "It's time!"
"We should go," she said and walked past him, and Sehun followed close behind.
The members of Bangtan and EXO took their places on stage, their mics adjusted and Ha-Neul scanned the audience once more. She spotted Red Velvet up front, all waving toward her and she smiled back at them. Several logs back, she saw Cardinal Love and Il-sung stared in her direction. She listened to the music as it began and so began their choreography.
[Sehun] Cause I love you more, love you more, baby Cause I love you more Tell me what you need cause I love you more
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[Baekhyun, D.O.] If I could just forget, it would be easier but Just as I was back then, I'm here still unchanged The pain as if a dagger Stabbed me in the heart No one can replace you, nobody
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[Chanyeol, Xiumin, Suho] You're also unchanged as well, right? Why did we let them go? Our hands, now I'll go to you Find me, temperature rising Cause I'm Loving you more compared to yesterday Loving you more I'm starting to love you The time we spend separated Baby cause I'm Loving you more compared to yesterday Loving you more compared to a second ago I'm yearning for you I'm missing you, I'm missing you
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[D.O., Chanyeol, Suho, Sehun, Chen, Kai] Hey girl, let's get out of here, let's escape You don't have to act strong anymore We rise again, how many times we fall We rise again Let go, let's escape from this reality You don't have to act strong anymore We rise again, hey I'll hold onto your hand and lead the way Listen up girl, I love you more
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[RM, Hoseok, Suga] An obstacle can never be seen by the eyes I want to embrace you at any time But even this doesn't come true And get tangled again in someone's expectations Even if you're not there it's the same The more I think of you, the deeper I fall I gather the shattered puzzle pieces again Baby love you more
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[Jungkook, Jin] You're also unchanged as well, right? Why did we let them go? Our hands (Now I'll go to you) Now I'll go to you Find me, temperature rising
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[Ha-Neul, V] Cause I'm Loving you more compared to yesterday Loving you more I'm starting to love you The time we spend separated Baby cause I'm Loving you more compared to yesterday Loving you more compared to a second ago I'm yearning for you (Whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo) I'm missing you, I'm missing you
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[Jimin, Suga, Jin, Hoseok, Jungkook] Hey girl, let's get out of here, let's escape You don't have to act strong anymore We rise again, how many times we fall We rise again Let go, let's escape from this reality You don't have to act strong anymore We rise again, hey I'll hold onto your hand and lead the way
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[Il-sung, Min-jae] If we end up breaking (Oh girl) We just have to fix it again, any number of times We rise up, we rise up again I won't let go of your hand a second time Baby cause I love you more Cause I'm Lovin' you mo' compared to yesterday Lovin' you mo' I'm starting to love you The time we spend separated Baby cause I'm Lovin' you mo' compared to yesterday Lovin' you mo' compared to a second ago I'm yearning for you I'm missing you, I'm missing you
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[Min-jae, Hyun-wook, Il-sung, Cheol-min] Hey girl, let's get out of here, let's escape You don't have to act strong anymore We rise again, how many times we fall We rise again Let go, let's escape from this reality You don't have to act strong anymore We rise again, hey I'll hold onto your hand and lead the way
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Before Kyungsoo could sing the outro, it seemed someone else had decided to take over. Bangtan and EXO stopped their choreography, watching as the four males of Cardinal Love took the stage, headsets adjusted with Il-sung holding a mic as he sang. Ha-Neul watched as he tucked his free hand into one of the pockets of his slacks, walking toward her. As for Cheol-min and Min-jae, they sang the sub-vocals while Hyun-wook took the rap parts. This wasn't a part of the show but she noticed the other groups watching with intent.
Il-sung finished the song, taking her hand again, and behind her, Sehun was boiling with rage, his expression apathetic to hide how he was truly feeling.
"Cho Ha-Neul," Il-sung began, pressing a second kiss to her knuckles. "we meet again..."
"We are Cardinal Love," Min-jae spoke now. "we're new idols as well, but... not as popular as Bangtan and EXO. We've recently debuted."
"That's right," Cheol-min said in a monotonous tone.
Hyun-wook smirked, narrowing his eyes, "Hey, Shawty... hope we can become good friends."
"I hope so too," Il-sung agreed. "because we'll be seeing more of each other from now on."
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ao3feed-yoonjin · 4 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3aI8ViD
by Bosco
Society collapsed and with it, Yoongi and Seokjin are separated from each other. During their time apart Seokjin suffers from amnesia caused by the horrifying Bane, forgetting Yoongi, his past, and everyone in it. When he shows up to the gates of a new camp seeking refuge with Jimin and Jeongguk he's surprised by the sense of familiarity he feels with one of the leaders.
While Yoongi recalls and mourns about their past, Seokjin tries to solve and live with their present.
Words: 1429, Chapters: 1/8, Language: English
Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Kim Seokjin | Jin, Min Yoongi | Suga, Kim Namjoon | RM, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Park Jimin (BTS), Jeon Jungkook, Kim Taehyung | V
Relationships: Kim Seokjin | Jin/Min Yoongi | Suga
Additional Tags: Yoonjin Week 2020, Day 1: Birth, Day 2: Early Childhood, Day 3: Teenagers, Day 4: College, Day 5: Working, Day 6: Marriage, Day 7: Death, Alternate Universe - Post-Apocalypse, Amnesia, bs sickness i made up to explain it, End of the World, Factions, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Past Kim Seokjin | Jin/Min Yoongi | Suga, Arguing, Misunderstandings, Non-Graphic Violence, Eventual Smut, I'm really gonna try and be on time with all of these, But I get busy
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3aI8ViD
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