#hux is mr steal yo girl
Thinking about that Singularity x Reader fic I want to write in which reader knew Hux before Gabriel's crew was sent out to Dvarka as did Gabriel who had a thing for the reader
Gabriel seriously getting cockblocked by a whole robot...
Meanwhile said robot is a bit too jealous over Gabriel
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aliypop · 5 years
Misery Business
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Wordcount : 1,648
A/N: Writing for a new character of mine who I ship with Hux
Warning: Angst
"Has anyone seen the captain?" Poe asked, running around the base, under ships through the recruits of the resistance, "Captain Solo!" he shouted getting aggravated, 
"WOO that was great," the sound of a young 19-year-old girl filled the sound of the loading deck, Poe ran towards the loudness his eyes on a curly-haired dowey sparkly brown-eyed captain in her uniform. "Dameron!" jumping from her ship helmet in hand, 
"Where were you.." he said out of breath, beeping following behind from a few droids, 
"BB, AL!" The captain got down to their levels "I missed you too," she smiled, Poe cleared his throat "Yela," she looked at him getting quite  "The General and the Lieutenant want to see you .."
"What about Captain Solo.." she gulped watching Poe's expression, "Fine, no jokes, I'll go," she rolled her eyes annoyed at her good friend, the walk towards the office always felt like years especially when it went to the General speaking to her which usually meant paperwork that would have her up until the next four mornings, 
"I'm just saying my sweet little Alderaan princess I would love to be ranked to the commander," 
"Lieutenant .."  she grinned kissing her forehead, "No,"  she leaned in closer, the door creaked open as both officers regained their composure, 
"Am I interrupting something, General Organa, Lieutenant Solo?" Yela asked her mothers the two shaking their heads,  "Well then.." she began fiddling around with her hands, "What's going on, "  both Leia and Alana sighed knowing that the news they had to drop would be a little hard on her, but it had to be done. 
"We're sending you to Star Killerbase.."  Alana  gave her a strict look, 
"Why not Finn or... or.. Poe or Rey!" 
"Compose yourself .." Leia said calmly,
"Because Kylo will listen to you. "  Leia said glaring at Yela who was pouting like a 12-year-old, " And last I remembered you said, you were prepared for anything, am I correct," walking around the young girl making her feel smaller, 
"Yes General," she mumbled, 
"Your General can't hear you.." 
"Yes General," 
"Don't disappoint us captain.," 
Everything around her was grey scaled with black as a pop of color it was depressing, dark and gloomy, Yela could feel  every inch of the dark side surrounding the base, and she wasn't even inside yet, taking slow strides towards the entrance all she could see were storm troopers, "I don't like it here.." she looked at AL-1 the two walking through the snow, 
"Hey, you!"
"Always carry your father's blaster.," Yela whispered walking inside the base,  just like the exterior the interior was even darker, cape draping behind her down the corridors, thoughts peeling in her mind,
"I think we're getting cl-" 
"And you are?" 
"Who's asking.." Yela said, not even turning around to face the voice, thinking about her answer for a bit she then turned around to open her mouth, " Vath Ren.."  she mumbled keeping her face hidden by her hood,
"State your business .." the ginger-haired man said to her, his hand at his hip, 
"I'm here to see the supreme leader. he's my bro-" she paused feeling the pressure of a blaster pointed towards her head, 
"Funny he didn't say anything about a sister.," he whispered, "Go before I kill you.." 
"Strike 1.." Yela growled walking out the base, pausing as she saw the silhouette of something, shaking the image out of her head, Yela was out of luck wondering what she had to do next to complete the mission,
 "AL-1 send a holo to my mothers... I need a few things." 
"Hey, yo-"
Walking down the dark halls yet again in a traditional royal Nabooian attire was Yela, Her eyes were on the ginger head man,
"Excuse me.." she tapped him on the shoulder, trying not scratch at her make up. "Mr.." 
"General Hux.. " he stared at the young woman, "You look famil-" 
"Princess Yela Organa Mabecorge, I have a familiar face," she looked at him noticing the light blush on his face, Hux was a bit put off by the princesses appearance, let alone the last names,  the way she moved, there was something he just couldn't trust about her, 
" State your business.." 
"I'm here to see the supreme leader. " 
"He's currently not seeing anyone.." he glared at the young woman, she was the girl from yesterday surly, but why was Kylo so important to her is what he was wondering about, 
"You must be just.. my counsel scheduled a meeting and.."  
"I'll check for you.. your ugh highness ." he walked away as two stormtroopers showed up carrying her out the base yet again, "Let go of me!" she began fighting against their restraints, "Hey!" she stopped as one covered her mouth, 
"Yela shut up.." 
"Finn?"  she asked as the other trooper sat her in the snow, 
"Why are you so feisty.." 
"Poe?!" looking at them both, "My mother sent you both didn't she ?" Yela grumbled as the two rolled their eyes, "Han... " Finn replied shaking his head at her, Han sent them knowing that her plans wouldn't work and someone had to keep his princess safe,  
"A princess.." Poe laughed, 
"Keep laughing, and I'll shoot you.." 
"You wouldn't," Poe mumbled, hearing it go off as she shot another trooper not even looking at it, "Try me, Dameron," her stare hasher than Chewies, Yela was getting tired of that general and his nicely slicked-back red hair, though she was surprised at how loyal he was to keeping Kylo to quote safe, 
"What's the plan, Finn? " she asked him watching the way he stared at Poe, "Galaxy to Finn," Yela waved her hand in his face, 
" Huh, oh right, so we sneak in the base, you pretend to be a prisoner, and we'll come to get you!" 
"Sounds stupid.." Yela pouted 
"Got a better idea?" 
Yela sat there silently, "didn't think so.." 
"Hey, you!"
Hey, You!"
"General we found an intruder," the two stormtroopers said holding the criminal captive, Hux took his finger as he tilted her chin just so he could look into her eyes, that were sending shivers down his back as well as the freckles on her face, she looked gentle harmless in a way, but that wasn't gonna stop him, Yela looked up to see the purest blue eyes she had ever seen he looked radiant today, something different about him for sure,  
"I'll take it from here.." he waved the two off, "Why am I putting up with you" he mumbled stealing a glance at her,
"Because I'm a scoundrel, you need more scoundrels in your life.." she winked at him as he threw her in a cell, Yela sat there for a moment looking around before she picked the lock, waiting for Finn and Poe seemed to have been taking hours so it was time to take measures into her hand, walking down the halls she stumbled into a room, it was something like a little room but with a big window,
"I had no idea we had the best pilot in the Resistance on board. Comfortable? " Yela hid behind the door hoping that whoever was standing there didn't notice her, but there was something off about that shadowy figure, she could feel the force and something familiar about him that she didn't want to believe, 
"You think I didn't know it was you. there was someone in my head and it wasn't me," the figure then turned around to face her, it was true, walking towards him felt like a walk of death, she had remembered when he was just,
"I thought who else could it be than Yela Solo, " he laughed pulling out his lightsaber her eye's focused on it as she extended her arm out the saber flying into her grasp, 
"I have the high ground Ben," she smirked at him. 
"Just like  Kenobi  you underestimate my power,"  Kylo shrugged 
"I can see you dying inside Ben.." she looked him in the eyes, "You're not Kylo and You kno-" the air in her lunges was becoming scare her breathing became slower her eyes began to flutter and the world around her was becoming dark, "You can still.. retur-"
"Enough! that is enough.." Hux ran to catch the young girl in his arms her pulse rising back,
"Finish this.. " Kylo said putting his mask back on,
"Who do you think you're talking to.."  he growled at him  watching the supreme leader leave,sitting there as he studied her features he saw the strength that she had, her determination for whatever reason to talk to the foolish Kylo Ren, he saw something in here he had never seen in anyone.. hope, "Where am I," she asked looking up at Hux who was silent looking back at her, "I- I'll never come back kill me if you must.." she closed her eyes waiting for it to happen but Hux only picked her up his eyes straight ahead as she rested her head on his chest, 
"Still breathless.." he asked remembering when Kylo first force choked him, she was only quiet as she read his mind, and nodded,
"If you hate him so much why put up with it.." her voice raspy,  
"You wouldn't understand.." 
"Try me.." 
A few months later Yela was sitting outside of the base waiting for a certain red-headed General to come down, "Captain Solo.." he kissed her hand as she blushed " Armitage this is business... I need your reports or the General will kill me understand.." she looked away from, as he gave her the reports he had, 
"Thank you .." she kissed his cheek as she left,
"She's .."
"gorgeous, beautiful, radiant, my little sister.." Kylo glared at the General, "You have no room for love .." 
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