pararavity-blog · 5 years
shows up at her house.
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he is immediately removed from the premises 
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9thuser · 5 years
just texts him the gun emoji 10 times at 2:38 am
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lemirrion-blog · 5 years
                                              @hwtzrimpact liked !
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     “ bakugo - kun , it’s been forever ! ” lemillion loves playing ignorance , wondering just how the other was going to react to such an appearance . posture remains friendly , though quirk is already surging through the blond’s body just in case he wanted to attack . “ what’ve you been up to ? i’ll treat you to some milk tea or anything you like and you can tell me all about it ! ”
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ecntrc-aaa · 5 years
♥   —   still accepting �� (   @hwtzrimpact   )
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headcanon: she’s a ‘ bad mother ‘ / should’ve been supportive of izuku the entire time
okay so !! one , she doesn’t have a ‘ bad parent ‘ bone in her body. and two , inko was supportive but also had never heard of a quirkless hero and like , you try watching all might save 100 people from a burning whatever every day with your son and then try to be like ‘ you can do it son ! ‘ when you realize he’s quirkless. that’s scary !!! that’s a scary sight and , as a mom , she just wants to keep her son safe. 
and , ah , she apologizes after once she realizes she hasn’t been as supportive !! 
and , anyways , inko isn’t the perfect parent. there’s no such thing as a perfect parent , parents are gonna fuck up. they’re gonna say the things you didn’t want to hear , they’re not going to know how to handle a situation. for inko , she had just seen her son’s entire dream crash and burn , as far as she was concerned. and he’s crying , pointing to the same big scary fire crash scene … come on. come on , you’re telling me she was supposed to be like ‘ yeah son ! you can do that too ! ‘ at that moment ???? 
like … inko just wanted the best for her son. that’s it. she wanted her son to be safe , she isn’t a hero expert just a regular degular mom … a regular civilian who didn’t think of quirkless heroes in this world of people who can do so much damage. 
i just … i hope this makes sense , but this always bothered me !
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twinklg · 5 years
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        ❝    you are getting angrier and angrier,     non,    monsieur ?   ☆      ❞
                           he pops from out of nowhere,    face passive and violet-eyes determined to make sure it doesn’t stray from blankly staring ahead.    it isn’t like he wants to instigate any tantrum or glaring feedback from bakugou   -    it isn’t what yuuga wants at all !    but   ...    he doesn’t know how else to approach.    anger was never something yuuga understood  (  frustration?   oui.    guilt?    oui.   desperation?   double oui.    but anger   -    )   ,   though that doesn’t mean he isn’t open to trying !!!
         ❝     perhaps a palette for good cheese    might suit your taste ?   ☆      ❞
✧・゚: *   @hwtzrimpact ,    starter call   (  now closed !  )  ♡
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destinedhearts · 5 years
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Is she surprised that she somehow ended up lost? No. Is she still disappointed in herself? Yes. She had an odd habit of getting into places she wasn’t supposed to be (and meeting people she probably should avoid). It’s this frequent recurrence that leads her here, wherever here was. She halts, looking around for some clue as to where she had ended up, creating a small circle when the familiar sensation directs her to an alley.
She can sense pain; turning to look down the alleyway she spots a figure in the short distance. Head tilts as she tries to make out what she is looking at-- Though it didn’t really matter, within seconds it was clear that the other was wounded. 
“Hey!” She doesn’t even wait for him to acknowledge her presence, running to his side. “Stop you’re going to hurt yourself more.” Considering his state she didn’t expect him to try and fight her, so she gently takes hold of his arm offering to help him walk or keep balance if he needed it. 
@hwtzrimpact // plotted
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vocalcontrol · 5 years
hwtzrimpact replied to your post: ooc. hey everyone. sorry i haven’t been around. a...
hope you’re doin alright!
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thanks for the concern ! don’t worry, it’s just a bit hard to grasp my shinsou muse due to the whole dark cloud that seems to have come over the fandom in general. hopefully i’ll be able to resnag it sooner rather than later. 
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bcdtouch-a · 5 years
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           Oh, this was interesting!  --- The boy looked as though he might be hiding something.  He skulks over curiously, eyes watching him cautiously.  He looked something akin to an animal poking its nose into something, wanting to unveil the SECRETS that were being held from it. 
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                      “Whatcha got there?”
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twcfcld-blog · 6 years
          eyes   flicker  over   toward   the   other,   a   raise   of   an   eyebrow  given.   limbs   move  around   in   an   almost   EXAGGERATED   fashion   before   pointing  at   the   other,  completely   serious   before  –
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                   ❝   no   u.   ❞
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9thuser · 6 years
stop breathing or you'll regret it
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              ❛     ALL YOU DO IS BITCH !!!     ❜
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pararavity-a · 6 years
❝ were you here this whole time? ❞
❝ ━━ ✧ when she stills it’s just a bit too guilty, a bit too caught. denial gets stuck somewhere between the treacherous pathway from gullet to mouth. she doesn’t whimper on the taste of a lie but it’s a near thing. of all that she excels at lying certainly isn’t one of them. there’s something about being dishonest that’s always set her on edge. her hands clench a bit nervously from where they feel glued to the rail she leans breathlessly against. 
painfully, she stretches them one by one. feels ligaments sigh in relief as the pressure she’s exerted in her terrorized awe unclenches. even still she can’t relax the adrenaline that runs through her. she’s stuck, moth pinned to a board, under accusing tone. part of her revolts at the sight of him, begs her not to look, to flee, but she’s drawn to the terrible flame. sees the blood on his hands and truly knows it for what it is. seen the feral unleashed, uncensored. bakugo’s never pretended or hidden but it’s another matter entirely when he’s never aimed such at her.
mutely she nods. is proud of herself when her legs don’t shake as she stands. her chin tips upwards in defiance, strong. shoulders round out to become foundation. it defies the very shake of her quick breathing and the quick splay of her eyes but her mouth sets firmly. 
❛    i saw everything.   ❜ 
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hxlfsoul-a · 6 years
@hwtzrimpact  / ♡
Maybe it was because he missed Bakugo that Shoto had, in the end, decided to search for him - or perhaps the guilt of being unable to help, unable to save him. (just like at the training camp but that had been so temporary and this was so permanent)
Perhaps he should have been angry, for he knew the reason Bakugo had disappeared. He’d attacked a teacher and UA, obviously, couldn’t have that. Yet, then, the other had all but disappeared.
However, Shoto knew that maybe if he’d started looking earlier, it wouldn’t be like this. He was 19 now and barely even learning his place in the world - two years of working as a pro, nearly, it would be soon at the least. He’d always thought he’d be working with his entire class - he’d never foreseen the changes.
It had taken a few months of investigating to even get a lead on where he could find his ex-classmate, of tirelessly searching, of being unsure of who would give him information and who would kill him. When he did find anything, it was for underground fighting rings - the type he should be disassembling, but he didn’t. He couldn’t. Not if they gave a clue, not if it could help.
(if only he were doing this for more than to be rid of his misguided guilt)
“Bakugo.” His voice was quiet when he finally did spot the other, close to a meeting for one of the groups. Shoto was careful placing a hand on the other’s shoulder, careful to stay away from his hands. From what he’d heard from everyone around him, the other was.. different, unsafe, dangerous - and perhaps Shoto was silly for even seeking him out.
“It’s been a long time.”
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alienqn-a · 5 years
@hwtzrimpact           lyrical starter !!
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               “  you said she's scared of me?  “
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ecntrc-aaa · 5 years
hwtzrimpact replied to your post “okay !! so i have a wanted connections page and a plot wishlist tag !...”
ship with me
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lets ship 
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eyeraze · 4 years
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*(  Had to do up a visual ref for the extent of the facial scarring Aizawa gets in the verse with @hwtzrimpact and @dyingmight aka the All Smite and Villain!Bakugo verse in which Aizawa has his fuckin hands full tvgyhbnjk
Anyway, it’s mostly burn scarring so it’s not too terribly bad looking, as it heals surprisingly well, but a lot of splintered scarring is force / fracture scars so they look more like the one under his eye. It could have been a lot worse but it’s not exactly pretty either.  )
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pararavity-blog · 5 years
“I thought you were going along with me.“ hey consider -
WIZARD OF OZ starters│Status: OPEN
❝ ━━ ✧ THERE’S A PRECIPICE. it used to be a hill, this she knows. gently rolling mounds covered with green, green grass (and isn’t it always greener on the other side?). funny, how right now she can’t remember the comfort that came with it. sunshine and buttercups and the heavy heads of sunflowers and everything so yellow and bright and just the shine of him - 
the flowers are all dead now and its become a cliff. the edge is dangerously close and her feet are teetering right off. she almost feels like she could curl her toes reflexively to maintain her balance. as if she should activate her quirk to get some semblance of control back, instead of this tailspin.
the wheel’s out of her hands and she can only watch dry-mouthed as bakugo tries to hand it back to her. 
❛    not...not like this,   ❜  and she doesn’t even realize the step she takes back. it’s only when her vision starts to blur and she tastes salt on her lips that she knows the reason everything’s shaking and unsteady is because she trembles so. 
they’ve grown so much, both of them. she’s stronger than this. he’s stronger than this. she knows this.
or thought she knew. no, she firmly reminds herself. this didn’t happen without a reason. bakugo’s more than the violent almost-villain others take him for. there has to be an explanation, some way she can piece back together the cliff-side swiftly crumbling under her weight. 
❛    w-what happened? make me understand. please.   ❜ ochako all but begs. ❛    why did you hurt aizawa-sensei like that?   ❜ tell me that wasn’t really you. tell me this is all a dream. tell me i’ll wake up, that you’ll wake up, that we’ll wake up -
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