feywildrp · 7 years
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THE PEACEMAKER // Hyacinth. Earth fey: Tervuren. Unseelie Court.                 Born in 1744. Living at the Atlas, Apt. 11B.
Personal Power: Growth; Hyacinth has the ability to influence and accelerate growth in plants by touching them, including growth to unusual size or abundance.
KNOWN TRAITS // Diplomatic, empathetic, generous, insightful, covert.
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The brave flower that blooms through blankets of snow. Cabinets full of vials of dried petals. Tree bark and vanilla pods. Birch branches and lemon balm. The bright strength of spearmint. The calm serenity of lavender. A porcelain tea pot brewing rooibos and rose hips. Steaming mugs and soft furs on a cold day. A crystal coded memory, a labyrinth for secrets. Sage and thyme. Rue and columbine. Loveletters sent longing, faintly scented with roses.
⇢ Trigger warnings: death mentions. ⇢ Note: Hyacinth is nonbinary using only he/him.
Hyacinth was born to doting parents; though they didn’t understand him, they did their best to support him. His parents were Unseelie through and through. His mother had even been awarded a valour scar from Queen Celia. However, Hyacinth was born with a personal power unique among the Unseelie and far more suited to Seelie temperaments. No one judged him for it—indeed, some Unseelie sought him out for help with herbs rather than seek out a Seelie—and so Hyacinth’s loyalty to the Unseelie Court and his place in it has never wavered. Nevertheless, Hyacinth sought from an early age to find a way to bridge the gap between his personal preferences and Unseelie culture. Knighthood, for all its danger, seemed a natural fit for him. Though the Knights had notoriously short lives compared to other fey as they had a habit of winding up on the Tithe due to knowing or doing some secret thing, Hyacinth’s parents still supported his choice. It was a career in which he could serve his Court and feel at home in his talents, as Knights traditionally emulated parts of the other Court’s culture so as to not give insult when travelling there. Hyacinth was careful not to acquire any scars or tattoos to be in line with Seelie culture, and soon was awarded Knighthood by Queen Celia. The start of his career was exemplary and he felt like he really came into himself.
Around 1845, Hyacinth had a dalliance with Princess Lacha. Soonafter, he also discovered one of the royal family’s secrets while on a mission to the Seelie. He knew it was exactly the sort of secret that would land him on the Tithe, but he was also too honourable not to tell at least Lacha that the Seelie knew it. With his life between his teeth, Hyacinth chose to put his Court first. Lacha kept this secret too, finding his honour somehow striking. When Lacha became Queen, she did the best she could: she called off the affair, removed Hyacinth from a Knighthood spent trading in secrets, and chose not to Tithe him. Instead, she shared the secret and washed her hands of it. Though it hurt Hyacinth to no longer be a Knight, he appreciated the gift of his life. He then became a renowned herbalist for the Unseelie and distant friend of the Queen. When another Knight was Tithed in 1970 amidst the cold truce of the Courts, Lacha asked him to be a Knight again, since she could trust him to be honourable. Hyacinth accepted, and all has been well—until recently, when Hyacinth inferred who Camellia’s true father was during a conversation with Lacha. His face gave him away, and he knows that she knows that he knows. Hyacinth doesn’t want to be Tithed—especially not after finding his love, Elise—but he can’t ask the Queen to stay her hand twice.
GAME UPDATE 06/21: In 2018′s annual An Fidchell battle, Elise was chosen among the Elite 5 in the hopes of staying the Queen’s hand and preventing Hyacinth from being on the Tithe as was her wish. Unfortunately, Elise was killed by David Ventura. This both continues his danger on the Queen’s Tithe and makes his heartfelt loss acute. Now, to try and escape the Tithe next year, will he ingratiate himself again to Queen Lacha, or join Jasper’s Fox Rebellion?
Knight & Bartender.
Knights are known for “the gentle art of letting someone have it your way.” They are the diplomats, the emissaries, the ambassadors between Courts. Though valuable assets, both their secret dealings and the propensity to shoot the messenger makes the job dangerous. Hyacinth goes to the Seelie Court on missions for the Queen; when not focused on a mission, Hyacinth’s a bartender at the Rookery and has their spy, Zinnia, reporting to him.
David: Hyacinth doesn’t know the extent of the effect of David’s wish, but assumes it was pretty thorough. That being said, he doesn’t care. Elise was willing to die to save Hyacinth’s life and that sort of love is rare and beautiful. Hyacinth will hunt David down and ruin his wish—ideally by luring him back into Playing once more.
Aster: The other bartender at the Rookery often with him, Hyacinth has begun a tentative friendship with the Alchemist’s Apprentice. Aster seems a little wide-eyed, despite all his edgy trappings, and Hyacinth has considered giving a guiding hand, knowing Malachite can be—complicated—to get along with.
Sorrel: Sorrel is a thorn in Hyacinth’s side. He doesn’t like disliking people, but Sorrel purposefully makes it difficult to get along with him. Hyacinth doesn’t know why Sorrel has it out for him, but he’s determined not to let whatever is up Sorrel’s ass affect his own missions or his relationship with the Seelie Court.
PLAYLIST 1. Chrysalis // 2. Alive // 3. Bloom
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Hyacinth is portrayed by Alfred Enoch. The faceclaim is NEGOTIABLE. Hyacinth is currently OPEN and AVAILABLE for application.
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