vigilantdesert · 1 year
❛  do you mind if i use you as a pillow?  ❜ or ❛  i promise to never let you down.  ❜ from the fluffy sentence starters :3c !!
"Of course not, little bird." Urbosa smiled softly, brushing a knots out of Zelda's hair with her fingers, It was good to see her godchild unwind - finally - on the road. Their travels were... Well, if she'd learned about them sooner, she and Rhoam would have had a very long chat about parenting techniques, let alone political strategy. Never-the-less, she'd managed to at least lessen their intensitiy. Rather than a week to get to the Spring of Power and back, they had three, something that would hopefully help Zelda come to their power and, Goddess-willing, still their anxieties.
"Here, let me make this easier." She reached across her chest and delicately unstrapped the pauldron from her shoulder. The Gerudo were not precisely a cuddly people, especially not with armor as part of their everyday attire. Maybe it was just as well that Urbosa could feel her body soften with age... She grimaced a bit at the thought, vain as ever.
She settled back against the tree trunk, their vantage point giving them an excellent view of the village beneath them. They could distantly hear the sounds of day-to-day life, horses braying, the chorus that formed when a hundred voices all talked at once, and vague industry keeping Hyrule's citizens busy.
After some time soaking in the air and atmosphere, Urbosa leaned her head against the birch behind them.
"we're still two days away from the spring... we could probably take a day of rest in town if you'd like."
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possets · 1 year
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@hyliacursed sent : ❛ You know, I don’t even want to ask what you did with it. I just want to say… nice work. ❜ ( accepting. )
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the it they were talking about being the lone moblin that patrolled the field — and the what he did with it that they wished to not ask about, being disemboweling the creature's corpse to rob it of its innards postmortem. that had been baizhu's goal from the start, despite how uncharacteristically gruesome it was for him; in truth, it was something he did not enjoy, hovering over the body and slitting it open while it looks up at him with still - wet eyes. however, he had read that its guts do wonderfully for medicine — which he had already previously tested.
it wasn't as if the organs of another creature being used for medical purposes was at all unheard of, but the bones of hyrule offered little . . . alternatives to doing it himself, any place where he could simply buy the guts from those more iron - willed than he was, so that required him to get his hands dirty.
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" is that praise? i'm honored, " he said with a tone deceptively light, " i am not so weak that i cannot handle a single moblin, though. at least not today. "
he then put a bottle filled to the brim with thick red liquid into their hands, smile as sweet and nonchalant as ever. inside the bottle rested medicine, still bitter but he did manage to slightly sweeten it with some flowers and berries he found around the wilds that he confirmed would not neutralize the medicinal properties any — he figured they would appreciate it if it felt a bit less like it was boring a hole in their throat on the way down.
" here. this potion should cure any minor ailment immediately — small wounds, aches, what - have - you. "
aside from the flowers and berries, however, the guts of that moblin were the bulk of that potion.
" . . . are you certain you do not want to ask? " he asked with just the slightest sly lilt in his words, " the process is actually quite interesting. "
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halfmaskshadow · 1 year
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Don’t worry about it :)
This hasn’t left my head for like three days so please accept a lazy shitpost
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petervel · 3 years
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❛ narnia,   narnia . . .   ah.   king edmund the just ? ❜   well,   peter  did  know this would happen,   at least   —   still,   he’s almost a little guilty as he peers down at the list in the guard’s hands ;   though no more than edmund himself,   who’d argued with peter for over forty minutes in his bid to prove himself capable of being the  first pevensie  to visit hyrule   ( stubbornly blind all the while,   of course,   to the fact that the entirety of their exchange had taken place while edmund sat in bed,   his face even paler than usual )  .
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❛ er   —   no,   sorry, ❜   he starts ;   though in some ways,   he isn’t sorry at all.   hyrule   —   like narnia   —   is a  far cry  from london,   and he cannot help but feel as if he’s tumbled through the doors of yet another wardrobe to engage in this visit :   every breath,   it seems,   is pure magic.   it’s certain,   then.   ed’s going to be absolutely  furious  about having missed this.   ❛ peter of narnia.   edmund is unwell ;   i’m attending in his stead. ❜
❛ peter of . . . ❜   at last,   the guard’s eyes widen in recognition,   and peter smiles graciously   ( if not a little self - consciously )  .   ❛ welcome to hyrule,   high king peter.   right this way,   if you please. ❜   peter is ushered into the castle as he conveys his thanks,   and in the moments before he passes out of earshot,   the guard speaks once more   —   but not to him.   ❛ narnia sure is trying to  impress  the princess. ❜   though he raises a brow rather surreptitiously,   he knows better than to comment.
in any case,   distraction comes rather easily once he walks into the ballroom and immediately comes face to face with said princess.   ❛ your highness, ❜   peter begins,   dipping into a polite bow at the waist.   ❛ happy birthday.   i have something for you   —   i’ve heard you enjoy reading. ❜   he lifts the package in his hands,   wrapped in brown paper and  intricately braided  threads of twine that at this point look more like a work of art than mere fetters ;   he can’t exactly take full responsibility for the idea,   but he knows that no library is complete without a compendium of narnian fairy tales   ( leather - bound and dusted with gold foil,   naturally )  .   even if zelda is too old for such stories,   he thinks,   one day they will be old enough to enjoy them again.
                                     plotted  starter  for  @hyliacursed​ .
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revaeli · 3 years
❝ this is war — not a test. ❞ ( feel free to choose & delete any of them btw i will just send multiple hehe )
ghost of tsushima starters
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“did i ever say it was a test?”  the rito champion snapped back.  did he ever say it wasn’t a war?  did he ever say he didn’t understand the stakes,  as though it were a game?  as though he didn’t care?
    (as though there weren’t those he cared for at the end of the growing calamity?  as though he didn’t worry himself into a frenzy of their survival?)
if only to make himself taller,  revali launched himself upwards with a swift beat of wings and landed upon a sturdy tree’s branch.  his bright emerald eyes were narrowed as though with fury.
he snapped,  “i’ve known the grip of a bow since i was a child.  i’ve known war since i was a child,    moblins devouring my peoples’ bones.”  with an agonizing vividness he recalled a memory,  a memory of the realization that a father he barely knew could not be offered even a burial.  the rito champion offered only a cold little smile,  doing what he could to repress any show of the shuddering beats of his heart which his body longed.  the battlefield he was used to;  this was another.  
“you accuse me of treating this as a test,  while you flutter about with your worthless machines?”
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scarfbond · 3 years
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@hyliacursed​   ❝ i can handle this. i’m tough. i grew up with nuns. ❞
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          HE REGARDS THEM  with little more than a glance, eyes as blue as the sky on a sunny day filled with a strange ice to them, a cold gaze far different from respite from a warm day ; a biting, freezing cold.  how his eyes hold such light in their color ; how his eyes can be so bright  &  mistakenly lively at first glance, yet somehow resemble that of the undead  &   forsaken souls that wander about just outside the decrepit cabin.
          HIS INTEREST  in them is quickly lost, gaze averting to the knife he cleans grime away with a rag. it’s a well used hunting knife that he’s held onto for longer than he expected, though one that’s gotten him  ( & their majesty )  out of many predicaments in the past,  &  in the future. the knight, now, has little need for it -- with his own arsenal of weaponry ranging from the SWORD he was strangely captivated by, to his collection of firearms,  &  a much sharper, newer,  &  really . . . . more useful knife.  (  one that, admittedly, he could give to them . . but he wants it. so it’s his. )
          LINK ISN’T ONE TO WASTE,  however,  &   so he’s returning the blade to its leather holster, clipping it in  &   tossing it to zelda silently, without warning. their bat has . . . seen better days, let’s leave it at that, a back - up would do them good. god forbid the splintering, barely-more-than-kindling-at-this-point, bat BREAK during a fight  &  render them without anything besides the pistol.  he’s always preferred blades, now that he thinks about it. 
[   I told you I wasn’t going to toss it.    ]
          HE BARELY SUPPRESSES  a roll of his eyes, recalling a small argument had earlier over finding the new, sparkly knife --  &  link wanting it.  ‘ you already have one! ‘  well, he wants this one. 
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bransles · 3 years
@hyliacursed​    //    sc.
if only what these two were up to did not have to be kept secret from everyone lest they both get in trouble  ( though,  honestly,  zelda would likely only get a slap on the wrist while octavo would be the one to lose his livelihood ),  or else he would have demanded that this be considered charity work.  poor,  lonely prince who seldom ever got to leave the castle,  sneaking out with the court musician,  to a bar,  no less  —  definitely a scandal somewhere in there! 
he tells them to stay close behind him,  try not to be separated in castle town’s nightly bustle,  brick grounds packing full of people either returning to their home while they ask for their sorrows of the day to turn to rain in the gray clouds overhead,  or people continuing their day long into the night with merriment.  the milk bar only gathered crowds on certain days  —  which was nice either way.  it is home to a stage where local musicians often perform for the patrons  —  where octavo had his humble start before clawing his way into the walls of the castle to sit among true - blood nobles he swore were deaf.  how nostalgic.
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“ here we are, ”    he motions to the bar once the two step through the doors,  almost like walking through a threshold with the way the atmosphere suddenly changes.
“ enjoy yourself,  of course  —  but do remember to at least . . . moderately behave yourself,  as well. ”
as in,  it would be awful for the both of them if the young highness were to draw too much attention to themselves.
“ now  —  i will allow the honors of your first drink being on me,  hm? ”
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vigilantdesert · 1 year
𝐁𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐀𝐍𝐘 𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐒 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐇 𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐋𝐘. italicize what makes them uncomfortable. ↳ repost, do not reblog!
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the dark ⋆ fire ⋆ open water ⋆ deep water ⋆ being alone ⋆ crowds ⋆ confined spaces ⋆ open spaces ⋆ change ⋆ war ⋆ failure ⋆ loss of control ⋆ powerlessness ⋆ prison ⋆ blood ⋆ drowning ⋆ suffocation ⋆ public speaking ⋆ forest ⋆ the supernatural ⋆ heights ⋆ loss ⋆ dying ⋆ death ⋆ love ⋆ intimacy ⋆ rejection ⋆ abandonment ⋆ the unknown ⋆ the future ⋆not being good enough ⋆ scary stories ⋆ speaking to new people ⋆ poverty ⋆ loud noises ⋆ lack of noise ⋆ being touched ⋆ forgetting ⋆ insects ⋆ dogs ⋆ snakes ⋆ illness ⋆ doctors ⋆ thunder storms ⋆ being watched ⋆ eyes ⋆ being vulnerable ⋆ needles or pointed objects ⋆ clowns ⋆ mirrors ⋆ isolation ⋆ shouting ⋆ change / fear of change.
tagged by: @sapientiiae tagging: @hyliacursed @luxdea @corferox @miss-polly @archaeval @adventuroushero @legendarylullaby @gloryseized @askganondorftobadragmire
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ajstking · 3 years
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𝐁𝐔𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐒 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐔𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 was what Edmund excelled at, but there was something far more personal about this attack. It was in his own WESTERN MARCH they were attacking.  He hurried into the room with much haste. Still enough time for a bow (for he was the only asking for help).  The people of Narnia and more specifically the Western March were in danger.  The worry would not move off the young king’s face until the threat were gone. ❛ Your Highness, thank you for seeing me. I wish I was here for our usual bickering. Narnia is in trouble once more with the Giants attacking the West.  Our armies are struggling with holding them off.  Is there any chance you may help? ❜
                   𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋                    :             @hyliacursed​
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lightumbra · 3 years
it was an ache in her heart that woke her. a sorrow that penetrated even the still of death and facilitated her return in ghostly form.
she knew not, at first, what it was that caused such sadness within her -- what turmoil called her forth -- and so she wandered the castle aimlessly. it had changed quite a bit since her passing, a fact that came as no surprise, but some things remained the same. most notably, the wagging tongues of the castle staff and the quickness with which rumors spread in the stone halls.
it was from the servants that she learned of an impending terror, of champions intended to defend the land, of a princess and her personal knight. and the more she heard of the princess, the more she understood her own return, the anguish that called to her from beyond the grave. 
it was night when she approached -- it was when she felt most comfortable, more real and less a specter of a distant era. twili markings glowed faintly through her gloves, and she could not help but wonder if her newly acquired affinity for the twilight had anything to do with midna.
a pause outside of the princess’s study -- what would she say? should she introduce herself? rumors were already spreading of a strange woman wandering the corridors. oh, how she hoped she would not scare them.
a breath (she did not need to breathe. her chest moved all the same) before she passed through the door -- a feeling that became no less strange, regardless of how often it happened. a long moment passed before she spoke.
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“they put far too much pressure on you, don’t they?” perhaps an introduction would have been better, but these words were the first she could find. “the burden of saving an entire kingdom...should not have to rest with just one person.”
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hylianfailure · 3 years
@hyliacursed​​  ––––– *yeets this at you*
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“ brother , will you be coming with me to the temple today to pray ? i will be leaving exactly in 4 hours   &  16 minutes . ” she had such an odd thing with numbers . “ i have taken the liberty of making us some snacks as well , only something light if we get peckish –– although i suppose i should have waited for your answer before making you something . . . ” her words became quieter  &  quieter before stopping all at once . talking to zelda ( –– or rather , macaire , middle names used as firsts as none dared break the scared tradition of daughters being named zelda ) was hard . 
she would not dare hate her sibling , no , hylia . . . blessed their mother ( goddess rest her soul ) with not one , but two beautiful children . then why . . . did she curse her sister’s very existence in sudden thoughts ? ( if i did not have to split my soul with you –– i would be a perfect servant to hylia already ! why can’t you just go away ! ) 
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“ . . . or do you plan to escape the castle again ? father was quite cross with you last time . if you are then . . . might i ask you to  . . . take me with you ? ” genevieve smiled sheepishly  &  drearily at her twin , trying her best to reach out to her –– to connect without a hymn or pray between them . twins were suppose to be the same , weren’t they ? then why was the only things they shared where their names  &  the crushing pressure .  
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cairspian · 3 years
hello everyone my apologies i’m mostly brainrotten of caspeter for now but i’ll get to reading everyone’s rules before following back and messaging y’all for plotting once my bitch ass brain calms down
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petervel · 3 years
text   →   @hyliacursed​​ .
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( to :     cellmate )     i warned you what would happen if you didn’t load the dishwasher ,     you tosser .      ( to :     cellmate )     attached image :     the dishwasher is now in zelda’s bedroom .     
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revaeli · 3 years
❝ first, get some rest. this is killing you. ❞
ghost of tsushima starters
they’d caught him by surprise,  of course.  the rito champion swore he would rather himself be torn apart by moblins than allow someone to see him like this,  breaths heaving and limbs aching after unruly and poorly-controlled wind currents launched him not into the skies but into the nearest rock ledge.   he’d fluttered back to the pinnacle of his private training ground,  and the sight of them was barely enough to instill some vigor into tired wings to commit to something which resembled a landing.  
they can’t see me,  he thought.  not like this.  
now that night was beginning to fall,  he could see an occasional stray bokoblin awakening and trudging against the snow.  he turned away to conceal mortified,  vexed tears threatening at the corners of red-painted eyes.  he swore he was a champion,  not a fledgling in need of a bone to be mended.  
“no,  no,  i could make it out of this mess,”  he proclaimed,  clenching his prized bow between sharp talons as he fluttered into the air once more.  “there’s a cabin at the foot of the mountain.”  and then,  he added,  “i’m more worried about having to drag your corpse all the way to rito village if this goes wrong,  so hurry up.”
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hyliacursed · 3 years
                   an update from this thread with @bransles​
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a royal decree
issued on this day by his royal majesty,    king rhoam bosphoramus hyrule of hyrule kingdom co-signed by the venerated royal chancellors of the high court
hear ye,   those who dwell the royal castle of hyrule,     all of which are under ceremonial oath     ---     those hath vowed to keep our proximity safe  &  impervious from any harm,     ill will,     &  danger towards all nobles  &  those who find themselves walking our honourable grounds.     the hallowed talents of our bards,    musicians,      &  burgeoning poets hath always proved to reliably provide an indispensable service towards the upkeep of our public morale,     especially amidst our time of need      ---     it is music,    poetry,    their proficiently crafted performances that we turn to as mere people with an  intrinsic  appreciation  for the arts,     regardless of our stature.   
it is of utmost importance that all ye  refrain  from interfering with their most anticipated presentations before the royal court.    any of ye who dare threaten a valuable artist’s life  &  vitality will be tried  &  accordingly sanctioned,     depending on the gravity of the crime   ---    may even be sentenced for  reckless  endangerment.     as per yesterday’s incident,     an investigation will ensue  &  all ye who are circumspect will be brought into question.     we will find the culprit  &  deliver those affected to his rightful justice.
all cuccoos will be confiscated  &  banned from the castle grounds for the time being.     if one sights such a bird within the local area,    notify the nearest guard for collection.     poultry goods will be supplied instead by our closely affiliated poultry producer in castle town until further notice.     we urge our chefs  &  other staff stationed in the royal kitchen not to provide any of our high quality food for reasons undisclosed,    &  for any suspicious requests to be reported to the authorities immediately.  
it is within our hopes that our servicemen are better treated with their hard-earned respect,    &  the grounds within these walls of good repute are  honoured  as a place of alacrity.     treat each other with kindness,     &  i strongly urge ye to refrain from behaving like animals.   
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bransles · 3 years
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@hyliacursed​ said : “ what if i told you that i, myself, have heard a rumor that i’m keen to share with you? ” with their back to octavo, they turn their head towards the slightest angle --- regarding him with a curious stare at the corner of their eye, “ i heard it's your special day today...   but i don’t really have much in the way of getting anything specially made for anyone most deserving, ” one might think that they sound apologetic, but when zelda fully turns, they start walking up to octavo with a mischievous grin. their hands are cupped together as if something is resting on their palm shielded  from his view. it’s probably a frog. or a cricket.    //    unprompted ( birthday boy ).
to be honest,  he did not expect any acknowledgement of his birthday from zelda.  he hadn’t told them,  so why would he?  it is not the young highness’ place to concern themselves with the birthdays of those in the court.  not that they ever seem to have any care for what is considered their place,  but no royal or those nobles just a step below had ever bothered to wish him so much as a happy birthday.  not that it bothers octavo any  —  fellow members of the court on his level have given him plenty of that,  a couple even singing for him and those he had managed to be more amicable with giving him some small gifts  ( of course,  if octavo had it his way,  he would be pampered with the spotlight for the day and as many gifts as his arms could carry back to his quarters ).
so when they bring it up at all,  octavo is surprised,  to say the least.  the halls of hyrule castle have ears,  and that included theirs as well,  it seemed.  a couple people had probably been talking of his birthday,  and zelda happened to pick up on it.
“ oh,  i was not expecting anything,  really,  so it is quite alr — ”
his words are cut off as they turn towards him,  lips curled into something sly.  cunning.  hands in front of them,  cupping something obviously small  —  and something just tells him it isn’t a lovely necklace or nice pair of earrings,  or anything he actually wants.
. . . did a sound just come from their hands?!  what poor,  hideous creature do they have trapped?!
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“ y - yes,  so as i was saying  —  i need no gift from you!  truly! ”    he backs up as they approach ever closer to him.
oh,  hylia,  he needs to escape.  and quickly,  before he has something probably gross crawling on him or attempted to be shoved in his mouth.  and on his birthday!  the cruelty!
“ back!  stay back,  i said! ”
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