#hyoro x reader
ctheathy · 8 months
Hyoro reacts to fatally injuring his Darling
Hyoro x Reader
Heavy Angst Scenario
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Heavily inspired by A Truly Dreadful Experience by wyverian-lady525 <3 Go check her out~!!
[Gender-neutral Darling|Female Darling|Male Darling]
Hyoro/Reader [Romantic]
Potential ⚠️TWs⚠️ :
!Reader’s demise! • Minor details of blood+guts
Hyoro looked mortified by what he had done. His eyes were wide, horrified by the scene playing out right infront of him. His breathing pace was in unison to your own and it was a complete miracle he didn't suffocate to death yet. He was shaking in his spot and wouldn't budge no matter how much his White Monoblos softly nudged him with its nose, trying to get its rider’s attention. It was like he was frozen in place, frozen in time...
All he could was stare in horror at the bloody mess infront of him. And it didn't help in the slightest that he could clearly smell the blood coming from his Monoblos companion, the dark red liquid visible on his monstie’s massive horn and scales. He, too, was completely soaked. His emerald armour was covered from head to toe and he could feel the substance making his clothing stick to his body. He glanced down at his hands... surprise, there was noticeably blood visible on those too and he was fighting every single urge in himself that just wanted to break down crying. Everything was just a permanent reminder of his deeds. A permanent reminder of his own lovers blood on his hands.
Tears were prickling in his eyes as he saw you twisting and turning in your lying position, as Avinia tried to keep a comforting grasp on your body who was currently doing everything it could to keep itself alive. He noticed you desperately gasping for air, wincing every time a little bit of air filled your lungs. Twitching as the pain overflowed you and as more blood poured over the grounds below... All while your peers desperately tried to keep you from losing too much blood, the massive hole below your lung being far too big of a wound for a high chance of survival. some guts were even scattered across the ground, making the scene all the more gruesome and traumatizing for anyone around.
Hyoro could feel himself getting closer to the verge of absolutely losing it every time a sob or another movement of pain left your body, a sad attempt at trying to ease the unending pain that your nerves were signalling. His own breathing was getting more unsteady with the second the more he looked at your dying silhouette. His teammates, Cheval and Mille were just trying to pull him along, scolding him and yelling at him in the process. Seemingly just wanting to flee from the fight for once and for all. And this distraction seemed like the perfect opportunity to do so.
It wasn't until he noticed your hand shakily moving upwards that he noticed you were trying to get his attention. He wanted to get close, hold you, mourn over his actions and apologise. But his cowardness held him back on a leash. He could hear a somber sob leaving your mouth once more, before you forced some words out of your vocal cords. “H-hyo...ro...” your vision was blurry as your eyes seemed to grow more teary the longer you looked at the male infront of you. It was like looking at a stranger. “...d-don’t leave... please...” you practically begged as you tried to force yourself up, wanting to go to him yourself, but briefly being put back down by the sheer amount of pressure on your body.
Hyoro’s heart was shattering into pieces, letting out a small gasp at your call to him, especially considering the fatal state you were in. But one harsh pull from Cheval was all it took for Hyoro to let out a loud cry, turning around and mounting his monstie to flee the scene. Tears drenching his face along with his shaky form clinging to his white Monoblos in a desperate search for comfort, but nothing seemed to remove the current guilt and pain that was eating him alive. Resulting in him running away from his problems and responsibilities like he always does. Even as it left his mind and heart crumbling in the process. Leaving you behind distraught and letting you down for one last time ...
You just looked to the side as you lost your view on the boy you loved, trying to ignore the circumstances despite it being impossible. A singular tear dripping down your cheek and your breathing only became weaker. Your eyes grew droopy and heavy as your heartbeat was getting slower and slower. It had gotten to a point where you were barely breathing at all, only occasional heartbeats pumping the blood through your veins. You were growing ice cold ... Your companions and monstie desperately tried keeping you conscious. But you seemed to have given up. Even with your failed attempts to grasp some air back into your system, You tried calling out his name for one last time ... only for you to choke up on your own breath. Your allies begged you to speak up on what you were trying to say, just wanting to hear your voice for one last time.
They never did.
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wyverian-lady525 · 1 year
Oh, you bet😤 you used to be at my mercy, and now ... You shall receive the power of S P A M
May I have my three bois Cheval, Hyoro [Also still depends whenever you’ll full on write hcs for him or no <33] & Kyle with a naturally shy and blushy Reader. Like, literally five seconds of eye contact alone already causes them to cover their face in a red mess.
BUT, now comes the more interesting part; they can be put into a massive state of confusion due to the heat and sudden temperature changes, which also makes their behaviour do an absolute 180°. Like instead of the usual reserved demeanour they hold, now they'd get a whole lot more touchy, being close enough that their noses are almost touching, much more direct with their words, without realisation letting out sentences that unintentionally sound suggestive/flirty and would literally just pin them to a nearly wall.
May or may not be curious to what their responses would be to that happening for the first time in their case, cause I do know dam well these three gonna be redder than Satan himself. Let's also not have them in a relationship just yet just to worsen any given reactions, si?😏
I like this! XD Hope you enjoy!💖
Cheval, Hyoro, and Kyle React to a Naturally Shy and Blushy Reader
-He would figure this out after you fell off of a monstie. Cheval was letting you try and ride Rathi for a bit, but something happened, and you fell flat on your face. He didn't think twice about helping you up and inspecting you for cuts or bruises. This resulted in unnecessary eye contact and closeness of faces. It was enough for your secret that even you didn't know about to slip as your face went extremely red, the heat getting to your head.
-You began to act unlike your reserved self, face going redder than Cheval's hair. It might be nerves, shyness, or something else entirely, but you can't stop yourself from getting closer or saying things. Like, does he know how beautiful his eyes are? They're like the eyes of a wild wyvern. You couldn't stop your words or actions as you got closer to him. In fact, he was leaning back, and you were practically on top of him as your noses nearly touched. You felt different, and perhaps that's what prompted your actions, but your nerves were in control now.
-Poor Cheval was at a loss for what to do. From his perspective, you were really coming onto him. He never expected you to flirt with him, and it really made him evaluate how he felt about you. But that compliment about his eyes really drove him over the edge. Now he was as red as his hair. Having something be physically attractive to you made him feel weird. Was it the start of a crush? Who can say? Either way, he's going to watch his actions and yours from now on.
-Poor Hyoro is always at a loss for words and can hardly make eye contact himself. You were naturally reserved as well, so things worked out nicely when you guys traveled together. However, there was always the struggle of foraging. Communicating what to grab and who was getting what. One time when you guys were gathering berries, your hands accidentally touched. He was quick to pull away, but the contact alone was enough to make your face go red. In fact, your face got redder and hotter than he's ever seen in you before.
-Your behavior is what shocked him. Usually, the two of you keep to yourselves, but you couldn't stop yourself from saying things and getting closer to him. And it continued for a while, like even when you guys set up camo and started a fire. Now the heat of the fire was combining with the heat on your face. Your side was practically pressed to his, and you were busy brushing his brown bangs out of his face, which always covered his eye. You couldn't stop yourself from complimenting his freckles, unknowingly calling them cute. You felt shy yet happy at the same time, allowing your actions to speak for themselves.
-Now Hyoro is already naturally shy, so add in what you're doing, and we have a recipe for disaster. He would clam up and his face would get so red that he could go to Cheval and brag that his face is redder than his hair. If you liked him, which is how things were coming across to Hyoro, he wasn't ready for that. In fact, the poor man might faint if you keep this up for much longer. He takes note to keep his distance from you for a while once things come down. Hyoro doesn't think he could handle going through that again.
-Kyle is normally a cocky and confident person, but he too can get flustered easily under certain circumstances. That said, you were a little reserved, so you guys got along good enough. But there's also time where you guys get into little squabbles, and by that, I mean Kyle gets irritated by something that happened. It leads to him lecturing you, staring you in the eye as he tries to get his point across. However, the hunter is unaware of the effects it's having on you as your face goes red and hot.
-It's suddenly like he wasn't just scolding you because suddenly you were an entirely different person. You couldn't stop yourself from taking closer steps towards him until Kyle was practically pinned against the wall. You then cupped his face in your hands and complimented his looks. In your eyes, it felt totally innocent. But to anyone else, it looked very flirtatious. People probably thought you guys were an item. They didn't realize you were acting out of shy impulse. You felt like you needed to do something, and this was the appropriate action for said feeling.
-But Kyle's confidence has all drained away since you took that step towards him. It was funny how easy it was to break him, especially when he felt like he was the one in control. But now his face was all red as a weird feeling went through him. He wasn't used to receiving any compliments from anyone, and it made him feel awkward. Kyle was trying to get you to stop the whole time because people kept giving you guys knowing looks, and he didn't need this misinformation to reach his family. When all is said and done, he warns you to never do that again. But we all know that his threats are hollow.
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wyverian-lady525 · 1 year
HellohelloHELLO darling, I hope you’ve been okay, happy Easter, I swear It's been a century-
In case memories are fuzzy, person who always requested the reader to be this close 🤏🏻 to dying here lmfao, I’m finally back into the game with my essays babiee.
Can I maybe get some good ol’ headcanons for Cheval, Lilia [I'm guessing people in her position get access to monster eggs for protection of the city, perhaps?] and possibly Hyoro and Mille if they’re not too much trouble, who hatched this egg; only to find out that the monster (of your choice ofc =}) inside seemingly has a conjoined twin. Making it’s survival rate extremely low and making it painfully fight for it’s life every minute or so, to the point the said characters consider taking it’s life as the most humane thing to do, especially as they cannot give it the proper care it requires to survive due to their busy nature.
But that’s where us stubborn mfs step right in, a non rider insisting to take good care of the poor beast until it can stand on all fours without the urgent care [Looots of handfeeding, I presume?], basically going days without sleep and any basic human//wyverian needs just to make sure the monstie’s possibly getting everything they can give in their power in order to make it survive.
Welcome back! Cute idea! Every monstie deserves love!❤️ Hope you enjoy!
Lilia, Cheval, Hyoro, and Millie Hatch an Egg that Contains a Monster with a Conjoined Twin
-Since she isn't a rider, Lilia obtains abandoned eggs or eggs that riders can't keep in order to use the monsters inside as hunter training in the arena, or if a rider is willing (like her friend Cheval), train the monster as protection for places. She isn't used to taking care of any monsties, and she doesn't have a kinship stone. So, when the egg hatches and sees the monster inside, she is absolutely terrified.
-A Tobi Kadachi...but it seemed to have a conjoined twin.
-The monster was barely surviving with all the mutations and physical deformities it had. Lilia knew it would be no use in a fight because of that, and all the pain it was in. It could hardly control its powers, with sparks flying everywhere now and again. Lilia is in a commanding position so she's super busy, and she knows that the smart thing to do would be to put the monster out of its misery. So, she employs Reverto to do so.
-But then you come in to save the day.
-You aren't a rider, but you know that every creature deserves a right to live. Since she is so busy, you managed to call off Reverto and decide to take care of the little guy. It requires a lot of energy sapping from your end, but the monster needs constant care and attention. You have to give a lot of physical therapy and a lot of handfeeding. Also, you would sleep with it when it got all whiny. It might never get trained to the extent that she wanted it to be, but at least it got to experience a life. With your stubborn care, it will get better.
-With Rathi, Cheval never really finds a need to hatch many other monsties. He had a Velocidrome, a Nargacuga, and a Great Baggi, but he only ever uses Rathi as his monstie. However, if he sees an egg that is abandoned or in a stressful situation, Cheval will hatch it and take it in. He figures that a monster will always have a good life with a rider that's willing to take care of it. So, when he finds a familiar-looking egg in an old looking nest, he feels the need to take it in. But the monstie inside isn't what he was expecting.
-A Rathian...but it seemed to have a conjoined twin.
-It was disturbing for Cheval to see a monster in such a position because he's never seen one like this before. The physical deformities made him wince, and the sounds the poor thing was making just made his heart hurt. Even Rathi crones at the poor little rathian. Cheval could take care of a healthy monstie, but a monstie like this would require constant attention that he just couldn't provide. He knew the humane thing would be to put the baby down and out of its misery, but Cheval didn't think he could do it. The little monster looked too much like Rathi for him to even raise a weapon to do so.
-He was lucky that you came around.
-You were stubborn enough to take the monstie for yourself. You weren't a rider, so you had no other monsties to take up your time. He helped you out when it came to advice on what to do with basic care. It needs all the help it can get from you, so you do a bunch of hand feeding and physical therapy. Cheval tries to help you in any way that he can, but you were stubborn to deal with this on your own. Plus, he's busy in his own ways. But maybe one day the little conjoined rathian will grow to be Rathi's size. You can only hope.
-He is someone that doesn't have very many monsties to begin with, Zinrai being his main one, but Hyoro is also someone who is also extremely anxious. There's only so much that he can handle before he absolutely has a panic attack. However, Hyoro also has a big heart, so he can't ever abandon any egg that seems to be in distress. But sometimes he takes on more than he can handle, which leads to this egg situation that he has now. But when he hatches the monstie, he freezes.
-A Great Jaggi...but it seemed to have a conjoined twin.
-Hyoro begins to panic immediately because he doesn't know what to do. He is now responsible for this monstie that is absolute pain and distress due to its physical abnormalities. It's not that he's overly busy, but he doesn't think he's capable enough to take care of this monster. Every time it tries to make a call, it just cries out in pain. It breaks his heart, and many of his friends have told him to just put the Great Jaggi down, but Hyoro just couldn't. He didn't have enough strength to take the life of a baby monster.
-He's so thankful for your appearance.
-You took the monstie from him, being as stubborn as you were. Not being a rider meant you had time for this monster, especially since it required so much of your time. You can't remember the last time you slept, but it was all worth it to see the little guy get stronger. You had to mush and prepare food and help the monstie through physical therapy. But Hyoro was happier each time he saw the baby monster getting stronger. It made him feel better in the end.
-She is a free spirit that likes to rush about in search of adventure. Millie and her Seregios, Legion, fly all about not really stopping to hatch other eggs. However, she is a rider, and that means that sometimes she can't stop herself from helping an egg now and again, especially when it seems like a challenge to get. Mille always appreciates a good challenge. However, when an egg she finds hatches, she gets more than she bargained for.
-A Nargacuga...but it had a conjoined twin.
-The sounds and cries of this monster were unlike anything she's ever heard before. The sound of pain is too intense for her to bear. That, and the physical demands of this monstie required more than she can give. No offense, but she isn't a babysitter. Millie needs a monstie that is capable of growth when she is not around. She knows it would be hard, but she thinks about putting it down. It would be best for both parties. The monstie would be free of pain, and Mille would be free of the task to worry about it.
-Luckily, you showed up and saved its life.
-You didn't appreciate what Lilia was trying to do, and being as stubborn as you are, you snatched it away from her. You weren't a rider, so you didn't understand the viewpoints on this, but you knew that everything deserved a chance to live. So, you took plenty of time to nurture the young monster so it could stand on its own feet. You would handfeed it and so forth. She would check in now and again, and was pleased with the progress, but she knew you were keeping the monstie to yourself. At least until it could survive comfortably.
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wyverian-lady525 · 1 year
Alrighty! Thank you for the unbelievably fast answer<3
How abouuut. Hyoro fatally injuring the reader (who's been crushing on him and is overall still extremely kind to the antagonist trio when they went against the other characters.) by accident when they try convincing him to come back home, but end up trying to use force because he kept resisting.
Kind of along the time when he teamed up with Mille and Cheval to try and stop the Black Dread themselves? You know, when Cheval was in his long-lost sibling of Sasuke phase💀 Considering all he truly wanted was to impress and be accepted by his brother, it seems like a rather interesting idea of him harming somebody who he wasn't holding any grudges against, would he feel guilty or would his already overwhelming emotions just continue taking control over him?
Hope this request isn't too difficult!! Otherwise absolutely don't feel pressured into doing so, perhaps you making the decision whenever it would be a oneshot or headcanons could make it less challenging =)
Thank you so much! I will try my best with this! Hope you enjoy! and gosh, I am so glad they brought them back to being good❤️and I am curious with this idea with Sasuke Cheval as well XD
A Truly Dreadful Experience
Hyoro didn’t mean for it to happen. He truly didn’t mean to.
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“Genie! Let me handle this!” You shouted at the older rider from your place on the back of your monstie.
Right now, Cheval, Hyoro, and Millie were at Dovan Volcano in an attempt to kill Ratha, who was infected with the Black Blight. It was a fight between sides. Genie and Stone went after Hyoro and Mille as Lute dealt with Cheval. You and Avinia were staying back.
That was until you saw that Hyoro and his brother were about to charge one another on their monoblos. It made your heart twist.
You see, you’ve had a crush on the timid rider for a while now. When you all were training as riders back in Hakum, you couldn’t help but find him adorable. Even now, your crushing hasn’t stopped. So, you intervened, Genie allowing you to take the reins (truthfully, he had faith in you to get his brother’s senses back).
And you felt like you could.
“Y-Y/N? Please, don’t get involved here.” Hyoro practically begged you. His white monoblos growled at your monstie, who hissed back.
“You need to come home Hyoro. Surely you know this is wrong.” You tried to convince him. The timid boy looked over at his teammates who were currently beating the crap out of their opponents.
Hyoro just gripped the saddle horns.
“I...I made my choice...I’m asking you to respect that...” He said as kindly as possible. Despite the rift that’s grown between everyone, Hyoro couldn’t bring himself to be rude to you.
However, you just couldn’t accept that as an answer.
“I can’t! I’m sorry Hyoro, but I want-No, I need you to come back!” You shouted at him, urging your monstie to sprint forward. If he wasn’t convinced by your words, you felt that force was the only other option.
Hyoro couldn’t truly want to kill monsters with Cheval, could he?
But as your monstie rushed at him, ready for you to grab at his arm, his monstie reacted. The white monoblos threw its massive head, the horn scratching at your monstie. However, you were also pierced in the process, right below the lung.
Your whole life and future flashed before your eyes as you witnessed blood drenching the white scales. Your monstie was thrown back, and you were thrown even further. Whimpers came from your monstie, but you were just struggling to breathe yourself.
Everyone, even Cheval, seemed stunned from what just happened.
“Y/N! I never meant-!” Hyoro already hopped off his monoblos variant, even scolding the beast before trying to get over to you. However, his brother and his monstie stopped him. Avinia went to tend to you instead.
“You’ve done enough here, Hyoro. Go. Just run off like you did before.” Genie said before moving to see you. Hyoro, hearing his brother’s subtle threat, just stayed where he was. The entire battle was forgotten as Stone and Lute came over as well.
Navirou, who author-chan wanted to forget, fainted.
Avinia lifted you slightly, a bit of blood dribbling out of your mouth as Stone applied bandages to your wound. Hyoro could hear mutterings of “you’re gonna be fine” over and over again from Lute, and Genie just look horrified when he finally took in the situation at hand.
Meanwhile, Cheval and Mille moved away, both feeling semi-responsible (not so much guilty) for the fatal incident that just occurred. 
“Let’s go, Hyoro, while they are distracted.” Cheval told him in an emotionless tone before hopping on Rathi. 
“B-But-” Hyoro tried to say, but Mille rudely interrupted him.
“No buts. Y/N will be fine. Things like this aren’t a priority.” She told him before getting on her brute tigrex. This was the first time in his life that he wanted to scream and shout at his companions. 
How dare they tell him that you aren’t a priority. Do his feelings mean anything to them?
Hyoro was torn. On one side he knew that he should flee with his companions when they had the chance. They had a job to do that shouldn’t be ignored because of an incident. On the other hand, this was you. His friend, his...anyway, he was responsible. He wanted to make sure that you were okay.
If you died here...the guilt would tear him apart.
As he was fumbling with his decision, his companions irritably waiting for him, he locked eyes with you. They were weak and barely opened, but there. And perhaps it was his imagination, but Hyoro thought he saw a slight smile.
Like you forgave him and understood that he needed to leave right now.
He knew that you wanted him home, and he knew that if he complied then this never would’ve happened. However, he was afraid, this he knew well, and it kills him inside. Curse his cowardness. 
But even so, he mounted his monstie and left with the others, the sight of your e/c eyes forever haunting his mind. One day he will come back to you because he will have seen the errors of his choice. That this wasn’t the righteous path.
However, at that time, it may already be too late.
Time will tell.
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ctheathy · 11 months
Current drafts + inbox requests
Current requested amount [×] = 69
Personal project amount = 30
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[Just to put everyone’s mind at ease and prevent paranoia <3]
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💚Headcanons [66] :
yan. Sully+compliant!Darling hcs ×
yan. The Lamb//Lambert hcs ×
yan. Sarvente&yan. Ruv+flirty yet shy!Reader hcs ×
yan. Miko//Moesky hcs ×
Faker Sky&NuSky&Moesky//Miko&OG Sky&Scott jealousy hcs ×
NuSky+female!Reader ×
NuSky&Faker Sky+Girlfriend alike!Reader hcs ×
NeetBlue+Darling whose the opposite of her hcs ×
Sonic+introverted!squirrel!Reader hcs ×
Tails general hcs ×
Tails NSFW hcs ×
Zails+human!Reader hcs ×
yan. Hologram Tails//Hollow hcs
Tails&Nine&Mangey&Sails when you cry hcs ×
yan. Nine+affectionate!human!Reader hcs ×
yan. Nine+physically affectionate!Reader hcs ×
yan. Nine+shapeshifter!Darling who mimics his tails hcs ×
Nine+younger sibling!Reader hcs ×
Nine+Reader who travels with Sonic hcs ×
Nine+jealous!Reader hcs ×
Nine+yan. Reader hcs ×
Nine+two-tailed!Reader ×
Nine versus Kitsunami hcs ×
yan. Kitsunami+Darling who has feelings for Tails hcs ×
Nine+sweetheart!Darling hcs ×
Nine+hotheaded!Reader hcs ×
Miles [WWMH]+sweetheart!Darling hcs ×
Miles [WWMH] fluff hcs ×
Miles [WWMH]+childhood crush!Reader hcs ×
yan. Miles [WWMH]+childhood friend!Reader hcs ×
yan. Miles [WWMH]+female!Darling NSFW hcs ×
Secret History Tails+catlike!Reader hcs ×
Secret History Tails+isekai’d!Reader hcs ×
Secret History Tails+detective!Reader hcs ×
Secret History Tails+seedrian!Darling hcs ×
Secret History Tails&Miles [WWMH]&Nine+silent!scarred!Reader hcs ×
Flippy&Fliqpy+nature lover yet entomophobic!Reader hcs ×
Flippy&Fliqpy+Reader who has anger issues hcs ×
Flippy&Fliqpy+popstar!Reader that hypersexualizes themselves hcs ×
Flippy&Fliqpy+officer!Reader hcs ×
Bowser+stubborn!Reader hcs ×
yan. Kooky versus yan. Cheatsy hcs
yan. Dark Heart hcs
yan. Kennith Simmons+female!Reader hcs
Kennith Simmons+male!Reader fluff hcs ×
Kennith Simmons romantic+suggestive hcs ×
yan. Hyoro hcs
Itsy-Bits romantic hcs ×
Itsy-Bits+experiment!Darling hcs
yan. Rio Ranger&yan. Sei Satou&yan. Kai Satou+caretaker!Reader
Rio Ranger+sweetheart!Reader who took the bullet for him hcs
Rio Ranger&Laizer+Touchy feely Reader hcs ×
Rio Ranger without the death game hcs ×
Rio Ranger NSFW hcs ×
The Angel general hcs ×
yan. Little Demon&yan. Angel+oddly clingy!Reader who cares deeply for children hcs ×
yan. Eepop hcs
yan. Popee hcs
Popee+male!Reader hcs ×
Kedamono+nurturing!Reader hcs ×
Great_Day pining hcs ×
Lord Tirek versus Discord hcs ×
Redson+Fire-wield!Reader who has ADHD hcs ×
Claude Frollo suggestive hcs ×
Monkey King romantic hcs ×
Claude Frollo NSFW hcs ×
❤️Oneshots [26] :
The Unlike One to Blame [The Angel x Reader]
The True Owner of your Heart [Hellpark Pip x Reader]
The Shameless in Shambles [Hellpark Pip ,, Hellpark Gregory x Reader] Guardian Sinner [Pip Pirrup x yan. Reader]
Coffee holds Nothing with You around [yan. Tweek Tweak x Reader]
The Secret Anti-Cupid [yan. gijinka!Sugar Sprinkles x aromantic!Reader]
Council of Cancellation [Sonic x Reader] ×
Burglar of Berserk [Nine x kidnapped!Reader] ×
Stuck on Cloud Nine [WWMH Miles x nine-tailed!Reader] ×
Digit of Delight [Secret History Tails x Reader //Suggestive//] ×
My Bright Light [Secret History Tails x pregnant!Darling] ×
Isekai’d Imbecile [Secret History Tails x Reader]
Lookalike Heartstealer [yan. Secret History Tails x Reader]
Unfitting Outrun [yan. Sonic x Reader] ×
[Shadow x Reader] ×
[Sonic the Hungry Hero x Reader] ×
[Mangey x Reader //Suggestive//] ×
[Pinkamena x human!farmer!Reader] ×
[Red Son x Reader //Suggestive//] ×
The Last of Her Kind [yan. Chrysalis x unreformed changeling!Reader]
The Doll Who Gained a Heart [Rio Laizer x deceased!Reader]
You're the Treat to my Trick [Kennith Simmons x Reader] ×
Rightful Start to Recovery [Kennith Simmons x male!Reader] ×
Outsmart the Outrageous [Chae Yul x Reader]
Unchargeable Battery [Satou Matsuzaka x Reader]
Unreliable Double Trouble [Sun (GH'S - Two Face) x Reader]
🧡Scenarios + Drabbles [03] :
Tails variants react to Darling’s demise
Tails variants react to Kitsune!Reader ×
Hellpark Philip reacts to seeing his past crush ×
💜Alphabets [00] :
None yet!! Try requesting~
🩷Storylines [07][long hiatus :(] :
Saviour of Honour [WWMH Tails x Reader]
Code for Corrupted Calculation [Various!Sonic Prime x Reader]
The Anchor Display [Gijinka!Manga Marx x Reader]
Mandatory Monstar-osities [yan. Bang x Reader]
A Magnetic Diversion [Dark Heart x Reader]
Bind of Broadcast [Popee x Reader]
Eternity of the Flying Dread [yan. Knuckles the Dread x Reader x Sails | The Flying Dutchman AU]
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I am really sorry for not making any progress lately. None of you are getting ignored, I promise I'm seeing everything you guys send in for me. And I'll definitely keep on adding the requests that do not go against my current rules. But I'm kind of burnt out and brain-dead at the moment, so yeah.....
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wyverian-lady525 · 2 years
Monsties React To Sick Rider Headcanons
The Non-Riders (Kyle, Reverto, and Lilia) React to Anti-Rider Sentiments
These Peeps (Kyle, Reverto, Cheval, Yoomlana, Ena, and Alwin) React to a Nergigante Monstie
The Hunters (Kyle and Reverto) React to The Rider Having a Chill Valstrax
Prompt #38 and #98 (Kyle and Reverto)
Prompt #18 (Kyle and Reverto)
Happy Valentine's Day? (Cheval and Kyle)
Dress To Impress (monstie)
Some Friendships Can Transcend Lifetimes (Alwin, Ena, and Red)
That Little Ratha Plush (Alwin, Ena, and Red)
Rutoh Villagers React to an Injured Alwin, Ena, and Zellard
A Tale of Two Men (And One Oblivious Rider) (Alwin and Reverto)
Fight Me (Cheval and Kyle)
Alwin and Ena Parental Unit Headcanons
Bird With a Broken Wing (Ena)
Little Angels (Zellard, Ena, and Alwin)
Oh Baby? (Alwin and Ena)
Friendly Competition (Lute and Cheval)
It’s All in The Hips (Kyle and Reverto)
First Impressions (Kyle and Ratha)
A Flicker of New Life (Ratha)
Baby Instincts (Ratha)
The Rathalos Greeting (Ratha)
If Places Were Switched (Kyle)
Rivalry At Its Finest (Cheval, Kyle, and Alwin)
The Greatest War You Will Never Know (The boys)
Just a Drawing (Cheval x Reader)
Scaramouche X Nergigante Rider Male Reader {Genshin Impact x Monster Hunter Crossover}
All Tall and Stuff (Reverto and Cheval)
How Does One Be Funny? (Alwin and Cheval)
Tsukino and Navirou Headcanons
All the Love and Support (Ena, Zellard, Alwin, and Maolo)
Get Off of My Back
Get Off of My Back (Part 2)
A Disease Like No Other
Meowrdon Ramsey
Torn to Shreds
A Pampered Brute Wyvern
A Pampered Brute Wyvern (Part 2)
Rathi Being like a Mother to Ratha Headcanons
Millie and Hyoro Headcanons
Like Kids Again
Ride ‘em
The Channeler 
Avinia’s Children Meet the Waifus (Kyle, Reverto, Cheval, Alwin, Lilia, Ena, and Kayna) and Her Brother, Gale Headcanons
Family Duties
Fear The Shadows
If the Rider World Had a Groupchat...
A Truly Dreadful Experience (Hyoro x reader)
Hoarifying Times
Armed To The Teeth
Saved From Being Scrap
Saved From Being Scrap (Part 2)
Ratha Keeping His Small Black Wings Headcanons
The Stories Gang Needs a Break
Lilia, Cheval, Hyoro, and Millie Hatch an Egg that Contains a Monster with a Conjoined Twin
Cheval, Hyoro, and Kyle React to a Naturally Shy and Blushy Reader
The Hunters (Kyle and Reverto) with an S/O That's Cute and Soft, But Becomes the Polar Opposite when Mad
Switched (Ena, Kyle, Tsukino, Navirou)
Can You Hear The Siren Call? (Part 1)
Can You Hear The Siren Call? (Part 2)
Can You Hear The Siren Call? (Final Part)
A Hellish Friend More Like (Lilia, Cheval, Reverto)
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