#mhst2 lilia
wyverian-lady525 · 1 year
Sooo basically there was a report about a Hellblade Glavenus in Lamure, so Lilia and the scriveners (accompanied by Revertbro) head out to go find it, instead of a rampaging deviant however, Lilia finds herself with a female rider about her age huddled up next to, low and behold, a Hellblade Glavenus, but as soon as she sees Lilia and the group she starts having a full-blown panic attack, clinging to her monstie in fear which makes the Hellblade VERY defensive, which now nobody can approach her without the Hellblade getting involved, and if Lilia tried to force her, she’d be getting a very long lecture from Cheval and the Hakolo rider combined. So after a while of trying to tell the girl it’s okay, she finally follows along however the Hellblade is absolutely glued to her side and still very protective. Once interviewed, the Hellblade rider explains she had a very traumatic experience with a group similar to the scriveners, which is why she acted out
Leaving the rest to you >:)
Interesting idea! I hope you enjoy!
A Hellish Friend More Like
Lilia gets reports of a dangerous deviant monster in Lamure. However, instead of finding said monster, all she finds is a very scared rider huddled close to her monstie.
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When Lilia got word of a dangerous Hellblade Glavenus running rampant through Lamure, she was extremely worried. People traveled through that land with families and goods, usually unarmed, which would be a death sentence if this deviant found them.
"Where's Reverto? I told him he needed to be here." Lilia asked her band of Scriveners that were accompanying her on the journey. Most of them shrugged, but on spoke up.
"He said he was going to meet you out there. Had to prepare or something."
Lilia wanted to call bullcrap on that, but she just kept her mouth shut and continued her own work before they left. But he better show up, or otherwise he was going to regret it. Lilia didn't have time to find another hunter. But just in case, she sent a letter out to Cheval to come and aid her. She knew he was reliable in that aspect.
And with that, they all got ready to go.
When they arrived out in the dry plains of Lamure, Lilia was surprised to see Cheval and Reverto with each other. Rathi was snoozing at the moment before raising her head once she noticed Lilia.
"I'm surprised you actually showed up." Lilia said to Reverto, who looked appalled.
"Hey! I may have a bad rap sometimes, but I'm not gonna leave you out here with a dangerous monster on the loose." Reverto moved to defend himself, making her roll her eyes. Then she turned to Cheval.
"Thank you for coming on such short notice." She said to her friend and he nodded.
"Always happy to help." He said with a smile. Reverto then moved and put arms around both their shoulders.
"Let's get a move on!" He said almost too excitedly.
When they all started moving across the area, Lilia felt it was too quiet. Cheval and Rathi were in the lead with Reverto, she was behind them, and the rest of her Scriveners took the rear. A rampaging deviant should be a lot more noticeable; burn marks, tracks, dead monsters, anything to give the presence of something large and dangerous.
But there was nothing.
However, Rathi then got the scent of something, and took off into the underbrush. Lilia and the others were quick to follow the Rathian as her attention was drawn elsewhere. After a few moments, the commander reached the area first, and nearly ran into Rathi as the monstie stopped in her tracks, looking on edge.
Lilia followed the Rathian's gaze and saw a young woman that was around her age. But that wasn't the most shocking part.
Beside her was a Hellblade Glavenus monstie. This girl was a rider.
It took only a second before both monsties noticed each other. The Glavenus deviant hissed a little, getting to its feet. This got your attention as well and you locked eyes with Lilia. The two of you stared at each other as the monsties held their ground.
"Hello. I'm Lilia." The brown-haired woman stated professionally: "I heard that there was an aggressive Hellblade Glavenus causing problems."
"..." The girl didn't say much of a word, but things didn't look too serious after all. For a second, Lilia figured that this job was going to be easy.
"Listen, I'm going to need you to-"
But when Reverto, Cheval, and the rest of the group showed up, you went into a full-blown panic.
"Get away! Get away from me!" You shouted in absolute fear as the group encroached on you. Your Hellblade roared furiously, causing even Rathi to back down as you clung to your monstie's side. Your monstie continued to snarl and hiss, and you were huddled up next to her, shoulders shaking as you held back tears.
"We need to get that girl to come with us." Lilia said to Reverto, who looked unsure about the whole thing.
"I don't know Lils...I think if we left, the situation would handle itself." Reverto put his two cents in, noticing your behavior as well as your monstie's. However, the commander wouldn't listen to reason.
"Please, just go get the girl. We need to have control here." Lilia ordered, ignoring the defensive stare your Hellblade monstie was giving. The group of Scriveners tried to approach you by force while also trying to cause as little harm as possible.
However, this just caused the Glavenus deviant to actually attack.
She scorched up her tail and fired a shot at the Scriveners. This caused Rathi to rush forward and retaliate. An all-out fight broke between the monsties, and Reverto grabbed his sword just in case things got any worse than this. Cheval ran forward and tried to hold Rathi back as she roared at your monstie.
"Lilia! Stop this! Something is up and you're just making it worse!" Cheval shouted at her.
The commander bit her lip for a second before heeding her friend's words. The group of Scriveners quickly backed off and allowed both you and your monstie to breath.
"Let's all calm down for a second, yeah?" Reverto said as Rathi and the Hellblade Glavenus, still growling, went back to their respective riders. Your breathing was still rapid, but you were able to look up at the group now that your monstie was back by your side.
Yet, your eyes were still full of fear.
"Listen, we don't mean you any harm. We just want to talk." Lilia said calmly and everyone offered a kind smile despite the fight that broke out earlier.
"You're okay. But please, come with us." Lilia tried again, and your eyes flickered towards Cheval, the only other rider that was with the group. He offered you a smile.
"You can trust her. We just want to keep everyone safe." He added, and you finally looked like you calmed down a bit. With shaky legs, you stood up using your monstie for support.
"Alright...I'll come..." You said, Cheval's words convincing you over anyone else's.
"Thank you." Lilia said softly and ordered everyone to head back to Lulucion. Reverto took the lead with the group following behind him along with Lilia. Cheval stayed back near you with Rathi ahead of him.
However, you were taking a slow pace with your monstie glued to your side. Anytime someone got close to you, your Hellblade monstie would growl. She was still extremely protective of you after the events that just occurred. But there were still questions that needed to be answered.
And Lilia hoped she would get answers in Lulucion.
Once they got to the Guild's place, you were still very on edge, holding your monstie close. Your Glavenus deviant was even more of edge, looking around at everyone and everything as well as tensing up and growling each time you flinched. But things seemed to calm down a bit when it was just you, Lilia, Reverto, and Cheval in a room.
"Do you think you can give us a bit of an explanation as to what happened back there?" Reverto cut to the chase before Lilia could even speak.
"I'm Y/N...and sorry, M/N is rather protective of me...She probably got overwhelmed and worried..." You said, placing a hand on the monstie's side, which caused her to ease up a bit and nuzzle you.
"But why? Was it because of Reverto?" Lilia asked in reference to the hunter. But you shook your head, looking down at your feet.
"It's not about hunters, it's just...we had a bad run-in with a nasty group of similar to you guys in the Guild. Things went south, M/N got hurt bad, and they nearly took me away from her...It's why I acted the way I did...I was just scared of the same thing happening again..." You said, starting to shake slightly as your Hellblade Glavenus nudged you.
"I'm sorry...I had no idea...I..." Lilia tried to apologize, but you just smiled a bit.
"You had no way of knowing. I should've just spoken up from the beginning." You told her, easing up a bit and realizing these people weren't like the malevolent ones you dealt with previously.
"And I'll keep M/N out of trouble. I'll teach her to ease up a bit so no one gets hurt." You said when you remembered that this whole thing started with a dangerous Hellblade Glavenus.
"I appreciate that." Lilia said with a grin.
"Would it be possible if I stayed here for a bit? M/N is a bit overwhelmed and needs some rest." You asked sheepishly, and Lilia immediately agreed. Reverto shot you a grin as he bid his farewells, and Cheval came over to put a hand on your shoulder.
Your monstie growled a bit, but there was no lashing out.
"I'll show you were M/N can rest for a bit." Cheval said before leading you to the stables, your monstie very close behind. You felt comfortable in the presence of another rider, and he was kind to you.
"See you later!" Lilia called as she sat back in her desk. All the events that occurred today played back in her head, but in the end, she was just glad that no monster had to be put down.
All's well that ends well.
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yutopia-eleftheria · 2 years
MHStories Ships : Broken Up Couples
Cheval X Lilia
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Ever since they knew Cheval, both Lute and Lilia had a crush on their red-haired friend. However, Cheval considered Lute more as a friend by that time, and he will start to have a crush on Lilia, becoming overprotective towards her : The reason is that he didn’t want to lose her. Cheval already lost his mother, he didn’t wanted to lose another person he deeply cares for. But despite being with him and loving the Riders’ cause, Lilia decided to join the Scriveners after she meet Reverto and mostly Simone. Despite the distance, they kept contact as Cheval often come to visit her thanks to Rathi. But a few years have passed (the years between Stories 1 & 2), and they became the polar opposite to one another, and eventually break up. Despite all of that, they are still good friends and are not upset at each other as they both found someone to share their lives with.
Alwin X Ena
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Just like Lute, Lilia and Cheval, Alwin and Ena grew up together, they literally looked like siblings when they were younger. They were always hanging out together ; the two were inseparable. By the time the Rider met them in Alcala, they were already dating. Alwin was always highly protective towards the female Wyverian, he always wanted to be near her, to be sure she was fine. Despite all of this, this will not work well in the end... The events that happened with the birth of Razewing Ratha and Oltura’s arrival into the World put them apart, but way more than they could ever imagine. Ena will slowly have a crush on the human tsundere that is Kyle, and Alwin will immediately fall in love at the sight of Zellard’s long lost daughter, Lindorië.
Red X Zellard
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If there was one thing that Zellard never thought could happen in his long life, was falling in love with a human he knew ever since he was a young Rider. Red was a teenager when he met the Wyverians that lived in Rutoh, and during his youth, Red was always following Alwin everywhere he go (perhaps he had a crush on him but he never knew ?...) As Red grew older (in his late 20′s or early 30′s), he will start to have feelings for Zellard. Even if he was stern, Zellard’s shell broke to the young man’s kindness and charismatic aura, and he will soon understand that his heart has fell for the human he was most close with. Years have passed, they were secretly together for a while, they were glad that they managed to keep it a secret since they didn’t know how the villagers would react. But one day, Zellard had fallen ill, but it worsened drastically to a point where he almost died, going from a fever to cramps, caughing blood and low oxygen. It was said to be a tumor, but little did they know it was something else, something that if Zellard knew about, he would have immediately lost it...
(Try to guess what happened to Zellard, and you can find the answer on the Wyverian Headcanons + Answer will also be in the comments for those who don’t want to go back on the previous posts ;)
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damnwyverngems · 3 years
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MHStories2 Expression Illustrations: Lilia.
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katyvern · 3 years
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.I decided to draw the Jack o challenge but it was suggested by a friend that I do Lilia from Monster Hunter Stories 2. So I did, she's probably just stretching.
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namakes · 2 years
MHST2 headcanons
By which I mean Lulucion crew + Simone, since I’ve been thinking about them lately (and writers block is preventing me from finishing anything).
Under the cut since it ended up being… longer than intended. I could probably write more but. We’ll stop there for now. Tungle may have done funky things with my bulletpoints, but hopefully it doesn’t go too weird…
Simone - 6’5” - 29y/o
Captain of the Scriveners, Simone is a caring person and an excellent leader. Her memory and knack for finding out just about anything make her suited to the role as Captain, and she has a natural charm that brings people in.
This also makes her popular, mostly with women, and people generally assume she’s experienced in romance. However, she’s never actually been on a date. She says she’s too busy or away too often.
Simone is originally from a village near Elgado, and sailed to join the Royal Scriveners when she was ~15 after a run-in with a Ruby Basarios.
Her earrings were a gift, and are made from Basarios crystal. They’re her most prized possession.
She met Reverto shortly after she joined the Scriveners, when he was a relatively new hunter looking for quests and their party needed a hunter. He didn’t like the konchu investigation. A few investigations later, and they’ve been best friends since.
Simone regularly brings back various rare bugs (or replicas) for him on her trips, though he hates it. It gives her a laugh (and she usually brings him something nice to make up for it).
A very slender woman with long limbs, long torso, and long fingers, this makes her appear almost willowy. Could be mistaken for your typical wyverian if it weren’t for the lack of pointed ears and number of digits.
On top of her height, she almost always wears high heels, which bumps her up a good 2-3”. Reverto asked why she needed them when she’s already so tall, but she says she likes them.
Loves traveling, especially sailing. Has a fondness for seaside towns and cities. Doesn’t like being inland for long periods very much.
Simone stayed at Lulucion for about a month to help Lilia get used to the commander position, and to make sure the change over went smoothly. She felt a touch of pride at how fast she adjusted to the job.
She has a bit of a soft spot for Lilia and likes to give her gifts. Simone used to give her flowers, but now it’s mostly monster materials.
Generally calm, Simone sometimes gets excited when talking monsters (especially if it’s either new or strange). Can and will stay up very late reading if she gets absorbed in a report or book; has been known to stay up all night by accident and not notice until Pappan comes by to ask if she’s had breakfast.
It’s very difficult to make her angry, but she goes really quiet when mad. It’s best not to push her.
Can be somewhat touchy with people she’s close to (will rest a hand on Reverto’s arm or Lilia’s waist if she’s looking over their shoulder). They’ve mostly gotten used to it.
Reverto - 6’6” - 29y/o
A giant of a hunter, Reverto is well known both in and out of the Guild as a famous hunter. Kind and loyal, his love of naps in the sun (which is plentiful in the desert) gets him into trouble sometimes. He’s in Lulucion to look after Lilia on orders from Simone.
Roughly the same height as Simone when she’s not wearing heels (which is almost never), he still looks bigger because of his muscular build.
One of the few people who has seen Simone actually angry; Reverto says it was scary.
He asked Simone out once when they were younger. She laughed herself to tears (and apologized after).
Reverto has his own fans, both men and women, though he hasn’t had much luck with keeping a steady date.
Being from the desert, he hates the cold, and was a little grouchy when Lilia had him come with her to Loloska to get Razewing Ratha. She offered him a hot drink but he opted for a hot mist instead.
Likewise isn’t really a fan of sailing, and prefers traveling by caravan or foot.
Hates getting bugs from Simone; Lilia gave him one once too and he said something along the lines of “oh no now there’s two of her”
Lilia - 5’5” - 17y/o
Being commander at Lulucion, Lilia is serious most of the time, particularly in front of her subordinates (since she’s trying to set a good example). She can be a bit cheeky and has a very bright smile that lights up to her eyes, which usually comes out around her friends.
Lilia has been commander at Lulucion for almost a year, and is trying her best to follow in Simone’s footsteps.
Her combinations tend to be extremely potent; they work better than normal (a regular potion acts like a mega potion, etc.), but also taste stronger. That tends to make them very bitter or spicy to most people.
Being from a mountain range, the low altitude of Lulucion is a little strange for her. She’s been at sea-level for a while (having been mainly at Gildegaran the years prior), but she feels more comfortable at higher places. She loves airships.
Still daydreams about being a rider, and is thinking about trying to get a flying monstie to make solo travel quicker and easier. Lilia doesn’t want to leave it in the stables alone too long though, so she hasn’t gotten one yet due to the heavy work load.
Chief Omna did give her a kinship stone last time she was visiting home, saying it lit up when she came by (and thereby it must be hers). She isn’t sure if he made that up, but she’s happy to have a stone for when she’s ready.
Has gotten more confident as a person and Scrivener from her time as commander; however, she felt terrible about the Ratha incident. Reverto and Simone both assured her that it wasn’t really her fault, since none of them could’ve predicted riders attacking the lab or the hunters double crossing them. Lilia’s just glad it worked out in the end.
Tends to joke around with Reverto when other Scriveners aren’t around. They’ve become better friends since being posted to Lulucion.
Exchanges letters with Simone regularly while she’s away, keeping her updated on happenings in Lulucion (though Simone generally already, somehow, knows what’s going on) or her daily life. Lilia always looks forward to reading about wherever the other woman has been (or where she’s currently staying), and hopes someday she can travel with her.
As one of the main reasons she joined the Scriveners was to learn more and see the world, she loves traveling. New places make her eyes light up.
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ofpearlesce · 3 years
reverto was so good in mhst2 actually ! he was trying to help the whole time: trying to convince lilia, telling the rider he understands they want ratha back but they're going to have to prove themself and prove that ratha won't hurt anyone, talking about the kinship between monsters and riders, hello?? reverto Knows, reverto Gets It !
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wingsthephoenix · 3 years
📌, 🎶 and 💕 for the media hyperfix ask game if you're still doing it?
( media hyperfixation ask game ) 
📌 how did you find your hyperfixation? --- okay technically i’ve known about monster hunter for a while thanks to my ex but i only really got into it because of @mhst2​ and my boyfriend who got me into stories and world respectively. stories was where i REALLY fell into the pit after hitting a particular plot point and Ascending To A Higher Plane like hoooOOOOOOOO BOY
🎶 if your hyperfixation has songs/an ost, what is your favorite song from it? --- world’s character creation theme and the astera day theme give me The Serotonin... same w the victory theme from stories!!! its a melody that replays a lot and makes me die every time a lot of the battle themes in stories slap too but particularly the regular volcano battle music ... its SO GOOD and slaps SO HARD
💕 tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them!  --- UHHHHHHH. CHEVAL. HES BASICALLY SILVER POKEMON AND RIKU KINGDOM HEARTS COMBINED. HES REALLY INTERESTING BUT HE COULDVE BEEN WRITTEN A BIT BETTER?? HAD MORE DEPTH?? IDK MAN hes Good. lilia is also good shes baby and i love her. reverto is a Bro and hes Chill and hes Good. a lot of the characters are just. Very Good and i Love Them
send me another ask if you want me to go off about my protag, jasper because aaaaaAAAAAA I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!?!??!?!?!?!?!??!?! SOBS INTO MY HANDS
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wyverian-lady525 · 1 year
The Snowfall saga has a number of stories now (and I love it!!!), but what about our old windy friend from the Rehabiliation branch? Can I request a part 2 to Saved From Being Scrap? It is said that elder dragons are highly intelligent and have long memories. Several years later, it is now the steel dragon's turn to save the day when a research expedition goes south and ends up stranded in the hostile wilderness.
YES! I hope you enjoy!!
Saved From Being Scrap (Part 2)
When Lili's research team gets stranded in one of the most hostile forests around, an old face comes back to return a favor.
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It's been several years since the rescue of that Kushala Daora occurred, starting a new branch in the Guild that's main purpose was rehabilitating monsters. And it's been going well as several more monsters have been saved and released.
Now, with that well in motion, the Scriveners could go back to research.
The team, with Lilia at the head, went to go on an expedition to check on local monster populations in a small village near Alcala. However, there was a communication mix-up with the map, so the whole research team had gotten lost. And no hunters were able to join them due to a large elder dragon hunt that was occurring.
"I think...we're lost." One of them said, and everyone just groaned.
"We should've brought a hunter with us." Another said and Lilia sighed.
"We'll be fine guys. The forest here doesn't have any large monsters to worry about." Lilia tried to boost the moral of her team, but one of them started to look a little worried.
"Commander...I don't think we're in the same forest." He said, and Lilia looked around.
The trees were thicker, different, and the whole atmosphere was darker. All signs of small endemic life were missing, and to make things even better, a rain started to fall and fog up the area. Everyone huddled close. Lilia felt her heart skip a beat when she thought she heard something, but she quickly pulled herself together.
"We'll find our way back. Let's grab our things." Lilia told them. However, when they moved to do that, an ear-splitting screech rang through the area.
A Gore Magala burst through the trees, swiping and snarling, and completely busting up all the team's gear. The wyvern snarled at the team as they screamed. They had no weapons, no gear to their name, and absolutely no clue where they were.
"Run!" Someone shouted, and they all turned tail.
"Stick together!" Lilia ordered as she tried to keep an eye on all of her Scriveners. She could hear the Gore Magala huffing and puffing behind them, tearing through the forest.
While she was looking behind her, she nearly ran straight into her team who were all huddled together.
They were on the edge of a forest which broke into a grassland with plenty of tall mesas and large boulders. The rain was making things hard to see, but she noticed that all members of her Scriveners were looking at one mesa in particular. When she looked up there, she noticed a large moving mass perched on top.
It was now no mystery where all the wind and rain came from.
"Kushala Daora!" One shouted.
"We're doomed!" Another shouted when the Gore Magala broke out of the tree line closely to the right of the group.
However, as soon as the wyvern eyed the group hungrily, the elder dragon perched on the mesa swopped down and barreled the black wyvern over. The Gore Magala hissed and thrashed the Kushala Daora swiped at it, shoving it further back. The elder dragon roared and flapped its large metallic wings. The intelligent Gore Magala took a look at the Kushala guarding the research team and snorted. This wasn't worth the effort.
The black wyvern opened its purplish wings and took off into the storm.
"Well...that was weird." A Scrivener muttered as the clouds began to clear and sun began to shine through.
The Gore Magala may be gone, but the Kushala Daora was still there. And the research team realized that they had another problem on their hands as the elder dragon turned to face them. Without a hunter, they were extremely vulnerable. Everyone began to back off expect for Lilia.
"Commander! Are you insane?" One called out to her.
"No...I know who this is." She said before gently outstretching the palm of her hand. A few steps forward, and the elder dragon sniffed her hand before nudging it slightly.
"I recognize those wings...Hello again...Our inspiration." Lilia said through tears when she realized that this was the same Kushala Daora that they saved all those years ago.
"He remembered." Lilia told her team with a smile, and they all began to relax.
"He saved our lives!" They all said with glee, and the elder dragon roared. Immediately, they all flinched a bit, but they were still smiling. After so many years, the Kushala Daora who started it all returned the favor and saved their lives.
With shelter under his strong wings, the research team made it home safely.
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wyverian-lady525 · 1 year
Saving the world is hard work, and so is maintaining the peace between the guild's hunters and the world's riders. Can we get some head cannons or short stories of the gang and their monsties finally taking a few days off to relax on vacation away from the worries of the world?
I'll make a few headcanons, and if anyone wants a story based off these, I'll do it.❤️
The Stories Gang Needs a Break
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-You and Ratha are always in need of a vacation. However, instead of sticking in one spot, you guys kind of travel around everywhere. But what you really love to do when you take a break is go somewhere so vast and unexplored where no one can find you and camp. Just you, Ratha, and your other monsties.
-Navirou usually accompanies you, however, he has found himself hanging out more with Orgo at the Felyne Shelter, helping to rebuild the village. But during a break, he likes to fish.
-Tsukino will join him at some points, but she also sticks around with Kyle when she's needed on hunts. The felyne is also assisting Kyle's dad in his rehab to get back out in the hunt. But when she's taking a break, she'll be robbing the grillmaster of his meats.
-Kyle likes to camp when he gets some downtime or days off. It's a simple thing, but being able to enjoy the wilds without a daunting quest over his head is something he likes to experience. Sometimes Reverto will join him, making his vacation less relaxing.
-As stated, Reverto likes to join Kyle when it comes to camping, but when he knows he gets some days off, he will also spend time at the tavern with other hunters, basking in the glory. Napping is also a luxury he will catch up on as well as other hobbies.
-Alwin and Shaulk will go exploring. He's been confined to Rutoh for practically his whole life, and he wants to see more of the world on his own. So, this little wyverian figures out how to go to a village, find lodging for him and Shaulk, and survive around other people. Also, a hot spring is on his bucket list.
-Cheval and Rathi will return to Hakum Village to see his hometown again. Since he already travels around a lot, being able to take a vacation at home is something both him and his monstie need. Not only that, but he needs to return home for the yearly anniversary of his mother's death. But beside that, he takes time in building himself a house again.
-Lilia is always so busy that vacation time is rare, but when she does get it, she also returns home to Hakum Village. While she likes her job, it's always nice to come home and see her family. Not only that, but she wants to be there for Cheval during that anniversary. She feels like a kid again if they are home at the same time.
-Ena finds relaxation in just being with her people in Rutoh. After all her journeys with you, being able to be around the wyverians she grew up with is something she finds peace in. Not only that, but she finds comfort in writing about the whole adventure, telling the younger generation the truth about Ratha.
-Kayna's vacation with Avmar would consist of a trip off of Hakolo Island. She's been confined to the island being one of the senior riders, so a trip off would be a chance of exploration. No quests, no worries, just her and Avmar against the world. Kayna would feel like a kid again during this time.
-Avinia enjoys going to the hot springs with Frostfang, but not only that, she wants to visit a beach. A hot sandy beach that she can enjoy just like the hot springs of Loloska. Frostfang may have some complaints with that, but Avinia will make sure that he gets plenty of coolmist to enjoy the days with her.
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wyverian-lady525 · 1 year
(hi it’s The anon who asked for the trigun ask! :) could I ask for Lillia with an Outwardly confident and charming Fem S/O(preferably the rider from the first game but Its okay if not :) often perceived as way too laid back for the legendary rider and sometimes even considered slightly lazy-but is in fact super serious at her job- but has a ‘as long as the job is done I don’t care how it’s done.’ but they love to/flirt with Lillia gaining her exasperation (there is a lot more to them!)
Sure! I hope headcanons are alright! I couldn't think of a good story.💖
Lillia with An Outwardly Confident and Charming Fem!S/O Headcanons
-You've known Lilia since you guys were kids. Life started out as two girls just hanging out, but as you matured and the Black Blight ravaged the world, you guys became closer, became partners.
-You became the legendary rider who saved the world, way too big for your britches. Too some, this big achievement in your young life led to you being laid back and lazy. After all, saving the world was a huge deal, so you could handle anything, right? What's the point in getting all worked up over something.
-But to people who know you, people like Lilia (who knows you really well), you are the most confident and dedicated person ever. You are super serious about whatever task you are on, and prepped from monsties to items as to what you will need (thanks to Lilia actually). Your brimming confidence is what makes you seem so laidback. You just know you are going to do well.
-I mean, as long as the job gets done, right? Lilia is the one who makes sure you are prepared.
-When she became commander, you've been enjoying all the flirting with her. The scriveners who work under her all find it entertaining, and chuckle under their breath whenever you leave her a charming comment.
-It leaves her rather exasperated though. All red in the face as she struggles to say anything back to you.
-Of course, Lilia adores you and finds you charming for your nature. She's grown up with you and finds this side to be beautiful and special. She doesn't want you to stop, but she won't admit that she likes it.
-You push your flirting to get a smile on her face, but you really are just building exasperation in her. Lilia wishes you wouldn't do it while she's working, but you're still you which means you have to embarrass her now and then.
-But you are her legendary rider.
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wyverian-lady525 · 2 years
I've been looking respectfully at this blog nonstop for the last couple weeks while playing through Stories 2 and, frankly, everything I'm seeing here is working super well with my own personal takes and headcanons about the game and stuff. With this in mind, can I get some headcanons about The Gals (but mostly Ena) with a Female Rider S/O who can see the future/has a ton of knowledge on certain Monster species (aka looking up tutorials because i'm a scrub) and gets a ton of anxiety about fighting certain Rage-Rayed monsters? Thanks a ton! (Also, as I write this, I may or may not be currently stressing myself tf out about Crimson Qurupeco, Mizutsune and Lagiacrus rn lol, despite doing a lot of level grinding ^^;)
Thank you!💖I hope you enjoy! Mizutsune was ROUGH, I wish you luck my friend!
The Gals (Lilia, Ena, Kayna, and Avinia) with a Female S/O Who Has a Ton of Monster Knowledge and Gets Anxiety with Certain Rage Rayed Monsters
-You’re the kind of girl who Lilia greatly loves and admires because of your vast knowledge. In fact, that’s how the two of you first met. It was due to your knowledge of certain monsters. You were in the Guild, looking at all their almanacs, when she found you. Talking led to a relationship, and now Lilia relies heavily on you for advice on monster types. There are things you know that no one else, to her knowledge, has ever known about. It was almost as if you could predict a monster’s behavior.
-Naturally, she understands that you get terrible anxiety when fighting rage-rayed monsters. It’s not as if they are normal by any means. However, Lilia notices that your anxiety gets worse around certain monsters, like if a lagiacrus or some other leviathan that got rage-rayed.
-When this happens, Lilia tries her best to comfort you. Granted, she’s had some experience when it comes to comforting newbie hunters about monsters they have to fight, so she kind of knows what to do. Lilia just wants you to calm down enough to listen to her telling you how strong and brave you are. If that doesn’t work, she will gently hug you until you feel down. She will never panic herself and will always remain calm.
-With all her years of life, Ena never expected to meet a human woman whose knowledge exceeding hers. Granted, the wyverian never knew too much about monsters to begin with, but she never expected to find someone so studious. But with Ena, it seems that this extreme monster smarts just naturally comes to you. It was something that drew Ena towards you, leading to a relationship with the wyverian.
-Every time you started to talk about monsters that you find fascinating or that the two of you are just admiring from afar, Ena would stare at you like you are the only woman in the world. You could read a monster so well; it was almost like you could see the future.
-She understands the anxiety you get from rage-rayed monsters because she feels the same way. They are terrifying beasts with unnatural power, so your nervousness is understandable. Ena notices how each time you are about to fight, you seem to start shaking and shut down, especially when the monster concerned is one that resembles your own monstie.
-You love your monsties so much that whenever you have to fight a wild one, it breaks your heart. So, when you see the same monster species rage-rayed, you get incredibly anxious because you can only think of your monsties.
-Ena works to calm you down by holding your hand. She expresses her own feelings on the situation and tries to help you understand how you are the only one capable of doing this. If that doesn't work, she goes about telling you how she needs you to do this to help keep her and everyone safe. Ena ends her words with a kiss to your cheek.
-Kayna is limited in her monster knowledge, coming from Hakolo Island where monster species are small. She’s smart about the island species, but not much farther than that. That’s why she thinks you are one special lady. You are practically a walking encyclopedia. Kayna could ask you anything and you would know the answer, like you were some kind of physic. This is what starts the relationship between you two.
-She gets that you get really anxious around rage-rayed monsters. Kayna does as well, but she has Avmar with her to help. You might have monsties as well, but it doesn’t seem to quell your worries. She especially notices how you get anxious around rage-rayed monsters that were brute wyverns, like an anjanath.
-To make you feel better, Kayna would be her cheerful and motivational self. She would build up your confidence with many a hug and other gestures. She doesn’t like to see you so stressed, so she would do whatever possible to get you to take down that monster with a grin.
-Avinia would be impressed by your vast knowledge of monsters. She always loves when someone just understands these creatures on a deeper sense. It would take a while for her to warm up to you, but after you use your knowledge to warm up to Frostfang, Avinia starts to take a deeper interest in you. That’s how things start, and she always relies on you when it comes to assessments on monsters in the field. It was like you could read their minds. 
-She wishes you wouldn’t get so anxious when fighting rage-rayed monsters. Not because it annoys her, Avinia understands, but because she hates seeing you so stressed. She notices how you tend to get worse around certain monsters, like ones that would be deemed aggressively powerful by the Guild.
-To calm you, Avinia goes about it in a collected manner like she always does. She’s not too lovey-dovey about it and will mostly put her hand on your shoulder in a supportive manner. Avinia tells you that you aren’t alone in handling this and will be there to help you when you need it. She won’t let your anxiety get the best of you.
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wyverian-lady525 · 2 years
Can I get headcanons of the waifus reacting to the Rider who trained their Tigrex to fly? Like, straight up HTTYD style where the Tigrex can't fly 10 feet in the air on its own but with it's rider in the saddle, they can keep up with an Azure Rathalos.
The Waifus (Kyle, Reverto, Cheval, Alwin, Lilia, Ena, Kayna, and Avinia) React to the Rider who Trained Their Tigrex to Fly
-Kyle thought that he had learned so much, nothing else could practically surprise him. However, hearing that your tigrex can fly, well that makes him laugh. But then you show him, and boy Kyle is stunned. Apparently, being a flying wyvern, tigrexes are capable of flight (horrible thought), but they need assistance. You have a special saddle that helps your monstie to soar the skies alongside Ratha. The only thought that enters Kyle's mind whenever he sees that is that he's glad your tigrex is on his side.
-Reverto is terrified that your tigrex can fly like a full-grown rathalos. However, he's more afraid of the fact that they are capable of this. It really opens the hunter's mind to the impossible that he wishes wasn't possible. What really terrifies him is that, with your help, your tigrex could fly as fast as an azure rathalos. Minus the fire, thank everything. However, from a rider’s viewpoint, he can see where this could be useful. But as a hunter, the image scares him more than anything.
-Like probably everyone else, Cheval would never think such a thing to exist. However, he isn’t stunned or terrified like everyone else. He is simply wowed by your skill and compassion, helping your tigrex fly like that. Cheval would help out with your training, having Rathi fly alongside your monstie. But he is a little cautious of wild tigrex now, even though he knows they can’t do it on their own because of their biology. He’s just impressed by your ingenuity, learning the mechanisms needed to achieve this.
-Alwin is just stunned. He tries to approach this from a rational point of view, saying how this can’t be physical possible. But the more and more he witnesses you flying your tigrex, the more his rationality goes out the window. Alwin feels like he’s living in this fantasy world, but it’s real. However, he’s learned to embrace the impossible, so he should learn to embrace this as well. That doesn’t mean he has a panic attack every time your tigrex flies alongside Shaulk. It fills him with a sense of unease.
-Of course, Lilia the all-knowing would declare this as impossible. A tigrex cannot fly because of their biology. It’s never been documented, end of story. Then you come in exclaiming your tigrex can fly, and she laughs, humoring you by asking to show her. Imagine her reaction when she was proven wrong on something she was certain about. It would fill her with a sense of awe and dread. After all, a tigrex can fly, but it cannot do so without the help of a rider. The whole thing sounds like a storybook, a young rider helping a tigrex to fly.
-Ena is always open to the impossible, or what seems impossible. When you told her that you think your tigrex can fly, she was with you all the way. The wyverian might not be a rider, but she helped make you a saddle that would achieve such a goal. Low and behold, your tigrex can fly, and not only that, but it could keep pace with the other flying wyverns. It was kind of a goofy sight, considering it hasn’t ever flown before, but Ena was supportive all the way. She never once doubted that this was possible.
-Kayna humors you when you say your tigrex can fly. I mean, she doesn’t want to believe that a fearsome monster like that can traverse the sky. She laughs, waiting for you to say that it can swim as well, but your serious expression shuts her up. That’s when you show her its newfound skill...and speed. She’s in shock, that’s for sure, but soon gets over it. In fact, she even wants to ride with you and see this from your perspective. Also, Avmar gets a tad jealous that he doesn’t have wings and can’t fly.
-She just downright doesn’t believe you, thinking you are trying to pull a fast one on her. Avinia doesn’t like to be fooled, so she just ignores you. That is until she sees you on your flying tigrex with her own eyes. It’s stunning, majestic almost, but she refuses to apologize for not believing you. Even when you give her a smirk while flying beside Frostfang, she continues to be strong. Eventually, she begins to show interest in how you learned that or figure it out. It’s not an apology, but it’s all you’re getting.
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wyverian-lady525 · 2 years
modern au of a riders (involving Ratha rider reader) groupchat head cannons?
I can try this!❤️
If the Rider World Had a Groupchat...
-It would be chaos. There would be screaming, crying, and perhaps a bit of blood. No one would be safe in this groupchat. It would consist of you (Ratha’s rider), Kyle, Reverto, Cheval, Alwin, Lilia, Ena, Kayna, Avinia, Navirou, and Tsukino.
-You would be the one who starts it, confusing everyone by adding them on without consent. You would also be the one who uses it the most and bothers everyone, Kyle most of all. In fact, you, Navirou, and Tsukino all like to pick on Kyle. Also, you always post pictures of your monsties or what you were doing that day. 
-Kyle is just the grumpy one on the groupchat. He is also the one who tends to leave when things get too chaotic. This is the time when you would also force him back on and he would get all cranky. If Kyle ever posts something about his day, you will find something to tease him. Thus, an aggressive convo breaks out between you guys and Kayna always says your flirting.
-Reverto would be the mediator in the groupchat. He normally steps in to offer his opinion on a topic or to break up any aggression between you and Kyle. Also, he will post a ton of selfies of himself, causing people to aggressively scream-text him to stop.
-Cheval is probably the most peaceful one on the groupchat. No one ever picks on him, and he always offers nice opinions and advice. He only shows up once and awhile. Cheval also gives a lot of Rathi updates and pictures because she is his pride and joy.
-Alwin is the silent observer. No one ever sees him say anything in the groupchat, but he always knows what’s going on. Sometimes people forget that Alwin is even on this groupchat because no one talks to him, and he never says anything. However, if he has to say something, it usually ends up being in some form of long paragraph. He’s that guy.
-Lilia is just the inquisitive one who always corrects everyone else. She can never say anything jokingly and she will never respond to a joke. Lilia also gets upset if Reverto posts pictures without her permission, which he always innocently does. People get irritated when Lilia enters the chat because she is just facts incarnated.
-Ena is just the pleasant one in the groupchat. She is always there to bring everyone up, and she is the only one who doesn’t attack Kyle. Ena will also post cute nature photos on the chat that everyone loves. Also, whenever Ena comes on, Alwin usually follows just to ensure that no one picks on her. But he still doesn’t say anything.
-Kayna is absolutely chaotic. You and her together are just asking for trouble since you guys are rather alike. If Kyle starts to verbally abuse you, Kayna will swoop in and protect you. She also is the type to always text with caps lock on, making it look like she is constantly screaming.
-Avinia is like Cheval in just being chill on the groupchat. She will look to see what is going on, and perhaps she will respond to people. Sometimes it will be to thank someone or compliment or tell people to knock it off because they are blowing up her notifications. You can imagine her profile pic is Frostfang.
-Navirou gets blocked from the chat. He is the one to type out mini sentences which results in nearly twenty notifications blowing up your phone. You guys have blocked and then unblocked him several times.
-Tsukino rarely uses her own account and just hacks into Kyle’s instead. She loves to mess with him, and this is exactly how she does that, by invading his privacy. Sometimes she uses her own, but then it’s just embarrassing her hunter further.
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wyverian-lady525 · 2 years
The guys and gals reacting to a Malzeno monstie? That thing is nuts
Haven't fought it yet, but I'm excited to!💖
The Waifus (Kyle, Reverto, Cheval, Alwin, Lilia, Ena, Kayna, and Avinia) React to a Malzeno Monstie
-Horrified. Absolutely horrified. Elder dragons have always been freaks of nature to him, but malzeno seems to defy all nature of science. He's legit afraid of your monstie because Kyle just doesn't trust it. The hunter jumps at every movement your malzeno does. He's just not a fan of vampires, and it probably has something to do with his brothers scaring him when he was a child.
-Fighting with your monstie scares him even more than being in the presence of it. The fact it can practically teleport from one place to another while attacking will definitely be in his nightmares. There were times that you've seen him run and hide during a battle. Seriously, your elder dragon terrifies him in ways you've never seen before.
-Malzeno is one of the few elder dragons that he's never even seen or heard of. Reverto has only heard horror stories from Lilia and even then, he wasn’t really listening. However, what stuck with him is that this elder dragon has the power to drain the life of both monsters and people alike. How freaking awesome it that! He isn’t afraid of your monstie at all. In fact, he looks forward to watching it absolutely destroy things.
-That said, actually fighting alongside your malzeno is kind of scary. It doesn’t seem to care who’s on its side or not, and basically just tries to kill everything in the vicinity. The hunter is surprised with how physically strong it is due to its lithe appearance and learned not to underestimate it after getting flung into a wall. Still, he thinks it’s very cool and learns to respect it. Those little red things that fly around it are the only thing that scares Reverto. They remind him too much of insects.
-He isn’t actually surprised that you managed to bond with a malzeno considering your past history with other dangerous monsters. That said, he’s worried about your monstie’s power. Cheval has seen what powerful elder dragons are capable of and considering your monstie can drain the life of others, he’s worried. Still, he’s learned to trust the bond of a rider and their monstie, so that’s where he’s putting his faith when it comes to your malzeno.
-However, despite Cheval’s worries, he respects that you are an incredible ally in battle. Somehow, your malzeno and Rathi work quite well together. While you’re strong and fast, she’s able to distract. It’s a perfect combination. Plus, your malzeno seems to like Rathi quite a bit, sensing a calming vibe from her. For some reason, it refuses to be aggressive with her. This behavior is relieving to Cheval. Although, it confuses him greatly.
-The wyverian is both intrigued and horrified by your malzeno monstie. He’s never seen anything like it before but knows for sure it’s an elder dragon. Alwin actually keeps his distance as he studies your monstie. Not in a creepy way but in an Alwin way. He wants to learn more but is too shy to admit that. Of course, he doesn’t understand the vampire reference and you have to spend a good fifteen minutes explaining it to him.
-In battle, he gets to see your monstie’s powers firsthand and is in awe of them. Alwin literally has no words, and he doesn’t know whether he should be amazed or horrified. However, Shaulk has an answer to that. His legiana is deathly afraid of your malzeno and avoids it whenever possible, this includes on the battlefield. Most of the time, you deal with the threat as Alwin tries to get his scared monstie back to help you. Usually, the quest is complete by the time this happens.
-Of course, Lilia is amazed by your malzeno monstie and immediately wants to get a closer look at it. Many hunters plus you warn her not to do this due to your monstie’s proud nature (along with the life-sucking ability). However, Lilia never learns from all her poking and prodding, and eventually decides to just study from afar. With your permission, of course.
-She is incredibly amazed by your monstie’s speed and power. Lilia marks your malzeno down to be one of the most powerful elder dragons in existence. Still, even while watching you she tends to get too close for her own good and ends up needing some medical attention by the end of the day. However, this just makes her warn all hunters to be wary when engaging this monster.
-Ena likes to believe she respects and adores all monsties, and they feel the same way about her. However, your malzeno proves to be different from the rest of your monsties. It desires to be near nowhere, even you. Perhaps it comes from its vampire nature or maybe it’s too proud. Still, no matter how scared she gets, Ena still tries to befriend your life-draining elder dragon. 
-Your battles really help her do this because when your malzeno gets injured (which rarely happens), she treats it. Your monstie slowly warms up to the wyverian girl, who showers it with attention it didn’t even know it wanted. In fact, with Ena’s pampering, your malzeno becomes even stronger on the battlefield. That, or it becomes a little wuss whining for her attention after a single battle like a baby rather than an elder dragon.
-For Kayna, she doesn’t even know what it is but she thinks it’s awesome. After telling her it’s a malzeno, she still doesn’t get it. Kayna has to do some deep research in order to understand that you have bonded with a powerful elder dragon. From then on, she bombards you with questions. Where did you get it? Can I see it in battle? Want to spar with Avmar? Cue the poor velocidrome getting its butt whooped by the vampire elder dragon and Kayna along with him.
-The teamwork during battles is actually incredible though. Both your malzeno and Avmar are fast, so it’s easy to disorient your opponent. Sometimes though, she focused on watching your malzeno that she fumbles up in battle. Luckily, Avmar doesn’t care for your monstie and is able to keep her from screwing things up.
-Avinia is always hesitant when riders form bonds with elder dragons. Who knows if they will be able to control them? But seeing everything you accomplished, Avinia is certain that you will be able to forge a bond with malzeno. That said, she still is very careful when it comes to letting you into the village. Avinia is wary of a monster that is capable of draining the life of both people and monsters. She doesn’t want disaster befalling her village a second time.
-Thankfully, your malzeno and Frostfang get along quite well, making battles a real success. Both monsties like to keep to themselves, leading to rarely any fighting. Plus, both are loyal to their riders, so the chance of mistake in battle is very rare. Still, Avinia tends to stay out of your way because she does not want her beloved Frostfang to get caught in that life-draining blow.
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wyverian-lady525 · 1 year
Hi there finally found someone who does monster hunter stories :)
my, I request the girl's reaction to their S/o who was unable to form a kingship and S/o always felt like they were alone and outsiders and when the final fight happened against Oltura, S/o did something that was a miracle they formed a kingship with Oltura stopping its rampage and power and when the girl asks how S/o did it they said: "I saw that Oltura is the same as me feeling that they are an outsider to this world like I was so I offered up my friendship and thy accepted."
Sure! Sorry if it’s short!💖
The Gals (Lilia, Ena, Kayna, and Avinia) Reaction to Their S/O Forming a Kinship with Oltura
-Lilia wouldn’t be able to believe her eyes and ears when she sees and hears the news. She knew your struggles to form kinship with an unborn monster were difficult, and she knew you were suffering from that. Lilia tried to comfort you in any way that she could, even going as far as researching if there was any way to make a bond without a kinship stone or something along those lines. However, you bonding with Oltura was something she wasn’t expecting. Lilia thought that killing it was the only option.
- "I saw that Oltura is the same as me, feeling that they are an outsider to this world like I was, so I offered up my friendship and they accepted." Upon hearing those words from you, it all made sense to Lilia. She was still a researcher and was trying to connect the dots ever since you guys formed a bond. Now she sees that shared emotions brought you guys together, much like people. Your ability to read Oltura so well made Lilia love you even more.
-The wyverian always tried to cheer you up whenever an egg didn’t hatch for you. She would tell you that it wasn’t the one or something like that, but it didn’t help much. Ena loved you, but truth was, she didn’t know how to help much more. She knew that bonds happen in mysterious ways, and she wasn’t a rider, but Ena believed that the right monster would soon bond with you. She never lost hope. But Ena didn’t expect that the monster she thought would destroy the world would end up becoming your best friend.
- "I saw that Oltura is the same as me, feeling that they are an outsider to this world like I was, so I offered up my friendship and they accepted." It made Ena smile when she heard those words. She wanted to be afraid, think that this wasn’t right, but who was she to argue with a rider and their monstie? You and Oltura chose each other over shared feelings, so all she can do is be happy for you.
-Kayna would always let you borrow Avmar or another one of her monsties to try and make you feel better. Little did she know, it actually made you feel a bit worse, but hey you were grateful that she was trying. Being a rider herself, Kayna worked hard to figure out why you couldn’t form kinship with any monster in an egg. She’s offered to give you one of her monsties, but it made you feel bad at the thought of taking one. Plus, it wasn’t the same. Kayna knew you would find one someday, but she wasn’t expecting it to be this monster.
- "I saw that Oltura is the same as me, feeling that they are an outsider to this world like I was, so I offered up my friendship and they accepted." She would just be so proud of you for finally finding a monster that you could bond with. It just took you a little longer in finding a way to connect. Kayna isn’t worried about Oltura anymore because she knows that the monster is in safe hands with you.
-She understands where you’re coming from in a sense because she finds it hard to bond with others. That said, Avinia is a pro when it comes to bonding with monsters. She tries to help you in any way that could cause a monster within an egg to bond with you and hatch. The blonde feels sympathy, always having a hand on your shoulder, when she sees how down you are. Avinia just prays and hopes that one day you will find that monster that will hear your voice and understand it. She is surprised by the outcome.
- "I saw that Oltura is the same as me, feeling that they are an outsider to this world like I was, so I offered up my friendship and they accepted." Telling her this, well, Avinia would need a couple seconds to comprehend. But then she would just smile. She always knew that monsters responded well to emotions, who says that Oltura is any different. In any case, Avinia is glad to finally she you so happy with a monstie of your own.
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