#hyperfixations are CRAZY its been impossible to focus on ANYTHING else. save me
crabussy · 5 months
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solarpire · 7 years
ADHD things
"Today was pretty good!" "what did you do today?" ",, uh,, ,"
Did I take my meds today or am I remembering a different day that I took my meds
I'm thinking about like ten different things right now and I have no idea what any of them are
Time travel
Start a conversation with another ADHD person about the weather or something and then two minutes later you're talking about that one episode of that thing you saw the other day and neither of you can remember starting the conversation
You keep starting posts, going "I'll finish it later", then completely forgetting about it. You have 20 drafts saved
Its breakfast, you tell yourself you'll get something to eat in a minute. It is four days later and you realize you still have not eaten anything
I have all these really cool projects and ideas I want to work on but when I start working on one I keep getting distracted by the other things I want to do and nothing ever gets done
People get upset at me for forgetting holidays, birthdays, and names. My dude I can't even remember how old my brother is sometimes how the fuck
Looking through old papers is crazy cause almost nothing is finished. I found one piece of paper that just had "bein" on it and nothing else
I want to read books I love reading so much but I cant get past the first few pages before my focus stops working and the book no longer exists to me
I was thinking about this one thing really hard but then someone said something to me and now I have no idea what I was doing
I love my friends a lot but I keep forgetting to talk to them and now its been like three years and I haven't heard from them
Trying to talk about something but theres a tv making sound in the background so I can't think
You hyperfixate on a new thing and you're super excited to talk about it until you realize no one cares nearly as much about it so you just think about it to yourself and suffer
"I literally just put down my phone where the fuck did it go"
If I even think I have inconvenienced, annoyed, or disappointed anyone in any way I Will Die
"Hey I'll make a quick relatable ADHD post" I end up making this giant post
Its 2:37 right now. I space out for 10 minutes and look at the time again. Its 2:37. I space out for 20 minutes and look at the time again. Its 2:40. I space out for five minutes and look at the time again. Its 3:56
I look at the time and its 9:32. Three minutes later I look at the time again and its 9:31
"Okay I know its been only like three seconds but what did I just do for the last half hour"
Having to ask someone to repeat something because you were listening but you have No Idea what they said
You think about doing something simple like walking over to something or picking something up, but thinking about it turns into daydreaming about it and you can't tell if you're doing it in real life or just in your head
Sleep? Nah, instead you have two(2) hyperfocuses, ten(10) different lines of thought, and six(6) songs stuck in your head, good luck buddy
Selfworth is based on how much I accomplish
I just went from numb, to having a panic attack, to being frustrated at everything, to being happy in the span of half an hour
This thing is making me so happy and excited that it hurts. I can't stop smiling bouncing and doing the Flappy Hands™ and I'm going to Scream
Emotions are either nonexistent or overwhelming there is no in between
I want to talk to my favourite person Right Now but its like almost always four in the morning, they're busy, or I just got finished talking to them n I don't want to smother them
I can't talk about my problems to people because I will sound whiney and selfish and no one will want to talk to me
I hear people making fun of ADHD at least once a week and I want to Die
Hands? Just at my side not doing anything? Impossible. Never. I must be doing something with my hands at all times, even just like crossing my arms or something
I was just in my room and it was like six in the afternoon, and now I'm sitting on the floor of my kitchen at one in the morning what the fuck happened
Sunday was yesterday how the fuck is today Friday
"Dude you just spent five minutes trying to throw shit at your light switch from across the room and now you're about to drink mint extract, what the fuck?" ",,,I got bored,, ,"
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