selfdiscoverymedia · 1 year
YH23-38. Kerry Tuschhoff & Hypnobabies Hypnobirthing.
Your Health is Your Choice with Sara Troy and her guest Kerry Tuschhoff, on air from September 19th I was working at a stock brokerage firm as a sales assistant, but then, due to my own very painful birth experiences, I created a super successful childbirth program (Hypnobabies Hypnobirthing). To help other people, I became a hypnotherapist and put hypno-anesthesia in my childbirth program as…
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empowerdr · 1 year
Founder and Director of Hypnobabies Hypnobirthing, Kerry Tuschhoff has loved being a childbirth educator, doula, and hypnotherapist for over 30 years. Teaching families to trust in their minds, bodies, babies, and the process of childbirth is her passion, and receiving the resulting birth stories is her joy!
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sighingmagnolia · 2 years
Jesse Alejo
I’m marking of the days till my due date. My body is a heavy mass that I must rotate in bed before pushing myself up to stand. I feel sensations that I think could be contractions,pulsing in aches that froth than fizzle in a few hours. I don’t feel impatient with my body, but an excitement of meeting my baby. Every false start is a tease, that makes waiting seem more difficult. I’ve had 3 membrane sweeps, a somewhat painful endeavor, that yeilds nothing but false results. 
It if Father’s day and I am 40 weeks +5. I wake in the early AM with surging pain-a contraction strong and hard which rises and falls like a wave. I lay in bed and wait for more, but none come and I fall back asleep. I’m woken again by another surge, which sends me into a deep breath and moan. I look at the clock and begin to time my contractions. And then they come, closer together now and all the more recognizable. A fit of pain that clenches every muscle, unbearable, and then it is gone. I wake Adam and tell him that I think I’m in early labor, he says he’s excited and we should sleep. Yet the contractions come with urgency, closer together now-every 5 minutes or so. In a fit of a wave, I throw up. Adam readies our hospital bags and takes the dogs on a walk. I hunker down during contractions and try to remember tips from birthing class. The intensity envelopes me.
When we arrive at the hospital, my cervix hasn’t dialated anymore than it was, which feels unbelievable to me after all the contractions. They admit me because of the frequency of my contractions, and I find my way into the tub in hopes of pain relief. But I am not relieved, not by hypnobabies tracks or warm water or touches. I throw up again. Contractions pull me over a new edge of pain, forcing me into the depths of something raw. I hum and moan to bear their weight. 
After a few hours, I ask for fentanyl. I had been told that it would give me 30 minutes of pain relief. I am tired and in low spirits. As I wait for the IV injection, I decide I also want an epidural. I do not know who I am trying to impress by grinning and bearing. I want this day to be remembered joyously-not full of pain or trauma. 
The epidural process is fast, and I feel immediate relief. I am instructed not to eat. I can see the contractions on the monitor, but my body is floating above it all. It is a damn miracle. I am smiling and making jokes. I’m optimistic about what’s to come. And boy do I feel relieved to be off of the rollercoaster of contraction. 
The IV drip beeps with an error message after about 45 mins, “line occluded”. The RN tries to reboot the machine to no evail. “Line occluded”. The OB-gyn enters to break my water. I have dilated to 6 cms now. 
The epidural has begun to wear off, I am freely moving my legs. My body continues it’s work of spasming and has progressed me to 10 cm. The OB arrives as it is time to push.
And then everything becomes a swirl of commotion and confusion. I am directed to push while holding my breath. My back spasms after uterine contractions, leaving little time to renew. The back pain out weighs the contraction, and the baby is progressing slowly down. 2 hours elapse, and I am empty of every emotion and all energy. Adam and the staff are cheering for me. Adam holds my body into a crunch to support my push. I feel unsure if there is an end. I’m told to feel the baby’s head, a wet rash of hair-but still he is so far away from me. I am told that I must push, and I must push now-with everything I have, the baby’s heart rate having dipped unbenounced to me. And I do, a storm that tears through me-an effort I pull from somewhere. A determination that evolves into a gutteral scream as the baby rips through me and into this world. I can not see him well, just a slippery purple brown haired baby, still connected to me. And I wait for his sound, his sound to echo through the room and into my blood. And I say, “why isn’t he he crying”, and the nurse says, “wait for it”. And he does, a cry that lights a flame. He is placed on my chest with blood and vernix. My body is in shock as I hold him, my eyes close in exhaustion. Adam close and cuddling. 
I am ripped to a 2nd degree and require lidocane and stitches. I can walk independently to the bathroom with slow methodical steps. The nurses push on my stomache in 15 minute intervals to remove remaining fluids, a sensation similiar to the pain of a contraction. I am weak, but I am full of energy. I study him, smell him, caress him, all night. I don’t sleep. He is like nothing I have experienced, I cannot believe he is mine. My son. His existence is a miracle and his body against mine a gift. He is everything.
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kswcosmetics-blog · 6 years
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Since my cycle was so off before getting pregnant... we don’t actually know our “due date” lol hopefully our ultrasound Monday will give us a solid answer 🤞🏼 #momofthree #naturalbirth #waterbirth #hypnobabies #birthingclass #sahm #growingbump #bumpdate https://www.instagram.com/p/BoPHgeJnHe8/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=s0ec5in8ylc6
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thedoula · 4 years
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#hypnobabies #hypnodoula #virtualdoula (at Charleston, South Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CH8IlIIhZhH/?igshid=93r1kvkx9yqp
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I wanna find like one other person in this world who experienced labor the way I did as extreme pain cuz like...I don’t relate to all my friends who are all hypnobabies/hypnobirth fanatics and some of whom didn’t even realize they were in active labor until told by someone else. “ohhhh hypnobabies helped me have control over my thoughts!” lol that’s cute but when you are focusing your entire energy on just NOT SCREAMING because every single last contraction from the very first one is just that painful, there is no room for other thoughts to have control over.
I accept that that is not the universal labor experience because of the way those people talk about it but I cannot actually fathom it.
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asilentfire · 8 years
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🎶 it's sprrrring! 🎶 Today is my wonderful husband's birthday, we're one season closer to meeting our daughter AND I just got my #hypnobabies self study kit in the mail! #goodtimes #snowdrops #springflowers 🌸🌷💐
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misc pregnancy reflections
baby gets hyped up on two pieces of dark chocolate, but doesn’t seem to notice one piece, so i’ll limit myself to one piece at a time
being pregnant makes me truly understand why a person would want to wear a dress. my ever growing middle makes pants super incredibly uncomfortable, and i’m ready to stock up on long flowy dresses. i get that clothing varies widely across cultures, but i’m just saying that if i had a life where i was pregnant constantly, i would probably never wear pants again.
my insurance company and i have spent thousands of dollars on ultimately not particularly helpful allopathic prenatal care. i spent $350 for a hypnobabies class, which i’ll only know the efficacy of after i’ve given birth, but i’m pretty confident already that it’s going to be the most important $350 of my prenatal care
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springhouseproject · 4 years
Another Baby, Another Blog Post
I asked my husband for a vasectomy. Five miscarriages, one soon to be nine-year-old, two healthy pregnancies as a gestational carrier, and one wrecked pelvic floor later, I was done. In reply, he asked me for another baby. So we compromised.
And that’s how I found myself waddling about at 41 1/2 weeks pregnant on Thursday, June 18, 2020, belly swollen like overproofed sourdough. Or a great watched pot that would not boil.
A lot had changed since Tim convinced me having a second child would be a great adventure. A novel coronavirus swept the globe, and we all learned to live under an unknowable cloud of mortal threat. The economic backdraft slammed into us swiftly after. Then, with his dying breaths, George Floyd cried out for his mother, and cities burned.
I’d been battling prodromal labor since 29 weeks. Stress-related. But as I neared my estimated due date…matched it…passed it, I went from pleading with the baby to stay in, to pleading with him to come out. I wanted a deus ex machina from my life. Twelve weeks of government-sanctioned leave to nurse my newborn and ignore the world’s troubles. In my quietest moments, baby would answer: Out there is pandemic and pain. Here on the other side is safety. God is in here. Do not begrudge me a few days longer.
Grumble, grumble. Fine. It didn’t stop me from trying nearly every known natural induction technique, to no avail. But today, today was baby day. I’d been having birthing waves since Wednesday afternoon. “Birthing waves” is an alternate term for contractions used by practitioners of Hypnobabies, a method of self-hypnosis for child birth. Naturally it’s also the term I use as I am an insufferable hipster and middle child who can’t stand the thought of being common. By themselves, birthing waves were nothing new, but when I woke up the next morning and the waves were still steady, I knew the wait was finally over.
From the bed, Tim opened one sleepy, questioning eye. I nodded yes. It was birthing time at long last. He nodded back in acknowledgment, turned, and went back to sleep. A flair for the dramatic, that one.
The next few hours were spent in similarly mundane pursuits. I made pancakes. Scrolled through Instagram. Ordered Indian for lunch, simply to check “spicy food” off our natural induction Bingo card. It was all quite riveting. Around 6 p.m. I hopped in the bath, where I’d remain for the next few hours. Call me The Captain of the Golgafrinchan Ark Fleet Ship B. Or Daryl Hannah, if you need a newer but still outdated reference.
Around 9 p.m., Tim’s cousin arrived. She’s the real hero of the story. She and my sister. For the previous six weeks they’d been in self-quarantine and on standby for when the baby came. Since both surrogate babies were born in week 38, we anticipated this one would come early, too. As it turns out, genetics lead the labor dance, not my uterus.
All was back on track now though. Tim’s cousin came loaded with gifts and entertainment for our older son, who was excited to have a slumber party with his aunt. Around 10 p.m. Tim fetched me from my aqua abode. Together, in the quiet dark of night, we got in the car to complete our final birth journey.
I’m told that the Taigyn Suite at Brookhaven Birth Center was the same as it was two years ago when I birthed surrogate baby no. 2. I don’t remember many details, being that I was preoccupied with having a baby at the time. The players were different now of course. Thanks to COVID-19, the midwives were in masks. My vision of having our son and our surrogate family in attendance was no longer possible, placed on a shelf and mourned months ago. Still, the mood was peaceful and serene. I had my partner by my side, and baby was ready to meet the world. Back into the tub I went to complete transition (or “transformation” per Hypnobabies vocabulary — but even I find that to be too much.) Three easy hours after our arrival, at 1:13 a.m. on Friday, June 19, Tim and I were parents again to a bouncing, 8 lb. 8 oz. baby boy. We were home again by morning, where we learned that our son had fallen asleep at the exact time his brother was born. We named him that evening as a family.
During my teleconference baby shower two months prior, everyone shared a wish they had for the baby. My 8-year-old started the round off with an irreverent joke about poop. Then he got quiet for a moment and said, “He’s going to be born during a really tough time. I don’t know if that’s going to affect him the rest of his life or not. But I guess, my wish for him, is hope.”
From the mouths of babes.
No one could have prepared us for having a baby during a pandemic, amid widespread civil unrest. The fear can eclipse joy. But most days, I’m taking my son’s advice, gripping on to hope with both hands and holding on tight. And on behalf of our new family of four, I share this same wish with you. To the mothers bringing innocent life into this uncertain world. To the couples with empty arms still longing to become parents. To the men and women trapped in circumstances with seemingly no escape, and all those struggling to find light for themselves, their loved ones, or society. May you have Hope.
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hypnobabiesofficial · 6 years
(via Who uses Hypnobabies Childbirth Hypnosis? - Hypnobabies) Beautiful Video Montage of Hypnobabies Families!Take a moment to see the joy in these families faces and how adorable their hypno-babies are!
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#Repost @5elementsbirth with @get_repost ・・・ You're exhausted. Your new baby is waking every 2-3 for milk and it's so hard. . What is normal for newborn sleep? . "Newborns can't sort out day from night, and can go no more than two or three hours between most nursings. For many months, babies average one-third of their food at night. Babies need to be in their parent's room or about the first year for safety and to establish a pattern of security and trust that will reduce their need to cry." - excerpt from the chapter titled 'nights'. Sweet Sleep: Nighttime and Naptime Strategies for the Breastfeeding Family by La Leche League International. . From LLLI, "Sweet Sleep is written by four La Leche League Leaders and world-renowned experts on breastfeeding: Diane Wiessinger, Diana West, Linda J. Smith and Teresa Pitman, who have decades of experience in helping mothers breastfeed. They have become highly knowledgeable about the topic of breastfeeding and bed-sharing through 3 ½ years of research and reading, discussing and dissecting hundreds of scientific articles on this topic in the process of creating this book." . #sweetsleep #lalecheleague #breastfeeding #newborn #newbornsleep #normalizebreastfeeding #newparentexhaustion #tiredmama #fullspectrumdoula #holisticdoula #Doula #Hypnobabies #childbirtheducator #yegdoula #birthworker #reikimaster #rainbowmom #communitybuilder #lovewhatyoudo #growcentrecowork #yeg #coworking #coworkinglife #coworkingspace #coworkingcommunity #yegcoworking #coworkingwhyteave #iskweyak #indigenousbirthofalberta #metisbirthkeeper #waterbirth #homebirth #birthpoolrental #placentaencapsulator #placentapreparation (at Edmonton, Alberta) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnkjvLujZMZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1357qddio6lxs
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natashalh · 7 years
Our Hypnobabies Experience & Birth Story
Life Lately - Our Hypnobabies Experience & Birth Story
Now that I’ve actually put my Hypnobabies training to use, I thought it would be fun to write a life lately update with a bit about our Hypnobabies experience! Today seems like a particularly appropriate day to publish this post because it’s LG’s one month ‘birthday.’ Happy one month, Little Gnome! (more…)
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Concept: an approach to childbirth that utilizes the underlying concept of hypnobirthing/hypnobabies (which is basically that the brain is so powerful it can be used to trick the body into experiencing reality differently) but without being hokey. Can someone make this?
I had panic attacks when I was a teenager that involved me noticing some objectively innocuous sensation in my body (minor pains or unusual sensations) and then my brain taking that and running with it and deciding I was dying, which would give me actual real (but not caused by anything but my own brain) symptoms like dizzyness/faintness. Over time I learned to use that same power of my brain against itself. For instance, when I would have chest pains and my brain would go “OMG YOU’RE HAVING A HEART ATTACK YOU’RE DYING” which would in turn make the pains worse and bring on faintness, I eventually learned to convince myself that the pain was caused by air trapped in my chest, and if I burped, it would go away. Neither of these things were in any way true - I wasn’t having a heart attack/dying, and there was no air trapped in my chest (I was swallowing it for the purposes of this coping mechanism and then burping it back up). But my brain was able to convince my body to believe either one of them and actually experience the results.
So I’m not opposed to the notion that one could essentially trick one’s brain into experiencing labor pain as more pressure than pain, which is what I understand to be the overall idea of hypnobirthing/hypnobabies. But literally everything I’ve seen from those programs is so hokey and ridiculous that I can’t take it seriously, and don’t see how I could ever actually use it to trick my brain, because the language/tone/background music are all ridiculous to me and don’t allow me to get into it.
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balancingbecca · 7 years
Balancing Birth 101
We live in a world where women lean in at work, open their own car doors, and get all of their grocery shopping and laundry done before 6am. Why are we not taking the same control when it comes to our pregnancy and birth? Why are we not supporting one another?
I am not a doctor. I do not intend to be. This is all just the opinion of a girl who has experienced a lot of one on one time with local…
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covrxney · 7 years
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When all the preggy ladies in your birthing class are wearing stripes 💗 Justin and I loved our Hypnobabies class taught by @thebirthsisters and all of the couples that we got to know for six weeks! We feel a million times more prepared. #loveyourbump #hypnobabies #naturalbirth #stripesquad
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ummmmm it’s kind of a lot of work to be pregnant?? like
take all your daily vitamins
drink enough water
pee all the time
eat enough protein
satiate your nonstop ravenous hunger
get exercise
don’t get too exhausted
sit with good posture
go to your prenatal appointments
do your daily hypnobabies tracks
+ do all the regular work you’re expected to do that day
more than anything it’s just the constant MENTAL energy of keeping this body healthy and comfortable
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