Abstract: This article addresses two problematic passages in which Herodotus discusses Homeric poetry (2.156 and 2.53). These passages may make more sense on the hypothesis that Herodotus was familiar with some of the more radical assumptions and methods of ancient literary criticism. In particular, Herodotus seeks to interpret Homeric poetry according to hyponoiai (‘hidden, underlying meanings’) and may have been influenced by allegorical approaches to Homer in his views on poetic invention of the gods’ attributes.”
Benjamin Sammons “History and Hyponoia: Herodotus and Early Literary Criticism’”,  Histos 6 (2012) 52-66
On line source with the paper in its entirety https://histos.org/documents/2012A04SammonsHistoryandHyponoia5266.pdf
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Benjamin Sammons, Queens College, City University of New York
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foxtwink · 8 months
if representation, media, & stories shape your perception your morals your behavior... then what were you consuming in your youth, or back when you were my age, to end up where you have been? "for the young cannot distinguish what is allegorical" so maybe then i can blame your bad faith on the world you immersed yourself within. growing up where the earth the grass the sky throws unsuspecting, sudden jabs into your bare, unprotected ribs must fill you with a certain paranoia. i once hugged your ribs your chest your waist close to my heart in my bed. i was honored to hold refuge for your body, keep you safe within my arms. i watched the same nonsensical, absurd, and sometimes violent adult swim cartoons that you did before we slept. perhaps they lent me a certain insight to your mind. together. we wandered into uncharted territory through those days: your wandering hands & lips, my quick smile & fearless grapple.
"though he was not yet a subject of critical study, he was already a cause of intellectual activity." you think so little of yourself; it speaks volumes. when you told me about your life, i promise i never thought i could fix you. i only studied you as you are, a curiosity, a fascination. you see all your achievements through lengths of time, blinded by self-set standards & unable to appreciate the glorious metaphorical medal of achievement, of completion, at all. your sense of inferiority at times & my needless belief in you. right now, before you've even reached all you strive for, you wonder if the drifting is endless. but you do not see that already, already, i throw my anchors out to shore; i fling ropes upon your starboard deck; i hope to run you aground i hope to pin you down i hope you feel that you are found.
hyponoia : i) suspicion, conjecture, or guess, notions formed of future events; ii) the real meaning which lies at the bottom of a thing: deeper sense, covert meaning (such as by myths & allegories), by insinuation. can i call my waiting for you, yearning for you, or hoping for you: hyponoia? can i call the inherent doubts within your "i don't know" : hyponoia? can i say i believe in the hyponoia of what you left unsaid; the gentle significance of our night together when you told me you don't do this often? let me tell you something new: i think maybe i will kiss girls, no strings attached. i think maybe i will go on dates and smoke on hilltops and even, perhaps, fall in love with someone new. but i do not think i will ever love someone like i love you. the hyponoia is that one day, maybe, it can be you & me again.
socrates never wrote a word, but plato documented socrates' ideas (or invented his own using socrates as a vehicle, by the end). the longer you don't text me, the more the lines grow blurry: a divide between your complexity of mind and mine. singularity in thinking, objective, can never really exist. did plato ever notice as he diverged from socrates into his own wild thinking; or did i, somewhere, as you wavered between a real person with your own life & an idol of my private muse? i can see you standing in the golden hour sunlight or awash in flashing purple lights inside a warehouse. you took every photo and video of me, more than you sent me. i can see the drawing on your tablet made in my likeness, a piece you never sent though you saved my own art. where did i go wrong; why did you pull away?
i wish i knew if you care about me at all.
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giolitti · 1 year
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The school of Athen (thinking)
He finds himself in a monumental ancient building, surrounded by many people who are involved in a debate, voices cross in space.
Birth is the birth of presence. (1) Life is the root of all existence, and the non living, nature in its inert form, is merely spent life; mere being is the non being of life. (2) We should start to bring life in the cities again rather than just function and surviving in them. We live all the more removed from the world to the extent that we become occupied with one another. (3) And so livings beings live in deviation from equilibrium. (4) Presence without balance is suffering, today's urbanism is the physical expression of this.
Ma stands there impatiently, what is the point of debating the whole thing, he doesn't need words but solutions!
What's so great about the truth anyway?
A man with a long beard begins to answer him.
The Christian selfishness of bliss is necessarily transmuted in its completed practice into the material selfishness of the Jew, heavenly needs become earthly needs, and subjectivity becomes egoism. (5) Hence they fall into errors, thinking those things to be above nature, or contrary to nature, which indeed are by nature, and according to nature. (6) But whatever nature can’t do is against nature.(7) 
Thinking becomes slow when it is put in writing. The individual words become single letters, flow into this dimension and freeze on the paper.
The ideologies that are held in turn influence how we do and think.
Just placing facts in your head is not true knowledge. 
Speech is an image of mind and mind is an image of the unmentionable.
But how am I supposed to integrate that into a project? asks Ma. 
Just as ideologies are frozen on the sheet, they are petrified into a structure. Give space to the attempt to unravel the puzzles. 
A room to capture the frozen search for truth.
Life itself is the attempt to grasp the incomprehensible, but 
words cannot describe what lies outside words and matter cannot satisfy what is not matter.
So the relation between the surface meaning and the hyponoia or ‘deeper sense’ is itself unstable and complex. (8) Therefore, I say, take care of the soul; for from the soul issue our thoughts(9) It is not a good thing to live, but to live well. (10) 
Ma is puzzled: But how to create the good life, when all the goods that we collect don’t lead to that? 
I think I possess things, but it seems to me now that they possess me. I thought I had ideas but maybe they own me too? 
Where do I find the time to look for the answers? 
Is time then always different or does the same time recur?(11)
Someone points to a door, engraved on it ‚doing‘. Ma goes and opens it, steps in.
1 Derrida, Of Grammatology
2 Foucault, The Order of Things
3 Serres, Geometry
4 Serres, The Birth of Physics
5 Marx, Collected Works
6 Agrippa, Three Books of Occult Philosophy
7 Aquinas, Selected Philosophical Writings
8 Heraclitus, The Art and Thought of Heraclitus
9 Seneca, Complete Works
10 Seneca, Complete Works
11 Aristotle, Physics
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the-chomsky-hash · 4 years
[It seemed to me that Marx, Freud, and Nietzsche changed the very nature of the sign - cont'd]
[3. If the interpretation can never be completed, it is simply that there is nothing to interpret - cont'd]
[c. Nietzsche says that words have always been invented by the upper classes; they do not indicate a signified, they impose an interpretation - cont'd]
In this sense, it can be said that [the Greek notions of]
allegoria [what one grasps and is immediately manifested]
hyponoia [the strongest meaning, and "from below"]
at the heart of language and before it
not what has slipped under the words, to move and make them vibrate
but what gives birth to words, which makes them sparkle with a glow that never settles
– Michel Foucault, Nietzsche, Freud, Marx, (part II: Interpretative Techniques of the 19th Century), Conference of Royaumont, July 1964
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giolitti · 1 year
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The school of Athen (thinking)
When he wakes up, he finds himself in a monumental ancient building, surrounded by many people who are involved in a debate, voices cross in space.
Birth is the birth (of) presence. (1) Life is the root of all existence, and the non living, nature in its inert form, is merely spent life; mere being is the non being of life. (2) We should start to bring life in the cities again rather than just surviving in them. We live all the more removed from the world to the extent that we become occupied with one another. (3) And so livings beings live in deviation from equilibrium. (4) Presence without balance is suffering, today's urbanism is the physical expression of this.
Ma stands there impatiently, what is the point of debating the whole thing, he doesn't need words but solutions!
A man with a long beard begins to answer him.
The Christian selfishness of bliss is necessarily transmuted in its completed practice into the material selfishness of the Jew, heavenly needs become earthly needs, and subjectivity becomes egoism. (5) Hence they fall into errors, thinking those things to be above nature, or contrary to nature, which indeed are by nature, and according to nature. (6) But whatever nature can’t do is against nature.(7) 
Thinking becomes slow when it is put in writing. The individual words become single letters, flow into this dimension and freeze on the paper.
The ideologies that are held in turn influence how we do and think.
But how am I supposed to integrate that into a project? asks Ma. 
Just as ideologies are frozen on the sheet, they are petrified into a structure. Give space to the attempt to unravel the puzzles. 
A room to capture the frozen search for truth.
Life itself is the attempt to grasp the incomprehensible, but 
Words cannot describe what lies outside words and matter cannot satisfy what is not matter.
So the relation between the surface meaning and the hyponoia or ‘deeper sense’ is itself unstable and complex. (8) Therefore, I say, take care of the soul; for from the soul issue our thoughts(9) It is not a good thing to live, but to live well. (10) 
Ma is puzzled: But how to create the good life, when all the goods that we collect don’t lead to that? Has the citizen lost his life? Has the city forgotten his soul? Was there a time when it was different? Is time then always different or does the same time recur?(11)
Someone points to a door, engraved on it, forget time. Ma goes and opens it, steps in and finds himself staying on a dune next to a pharaoh.
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the-chomsky-hash · 4 years
It seems to me that this could be said as a general introduction to this idea of a history of the techniques of interpretation: that language, in any case language in Indo-European cultures, has always given rise to two kinds of suspicion:
1. First, the suspicion that language does not say exactly what it says:
The sense which one grasps, and which is immediately manifested, is perhaps in fact only a lesser sense. One which
narrows [resserre]
nevertheless transmits
another sense; this one being at the same time the strongest meaning and sense of "from below". This is what the Greeks called allegoria and hyponoia.
– Michel Foucault, Nietzsche, Freud, Marx, (Introduction), Conference of Royaumont, July 1964
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uiz · 12 years
loveee your blog!
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giolitti · 1 year
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Memento mori
But where can nature be recognized in today's cities, asks Ma. 
Words cannot describe what lies outside words and matter cannot satisfy what is not matter.
So the relation between the surface meaning and the hyponoia or ‘deeper sense’ is itself unstable and complex. (8) Therefore, I say, take care of the soul; for from the soul issue our thoughts, from the soul our words, from the soul our dispositions, our expressions, and our very gait. (9) It is not a good thing to live, but to live well. (10) That is why your project should be founded in a cemetery. Everything in the garden follows the change of time, only one monument shall always remain to pay respect to the dead and to remember the only thing that each life must do, call it Memento mori.
Ma is puzzled: But how to create the good life, when all the goods that we collect don’t lead to that? Has the citizen lost his life? Has the city forgotten his soul? Was there a time when it was different? Is time then always different or does the same time recur?(11)
Someone points to a door, engraved on it, forget time. Ma goes and opens it, steps in and finds himself staying on a dune next to a pharaoh.
8 Heraclitus, The Art and Thought of Heraclitus
9 Seneca, Complete Works
10 Seneca, Complete Works
11 Aristotle, Physics
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giolitti · 1 year
two sides of the same coin
The shutter is pushed open and soft light falls into the room. He doesn't know whether the sun is rising or setting. He takes a few breaths of fresh air and sits down again, tired and exhausted, at the desk overflowing with dossiers. Jack ma has been working a lot lately. Why he wants more and more, he couldn't say. He finishes his coffee and randomly pulls a document out of the chaos that says: Improve the city of Krakow. Who could have accepted such a commission? When he flips through it and sees the high investment of 2 billion a year, he doesn't think about it any more. Ma starts his usual procedure of how to improve something. While scrolling through Google results for cool cities, his eyes get tired and he falls asleep on the desk.
The school of Athen
When he wakes up, he finds himself in a monumental ancient building, surrounded by many people who are involved in a debate, voices cross in space.
Birth is the birth (of) presence. (1) Life is the root of all existence, and the non living, nature in its inert form, is merely spent life; mere being is the non being of life. (2) We should start to bring life in the cities again rather than just surviving in them. We live all the more removed from the world to the extent that we become occupied with one another. (3) And so livings beings live in deviation from equilibrium. (4) Presence without balance is suffering, today's urbanism is the physical expression of this.
Ma, solution-oriented as he is, asks where the problem comes from. A man with a long beard begins to answer him.
The Christian selfishness of bliss is necessarily transmuted in its completed practice into the material selfishness of the Jew, heavenly needs become earthly needs, and subjectivity becomes egoism. (5) Hence they fall into errors, thinking those things to be above nature, or contrary to nature, which indeed are by nature, and according to nature. (6) But whatever nature can’t do is against nature.(7) 
But where can nature be recognized in today's cities, asks Ma. 
Words cannot describe what lies outside words and matter cannot satisfy what is not matter.
So the relation between the surface meaning and the hyponoia or ‘deeper sense’ is itself unstable and complex. (8) Therefore, I say, take care of the soul; for from the soul issue our thoughts, from the soul our words, from the soul our dispositions, our expressions, and our very gait. (9) It is not a good thing to live, but to live well. (10) 
Ma is puzzled: But how to create the good life, when all the goods that we collect don’t lead to that? Has the citizen lost his life? Has the city forgotten his soul? Was there a time when it was different? Is time then always different or does the same time recur?(11)
Someone points to a door, engraved on it, forget time. Ma goes and opens it, steps in and finds himself staying on a dune next to a pharaoh.
Eternal form
For a few minutes the Pharaoh stands silently beside him, looking at the pyramids, then he slowly begins to speak. 
It is because we have a clear zone that we must have a body charged with traveling through it or exploring it, from birth to death. (12) Time is not the interior in us, but just the opposite, the interiority in which we are, in which we move, live and change. (13). 
But time passing away by its changefulness, cannot be co eternal with changeless eternity. (14) And just as the eternal god moves the universe, which is partly mortal, so too does the eternal soul move the fragile body. What is always in motion is eternal; but whatever brings motion to something else and is itself stirred up from elsewhere, when that motion ceases must necessarily cease its life. (15) In conclusion, time isn’t the motion of an object.(16) To become aware of this, one must forget. Just as humanity has forgotten life and replaced it with constructs, now we have to forget the constructs again to remember life . 
But if I forget everything, what is left? What can I still know if I no longer know anything? 
The nature of yourself, because it is impossible to know that which is not.(17) Therefore it will be in being: for everything must either be or not be. (18)
The Pharaoh points to a hole in the ground. Ma walks to it, a plaque in front of it says: Forget fear. He hesitates briefly and then jumps into the hole. 
There he is at the edge of the ever expanding cosmos and he stares in amazement. 
But how can one return from the edge of the universe without losing itself again in the universe? 
Certainly not by reproducing the existing structures, which consist of information, which in turn are only thoughts.
He looks at the stars and galaxies drifting apart and becomes very still. 
In thought its end is truth, in action justice. (19) Forget about hip cities with fancy offerings and remember life. Only when the money is consumed without a future goal does the present become meaningful. Society should come together again and live in the now. They must celebrate life and build common works. The eternal decay of their common houses, leads to constant work. Seeing or even inflicting suffering is a structure of life as active life, an active manifestation of life. (20) It will bring the society together and raise awareness to the insignificance of worldly needs. Hard work is the price an earthly existence pays for a fulfilled life. The target of this intervention is to show men that they are mistaken, that they are looking for the truth elsewhere, that they are looking for the principle of good and evil elsewhere, that they are looking for peace and happiness elsewhere, and that they will not find them where they are actually looking. (21) 
Thus, through their decay and constant reconstruction, these temples always become a direct expression of the current time. They will be places of artistic expression and gathering, leading human beings back to their nature. Humanity will forget the delusion of separation and ego. Hence, we imagine a harmony among all the parts of the universe that creates all their interconnection. (22) In any event, the signified is thought not to exist outside of its relationship with signifier, and the ultimate signified is the very existence of the signifier, extrapolated beyond the sign.(23) We will understand that the Difference that exists outside the system is terrifying because it reveals the truth of the system, its relativity, its fragility, and its mortality.(24) While we still lose not awareness that, Each living thing must have a separate substance; but since all the things mentioned above have a single soul, consequently they can be separate living things but without plurality. (25) Birth and death, and the difference between the sexes, are the complex themes of problems before they are the simple terms of an opposition. (26) So may one day we can tell them who haven’t forgot the city yet that, only when they have paid off the debt of their time will it become clear whether there is still so much personal stuff left that it is worth settling accounts over. (27) 
Ma becomes very calm, now that he has forgotten everything he seems to have found the solution to his problem. A permanently renewed building that at the same time always expresses the most current cultural views and thus also the always existing themes. Yes this is it! Jack Ma nods smugly.
Next to him, someone starts giggling. Startled, he sees an Oompa Loompa sitting next to him.
„You didn't understand anything“ she says, laughing.
„How dare you!“ Says Ma angrily.
„Who has a grasp of reality, he who gapes at the stars or she who hides in the background, making fun of him? (28) Do even the stupid play the philosopher among mortals?“(29)
„Ok, now you've gone too far!“
Ma jumps on her, but she elegantly dodges and now laughs even harder.
Alright come on mister 'I got the whole universe' I'll show you the other side of the coin.
She jumps into a hole with a sign above it saying 'don't forget the sweetie'.
Jack Ma, still slightly angry stands there for a moment. 
The head peeks out of the hole again „Hey, are you coming now? Don't take life too seriously, you won't get out of here alive anyway!“ laughing, the head disappears again.
Ma jumps in too, finding himself in Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory.
The Oompa Loompa dances around in the candy wonderland and occasionally bites off a piece of everything.
Ma stands there completely confused: „What is all this about?“
She stops and shakes her head:
„Even during the play he can enjoy no part of the pleasure which it is capable of affording.“(30)
„I just don't see the point in it“ says Ma.
„Where is there any meaning at all, except where you want to see it? It is better, says the proverb, to play for nothing than to work for nothing.(31) Life is recto-verso, it is pure being as well as production.“
„Whether there can be sin in the excess of play?“(32) asks Ma.
„Yes, exactly! You can never lose yourself completely in just one side. It takes all the nonsense to make you realize the meaning, but only in order to keep playing all the nonsense.
The point is that this is how we play the game.“ (33)
„Wow, it's kind of illogical, but that's what I love about it.“ 
He starts laughing and jumps into the chocolate river. He dives in and out again, lets himself drift and feels the pure lust for life.
Everything stays the same or different ‚But the case is entirely altered, when the passions unite together, and actuate the mind at the same time.(34).
Ma slowly wakes up at his desk again. The dream gave him a framework for the Kraków project. A rapidly crumbling edifice being built by society for society. A place that has no other meaning than itself, it should only give people the opportunity to express themselves and provide them with the means to do so, a non-targeted production site. Satisfied with the idea, he already wants to start with the next task. But then he decides to take a nap and dream of candy land again.
1 Derrida, Of Grammatology
2 Foucault, The Order of Things
3 Serres, Geometry
4 Serres, The Birth of Physics
5 Marx, Collected Works
6 Agrippa, Three Books of Occult Philosophy
7 Aquinas, Selected Philosophical Writings
8 Heraclitus, The Art and Thought of Heraclitus
9 Seneca, Complete Works
10 Seneca, Complete Works
11 Aristotle, Physics
12 Deleuze, The Fold
13 Deleuze, Cinema 2 The Time Image
14 Augustine, The City of God
15 Cicero, On the Commonwealth and On the Laws
16 Augustine, Confessions
17 Aristotle, Ethics
18 Aristotle, Physics
19 Deleuze Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus
20 Deleuze, Nietzsche and Philosophy
21 Foucault, The Courage of the Truth
22 de Condillac, Philosophical Writings of Etienne Bonnot
23 Deleuze Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus
24 Girard, The Scapegoat
25 Seneca, Complete Works
26 Deleuze, Difference and Repetition
27 Hermann Hesse, Steppenwolf
28 Serres, The Five Senses
29 Alberti, Momus
30 Smith, The Theory of Moral Sentiments
31 Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
32 Aquinas, Summa Theologica
33 Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations
34 Hume, A Treatise of Human Nature
0 notes
giolitti · 2 years
beyond materialism
life today
The shutter is pushed open and soft light falls into the room. He doesn't know whether the sun is rising or setting. He takes a few breaths of fresh air and sits down again, tired and exhausted, at the desk overflowing with dossiers. Jack ma has been working a lot lately. Why he wants more and more, he couldn't say. He finishes his coffee and randomly pulls a document out of the chaos that says: Improve the city of Krakow. Who could have accepted such a commission? When he flips through it and sees the high investment of 2 billion a year, he doesn't think about it any more. Ma starts his usual procedure of how to improve something. While scrolling through Google results for cool cities, his eyes get tired and he falls asleep on the desk.
The school of Athen
When he wakes up, he finds himself in a monumental ancient building, surrounded by many people who are involved in a debate, voices cross in space.
Birth is the birth (of) presence. (1) Life is the root of all existence, and the non living, nature in its inert form, is merely spent life; mere being is the non being of life. (2) We should start to bring life in the cities again rather than just surviving in them. We live all the more removed from the world to the extent that we become occupied with one another. (3) And so livings beings live in deviation from equilibrium. (4) Presence without balance is suffering, today's urbanism is the physical expression of this.
Ma, solution-oriented as he is, asks where the problem comes from. A man with a long beard begins to answer him.
The Christian selfishness of bliss is necessarily transmuted in its completed practice into the material selfishness of the Jew, heavenly needs become earthly needs, and subjectivity becomes egoism. (5) Hence they fall into errors, thinking those things to be above nature, or contrary to nature, which indeed are by nature, and according to nature. (6) But whatever nature can’t do is against nature. (7) 
But where can nature be recognized in today's cities, asks Ma. 
Words cannot describe what lies outside words and matter cannot satisfy what is not matter.
So the relation between the surface meaning and the hyponoia or ‘deeper sense’ is itself unstable and complex. (8) Therefore, I say, take care of the soul; for from the soul issue our thoughts, from the soul our words, from the soul our dispositions, our expressions, and our very gait. (9) It is not a good thing to live, but to live well. (10) 
Ma is puzzled: But how to create the good life, when all the goods that we collect don’t lead to that? Has the citizen lost his life? Has the city forgotten his soul? Was there a time when it was different? Is time then always different or does the same time recur? (11)
Someone points to a door, engraved on it, forget time. Ma goes and opens it, steps in and finds himself staying on a dune next to a pharaoh.
Eternal form
For a few minutes the Pharaoh stands silently beside him, looking at the pyramids, then he slowly begins to speak. 
It is because we have a clear zone that we must have a body charged with traveling through it or exploring it, from birth to death. (12) Time is not the interior in us, but just the opposite, the interiority in which we are, in which we move, live and change. (13). 
But time passing away by its changefulness, cannot be co eternal with changeless eternity. (14) And just as the eternal god moves the universe, which is partly mortal, so too does the eternal soul move the fragile body. What is always in motion is eternal; but whatever brings motion to something else and is itself stirred up from elsewhere, when that motion ceases must necessarily cease its life. (15) In conclusion, time isn’t the motion of an object. (16) To become aware of this, one must forget. Just as humanity has forgotten life and replaced it with constructs, now we have to forget the constructs again to remember life . 
But if I forget everything, what is left? What can I still know if I no longer know anything? 
The nature of yourself, because it is impossible to know that which is not. (17) Therefore it will be in being: for everything must either be or not be. (18)
The Pharaoh points to a hole in the ground. Ma walks to it, a plaque in front of it says: Forget fear. He hesitates briefly and then jumps into the hole. 
There he is at the edge of the ever expanding cosmos and he stares in amazement. 
But how can one return from the edge of the universe without losing itself again in the universe? 
Certainly not by reproducing the existing structures, which consist of information, which in turn are only thoughts.
He looks at the stars and galaxies drifting apart and becomes very still. 
In thought its end is truth, in action justice. (19) Forget about hip cities with fancy offerings and remember life. Only when the money is consumed without a future goal does the present become meaningful. Society should come together again and live in the now. They must celebrate life and build common works. The eternal decay of their common houses, leads to constant work. Seeing or even inflicting suffering is a structure of life as active life, an active manifestation of life. (20) It will bring the society together and raise awareness to the insignificance of worldly needs. Hard work is the price an earthly existence pays for a fulfilled life. The target of this intervention is to show men that they are mistaken, that they are looking for the truth elsewhere, that they are looking for the principle of good and evil elsewhere, that they are looking for peace and happiness elsewhere, and that they will not find them where they are actually looking. (21) 
Thus, through their decay and constant reconstruction, these temples always become a direct expression of the current time. They will be places of artistic expression and gathering, leading human beings back to their nature. Humanity will forget the delusion of separation and ego. Hence, we imagine a harmony among all the parts of the universe that creates all their interconnection. (22) In any event, the signified is thought not to exist outside of its relationship with signifier, and the ultimate signified is the very existence of the signifier, extrapolated beyond the sign. (23) We will understand that the Difference that exists outside the system is terrifying because it reveals the truth of the system, its relativity, its fragility, and its mortality. (24) While we still lose not awareness that, each living thing must have a separate substance; but since all the things mentioned above have a single soul, consequently they can be separate living things but without plurality. (25) Birth and death, and the difference between the sexes, are the complex themes of problems before they are the simple terms of an opposition. (26) So may one day we can tell them who haven’t forgot the city yet that, only when they have paid off the debt of their time will it become clear whether there is still so much personal stuff left that it is worth settling accounts over. (27) 
The phone rings and Ma is roused from his sleep. Coming back from the edge of the universe his idea for Krakow has taken a clear shape and he thinks: Although it has attained the form of objectivity, it is yet always to contain my subjectivity. (28)
1 Derrida, Of Grammatology
2 Foucault, The Order of Things
3 Serres, Geometry
4 Serres, The Birth of Physics
5 Marx, Collected Works
6 Agrippa, Three Books of Occult Philosophy
7 Aquinas, Selected Philosophical Writings
8 Heraclitus, The Art and Thought of Heraclitus
9 Seneca, Complete Works
10 Seneca, Complete Works
11 Aristotle, Physics
12 Deleuze, The Fold
13 Deleuze, Cinema 2 The Time Image
14 Augustine, The City of God
15 Cicero, On the Commonwealth and On the Laws
16 Augustine, Confessions
17 Aristotle, Ethics
18 Aristotle, Physics
19 Deleuze Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus
20 Deleuze, Nietzsche and Philosophy
21 Foucault, The Courage of the Truth
22 de Condillac, Philosophical Writings of Etienne Bonnot
23 Deleuze Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus
24 Girard, The Scapegoat
25 Seneca, Complete Works
26 Deleuze, Difference and Repetition
27 Hermann Hesse, Steppenwolf
28 Hegel, Philosophy of Right
0 notes
giolitti · 2 years
The Adventures of Jack Ma
altered reality
He blinks, slowly wakes up, looks around him and begins to try to understand where he is. Everything is white, the light coming in through the window is so blinding that he cannot see outside. He wants to get up, but he cannot move. Jack Ma, the billionaire founder of Alibaba, was on top of the world. His company had grown into a global giant, making him one of the richest men in China. But all of that changed one day when he was involved in a serious accident that left him unable to walk.
At first, Jack was devastated. He had always been an active person, and the thought of being confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life was overwhelming. But as he began to come to terms with his new reality, he started to see the world around him in a different way.
As he spent more time in hospitals and rehabilitation centers, Jack became acutely aware of the challenges that many people faced when it came to accessing healthcare. He saw how difficult it was for people without his financial means to get the treatment they needed, and how many were forced to rely on government-funded programs that were often inadequate. This realization was a turning point for Jack. He began to see the importance of socialist policies that aimed to provide universal healthcare and other social services to all citizens, regardless of their income or social status.
In the end, Jack's accident proved to be a life-changing experience, leading him down a path that he never could have anticipated. But despite the challenges he faced, he emerged from the experience with a renewed sense of purpose and a deep commitment to creating a better world for all.He started to offer his business knowledge to different countries and cities to promote equality. Most of them distrusted him or told him that they could imagine the end of the world rather than the end of capitalism. The Krakow City Council was the only one interested in cooperation. But only after they were corrupted by one of Ma's employees, but he doesn't need to know that. 
Ma starts to spend a lot of time In Krakau and he deepens his understanding of culture and life there. 
He does a lot of research and wants to give the citizens something back with the large amounts of money he finds through this. He seeks justice and meaning without rest. Overdoses of painkillers, lack of sleep and overwork lead to increasingly abstract dreams of Ma as he tries to find a solution. He falls asleep over his papers. When he wakes up, he finds himself in the school of Athens. All present speak in confusion but in Ma's voice.
The school of Athen, reloaded
Birth is the birth (of) presence. (1) Life is the root of all existence, and the non living, nature in its inert form, is merely spent life; mere being is the non being of life. (2) But is presence coming into this world or out of this world? We live all the more removed from the world to the extent that we become occupied with one another. (3)
And so livings beings live in deviation from equilibrium. (4) The Christian selfishness of bliss is necessarily transmuted in its completed practice into the material selfishness of the Jew, heavenly needs become earthly needs, and subjectivity becomes egoism. (5) Hence they fall into errors, thinking those things to be above nature, or contrary to nature, which indeed are by nature, and according to nature. (6) But whatever nature can’t do is against nature.(7) So the relation between the surface meaning and the hyponoia or ‘deeper sense’ is itself unstable and complex. (8) Therefore, I say, take care of the soul; for from the soul issue our thoughts, from the soul our words, from the soul our dispositions, our expressions, and our very gait. (9) It is not a good thing to live, but to live well. (10) 
Ma sits there in amazement asking: But how to create to good life, when obviously all the goods that we collect don’t lead to that?Is it only possible through honoring the present? 
Is time then always different or does the same time recur?(11) It is because we have a clear zone that we must have a body charged with traveling through it or exploring it, from birth to death. (12) Time is not the interior in us, but just the opposite, the interiority in which we are, in which we move, live and change. (13). But time passing away by its changefulness, cannot be co eternal with changeless eternity. (14) And just as the eternal god moves the universe, which is partly mortal, so too does the eternal soul move the fragile body. What is always in motion is eternal; but whatever brings motion to something else and is itself stirred up from elsewhere, when that motion ceases must necessarily cease its life. (15) In conclusion, time isn’t the motion of an object.(16) But to become aware of that you first have to focus on the object and its instability. True, they must be, because it is impossible to know that which is not.(17) Therefore it will be in being: for everything must either be or not be. (18)
Ma nods, unsure Whether he has understood nothing at all or has just experienced enlightenment.
‚So how can someone materialise that, draw attention to that which lies outside the material? How can one return from the edge of the universe without losing itself again in the universe? Certainly not by reproducing the existing structures.
In thought its end is truth, in action justice. (19) Only when 2 billion are consumed without a future goal does the present become meaningful. The eternal decay of a common house, leads to constant work. Seeing or even inflicting suffering is a structure of life as active life, an active manifestation of life. (20) It will bring the society together and raise awareness to the insignificance of worldly needs. 
The target of this intervention is to show men that they are mistaken, that they are looking for the truth elsewhere (ailleurs), that they are looking for the principle of good and evil elsewhere, that they are looking for peace and happiness elsewhere, and that they will not find them where they are actually looking. (21) Humanity will free itself from the delusion of separation and ego. Hence, we imagine a harmony among all the parts of the universe that creates all their interconnection. (22) In any event, the signified is thought not to exist outside of its relationship with signifier, and the ultimate signified is the very existence of the signifier, extrapolated beyond the sign.(23) We will understand that the ‚Difference that exists outside the system is terrifying because it reveals the truth of the system, its relativity, its fragility, and its mortality.’ (24) While we still lose not awareness that ‚Each living thing must have a separate substance; but since all the things mentioned above have a single soul, consequently they can be separate living things but without plurality.‘ (25) Birth and death, and the difference between the sexes, are the complex themes of problems before they are the simple terms of an opposition. (26) So may one day we can tell them who are still suffering that ‚Only when they have paid off the debt of their time will it become clear whether there is still so much personal stuff left that it is worth settling accounts over.‘ (27) 
Ma grins, the more he knows the less he understands rationally. Although it has attained the form of objectivity, it is yet always to contain my subjectivity. (28)
Ma wakes up, he has a headache, the door bursts open and a bald man runs in and pours a bucket of water over him. Shocked, he wakes up again, this time he is sitting on a dune, in front of him are the pyramids. 
Everywhere else in the world people live separately from their animals, but animals and humans live together in Egypt. (29) Will this dream ever end? 
altered reality
He blinks, slowly wakes up, looks around him and begins to try to understand where he is. Everything is white, the light coming in through the window is so blinding that he cannot see outside. He wants to get up, but he cannot move. Jack Ma, the billionaire founder of Alibaba, was on top of the world. His company had grown into a global giant, making him one of the richest men in China. But all of that changed one day when he was involved in a serious accident that left him unable to walk.
At first, Jack was devastated. He had always been an active person, and the thought of being confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life was overwhelming. But as he began to come to terms with his new reality, he started to see the world around him in a different way.
As he spent more time in hospitals and rehabilitation centers, Jack became acutely aware of the challenges that many people faced when it came to accessing healthcare. He saw how difficult it was for people without his financial means to get the treatment they needed, and how many were forced to rely on government-funded programs that were often inadequate. This realization was a turning point for Jack. He began to see the importance of socialist policies that aimed to provide universal healthcare and other social services to all citizens, regardless of their income or social status.
In the end, Jack's accident proved to be a life-changing experience, leading him down a path that he never could have anticipated. But despite the challenges he faced, he emerged from the experience with a renewed sense of purpose and a deep commitment to creating a better world for all.He started to offer his business knowledge to different countries and cities to promote equality. Most of them distrusted him or told him that they could imagine the end of the world rather than the end of capitalism. The Krakow City Council was the only one interested in cooperation. But only after they were corrupted by one of Ma's employees, but he doesn't need to know that. 
Ma starts to spend a lot of time In Krakau and he deepens his understanding of culture and life there. 
He does a lot of research and wants to give the citizens something back with the large amounts of money he finds through this. He seeks justice and meaning without rest. Overdoses of painkillers, lack of sleep and overwork lead to increasingly abstract dreams of Ma as he tries to find a solution. He falls asleep over his papers. When he wakes up, he finds himself in the school of Athens. All present speak in confusion but in Ma's voice.
The school of Athen, reloaded
Birth is the birth (of) presence. (1) Life is the root of all existence, and the non living, nature in its inert form, is merely spent life; mere being is the non being of life. (2) But is presence coming into this world or out of this world? We live all the more removed from the world to the extent that we become occupied with one another. (3)
And so livings beings live in deviation from equilibrium. (4) The Christian selfishness of bliss is necessarily transmuted in its completed practice into the material selfishness of the Jew, heavenly needs become earthly needs, and subjectivity becomes egoism. (5) Hence they fall into errors, thinking those things to be above nature, or contrary to nature, which indeed are by nature, and according to nature. (6) But whatever nature can’t do is against nature.(7) So the relation between the surface meaning and the hyponoia or ‘deeper sense’ is itself unstable and complex. (8) Therefore, I say, take care of the soul; for from the soul issue our thoughts, from the soul our words, from the soul our dispositions, our expressions, and our very gait. (9) It is not a good thing to live, but to live well. (10) 
Ma sits there in amazement asking: But how to create to good life, when obviously all the goods that we collect don’t lead to that?Is it only possible through honoring the present? 
Is time then always different or does the same time recur?(11) It is because we have a clear zone that we must have a body charged with traveling through it or exploring it, from birth to death. (12) Time is not the interior in us, but just the opposite, the interiority in which we are, in which we move, live and change. (13). But time passing away by its changefulness, cannot be co eternal with changeless eternity. (14) And just as the eternal god moves the universe, which is partly mortal, so too does the eternal soul move the fragile body. What is always in motion is eternal; but whatever brings motion to something else and is itself stirred up from elsewhere, when that motion ceases must necessarily cease its life. (15) In conclusion, time isn’t the motion of an object.(16) But to become aware of that you first have to focus on the object and its instability. True, they must be, because it is impossible to know that which is not.(17) Therefore it will be in being: for everything must either be or not be. (18)
Ma nods, unsure whether he has understood nothing at all or has just experienced enlightenment.
So how can someone materialise that, draw attention to that which lies outside the material? How can one return from the edge of the universe without losing itself again in the universe? Certainly not by reproducing the existing structures.
In thought its end is truth, in action justice. (19) Only when 2 billion are consumed without a future goal does the present become meaningful. The eternal decay of a common house, leads to constant work. Seeing or even inflicting suffering is a structure of life as active life, an active manifestation of life. (20) It will bring the society together and raise awareness to the insignificance of worldly needs. 
The target of this intervention is to show men that they are mistaken, that they are looking for the truth elsewhere (ailleurs), that they are looking for the principle of good and evil elsewhere, that they are looking for peace and happiness elsewhere, and that they will not find them where they are actually looking. (21) Humanity will free itself from the delusion of separation and ego. Hence, we imagine a harmony among all the parts of the universe that creates all their interconnection. (22) In any event, the signified is thought not to exist outside of its relationship with signifier, and the ultimate signified is the very existence of the signifier, extrapolated beyond the sign.(23) We will understand that the ‚Difference that exists outside the system is terrifying because it reveals the truth of the system, its relativity, its fragility, and its mortality.’ (24) While we still lose not awareness that ‚Each living thing must have a separate substance; but since all the things mentioned above have a single soul, consequently they can be separate living things but without plurality.‘ (25) Birth and death, and the difference between the sexes, are the complex themes of problems before they are the simple terms of an opposition. (26) So may one day we can tell them who are still suffering that ‚Only when they have paid off the debt of their time will it become clear whether there is still so much personal stuff left that it is worth settling accounts over.‘ (27) 
Ma grins, the more he knows the less he understands rationally. Although it has attained the form of objectivity, it is yet always to contain my subjectivity. (28)
Ma wakes up, he has a headache, the door bursts open and a bald man runs in and pours a bucket of water over him. Shocked, he wakes up again, this time he is sitting on a dune, in front of him are the pyramids. 
Everywhere else in the world people live separately from their animals, but animals and humans live together in Egypt. (29) Will this dream ever end? 
1 Derrida, Of Grammatology
2 Foucault, The Order of Things
3 Serres, Geometry
4 Serres, The Birth of Physics
5 Marx, Collected Works
6 Agrippa, Three Books of Occult Philosophy
7 Aquinas, Selected Philosophical Writings
8 Heraclitus, The Art and Thought of Heraclitus
9 Seneca, Complete Works
10 Seneca, Complete Works
11 Aristotle, Physics
12 Deleuze, The Fold
13 Deleuze, Cinema 2 The Time Image
14 Augustine, The City of God
15 Cicero, On the Commonwealth and On the Laws
16 Augustine, Confessions
17 Aristotle, Ethics
18 Aristotle, Physics
19 Deleuze Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus
20 Deleuze, Nietzsche and Philosophy
21 Foucault, The Courage of the Truth
22 de Condillac, Philosophical Writings of Etienne Bonnot
23 Deleuze Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus
24 Girard, The Scapegoat
25 Seneca, Complete Works
26 Deleuze, Difference and Repetition
27 Hermann Hesse, Steppenwolf
28 Hegel, Philosophy of Right
29 Herodotus, The Histories
0 notes