#hypothetical anon
ssreeder · 2 years
aloha... hypothetical anon here!
the boots stuff makes a lot of sense tbh. rip boots <3
anyway, new hypothetical ask and prob the last one before i’m not anonymous anymore. SO! let’s make it a good one, shall we?
in this hypothetical reality, ara never betrayed the group. would zhao still have caught them and, if yes, would opal have survived?
thank you for indulging in my questions lmao
until next time! ;)
Hello hypothetical anon (who I have no idea who you are <3)
You can always drop by & ask my hypothetical questions on anon they are really fun lol.
Well…Ara betrayed them twice so it depends which time you’re asking about lol? The first time was in prison which is what prompted Zhao to leave & gave the earth benders reason to attack. (Which ultimately helped everyone escape)
The second time was the big one that I’m sure you’re referring to lol. If she would have never sent that messenger hawk, I don’t think Zhao would have known where to find them. They would have escaped and yeah Opal would have survived!
Butttttt…. Zhao would have still sent the RR after them when he had to return to the prison camp… so who knows what would have happened when they finally caught up with the group. I’m sure it wouldn’t have been pleasant & I can’t promise everyone would have survived.
I hope this answers your hypothetical question!
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finn-writes-stuff · 3 years
Hey there Bunny Boy, surely would absolutely love some help and an Beta Reader! (Its I! The Hypothetical Anon)
Everyone go follow them if you’re here for RE8 content, or if you’re into Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure!
(What do you want your new tag to be?)
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megalotrash · 6 years
so I’m running out of time but— You’ve always written Blood so wonderfully.. I love how he’s always had some sort of internal conflict trying not to ruin Sugar... but what if they were going out but they hadn’t done the do yet, and Shugs goes into a heat... do you think blood would pounce or be trying so hard to control his urges that he’d be completely oblivious to Sugar’s heat??
hmmm my answer would be both and also neither XD 
I did the heat thing in Caramel - but they were on the edge of getting together then- I still think his reaction would be similar. Notice right away by smell/look but not know what it is, have the idea spike in his head but deny it, and then the pure panic when he realises whats up and then the struggle with acting cool and needing to do stuff RIGHT NOW
that’s how i’d do it! I’m all for a ‘so repressed he doesn’t notice’ AND ‘Notices right away and turns into a rabid animal’ like… BOTH ARE AMAZING XDDDDD
btw i’m assuming you’re all the same anon rn, so you are dubed hypothetical anon until i know otherwise XD
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((Hypothetical: Oh its nothing you did! I just came back from a hiatus and noticed a bunch of asks that were signed hypothetical. I might need to make an account for myself in case someone uses my nickname for evil!))
((Ahhh yes! I would highly suggest that! I wouldn’t want to mistake someone else for you.
So I will make an exclusive tag for you considering the fact you’re a regular. Do you mind making note of which one’s aren’t you? I won’t publish the ask))
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ssreeder · 2 years
i like the nickname so imma ask hypothetical questions until i finally post the pieces... which will... hypothetically be the weekend.
anyway! so, hypothetically, boots survives all the way up to LIAB canon. what would the SWT do? would she somehow become the best emotional support komodo rhino for the two boys??
Ollo hypothetical anon!
So if Boots were still alive…. Hmmm…. I honestly don’t think the SWT would have taken him with them lol.
If they did take the damn thing with them,,,
I’m thinking father & son matching boots?!
I know you probably don’t like that answer but Boots was fun & cute while he was alive, but he would have turned into a huge burden unless someone could dedicate the time and resources into feeding and training him. He was a growing boy after all ;)
Idk how much emotional support sokka would have gotten from him anyway lol ;) he wasn’t a huge fan of Boots if I recall. & we all know Zuko can’t have nice things so…. Yeah. Lol.
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finn-writes-stuff · 3 years
Just Made it Bunny.... I am kinda embarrassed cuz my writing in an language wich is no my native and i don't know what might come from it
Hope you can be one of my Anons or one of my asker's tho... Heh
Hypothetical Anon (For Now)
If you ever want any help or someone to beta read, feel free to reach out to me!
I’ll absolutely be sending you asks, don’t worry
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finn-writes-stuff · 3 years
I see I see, thx Bunny
Imma create and blog of Headcannons also, reading a lot of extremely good ones like your's, Bean's and some others make my lazy ass come up and start doing something as a hobby
Hypothetical Anon~
When you make it, let us know what your blog is!! I’d love to read what you post.
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finn-writes-stuff · 3 years
Thanks Bunny Boy!
Just for some information, you do your Headcannons in Cellphone or in Pc?
Hypothetical Anon~
Usually on my phone. Not this last week, but the one before I was writing on my laptop (Phone was out of commission) but I’m back to my phone now for connivence
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finn-writes-stuff · 3 years
No worries Bunny Boy, im just an Anon who is extremely sentimental and friend-needing
Btw, Bean and Bunny also Daydream? I do that pretty much all the time, normally use it to distract myself, even created and world of my own
Well, anyway, hope you guys who are reading have an wonderful night, cuz tomorrow is workday
Hypothetical Anon
You’re absolutely allowed to consider me a friend, I consider you a friend
Yeah, I’ve got multiple very detailed worlds in my head that are just for indulgent daydreaming
Have a good day at work tomorrow!
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finn-writes-stuff · 3 years
Alright, just read the Headcannon of the Bunny S/O and my heart Fricking melted
Angie's Mighty steed, THE BUNNY
And you have gained an official nickname from Me, Bunny Boy
Hypothetical Anon~
If anyone draws Angie riding a bunny and sends it to me, I’ll die for them.
That’s cute, but you might have to fight my boyfriend over it if he thinks it’s too close to his nickname for me /j
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finn-writes-stuff · 3 years
Just Read what our angsty boi write and holy guacamole, that's some crazy shxt
You totally should write about it and tell the cops, that was a total theft
Mad Hypothetical Anon >:(
Angsty anon is gaining a protection squad real quick lmao
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finn-writes-stuff · 3 years
Sup Finn Boy, hows going? Just came back from an workout and im tired, just a reminder to everyone, keep yourself healthy, drink water and don't eat too much junk food
Have a nice weekend everyone!
Hypothetical Anon :3
I’m doing well! I hope you enjoyed your workout! You have A good weekend too!!
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finn-writes-stuff · 3 years
Hoooooly molly, thanks for the nickname Bud!
Elliot and i shall make a team to protecc Finn
I workout everyday and lift about the same amount,
Come forth all the weight lifting annons, we all shall survive
Hypothetical Annon
Hell yeah, strong bois. My survival has been guaranteed 😎
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finn-writes-stuff · 3 years
Some people are having some good ideas of survival in Re8
Hmm, Finn, would you be able to fight off an Lycan if needed?
(Same boy of the survival ask, i shall be called.... Dunno, gimme a nickname pliz)
Hmmmmmm, you get to be ‘Hypothetical Anon’ for now lmao
I am short, weak, and have low endurance. I hate to break it to you guys, but grinding out writing to have 4 posts a day means I don’t work out as much as a should. I would not be able to fight off a Lycan unless it was susceptible to puppy eyes
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((The real?)) Hypothetical anon to N: How goes your training? *wink*
((Omg tbh I don’t know what this means and I don’t remember what I said to trigger it haha. Please elaborate? I’m so sorry))
“Good!” The boy gave a bright smile.
“I’ve been getting a lot of training in recently…Dad’s been sick for a while now. We rarely see him.” His smile momentarily faded but it popped right back up.
“He’ll be fine! Dad is reaaaally tough! He’ll get better quick!”
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Hypothetical again: What is one foreign pokemon that you'd like to train?
“Mimikyu, no doubt,” he said in a split second.
“it’s ability seems interesting and I would love to see the strength of those foreign Fairy types…”
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