#hysterias and i love lesbian love so i had an awesome time
alexanderpearce · 1 year
people on letterboxd don’t like the falling (2014) because theyre stupid
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terfetuloa · 3 years
woman (ˈwo͝omən)
noun:  an adult female human being.
Hello, Radblr,
I’m another (very tired) lesbian who had to turn to a side blog in order to be able to fully speak about womanhood and what it means to be female in this penis-loving world. Once I was a true believer of liberal feminism, raising flags of diversity and praising those courageous enough to seek for their “true identity”. I was one of those brainwashed young girls shouting how evil terfs were and avoiding reading anything written by terfs as if I was committing heresy. But I’m lesbian and when you’re a woman who loves women you’ll eventually notice that the current LGBTQI+ community just isn’t a safe place for you and your woman-centered love life.
While posting about lesbian struggles and the absolute hysteria that’s the current LGBT movement on my main blog (the one I had for nearly 10 years) I came across such violent reactions from people I knew (online) for a long time that it left me not only dumbstruck but afraid of sharing my beliefs. After a while it kinda enrages you. As I was searching for women sharing the same concerns as I had, I came across radical feminists, the evil terfs. And I agreed with them. Maybe this is why “kweer” people ask you not to interact with terf women, right?
So as a way to avoid getting doxxed and to be able to fully express what I feel, I decided to start a new blog, meet women that won’t hunt me down like a criminal, and just share & learn. I’m 24, lesbian, mixed-raced, and fully out of the closet since 2009. I’m anti-prostitution (not anti-prostitutes), anti-porn (A.K.A. broadcasted rape) and anti-BDSM (sex is not about violence). I don’t believe trans women are women, as they’re biological males, there’s no “lady brain” and ‘woman’ is not a feeling. Speaking of biology, I’m not a science denier or a relativist, biology is real and not something randomly assigned. I believe gender is oppression.
 I do believe trans people deserve civil rights as I believe in Human Rights, but 1) not at the cost of female rights and 2) sex is not a human right (hello, cotton-ceiling). I don’t believe all transwomen are predators, I truly believe there are transwomen minding their own business and trying to live their lives in peace and I’m willing to use their preferred names and pronouns in a well-mannered discussion, but I don’t trust the political aspect of the trans community and their political agenda, as I was constantly exposed to their violent replies to women with different world views, the systemic denial of science, the crusade to destroy sex-based rights, the erasure of language, their blatant homophobia and lesbophobia (modern conversion therapy) and the obnoxious online grooming of gnc gays and lesbians. 
I respect people’s pronouns as a way to show courtesy to people that respect me and civilly discuss with me, even tho I believe that non-binary women are females with I’m Not Like The Other Girls Complex taking male stereotypes as the default form even for gender-neutral language and aesthetics, while throwing other women under the bus because “they identify with their assigned gender” (news flash: gender is oppression, no women identifies with their oppression). I believe this non-binary trend is a way for women to escape internalized misogyny and the pain of being female, also, lots of teenagers mistaking personality traits for gender. Wearing pants and a short haircut doesn’t erase your material reality as a female.
I wouldn’t say I’m a radical feminist (yet), but a lot of Radfem's ideas are in accordance to my world views. I’m well aware that the term “terf” is a slur but I couldn’t avoid the pun (tervetuloa = welcome, in Finnish). Anyways, these are some of my beliefs. I know I have a lot to learn and to be able to find women with similar mindsets would be awesome :)
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