#hyuna dark
shakingparadigm · 4 months
hey guys do we fw ivan till luka and hyunwoo in a boy idol unit
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geospiral · 5 days
Did you ever have that one person in your life when you were younger that was so unabashedly kind that even though you personally weren’t good at interacting with others or had a hard time understanding other people, that person never treated you any differently from the rest of the people around you? When you were mentally struggling, did thinking about how effortlessly nice and welcoming that person was make you feel better and even give you some hope for the world if it was able to make something—someone—this good? And maybe that person was actually your friend or someone that you wanted to consider your friend, but the point is that they were kind, and you were kind in turn for the moments you had with them, and that's all that matters.
Anyway, I wasn’t really sure how to get the feeling across any other way, but this is why understanding Sua, Till, and Ivan’s fondness toward Mizi is so easy to me personally; even if how they feel towards her doesn’t perfectly align with the feelings I had towards my person, I get why they care for her so much. Mizi’s a light in the dark.
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enden-k · 6 days
OMG??? LUKA LOOKS SO ETHEREAL 🙏almost makes me want to forgive him for everything hes done
this is a good moment to mention that i feel like luka gets overhated waaaay too much in the fandom, idk if its just me who tends to like the more ""problematic""/troubled/antagonistic/dubious/morally grey/etc characters so i find him interesting but i rlly dunno if the hate is a bit too much or if i missed smth significant that explains why hes hated sm that ppl cant even leave their hate out of the comments on anything luka related hghh
but anw thanks tho :]
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thenovamuse · 2 years
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dovedi · 1 year
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( ⑅ ˘ ˑ ˘ )        ◌⃘   🍷 ⁺
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yawn-junn · 11 months
Hey y'all it's my birthday!!!
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ch3rrybl0ss0ms69 · 1 year
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getosugurusbangs · 2 months
the fame monster by lady gaga is soooooo alnst….
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witchblade · 7 months
oh i think i gave my aegis scary light eyes accidentally
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shakingparadigm · 7 months
I know it's pretty commonly agreed upon that till's eyes are green, but I swear in certain shots they look blue. I literally thought they were blue at first!
so I've decided the only right answer to till's eye color is: teal. till teal.
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bidokja · 2 years
okay. do i like riette's child raising practices. Fuck No. would i let her do Unspeakable things to me. emphatically. Yes.
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timmie-p · 6 months
april fools post translation 👍 * indicates i have notes on the translation if you want to read below
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Hyun Woo —> He stopped acting in his childhood but is currently working on ALNST as a lighting crew member. Worries about his dull, slow sister
Hyuna —> The last and youngest of the ALNST cast to debut! Her real personality is gentle and innocent
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Mizi —> Fan favourite among the actors. Shy personality and very nervous about her first leading role
Sua —> The feisty actress is popular among her co-stars, thanks to her nonchalant friendliness
Sua: Great job on the shoot today. I’m sure Director Kim was only speaking so harshly because he was worried about your safety, so don’t take it personally.
Mizi: Yeah.. ((It’s sunbae!!! What should I do! What should I do!!))
Sfx: Thump thump thump [heartbeat sound]
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Ivan and Luka are actors from a different agency. They’re also in an idol group together (for the record, Luka hates it)
Ivan —> Ivan loves kids and voluntarily takes care of them
Luka —> Luka is Ivan’s best friend, so he’s forced to babysit with him
Baby Till —> Baby Till for flashback scenes
Baby Mizi —> Baby Mizi for flashback scenes when the kids are older
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Till —> Till, the youngest in the series, is actually the oldest in the cast and debuted with CF before he could even speak in a diaper commercial. Till has a strong “my pace”* persona. He just wants to quickly wrap up the shoot and go home. His dark circles are from overwork, not make-up.
Others —> Three people who want to approach their mysterious** senior but can’t
Ivan: ((Lamenting over delays..?))
Mizi: Want me to talk to him?
Luka: Yeah
Till: ((I want to go home))
Sfx: Spacing out~
*according to namu wiki, either someone who’s strongly independent and doesn’t care what others think or someone who’s always chill
**according to namu wiki, the adjective translates to a famous person who deliberately keeps their private life secret. i just went with mysterious bc it directly translates to “mystic”
i didn’t choose to translate sunbae in Mizi’s thoughts because it sounds weird and most of you probably know what it means anyway
lol it looks like everyone’s personalities were flipped. does that mean ivan actually hates kids? and till as the cool mysterious senior everyone is scared to talk to vs hyuna as no thoughts head empty is kinda funny. i have a feeling ivan and luka are shipped together a lot by fans in this au.. the woes of being besties. also mizisua is always canon 🙏 theyre so yuri
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absha120420 · 2 months
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sing a little louder for the ghosts to hear can ya
Design notes:
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I knew Mizi would be the centerpiece from the get go, since she’s the star of the show (main character and allat) but I also wanted to balance the other characters depending on how important they were or if they operated within the system or not.
For example, ivan&till do break the rules in their rounds but remain entrenched within the system, except ivan… yk… tragic pride month and allat means he can break out a little.
Luka is firmly within the box, as are all the other contestants. Hyuna has escaped, so most of her is outside the box, the dark side and black horse of the stage. Sua is in the background because I guess this poster takes place after Round 1, idk, the dead aren’t costars
Kinda wanted to give Mizi that Virgin Mary glow effect since she’s so dear and even worshipped by the others
Till and his lighting was very difficult, I wanted him to be like Ivan’s candle? But also having some light reflected from Mizi. Hard to balance
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songjinhyun · 4 months
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Hello pookies, hope y’all is fine
So your girl entered the void without even trying and I had no idea that I was in the void ( I know I said I don’t talk about that here but hheeeeyyy let ur girl vent )
So before goin to sleep , I had this argument with my mom it was kind of like a misunderstanding and when I tell u this woman can be a good manipulator I’m not lying but yeah ig she doesn’t know that she’s doin it but yooh I’m not here to vent
So I decided to go to sleep , I was disappointed but not mad , I put my meditation guide on and drifted off to sleep but I was still aware and I was following my meditation guide, tell me why was I in this dark world but yet I was not feeling scared cause usually I get terrified by dark places
I was really relaxed, happy , satisfied, cool and all the good things I felt like I was floating and moving around freely I felt free and I had no limits in there , then I realized I must be in the VOID so I decided to say my affirmations for my desires, I was really happy and excited but it had to be taken away from me by a sudden push from my brother who had no business being in my ROOM 💀
But yeah pookies , I don’t know if this will motivate anyone to persist in getting into the void or not but I hope you are motivated and just know that the VOID IS YOU
Love y’all pookies and see y’all next tym
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Hyuna loves pookies/ dumplings
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whizzinpast · 4 months
Alien Swap (ALNST Role Swap AU)
Sua (swapped with Mizi)
Nigeh has a very specific taste in pet-humans and is known to raise them with proper manners and dress them in most exquisite outfits. Tired of the doting, Sua decided to break out and participate in a singing competition. Nigeh was happy to provide her with all the resources she needed to sing on Alien Stage and loves to brag about their ‘daughter’s’ accomplishments.
Sua meets Mizi in the same way as canon. Unlike canon though, Sua is more open with the children in Anakt Garden. Many admired her and saw her as an older sister, but she paid particular attention to very few. She was very picky about her company (which mostly consisted of Mizi tbh, and Till when he’s not being a territorial jerk)
Loves singing from the bottom of her heart and has a magnetic stage presence.
At first, her dream was to sing in Alien Stage under the stars because it was a great honor (even if she knew what death was really like). Then it was to sing with Mizi under the stars.
She firmly believed that Mizi would win— she never expected her to lose on purpose.
After Mizi’s death, Sua became a living doll. She couldn’t bother expressing herself. It was only until Round 5, when Hyuna mimics Mizi’s singing style, that she snaps. She uses stage props to knock Hyuna over and beat her with her microphone.
She is saved from execution by Luka, and during his version of ‘All-in’ she gets a side cut.
Mizi (swapped with Sua)
Guardian Shine is a segyein too old to bother with bonds. They’ve been very emotionally distant to Mizi, who they adopted because they felt sorry for her. They had, quite literally, left her in the dark for so long Mizi’s eyesight suffered. In spite of Mizi’s constant attempts to reach out and impress her Guardian, with one of those attempts being her application for Alien Stage, she was ultimately sent off to die.
Despite her cheerfulness, Mizi’s self-confidence was very low. She believed she was worth nothing up until she met Sua, and decided to get stronger for her sake. She made her laugh and helped her with physically demanding tasks.
Although she seemed happier with Sua, Mizi easily got skittish around others. Most kids thought she was weird, albeit cute to some extent.
Mizi decided to lose to Sua on purpose. Till found out and harshly criticized her for it. He claimed she should at least give it her all, to which Mizi responded by punching someone for the first time in her life— and frantically apologized for it.
Mizi didn’t know how brutal death could be until she got shot.
Ivan (swapped with Till)
Ivan had always loved the stars. Even when he was violently abused by Guardian Unsha’s lackeys, he loved the stars.
In spite of his circumstances (dragged out of the slums by the galactic mafia, tortured and then forced to entertain terrible segyein) Ivan used his intellect and appearance to his advantage. He became self-sufficient very quickly and crafted a persona to appeal to his segyein overlord.
Due to his experiences, Ivan appeared very cold and stoic as a kid. He dismissed anybody that approached him because he didn’t how to react. It was easier to scare people away than risk backlash. But, otherwise, he could be a polite and chatty kid if you know what topics to approach him with.
One of his most prized possessions is a lighter that he stole from Unsha. He keeps flicking it when he’s nervous.
Sua was his idol, his inspiration, and his rare comfort was listening to her sing. He thought she was the human equivalent of a star. Unfortunately, he never got to properly talk to her because she always misunderstood what he said.
Both him and Mizi were too awkward to talk to each other.
At some point, Ivan tried to escape on his own, but was quickly found by Till, who bullied his way into joining him. They almost escaped until Ivan realized they wouldn’t survive out in the wilderness on their own.
Till remained in his periphery because Ivan automatically blanked out when he was mistreated. The only way for Till to get his attention was to pinch him or punch him. Ivan was too resistant to verbal provokations.
Ivan stole enough materials off of rich segyein to design and sew his own outfit for Round 2. He won because his stage presence was so intense it terrified his opponent into silence halfway through the song.
Till (swapped with Ivan)
Urak bought a problematic pet-human on discount and struck a deal with him: in return for success, the child will get whatever he wants. They started with food. Then sweets. Then heavy equipment. Then guitars. Till continued to provide Urak with his musical prowess and earned everything he could dream of.
Spoiled rotten thanks to his wild success as a musical protege, Till became a force to be reckoned with at Anakt Garden. He was openly arrogant and didn’t bother with kids or tasks that he deemed unnecessary. Though, somehow, he still managed to attract admirers who thought his confidence and talent was impressive.
Out of all the kids, Ivan had the misfortune (or fortune, in Till’s eyes) to be graced with his attention. This is because Till thought of Ivan as his rival, which is, honestly, just a synonym for him getting a massive crush on him. He is stupidly into him. He thinks his ‘raw intellect’ makes him a diamond in the rough. But because he doesn’t know how to get Ivan to look at him in any other way, he gets his attention by treating him like a punching bag. (Worse than Canon!Ivan, who verbally provokes Till into fights.)
He was intensely jealous of Sua because she got so much of Ivan’s focus. However, it didn’t stop him from respecting her. She was one of the rare people that had enough talent and skill to get him. The same could not be said for Mizi.
As a celebrity, he has asshole charisma and he knows it.
In Round 6, Till does something similar to what Sua did in Round 5: he uses the microphone as a weapon and hits Ivan in the legs until he drops to the ground. He simultaneously punched Ivan three times and kissed him until he was shot and bled out.
Hyuna (swapped with Luka)
Phan, Hyuna’s Guardian, was abusive for no specific reason. They cut off her leg when she was a kid simply because they were curious. But seeing that she wouldn’t be of use to them with one leg, they provided her with a prosthetic.
Imagine a movie star persona — big smiles, big personality, black, bedazzled suits and cool shades. That’s Hyuna, except she’s dressed to impress. Looks very cool and effortless, but shows off a more cold and ruthless side to her during matches.
Hyuna had an unhealthy fixation with Luka and considered herself his ‘protector’ or ‘knight.’ Her and Hyunwoo had a more…dicey sibling relationship. They fought a lot (more like Hyuna was picking fights under the guise of being ‘the good guy’) and eventually she would beat Hyunwoo to death so there would be no one between them. Think like…the black knight in shining armor.
Luka (swapped with Hyuna)
If there is a tale of a princess escaping her tower, it would pretty much sum up Luka’s life. As a kid, Luka was extremely shy and rarely played with other kids due to his health issues (his slightly aloof attitude didn’t help either though). This changed when Hyuna and Hyunwoo invite him to play, and he became attached to Hyuna, who always protected him from bullies (and Hyunwoo, allegedly).
Despite his know-it-all attitude, Luka was genuinely ambitious and eagerly awaited auditions for Alien Stage. He was very confident in his talent and, despite the abuse at the hands of his Guardian and his declining health, strongly believed that he would win.
It all came crashing down when Hyuna reveals her true colors. She was a warden more than a guardian— keeping Luka isolated by intimidating anyone who comes near, with Hyunwoo being a slight exception. However, she kills Hyunwoo the following day with her bare hands while Luka was experiencing cardiac arrest. (Her excuse was that Hyunwoo caused it by messing with Luka.)
Luka escapes his enclosure and survives with a group of human rebels.
As a leader of the human resistance, Luka is a tactical mastermind that moves troops around like chess pieces. However, he can only do it from the safety of his home base. The few times he goes out, he’s heavily guarded by Isaac and Dewey.
A/N: The brainrot is hard at work. This is just me laying the groundwork. May or may not doodle designs if I have the time.
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ivanttakethis · 3 months
These my favorite theories in no particular order, with some of my own personal theories mixed in.
Most of these are about Ivan, but he’s my favorite character so yeah lol.
Long post under the cut. Let’s go!!
1. IVAN IS ALIVE (yes, the capitalization is necessary)
I believe this one for a few reasons:
- We haven’t seen any official art about Ivan’s death (which is inch resting imo)
- At one point, there was a post/comment/rumor that Vivinos/QMENG (not sure which) said no one else was going to die after Sua (of course now I can’t find where I initially saw this, so take it with a grain of salt). This could’ve been said to mislead us or maybe they changed their minds later on, but I’m still holding onto this — assuming the statement was made/is true.
- Ivan didn’t get shot in the head. If they wanted to kill him to stop him from “hurting” Till, why waste bullets on shooting him several times in non-lethal places when they could’ve just sniped him one time in the head or neck and been done with it?
- Ivan’s owner Unsha is an alien underworld mobster who has a rivalry with Till’s owner Urak. I don’t think Unsha would take Till (and by extension Urak) “winning” Round 6 in the way he did lightly enough to let Ivan rest without a rematch. But maybe he’s not as petty as I would be idk.
- I’m delusional 🙂
2. Luka isn’t branded.
- This is one of my theories. I think Luka doesn’t have his name branded anywhere on him because he was grown in a lab.
- If the aliens are capable of growing humans, they probably also have the ability to “edit” or design them however they wish. They could’ve made Luka into the perfect Alien Stage contestant: beautiful, musically talented, charming, eternally youthful, but also cunning and cutthroat.
- I think they made him obedient on a fundamental level, more obedient than Ivan or Sua. It’s part of his DNA.
- He’s incapable of rebelling, so there’s no need to brand him. There’s no need for a reminder of who’s in charge because Luka wouldn’t step out of line in the first place.
3. Sua was turned into an android.
- Based on this official art that continues to haunt me.
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- Also this post about Vivinos saying Sua will appear again “no matter what form she takes” makes me go hmm 🤔
- If Mizi and Hyuna get captured, I could see android Sua being brought in to break down Mizi as some sort of psychological torture method. (Wow, that got dark. Anyways…)
4. Ivan will appear in the 10th video in the series.
- I talked about my reasoning behind this theory here, but to summarize: the three numbers in this pic with Ivan could represent Round 3 and Round 6, which he appeared in both, and the 10 could represent him appearing in the 10th video in the series. This also ties into theory #1 on this list (IVAN IS ALIVE)
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- This is one of my favorite theories because it gives me big “cork board and red string” conspiracy vibes lol
5. Ivan has a connection to the wagyeins.
- Based on the official art we have of Ivan being close with a wagyein as a child. I did a mini-analysis about their relationship in this post.
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- Ivan also has some of similarities to the wagyein that we don’t see in any other humans (red pupils, sharp tooth, etc.)
6. Ivan was experimented on.
- Another one of my personal theories is that Ivan was experimented on, though not to the extent that Till was.
- This might explain why he was able to tank like three bullets without flinching much in Round 6.
- And also why his blood might be a different color, as mentioned in this post.
Finally, and perhaps most devastatingly:
7. Till did look at Ivan, he just didn’t notice.
- I think Ivan is an unreliable narrator who is deeply self-deprecating and always sees the worst in himself. And because both Round 3 and Round 6 focused heavily on Ivan’s perspective, we as the audience end up seeing the world how he saw it, rather than how it actually was.
- Ivan thinks that Till never noticed him, but I think he did. Just— not when Ivan was looking. There’s some art/screenshots to back this up too (his eyes being closed in some of these 😭).
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Those are all my favorite theories as of now, but I’m sure there’ll be more in the future.
Thank you for the ask anon!
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