valcntincs · 6 years
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fml, i’m late but here finally. hey friends. i’m allie. i’m old. i live in kentucky and hate kfc. milo is basically a revived character that i have played on and off since 2013. he’s my bb. please love us. ALSO, please tag tw’s for miscarriage, and pictures of snakes..
Be safe! Under the cut; tw domestic & child abuse, tw mentions of anxiety, panic, & ptsd, tw abortion.
milo only has a few good memories of his childhood unfortunately. they include the one and only vacation that he and his family took together and his holding his baby sister for the first time. things began to take a turn for the worst when he was six and his father lost his job and the occasional beer became a drunk every night sort of thing. the elder valentine male was not a nice drunk.
his father was abusive mentally and emotionally first. hateful words being thrown at him since he was a young boy and it sticking to him like glue. the abuse became physical on his mother first, milo and his sister always staying upstairs and hiding in a closet. he was eleven when he came down to try to help one night, hearing his mother crying and glass breaking. that was the first night the physical abuse was turned on him and he suffered through it for five years until his mother was brave enough to divorce and get a restraining order against her husband. 
milo is scarred physically (majority on his back), emotionally, and mentally. he has ptsd and suffers anxiety and panic attacks that he was prescribed medication for. he also has nightmares though they aren’t as often as they used to be.
the abuse was never turned on his younger sister. 
from an early age he had started to show an interest in art. it wasn’t until a counselor in his highschool had bought him a sketch pad. 
he’s very artistically talented and you can find him sketching often. he is also a fan of painting. he’d prefer paints, but doesn’t have access to an easel on the ship so he’s not able to paint as often as he’d prefer. some of his stuff is so good that people have bought them for their homes.
he went to school for three years. he spent almost a year as a tattoo artist and then started working on the ship because he wanted something new and different. milo is very indecisive. smh.
is completely sleeved out in tattoos and has several on his chest. please don’t assume that he has harry’s tattoos. quite a few have to do with alice in wonderland and he has a harry potter one.
gets along more with females and has a hard time trusting men. 
talks to his mum and sister often. very often. damn mumma’s boy. 
works at H20 as a bartender which is honestly dumb (what are you thinking boy?) because he likes alcohol a little too much himself. he’s sober right now, but has worked hard to get there. let’s hope he doesn’t slip. 
he’s trying to teach himself how to play guitar. it’s not going well.
he loves elton john too much. like.. it’s.. not.. healthy. 
oh.. he’s left handed.
umm. that’s it? i guess.
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cabrcra · 6 years
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wow, okay !! let’s get this shit show on the road. and by shit show i mean my intro because i suck at them, in case you couldn’t already tell..anyway, steering away from my complaining i just want to say what up, i’m brynn, i’m nineteen, and i never learned to fucking read. okay, omg i’m sorry but seriously, find out more about my lil bean, nina under the cut ! 
( cindy kimberly, female, she/her ) ↷ hey, that’s NINA CABRERAwho’s originally from AMSTERDAM. i heard they’re NINETEEN and have been working on the ship as ISLAND CINEMA STAFF for ONE YEAR AND SIX MONTHS other passengers seem to say they’re ASSERTIVE and INDECISIVE, but are also known to be COMPASSIONATE and ENTHUSIASTIC. when they’re missing home, i heard A HEART-SHAPED LOCKET, OVERSIZED SWEATERS & VASES FILLED OF FLOWERS can always cheer them up. ↷ ( brynn, she/her, 18+, est. ) 
nina was born in amsterdam ( okay so i’m not original at all, sorry ) while her family was on visiting other relatives. because of complications that occured during child birth, her mother wasn’t able to fly home for a while which resulted in her family remaining in amsterdam for nearly a year after her birth ( her mother was clear after a few weeks but her family was hella convincing. )
after returning to the united states ( seattle, washington ) that was when her life truly began. nina was the youngest of three, having one elder brother and sister, she had a lot of protectors growing up. her sister was only two years older than she so they pretty much spent every waking moment together, including classes in high school. and while they had different interests, one gave up art class for science, and one gave up math for physical education.
growing up, her parents were extremely religious. not to the point where she couldn’t wear dressed above her knees but they expected so much out of her. no swear words, keep up with your reading, make sure you pray, go to church. the more they pushed her into church and god, the more than young child wanted to rebel but she knew they were doing what was best for her and by fifteen she was leading her youth church and even pushed to have designated days outside of church days to meet up.
graduating high school a year early, nina decided to join the ship as a way of exploring and learning more about places outside of washington. she joined originally as an activity director but that turned out to be boring and not what she wanted so she bounced around with jobs before landing the one with the cinema, which she happens to actually enjoy !
she used to love going to the arcade on deck four but after an incident with a guest, it isn’t much fun to her although she does still go from time to time. 
she keeps a journal in her room to write about her days so that when she finally returns home she can tell her family all about her trip.
most nights, a few hours before she sleeps, she listens to music to soothe her.
she likes the spa they have aboard but doesn’t often get to go.
um..that’s it? that’s all i got. if you wish to know anything specific, message me !
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tragichcney-blog · 6 years
hi, everyone ! i’m lucy and i lit haven’t been in a rp in forEVER so bare with me whilst i get into the swing of things again ! anyway, let me introduce my smol baby girl for a hot minute and i’m probably gonna do her a lil pinterest page too to really get a good feel for her !
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( halston sage, cisfemale, she/her) ↷ hey, that’s SOFIA ANDREWS who’s originally from NEWCASTLE, ENGLAND. i heard they’re TWENTY THREE and have been working on the ship as a PERSONAL TRAINER AT BARRACUDA for TWO YEARS. other passengers seem to say they’re BLUNT and IMPULSIVE, but are also known to be THOUGHTFUL and HONEST. when they’re missing home, i heard HER MOTHER'S WEDDING RING can always cheer them up. ↷ ( lucy, she/her, 22, gmt. )
sofia was twelve when her parent’s divorced and her father left their family home to start a new life. she used to think her family was perfect and nothing could ever go wrong, but she quickly learned that nothing is ever as it seems. things may look perfect from the outside, but being inside of a relationship or a family can be so very different.
she’s sixteen by the time her mother remarries and brings a new child into the world. she hasn’t heard from her father since the day he left and she can barely even remember what his voice sounds like anymore. the days of watching old home videos is long gone and she can’t help but wish for something more. something better than the life she leads. 
her first boyfriend at the age of seventeen and he’s the most perfect guy in the world. to everybody else. this is where sofia really finds out how imperfect things can be on the inside. the first time he shouts at her and her heart races, fingers trembling as she chokes back tears and apologises for something she didn’t even do. by now, she has two younger sisters and a brother on the way. her mother tells her what a good role model she is for her siblings, how smart she is and how beautiful and caring she can be. it’s what attracted jonathan to her and she can’t help but feel bitter for her looks and her brains. 
by nineteen, jonathan is still a huge part of her life, though her step-father has begun to notice the looks and the marks sofia has desperately tried to hide. she’s helping her mother in the kitchen and helping contain the children as they tire themselves out after dinner when she hears the voices raise and she feels like she’s drowning. the words ‘abuse’ and ‘scumbag’ ring clear and true in her mind and she can’t bring herself to move. her mother stays by her side, true in the belief that her husband can fix this and make everything better for her. 
days later, she visits her step-father in hospital, the bruises big and dark along his tanned skin. she knows that jonathan looks a lot worse, but he’s the last thing on her mind now. the best father she had ever known had near enough gotten himself killed for her. and it’s then that she knows not all men will let her down. she’s still not their biggest fan and could do without them, but she at least has proof that there is good in people. 
days before her twentieth birthday, she receives the confirmation of her employment on the seascape horizon. her mother is less than impressed, so desperately wants her to use her brains for better things, take herself to university and do a degree. but training had been the only thing that had pulled her through all the rough times and she wants to do something with that. she wants to see the world and meet new people. and her mother reluctantly agrees, her siblings hugging her and clinging to her and begging her to take them with her. 
the newest chapter of her life begins the moment she steps foot on the seascape horizon and it must be for the better. it must be better than every other chapter she has been through thus far. two years have passed and sofia genuinely could not be happier. she enjoys her job, she enjoys the company, she enjoys the passengers. there is nothing she does not enjoy about her time at sea. she is happy and content and a video call to her mother twice a week is enough to keep them satisfied long enough for them to discuss being able to see one another. 
idk what this is but this is my tiny daughter sofia and i love her. she is soft and smol and precious. but will also fight anyone that tries to hurt her. she has grown and i love her very much. i would loveeeeee to plot some stuff out with people so ??? let me know if anyone is interested in that. plus my discord is hcneywcnder#4154 if anyone uses that and wants to discuss anything over there !
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reignyim · 6 years
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( charles melton, cismale, he/him ) ↷ hey, that’s REIGN YIM-DAVIS who’s originally from ORLANDO, FLORIDA. i heard they’re TWENTY-SIX and have been working on the ship as A SHARK BAIT DAYCARE WORKER for TWO YEARS. other passengers seem to say they’re SELFISH and IMPULSIVE, but are also known to be LOYAL and INTELLIGENT. when they’re missing home, i heard THE SOUND OF HIS MOMS VOICE, SPENDING MONEY and SPIKED COFFEE can always cheer them up.
hey demons it’s me....ya boi, ash with this trash garbage
drug tw
reign is From Money. his dad’s family has owned hotels all over the world ( think hilton ) for over 30 years. however, his dad decided to go into politics and that’s how he met reigns mom. his mom is from a more modest upbringing. she’s from south korea, grew up lower middle class and when she was 19 she applied to get a student visa to america where she studied politics. that’s where she met reign’s dad and they quickly fell in love. but after school she went back to korea because well… she had to.
HOWEVER at just 23 she found out she was pregnant and was still in contact with reigns dad. long story short. ya boy reign was born in korea bc his mom is stubborn and wasn’t going to be a white man’s trophy wife. it literally took until reign was almost 14 for his mom to agree to move to america and apply for citizenship and marry his dad. ( also because she was leading the charge, speaking out against the north korean government )
reign’s upbringing in korea was mixed. he was living with his mom and grandparents in a low income area but there was also enough money for him to always have nice clothes and food. once he realized what his mom was doing and what she was speaking out against, he was like BOI ( he was like 10 )
he lived in america for 2 months every year until he moved to FL when he was 13. his dad was always apart of his life and was in korea every other month.
he didn’t care much about coming to america, he enjoyed it tbh. he felt like his mom was safe.
he has a little sister. she’s 21 and probably not playable but im still not sure yEt
ASIDE FROM HIS AMAZING FAMILY reign is a giant douche
DRUG TW: he has a Big drug problem.he was in rehab for about a month before coming on the boat 2 years ago. his parents thought it would be better than rehab. but boy were they Wrong
you can be his friend but he’s a little bitch
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foxcd-blog · 6 years
*stums guitar* wassup dudes !! my names cee ( she/they , est , alMOST 24 ) and this is my first babe fox dayton ! hit that lil ♥ and i’ll slide into your dms for some plotting ! i also play alexio so his intro will be up soon !!
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( nick robinson, cismale, he/him ) ↷ hey, that’s FOX DAYTON who’s originally from BRISTOL, ENGLAND. i heard they’re TWENTY-THREE and have been working on the ship as A MUSICIAN AT THE SHOW LOUNGE for TWO YEARS. other passengers seem to say they’re MISGUIDED  & CLOSED OFF, but are also known to be SUAVE & RADIANT. when they’re missing home, i heard HIS FIRST GUITAR & THE SMELL OF RAIN can always cheer them up. ↷ ( cee, she/they, 23, est. )
meet my lil guitar playin long haired babe , fox !! his name is actually foxworth charles dayton, however he hopes that name dies ( he was named after his grandfather ) and will literally punch someone for calling him foxworth. so it’s just FOX.
fox grew up in england to a rich , snooty family. the daytons are highly known in england , very wealthy , and complete snobs. although he was very well off as a kid and could have pretty much anything he wanted, fox wanted to be more than a last name and fancy credit cards.
the only family member he likes is his older brother.
he had an interest in music from the very beginning and through his parents humored it, they never saw their son having a musical career & were never going to approve of it.
basically a trust fund baby that never needed to work but fox always picked up little gigs here and there. he looooves his profession and wasn’t going to give it up , so he risked his parents disappointment to go after music.
he wasn’t that successful in england due to his parents interfering, so he started to look for ways to leave home.
his parents are Not happy about this and they haven’t spoken in two years but due to the influence of his brother & them wanting to make sure he’s okay ( ie. not dead somewhere bc they have a Reputation ) , fox is Loaded so hit ur boy up for some drinks at different ports
he does sets at the show lounge as often as possible and really enjoys it.
he’s got a lowkey shawn mendes kinda vibe with his music . soft & acoustic and romantic. 
he never really got the chance to be a normal kid but he never talks about it or mentions it bc he knows he was lucky to have grown up the way he did, even if it didn’t go perfectly.
fox was a super happy boy growing up until he started to feel held back by his family. he keeps his personal life VERY private and doesn’t really talk about who his family is or anything like that.
he doesn’t really .. have a path in life or know where he’s going after the horizon. there’s some workers who are getting older and hes thinking about just doing it until he can’t anymore because he just …. doesn’t know where his life is going
he cares way more than he wants people to think he cares. he cares ,,,, So Much
you wouldn’t expect it but as soon as hes off of work and they’re at a port , he’s at the nearest bar getting lit. one of his very first experiences was in cozumel ; standing on a bar , getting free tequila shots all night. it was an Experience.
a little shy ???? not super openly but when someone can like , break past his shell or see through his act he gets a little shy and nervous about it
when he feels comfortable around someone he can be pretty charming. he gets it from his dad.
can lowkey talk his way around something he wants.
has a very romantic soul but is TERRIBLe at romance. someone tries to say something sweet and romantic and hes like ‘cool have u seen this picture of spongebob?’
legit that gifset of ‘i love you’ ‘thanks, be right back’ and runs tf off
he’s not against romance he’s just never had anything work out for him but he has a Very romantic soul and will love someone Very hard one day
and tf he’s terrible with expressing himself and sharing about himself so it doesn’t really work
will sometimes pretend he’s a comedian when hes working and starts telling awful jokes
and then hes like ‘just kidding’ and start singing
is honestly really nice to be around bc hes pretty simple and has a pretty gentle demeanor. likes to cuddle. likes to sing softly.
his actions / feeling can sometimes be taken as flirting when he doesn’t mean it. but sometimes he means it without knowing he means it.
a pansexual king.
a taurus & good hearted hufflepuff.
honestly hes just tired
will serenade you with music. will look into your eyes and sing romantic lyrics. will then proceed to say ‘ok i gotta go’ and peace out
will also very goofily serenade his friends. following them around the ship singing ‘cotton eyed joe’
i wish i was kidding about that one but i am 100% serious
has eight tattoos: a watercolor guitar on this left calf , music sheets to his favorite song wrapping around his left arm, the outline of a star behind his right ear , a crown on his right middle finger , a fox on his left middle finger , a guitar pick on his left ankle , a little fox thats howling & has lil music notes coming from his howl on his right wrist & black and white roses on his right shoulder.
is SUPER funny when he’s drunk
has nicks long-ish hair that is kinda messy and i honestly hate it but he loves it and wont cut it
he plays the guitar , keyboard , and sings !!
really loves to travel and always gets off the ship when they dock somewhere.
loves horror films
wanted connections
wanted tag
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cvstillc · 6 years
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wassss poppin’ yall?? it’s your local potato queen kat here back again with a new lovechild :) if you’re new and don’t know me, hi! i’m kat and i also play jordyn (zendaya fc) andddd i love you ♡ true story starring me: i was sitting writing out all the beautiful details of this gorgeous creature and my laptop started updating hahahAHA so i lost all my shit (literally and digitally) so...enjoy...the scraps of trash you will find below. also, if we haven’t plotted (with alayna or jordyn) hmu or like this and i’ll slide into those dms boo! alright letss gooo.
- i’m a sophomore in college who can’t i write coherent sentences but YALLL THIS BACKSTORY IS...it’s FUEGOOO!!
- if you met jordyn, alayna is the complete opposite(ish). she’s girly, she’s prissy, v v high maintenance and has never had to work for anything a day in her life.
- also her real name isn’t alayna....*suspensful music* 
- alayna was born and raised in san diego. mommy is a pediatric surgeon, daddy is a ceo of a nationally-recogonized company. she has a older sister (3 years difference) and her teacup goldendoodle, bubbles. bc she was the baby she was handed shit, didn’t really work for much except the ocassional tantrums and eye-lash batting.
- if you didn’t pick it up yet, she’s rich. i mean “drives a rose gold benz, has her own master bed and walk in closet, wipes her tears with $100 bills” rich. money has never been a object to her basically
- she’s a natural born leader. she knows what she wants and she goes for it. or she has daddy go for it bc again...never worked for anything
- she’s never faced any serious hardships (a broken nail, maybe) in her life so doesn’t know what it’s like to lose someone or something. 
- super flirt. sUUPPER flirt. and it’s never unintentional. she knows wtf she’s doing.
- self absored, doesn’t really value or care for others opinions, oHH DRAMA QUEEN! she is EXTRAAA! the most minor inconvenience will send her into a fucking RAMAGE.
- v sociable. loves to be the center of attention, loves having people talking to her ABOUT her :)
- she graduated top 10 of her class from la jolla country day school (she smartt). she wasn’t particularly fond of going to college so.. she didn’t! i mean, she had really need to considering she’d be swimming in money till she died.
- you’re probably wondering...”if she has money, why tf is she working on a cruise ship” SO I EXPLAIN! one day alayna came home from school and found an envolope taped to her front door. it was addressed to her and basically had some cryptic creepy shit and some very personal pictures of her. the note basically said that i know your every move, i’m always watching you, blah blah blah, if you tell anyone..bad things happen.
- obviously she was freaked but couldn’t tell anyone about it, so she kinda lived with it. every now and then she’d get texts from an unknown number and she would be forced to do stuff and send things to the number...it was messy
- she finally made the decision to try and hide. run away to someplace she would never imagine her stalker would find her. her parents and friends think she’s traveling the world and exploring which isn’t a complete lie...it’s just that she’s working while doing so. 
- after some minor physical changes and a brand new alias, her she lies as horizon’s yoga instructor yaaay. once she boarded, the calls and messages stopped.
- she’s v fearful that her stalker has little henchmen looking for her so...she’ll never let you know of her real name unless she trusts you. and she doesn’t trust a lot of people so....yep.
well you made it! thank you for coming to my extremely long and thought out ted talk! if you still wanna plot with this little hell princess, like this or hmu and we can work something out!
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jasminedockins-blog · 6 years
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( vanessa morgan, cisfemale, she/her ) ↷ hey, that’s JASMINE DOCKINS who’s originally from PHILADELPHIA,PENNSYLVANIA. i heard they’re TWNETY FIVE and have been working on the ship as A WAITRESS AT HORIZON DINING HALL for A YEAR. other passengers seem to say they’re INDULGENT and PHLEGMATIC, but are also known to be AMBITIOUS and EASY GOING. when they’re missing home, i heard CHOCOLATE and WATCHING HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER can always cheer them up. ↷ ( taylor, she/her, 25, Est )
hey all! im taylor and this little bby is jasmine. please come love her as much as i do? message me or give this a like to plot! under the cut is my ramblin mess of a bio/intro!
Jasmine was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Her up-bringing, for the most part, was fairly normal. Or at least she assumed that it was normal until she was around 13 years old, it was then that everything changed. A few months after her 13th birthday, her father passed away suddenly. For a couple of years, it was explained to the girl that it was due to heart problems, come to find out when she was 18 that he did in fact have heart problems, as well as liver problems, all side effects of his prolonged alcoholism that just caused his body to shut down. Jas hadn’t really been aware of her father’s problem because in all honesty, he was a happy and functioning drunk.
After his passing, in order to help keep herself and her mother afloat, Jasmine began working all kinds of odd jobs. Throughout the years she babysat, waitressed, delivered pizza, filed paperwork in a law office…the list goes on. She and her mom were a team and having to work together to make ends meet only brought them closer. Although all of the responsibilities did cause Jas to lose out on some of her ‘youthful experiences’ there wasn’t a thing about it that she would change. When the opportunity to work on the boat came to be, the decision was a hard one, but she knew that it would be a great opportunity not only to gain experiences, but also to see the world.
Jasmine is one of those people who will always put on a happy face. Early on she convinced herself that she had to be strong for her mom’s sake and that’s something that’s stuck with her through the years. Showing any kind of emotion that she considers negative, like anger or sadness, isn’t something that she does very often and it doesn’t typically happen in public. She’s a go with the flow kind of girl, laid back and easy to get along with. She’s also a people pleaser and if often guilty of putting others before herself.
She probably won’t ever admit it out loud, but Jasmine enjoyed the new found freedom that came along with working on the ship. Not only was it a fantastic way to travel while making money but it was the perfect way to meet new people. One of those people was Milo, the two had a nearly instant connection making it quite easy for her to fall hard and fast. Months into their relationship, Jas discovered that she was pregnant. She hadn’t consulted anyone on how to handle the situation and, after a couple of weeks of deliberation, went through what she thought would be best and had an abortion.
Now that we got through all that makes Jas who she is, let’s move on to some random facts just to make things interesting, shall we?
-until working on the ship, the only places she ever traveled that was out of Philadelphia was to Florida to go to Disney World and to Ocean City, NJ to go to the beach.
-she’s a combination of street smart and book smart. She’s one of those annoying people who can just read something over once or twice and then ace a test on the subject, that made her a great student
-she graduated college with a degree in Early Childhood Education
-can be pretty superstitious, so to her a broken mirror does equal 7 years of bad luck, and yes, she has a lucky item…it happens to be a necklace
-hella ticklish
-hates wearing shoes, if it were up to her (and safe and legal) she would be barefoot all the time
-though she hasn’t been in much trouble, she has been pulled over for speeding on multiple occasions
-she loves sweets. If she could eat them for every meal, she would.
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skybergs-blog · 6 years
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finally an official introduction !!! - hi i’m ari & this is my jellybean, alexander skyberg /niall passing as norwegian is a Blessing idk why i never did this before/ he goes by alex or lex or any other nickname he’d appreciate just as much he’s just a cute little boy who wants to explore the world & if you’d like to know more just read below!
( niall horan, cismale, he/him/his ) ↷ hey, that’s ALEXANDER SKYBERG who’s originally from BERGEN, NORWAY. i heard they’re TWENTY-FOUR and have been working on the ship as a BARTENDER at BURIED TREASURE CASINO for ONE YEAR. other passengers seem to say they’re TRANSPARENT and IMITATIVE but are also known to be COMPASSIONATE and HUMBLE. when they’re missing home, i heard CALLING HIS FAMILY AND ARRANGING HIS CASSETTE COLLECTION can always cheer them up. 
i’ll try and keep it short on his background,
he was born & raised in bergen, norway, & lived on a farm that his family owned & worked on (i also mean like Big Family with grandparents, cousins, etc they’re all tight /all live closeby/ & it’d always be loud and full of music)
he’s the second eldest out of four children, an older brother & two younger sisters
growing up so close to nature, he loved to get down & dirty - he enjoyed road tripping with friends and families but never really had the chance to travel outside of norway
in general an overall good intentioned guy, charismatic & would get along with most people, he would rather let things go than starting a fight - basically a nonchalant kind of attitude
thinks his issue is really that he has no sense of who he is & thinks of himself only as a background character even in his own life 
as hard as it was to leave his family behind, he felt it was the right choice at this point in his life to join the cruise as a chance to find himself /like the disney princess he is/ 
seeing that traveling was something he loved, he felt better being able to earn it by working on the cruise (rather than just being a guest) 
he’s just super excited to meet so !!! many !!! new !!! people !!!
think thats all i have so far for now as for connections all the basics i would love (best friend, frenemies / enemies, confidant, etc) if you would like any connections for him to fill don’t be afraid to ask but i also enjoy seeing just how the chemistry goes on its own & i think thats it hope you all love him as much as i do!
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aspenism-blog · 6 years
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( dove cameron, cisfemale, she/her ) ↷ hey, that’s ASPEN MAYER who’s originally from SPRINGFIELD, NEBRASKA. i heard they’re TWENTY-ONE and have been working on the ship as A GIFT SHOP CLERK for SIX MONTHS. other passengers seem to say they’re CHILDISH and AIRY, but are also known to be FREE-THINKING and GOOD-NATURED. when they’re missing home, i heard HER SISTERS NECKLACE, WINE IN THE AFTERNOON and REALITY TV can always cheer them up.
hello, it is me, ash. back at it with another babe !!
aspen is from a city in nebraska. her parents are both work in insurance, so she grew up in a high middle class family. 
aspen is very different from her parents. they’re safe and don’t like anything that doesnt fit a schedule and aspen loves adventure.
she went to college on and off for about two years, before she started to work with her parents. she eventually left there too. for horizon. where she’s been for the last 2 months.
she’s very creative and fun and a little childish.
she loves to draw and take photos. she’s gained a lot of interest on instagram because of her pictures, and her adventures. 
she’s really a fun time and so sweet. i don’t really know that much about her yet, other that she’s super into fashion and drawing and she just likes to have fun.
be her friend thanks
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hcrperflynn-blog · 6 years
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( willa holland, cis female, she/her ) ↷ hey, that’s HARPER FLYNN who’s originally from BEAUFORT, SOUTH CAROLINA. i heard they’re TWENTY-SIX and have been working on the ship as LIFEGUARD for TWO YEARS. other passengers seem to say they’re STUBBORN and DEFENSIVE, but are also known to be CHARMING and HUMOROUS. when they’re missing home, i heard RED LIPSTICK & BINGE WATCHING NETFLIX can always cheer them up.
hiya everyone! i’m alex and the real way to describe me is tv show trash who can’t decide on a character theme (like i can’t tell you the amount of times i’ve watched the office it’s ridiculous) i bring y’all my new muse fresh out of the oven named harper which also means i’m still flushing out her backstory so i’ll be updating this as time goes on. i’ve typed up the basics about her below and if any of y’all are interested in plotting just let a girl know!
Full Name: Harper Zoe Flynn
Nickname(s): Harp
Age: 26 years old
Date of Birth: April 21st
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Ethnicity: White
Nationality: American
Gender: CIS Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Occupation: Lifeguard
Language(s): English, Italian
she grew up in the sea town of beaufort, south carolina (it’s absolutely gorgeous there) as the only daughter in a house of three boys.
she was definitely a daddy’s girl growing up and always had a love of the sea, often spending her days learning sailing and spending time by the waterside. if she were any supernatural creature she would 100% be a mermaid like a regular ‘ol fish outta water that girl is.
her world turned upside down when she was sixteen and her father passed away, deeply affecting her emotionally and causing her to act out.
oh, did i mention that after high school she went on to college to get a marine biologist degree?
she started off as a guest on the cruise ship but soon took up a job as a lifeguard.
what can i say? this girl can drink enough to impress even an irish person lol. she might be small but that means nothing, if you challenge her to a drinking game you’re most likely in for a wild ride.
she’s got a bit of a tomboyish attitude but that doesn’t mean she can’t turn on the charm when she needs to.
she has a great sense of humor with a hint of sarcasm although don’t let a couple of laughs make you believe you’re actually friends with her, however, if you form a bond she will remain loyal and someone you can confide in.
red lipstick, the smell of the ocean breeze, leather jackets, bruised knuckles, apple earbuds, high heels, empty alcohol bottles, curly messy hair, fall out boy music
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lilahgoode · 6 years
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SINCE I’M ABSOLUTE GARBAGE !!! i’m writing up my ugli ass intro for delilah @ 4:19am on a wednesday with no prospects of it going well at all !! aha !! it’s been a super busy couple of days for me, so i KNOW this is late okay please dont hate me !!! anyways .. it’s ya girl ally ( @lionshcart​ ) and this is uhh my second chara !! her name is delilah and she has never met the plain white t’s !!
( danielle campbell, cisfemale, she/her ) ↷ hey, that’s DELILAH GOODE who’s originally from ORLANDO, FLORIDA. i heard they’re TWENTY-TWO and have been working on the ship as a NURSE for TWO MONTHS. other passengers seem to say they’re BRASH and IMPULSIVE, but are also known to be BRAVE and SELFLESS. when they’re missing home, i heard CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM, WATCHING THE SUNRISE & CORNY JOKES can always cheer them up.
SCREAMS okay lets get this shitshow started !!
this is my lil kid delilah + she’s a big ass Nerd ! no joke she loves sci-fi, disney, musical theater & greek mythology ( aka she’s me )
she grew up in orlando to a kindergarten teacher ( her mother ) and a sociology professor ( father )! they both were really big on education and tbh they prolly thought she was gonna go into teaching like them cos uhh yk family legacy and all yk?? but she has always had a knack for healing, always been super interested in how she can fix people and make them feel better
her dad is uhh her bff so theyre really close and she video chats him three times a week with news and updates and generally just to talk so she will drop everything for that call home and its generally adorable bye
she’s still a student, so she’s doing her residency on the ship ( uhh dont ask me if this is actually possible bc i have no fuckin clue im just making this up as i go ) so shes still sort of a novice tho she will act like that pediatrician we all had when we were little who is kind but firm about eating healthy and getting plenty of exercise while also giving u a lollipop and a dragon tales sticker
she’s going to school for pediatrics but she does pretty much everything but like surgeries on the ship ( general nurse things like treating sicknesses, broken bones, stitches etc )
anywhen shes very free spirited meaning she Will take a risk even if it means patching herself up in the infirmary and is generally flexible with the rules ( catch a girl acting like a college student on spring break when not on duty )
tho her job makes her seem more mature and older than she really is, she’s only 22, so shes still young enough to want to have fun and get wild at times
she hasnt dated a lot since high school because school has made it difficult for her to make time, but now that she’s working on a pretty steady schedule shes got more free time to uhhh ;) u know
shes v kind-hearted and amiable so uhh be her friend please <3 BUT on the flip side shes confrontational too and damn stubborn to boot so have Fun in an argument with this gorl
this is waaaay shorter and less detailed than i planned but its uhh almost 5am so .. hibgjnm
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valcntincs · 6 years
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pcstlife · 6 years
ya girl is back at it again ! i am a muse #hoe so this was definitely going to happen and i am NOT surprised. actually am surprised that it took me so damn long to make all three ! but anyway, let’s not beat around the bush. here is my soft lesbian baby !
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( nathalie kelley, cisgender female, she/her) ↷ hey, that’s HAZEL MORRIS who’s originally from LIMA, PERU. i heard they’re 30 and have been working on the ship as MANAGER OF POSEIDON'S for FOUR YEARS. other passengers seem to say they’re STOIC and FINICKY, but are also known to be PERCEPTIVE and GRACIOUS. when they’re missing home, i heard A GOOD HOME-COOKED MEAL can always cheer them up. 
she’s fifteen when she brings a girl home for the first time. her parents are far more supportive than she ever would have thought and it’s because of that that she finds who she is and is able to love and support herself. it’s why she is able to love and support her family and friends when they share their own secrets with her. 
she’s eighteen when she gets her first job in a restaurant, waitressing and being harassed by almost every male customer that entered. it’s the first time she’s ever not been able to stand up for herself when somebody has been like that to her. but it teaches her to bite her tongue when she needs to take a moment and breathe.
at twenty, she’s the manager of the restaurant and it runs smoothly. customers that harass any of the waiting staff are asked to leave and not return if they think that’s appropriate. her wait staff come first and she wants them to feel comfortable and everything she never did. 
twenty two is when everything goes wrong. her father dies and her mother finds it inescapably hard to cope with. a leave of absence is what hazel has to take in order to be with her mother first and help her through the loss of the only man she’s ever loved. it makes it all so much harder when she doesn’t have the chance to grieve for herself. 
her mother dies at twenty four and she still doesn’t get the chance to grieve. she now has the weight of both mother and father gone and nobody there to help her through the pain. it almost kills her when her girlfriend at the time leaves her. there’s no explanation, just a note when she gets home from peru and her heart sinks and the weight of all the pain almost crushes her. 
a fresh start is what she decides at twenty five and she finds the application for seascapes horizon. it’s a dream come true and the perfect thing for her. hazel has nobody else for her, nobody needs her around or relies on her for anything. the fresh start really is the best thing for her, it takes off a lot of stress and she can finally become herself. she can finally grieve and come to terms with everything that has happened in her life. 
she is SO soft and i don’t know if any of the ladies already here are wlw like hazel, but you know.. ..... if they are, hmu because girl needs some good sex and loving ok thanks for coming to my ted talk !
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toofcded · 6 years
hey demons, it’s me. ya girl ! anyway, i love michael b jordan and i am TRASH for him so i just ...... had to do it to ya. under the cut is a lil bit about my trash son so let’s not beat around the bush and let’s get to it !
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( michael b jordan, cismale, he/him) ↷ hey, that’s XAVIER GUERRIERO who’s originally from LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. i heard they’re TWENTY SEVEN and have been working on the ship as BURIED TREASURE CASINO SECURITY for THREE YEARS. other passengers seem to say they’re GRUMPY and ARGUMENTATIVE, but are also known to be THOUGHTFUL and PROTECTIVE. when they’re missing home, i heard WATCHING THE SUNRISE can always cheer them up. ↷ ( lucy, she/her, 22, gmt. )
xavier is fifteen the first time he has to break up a fight. it’s between his father and their landlord. the rent’s due and he hasn’t paid it. it’s heart wrenching because he turns and sees his mother holding his youngest sister as she cries, desperate for their father to stop. so xavier steps in because he has to stop it. he has to stop his sister crying and choking on the sobs as they escape her small frame. 
he’s seventeen the first time he’s in his own fight. some guy grabs his sister’s ass and talks obscenely to her and before he even knew it was happening, xavier was on top of him, hitting him and hitting him. he ends up worse off, probably, but he feels good about it. feels so good knowing he showed that guy that you don’t do that. 
he gets involved in boxing at eighteen, a way to release his tension after nights at home spent arguing with his father about when he’ll move out. it’s there that he finds what a passion he has for the sport. 
he’s nineteen when he has his fight boxing fight. a real one, not just a spar in the gym. he wins and the feeling never leaves him. he is happy and satisfied and he knows this is his true calling. 
by twenty one, he’s working security in a club downtown. his girlfriend doesn’t like how boxing looks and he could get hurt. he doesn’t have the heart to tell her he could get hurt worse being security. he does it for her. 
at twenty two, she’s gone for somebody better. he feels like his heart has been ripped out and driven over. his throat is dry and he hates everything. boxing is his release, once again. it’s there, going back into the gym that he meets him. the first guy he’s ever been with.
by twenty four, they’re living together and so very in love. his sister’s visit a lot and they spend so much time teasing each other. it’s a good life and xavier deserves this so much. it’s then that he finds the application for seascapes horizon. the opportunity is far too good to pass. travelling whilst being able to do something he’s good at? maybe security isn’t his favourite, but it’s something more and he is damn good at doing it. 
it’s now that he realises leaving him behind might not have been the best idea. life is lonely without him. life is lonely without love. but xavier cannot and will not just jump straight back into it. love? he hardly knows the word anymore.
anywayyyyyy idk what this is as i didn’t with sofia’s. but i am likely gonna pop some wanted connections up somewhere. (including one for his ex on the main oops)
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hunterbrcoks-blog · 6 years
( noah centineo, cismale, he/him ) ↷ hey, that’s HUNTER BROOKS who’s originally from BEAUFORT, SOUTH CAROLINA. i heard they’re TWENTY-THREE and have been working on the ship as WAITSTAFF AT POSEIDON’S TABLE for ELEVEN MONTHS. other passengers seem to say they’re IMPULSIVE and REBELLIOUS, but are also known to be HUMOROUS and HONEST. when they’re missing home, i heard THE WRENCH HIS UNCLE GAVE HIM and WATCHING THE SUNSET can always cheer them up.
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alright, it’s alex and things didn’t work out with my muse for harper (willa holland fc) so i’m back with this messy™ boy. if anybody would like to plot then just message me on here or hmu on discord @  junebugpeach#4720
FULL NAME: Hunter Antonio Brooks
NICKNAME(S): Hunt, Brooks
AGE: 23 years old
DATE OF BIRTH: April 26th, 1995
ETHNICITY: Hispanic (Maternal), White (Paternal)
LANGUAGE(S): English, Spanish
Hunter’s entire world changed when he was seven and his mother suffered a miscarriage while five months pregnant. He was too young to understand what was going on but it was the beginning of the end of his parent’s love. His mother couldn’t afford to be on her own since she’d had Hunter at a young age and never got a college degree, so she discouragingly stayed with his father.
His uncle lived in the same town and Hunter would often go and stay at his place to escape the suffocating toxic home life. He taught him everything he knew about cars and engines and really became a father figure to Hunter since his own dad barely wanted to spend any time with him. After graduating high school, he moved in with his uncle and helped out around his mechanic shop with no intentions of going to college.
The tipping point of the iceberg that led to Hunter moving out of Beaufort was a girl he had been seeing who broke news to him that she was pregnant, which he later found out was a lie to keep him from breaking up with her since their relationship had gone south. Once things were broken off he really reflected on his life and how he was’t sure where things were going.
While scrolling through the internet he stumbled across an advertisement for Horizon saying they had jobs and positions that needed to be filled and he thought why the hell not because he gets to travel around the world. Although he’s just a waiter, he knows there’s got to be something out there and a place for him to discover.
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umakras · 6 years
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( beyoncé , female, she/her) ↷ hey, that’s AKRIA LOVE who’s originally from HOUSTON, TEXAS. i heard they’re THIRTY and have been working on the ship as SINGER for THREE YEARS. other passengers seem to say they’re DISTANT and CLOSE MINDED, but are also known to be COMPASSIONATE and GOOFY. when they’re missing home, i heard LISTENING TO SOFT MUSIC can always cheer them up. ↷ ( alexis, she/her, 19, est. )
HEY!  i’m alexis and i’m nineteen, i don’t know what else to say. reiuhr besdies me having random keyboard spasms, here’s more about my baby under the cut.
AKIRA was born and raised in Houston, TX.
for the most part of her childhood she had to raise herself due to her mother being absent majority of her childhood. but, she still turned out pretty okay.
she often keeps her distance from people because, she HATES drama and wants no part of it. she’d rather watch and sip her tea from the sidelines of course. 
singing is her first love and she’s being doing it since she came out the womb. literally. there’s nothing that can take her away from it.
she LOVES joking around and is too goofy for her own good so, please don’t take anything she says to heart. it’s more than likely a joke or stated otherwise.
BEST FRIEND   ━ her and this person can’t go a day without each other. their almost like siblings. 
ACQUAINTANCE━ they often see each other at the same events and same places but never have time to get to know each other. only small conversations are held between the two.
FWB   ━ the pair hit it off as friends when they first met. one night they decided to try something and it ended up turning into something sexual, ever since then they can’t keep hands off of each other.
ON AGAIN, OFF AGAIN   ━ better as friends, toxic as a relationship.
come plot with me!
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