#i Cannot post fic before i finish the whole thing bc i don’t have regular fic writing time rn!!!
coalitiongirl · 4 months
Regina cuts her off, her stomach roiling. “You talk about me with Henry?” Emma shrugs. “You come up sometimes. He really does care about you. And I think you care about him.” “You think?” Regina demands, and her fists tighten. “You think?” Emma turns away from her, focuses on Henry on his swing. Regina follows suit, letting the sight of him calm her. He’s going higher and higher, and he kicks off his shoes when he’s at the top of the swing, sending them flying across the playground. It’s so normal, so much like a scene from a year ago, before everything had fallen apart. “I wasn’t sure,” she says. “I didn’t know if you…if you saw him as something to have. Or if you really loved him.” Regina seethes. Something in her chest withers and dies. She’s furious. She isn’t hurt, because she will never give Emma Swan the power to hurt her again. “This town still stands only because Henry is inside of it. And you think that I don’t love him?” Emma doesn’t respond to the threat, which had been stupid and will set Regina’s time with Henry back again, she’s sure. “You didn’t kiss him. When he was…after he ate that turnover. You didn’t even try to kiss him awake.” Regina had sat in the hospital room and wept, had felt the world falling apart around her, and no, she had not kissed Henry as Emma had. How arrogant it is, to believe that a kiss can work magic. How privileged it is for the laws of the world to break only for you. “I am no Charming,” she spits. “I don’t get beautiful fairytales, and I don’t expect them. Forgive me for being a realist.” Emma is silent. When Regina turns, Emma is watching her again, and there is a lingering something in her eyes. Not quite pity, not quite sorrow. But understanding, and Regina hates seeing it more than anything else. Hates the way that her heart leaps, and the next few breaths hitch and don’t emerge right.
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fbfh · 2 years
Tate Langdon dating hcs
wc: 1.4k
warnings/content: discussions of yandere behavior and how tate differs from that, general obsessive/codependant tendancies bc it's tate, optional creative arts!reader
pairing: Tate x gn reader (no pronouns/gendered descriptions)
a/n: tate is a babyboy who needs to be kissed on his forehead right fucking now yes I know what he did I'm not taking criticism on this. also I just posted this by accident and had to completely delete and reformat it so if you saw that no you didn't
EDIT: I finished coven and realized I used a gif of Kyle and Zoe instead of Tate and Violet which has now been fixed. I cannot keep these blonde boys straight.
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Okay so I don’t even want call this a yandere fic bc this is just about Tate in the source material so I don’t want to label him a full out yandere
But like
He kind of is
The other reason I don’t necessarily want to give him the yandere label is bc most of the time (from what I’ve read at least) yanderes usually don’t have their darling’s best interest at heart/can be okay with them being hurt or in danger
That shit would NEVER fly with Tate
I wrote a whole drabble about this but I know a lot of people have said Tate would kill you so you can be in the house with him forever
Yandere!Tate, yes
Regular Tate?? Hell no!!
There’s an element of selflessness that Tate possesses that gives him an important distinction from the yandere archetype
Because a lot of times yanderes want their darlings all for themselves
They want to be their darling’s only one, which can manifest in very selfish motivations
But Tate?????
Tate cares about your feelings more than his
And he’s proved this by acting selflessly for your benefit over and over 
Even when there is literally zero chance for him to get anything out of it
He doesn’t care
Because his motivations regarding you are genuinely selfless 
You are his priority, point blank period
Because Tate is…. Very dedicated
The thing with him is that when he latches onto you 
He’s on for eternity
Not just for life bc he’s kind of an immortal ghost
He’ll be with you until you decide you don’t want him there anymore
And even then
He’s still going to love you just as much as he does now forever
Like he’s really not one to halfass anything
Especially how he feels about someone
Because he usually either doesn’t give a fuck about them or cares too much
He cares too much about pleasing all the women in the house
He cares too much about trying to make Nora happy, gain her approval and praise
And then there’s you
He either doesn’t give a fuck about someone, cares too much, or in your case, might end up deeply obsessed with and dogmatically devoted to you
Which he is
Honestly all it took was a few days before his heart was in your hands
You probably didn’t even realize for a while just how into you he is
But by the time he’s openly confessing his love for you
By the time he’s telling you that he would never let anyone or anything hurt you
That he cares about your feelings more than his
That he’s never felt this way about someone before
You have a pretty good idea of where he’s at
He doesn’t hide his feelings from you after that, he doesn’t think he could if he tried
Tate is hopelessly devoted to you
There’s no other way to describe it
We know he’s clingy
We know he’s affectionate
We know he’s a switchy bottom with raging mommy issues
We’ve established that
And you could tell all of that since you met him
But when he really lays his heart at your feet
When he really finds himself fully committed to you
That’s when all that in theory becomes in practice
When days go by and he’s glued to your side the whole time
Even just lingering nearby while you’re brushing your teeth or making food 
That’s when you realize that he really really just likes being your lapdog 
He loves it
He loves when you give him casual affection, he loves when you rest your hand on his back or brush hair out of his eyes
And he fucking loves when you use him as a reward or break from other tasks you have to do
Every time your little study timer goes off, you drop what you’re doing and run right over to pull him in for a kiss
He’s already thrown his arms around you
You just make out for like ten minutes until you have to start studying again
If it’s not for something super important he absolutely will try to distract you by kissing your neck and squeezing your waist
If it is super important or a subject you struggle in, he’ll help you study
He doesn’t want to stop kissing you, but he will
Because he knows how important this is to you
So he’ll pull away and start reading you flashcards 
And like
He’ll be happy to do it
He won’t complain or be upset
He won’t have anything else he’d rather be doing
Tate Langdon took “if he wanted to he would” and fucking ran with it
Oh my god
And god help you if you do anything artistic or creative
Because as soon as he finds out that you’re an artist or a writer or an actor or musician or singer or dancer or sewist
Or literally anything else
It will once again alter his brain chemistry
The second you start showing him your art or writing or songs
It fucking changes him
The weight and significance of the renaissance and every major artistic movement and cultural moment ever influenced by the arts is now residing in you
That’s how he feels
He takes one look at what you do and he gets it
He never really cared until now
But jesus fucking christ everything you do needs to be in a museum
Sometimes you see him just staring at your art or rereading your writing and poetry or flipping through your sketchbooks
Watching videos of you in musicals or plays or dance recitals 
Because when he sees the world the way you do
Whatever medium that might be through
Everything makes sense
He understands it, and he feels understood
He feels like you’re talking to him through your art
He feels a sense of peace, tranquility
If you think he couldn’t put you up on an even higher pedestal
Not only are you the greatest person in the world
But you’re also an artistic genius 
There’s this deep sense of like
Privilege he feels to see everything you’re creating right now 
Even just your diary entries, the way you shape words, the flow of your stream of consciousness is so beautiful
He watches you so much more closely now, seeing the way you dance in your everyday movements
The way you channel and portray characters so flawlessly when you’re telling him about your day and the drama that happened at school
He could spend days looking through the boxes and albums of photos you’ve taken
He probably has
Because there’s no way to be closer to you than taking in these organic, raw forms of passion and self expression
He can’t get enough of it
Tate is dedicated to you
Not only as your boyfriend
But as your number one fan
Even if you’re not as creative
He still believes you have the best taste of anyone he’s ever met hands down
The books you like, the shows and movies you watch together
Even your music taste
Tate hasn’t liked a single song that’s been released after 1994
Until you handed him a pair of headphones and said you think he’ll like this
You sat him down and listened to the entirety of the black parade by my chemical romance
The whole album
And it changed his whole worldview 
Yet again, one move and you’ve altered his brain chemistry 
Even with other stuff he wouldn’t normally like
He likes it because you like it
He’ll watch Love Island and 90 Day Fiance with you for hours and love every minute of it
He loves feeling close to you, he loves that you want to share things you enjoy with him
He especially loves after a while when you’re starting to get kind of sleepy 
Because you look so soft and adorable like that
But also because he knows he can put his head in your lap and you’ll play with  his hair
You’ll run your fingers through his soft hair and scratch his back
And he feels so close to you
Which is all he ever wants
It’s always going to be you you you
And right now, he has exactly what he wants
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fueledbysprite · 4 years
abandoned wips masterlist
so not too long ago i did an insta poll asking if i should expose all my abandoned fic drafts cause i mean it’s not like theyre ever gonna see the light of day otherwise. i was going to do it when i hit 3k kudos on ao3 and i did so i suppose it has come time for me to expose my mistakes
for obvious reasons, don’t repost these (idk why anyone would lol) but if you really like one of these and want to see it continued, just hit up my ask box and i may or may not consider~
Miscellaneous Fandoms:
Ninjago: Zephyr - a Morro backstory fic bc the hageman bros refuse to feed me more content of my son. barely started it but yknow its there
Miraculous Ladybug/BoBoiBoy: this failed attempt at a fanginette fic bc @secretagentspydetectiveninja got me invested even tho writers block is a binch hahshs
kokotiam gang angst that reminded me i cannot for the life of me write emotional angst (or any angst for that matter oop)
ramenzo (and kaifang) angst that i churned out on a saturday afternoon on a writing spike instead of doing homework bc I Do Not Control the Writing Juice
au where bbb is a forest guardian(?) and fang just wants away from Society (same fang same) i will probably be yearning for woodland aus till the day i die bc who *doesnt* wanna ditch everything and go live in the middle of the woods amirite?
ramenzo n boifang water fight bc you cant convince me these idiots dont get up to ridiculous shenanigans on their downtime
abandoned draft for the sequel to the og ramenzo fic (dont bother reading it literally nothing happens i swear)
i literally don’t remember where i was going with this i think it was supposed to be fang introspection but idk??
uhh kaifang with ramenzo vibes i think this was gonna be? i genuinely don’t remember anymore oop-
RAMENZO IN QUARANTINE yes this one was regular au (i mean duh) and it’s a shame i never ended up finishing it-
i am actually goboifang t r a s h...until i realized im going to have to make all the food by myself and i never learned to make food :’)) (fr if anyone provides me with any kind of fanon gbf content i will love you forever pls)
this...exists even tho i honestly prefer it didnt but ramenzo is ramenzo n ramen has freckles i will fite u on this (dont read it pls)
if anyone wants ramenzo crumbs (and i mean that quite practically) then feel free to consume the Specks
dont read this pls im begging just dont lets yeet it into the void it doesnt exist~ I Do Not See It
update: i discovered this uhh kaifang post-bora ra incident thing in my other drive
Miraculous Ladybug:
okay forewarning there are wayyyy too many of these so im skipping the ones that are sequels/dependent on other fics for context just to spare myself from having to sort through this mountain
i was planning to participate in chlonath week 2k19 (unfortunately for chlonath nation I Do Not Control the Hyperfixation oop) if you want context then ask
marcnath crumbs thats it thats the doc
oh look allya is self projecting again (writing is still pain) (marcnath)
for the one who requested chloenette with the dialogue prompt i am so sorry
idk why this feels like something ive posted before but then again all lovesquare is the same to me (dead) so who knows im not gonna bother checking hshsh (marichat)
chlonath go to comic con or sth idk chloe is tsundere as always (or would have been anyway if i ever ended up Finishing this)
i *think* this was based on a @terrible-miraculous-ladybug-aus post but heck if i remember now- (lukanette??)
i have absolutely no recollection as to where i was going with this but if anyone finds the concept interesting then by all means go ahead n snatch it- (manon finds the miraculous i guess?)
this is a great. opening. to a chloe fic. that doesnt exist. oof :,)
caline bustier’s home for orphans amirite (i mean she basically already adopted the whole class so)
im genuinely not a fan of the jealous!lover trope but someone in the marcnath server wanted some at one point so i. attempted. and failed but you know thats to be expected at this point :’3
oh look allya is projecting her writing struggles onto marc again is anyone surprised?
theres probably a museum brotp story in here but it doesnt exist and at this point it never will rip
oh good lord not this again i genuinely managed to forget about it for a while until now-
i just read the first line and im already reeling what the heck is this nathanette(??)
allya stop projecting onto emo weebs challenge failed
i really wanna know where the context for chlonath skiing trip came from i literally have 0 recollection of this at all??
YO I ACTUALLY REMEMBER THE CONTEXT FOR THIS ONE anyway nath n aroace!alix arranged marriage au anyone?? well too bad cause i abandoned it oop-
ahahahahahahaha wdym i wrote 7k of chlonath and then ditched it i would never do that lmao-
i think this was a hunger games au uh
something something marcnath
marcnath angst i guess? *allya pls stop trying to write angst we’ve already established that is not a thing you can do*
something something chlonath
im never gonna forgive @powerdragonmoon for the fact that i thought “beecock” while glancing over this to figure out wth was going on. cholaon works here too tho so that is what i shall call it //sideways glare at moon
take your otp. now put them on a trampoline. but heaven forbid you ever finish the fic- (chlonath if it wasnt obvious)
nathanette doll au from forever ago with @lotus-duckies that was a real concept its a shame i have 0 commitment
i wanna call this lukanathanette but i honestly don’t remember where i was going with it so idk
hi uhm what is this and why is it so depressing allya fr quit self projecting on emo tomatoes oml
chlonath established relationship i guess??
museum brotp go skating?? is that what this is?
how much chlonath do i hAVE also chloe u tsundere
nathaniel is Yearning n tbh i dont blame him cause same (ft. marc)
i could swear this was gonna be luklonath (chlolukanath??) but i wouldnt be able to remember-
if anyone can figure out what’s going on with marc pls tell me bc i dont-
cholaon but theres no context
Oh god im finally done good lord that’s all of em i hope i never have to look at a mlb doc again in my life anyway pls be grateful n enjoy the crumbs n stuff thanks i sacrificed my sanity for this-
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