#i accidentally bought the wrong style of heads and i have no clue what handle they're supposed to go with
radellama · 11 months
I wish razor heads had standardised attachment heads. Why are they all different
0 notes
cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] Idle Chat with Gavin
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a feature which has not been released in English servers! 🍒
The CN server was recently graced with a new feature called 随便聊聊 (“Idle Chat”), where you can select a mood and talk to the love interests about work, life, and studies :>
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Idle Chat with: Kiro / Lucien / Shaw / Victor
[ WORK - Topic 1: Overtime ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: Yay! I don’t have to work overtime today! Want to have a sumptuous meal together?
Gavin: Good timing. I’m off shift today
Gavin: Apart from eating
Gavin: We can find other things to do.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: I’m sorry I’m sorry. I might reach an hour late today. I have to work overtime suddenly to handle something...
Gavin: It’s okay
Gavin: I’ll come over to accompany you during that one hour. That way, you won’t be considered late.
3. Mood: Angry
MC: I really don’t want to work overtime any longer. I’ve been sleeping right after getting home for so many consecutive days, and have absolutely no personal time...
Gavin: Have you been sleeping well?
Gavin: Once you’re done with this busy period, let’s go for a long vacation together.
[ WORK - Topic 2: Income ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: I had a shock when I checked the accounts. Without realising it, I’ve saved so much money! It shows that persevering in financial management is very useful!
Gavin: I find it very useful too.
Gavin: When I was young, I’d put my future into a savings box
Gavin: Now, I’ll put my future into our hands.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: Why is it always so easy to spend money, but so difficult to earn it
Gavin: Mm, I also wonder about this question...
Gavin: Want to do up a plan to save money together?
3. Mood: Angry
MC: Barely ten minutes after being happy about payday, several notification messages for arrears arrived! I shouldn’t have purchased so many things last month!
Gavin: This month, I’ll be your shopping supervisor.
Gavin: If there’s anything you want to buy, let me know.
[ WORK - Topic 3: Program Progress ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: Do you still remember the program I talked to you about before? After persistent hard work, we managed to secure a partnership!
Gavin: I remember
Gavin: Back then, you said you wouldn’t give up
Gavin: I’m also very happy to see that you didn’t give up.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: There hasn’t been any progress in the recent program... All inspiration has been expended, and our operations have also been exhausted...
Gavin: Want to go for a short trip with me over the weekend?
Gavin: To refresh your inspiration and motivation. 
3. Mood: Angry
MC: The data provided by the partner is absurd! If I were to go along with them, nothing would be done! 
Gavin: In that case, give them an absurd proposal
Gavin: They’ll know where they’ve gone wrong.
[ WORK - Topic 4: Program Results ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: This program was successfully approved! I think my incredibly~ superb proposal was one of the contributory factors! We can officially start working on it tomorrow!
Gavin: Will you be busy from tomorrow onwards then?
Gavin: If you need to work overtime during this period
Gavin: Remember to call me.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: Is the work produced for the other party really okay... Even if it gets approved, there still seems to be something missing
Gavin: The MC I know is a persistent and confident girl
Gavin: No one can deny your accomplishments.
3. Mood: Angry
MC: When will the program finally get approved! There are seventeen versions stuffed in my file!!!
Gavin: A senior from the Task Force once told me a technique to examining clues
Gavin: List down the mistakes made in the previous seventeen versions
Gavin: And you’ll have new inspiration.
[ LIFE - Topic 1: Losing Weight ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: Did you notice anything different about me today? I’ll give you three seconds to think about it! Forget it, I think you might not have been able to see it...
Gavin: Cough, I could tell. You’ve lost weight.
Gavin: But it wasn’t because of what I saw. I used another method to determine it.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: Should I reach a compromise with my weight? I’ve been losing weight then gaining weight - it feels like a waste of time.
Gavin: There’s no need to lose weight
Gavin: No matter what, you’ll always be the best-looking in my eyes
Gavin: ...mm, but exercise is still needed. 
3. Mood: Angry
MC: I shouldn’t have gone for the dinner party yesterday! When I weighed myself today, I really became heavier by 1kg!
Gavin: It shows that you’ve gained 1kg of happiness yesterday
Gavin: Let it get absorbed into your body.
[ LIFE - Topic 2: Meals ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: I accidentally bought too much... I don’t think I need so many vegetables since I’m cooking for myself...
Gavin: In that case, could you leave me a share?
Gavin: I’ll pay for the food expenses
Gavin: Mm, and I’ll also be responsible for washing the dishes and being an assistant.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: I bought the snack which is especially popular on the internet. But when I ate it, I didn’t think it was great. Has my taste become disconnected with the masses?
Gavin: Taste is something personal
Gavin: Want to head out together today?
Gavin: We’ll find snacks that you and I both find delicious
3. Mood: Angry
MC: I made an absolutely perfect bento for lunch at work, but my hand slipped when taking it out of the microwave and it all fell out!
Gavin: Did you scald your hand?
Gavin: Let’s have dinner together.
Gavin: To make up for the regret of not being able to eat your absolutely perfect bento.
[ LIFE - Topic 3: Reading ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: The science fiction book I read today is really interesting! It’s also especially rich in imagination. I think you’ll like the style as well!
Gavin: All right.
Gavin: But I’ve been busy with missions these days, so I might not have time to read
Gavin: I’ve noted down the name of the book. I’ll tell you my thoughts after reading it.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: I was looking for spiritual comfort when I came across a book on philosophy. In the end, I think I’ve become even more perplexed by the world... Have you felt this way too?
Gavin: Mm, there are times I’m perplexed by the world too
Gavin: But once I think about you, I’ll feel calmer.
3. Mood: Angry
MC: Today, I borrowed a murder mystery novel from the library. Some unreasonable reader wrote the name of the murderer directly on the first page!! 
Gavin: ...
Gavin: That’s really going overboard. 
Gavin: Try treating it as backwards reasoning, and observe the process. 
[ LIFE - Topic 4: Games]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: I’ve finally defeated that difficult boss! I was even thinking that if I failed again, I’d refer to the guide. I didn’t expect to beat it!
Gavin: That level is really difficult
Gavin: I only managed to defeat it after reading the guide
Gavin: You’re very strong - a first-rate gamer.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: I think I’ve outgrown the age of game addiction. I just feel like leaving once I go online. I can’t find anything interesting...
Gavin: Maybe you just temporarily lack motivation towards this game
Gavin: Want to try a new game?
Gavin: Minor recommended a multi-player game involving solving riddles
Gavin: I think you should like it.
3. Mood: Angry
MC: I met a cheater in the game again! People who ruin the experience of the game are so annoying! It makes me feel like giving up on the game...
Gavin: Report him.
Gavin: People who contravene the rules are being played by the game
Gavin: And not playing the game.
[ SCHOOL - Topic 1: Progress ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: The method you taught me is really effective! Today, I finally overcame the temptation to slack off, and successfully completed my task!
Gavin: There are many methods
Gavin: You don’t necessarily have to use the one I taught you
Gavin: But if you can get used to it, it shows that you have a lot of potential.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: I’d rather doodle on paper or stare into space than look at the textbook... I’m a girl who’s tired of studying T-T
Gavin: It’s already late - don’t force yourself to read the textbook
Gavin: The girl who’s tired of studying should become a girl who sleeps early
Gavin: That way, she can become a diligent girl tomorrow.
3. Mood: Angry
MC: There are only ten more days till the end of the course, and my learning progress has just begun...
Gavin: There are still ten days
Gavin: Which means there are 240 hours, 14400 minutes
Gavin: If you look at it this way, there’s still time.
[ SCHOOL - Topic 2: Homework ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: The teacher actually complimented me today. Even though all she said was that my work is neat... I’m still very happy!
Gavin: Even back then, your handwriting was always delicate and neat
Gavin: Just like you as a person.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: I can’t help but find excuses to slack off whenever I scan through the questions. I just scanned through five minutes worth of video clips...
Gavin: And now you’ve slacked off by sending me 25 words.
Gavin: Be a little more focused.
3. Mood: Angry
MC: Even though there isn’t much homework in each course, when you put them together, it’s basically WAY. TOO. MUCH.
Gavin: When I was in school, I also felt that there was a lot of homework
Gavin: So I would prioritise the easier questions first...
Gavin: It isn’t a special method, but you can try it.
[ SCHOOL - Topic 3: Pre-exam Revision ]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: Today, I memorised all the examinable points. Tomorrow, I’ll be entering the battlefield. Everything has been prepared - all I’m missing is a little bit of courage from you!
Gavin: All right, give me your hand.
Gavin: I have a lot of courage,
Gavin: And I can give it all to you, the one stepping into the battlefield tomorrow.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: Although I’ve looked through all the examinable points, I still feel unsure and uneasy...
Gavin: Don’t be anxious. Since you’re done with revision, rest early
Gavin: Tomorrow, I’ll send you to the examination venue.
3. Mood: Angry
MC: It’s too difficult, it’s way too difficult. I really shouldn’t have registered for this class. I still can’t memorise anything when it’s almost the exam...
Gavin: I’ll bring you out for a ride in a while
Gavin: You can share all your grievances and stress with the wind.
[ SCHOOL - Topic 4: Post-exam celebration]
1. Mood: Happy
MC: My exam is over! I’ve been freed! And my results were much better than expected!
Gavin: You know your results immediately?
Gavin: Congratulations
Gavin: I’m outside the exam venue. Sparky and I are waiting for you.
2. Mood: Upset
MC: A weight has been lifted off my shoulders since the exam is over. Even though I planned so many celebratory activities, I don’t feel like doing them now...
Gavin: If you don’t have any ideas
Gavin: Leave the planning to me.
Gavin: Wait for me at the entrance of the examination venue. I’ll be there soon.
3. Mood: Angry
MC: I’m so angry! I shouldn’t have compared answers with other people! I feel unwell after doing that...
Gavin: Did you get many answers wrong?
Gavin: Since the examination is already over
Gavin: You could alleviate your anger and hunger with me.
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bucks-little-hop · 4 years
firefam of the traveling denim shirt (1.3k words)
Emilie made a fantastic gifset a while back that I loved so I wrote a fic based on it. Go check the gifset out here.
read on ao3
Buck wasn’t going crazy. At least he thought he wasn’t. Chimney was 100% wearing his shirt. He may have stared at Chim for a little too long while trying to figure it out. It could easily be that Chim had bought a similar shirt in a size too large. Denim shirts were back in style. That could have been the case, if there wasn’t the bleach stain on the cuff from when he had accidentally spilled some wine on it and panicked. The question wasn’t why Chim was wearing his shirt, clothing swapping happened sometimes, it was more how exactly the shirt got into Chim’s possession. He didn’t remember lending it to him. Chim, or Maddie, usually got anything borrowed back to him pretty quickly. He didn’t remember leaving it at the station. Any possible reason he could think of didn’t explain why Chim would be wearing it to a cookout at the Grant-Nash household.
Buck wandered into the kitchen to ask Maddie. She seemed likely to know how it traded owners. Maddie always seemed to have information like that. 
“Hey Mads, any clue where Chim got that shirt?” 
Maddie didn’t bother to look up from where she was chopping up lettuce.  “No, why would I know? He does actually go shopping without me.” 
“It just looks oddly similar to a shirt I own.”  Buck kept his voice casual as he leaned against a counter. He wasn’t trying to sound accusatory. Answers were all he was after. 
Maddie thought for a second, before turning to look at Buck. “I did laundry at your house last week when my machine was broken. I must have picked it up then and just assumed it was Chim’s.”
“Okay good, I wanted to make sure I wasn’t going crazy. Not like last time when suddenly all my hoodies ended up in your closet.” 
Maddie gently bumped his side and gave him one of the imfamous innocent Buckley smiles. “I don’t know what you could possibly be talking about.” 
Buck rolled his eyes but followed her back outside. Maddie had taken his hoodies, claiming an older sister tax and that his were more comfortable because of how big they were. They had all been returned luckily. He couldn’t have handled shopping for a new wardrobe again. Not after the Great Pant Massacre she has caused. He could have worn shorts with his cast, but no. He needed options according to Maddie. 
He was pulled from his mourning of his pants from his voice being called in the yard. Chris, Denny, and Harry were all standing with Nerf guns, with a fourth one clearly meant for Buck. A smile grew on his face. How could he deny them the chance to pelt him with foam bullets? 
By the end of the night he had completely forgotten about Chim having his shirt.  It wasn’t until a couple of days later when Athena showed up at the station wearing the denim shirt in question. A slight frown came across Buck’s face. Athena already had two men’s closest she could borrow from. His was off limits. He already had Eddie stealing from it.
Athena gave her greetings, before going off to talk to Hen in the locker room. It was clear the two had plans for when Hen got off her shift. Buck could have gone and asked her how she got the shirt, but he had pulled a kind of dangerous stunt earlier and didn’t want to get yelled at by her. Instead, he figured he could annoy Chim about it. 
It didn’t take long to find Chimney. He was upstairs on one of the couches texting someone. Buck sat down on the other side of the couch and put his legs up on Chim’s lap. Based on the delayed reaction of Chim shoving his legs off, Buck figured he was texting Maddie. 
“What can I do for you Buckaroo?” Chim sounded amused, knowing whatever Buck wanted had to be good.  He still had Maddie’s contact pulled up on his phone, ready to text her whatever Buck said. 
“I just need you to help explain my shirt’s journey here. Maddie accidentally stole it from me and gave it to you, which I get. However, I don’t understand how it went from you having it to Athena suddenly having it.” Buck’s hands moved as he gestured in time with the words. At this rate, he figured he was going to end up buying a new shirt anyways. 
Chim’s brow furrowed in confusion for a second before the lightbulb went off above his head “Maddie got cold, so I lent her the shirt. She wasn’t wearing it when we left. She must have taken if off and left it somewhere at Athena’s. It’s a comfy shirt so I can see why Athena would take it.” They did have to leave the party in a bit of a hurry. Morning sickness was a lie, Maddie got sick all around the clock. Forgetting a shirt wasn’t their biggest worry.
Buck started to respond, before he saw Hen and Athena walking out of the station. Athena was no longer wearing his shirt, swapping it for a sweater he knew was Hen’s. Hen now had his shirt on. Buck let out a groan. “I’m never getting that shirt back, am I?” 
Chim, being the good friend he was, stifled his laugh. He gave Buck a pat on the knee. “If you really love it, it’ll come back to you.”
The bell went off before Buck had a chance to call Chim out on his fake wisdom. It wouldn’t have mattered if he had the chance anyways. He could have made fun of Chim, but he quickly would have been proven wrong when Eddie walked into his apartment wearing the shirt. Buck loved when Eddie wore his clothing. Their styles were similar enough that no one but the two of them tended to notice. It was a reassurance to see Eddie in his clothing. It helped to remind Buck that all of this was real, and not just something he had been imagining.
“You do love me.” Buck exclaimed when he saw the shirt. 
Eddie let out a small chuckle. “Yeah, I do? Thought we had established that.” He closed the door behind him before walking further into the apartment, dropping the takeout on the counter. 
“I meant the shirt, but I do love you too.” Buck leaned across the table to give Eddie a quick kiss before he started unpacking the food. 
“I think I’m going to need some kind of explanation here. I didn’t think you cared about this shirt more than any of your others.” Eddie grabbed his food and headed towards the couch. 
Buck followed behind Eddie, sitting down next to him. Close enough to either cuddle or steal some of Eddie’s food, whichever Buck felt like. “That shirt has gone on a journey. It travelled around pretty much the whole station. Chim gave me that bs line of it I love it that it’ll come back to me. It came back, but you should keep it. Looks better on you anyways.” It did look good on Eddie, everything looked good on Eddie. Buck could always steal it back if he really wanted.
Eddie rolled his eyes, but couldn’t keep the fond look off his face. “You just want me in your clothing, don’t you?”
Buck felt a blush rise on his face. He quickly pressed play on the movie. “Sorry I didn’t catch what you said, the movie was too loud.” 
Eddie didn’t bother to stop Buck’s antics. Eddie knew Buck liked when he stole the taller man’s clothing and that was fine with him. There was a certain pink sweater that Eddie had his eye on. Now he just needed an excuse to take it.
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stacks-reviews · 7 years
Must Reads Part 4
Sorry for the late posting. This week has been fairly crazy for me. And I’ve been addicted to Horizon Zero Dawn lately.  This week contains the everyday life of a super girl, music that can summon monsters, cloning, toys that come alive, and much more.
--A Song for Quiet (Persons No Grata #2) by Cassandra Khaw (8/29/17) Deacon James, a rambling bluesman with a saxophone that now refuses to call up his audiences. It summons monstrosities from across different dimensions. According to a stranger named John Persons, Deacon has a seed in his head that could destroy the world if it grows. The music in Deacon’s head is growing stronger and he won’t be able to hold it back for much longer. This is actually the second book in this series but as far as I can tell you do not need to read the first book before reading this one. The first book; Hammers on Bone, follows John Persons which we’ll get into more a bit further down the list. He will make an appearance in this book but I am not sure how much of a role he’ll play. What made this one a must read for me was the description makes it sound really good and I like reading books where music is some form of magic.
--The Adventures of Super Girl by Faith Erin Hicks (6/27/17) “What if you can leap tall buildings and defeat alien monsters with your bare hands, but you buy your capes at secondhand stores and have a weakness for kittens?” The everyday tales of a super girl as she saves people, as she updates her family on how she is doing, and as she tries to keep a part-time job but forgets to remove her mask before work. With an arch-nemesis who’s only superpower is letting our hero know she is doing the superhero thing wrong. This particular version of this graphic novel is a expanded edition. It was originally printed in 2013 but has been reprinted a few times since. This edition will include two new stories and new art. I have never read it before but I really wanna give it a try. 
--The Alchemist of Loom (Loom Saga #1) by Elise Kova A society oppressed by the Dragon King when the Five Guild’s resistance fell. Ari lost everything when the Dragon King took over. Now she uses her gift for clockwork machinery to oppose the Dragon oppressors to the highest bidders of the underground organ market. Dragon Cvareh would prefer to see his sister take the throne from the Dragon King. To overthrow the King he seeks aid from the Alchemist Guild and Ari will be the one to take him there. For a price. A wish of her greatest desire. Particularly drawn to this title because dragons. Not sure yet if they are people just called dragons or if they can turn into them. And it sounds a little steampunk. I’m curious as to what kind of clockwork machinery Ari can do.
--Every Heart a Doorway (Wayward Children #1) by Seanan McGuire Children always disappear. They slip through shadows under the bed, fall down rabbit holes, and into old wells into magical lands. At least until the magical land no longer needs you. Nancy disappeared once. And now she is back at Eleanor West’s Home for Wayward Children. Every child there longs to find a way back into their fantasy world. But with Nancy’s return things start to change. There’s more darkness than before and it is up to Nancy and her friends to find out is going on and to stop it. I’ve always enjoyed the idea of what happens to the hero after the battle is over. When the world no longer needs saving. It has become a trend lately among anime, manga, graphic novels, and books lately. But it remains an interesting idea to pursue. I haven’t read very many books that follow this idea but I have found that it feels a little lacking in some areas. I get the feeling that I’ve missed something along the way. Like jumping into the middle of a long running series. But this children’s (?) novel sounds like it will do a better job since there is a new problem to handle after the fact.
--The Fifth Season (The Broken Earth #1) by N.K. Jemisin “This is the way the worlds ends...for the last time. A season of endings has begun. It starts with the great red rift across the heart of the world’s sole continent, spewing ash that blots out the sun. It starts with death, with a murdered son and a missing daughter. It starts with betrayal, and long dormant wounds rising up to fester. This is the Stillness, a land long familiar with catastrophe, where the power of the earth is wielded as a weapon. And where there is no return.” It was the description. Pure and simple. I’m really intrigued and would like to see what happens.
--Hammers on Bone (Persons Non Grata #1) by Cassandra Khaw Private investigator John Persons is a being ancient and magical being. He has been hired by a ten-year-old boy to murder the boys stepdad. The stepdad in question is an abusive and abominable monster. No problem for a monster killer like Persons. Except it isn’t just social evils the stepdad is carrying. He hosts an alien presence and is spreading it everywhere he goes. Persons has to stop him without releasing his own horrifying potential. I heard about the sequel (A Song for Quiet) before I heard about this one. I do like the sound of this one but I think I am more excited for the second book. 
--The Management Style of the Supreme Being by Tom Holt (6/20/17) The Supreme Being and his son decide that they no longer wish to be supreme. So they decide to sell. Our new owners; the Venturi Brothers, have a few ideas how the world should really run. They don’t care for Good and Evil and decide to rid the world of right and wrong. But one of the old gods didn’t want to move out and he needs to know if you’ve been naughty or nice. I was first drawn to the title and I like the idea behind it. That our universe is more or less run like a company and can be sold. Not really sure how Santa will play into or why. Especially considering that this comes out in June. Unless this is for the paperback edition. Which I forgot to check when I looked this book up. But it still sounds good.
--Mechanica (Mechanica #1) by Betsy Cornwell Nicolette’s stepsisters have nicknamed her ‘Mechanica’. But a name chosen to insult her, fits Nicolette quite well. Her mother was an inventor until she passed away. One day Nicolette finds a secret workshop in her house and starts to imagine that she might be able to build herself a better life with the help of a mechanical menagerie and a tiny metal horse. The upcoming royal ball may just be the place to make her escape. She may even find her prince there but what if she doesn’t want a fairy tale happy ending after all? A retelling of Cinderella. What sold me here was that Nicolette might not have a traditional fairy tale ending. That you don’t always need a prince to make it happen. Whether or not that will be the case, we’ll just have to wait and see.
--More of Me by Kathryn Evans To the world Teva appears to be a normal teenage. But she holds a secret. Because of a genetic abnormality, Teva unwillingly clones herself every year on her birthday. The former Teva is then stuck at home, forced to give up her life. Forced to lose friends and boyfriends. And each year home becomes more and more like a battleground. Soon this Teva will be forced to give up her life as well. Desperate to hang on to her life, Teva starts to find out more about her past in order to set herself free. What really drew me to this book is each time I read the description I am reminded of Doctor Who. Of the line, “I can still die. If I’m killed before regeneration, then I’m dead. Even then, if I change, it feels like dying. Everything I am dies. Some new man goes sauntering away...and I’m dead.” Except for in More of Me, Teva gets to watch as a new; slightly older, version of herself takes over.
--Ollie’s Odyssey by William Joyce To become a child’s favorite is the highest honor a toy can achieve. Billy’s favorite is a bear with rabbit ears named Ollie who was made by Billy’s mother. But not all is happy within the world of toys. Zozo, a toy clown who was never chosen by a child seeks to capture all the favorite toys until they are forgotten by their children. Ollie is taken by Zozo when he was accidentally left under a table by Billy. It is up to Billy to sneak into Zozo’s lair to rescue Ollie and all the other favorites. I first picked this up because I thought it was a children’s graphic novel; it is not. But the story sounded really good so I bought it. I haven’t read it yet. 
--The Refrigerator Monologues by Catherynne M. Valente Six interconnected stories about female superheroes, wives of superhero’s, and girlfriends of superhero’s. How they have been abused, killed, brainwashed, and generally used to progress a male superheroes story.
--Renegades by Marissa Meyer (11/7/17) The Renegades are a group of super powered prodigies who helped establish peach and order to a crumbled society. They are a symbol of hope and justice. Except to those that they overthrew. Nova hates the Renegades and wants vengeance for what they’ve done. I really enjoyed Marissa Meyer’s Cinder Chronicles and am interested in trying out something new by her. 
--The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O. by Neal Stephenson A linguistic helps translate some mysterious documents for a shadowy government agent. The documents provide clues that magic once existed on Earth but the scientific revolution and Age of Enlightenment weakened it; if not wiped it out completely. Now they will try to bring it back into the modern world. When I first read the description I immediately thought of Arrival (which is a really good movie). I’m curious to read just how scientific advancement affect the flow of magic and how they might be able to be used in tandem together.
--Strange Attractors by Charles Soule and illustrated by Greg Scott (6/20/17) Dr. Spencer Drownfield claims to have saved New York City from itself in 1978. Ever since he has been tinkering with the people of New York to keep the city afloat. A young mathematician is chosen as his successor. Is there truth to Dr. Spencer’s claims about how the Butterfly Affect and his complexity math applies to the city’s patterns. Or is it simply the raving of a broken man as he tries to make sense of the world around him. I like the idea of a person secretly ‘tinkering’ with people in order to save his city. And at first I thought it would be done on a real power but now I am not so sure. It may end up being more on a reflection of how we interact with the world and try to understand our place in it. Either way, the story sounds good.
--Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein “Valentine Michael Smith is a human being raised on Mars, newly returned to Earth. Among his people for the first time, he struggles to understand the social morals and prejudices of human nature that are so alien to him, while teaching them his own fundamental beliefs in grokking, watersharing, and love. I’m not sure on the setup here. If it’s a human who grew up on a Mars inhabited by Martians or if he grew up on a Mars populated by humans. My guess is going to go more toward the first option. I really like the idea of this kind of culture crash.
--That Inevitable Victorian Thing by E.K. Johnston (10/3/17)  Set in a world where the United States never existed. Victoria-Margaret is the crown princess and direct descendant of Victoria I. Margaret will soon be married due to an genetically arranged matchmaking due to imperial law. Before her marriage, she will have one summer to spend incognito in the far reaches of her empire. There she will meet Helena Marcus, daughter of the empire’s greatest placement geneticists. And August Callaghan, the heir of a powerful shipping firm currently being attacked by American pirates. Together they share an usually bond and will find a way to change the world and get what they want.
--The Waking Land by Callie Bates (6/27/17) Lady Elanna Valtai is fiercely devoted to her King who raised her like a daughter. But when he mysteriously dies, Elanna is accused of murdering him and must flee to her homeland full of magical legends. And to her birth father who was branded a traitor. Now she must confront the powers that have stirred within her and seem to grow as she connects to the natural world. Now Elanna must stop the threat that has chased her to her homeland and rebel against the kingdom she once called home. It reminds me of Uprooted by Naomi Novik and I really enjoyed that book. 
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