#i accidentally drew ryuu a lot
sahmekh · 5 months
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clowns !
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beingjustlittlered · 5 years
KNY Demon Slayer AU
Shinazugawa Sanemi × his wives, Reiwa and Shmu. Cos if Uzui can have three wives, Sanemi should have two. And mostly because, Sanemi needs two. Buhahahaha.
Pillar training weeks were the worst. Tokito-san's unyielding pressure, Himejima-san's odd trials that seemed impossible for everyone except Tanjiro and then there was the wind pillar.
The brute, Sanemi Shinazugawa.
His trainings were as normal as they came. Basic defence and offence. But there was a catch, as always.
"Ryuu, take your place. And dont waddle."
His voice barked out at the swordsmen that stood huddled around the fighting ring.
A guy almost nearing Shinazugawa's height walked into the ring, trying to appear unbothered but failing when he tripped over his own foot.
"I thought I said, DONT WADDLE."
"Hai! Shinazugawa-san!" The guy immediately took his stance without wasting anymore time or tempting any more insults from the fuming Pillar.
Shinazugawa smiled. The smile looking out of place paired with his unblinking wide eyes and the several scars marking his face.
A morbid hush fell over the crowd. Breaths held and eyes unwavering to see what would be the state of this swordsman.
"Shmu, strike the gong." The still present smile gave his words a dangerous tone.
A girl with pastel pink hair that fell to her waist, hastened to pick up the heavy instrument. With some help from the people around her, who were careful as to not stand too close to her or accidentally touch her, she hit the gong.
"Swords strike!"
Despite the careful concentration the onlookers provided the fighters with, the duel was over in a matter of minutes.
Ryuu made the mistake of going on offence, which only widened the smile on Shinazugawa's face. He allowed the boy to clash swords with him thrice, before he swung right for his legs. The hit, along with the momentum in which he had lunged for Sanemi sent him sprawling to the ground and then rolling into the crowd behind.
Sanemi was in the middle of putting his sword in his sheath when he heard a familiar cry.
"Get off me, you clumsy oaf."
Shmu didnt waste anytime pushing the poor beaten up boy off of her, as if he were a mere child. She was about to get off the ground, annoyed by the looks she was getting, when she spotted Sanemi stomping over.
"Sanemi-san!" She fell back, soiling her clothes further and pouting up at him.
"Are you hurt?" He turned to Ryuu who was semi conscious now. "You little-"
"Sanemi-san! I'm fine but,"
Shmu lifted her hands up to him, all puppy dog eyes and people around tried their best to stare straight ahead. Shinazugawa caught himself before his mask could slip, but not before a little smirk showed and Shmu caught it. He pulled her up to her feet, holding her close to check for any injuries.
"You're really not hurt?" He asked, his voice low and searching her face and as far as his eyes could wander.
"Would you like to check more…..thoroughly?" She rose to her toes, and pressed her body against his, pulling at one of the longer strands of his hair that fell to his chin.
"Mmm. Let me warn you. I take my responsibilities very seriously."
"Well, then-"
A cough interrupted the tension that had been building between the two.
"Who the f-"
"Turn around and see for yourself, Sanemi-sama."
Shmu dropped her hands from around Sanemi and glared at the person behind them, hands now on her hips.
"Reiwa, welcome. Come to train?" Shinazugawa took his time to acknowledge the raven haired minx, infuriating her further.
"Train?! Duel with me, Sanemi-sama. I challenge you."
His lady forgotten, Shinazugawa stepped back into the ring to face his favourite swordswoman.
"You ought to let your hair grow out, Reiwa." He walked along the edge of the ring and Reiwa did the same, in the opposite direction.
"Ha, never. Besides," she ran a teasing hand through her straight locks that fell till her shoulder, gripping them slightly. "you seem to like them just as they are."
Pleasure and anticipation danced in Shinazugawa's eyes, as he drew his wooden sword. The crowd watched eager and unabashed, glad that this time Shinazugawa's attention would not find them.
"Man, Shinazugawa really knows how to pick em. I wonder how it feels to have both the strongest and the most hottest ladies for wives."
"Would you like me to demonstrate for you? Or would you rather ask Sanemi-san, yourself?" Shmu glared at the guy, and he could swear he saw flames dancing in her eyes.
"GOMENASAII, SHMU-SAMA!! GOMENASAII!" He disappeared into the crowd, causing everyone else to give Shmu a wide berth. She wasnt Rengoku-san's mentee just for the food.
"Shmu, the gong." Shmu walked up to the very front, putting extra sway in her steps and watched with glee as Reiwa clenched and unclenched her jaw.
"Swords, Strike!"
Once. Twice. Thrice. The swords never stopped clashing and neither of them could get a hit in. The energy in the ring multiplied with every clash that sounded. Shinazugawa's eyes remained fixed on her, rather than over the swinging swords.
"You seem to have intent, Reiwa."
"I'm glad you noticed it, Sanemi-sama. I also wish to see it fulfilled."
Reiwa advanced on full offense, her long lashed eyes set on the target afront. One minute she was bringing her sword down in the direction of Sanemi's shoulder. The next minute, her world went upside down and her sword clattered to the floor.
"What?! Sanemi-sama, stop! This is unfair! Let me have my fight!" She tried to push herself off his shoulder, but the muscles only bunched up tighter as he hoisted her further back.
"Your intent to kill me will have to wait. I've more important business with you." He smacked her butt for emphasis, getting a high pitched meep from Reiwa in response.
"The lot of you, get out. Tomorrow is a full day training set and I dont want to see any dead bodies, so scram to the food hall."
He could see Shmu standing out amidst the scattering crowd of uniforms, hands crossed over her chest, making it hard to take his eyes off.
"Am leaving. Enjoy your important business with her. I'm going to take Uzui-san some ohagi that I made. Goodbye!"
"Ah not so fast, Shmu." Before she could stalk off, she found herself thrown over his other shoulder, next to a sulking Reiwa who refused to look her way.
"3 IS my lucky number, but sometimes I think I need a buffer between the two of you. Uzui doesn't have trouble with his wives, unlike me." He grunted walking off with his two ladies, in the direction of his minka(traditional house).
"How are you so sure we dont get along, Sanemi-sama." Reiwa turned to look at the back of his head, catching Shmu's eye too.
"Yes. How do you know you're not being played, Salami-san."
"What did you call me?!"
"You didnt deny it." Reiwa snickered along.
"You girls need to be taught a lesson. Send your respective karas(crow) to your mentors saying you need a day off. Or maybe two. We'll see."
Shinazugawa's steps hastened. Behind him the two girls giggled to themselves and did a silent high-five.
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