#i added maybe a minor detail from dis.ney that
peculiarbeauty · 7 months
SHE WAS A PRISONER to this dream that revisited her many of a many nights. meeting a handsome prince confined to seldom hope. ( trapped ! trapped ! ) but he was like her , wasn't he ? within a reality that he did not mean to stumble upon. he was the red rose plucked away and discarded of his thorns so he could not fight back.
oh , he was lovely. more lovely than any amount of royalty she could come close to. " you are here .. " she says , attempting to relish in the moment just for it to be stripped away , causing her dysfunctional dream to take shape in the presence of a terrifying beast. HE WAS THE ONE WHO IMPRISONED HER . . . and now , he has imprisoned this other poor soul.
but she will not give up. she will find this prince once and for all.
for many nights , her nightmares would cause her to wake up screaming and sweating profusely from the terrors of not being able to save this other lost soul who had been so disgracefully betrayed , but not tonight. SHE REFUSES TO FAIL TONIGHT. this prince , he must be real --- and trapped here. trapped somewhere in the castle.
he is possibly hidden deep within a dungeon. and just like that , beauty has made her decision to be as quiet as a mouse and slip out of the lavish bed that was so humbly gifted from the master of the house.
a candlestick is obtained , and the creak of the door has her heading off 'pon the castle grounds for answers. at night , everything within the castle was rather dark and gloomy.
it was different within daylight hours where some bits of hope could be found. to say that she was afraid to take these steps onward would be a lie , but if there was a prince within this castle held against his will , she must be the one to break him out and get him to safety.
perhaps . . . perhaps they could run away together. start a new life away from the horrendous life she is living now.
down , down , down the stairs she goes. she will remain vigilant to check about , for the beast did seem to be just as quiet and observant of her.
no signs of life were seen , and so she heads on into the deepest parts of the castle. a place he has hidden from view. a place she was forbidden to go . . .
she looks upon tattered walls and empty chains of nothingness. it was intimidating , but no signs of life could be foretold here. this place once hosted parties , but life does not live here anymore.
A GASP at a shattered mirror and a slightly tattered painting can be seen. ( whoever did this was frighteningly afraid to look upon the beauty of a man in it . . . )
she is slow to uncover more of the painting , eyes to widen at the growing sincerity in the eyes of another she has met once. ONCE UPON A NIGHTMARE . . . a sweet , sweet nightmare.
the candlestick drops , and she is left without a light. she fumbles backwards falling into an all too familiar patch of fur that stands behind her.
her heart begins to pound rapidly , the fear reflected in her eyes with the quick turning of her person to find him . . . the master.
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plotted starter for : @whiimsicaldream
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