#feel free to add and subtract what u want
peculiarbeauty · 10 months
SHE WAS A PRISONER to this dream that revisited her many of a many nights. meeting a handsome prince confined to seldom hope. ( trapped ! trapped ! ) but he was like her , wasn't he ? within a reality that he did not mean to stumble upon. he was the red rose plucked away and discarded of his thorns so he could not fight back.
oh , he was lovely. more lovely than any amount of royalty she could come close to. " you are here .. " she says , attempting to relish in the moment just for it to be stripped away , causing her dysfunctional dream to take shape in the presence of a terrifying beast. HE WAS THE ONE WHO IMPRISONED HER . . . and now , he has imprisoned this other poor soul.
but she will not give up. she will find this prince once and for all.
for many nights , her nightmares would cause her to wake up screaming and sweating profusely from the terrors of not being able to save this other lost soul who had been so disgracefully betrayed , but not tonight. SHE REFUSES TO FAIL TONIGHT. this prince , he must be real --- and trapped here. trapped somewhere in the castle.
he is possibly hidden deep within a dungeon. and just like that , beauty has made her decision to be as quiet as a mouse and slip out of the lavish bed that was so humbly gifted from the master of the house.
a candlestick is obtained , and the creak of the door has her heading off 'pon the castle grounds for answers. at night , everything within the castle was rather dark and gloomy.
it was different within daylight hours where some bits of hope could be found. to say that she was afraid to take these steps onward would be a lie , but if there was a prince within this castle held against his will , she must be the one to break him out and get him to safety.
perhaps . . . perhaps they could run away together. start a new life away from the horrendous life she is living now.
down , down , down the stairs she goes. she will remain vigilant to check about , for the beast did seem to be just as quiet and observant of her.
no signs of life were seen , and so she heads on into the deepest parts of the castle. a place he has hidden from view. a place she was forbidden to go . . .
she looks upon tattered walls and empty chains of nothingness. it was intimidating , but no signs of life could be foretold here. this place once hosted parties , but life does not live here anymore.
A GASP at a shattered mirror and a slightly tattered painting can be seen. ( whoever did this was frighteningly afraid to look upon the beauty of a man in it . . . )
she is slow to uncover more of the painting , eyes to widen at the growing sincerity in the eyes of another she has met once. ONCE UPON A NIGHTMARE . . . a sweet , sweet nightmare.
the candlestick drops , and she is left without a light. she fumbles backwards falling into an all too familiar patch of fur that stands behind her.
her heart begins to pound rapidly , the fear reflected in her eyes with the quick turning of her person to find him . . . the master.
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plotted starter for : @whiimsicaldream
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lemongogo · 11 months
what's your process for coloring like? the look of that elendira is so textured and interesting, i can't figure out how you do it
AA THANK YOUU ^__^ !! textures & brushwork are my favorite things abt my art, so im happy you find it interesting hehe . its SOO cool to look at & so much fun to draw imo
i prefer to color by building in layers , if that makes sense 🤔!! hundreds of them !! such that i'm always drawing on Top of previous layers, working from big & messy blocks of color to, eventually, small and refined blocks of color until it feels processed enough. as a result, i rarely ever erase (!!) and i rarely ever draw lineart aside from the initial sketch
a rough, patchy textured brush is key here, as it'll give you dimension and variability w/ your colors. i recommend "Brush and various sets of fountain pen style (万年筆風ブラシと色々セット)" on Clip Studio (ID: 1679706) !! :3
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im terrible with explanations though, so i'm going to show a step by step of that elendira drawing if you dont mind :3
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sketch layer !! because i mostly render through color alone, i try to make this as close to the finished thing as possible . ^__^ i hateee drawing the same thing over and over and like the expressivity and movement of my sketches anyways , so the more i can preserve at this step, the better. if u were to look at a side by side of my sketches and finished pieces, youd notice a lot of those og lines are present in the final drawing :3
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2. flats !! pretty self explanatory, but the solid background gives me an idea of where the figure begins & ends while the colors themselves help distinguish whats what . i stick to ambient lighting @ this point because im usually not sure what i want to do with the overall palette or lighting yet . having two tones (ex, dark and light in her hair or dark and light on her skin) can also help in identifying key features early on that u wanna preserve. as you build layer by layer, sometimes these areas will remain untouched and i think it makes for a rly lovely feel at the end
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3. start blocking !!! to be totally honest with you, i dont really know what i do here HAHAHA. like i just scribble the shit out of it, usually focusing on what i might want to do with lighting (ex: grey areas to accentuate folds in her costume). i think i like to start "erasing" the sketch where possible by coloring on top of it .. like if you look at her hat or her arm , you can tell i'm starting to get a sense of the shapes i like vs the ones i dont. it's at this point that the final image starts to emerge in my mind , like im gradually pulling her from a tarpit of scribbles until shes recognizable lol. chipping away at the marble until i can free her. tbh.
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4. keep blockingg...when u think u are done , block some more . as you can probably see, the brushwork becomes more intentional as i add more shape, with specific focus on line weight. this is also where the patchiness of that textured brush comes in - notice how none of the colors seem totally uniform (ex: the red cross or the original sketchlines for her waist). you can see bits and pieces of the layers underneath pushing through and i really like that !! ^__^ its very fun and sketchy to me, so i try to keep them around. those areas are also great to colorpick from, because it'll give you "new" colors to work w/ that are already part of your palette.
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5. GRADIENTS & GRADIENT MAPS !! TONE CURVE !! COLOR PICKER !! this is the best stage tbh. flatten your image so its all on one layer and just go crazy with all the color settings in ur program. add gradient layers and set them to darken, or overlay, or subtract, orrr. lighten or dodge glow or divide or soft/hard light.! OR!! edit the hue, saturation, luminosity and contrast.and then color pick from these edits, block even more on top of ur image, flatten, color edit again, etc. etc. until u feel satisfied.
ANYWAYSS . i hope that makes sense @__@ sry i wrote this out and deleted it like 23 times trying to make it make More sense but thats what ive got HAHA i hope its useful though :3 !
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poppyseedmuffiin · 2 months
poppys amazing guide to free money for in app purchases (not clickbait)
long post ahead, sorry in advance. now idk if anyone else has talked about this at all, at least in the sky community. but with the amount of IAPs in sky (and seeing periodic posts of people offering services like commissions in exchange for season passes or exclusive IAP cosmetics) i feel like i just cant sit on this knowledge any longer if people turn out to not know about it. maybe almost everyone is aware of it and/or already using it or doesnt care and im a silly goose, but if this can save even just one person some money, or allow them to buy something they couldn't have afforded otherwise, then i'll be happy lol. it's certainly helped me and i'd like to share the love.
getting to the point: if you are on android/use google play (sorry everyone else idk if apple/the app store or other platforms have something similar, might be worth looking into or idk maybe this same app is on there too), then you can use this app called Google Opinion Rewards to get free google play credit.
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this is going to feel like a cheesy fake youtube sponsorship or something but For Real this app gives you basically free money in response to answering surveys. i downloaded it a few years ago after one guy mentioned it in a video in passing, and as of now i have gotten from it almost $150 of google play credit.
“poppy, this sounds super sus”, you might be thinking, shaking your head. “answering surveys?? isnt this a scam to collect your personal data??” and fair enough! yeah probably the data is being sold (though on the page they claim to not share it with 3rd parties), im not super internet wise or savvy but idk it seems like everything is selling your data nowadays. and to get the most amount of surveys you can, you have to have certain things turned on in your google account.
it might ask you about a place you've been recently, or if you've been looking up something lately, or if you remember watching a certain video on youtube, or whatever. sometimes it's very accurate and specific with the targeted surveys, and sometimes it's totally fucking random. to me its not any creepier than getting an ad for like. wendys after only talking about it out loud with my phone within earshot, and most of them are pretty innocuous anyway, at least in my opinion. idk. u dont have to use this. im just putting it out there for those who might want to give it a whirl.
Before i go into the nitty gritty rambly details (on the google doc below), here’s the reassurance: this is real. Yes, the reward for each survey is less than a dollar, but it adds up. Sometimes there are a whole bunch at once and that can bring in a good haul. Since downloading the app, i’ve answered 730 surveys, and from that earned $142.11 (as of writing this right now) in total rewards/credit.
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That’s not nothing! I’ve been able to buy sky IAPs with nothing but credit that i’ve earned from answering these surveys. The longest of these surveys literally take a max of like 20 seconds, and u can go right to them from the notification on your phone. It takes 0 effort essentially and for me it is worth it to see that receipt for $0 in my inbox. I have a compulsive spending habit and use it rly often so in my case mostly it just acts as a discount, subtracting from the price however much is in my balance, but still! That’s better than paying full price! Free money is free money! You can also choose whether or not to use it when making a purchase, and stop answering questions and giving them the data at any time. You can choose what to share with them really easily from the settings in the app, so if you want to turn off just location or something, you can just go to “survey eligibility”, select what you want to change, and manage it as you like. The only thing you have to have is your age, since it won’t send surveys to users with no age on their account. And you can use the credit on other apps too, since it’s google play credit! I just mostly use it for buying sky IAPs. you can save up to buy a season pass! 
If you’re like me (maybe not. Im kind of pathetic. Someone pls validate me), you’ve tried whatever you can to not pay for microtransactions. Yeah there’s stuff like mistplay and those annoying ass “tasks for coins” esque things within an app that have you sign up for online magazines or download other apps and get to level 3 of PigFarmVille or whatever to earn credit or money, but those never got me anywhere and this is the most effective, legitimate thing i’ve ever used for this purpose. It takes time and patience, but before you know it you’ll have $5 kicking around in your balance and you can buy the cute oreo headband or pair of shoes or whatever tgc has in the shop this time. It legitimately feels like i’m cheating, sometimes, or that it’s too good to be true, but i’ve used this for three years now and it’s never let me down. And no i’m not sponsored, just a broke bitch that stumbled across this. They should give me something for this free promotion tho lmaoo
below I have both the sharing link to download the app if anyone wants to and a link to a google doc with my personal tips for this app on it since this post is way too long already and i dont want to waste more of peoples time, but anyway thanks for reading if you did, and if you try it out and it ends up helping lmk! c: and also maybe reblog to spread around if you think others would find this helpful. I almost never do posts like this especially bc im very unsure of myself and tend to think im wrong but sometimes i get stuff right and this feels like something i got right. Hope it helps you too. 
Get paid for answering short surveys. Download Google Opinion Rewards now: https://googleopinionrewards.page.link/share
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dokifluffs · 4 years
Zooms With His Kid | Sugawara, Osamu
Pairings: Pairings: I mean, Y/N is absent in these.... so I guess for once, this section don matter 
Genre: domestic fluff ah ha ha 
Author’s Note: debuting Suga!!! woooo 
Warnings: post time skip!! 
Zooms with their Kid | Ennoshita, Akaashi // Zooms with their Kid | Sachiro, Kuroo // Zooms with their Kid | Kenma, Bokuto
*S/N = Son’s Name, D/N = Daughter’s Name* 
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He’s an elementary school teacher 
“Alright class, today you guys will be learning how to add and subtract double and triple digits. Alright, I’m going to first give you guys a few examples of both and we’ll work through a few together for you guys to get a clear understanding, alright?”
“Yes~” multiple distorted voices of children sounded through their display screens on his computer as he worked in his study which was really one of the spare bedrooms used for storage on the ground level of the house
He shared his screen, using a pen tablet that wrote out what he wanted on the screen, slowly going through the steps on how to add to double digits first with his second grade class
He made sure to ask a bunch more questions to make sure everyone had a clear understanding since everything was online
And because of this, this was a bigger hurdle than he anticipated and everyone around the world was dealing with this situation
It was a challenge since not all his students were able to have a computer or the internet connection to allow them to stay in school and follow class
But all his lessons were always recorded and uploaded, sent to the students of the parents who were unable to attend class
And if that didn’t work, he made sure to type out clear instructions to be mailed to their homes
He glanced every now and then, wearing comfy sweatpants and a decent looking sweater on top for the illusion of professionalism
“So, now that I’ve gone through a few problems, let’s see you guys do one. What’s the answer to this?” He asked his class
After a moment of silence, a little boy raised his hand with the feature, answering the problem as others wrote down the answer/ solved it on their own
Suga almost jumped out of his seat as he complimented his student, feeling the slightest pull at the end of his sweatpants
But as fast as his heart jumped out of his chest, a wave of relief washed over him
“What are you doing in here, my little princess?” He scooped his little girl as she looked up to him with her bright brown eyes, babbling at him, tapping his foot with her little fist
He turned back seeing the door ajar, connecting the dots that his little girl had come in on her own
“Everyone, I would like you all to meet D/N,” he bounced her in his lap as he pointed to his screen to the many small displays of his students as they all physically leaned forward
His heart felt so full now that his class was able to finally meet his daughter after being able to only show them a few pictures
“All right, back to it,” he instructed as his littegirl sat on his thigh, entranced by his fingers as he wiggled them before her, her tiny hands latching on and wrapping around a single finger of his
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“Onigiri Miya will be the first ad to be seen every other commercial break during the Jackals-Adler’s match. With this deal, you’ll also have your own stand in the dome with a clear view of the game.”
Osamu sat comfortably in his bedroom on his bed as promoters partnered with the dome, where the legendary game of the grown monster generation would be duking it out between each other, offered a partnership between Onigiri Miya and then
It would be one the biggest games all volleyball fans would be looking forward to
And this meant even more promotion since he already knew four players of the jackals team- Sakusa, Hinata, bokuto, and his brother the most
The promoters and Osamu continued their conversation about the sponsorship, leading up to the final agreement
“This truly will be one of the greatest matches of the year,” one promoter spoke as the they casually spoke over the zoom call, discussing their own personal opinions on who would win
The door to the bedroom slowly creaked open eerily, yet no one could be seen
Osamu stared at the door, anticipating when he would see your head pop around from the other door or something, yet you never appeared
Instead, in his peripheral, he caught of something even better walk around the corner of the bed
His little girl and boy as they held hands, holding onto each other for balance as they wore matching little bear onesies
Their teary, tired eyes looked up to their dad, the twins with their grayish-brown eyes looking u to their gray eyed father
As soon as they saw him, they walked a bit faster, closer to his edge he sat comfortably on, looking up to him, paws intertwined, reaching their free hand up so they could come onto the bed too
“What do you think of this year’s teams, Osamu-kun?” One promoter asked just as Osamu leaned over the edge, setting his laptop to the side on a pillow that showed the headboard behind him as he plucked up his little bears, sitting each on his thigh
“Sorry, my kids came in but I think the teams this year will be teams no one’s seen before. The monster generation has grown and their hunger is never satiated.”
“Very true…” After seeing Osamu’s kids, the promoters briefly ended the call, heading back to their own families
Glancing down to his babies, they each were leaned on his chest, fast asleep with on their little bear onesies, snuggled close and comfy with no intentions of waking up anytime soon
“How vicious,” he smirked as he leaned down, pressing a kiss to their foreheads, their chubby little cheeks reminding him of mocha, he just wanted to bite on them
He adjusted the pillows he leaned against and laid down, readjusting how they laid carefully so they didn’t wake at his side, his arms wrapped around their little bodies, joining them in a late afternoon nap with the gloomy skies as the perfect weather  
~~~~~ Thanks for reading! Masterlist for more! Please do not repost anywhere else!
Tags (let me know if you wanna be tagged for all my haikyuu posts): @yams046  @mazey-chan  @sunboikyo00  @kara-grayson04​  @fortheloveofbakugo​ @tsumtsumsemi​ @osamuonigiri @1-800-wholesome @yamagucci​ @realityisoftendisapointing@plantisnotplant @k-eijiakaashi​ @pink-panda-pancakes​ @differentballooncollection​ @osamusamusamu@therainroguefanfiction​ @euphorihan@turquoiselace​ @macaronnv  @oxmaddy​​ @mrkoala4prsdnt​​ @curiouslilbeast​ @plantisnotplant@therestless101​ @abcdaichi​ @oyasenpai​ @kaaidalupita​ @lovinnoya​ @wisepandaslimeland​ @killuaking​ @bbymilkbread​ @tsumtsumland​ @suunikimchi @woah-there-cowboy-or-cowgirl​ @amandahh626​
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sunsumu · 4 years
I loved the hair playing with atsumu so much,, can you do the same with ushijima, akaashi and tendou? I feel like their hair doesn’t look like the softest but once u touch it it feels like heaven. Thank you!!
a/n: This one includes both headcanons and a small little drabble because we didn’t know which one you wanted- All the admins worked on a different character. Ushijima was done by admin oli, Akaashi was done by admin imeda  and Tendou was done by admin lisa. Hope you enjoy! -admin oli💫, admin imeda💕, and admin lisa💌
⋆。˚☽˚。⋆.Playing with Ushijima’s hair⋆。˚☽˚。⋆.
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the first time you did it he was confused??
but it also felt nice??
honestly he’s conflicted
his hair is so soft??? like what conditioner do you use-
it also smells really nice
as you keep playing with his hair he slowly starts leaning into your touch
suddenly he’s on top of you
and that’s how your cuddling session begins
when he wants you to play with his hair he doesn’t outwardly ask you
kinda stares and stares and stares, until you notice
he tried to play with your hair once, he got his hands tangled in them
a liddol drabble <3
Ushijima didn’t have practice with the team today, so we were spending time together in our shared apartment. We were just enjoying each other’s presence. As I continue to add the details onto the drawing I was working on, I hear the wooden floors creak. 
I glanced up to see Ushijima standing behind me, staring at my drawing. 
“Do you need anything Toshi?” I asked softly. He takes the pencil out of my hand and he suddenly carried me in his arms. 
I looked up at him and got an idea. I moved my hands to his head and I started playing with his hair. 
Ushijima closed his eyes as I did, his face looked content. He slowly walked over to our shared bed and sat down, gently placing me in his lap. 
He slowly leaned into my touch as I kept playing with his hair. We both suddenly fall back and I let out a laugh. 
As he laid his head on top of my chest, I continued to run my hands through his hair. Ushijima moves his head to the crook of my neck and inhaled. 
Everything was at peace and we were happy. 
playing with akaashi’s hair <3
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akaashi’s hair is SOFT soft
like its a mess of soft black curls but it’s just so soft and nice to run your hands through
you’re surprised you didn’t play with it sooner
a lot of the times when you’re studying together, akaashi will just lay back and you’ll start playing with his hair
the first time was definitely during one of your study dates
ever since then akaashi will kinda give a small cough and then lie down so you’ll start playing with his hair
he once just fell asleep while you were playing with his hair and you went PANIK
it was so cute and he just curled up to you and your heart melted cause hes so cute
he apologized like 50 times after that how were you supposed to tell him that you didn’t want him to apologize you wanted him to do it again
lil drabble cause apparently we’re all doing this
“Akaashi, I don’t get this problem.” your voice is soft as you nibble on the end of the pencil. Akaashi’s head shoots up from the math problem he was working on. He leans over and wraps a hand around your shoulder, you nearly bite off your eraser and choke on it at the sudden touch.
“You have to do this part first cause it’s in brackets and then do the addition and subtraction from left to right.” Akaashi explains. You look at him as he leans across your paper, pointing at the math problem. He runs a hand through his black curls and you find yourself just slightly staring. You realize that you should probably be paying attention to what Akaashi is saying, but you can’t help it because his hair looks so soft and fluffy.
“Hey, ‘Kaashi, can I play with your hair?” your question is simple enough and it shouldn’t be too difficult of a request. Akaashi’s head quickly turns to look at you, but he turns away as fast as he can, trying to hide his growing blush.
“I mean, yeah, if you want. That’s okay, you can do whatever you want.” it’s rare to see Akaashi so flustered and the dark red blush on his cheeks is even rarer.
Akaashi slowly lays his head in your lap as you tangle your fingers into his hair. His dark curls are so soft that you have to resist every urge to start interrogating him about his hair routine.
You sneak a peak at Akaashi’s face. His eyes are closed and the blush on his face still hasn’t faded one bit — maybe it was even more noticeable than before.
While one hand makes it’s way through Akaashi’s hair, the other one strokes the side of his face, earning a small smile from Akaashi.
“Hey, y/n.” Akaashi mutters softly, not yet opening his eyes. You hum a small response and he finishes his sentence, “I love you.”
It’s moments like these that you tend to treasure. When Akaashi can let down his guard and smile freely.
And you don’t have to even give Akaashi a response, because he can tell in the way that you softly run your hands through his hair. You love him and both of you know it.
It feels just a little sweet, knowing that Akaashi can tell just how much you care about him through one small touch.
playing with tendou’s hair :p
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he would be surprised but likes it
he would tease u for it but like u tease him right back
the urge came that one time he came out of the shower w his hair down and you HAD to touch it. no buts.
he kinda lays in your lap while yall watch movies and lets you play w his soft ass hair while he eats popcorn
becomes a natural thing when cuddling
his hair is soft. like SOFT. (esp after a shower and its let down :p)
lil drabble bc oli started it
You sat at his couch in his room, waiting for Tendou to be finished from his shower. You were scrolling through Netflix to decide on what to watch later with him, before deciding on this show called Busted!. It was a comedy, mystery show which sounded interesting. free promo :p
You heard the door open and snapped your head towards the restroom, spotting a shirtless Tendou wearing shorts walk out. He was combing through his hair with his fingers, and you stared at his red hair. It was the first time you had seen his hair being let down.
"Take a picture, it'll last longer." He smirked, shaking his head to dry out his wet hair. You rolled your eyes at him but smiled. You waved him over to sit next to you as he grabbed his shirt to put it on. Tendou walked over, sitting beside you and immediately laid his head onto your lap.
"Hey! Your hair's wet, get off," you whined, pushing his head. You didn't actually mind but it was fun to mess with your boyfriend. He laughed, refusing to move.
"Nooo~ I don't think I will." he replied, teasingly. You huff, giving up, before realizing how soft his hair was. Before you knew it, you found yourself playing with his hair, rubbing his scalp. Tendou looked at you, confused, but not mad. He looked like he was kind of enjoying it.
"Oh, sorry." you apologized, reluctantly pulling your hands away. "Didn't mean to." Tendou lightly glared at you, grabbing your hands and placing them back onto his head.
"Well I didn't say stop, did I?" he pouted, turning back to the TV. "What show are we watching anyways." He began eating the popcorn on the table in front of him. I smiled at the back of his head, moving my hands to rub his hair.
"This comedy show. It looks good, click play," you told him. The rest of the night was peaceful. Tendou laying comfortably on your lap as you rubbed his very soft hair, (seriously, what conditioner does he use?) and both of your laughter being heard by your neighbors. It was a memorable night which started your habit of playing with his hair whenever both of you cuddled. He never minded though.
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tisthequenchiest · 4 years
okay but zuko and suki as a doctor and registered nurse super team with a traveling clinic? anesthesiologist aang? surgeon sokka? toph as a physical therapist? what are our medical headcanons?
Sksks you know EXACTLY what's going to make me go feral and I love you for it
Zuko: Trauma surgery (change my mind u cant). He is unbelievably patient and gentler than he looks and he's particularly good with burn victims. He's also very good at identifying children with abusive households and silently gets them in touch with people who can help. He coordinates with Suki and both if them are the reason the ER runs so smoothly.
Suki: I'm torn between having her being Head Nurse of the ER floor or having her be an ER doc. Both ways she's the first person to take charge in the ER, and can handle the most traumatic situations with grace. No-one has seen her panic ever. She's and inspiration for her team.
Aang: look I hadn't thought Anaesthesia for my boy, but I can see it, I bet he'd be such a calming presence to have in the OT, both for the patient and the surgeons or residents.
I had also a HC where he's a pediatrician bec he would be amazing with babies (cough he is a babies) and he would be able affable enough to reassure the most distraught parents and be skilled enough to drag ridiculously sick infants back from the jaws of death. Also my cousin had her pediatric postings a while back and she loved the kids sm, I can totally see Aang staying back to sing to the babies instead of signing off and going to sleep oof.
Katara: Is an OB-GYN and this is certain. She's super serious about her role in her community, she organises talks about reproductive health and campaigns for women's reproductive rights. She's the most skilled of the gaang and is booked for like 3 years straight. Also, HC, she does this thing (that a doctor I know does) where on the weekends she opens her clinic and OPD to poorer patients for free. (She would!!!)
Sokka: Aaah I totally see why he'd be a good surgeon. BUT. Radiology or Diagnostics. He looks at problems differently, he's got very acute observational skills, he would definitely put up like 7 differential diagnoses where normal doctors would see only one. Same with radiology, he'd catch a bunch of things on scans that others would miss.
Toph: Your mind. Yes. She'd make such a good physiotherapist. She's literally their rock. She be so good for them mentally, bec she won't let them quit or feel helpless. She'd help them overcome their pain and regain control over their life regardless of any physical impediments, which is so important and exactly what she did. God Physiotherapist Toph is my new emotional support HC.
as u can see i am totally projecting on the Gaang, but that's what this fandom is about ok. Also @hugs4zuko I want u to PLEASE add/subtract from this au bc you're my fellow med student and I luv u (◍•ᴗ•◍)
Sonny your mind. I luv you. (๑♡⌓♡๑)
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brain-leakage-blog · 6 years
Running Castlevania with Old School D&D, Part 5
This is part of a continuing series. For part one, click here. For part two, click here. For part three, click here. And for part four, click here.
While the previous posts in this series have mainly been concerned with showing how to adapt Lamentations of the Flame Princess' various character classes to Castlevania-appropriate archetypes, this post will handle the setting of Transylvania itself. And while I dipped into Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse and Symphony of the Night to build a D&D style adventuring party with, neither game really offers much in the way of setting material outside the castle.
For that, I'm going to go back a little farther into the franchise's history, to the much-maligned proto-Metroidvania, Castlevania II: Simon's Quest.    
Please, hold all torches and pitchforks until the end.
Just a brief side note: If I really were to run a Castlevania-themed campaign for a group of PC's, I'd probably lean heavily on Simon's Quest to do it with. While the 8-bit NES wasn't quite up to the developers' ambitions, the game has some good bones to build off of. 
I would probably have the players roll up original characters, with at least one being the next heir to the Belmont line. I'd have the game take place a few years after one of the "major" Dracula battles outlined in the main series, and have the Belmont player character's relative be suffering from the same curse Simon did: The wounds taken in his battle against Dracula are not healing. He is slowly dying. As his condition worsens, he has visions of becoming a creature of the night. A fortune-teller reveals the truth. If he dies before the next full moon, he will become a vessel for Dracula to be re-born, stronger than ever. The only way to lift the curse is to bring Dracula's spirit back into its previous body. But Dracula's minions have scattered his remains, to ensure that his curse will run its course. 
Honestly, the only major difference in the set-up would be that the "cursed" Belmont wouldn't be accompanying the PCs. I'd hole him up in the basement of a church, surrounded by garlic and crosses, with monks praying over him day and night. It would then be up to the group of relatively green and inexperienced adventurers to run a desperate race against the clock, with only minimal guidance from their mentor. 
(I'd also make sure that the enemy kidnapped the cursed Belmont as the night of the full moon approached, giving the PC's one more thing to worry about. But that's just me...)
Anyway, there are a few resources I'd recommend using here. First and foremost is A Guide to Transylvania, which I mentioned back in my Alucard post. The PDF is available on DriveThruRPG for about eight bucks. The crunch inside is AD&D 2e specific, but everything else is system agnostic. This book details everything from Transylvanian history, to peasant superstitions, to secret societies. No other supplement will help you fill in the details of the Transylvanian countryside as well as this one.
The second (more expensive) resource is the current D&D 5e Curse of Strahd campaign book, which is an update and expansion of the original Ravenloft module. Why this one instead of the (many) older ones? First, it's widely available in hardcopy. And while I'm not completely in love with what I've seen of 5e's rules, you just can't deny that Wizards of the Coast puts out a high quality product these days. This thing will survive some wear and tear at the table. Second (and more importantly), it maps out and expands the land of Barovia far beyond what the older editions did. 
The third (completely free) resource is the Transylvania map that appeared in the old NES Game Atlas. A high-quality scan is available here at castlevaniadungeon.net.  
The simplest, easiest way to take care of mapping the Transylvania countryside is just to use the foldout map that comes with Curse of Strahd and swap out the names. For example, swap out the starting village of Jova from Simon's Quest with the Village of Barovia from Curse of Strahd. Swap out Yomi—the nearly-abandoned town just outside Castlevania—with the destroyed village of Berez.
While this won't be 100% faithful to the geography on the Castlevania map, enough of the landmarks in Simon's Quest have a rough Barovian equivalent to make it work. Below are some suggestions, with corresponding map and page references.
Castlevania Location / Barovia Location / Curse of Strahd Foldout Map Location / Curse of Strahd Page Reference
Town of Jova (Area 1) / Village of Barovia / Location E / Page 40 - 48
Town of Aljiba (Area 16) / Village of Valliki / Location N / Page 95 - 124
Yuba Lake (Area 14) / Lake Zarovich / Location L / Page 38
Town of Veros (Area 6) / Village of Krezk / Location S / Page 143 - 156
Town of Yomi (Area 48) / Ruins of Berez / Location U / Page 161 - 166
Laruba Mansion (Area 36) / Wachterhaus / N/A (Located in Vallaki) / Page 110 - 115
Brahm Mansion (Area 21) / Argynvostholt / Location Q / Page 129 - 142
That should be enough to get the idea. That said, I'd probably also swap out some of the obviously non-European names with some real-world Transylvanian ones. Targoviste for Aljiba, for example.
One pro to this approach is that it requires relatively little prep time, especially for an inexperienced DM. Curse of Strahd has plenty of fleshed-out NPCs, side-quests, and description boxes for just about every building and room, if you decide to use them. You can use the encounters, too. Stat conversions from 5e to LotFP are simple: Just use the closest equivalent monster from the free Basic Fantasy Roleplaying Game, and add two to the creature's Armor Class. Don't sweat the other details. 
Me? I probably wouldn't go that far. I'd probably just use the maps, crib or ad-lib all of the descriptions from the Transylvania Guide, and wing it with the NPCs and encounters. Similarities aside, Castlevania and Ravenloft are two different properties, with two entirely different feels to them. Relying too heavily on the published material just means you're playing Curse of Strahd. Which is okay. But it isn't Castlevania.
Which, of course, leaves open the question of Castlevania itself. 
The Castle Ravenloft layout in Curse of Strahd is unchanged from the original I:6 Ravenloft module. It makes a perfectly serviceable stand-in for Dracula's Castle, provided you're taking your inspiration from the first couple of games. But if you want something closer to the sprawling, changing, living embodiment of Chaos featured in Symphony of the Night and most of the later games, you'd be better off creating your own funhouse-style Mega-dungeon. As with anything, which you choose will depend heavily on your group, their preferences, and their play style. 
Before I close this installment out—and since I'm already mining Castlevania II for ideas—I'm going to give some sample stats for that game's two Boss monsters. For Carmilla, I used the Basic Fantasy Roleplaying Game version of the Vampire, with almost no modifications. For Death, I re-skinned the BFRPG Lich, added a bunch of Hit Dice, and swapped out his spell casting for a handful of specific, spell-like abilities.
If neither one seems challenging enough, both are easy enough to scale up in power. After all, when it comes to "end game" content, you're bound to have a pretty high level party. Watching them effortlessly steamroll the final bosses would be sort of anticlimactic. If that's a concern, my personal preference is to creatively choose the location for the encounter.
Instead of meeting Carmilla in her vampire lair right away, why not have the PC's encounter her at a masquerade ball, using the powers of her enchanted mask to appear as one of the living? Force them to use roleplaying and guile to maneuver her to a place they can fight her without harming innocents. What about having the PC's run into Death on the grounds of an old battlefield or cemetery? He could raise dozens of allies among the dead, forcing even the most powerful group of PCs into a pitched battle for survival.  
Granted, if you're planning to use Castlevania II as your template, you could always just let the PC's walk right by them with no consequence...
(Note: the Lamentations of the Flame Princess rules assume ascending armor class and a base, unarmored AC of 12. If using these creatures with a system that has a base AC of 10, simply subtract 2.)  
Alignment: Chaotic
Armor Class: 21
Hit Dice: 9 (attack bonus +8)
No. of Attacks: 1 weapon or special
Damage: 1d8, or by weapon, or special
Movement: 40' or 60' (fly)
No. Appearing: 1 (Unique)
Save as: Lvl 9 Fighter
Morale: 11
Treasure Type: Special
XP: 1,225
Beautiful, vain, and cruel, the aristocratic vampire Carmilla is one of Dracula's most ambitious servants. Famous for her inventive and sadistic tortures, she is best known for bathing in the blood of young women. She possesses Carmilla's Mask, a powerful, cursed artifact.
Like all vampires, Carmilla casts no shadow and no reflection. She cannot cross running water, and may not enter another's home unless invited. She cannot tolerate the strong odor of garlic, and will recoil from a mirror or from a cross presented with conviction (for more information on these weaknesses, see the Vampire, p. 124 of the Basic Fantasy Roleplaying Game). 
Carmilla is immune to Sleep, Charm, and Hold spells. If unarmed, she will treat her hands like claws, raking her target for 1d8 damage. When armed, her vampiric strength gives her an additional +3 to damage when using melee weapons. Her bite (though seldom used in combat) inflicts 1d3 damage, and drains one level of energy from her target for each round she continues to feed. Feeding places her in a vulnerable position, and she suffers a -5 to her Armor Class.
Victims reduced to 0 hit points by Carmilla's feeding die, and they will rise as vampires during the next sunset. These new vampires are permanently under Carmilla's control, and always act as if under a Charm spell.  
Carmilla can command common nocturnal creatures. Once per day, she can summon 10d10 rats, 5d4 giant rats, 10d10 bats, 3d6 giant bats, or 3d6 wolves. The creatures must be nearby to be summoned. Once called, they arrive in 2d6 rounds and obey her commands for 1 hour.  If she chooses, Carmilla can also assume the form of a giant bat or a giant wolf at will.
In addition to the above abilities, Carmilla also shares the common vampire's Charm gaze, which her victims can save vs Spell to resist. Unlike her more common brethren, Carmilla's charm is exceptionally powerful, imposing a -3 penalty rather than the standard -2. 
Carmilla cannot be harmed by non-magical weapons. Exposing her to direct sunlight for more than 1 round destroys her, and submerging her in running water causes her to lose 1/3 of her Hit Points per round for three rounds, with death occurring on the third round. Any other method of reducing her HP to 0 merely incapacitates her, causing her to fall into an apparently death-like state. But if her body is not exposed to sunlight, submerged in running water, or burned, she will begin to regenerate 1d8 hours later, at a rate of 1 hp per turn.
Carmilla's Mask (Artifact)
This artifact is a smooth, silver mask, closely resembling the kind commonly worn during masquerade balls. When the mask is placed onto a human or a dhampir, dozens of hollow, silver spikes appear in the inside, causing it to latch onto the victim's face, and inflicting 1d3 damage. Each round the victim is prevented from removing the mask, it drains 1 energy level, feeding as a vampire, until the victim is reduced to 0 Hit Points. Once dead, the victims do not rise as vampires.
If the mask is freshly fed, bloody tears will pool in the corner of its eyes, and for the next 1d12 hours it will convey several abilities on any vampire that wears it. While wearing the mask, the vampire casts both a shadow and a reflection. Garlic, holy symbols, and holy water have no effect. The vampire may enter any home with no invitation, cross running water, and even walk in the sunlight—although this last will still be uncomfortable. 
Additionally, victims of the vampire's Charm gaze suffer a further -2 penalty to their saving throw.  
Alignment: Chaotic
Armor Class: 26
Hit Dice: 15 (attack bonus +10)
No. of Attacks: 1 touch, weapon.
Damage: 1d8 touch+drain, by weapon.
Movement: 30' or 60' (fly)
No. Appearing: 1 (Unique)
Save as: Lvl 15 Magic User or Cleric (use lower)
Morale: 11
Treasure Type: Special
XP: 3,150
Death is Dracula's top lieutenant. Fiercely loyal to his master, Death will fight to protect him at all costs. Death's actual nature is unknown, although he is believed to be an evil manifestation of pure Chaos. His physical form resembles that of the classical "Grim Reaper," a skeletal body wrapped in a tattered cloak. He carries Death's Scythe, an artifact-level magical weapon.
Upon first encountering Death, all intelligent, living creatures must save vs Spell or flee in terror for 2d6 rounds. Even on subsequent encounters, Death's gaze is terrifying. All creatures that meet it must make a save vs. Spell or be paralyzed with fright for 2d4 rounds. Dhampirs, due to their half-undead nature, get a +2 bonus to this check.
Death prefers to attack with his scythe when possible. If forced to make a physical attack, his touch causes 1d8 points of damage and drains 1d4 points of Constitution, while simultaneously healing him for the equivalent amount.
The Constitution loss is permanent. It can only be healed by the casting of a Restoration spell, at a rate of 1 point per casting. If a character's Constitution score falls to 0, he or she immediately dies, and rises the following round as a lesser wight. This creature is identical to the wight described on p. 126 of the Basic Fantasy Roleplaying Game, except its attack causes 1d4 points of damage and 1 point of Constitution loss. All characters killed and transformed into wights are considered permanently dead, and cannot be Raised. They may still be Reincarnated. 
Death is able to cast Speak With Dead, Animate Dead, and Raise Dead at will. And while he rarely feels the need to disguise himself, he is able to do so with the aid of Polymorph Self. Additionally, Death is always treated as having an active True Seeing spell cast on his person. For purposes of spell duration and saving throws, Death's caster level is 20. 
Death is immune to all non-magical weapons. Like all skeletons, Death only takes half damage from bladed weapons, and only one point from arrows, bolts, or sling stones (plus any applicable magical bonus). Additionally, he is immune to Sleep, Charm, and Hold spells. Death cannot be turned by the cleric's Turn Undead spell.
Death cannot be permanently killed. When reduced to 0 Hit Points, Death's physical form is destroyed, and his spirit re-joins the primordial Chaos outside the world. After 1d10 months, Death will Reincarnate on the physical plane, although in a weakened form equivalent to a wraith (see Basic Fantasy Roleplaying Game, p. 127). He must then drain the equivalent life force of 2x his normal Hit Dice (a combined 30 levels) in order to regain his full strength and powers.    
Death's Scythe (+3 Great Weapon)
Like Death himself, Death's Scythe is believed to be an evil manifestation of Chaos. In combat, Death's Scythe delivers 1d10 damage, with an additional +3 magical damage bonus. On any natural attack roll of 18 or better, the target must save vs Magical Device or die instantly. Any mortal being who attempts to touch the handle of Death's Scythe must make the same saving throw, but at a -4 penalty.
3 times per day, Death's Scythe can create 1d3 Phantom Sickles. These are smaller, ghostly sickles that spin out towards their intended victim. The sickles last for 1d4 rounds, continuously attacking, and causing 1d6+1 damage per successful hit.
Creatures killed with Death's Scythe may not be Raised, but they may still be Reincarnated.
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gethealthy18-blog · 5 years
101 Different Ways To Say I Love You
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/getting-healthy/getting-healthy-women/101-different-ways-to-say-i-love-you/
101 Different Ways To Say I Love You
Harini Natarajan Hyderabd040-395603080 June 24, 2019
So many people are absolutely crazy about their partners. Yet, there are so many who find it hard to express how they feel. It’s not easy saying those three little words. It can make you feel vulnerable and anxious. We also get so caught up in our personal lives and forget to do the most important thing – express our affection to our loved ones. But you don’t always have to say ‘I love you,’ you know! There are so many ways you can tell your special someone how much they mean to you.
Communication means everything in a relationship. And these are the little things that ensure that your bond stays intact forever. Here are 101 things to say to your partner that will not only make his day, but yours as well.
101 Different Ways To Say I Love You
You are my other half, my better half. Without you, I am just half a soul.
You are my everything. Nothing matters without you – job, dreams, even my life. Nothing at all.
You are my Prince Charming. I have been waiting for you all my life. Thanks for finding me!
You are my sunshine. You brighten my day, my life, and my soul. You are the best thing that happened to me.
Look what you did to me. You make me feel young again. Just look at the way I giggle when you are around!
What the hell have you done to me? I am under your spell. Can’t stop thinking about you!
I just can’t bear to be apart from you. It makes me go crazy! Come back soon.
You make me want to be a better person. Your goodness makes me go weak in the knees!
We make a great team. You and I, buddy, are partners made in heaven.
Sometimes, I feel that my heart will burst from all of the love and longing I feel for you.
People say you only fall in love once. But, I don’t think that’s true. Every time I look at you, I fall in love all over again.
Bae, I love you to the moon and back. No, wait. I love you to Pluto and back.
I never knew how beautiful life could be until I met you, my love.
When I look at you, I think “Good job, God. What a hottie.”
If you want to know why I love you so much, I could go on all night…
I am never not thinking of you. You are always on the back of my mind, loving me, showing me the way.
If you ever feel lonely, just look down at your fingers – the spaces between them are where my fingers fit perfectly.
You don’t need the whole world to love you. You just need me. I will love you enough for the world.
There is something about you. I am scared to lose you because I know I will never find you in someone else.
If I loved you lesser, I might have been able to talk about it more.
If I had to pick the favorite moment of my life, I would pick the moment I first met you.
I have realized that a piece of my heart is always missing when you are not with me. I love you, baby.
I never wanted to get something in my life that I couldn’t bear losing. It is too late for that now.
You are the nicest, kindest, most tender, and the most understanding person I have ever met — and even that is an understatement, my love.
We are perfect for each other. You are the peanut butter to my jelly.
You mean so much to me. I adore the ground you walk on.
I am addicted to you. You are all I can think of day and night.
I just want you by my side always. Through thick and thin, we are meant to be together.
You make life worth living. Keeping you happy is the biggest goal of my life.
You got me, bud. You got me good. I am head over heels in love with you.
Every time I see you, you leave me breathless. What have you done to me?
I have never felt this right with anyone else. There is something very strong between the both of us.
You make my heart warm and happy – like a hot cup of cocoa on a cold winter night.
As long as I have you in my life, I will be okay. Through good and bad times, we will make it together.
When I look at you while you are doing your thing, you make my heart skip a bit.
I am nuts about you, boy.
Wo ai ni (‘I love you’ in Chinese).
I don’t need any riches, my love. You are my treasure – the most precious thing in my life.
You captivate me. I can’t look away when you are around.
I just can’t stop ogling at you…you look so damn handsome.
I hate you less than everyone else in the universe.
I can’t believe how hard I have fallen for you. You are the sole reason I am so happy!
I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. That would be a dream come true.
You are the sunshine of my day and the moonlight of my night.
Every cell in my body loves you.
Everything you do subtracts from my sadness, adds to my happiness, and multiplies my joy!
You make my soul sing when I look at you.
I will never love anyone else with as much intensity as I love you.
I feel butterflies fluttering in my stomach whenever I am with you.
I idolize you from the deepest core of my heart.
If I had to spell out my favorite word, I would say Y-O-U.
You make my heart sing when you walk into the room. I am obsessed with you, loco.
The water shines only because of the sun. And darling, you are my sun.
Trust me, I couldn’t love you more than I do right now, and funnily I know I will, every tomorrow that comes.
There is a madness in loving you, a lack of reason or selfishness that makes it so flawless.
Baby, you are the last thing on my mind before I drift off to sleep and the first thing when I wake up every morning.
I need you the way a heart needs a beat, mi amor.
I will love you until the stars burn out and the tides no longer turn. I will love you till the end of eternity.
Could I get the money you owe me now? You have been living rent-free in my heart for a while now!
Your voice sounds like the song that makes my day beautiful.
We were meant to be together. This was written in the stars and drawn into our destiny.
The first time you held my hand, I knew I was born to be yours. There is nothing in my life more important than you.
Let’s flip a coin. Heads, you are mine. Tails, I am yours.
There are only two instances that I want to be with you – now and forever.
Without your love I can do nothing. With your love, there is nothing I cannot do.
Just when I feel that it is impossible to love you any more, you prove me wrong.
It is official – my heart skips a beat when you take my name.
Hey soulmate – I have loved you all my life! It just took me this long to find you.
When I looked into your eyes, I knew I had found the mirror of my soul.
It is so easy to fall in love. The truly hard part is finding someone to catch you. And you did, my dear. You so did.
The best feeling is when I look at you…and you are already smiling at me.
To the world, you may be a person, but to me, you are the world.
I don’t love you for your looks, your money, or your car, but because you sing a song only I can hear.
I thought that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then, I saw that you were not perfect at all – and I loved you even more.
I am so much more me when I am with you.
I don’t love you because I can live with you. I love you because I cannot live without you.
I love you today, and I will love you until I die, and if there is an afterlife after that, I will love you then.
I hope you know that every single time I tell you to stay warm, get home safe, have a great day, or sleep well, I am really saying I love you. I love you so much that it has stolen the meanings of other words.
I love you with no beginning and no end. You have become an extra necessary organ in my body. I love you as only a woman can love a man. Without fear. Without expectations. Unconditionally.
When I tell you that I love you, I don’t say it out of habit. I say it because I want you to know that you are the best thing that has ever happened to me in my life.
You know how I know we were meant to be together? The entire universe conspired to help me get you, my love.
I love you for who you are, who you have been, and who you will be.
In this mad, mad world full of chaos, there is one thing of which I am certain, one thing that will always remain constant and unconditional – my love for you.
Thank you for always being my rainbow, no matter what storm life throws at me.
With the touch of your love, I have become a poet.
Hey, hey, hey. Here is my heart, keep it for me please! I am so clumsy I am afraid I just might lose it.
It was the way you laughed, I just knew it then I wanted it in my life.
If I did anything right in my life, it was falling for you. The best thing ever.
Sometimes I just look at you and wonder how I got to be so goddamn lucky.
And then, my soul saw your soul and went, “There you are! I have been looking alllll over for you!”
You are my favorite everything.
All I know about love is only because of you. Please be in my life forever.
You have made my heart burn brighter than the brightest candle. Thank you for being in my life and completing me.
I fell in love with you because you loved me when I couldn’t even love myself. I thought I was unworthy of love till you proved me wrong.
You have changed me completely. I cry lesser, laugh harder, and smile all the time – all because of you.
I want to be your happiest hello and hardest goodbye. I love you madly.
You knocked the senses out of me when we first met. And now your love teaches me how to be sane.
I am not afraid of anything – I know you are there with me. I know that you are the one who will protect me from whatever life throws at me.
Maybe I am not your first love, but I surely want to be your last. Your one and only.
When I wake up and see you lying next to me, I can’t help but smile. I just can’t believe how lucky I got!
I am thinking of you all the time – morning, noon, and night. And all the time in between, I think how amazing we are together.
Love is the most beautiful feeling in the universe. So beautiful that it is often hard to describe it in words, and that is why people struggle to express their emotions. But, don’t worry. This list will help you say what you are too tongue-tied to say. You can simply copy a message or tweak it a bit and send it to him. It really doesn’t matter as long as he gets to know your real feelings. All the best!
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Harini Natarajan
Source: https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/different-ways-to-say-i-love-you/
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heartbreaker-club · 6 years
What is the Best Bra for Plus Size Woman?
What is the best plus size bra? This is a common question among most women with fuller figures who want to add both comfort and style in their lives.
If you are a curvy woman then a plus size bra is your best bet for a comfortable bra that still makes you look great.
Unlike ordinary bras, bras for plus size ladies are bigger in size to give you that non-confining fit as you go by your day to day business.
I know finding and landing the best bras for plus size women is not an easy task and that is why I created this page. Here are show you some of the most comfortable plus size bras – and of course tell you why they are great.
When it comes the best plus size bras, there are a lot of options to choose from (which makes choosing a daunting task). Some of these categories are: sports bras, wireless bras, underwire bras, minimizer bras, strapless bras, nursing bras, push up bras, front close bras (plus size bras with front closure) and t-shirt bras among others.
In this page, I am going to look at some of the categories of bras for plus size bras and showing some of the best bras in the category.
Where to Get the Best Plus Size Bra
Before we got deep into the types of plus size bras, let’s first address the question of where to get these bras.
When it comes to bras, you have two main options:
In store purchases:
This is where you visit a brick and mortar clothing store. Try the bras available, pick the perfect one and walk home a happy woman.
To locate stores that stock bras for full figured women, just do a quick search on Google. The perfect search term is “plus size bras near me”
Online shopping.
Buying plus size bras online is perfect for the modern day woman who is busy and doesn’t have time to walk to the clothing store to buy a bra.
Most plus size clothing sites will have a wide range of affordable plus size bras. All you have to do is know your bra size beforehand.
With online purchases, you get that perfect bra from the comfort of your office or living room.
To take the lowest price possible on bra purchases, do a quick search on Google for the following terms: “discount plus size bras, plus size bras on sale, plus size bras discount”
How to Determine Your Bra Size
Unfortunately, not all women know what bra size they rock. This leads to a serious problem of buying a bra that is either too big or too small.
A small bra will give your breasts a very confining environment. A big bra, on the other hand, will not hold the breasts in place leading to bouncing and ultimately sagging.
To determine your bra size, you have two options. The first is using a bra size calculator. A plus size bra calculator is an online application that lets you input your band and bust measurement and it suggested a bra size.
The second and the most common option is the use of a bra size chart.
To use the chart and the bra size calculator you need to conduct some measurements. (To get the best results, either wear a bra that fits perfectly or remove your bra when measuring)
The first measurement is the band size. To measure this, wrap a tape measure snugly below your bust. After breathing out, take your measurement. Take that even number as your band size; if it’s an odd number, round it off to the nearest even number.
The other measurement is for cup size / bust measurement. To measure this, wrap a tape measure around your chest at the fullest part of your breast (bust). From the number you get, subtract your band size. If the difference between the two measurements is 1” then your cup size is A, if 2” your cup size is B and so on through DDD as shown in the table below.
And now, ladies and sorry, ladies only, the following are some of the most common plus size bras types and the best bras under the categories.
Plus Size Wireless Bras —- Plus Size Bras No Underwire
Playtex Women’s 18 Hour Original Comfort Strap Bra
The Playtex Women’s 18 Hour Original Comfort Strap Bra is your best bet for a comfortable all-day everyday bra.
With its seamed and molded no-underwire cups, the bra comes with pretty lace accents and a floral print on its cups. A scalloped trim gives it an even more feminine look.
Its shoulder cushioning alleviates possible pain from straps that dig into the shoulders and is known to stay well-formed even after many wash cycles.
It is made of exclusive Spanette fabric, which is designed to give good support and a very comfortable fit, with 360 degrees of stretching capability.
Its comfort straps are non-stretch, and the closure is a set of 3 columns x 3 rows of hook and eye sets.
The bra is designed for flatter those with fuller figures.
Sizes: 34D through to 54DDD
Women’s 18 Hour Seamless Smoothing Bra
The Women’s 18 Hour Seamless Smoothing Bra comes in a Cool Dri fabric with 2-ply in its cups to keep you dry and cool.
The bra comes with thinner straps and a lower gore. The straps and the cup are made of 76% nylon and 24% Spandex, while the innerstrap is made of 100% nylon. The strap pad and frame lining are made of 100% polyester, while the back, the sling, and the frame come in 91% nylon and 9% Spandex.
The bra comes with soft cups that are seamless to give you a smooth look under thin clothing. It is also designed to smooth bulges on your back and sides. The cups also come with light lining to keep it from showing through.
The bra comes with a jacquard print and satin trim, with back adjustable comfort straps.
It closes on the back with 4 columns and 2 rows of hooks and eyes.
Sizes: 36B through to 46DDD
Playtex Women’s Comfort Lace Wirefree Bra
The Playtex Women’s Comfort Lace Wirefree Bra is your best bet for great support, shape, and comfort, all in one go.
Its seamed cups are soft, thanks to a light fabric lining, and the back and straps come with air pockets to give you breathable functionality and comfort.
The lace exterior gives it a feminine touch.
Sizes: 36B through to 54DDD
Bali Women’s Double Support Spa Closure Wire-Free Bra
The Bali Women’s Double Support Spa Closure Wire-Free Bra is part of the best-selling collection of bras in Bali’s line.
Ladies who dislike wearing bras with an underwire will definitely find this to be among their favorites.
It is designed to give you superior comfort as well as fit, thanks to the innovative gel cushioning of its back closure. It is also tagless, assuring you of zero irritation unlike with other bras.
These plus size bras with full coverage come with soft, full cups that assure you full coverage.
It comes with side boning to help give you enhanced shape while also giving you the support you need.
The bustline comes with a delicate trim in the shape of scallops, while the cups feature an attractive floral overlay of lace.
The center gore comes with a bow to give you that feminine feel. It also features a U-back design to make sure the straps stay in place.
These straps may be adjustable in front for a custom fit, and the bra closes with 3 columns and 3 rows of hooks and eyes on the back.
The bra body is made of 92% nylon and 8% Spandex, while the cup is made of 81% nylon and 19% Spandex.
Sizes: 34B through to 46D
Barely There Women’s Gotcha Covered Wirefree Bra
The Barely There Women’s Gotcha Covered Wirefree Bra provides a full coverage, support, and comfort for those who are hoping to find a bra that is wirefree as an alternative to underwired bras.
This is made out of nylon, spandex, and polyester. It has back bra closure and is machine washable.
To live to its name that it also makes sure that you’re “covered” the foam lining will aide in preventing any kind of see through.
It comes in either white, black, soft taupe or peach blush.
Sizes: X-small through to X-large
Plus Size Underwire Bras
Bali Women’s Lace and Smooth Underwire Bra
The plus size full coverage bras are your best companion when you need full coverage in a lace bra.
This style is seamless and comes with an underwire, and boasts of a blend of sheer nylon lace.
The full cups are designed to give you full coverage and support, and they come with light lining to give you an enhanced shape without compromising your size.
The U-back is designed to give you comfort in terms of helping keep the straps in their place.
The straps are also fully adjustable in front, and are easy to reach for that customized fit.
The bra closes in the back with 3 columns and 2 rows of hook and eye closures.
This is best for women with fuller figures, as the bra is designed not only to fit these women, but also to flatter them with its shape.
Sizes: 34C through to 40DD
Playtex Womens Secrets Cottony Gel Comfort Strap Underwire Bra
This is a great combination of the best material for the different parts of an underwire bra!
The bra itself is made of cotton, with the cups overlaid with lace for that extra elegrance, and the straps come with gel cushioning.
The center gore is non stretch while the back wings are stretchy. This makes it as comfortable as you can possibly imagine a bra being.
The closure on the back is three rows by three columns of hooks and eyes.
Sizes: 36C through to 40D
Wacoal Women’s Body Underwire Bra
This bra for plus size women features smooth cups with underwire.
The bra is constructed seamlessly and made of microfiber. The straps come with mesh details, with the back straps being adjustable while the front straps are not.
The bra closes with 3 columns by 2 rows of hook and eye closures.
Sizes: 32C through to 38DD
Bodysuede Seamless Underwire Bra
The Bodysuede Seamless Underwire Bra comes with stretch seamless fabric.
It comes with cup support as well as a hidden foam sling to give you shape, support, and uplift. The bra is made of smooth nylon that is stretchable, while the light lining on the cups help keep the bra from showing through your clothes.
The underwire is also cushioned to give you more comfort. The inner slings also come with foam lining to give you support.
The center gore comes with unique overlapping.
The comfort straps of this bra are adjustable on the back, and it closes with 3 columns by 4 rows of hooks and eyes.
Larger sizes may come with more rows and columns of closure. The bra is also best for flattering fuller figures.
Sizes: 32D through to 44DDD
Lily Of France Value In Style Women’s Jacquard Demi Underwire Convertible Bra
The Lily Of France Value In Style Women’s Jacquard Demi Underwire Convertible Bra is your best companion for versatility and comfort.
Coming with lined pads, the bra is made of 28% spandex and 72% nylon, and offers you three-way convertibility.
Sizes: 34C through to 38B
Wacoal Women’s Awareness Full Figure Underwire Bra
The Wacoal Women’s Awareness Full Figure Underwire Bra comes with molded cups.
It also features a seamless look so you can wear it under almost any outfit.
This is reportedly among the top sellers of Wacoal, and is available in several fashion colors.
Sizes: 32D through to 42D
Playtex Women’s Secrets Luxurious Lift Underwire Bra
The Playtex Women’s Secrets Lift And Shaping Underwire Bra comes with seamless contemporary contour cups lined with foam and a plunging center in front.
The cups feature extra support in the bottom to give you a naturally round shape.
The bra is made of a blend of stretch microfiber, and designed to be invisible even under thin clothing.
The front straps are rigid and adjust in the back, and it closes with 3 columns by 3 rows of hook and eye sets.
The bra is best suited for fuller figures.
Sizes: 36B and 36C
Bali Women’s Lace Desire Minimizer Underwire Bra
The Bali Women’s Lace Desire Minimizer Underwire Bra is a great way for achieving a slimmer silhouette without getting your chest flattened out.
The bra is designed to give full coverage alongside size reduction.
Its cups are seamed and embroidered, and designed to give you extra support and lift. The top cup and the strap are made of 57% polyester, 28% nylon, 15% rayon, while the bottom cup, the center belt.
It also features adjustable straps, and hand washing is strongly advised, as is the case for nearly all underwire bras.
Plus Size Strapless Bras – Plus Size Bras Strapless
Maidenform Women’s One Fabulous Fit Strapless Bra
The Maidenform Women’s One Fabulous Fit Strapless Bra is your best bet for a great-fitting strapless bra.
Whereas other strapless bras pose the high risk of discomfort or accidental moving out of place, this bra utilizes a special technology with a power band designed to keep the bra in place.
The cups are made of two-way stretch foam material, giving you a comfortable and natural shaping.
The bra also boasts of its soft and silky feel, and you can even customize the adjustable straps: you can wear it strapless, as a demi-bra, or with criss-crossing straps.
The versatility of this bra makes it the perfect choice for those who live busy lives ranging from work to family and to recreational activities.
Sizes: 32B through to 38D
Elomi Smoothing Strapless Underwire Bra
The Elomi Smoothing Strapless Underwire Bra is a convertible bra with an underwire and made of a nylon blend with no seams.
The cups are lined with foam to give you the modesty you need no matter what outfit you are wearing.
It comes with silicone lining to assure you of sufficient support.
The bra is designed as a T-shirt bra, which means it will virtually disappear under any thin fabric outfit. It is also designed to flatter fuller figures.
While it is strapless, it comes with stretch straps that you can use and adjust, allowing you to use the bra in traditional or criss-cross shape.
The bra closes with 3 columns and 3 rows of hook and eye closures on the back, with more columns and rows for larger sizes.
Sizes: 36DD through to 48E
Front Close Bras – Front Closure Bras Full Figure
Playtex Women’s Front Close with Flex Back Bra
The Playtex Women’s Front Close with Flex Back Bra is easy to use with the front closure that comes with larger than usual hooks and eyes.
The wire free cups are seamed and molded, and the bra is made of mesh and stretch microfiber.
The full cups are sure to provide you with full coverage, and they are lined lightly to make sure you do not get any show-through.
The elastic back, which is criss-crossed, can be adjusted for a more customized fit.
Fastening is easy with the larger hooks and eyes, so you will not have trouble putting it on or taking it off.
The bra is also designed to fit full figured women.
Sizes: 36B through to 48DD
Minimizer Bras For Plus Size
Glamorise Women’s MagicLift Full Figure Minimizer Support Bra
The Bra is your best bet for needing to lost one cup size off your chest! Not only will the minimizing effect give you a nicer look, you will also find your clothes fitting better.
The bra boasts of the patented MagicLift technology, which gives you the lift you need without the discomfort of an underwire.
The inner bust band comes with cushioning to give you full support. The cups are adorned with lace for that sophisticated look, and are made of a cotton blend to assure you of comfort all day.
The bra is made of 40% nylon, 35% polyester, 15% cotton, and 10% Lycra spandex.
Sizes: 36C through to 48H
Glamorise Women’s Soft Shoulders Minimizer Bra
The Glamorise Women’s Soft Shoulders Minimizer Bra is your best friend for a smaller look while remaining comfortable.
It features an extra-wide back with foam straps that adjust, ensuring that you can say goodbye to shoulder strain.
The minimizing function is designed to cut off at least 1 full size from your cup size, and the cups are embroidered in three sections to give you an excellent fit.
The bustline comes with sheer mesh that is embroidered, with a bow accent on the center. The straps are adjustable on the back and designed to stay in place.
Meant to fit full figured women, this bra closes on the back with 3 columns and 3 rows of hooks and eyes.
The bra is made of 60% polyester, 25% nylon, 10% cotton, and 5% elastane.
Sizes: 50D through to 52G
Le Mystere Women’s Dream Fit Minimizer Bra
The Le Mystere Women’s Dream Fit Minimizer is perfect for those who are self-conscious about their breast size.
If you want a little reduction, but still retain the great shape, then this particular bra is definitely for you.
This sleek garment can reduce your size by at least one to one half cup size, but still gives you the round natural shape with that added sophisticated look.
The seamless, molded cups will provide utmost support and shape as they are double-lined for no show through.
Additional support is also provided by power mesh wings. If you are fond of wearing revealing tops, then this will be the perfect match because of its low neckline.
A front ribbon with a gold tone charm adds to the style and the U-back keeps strap from slipping. Wide, padded straps can also be easily adjusted.
Sizes: 32F, 40E and 40F
T-Shirt Bras for Plus Size
Le Mystere Women’s Dream Tisha Lace
The Le Mystere Women’s Dream Tisha Lace is your perfect companion for having that silhouette you’ve been dreaming of.
The decorative lace cascades over the bra edges and strap, giving you the perfect feel of elegance and femininity.
The cups are molded and designed smooth, to give you the smooth silhouette you need.
The back comes with power mesh, and with its hidden underwire, you will surely enjoy the fit and support.
The bra is made of 80% polyesteramide and 20% elastane. In order for best care, be sure to hand wash this bra in warm water and then line dry; ironing is not recommended.
Sizes: 32B through to 44H
Plus Size Nursing Bras
Le Mystere Women’s Sexy Mama Nursing Bra
If you’re a new mom who is looking to feel sexy again in no time, then the Le Mystere Women’s Sexy Mama Nursing Bra is the one for you.
Made with 765 polysteramide and 24 % elastane, this bra is specifically designed to provide good coverage while growing and contracting with the nursing breast.
This has 5 rows of hooks and eyes which will enable you to lose your post pregnancy pounds without the need to buy new ones. Not only that, but this underwire beauty has easy to access one-handed nursing clips.
Style is not discounted on this one as floral lace cups adds to the overall look.
These cups are also foam lined for modesty and sheer mesh wings give additional support.
Who says nursing moms can’t be sexy?
Sizes: 32C through to 40F
Plus Size Push Up Bra – Plus Size Bras Push Up
Glamorise Women’s Magiclift Embroidered Soft Cup
The Glamorise Women’s Magiclift Embroidered Soft Cup will definitely make it to your favorite bras list.
The bra makes use of MagicLift patented technology to give you the support you need minus the pain of an underwire.
As if that was not enough, this bra also comes with extra-wide shoulder straps that are cushioned to give you the ultimate in comfort experience, reducing, if not totally erasing, shoulder strain from the picture.
Made of 55% polyester, 25% nylon, 10% cotton, and 10% elastane, the bra features a cross-under and over design to give you improved separation, uplift, and support.
Its full cups are meant to give you the best full coverage, with pretty floral embroidery on them for that feminine feel. A bow lies sweetly on the center gore.
The straps are designed as close-set so you will not have to worry about having them slip off your shoulders, and the bra closes with 3 columns and 3 rows of hook and eye closures on the back.
Sizes: 36B through to 56I
I hope the above guide helps you get the best plus size bra for your full figured body.
The post What is the Best Bra for Plus Size Woman? appeared first on Plus Size Furniture.
source https://www.plussizeexpert.com/full-figure-bras/
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