dcviated · 11 months
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It looks weird on him, doesn't it?
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balladetto · 9 months
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breath of the wild / accepting / @whiimsicaldream ( Hildr )
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"You look like your everyday traveller, but how can I be sure?"
     His eyes trail down. His eyes trail up. Down from that glossy hair and pretty face; up from that dress that might not pop in colour, but sure stands out with its rather immaculate hemming and texture. Aidan looks down again. Back up. "Everyday traveller," the lady says, like she could beat him in a competition of looking completely ordinary.
     He has to wonder how impressively unimpressed a show his eyebrows make as they climb into the cover of his fringe.
     "Am I being accused of somethin' here, ma'am?" he retorts, half-annoyed and half-amused. She must be, in some part, a noblewoman: if not in looks, then definitely in bearing. Figures she'd read him offering a hand — sorry, his peasant hand — to help her up suspiciously. There's almost a temptation to retract it, but principle keeps it held out. "If I was going to be nasty, I'd be doing it right now while you're down, yeah?"
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peculiarbeauty · 10 months
SHE WAS A PRISONER to this dream that revisited her many of a many nights. meeting a handsome prince confined to seldom hope. ( trapped ! trapped ! ) but he was like her , wasn't he ? within a reality that he did not mean to stumble upon. he was the red rose plucked away and discarded of his thorns so he could not fight back.
oh , he was lovely. more lovely than any amount of royalty she could come close to. " you are here .. " she says , attempting to relish in the moment just for it to be stripped away , causing her dysfunctional dream to take shape in the presence of a terrifying beast. HE WAS THE ONE WHO IMPRISONED HER . . . and now , he has imprisoned this other poor soul.
but she will not give up. she will find this prince once and for all.
for many nights , her nightmares would cause her to wake up screaming and sweating profusely from the terrors of not being able to save this other lost soul who had been so disgracefully betrayed , but not tonight. SHE REFUSES TO FAIL TONIGHT. this prince , he must be real --- and trapped here. trapped somewhere in the castle.
he is possibly hidden deep within a dungeon. and just like that , beauty has made her decision to be as quiet as a mouse and slip out of the lavish bed that was so humbly gifted from the master of the house.
a candlestick is obtained , and the creak of the door has her heading off 'pon the castle grounds for answers. at night , everything within the castle was rather dark and gloomy.
it was different within daylight hours where some bits of hope could be found. to say that she was afraid to take these steps onward would be a lie , but if there was a prince within this castle held against his will , she must be the one to break him out and get him to safety.
perhaps . . . perhaps they could run away together. start a new life away from the horrendous life she is living now.
down , down , down the stairs she goes. she will remain vigilant to check about , for the beast did seem to be just as quiet and observant of her.
no signs of life were seen , and so she heads on into the deepest parts of the castle. a place he has hidden from view. a place she was forbidden to go . . .
she looks upon tattered walls and empty chains of nothingness. it was intimidating , but no signs of life could be foretold here. this place once hosted parties , but life does not live here anymore.
A GASP at a shattered mirror and a slightly tattered painting can be seen. ( whoever did this was frighteningly afraid to look upon the beauty of a man in it . . . )
she is slow to uncover more of the painting , eyes to widen at the growing sincerity in the eyes of another she has met once. ONCE UPON A NIGHTMARE . . . a sweet , sweet nightmare.
the candlestick drops , and she is left without a light. she fumbles backwards falling into an all too familiar patch of fur that stands behind her.
her heart begins to pound rapidly , the fear reflected in her eyes with the quick turning of her person to find him . . . the master.
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plotted starter for : @whiimsicaldream
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holdingmyworldsdestiny · 11 months
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@whiimsicaldream said: “Rains smells so different in the city.”
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"Hyrule has really come a long way in recent years."
Castle Town really was more like a city now. She didn't mind walking with Alv, through the streets. Over time, her discomfort with rain had considerably softened. Zelda's magic had only become more and more powerful as her years went on, as she never stopped training. She never stopped practicing, growing, and improving. But that went for every aspect of her life.
Including her hobbies.
Heels clacking against the stone pavement, the queen's umbrella, which matched her dress, was idly twirled. They hadn't decided on any particular destination, just that they'd stroll through the city streets.
"However, I do agree with you. There is... something different, when you are out in the fields, the soft earth beneath your feet. Not that there is anything wrong with the city, but I do long for nature more often than I long to hear the rustling of carriages as everyone goes about their daily routines."
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streetslost · 9 months
@whiimsicaldream | cont.
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     NOT SO BAD… it felt like torment to the princess, though she didn’t voice as such.  it was a meager attempt to act like she was still somewhat in charge of her life when, really, the entirety of it had become scrambled.  beyond her control and focus.  like trying to put a shattered MIRROR back together.  trying to align broken edges; a feat that wasn’t impossible, but came with a burden like it was.  she wished she could have her companion’s outlook on it all.         pretending was a game that sarah was struggling with playing once more.  after everything that had been endured, the aspect of her old life being her current one again felt w r o n g.  like a caterpillar in the body of a butterfly.  not quite ready for the change but forced to act like her wings could work.  the ground was so far down there…     “no, you are fine.”  honest enough, though her gaze refused to draw upward.  sarah stared upon the tiling below, as though the pattern was giving her solace against the suffocation of the crowd.  “i just… know people are whispering.  and some ask questions t’which i don’t intend to answer.  e v e r.  but they believe they’re entitled.  the spare shouldn’t be so… closed.  you’re lucky that no one pries into you, then.”
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atimelesslullaby · 10 months
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@whiimsicaldream said (from Alv): Knowing it was the queen's birthday he had thought about it long and hard. He wanted to get her something worth while. Something that would mean something to her, that would perhaps make her think of her. She was strong, powerful, amazing, beautiful, and so much more than he could ever put into words. When he was able to get the queen to herself without anyone around he offered her a long slender wooden box with a pink ribbon wrapped around and a bow that would unlace it. Inside the box was lined with a purple velvet and an elegant sword laid within. There was a few gems of different colors built into the hilt. He had put his many years of learning various skills to craft this for her. "Happy Birthday, Zelda." He said with a warm smile.
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It wasn't uncommon for her to take these kinds of moments with Alv, and oh, how she enjoyed them. He was so refreshing, the way he balanced treating her by status, while simultaneously treating her as a person. She didn't feel like just a pretty face around him, he made her feel... relief. Like a breath of fresh air, during a cloudy day. Of course, everyone wanted the queen's attention, such was the nature of the day.
Which was why this momentary reprieve with Alv was very welcomed.
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"Just your presence is gift enough. Though I do imagine you picked something special."
After carefully removing the beautiful ribbon, a peek is taken inside. For the moment, the Sage of Time herself, was at a loss for words. Nobody had ever given her something so incredibly beautiful. Not only was it beautiful, but it was functional. A sword. While she was more adept at using a bow, Zelda was no novice when it came to swordplay.
"It must be the most spectacular weapon I've ever laid eyes upon. You truly have made my day."
To spend time with someone you cared so much about, and a gift that truly came from someone's heart? The queen couldn't have asked for a more perfect day.
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gerudospiriit · 9 months
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repost and fill in the words you most associate with your character !!
ANIMAL :  fox
COLOUR :  red, orange, gold, pink
MONTH :  july
SONG : sine from above.
NUMBER : 10.
PLANT :  Echinocereus or roses.
SMELL : sandalwood or amber and a hint of florals and sweat.
SEASON : summer.
FOOD :  candied volt fruit.
DRINK :  water or tea, especially infused with native fruits of the desert.
ELEMENT : fire.
tagged by: i stole it from @whiimsicaldream tagging: all ya'll
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swevene · 8 months
moved from @whiimsicaldream
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miss-polly · 9 months
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what's your kissing trope?
The Almost Kiss. It just may be the cruelest, most frustrating thing a writer could ever pull. Two characters are finally about to bring all their shippers' dreams to fruition. They're about to resolve all the unresolved sexual tension and cross the 'Just Friends' line, at last. They're staring mesmerized into each others' eyes, inching forward ever so slowly, less than a millimeter away from lip-to-lip contact. This is it, the fans scream in their minds. They're finally going to kiss! And then... They don't. Were they interrupted by a knock on the door or falling meteor? Did one of them remember their late love interest that they promised never to forget? Was the thought of a relationship upgrade suddenly just too scary? Well, for some reason, they can't or won't go through with it. They may be giggling afterwards, or they may be crying a river. The sad thing is, the Almost Kiss says as much as a kiss, anyway, since we can see they both want it. Sometimes referred to as a "near-miss kiss".
Tagged by @whiimsicaldream
Tagging: @lunarscaled, @skidrowflorist, @aercnaut, @beautiful-mischief, and you!
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dcviated · 11 months
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read all about it :: closed
Send “📰” And my muse will answer these questions about your muse!
@whiimsicaldream sent: 📰 - for raguna from hildr
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What is their name?: "First, she introduced herself as Thea. But now I know that's just part of her name. Princess Hildr Thea Kron." Raguna can still hardly believe it himself. "I feel silly that I didn't realize it for so long. There's always been this air about her."
Relationship with them?: "We..." What are they, really? He's not stupid. Hildr has been very eager at times to have her hands on him. Touches to his shoulder. Kisses to his cheek. That's more than just friends. And yet. Could that be? "I think I'm still figuring that out. What we are, I mean. It's good. I believe that much at least."
What do you view them as? (family,friend,other): "That's another good question. I... view them as more than a friend. But knowing she's a princess, can we be more? I'm just a farmer out in the countryside. Wouldn't that be trouble for her? I'm going to keep supporting her, regardless."
Do you feel attracted to them in any way?: "I think... if Hildr catches me looking into her eyes again I'm going to be in trouble. Which is to say... I definitely believe she's pretty. And her sense of humor is fun."
What’s one thing you’d like to do with them?: Suffice to say he's had thoughts his own about their playful exchanges, however- "We never actually got to enjoy the festival together that one time. I still want to do that. Walk through the stalls with her and play games. Try new food. It'd be fun." And maybe like a date.
Tell us one memory you have with them.: "Does it count if I say any of the times she came around the farm to paint? There was something special about checking in with her now and then on the progress. Going back to work knowing she was there. And! Of course the paintings themselves were beautiful. I got to keep one of them, and it's still up on the wall in the kitchen."
Anything you’d like to ask them or state to them? If so, say it now, please!: "I'm still figuring that out. Now's not the right time."
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kingspuppet · 9 months
your muse's aesthetics as edgar allan poe's works.
bold what applies to your muse, italicize what sometimes applies to them. please repost, don't reblog ! credit.
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annabel lee: a cold ocean’s wind, the pain of love lost, a pure and powerful love, fond memories of one so dear, refusing to let go of someone lost, numbing grief, unwavering devotion.
the raven: long and sleepless nights, dying embers in the fireplace, fear that envelopes every sense, shadows that stretch down the street, dark feathers falling, burning anger, the realization that something is truly lost, hopelessness, a soft tapping at the front door.
the tell-tale heart: the desire to harm, attention to every detail, the creak of old floorboards, the soft glow of a lantern, the pounding of a frightened heart, the smugness of not being caught, the satisfaction of a dark task completed, gnawing guilt, a shouted admission of what has been done.
tagged by: @whiimsicaldream
tagging: If you're currently reading this than I'm tagging you
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peculiarbeauty · 10 months
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ordonianpumpkin asked: ∗ 3o﹕ sender  wraps  a  blanket  around  receiver’s  shoulders . @whiimsicaldream - cyneric/beast
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SUCH A KINDNESS was not so easily given by him. the bookish maiden did sense a warmth unbeknownst. ( perhaps there's something there that wasn't there before )
hands curl over the blanket , embracing the comfort.
slow hesitation grants her gaze to travel to find his own. she thinks about what to say. there are so many things she would like to say , but it is difficult. instead , she gives him an affirmative nod with the words " thank you. " it would be the first time she would thank him , she hopes it will not be the last.
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adversitybloomed · 10 months
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How are you color coded?
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yellow, a study in wildfires, honeycombs, and summer rain. everyone sees you smiling and laughing, happy in all the ways but the way that you know is true to you. everyone believes that nothing bad could happen to you, that you live life so freely that you'd never miss a beat, even if something bad DID happen to happen around or to you. but you're as miserable as the rest of them. you might be warm and gentle, when you need to be, but at the end of the day, you have long since accepted that fire is like you: best to be admired but never touched.
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tagged by: @ka-go-me + @whiimsicaldream ( ty both ! ) tagging: @battleguqin + @sparesovereign + @caracarnn + @luckhissoul & or steal & tag me !
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hyaciiintho · 10 months
What is your character arc?
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hero arc well done - you did things right. this may seem like a boring answer, but i promise it isn't. you believe in goodness and you believe in doing good, and through everything, you work to keep that goodness. you have seen so much blood, and your instinct is always to stitch. you grew and fought and won, and i'm glad you did, because someone had to. i'm glad you kept believing in the world you were trying to save. you are far braver than most could ever be.
Tagged by: @whiimsicaldream (Thank you, dear! ♡) Tagging: @asternovi (For Carlo~), @riiese (For Ingvar!), @laughiisms, @rollinggirlrunahika, and @theunknownmasks (For Thief King~)!
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sunthieving · 11 months
once you're stripped clean, what's at your core
tagged by: @whiimsicaldream
whoever would like to do it!
rippling sunset
you’re the nicest person i’ll ever meet, probably. with an undying passion to protect those who can’t protect themselves, you’re energetic and bubbly to a fault. it’s cute, watching you run around trying to tie up loose ends. i feel bad for you — out of everyone you know, you probably have some of the deepest trauma, more than anyone’s aware of. this isn’t something that you want attention for at all, and you’d really just rather forget it exists at all… even then, it seems like you can never escape it. i wish you a pleasant rest of your life, full of rippling sunsets and free of prying eyes.
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gerudospiriit · 10 months
What is your character arc?
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tragic hero arc
we all know how this story goes. when it began, you were almost the perfect hero, but almost is never enough. you lacked introspection, or you were too stubborn or vengeful or reckless - as reckless as the world that helped to ruin you. you were not perfect, and that's okay. we knew the story ended in blood and we watched it anyway. we knew you would die in the end and we still couldn't help but love you, just a little bit. at the very least, you are more human than a hero could ever be.
tagged by: @whiimsicaldream thank you! tagging: everyone
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