#i adore the idea of these two becomin a bounty huntin dynamic duo
wildlcck · 8 months
ARTHUR (@pursued-by-a-memory): [ SHIELD ] (sender catches hold of receiver's shoulder and draws them back and away from a threat, pulling them behind them for their safety) x
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her mind had been wandering to dangerous, bittersweet territory again. as it does, on these quieter, slower days. so too had she, haunted haunting aimlessly, towns and faces and talk and persons blurring into one big, pointless, senseless mass. unbeknown to her, one of the gentlemen she'd earlier had the displeasure of dealing with- an opportunity gone south- had been tailing her for some time now. her daydreaming is shattered at the touch of a hand on her shoulder and in a heartbeat, she's whirling 'round, ready to- ❛ get your hand offa me before i stick it- ❜ then, there's a glimpse- doubt, at first. confusion. then, recognition. and remembrance- in her narrowed, sharp eyes, before she takes advantage of this interruption, lunging forward and dealing a harsh strike to their company's temple, swift and efficient, with the handle of her revolver. she watches him crumple to the ground with some satisfaction, before spitting on his lifeless form. just to add insult to injury. ❛ arthur morgan?! as i live and breathe... ❜ with a disbelieving little laugh and a warm smile, she gives his shoulder a rough pat, before drawing him into a fond, glad embrace. ❛ all this time... an' we're still dealin' with pests, huh? how the hell have you been? ❜ she prises a blade from their unconscious companion's clutches, peering at and admiring the detail on the handle, before offering it to arthur. ❛ here you go- a little somethin' to mark the occasion. it ain't like he's in a position to argue. serves him right, too- the fool should've known better than to bring a knife to a gunfight. or, pick a fight with me... what do you say we leave this son of a bitch to stew in his own piss and go get ourselves a drink? i'd say we've earned it. do we got some catchin' up to do... ❜
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