#i ahve feelings on this musical gang
raspberrysmoon · 7 months
original broadway cast recording of two player game save me.... save me original broadway cast recording of two player game
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katiethezombie · 2 years
Over 10 years of being subscribed to AH/LP/RT and a few of their other youtube channels, today I unfollowed them all after all the shit thats been going on.
So I'm gonna do a post on a lot of other YouTube channels that I follow and watch more frequently. I can't and won't say that these are all good people with spotless records, but the content they put out right now is great and I enjoy it (something that I haven't felt toward RT content in the last few years). Some of these channels ahve not updated in some time but I feel that the content they have is still worth a look.
Info under the cut:
Primarily gaming channels:
AlzaboHD and The SocialStreamers mostly CK3 and EU4 content.
AnarchyHD , DayZ server mod who posts content of gameplay and banning cheaters. TheRunningManZ also palys DayZ.
CandyEvie, FlygonHG, Mah-Dry-Bread, Moxie2D , SmallAnt all post pokemon content (usually nuzlockes and other pokemon challenges), along with some other game content (especially MDB and SmallAnt).
Dagnel, Etce, Rinqueen, Therm , Traves post Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley videos along with other games. Etce also plays Splatoon frequently.
ItsJabo, Nerbit, NGPlus, Mitten Squad do many video game challenges (old games from NGPlus and a lot of Fallout and Elder Scrolls from Jabo, MS, and Nerbit)
BedBananas, Criken2, Charborg/CHRBRG, Tomato Gaming/Tomato's Trash I call them the RP gang. Usually they all stream and do RP together in game with a lot of recurring streamers (BrettUltimus, Joefudge, Kiwo, Strippin, Gmart, Lwalman and others).
I recommend the Sub Rosa/SCP/Edwad Emberpants/ videos on Criken's channel, the Hitman videos from Bed, Barotrauma/SCP/ The Long Drive videos from Charborg, and the Dread Hunger streams from Tomato's Trash. They also post solo game content and past streams.
iSyzen and Syntac for ARK Survival gameplay.
tomatoanus covers speedruns and the mechanics behind them.
Skoldire, started following them for their modded Fallout 4 videos. They have a lot of other content as well.
Let's Game It Out, DougDoug, RTGame, CallMeKevin, The Spiffing Brit kind of just sum their gaming style up as chaos.
Nuzzgard , Phasmophobia and other spooky games.
UpIsNotJump , game reviews and some other funny content, and his second channel has old livestreams.
The Horizon, posts videos on minecraft builds meant to crash p2w servers.
Welyn and Willjum, Rust gameplay. Welyn also plays Tarkov and Sea of Theives.
I also follow Dooley Noted and Bruce Green on YT because I follow them on twitch and catch their VODS on these channels, although I haven't watched them in several months. They're some of the few former or current RT employees that I watch along with Matt Bragg and like... Criken/Bed/Tomato.
Primarily Movie, TV/ Pop Culture, or Internet stuff:
Amanda the Jedi (movie reviews)
BREADSWORD (cathartic film critique and analysis)
Bright Sun Films (explores abandoned places and the history behind it)
brutualmoose (Food review, film review, plays old PC games, a good variety channel)
Danny Gonzalez and Drew Gooden (film reviews, general Internet commentary, both former Viners, not the same person)
Dominic Noble (compares book to tv/film adaptations)
Izzzyzzz (Internet Lore videos)
Nick DiRamio (film and tv commentary)
PushingUpRoses (old tv shows summaries and reviews especially for Goosebumps and Murder She Wrote, and talks about old video games)
Sarah Z (breaks down a lot of info on Tumblr topics of old)
Schaffrillas Productions (film commentary especially with animated movies)
Seamus Gorman (Disney film commentary and other animated films as well)
Sideways (Critique on film and film score, very interesting info on how music makes a movie),
Yhara zayd (Film analysis especially around race and gender)
Red Bard (anime and such commentary)
Let's Make Stuff and Learn Stuff! (Travel, Food and Crafting, History and Science Channels)
Dollightful (OOAK Doll maker)
Hanabira工房 (miniatures)
How to Cook That (Ann Reardon debunks dangerous youtube videos and also shows you how to bake)
How To Drink (History of alcoholic drinks along with recipes, quite a few are pop culture based.)
I did a thing (Australian lad making questionably safe gadgets)
MariaLazar (OOAL Doll maker)
Micarah Tewers (sews really cool stuff usually out of curtains)
Ordinary Sausage (Makes sausages with weird ingredients)
Pecos Hank (Professional storm chaser, teaches you about meteorology and also plays some good music)
Peter Brown (lots of cool resin projects and experiments, makes me feel like I'm watching an old PBS show)
Solo Travel Japan (Travels on various Japanese transport, I find it relaxing)
Sugar Bean 슈가빈 (really cute macaron baker)
Survivorman - Les Stroud (Old episodes of Survivorman along with commentary by Les. Gives good tips and practical tips about survival)
You Suck At Cooking (easy recipes to make)
NendoZaiker-SNAIL (cool polymer clay sculpter)
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everykindofnerd13 · 5 years
Seeing Red Pt. 1
Eddie caught a glimpse of that blonde curly hair and suddenly he saw red. Everything that happened in the past two months flashed before his eyes. Seeing the love of his life making out with someone he'd never met before, feeling him slipping through his fingers. The first day Richie sat with Connor during English instead of him, the first day Richie sat with Connor during lunch instead of the losers. The first day Richie hung out with Connor after school instead of the losers. The first Wednesday evening that Richie didn't show up to their study session in the library that Eddie hated so much but was willing to use so that he and Richie didn't have to deal with either of their parents. He remembered Richie's lame excuse, not even an apology.
"I forgot, and Connor and I had already made plans."
He remembered seeing Connor and Richie at the Quarry, alone, not one loser in sight. He remembered the burning sensation behind his eyes in all of those situations. He remembered the smug smirk Connor wore as he lead Richie away from the group in the hallway. He remembered the panic attack he had int eh park after being beaten to a pull by Bowers' gang, no one, not even Richie there to help him.
And most of all he remembered Richie, looking him straight in the eyes, and telling him, "I don't have time for you anymore." He remembered watching Richie walk away with Connor after that, and he remembered crying to Bev and Bill about what had happened, he remembered watching helplessly as they and Richie fought over his recent behavior. He remembered watching Connor stand off to the side, smiling proudly at he watched their "lifelong" friendship fall apart. Last, he remembered the silence, on the nights where he had nightmares, and he couldn't depend on Richie to be there. At the times where Stan very intentionally set up a dirty joke, forgetting that Richie wouldn't be there to make it.
He looked up at that curly mop of blonde hair and he saw red. He screamed, practically jumping from where he sat on the ground after being socked in the jaw by the boy that had ruined his life. He scrambled forward, punching him square in the nose. It hurt, and he hadn't expected that, but it was wonderful. It gave him such a rush, to finally, finally, be able to punch this kid. So he kept going, kept punching, kept yelling, kept crying until he couldn't do it anymore. He backed away from where Connor laid on the ground, motionless, and was almost immediately horrified at what he'd done. He began to hyperventilate, to lose his ability to breathe, and he could see the outline of the Bowers gang, and oh God, Richie, coming his way. He turned around and bolted, completely ignoring the burning sensation in his chest, the blurry sight from his tears, and the choked sobs ommiting from his throat. He ran, all the way to Bev's house, to her window and into her room, where she was sitting on her bed with Ben, reading and listening to music.
"Eddie?" She asked and that was all Eddie heard before he blacked out.
He collapsed on the ground in front of her window, his labored breaths dying down, and his bloody knuckles resting at his side.
"Eddie!" She exclaimed, throwing the blankets and books off her lap and onto the bed next to her, and scrambling down to kneel next to her friend.
"Oh no..." Ben muttered, slinking down next to her. She grabbed his bloody hands and began to shake. She could see that it wasn't only the blood of whoever he'd been fighting, it was his own as well. She turned to Ben, her expression, heartbroken and worried. He immediately understood what she wanted and rushed to her living room, pulling the phone off the wall and dialling Bill's number, then Stan's, and last Mike's, letting them all know that Eddie had just collapsed on her bedroom floor hyperventilating with red fists, and they better get there quick.
When they did arrive, Ben and Bev had already worked to get Eddie into her bed, and his knuckles bandaged after being thoroughly cleaned treated.
"Oh my God, what happened?" Bill and asked as he stepped into the room, being the first to arrive.
"I have no clue, he just came in, he looked horrified ,and his face was soaked in tears, he was hyperventilating, and he was swaying slightly, then he just collapsed." She explained, pressing a cold cloth to his forehead. Bill nodded, licking his bottom lip, then biting it in a nervous motion. He say down next to her and began to look him over as well. They cleaned the dry red blood under his nose and noticed that one of his teeth, luckily, a baby tooth, had been knocked loose. Never in their lives did they think they'd be relieved that Eddie had such slowly falling out teeth.
"Oh my God, Bill, what happened to him?" She asked, leaning over Eddie's stomach to hug her friend.
The next to arrive was Stan, he had rushed up to Bev's room the second Ben had opened the door, flinging it open and hurrying over to the bed to look at him. He looked like he may ahve a panic attack as well, so Bill quickly stood up and hugged him, applying pressure to his chest and the back of his neck to prevent any more stress.
"He's alright, just sleeping." Bill muttered into Stan's ear, while Stan continued to stare in disbelief.
"We... We think he got into a fight, but there's no way he would've thrown the first punch, we know Eddie." Bev stated as Bill and Stan sat down next to eachother on. The bed, Bill still rubbing circles in Stan's back.
"Yeah..." Stan whispered back, moving to put his hand on Eddie's chest, just to feel his heartbeat, even though he could see his chest lifting in falling, he still needed that little bit of reassurance.
Mike was the last to arrive, and even though he took twenty minutes ,he was panting heavily, and there was sweat running down his forehead. He looked at Ben with fear in his eyes as they went upstairs slowly.
"Oh my god..." He whispered, sitting down next to everyone else and feeling his lip begin to tremble. He took one of Eddie's bandaged hands in his and rubbed it trying to keep himself calm. Stan leaned over and rested his head on Mike's shoulder, copying Bill's movements, and rubbing his back.
"Do you know what happened?" He asked, looking up at his friends with tears in his eyes. Everyone shook their heads and he looked snack down to Eddie's sleeping face.
"Guess there's nothing to do but wait then..."
And they did, for an hour , all cuddled together against the wall of Bev's bedroom, rubbing eachother's backs and holding hands, and every once and while, one would reach forward to place a hand on Eddie's chest, or his arms, or his hand or leg. It took a while, but he came to.
His big brown eyes slowly fluttered open, his long eyelashes, that Bev have talked so much about being jealous of, tickling his own cheeks.
He groaned, and brought his hand up to his head, causing everyone to gasp. He rubbed at his temple.
"Ugh-I..." He opened this eyes, looking at his friends, letting the look of confusion disappear almost immediately.
"Oh my god." He started, sitting up quickly, almost falling back down, but he was caught by Stan who held him there, propped up to lean on Stan's chest.
"Oh my god, guys I-" His eyes filled with tears and his cheeks flushed punk, and his lip began to tremble.
"What is it Eddie?" Bev asked sweetly, placing one of her hands on his, but he quickly pulled it away and held it to his chest.
"Guys I- oh my god!" He shouted hysterically, sobbing into his hands, causing the losers to all panic slightly.
"Eddie, please, I need you to tell us what's going on." Ben stated, keeping himself together not only for his friends, but for Eddie.
"I beat him up." Eddie said flatly, "I-I-I, I just hit him, hit him until I couldn't feel my hands anymore, until I couldn't think anymore... I just, hit him..." Eddie explained, the sound of terror in his voice so prominent it scared them.
"Richie?" Stan asked and Eddie practically sobbed at even the thought of doing something like that to Richie.
"No, no of course not," he said, "Connor." He explained, covering his face in shame.
"I shouldn't have done it, but I was just, walking, in the park, and he came up to me, he started to brag about how great it was spending time with Richie, reading comic books, and watching movies, and playing arcade games. He-" Eddie sobbed into his hands.
"He said how great it was to cuddle with him in a hammock, to sit with him under the great big Elm tree there in the center of the park," everything that Richie and I used to do, he bragged about doing with him instead." Eddie explained.
"Then, when I tried to just turn around and walk away, and ignore him, he punched me. And I saw red." He stated further.
"That's what they call it right? When suddenly a flood of emotions hit you, and you feel like you aren't even controlling your limbs. Yeah, I saw red, but it was different then how people describe it because I saw everything that's happened since I saw hima ND Richie in the Arcade flash before my eyes, it was like a movie scene, and suddenly I wasn't controlling myself any longer, I was punching him, over and over, and over, and it felt-" Eddie paused, "It felt great, like I was finally getting to do what I wanted, but when it was all over, and my knuckles were covered his and my own blood, and he was on the ground unconscious, it felt awful, liek I was gonna throw up, and I started hyperventilating." He said, shaking his head.
"Then I saw Bowers, and his gang, and Richie, walking towards me and I couldn't bear it, I ran, I ran form the park here, and then I got inside, and I blacked out." Eddie explained everything, his expression faultering between angry, sad, and ecstatic, but when he finished he scrambled away, to the corner of the room, holding his hands to his chest.
"Eddie?" Bev asked slowly, sliding off the bed and pulling her tank top strap back onto her shoulder. He shook his head rapibly.
"No, stay back, I don't want to accidentally hurt you like that, I- I didn't even know I was capable of something like that, and I can't... control it, and I don't want to get angry at one of you, and let that happen again." He tried pressing back further into the wall, moving his hands under him, keeping them away. Bev's heart broke and she backed away again.
"Eddie, it's fine, you're not gonna hurt us, and if it took Connor being a dick to trigger it, then there is a very low chance that we'll ever hurt you like that." Stan says, standing up and walking over to Eddie, placing a hand on his shoulder. Eddie began to tremble in fear, squeezing his fingers to protect his friend.
"Eddie, please." Bill says while sitting next to Stan and placing a hand on his other shoulder.
"I..." Eddie mumbled, his voice breaking. Stan launched forward and wrapped his arms around Eddie, holding him tight to his chest.
"Eddie, you won't hurt us. It's fine." He whispered into his ear, then stood up and pulled Eddie up with him. They walked over to the bed and everyone wrapped their arms around him carefully, so they didn't trigger him in any way. He was tense at first, but slowly, the familiar feeling of having them with him took over and he relaxed into it.
"Better?" Bev asked at the end, cupping his cheek in her hand.
"Yeah..." He answered, flashing all of his friends a soft smile.
They stayed in Bev's rooms ND hung out until around 6:30 when everyone had to start heading home so they didn't miss the curfew. Stan offered to walk Eddie home, as he was still a little shaken up from earlier. As they walked, they could hear footsteps coming up behind them. Eddie flinched when he heard the voice of the person behind them.
"Hey dickhead!" He shouted, his voice harsh and angry, and nothing like Eddie could ever recognize, but he knew it was him. He took in and let out a shaky breath, continuing to walk, Stan still walking right next to him. Suddenly, he felt something hard hit in the head, followed but eh familiar feeling of blood in his hair. He thought he was gonna throw up, but surprisingly Stan was the first to turn around.
"Fuck off Rich!" He'd shouted, then turned back to Eddie grabbed either side of his head. He made eye contact with Eddie, grounding him.
"Hey, hey, look at him, focus on me, nothing else matters alright? Now, do you have Band-Aids in your fanny pack?" He asked, making sure to keep all of Eddie's focus on him. Eddie nodded rapidly, and opened his fanny pack, but he didn't get the chance to grab the Band-Aids because his fanny pack suddenly fell form around his waist and was snatched form the ground. Eddie turned around quickly, beginning to panic. Stan turned around as well his expression completely furious. Eddie could feel he tears stinging at his eyes.
"Oh no~ You gonna cry without your little fanny pack? Your safety's been stripped from you huh?" Richie sneered, waving Eddie's open fanny pack in the air sending it's contents scattered all over the sidewalk and road.
"Richie, give it back." Stan said, jumping to grab the fanny pack, but Richie quickly whipped out of his reacha ND slapped him across the face, sending him to the ground. Suddenly, seeing Stan on the ground, holding his bright red cheek, his hand's and knees all scraped up, Eddie was hit with a similar burst of energy to earlier. He snatched the fanny pack from Richie's grasp, throwing it to the ground somewhere behind him. He grabbed Richie by the collar of his stupid Hawaiian shirt and pulled him right up to look him straight in the eyes. He could feel the menace in his own and see the fear in Richie's.
"I hope you feel great, being exactly like the people who used to torment us. To torment you, for being yourself. I hope you enjoy making people feel miserable, and shitty. I hope that you have fun thinking about the fact that you make people cry. I hope you have a great fucking time." He spat, then shoved Richie backward, sending him tumbling to the ground, and he pulled Stan up by the arm, quickly gathering his things and stuffing them haphazardly into his fanny pack, then snapping it back on. Then he turned back to Richie, who was still sitting stunned don the ground.
"Cause after all the shit you've pulled, no one is taking you back." Eddie barked, turning around and continuing the walk to his house. For the first time in months, he felt excited, happy even, cause he's finally said to Richie what he'd been thinking.
"Well I do! And I'll continue enjoying it! With my new boyfriend!" Richie shouted from behind them. Eddie stopped in his tracks and drew in a breath, steadying himself. He turned around, readying himself to go off.
"Tell me Richie, do Bowers and his gang know that you're gay? That you like guys? That the thought of kissing a girl makes bile come up in your mouth?" Eddie asks, and he sees Richie visibly gulp, "Yeah, that's what I thought, and it's because you can't trust them right? You can't trust that they'll pull you into a group hug and assure you that it doesn't change anything, cause you know it would. You know that if you didn't make those jokes and flirt with those girls that they would immediately turn on you, they would go right back to treating you so horribly. They would go right back to beating you so bad you had to run out of the arcade? Yeah? Well you know what, you can't keep up facade forever and when that day comes? And they chase you out of the arcade again, you won't have me, or Bev, or Stan, or Bill, or even Ben or Mike to run to, because," Eddie laughed, "We had faith in you Rich, we thought that maybe, you would realise what you'd done was wrong, but they all lost hope. I'm the only one who still had faith in you, until today. When you decided to throw a broken beer bottle at me as I tried to peacefully walk home. But I've changed my mind Rich, they're right, you are just like them. Cruel, unusual, and unforgivable, so enjoy the next few months of blissful bullying, before the tables are turned on you and you're forced to live a sad, lonely, Loser free life, fuck you Richard." Eddie ranted, fuming at the boy he loved, but he was done with that, while it would take a while for him to get over it, he knew had to, Richie didn't deserve his mercy, his forgiveness. He turned around again, took Stan's hand in his and continued the walk to his house, ignoring the hot tears streaming down his cheeks. When he finally broke as they rounded the corner, he stopped and pulled Stan into a hug, sobbing into his shoulder.
"Hey, Eddie, it's ok, you did what you had to." Stan shushed him, hugging him tight to his chest and rubbing his back.
"I know I did, but it hurts, Stan... I did, I love him so much, I wanted to believe that he would see the wrong in his words, but he never did, and he..." Eddie suddenly remembered the gash in the back of his head, " he hurt me Stan, and he did it on purpose, he meant to hurt my heart, that's why he made those remarks, why he threa that piece of glass, and why he told me he didn't have time for me, I just don't know why..." Eddie explained, blubbering into Stan's chest. Stan nodded and patted his back, looking up when he caught a glimpse of something moving out fo the corner of his eye. He saw Richie, year stains on his cheeks and glasses fogged up in the cold December air. Stan shot a harsh glare at his ex bestfriend, then turned back to Eddie, burying his face in his hair and kissing his temple, the way Bev did when he cried. Richie shrunk away from the situation, heading back to his house on the end of the road. He sighed as he shut the door behind him, sliding down to the floor and sobbing into his knees. He hadn't expected Eddie's words to hit him so hard, but he knew exactly why, it was because Eddie said he'd given up on him, that he couldn't come running back if he changed his mind, that it wouldn't work, and if the Bowers Gang found out about him, he would be alone, his biggest fear, and Eddie knew it, but he'd exploited Eddie's biggest fear so he deserved it.
"He actually said all of that stuff?" Beverly asked Stan as the bell rang for their History class to start. Stan nodded pointedly, looking to the front of the class, finding that the teacher was just grading papers, and they probably had a free class.
"Yeah, but then he started breaking down, having a panic attack over finally letting go, we both know how much he loves Richie." Stan explained messing with his sleeves.
"Yeah..." Bev muttered sadly. She was about to start drawing something in her sketchbook when it suddenly covered in a shadow. She shut her eyes, readying for a whispered insult, but it never came, instead the figure just stood there, creating a shade over her book.
"Hey..." She heard and all too familiar, and very unwanted voice mutter. She mentally fought with herself over how to respond, angry sass, or not at all, she resigned to ignoring him, beginning to draw even in the dim lighting.
"Bev please." He pleaded, putting a hand on her book. He stabbed it with her pencil, causing him to hiss and pull his hand away.
"What was that for?" Richie shouted angrily, holding his injured hand to his chest.
"For putting my best friend through hell and back then cutting up the back of his head with a beer bottle what else dickhead?" She asked angrily, slamming her book shut and turning to look at the talk figure beside her. He sighed and nodded, taking a seat in the chair next to her.
"I was hoping you hadn't heard about that..." He muttered, rubbing at his hand.
"Oh please, you know how fast news travels in the losers club, the only reason I'm learning so late so because my dad got home drunk at 6 am an di was forced to stay in my room until he fell asleep." She explained sharply, not even batting an eyelash at Richie's hurt tone.
"Yeah..." Richie murmered.
"Oh for God's sake Tozier speak up I can't here you if you mumble." She shot at him, and he flinched. Usually that movement would make her immediately apologize but right now she hoped he felt threatened cause that's exactly what she was doing.
"I'm sorry." He apologized, rubbing his hands on his thighs.
"You should be." She spat, leaning back in her seat and crossing her arms, "Eddie was right, I don't want to take you back, so please state your business or go back over to that table where you've sat alone for the past month." She finished, glaring at her ex friend, studying him closely. He began to tremble, and his face turned red, for a moment she though he was angry before the red spread to his ears and she knew he was crying. She felt a flood of guilt wash over her but made no move to comfort him, after all, he'd made no move to comfort any of them over the past one or two months, why she should she help him.
"I'm sorry, for everything, I know, you don't want to take me back, but... I was just so caught up in the moment. For once in my life I wasn't the loser that everyone knows to avoid if they want to keep their social status, I wasn't the trashmouth who's dad is the local dentist and mom is the local whore, I was... The popular kid. Everyone talked to me like I was human for once..." He explained everything, and Bev knew that he sounded like, and was a victim, but she was furious.
"So you chose them, their acceptance, their "love", their friendship over ours, because you finally felt like you weren't a loser?" She asked, glaring wickedly, her eyes brining holes into Richie's soul.
"Gee Thanks Rich, really needed to know what you thought that little of us, go away." She spat, turning back to her shut sketchbook.
"I know it was wrong Bev, please, I need you to listen." He pleaded, grabbing her wrist but she thanked it away.
"You had your chance for me to listen, a month ago, when I asked you if it's what you really wanted, and you accused me of manipulating you, so here I am, holding to Eddie's word, I won't take you back, at least not immediately." Bev explained and waved Richie away. He felt the tears burning at the edges of his eyes, but he knew he was deserving of the pain, of the ache in his chest coming from his heart. He nodded and stood up, slowly walking over to the desk three rows ahead of them, where he's started sitting after their fight. He put his head on his desk and sulked the rest of class, laying out a game plan in his head, three days, three days until break, three days for redemption.
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