#i also answer prompt tags and write little fillets on a pretty regular basis when i'm active so there's plenty of information around
dawning-games · 3 years
I'm new here, so could you perhaps make a post describing the ROs and their personalities a bit? I'd really appreciate it. Also, what is the poly route?
Hello and welcome to the blog for my game! And with the understanding that I am somewhat less better at describing my own characters than throwing tens of thousands of words at you to do the same thing...
•Malcolm: a feminine trans man whose face is covered with burn scars and is missing one arm, Malcolm is terse and confrontational and has a habit of giving backwards compliments instead of coming right out and giving them in the first place. However, he is also strangely protective of the main character, and as time goes on, you get the sense he carries the weight of guilt with him...
•Twelve: a character that can be somewhat off-putting at first, Twelve wears an almost featureless stone mask on their face, with their head surrounded by snakes and vines for hair. They/Xie also has anxiety and OCD and tends to speak rapidly and using their hands. They love academic conversations, and can sometimes makes themselves more uncertain than they already were about certain topics. Xie is half Hawai'ian and and half Pakistani, and immigrated to Pakistan as a teenager to live with family, in life, which is something that will indeed come up in future chapters. Twelve identifies as gender fluid most of the time, but the labels of queer and nonbinary also fit comfortably
•Kreesh: Kreesh has chosen to use the magic inherent in most of the main characters to change her appearance to something resembling a sinuous dragon or a chimera, with long, spiraling horns. As she herself will tell the main character, she had enough of people deciding that she, a trans woman, was a monster simply based upon her existence or appearance and why not give them exactly what they wanted? She is a calming presence, but has little patience for sarcasm that comes with barbs attached
•The Splintered: a Vietnamese character who will come out as a trans man during the course of the game, The Splintered runs a shop that trades in memories. He is witty and charming and always seems to have a smile on hand if anyone needs an extra two or three. He is also very secretive, and deflects questions about his past with ease
•The King: a standoffish if not outright stern and unyielding trans woman, The King holds herself to a high standard few would be able to meet. She expects the best of everyone around her. Over time, she can and will comes to trust the main character and the companions more if they prove to be as trustworthy as she truly can be, herself, but it would be very easy to do just the opposite...
•Lichtenberg: an as yet unintroduced character who will be a potential queerplatonic relationship, Lichtenberg is friendly and boisterous and very loud. He is also autistic and will eventually confirm that he is gendervoid
•Scarlet-Be-Thy-Coat is neither an RO or a queerplatonic option at this stage of writing, but is still a significant presence in the main character's journey. Scarlet does not use gendered or gender neutral pronouns at all, simply preferring the name itself when referred to. Scarlet-Be-Thy-Coat is a strange mix of helpful to the main character to the point of endangering others, and utterly unwilling to answer certain questions. Time will only tell which will win out
I should also note that queerplatonic routes will be available for every RO character as well, if the player so chooses, as are antagonistic routes. There are also characters that are yet to be introduced or fully introduced, such as Ranada and Avarice Pillory, whose status as RO's will be confirmed at a later time
As far as poly routes go, each and every RO character can be romanced at the same time if the player chooses, but certain characters will have preexisting relationships of one sort or another, such as The Splintered and Twelve, or Kreesh and The King
I hope that helps!
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