#ch: lichtenberg
dawning-games · 1 year
Similarly, the character of Lichtenberg who is going to be introduced in this upcoming chapter, will later identify with the term gendervague, which is a gender identity influenced by one's neurodivergence. In his case, the autism I am very deliberately and loudly writing him as having!
For those curious, Lichtenberg will still use he/him pronouns and dress in a typically masculine fashion, but this knowledge will help him feel much more at home in himself, as himself.
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namika-saya · 8 months
I've been reading sctir mtl for the past few days because I finally found a site with a readable mtl. Im currently at ch 444, and i might as well list a bunch of my favorite parts. Ofc, spoiler alert, but I will list the moments without context (and not in order).
1. Sleepy shj trying to stay awake
2. Miniaturized shj sleeping in a pink knitted hat
3. Stw sitting in an airplane decked out in hot pink stuff
4. Naked stw having a bath
5. Same naked stw catching hyj when he slipped
6. Hyj gets posessed by the moon, becomes super flirty and hot
7. Hyj gets electrocuted and his bareback was exposed with mana sigils and lichtenberg wounds visible
8. Hyj is naked, has no choice but to wear shj's red coat
9. Shj offers to knit hyj some hot pink wool undies
10. Hyj yells "I had a kid with you and I'm raising them!" at shj
11. Hyj kidnaps himself, somehow
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heartthumpnovel · 5 months
Heart Thump: Chapter 7
“Growing Pains”
Word count: 9437
Just got this wrapped up before I leave for a week! This is gonna be insight to how Jason is dealing with the new big changes in his life (I am not sorry). This chapter was very fun to write because it has my favorite character in it; Oliver :> By they way, since it seems people are getting interested in this story, I've seen people do tag lists for each chapter. Let me know if you're interested in that!
cw: Cursing/Swears
Last chapter: Seeking Answers
Next chapter: It Came From Outer Space
 Atlas Gang Group Chat November 9th @  3:00 pm
Jason: Just got out of the doctors office.
Jason: Won’t be dying anytime soon, but, It seems like I did get electrocuted at some point on the golf course. 
Ellie: FR??? Are you going to be okay?? 
Motor: Shit dude. F.
Jason: Now don’t get too upset @Motor.
Jason: But to make this clear, @Natasha you have nothing to be sorry about. It wasn’t obvious and I had a bit too many drinks. I am still not sure what shocked me but I have those lighting scars on my back…
Ellie: Like Lichtenberg Figures? At Least those are the coolest scars to possibly have right? 
Jason: @Ellie I guess... I am just lucky I managed to live through it.
Motor:  bro you realize you don’t have to @ everyone you’re trying to talk to right??? It’s literally just the four of us here.
Jason: It’s called being efficient @Motor.
Motor: I don’t wanna hear pinging coming for you every five seconds. IT'S CALLED BEING ANNOYING.
Natasha: uh hey are we just gonna ignore the fact Jason nearly died from electrocution or??
Jason: Awh @Natasha It’s quite alright! The doctor said that I had little to no damage and the shock passed right through me. He did say that it was a risk considering my heart condition but, I am overall unharmed. However, he did write me up for two weeks of rest just to be on the safe side.
Natasha: Consider the call in done. Imma also gonna look into that golf course to see if there’s any loose wiring problems and give them hell!! >:(
Ellie: And here I thought golf courses couldn’t get any worse. 
Ellie: But uh Jason, wasn’t there anything else the doctor … found out about your condition or?
Jason: No. Just pain medication and rest.
Motor: yeah no big deal..no BIIGG deal at all. >:3
Natasha: :/ ????
Jason: Shut it @motor. 
Natasha: Uhhhh
Ellie: Don’t worry about it Nat. :’D 
The phone screen went dark as Jason pressed the side button on his phone and shoved it deep into his pants pocket. He didn’t need the stress that Motor was giving him for nearly spilling the beans on the whole giant fiasco. It felt like the entire thing was one stupid joke away from giving away the big secret. He laid back in the bus seat and stared down at the small paper bag filled with the prescription antibiotic cream and tylenol that was settled in his lap. 
Thinking back on the doctor appointment, Jason wished he could have told his doctor everything that was happening to him. Maybe he could have gotten more than just stuff to treat the surprise scars on his back. But, the troubles that would have come from telling his doctor would have been extremely bad. His doctor could have thought that he was either having a mental breakdown, ran out of the room screaming if Jason were to prove the claim, and may have probably called the government to take him away to be then experimented on for the rest of his life. Yeah, there’s no way he was going to take those chances.
However, Jason was told that his heartbeat was now more noticeable and beating faster than usual. Not enough to be at the regular rate but a definite improvement than before the incident.  
“Huh, cure me a little bit and in exchange turn me into a freak of nature… Not really a fair trade is it?” Jason quietly mumbled to himself as he placed a hand on his chest. Looking outside the bus window to check for his stop, his mind began to wander as he witnessed the rain outside fall into the streets of Seattle. Sure, he does believe now that he was right in the middle of this weird phenomenon but it still felt so unreal. A monkey’s paw’s finger must have curled as he always wanted to be a few more inches taller, feel more happiness and have a clean bill of health. At this cost however? 
Definitely not worth it.
While listening to the bus’s public radio talk about this newly discovered meteor that was currently in orbit of the solar system, The bus slowed and pulled up to the bus stop where Jason needed to get off. He rose from his seat and stepped off the bus as quickly as he could. He just wanted to get home. Before he could make his walk back to his townhouse, Jason couldn’t help to notice the inky spot on the road that was across the bus stop. His memory started to jog and wondered how that lady with the crushed minivan was doing. 
Wait, had he seen that minivan before? Consequently, he could feel a slight pain emerge from his foot and once he put two and two together; He remembered. 
During that fateful night, he remembered getting the boot from a ride-share car. Jason couldn’t recall for the life of him why he was removed from the car or how he even was able to summon one in the first place. However, his drunk/electrocuted brain was thinking of Natasha for some reason and with the knowledge Jason gained about what happens when she enters his thoughts… 
He could only recall pieces of the night. Losing one of his nice dress shoes, stumbling in the streets, buildings slowly shrinking around him, and the moment his foot accidentally stepped on a hunk of metal that blared loudly as it was crushed beneath his weight. 
The pain in his foot stung worse and Jason immediately started speed walking down the street. He needed to get home ASAP before he unexpectedly grew again and caused more damage. If only he could repay that woman for her van and make it up to anyone else who was a victim of his carelessness. Though that would be very expensive, and he would have to admit that he was the giant freak that did it. Perhaps these one-time sins from when he didn’t know better could serve as a lesson to Jason to not let himself get carried away. 
That fast paced walking turned into a sprint as he had no faith in his wandering imagination. Thinking back on the bus ride, he realized that could have ended badly as well and Jason mentally scolded himself for putting people in danger. The few people he ran past stared at him and Jason for once didn’t care what they thought. He needed to put himself away at home where he could focus on NOT focusing on those lovingly destructive thoughts. 
He stumbled onto the stairs on his front door and shoved a hand into his pocket, fumbling on grabbing his keys. His two feet tapping anxiously on his welcome mat, and Jason using his other hand to search for the keys as well. Wait- where was his prescription bag!? His gaze darted below him and his head snapped to the bottom of the porch stairs. Jason spotted his nearly spilled out shopping bag on the sidewalk and just as fast as he sprinted there, he quickly shuffled his way down the stairs and nabbed his bag with a swift snatch. Muttering a few quiet ‘oh come ons’ before he managed to shove his key into the front door.
The front door swung open and slammed closed. Jason laid on the other side of the front door, trying to catch what little breath he had. It took the man a couple of deep breaths to find his bearings as his shoulders dropped. Though he did snap back to reality when he felt a comforting presence press on his calf. “Meow.” Jason looked down to see that his orange companion, Oliver, was already complaining about waiting for his dinner. The lovable dope had his tail raised and was rubbing his face into Jason’s pant leg, getting fur stuck on the fabric. “Awh is the little pumpkin hungry?~'' Jason cooed as he bent down and picked up Oliver by the sides to hoist the cat to be cradled into one of his arms, “Sorry I’m late, Daddy’s dealing with reality shattering stuff lately.” Jason walked into his cozy living room and dropped the prescription bag off at the coffee table while his orange fur-baby was meowing complaints. As he made his way to the kitchen, Oliver kept staring at Jason with his one eye and began to purr loudly as he lay comfortably in Jason’s scrawny arm. 
What a strange little creature.
Oliver didn’t stay in Jason’s arm for too long as he jumped off when he saw his food bowl come into view. A cat has his priorities after all. Going through the cabinets Jason started to tell his thoughts to his cat, just like any cat owner would even if the cat had no idea what the heck their owner was talking about. It wasn’t like Oliver could snitch on him or anything. 
“I honestly don’t know what’s happening to me Oliver,” Jason said as he peaked through the cabinets, “I’ve become a ticking time bomb overnight and now I am a threat to society without even meaning to be…” Jason grunted when he didn’t see the cat food in the usual place. 
“Wha- oh goodness I thought I just bought you a palette recently..” Jason spoke as he pushed some cans of soup aside and he tried to rack his brain on where in his house the cat food could be. It was about a week ago he went grocery shopping, and consequently that night had also been board game night with his friends from work. He did pick up some extra snacks for that night and Motor, while annoying he can be, actually offered to help Jason with the heavy groceries. 
He felt his blood run cold. Jason arched his neck up to the high cabinets in his kitchen. While it probably was a stupid idea for a short man like Jason to rent a home which felt like it was specifically made for tall people, it was a really good deal at the time considering he was living in Seattle. Besides, he had managed to live with it this long and had no problems since he had a step stool on hand. Though he had to admit, Motor putting the heavy cat food stack on a high shelf was seriously infuriating. 
Jason sighed and turned to find that step stool buried deep in the pantry. However, his feet stopped half way through the turn as he had a small thought sprout in his mind. What if instead of spending more precious time digging through his pantry to get the step-stool, Jason could just simply put that new side effect to good use. Jason shook his head for a moment, “Oh heavens no-” He mumbled as he took a step towards the pantry, “That’s ridiculous, I wouldn’t want to risk it…” He cleared his throat as he reached his hand over to the pantry door. The hand halted before it could grab the handle and Jason took another glance at the high up cabinet. It had never looked so close yet out of reach… 
“I mean,” Jason spoke towards Oliver, “Just maybe a little bit couldn’t hurt… Now I know about what the cause is..” “Meow.” “Yeah, it could end up being safer than throwing my back out! Smart boy, Oliver.” “Meow.” It has been decided, then. 
He made his way back to below the high up cabinet and stretched out his arms as if he was going to be entered in a weight lifting competition. A long concentrated deep breath came from him as he closed his eyes. Feeling a bit anxious from this but, if he only thought of her for a moment then it should only be a few inches right? “Alright Oliver, keep your distance.” Jason said as pushed up his glasses and wondered what he should specifically think about. Obviously nothing too intense, probably? He actually wasn’t sure when the point of no return was. His hands came together and made them hold each other. Maybe just the thought of holding her wonderfully soft palms might do the trick-- 
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[Image Description: Jason grew too tall and ended up slamming his head on the ceiling. This caused him to fall back onto the kitchen island and he got smacked by a pan and is in pain.]
In one brief moment, the kitchen descended into chaos. The height that Jason had desired was passed up very quickly and his head punched itself through the ceiling, causing a huge crack to form. Debris fell and blinded Jason for a moment- causing him to stumble backwards onto the kitchen island. In a different time, it was nice to have a really good cast iron steel set of pots and pans. At the moment however, the back of Jason’s head didn’t appreciate it as he tumbled into them. His back was sprawled across the counter and all he could do was hold the back of his head, seizing in pain.
“Oooowww-” The now 10 foot tall Jason moaned, “How... have I not gotten brain damage?…” He opened his eyes to a horrifying sight, not at his ceiling being caved in nor his expensive cooking equipment being scattered everywhere; but the sight of his poor fluffed up baby boy huddling in the corner and hiding his scared face behind his puffed up tail.
“Oh… oh no pumpkin I’m so sorry...” Jason cooed, feeling like an absolutely disgusting human being, “I-I didn’t mean to scare you, It’s still me Oliver…” Jason managed to flop himself over so he could lay on this stomach comfortably. He reached out a large hand to Oliver, who at first backed up from the offered hand. The man’s heart dropped from seeing this and expected Oliver to sprint towards the bedroom to hide from the big scary monster that invaded his home. 
Instead, Oliver slowly raised his head from his tail and stared at the hand with his good eye. His nose reached over to Jason’s huge fingers and gave them a couple of small sniffs. From this new perspective Jason gained, Oliver could have been mistaken as a kitten on how small he looked. This almost made Jason’s heart soar with glee as he’d never got the chance to meet Oliver when he was a baby cat, but what really brought him glee was when Oliver rubbed his fuzzy head into Jason’s palm and let himself be wrapped by his owner’s large fingers for scratches. Tears of happiness covered Jason’s knocked askew glasses.
Forgiveness was granted. 
After giving Oliver double the serving that he usually had for dinner, Jason crawled through his own home to get to the bathroom. The hallways of the townhouse had become more like service tunnels as he had to duck throughout the home. While he was careful to not smack his head on any light fixtures, his feet were having a hard time adjusting to the new walkway. The pain in the back of his skull was still stinging slightly from the incident so he used his free hand to massage it while the other large hand traced the walls and grabbed onto the door frame that entered the bathroom.  
“Ugh, the new pain meds are comin’ in handy today..” Jason mumbled before he looked up at the mirror, “AH!!-- Oh… oh.” 
He yelped for a brief moment before realizing that the bathroom mirror had only reflected himself. However, he almost didn’t realize it was him due to the fact he was now completely covering the doorway and he was crouching to be able to get inside the bathroom. 
Watching his reflection, Jason's emotions morphed from surprise to a tinge of sadness. It dawned on him why his coworkers had initially been apprehensive around him. With a resigned sigh, he maneuvered into the bathroom, barely leaving any space to spare. He chuckled at the thought that he had once considered this compact bathroom relatively spacious for townhouse living. Without further ado, he removed his glasses to splash water on his face.
“...Wha- Wait what!? Are you kidding me!? Noooo,” Jason spoke out of disbelief as his glasses suddenly shrunk right as they left his face, “How the hell?...” 
Try as he might, he couldn’t put them back on his face as they just simply wouldn’t fit. Jason couldn’t exactly get himself to fit the glasses either as the pain in the back of his head made it near impossible to concentrate. 
“Oh, that’s just great…” Jason said sarcastically as he placed his glasses on the bathroom counter, “That’s how it’s going to be then.” He rubbed the arch of his nose before gingerly turning the faucet on. Splashing cool water on his face did make him feel a little bit more grounded despite the weirdness. He patted his face dry with a teal bath towel before eyeing his sweater vest and polo. 
“I guess I’m not expecting visitors or going out like this…” He mumbled to himself as he grabbed the bottom of his polo and started to pull it over his head, “But I’ll leave the trousers on for now- Ugh!” Jason grunted as he was having a bit of trouble trying to get his upper wear over his shoulders. His elbows had hit the ceiling and the lack of space made it hard to yank the polo combo off. Undeterred, Jason persisted, shifting and shimmying until he successfully removed the polo shirt. 
Jason held onto the clothing and was rather stunned as he saw that it too, had shrunk back down to his normal clothing size. This brought on more questions from Jason; Why did his clothing shrink back to normal when he took them off? Does anything in his pockets change size too? How is his clothing growing along with him and not getting ripped to shreds?
Jason shivered, perhaps he should just be grateful that he gets to remain fully clothed as the alternative would be a whole new set of problems to deal with. 
He tossed his clothes into the hamper to put an end to those thoughts and looked back at the mirror. His large hands nearly eclipsed the bathroom counter as he gingerly placed his palms on it. His eyes traced the scrawny ribs and various fresh bruises that marked the kitchen incident. An uncanny feeling was raised from within as it felt like a crime against nature itself for a body type like his to be able to fill an entire room.  
Spotting the end of the lighting scar on his shoulder, Jason reached out his fingers to touch it and turned a little bit to get a better look at the wound. The appearance of this scar shocked him as he hadn't felt pain from it till days after the incident. His muscles tensed up from touching the scarring and he pulled away to just stare at it. While getting a Lichtenberg figure from a lightning strike wasn’t uncommon, what was strange about this scar was that the entry point looked shaped like a cartoon heart. Probably a silly coincidence or a mocking branding. 
Coming to terms with his condition felt impossible, it wasn’t like anyone else in the whole world that could relate to him. He could no longer stare at the freak in the mirror and hung his head low, thoughts wondering if this meant he could never truly find happiness in a relationship. While he didn’t want to be in a relationship, now it was as if he no longer had any say in the matter. Tightness built up in his chest; what did this all even mean and why him? Perhaps he was being selfish for falling hard for someone who could be fired and have her life ruined if he’d dared to act on his feelings. 
“Oliver? Oh bloody hell I left the door open didn’t I?”
His eyes squinted to try to make out the fluffy orange blob that passed under his legs and was rubbing his ankle dramatically. The flick of Oliver’s tail made Jason’s frown curl into an appreciative grin. Oliver’s paw twitched a little bit from the unexpected puddle on the floor, Jason looked back up in the mirror and realized his face was completely wet with tears. 
“I-I’m sorry for crying like a big baby Oliver, That’s very unbecoming of me…”
Jason reached down gingerly to hoist the fluffy noise box off of the tile and into his arms. Oliver squirmed a little as Jason tried to find a comfortable position for his fuzzy son due to his arms being much longer. It only took a few seconds to adjust and Oliver was once again cradled like a newborn comfortably. 
“Oh my gosh Pumpkin you’re so tiny~”
Jason sniffled as he used one finger to lightly pet Oliver’s fluffy tummy as he turned away from the mirror. Truthfully, It was awkward trying to shuffle out of the bathroom with a bundle that demanded attention. The kitty’s insistence was a little bit annoying, but the annoyance was overpowered by how Oliver wields his cuteness to his advantage. 
While it took a minute to navigate his home, he managed to get to his living room. Thankfully the ceiling was raised considerably, so he didn’t need to stress his back anymore. Getting to his usually comfy leather couch, Jason ever so carefully lowered himself down. The squeals from the wooden legs made him flinch and held onto Oliver for support. When he managed to sit completely down onto the couch, he sighed in relief that it didn't give way. Looking around his living room, he started to notice the fragile photographs that adorned the walls, the expensive television across from him, and plenty of breakable items that are precious to him. More things he could quite easily destroy without meaning to. 
He’d let go of Oliver and the orange fluff cloud pranced onto the low coffee table, sitting down regally with his tail covering his front paws. “Well,” Jason said, leaning down to his right and attempting to make himself comfortable on his ‘new’ loveseat sized couch, “I think it’s about time to reorganize the place, just to be on the safe side.”
The couch creaked in protest, as Jason laid his back to toe cushion and his neck cradled haphazardly on the arm rest. His long legs found it uncomfortable to curl up on the couch, so they stretched out over the opposite armrest, and the soles of his feet rested on the floor. Finally, he had managed to find some comfort in this new body of his.
He took a deep breath and- SNAP
Oliver leaped off the coffee table in response to the loud noise, caused by the couch's plywood giving way under the weight it was never meant to bear. Although it startled Jason for a moment, his body sank back onto the broken couch with a disappointed sigh. What else was new?
A Ravine [ Dream II ]
She was farther than ever before;
Across the Ravine.
Upon looking down, 
He couldn’t comprehend the unseen.
Before he could plead,
His chest burned.
No fear, no regrets
He took the leap.
The blue moon loomed
Claws dragged his ankles down,
Before he could cross;
Abyss cemented his doom.
Down he fell into the ravine;
Knowing he will never be seen.
Darkness consumed all,Lost forever within the Ravine.
It wasn’t a recent development for Ellie’s hatred of college level essays about the unclean parts about mental health. Though she didn’t like writing essays in general, she really had to double her effort from having to research grotesque subject matter. While it was necessary for her future career, damn if it wasn’t a mood killer. The blank document’s cursor flickers in mockery at Ellie as he sat on top of her bed sheets. Curled up with a nice warm cup of matcha on the side and held a firm grip on the sticker covered laptop on her lap. Sadly, she couldn’t use her love birds as an excuse to procrastinate as they were in the middle of their mid day cuddle nap. Ellie rubbed her nose in frustration, her mind pulling out blanks for an introduction for a tricky subject such as this.
After another embarrassing date going south, she wasn’t in the mood to chat up potential bachelorettes either. This left her with just herself, and the doomed assignment. 
Usually when she found herself stuck on inspiration for stuff like this, she’d head over to her best friend that was conveniently next door for guidance since he’d always had a knack for essay writing. Unfortunately, he wasn’t available and hasn’t been for a week. Ellie missed the days where they’d open their bedroom windows to chat nonchalantly about their weekend or gossip about their coworkers. It was one of the reasons why they rented these townhouses as they could stay in touch and get those sweet discounts on the places. However, every time Ellie peaked through her bedroom window to check to see if Jason was there, his curtains had remained closed. Ellie did think about heading over there herself to check if he was okay, though her deep rooted fear held her from going. It wasn’t like she was scared of Jason necessarily. What monster would be afraid of their best friend suffering from an unknown sickness? On the other hand, her sleep had been tormented with imagery of being unknowingly squashed under a heel and feeling like a helpless bug in an uncaring universe.
This part of herself she knew, long before this mess. A deep sinking feeling of panic brewed when she passed by unthinkably tall buildings and passed on Motor’s movie night ideas. If she could diagnose herself, she'd guess it was a classic case of megalophobia. That fear was usually unfounded and didn’t affect her life day to day usually so she wasn’t that upset about it. Until now. While she did manage to push through it during their experiments in the forest for her friend’s sake, she did have to binge through videos of kitten fostering videos to cope through the tears.
Ellie noticed that she was gripping the sides of her laptop and biting her tongue as her stress boiled over. Her laptop was pushed onto her bed and she rose from her sheets with a determination filled with obligation. She rushed to her drawers and got dressed into her usual autumn weekend outfit.
Her heart couldn’t take the communication break down anymore. Ellie needed to make sure Jason was alright and the thought of abandoning her friend when he needed her most made her feel like a disgusting coward. 
Ellie snatched her keys and rushed by her chirping lovebirds as she made her way to the front door. Once she shuffled down the front steps, her gaze turned to Jason’s front door. At first she couldn’t find the strength to move her feet, the mere thought of what could be happening in there made her blood run cold. Though it was too late to bail now. 
With one last look at her front door, Ellie sighed and her heavy feet walked up to the front door of Jason’s home and she knocked her fist on the door. Ellie’s shoulders jumped when she heard a dramatic thud coming from within the home. Her concern only grew from there as the noise was followed with a few scraping noises and then silence. 
“Uh, Hey man are y-” Ellie said before the front door suddenly swung open, revealing a normal sized, but uncommonly disheveled Jason with a deceitfully wide grin. 
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[Image Description: A very concerned Ellie staring at Jason, who has opened his front door and is leaning on the door frame with a wide guilty grin.]
“Heeeeey Ellie,” Jason said, with fake cheerfulness, “It’s so nice to see you! Man alive, how long has it been?” “Uh, about a week…” Ellie said, trying to peek her head behind Jason, “Wanted to check in on… things.”
Jason shoved his head in the way of Ellie’s eye line while he kept that telling grin on his face. “OH! Things have been just swell! ” Jason paltered.
And as if the universe itself took offense, a shelf crashed to the floor. 
Ellie peered further over Jason’s shoulder and decided to push him aside despite Jason’s protest. To no one’s surprise; everything wasn’t swell in Jason’s abode. Bits of the ceiling fluttered onto the carpet and the cardboard boxes that had been hastily taped up. Once Ellie looked up, she could see multiple sized dents in the ceiling with a few expensive looking holes.
“Jason…” Elllie gasped, turning to look at Jason who at this point was hiding his face with his fingers. “I know…” Jason groaned, “the landlord is going to bloody kill me.”
Ellie gestured her hands towards the disaster in his house, “You did all of this in a week!?” Her voice raised, more so out of concern than disbelief. Jason kept his head low and moved past her into his ruined living room in shame as he laid a hand on one of the boxes. “Getting used to this disease has been harder than I anticipated…” Jason confessed, “I’ve been putting everything breakable away and haven’t left the house for days.” At this point he had completely dropped the act, his face darkened in shame. 
“Oh gods…” Ellie said as she reached a hand out to Jason’s shoulder to comfort him. Though right before she could, she heard a familiar yowl come from the couch. Her attention was shattered and she cooed at Oliver, who was trying to take a needed nap and was rudely woken up by the commotion. Ellie bee-lined towards the couch and scooped up the orange fluff ball into her arms. 
“Right, that’s why you came over,” Jason said with snark as he approached the two. 
“Nooo, I did come over to see how you were doing,” Ellie said as she bounced Oliver like a newborn, “But I mean, come on look at him!” She hoisted Oliver up in her arms and the look in his eye showed that there was truly a void of nothing behind it. 
Jason couldn’t wallow forever and acquiesced with a chuckle. He petted the top of Oliver’s head and kept his eyes on his little furry friend as he spoke to Ellie. “He somehow still loves me after all of this mess, ” Jason said, “Though I’m not sure how long I can control myself to keep him safe.” 
An awkward silence filled the room after that. Ellie sighed as she looked at her dissonant friend and she gave herself a moment to ponder the situation. She took note of the crater’s in the ceiling and the clearly evident eye bags below Jason’s eyes. “How much sleep are you getting?” Ellie asked as she set Oliver free. The cat pranced out of Ellie’s arm and onto the back of the broken couch. Jason sighed as he put a hand on his forehead in foggy thought. “None,” Jason complained, “I’ve been having a lot of dreadful nightmares and I’m afraid I’ll wake up to find myself homeless.” 
Ellie anxiously tapped the broken remains of his couch and took a deep breath. She gave a comforting gaze to Jason despite her own comfort. “Why don’t you come over to my place?” Ellie suggested, “We can try to do research on this thing, just like what we used to do in college.” She put a firm hand on Jason’s shoulder as he recoiled in shock. Before his stuttering could refuse, his head shook vehemently and he tried to pull away. “Wh-what!?” Jason exclaimed, “N-no! No, that's a terrible idea! Do you want me to get you in trouble with the landlord too!?” Ellie thought to argue that. “Look around, You’ve been isolated for way too long and it’s gonna drive you nuts!” Ellie said as she gestured her hand to the disastrous state of Jason’s living room, “Besides, I know that you’re gonna be extra careful if the house isn’t yours, you’re too considerate.” Jason folded his arms. It was very rare that he was unsure of his friend’s judgment, though at the moment, his doubts were plenty. “It’s dangerous,” Jason said, “I’m not keeping myself locked in my house for no reason Ellie.” He pushed Ellie’s hand away grimly and stared at the floor longingly. 
Well, Ellie didn’t care for that one bit. She took it upon herself to scoop up Oliver, who chipped in surprise,  from the couch and marched towards the door. “In that case, I’m sure Oliver would love to study with me to find out how to cure your stubborn butt.” Ellie said while she headed straight towards the front door with a sly grin on her face. “Wait- WAIT ELLIE,” Jason called after her and clumsily followed her trail like a helpless puppy, “You can’t just take my cat! Hey- ELLIE! HOLD JUST A SECOND-!!” 
If one were forced to think of one word to describe Ellie’s living room, it could very well be ‘serene’. The place definitely looked lived in, but it was a very clean mess of psychology textbooks on the handed-down oak coffee table, that had been gifted to her by her mothers. Pots were placed around the room that cradled many different types of plant life, and in one corner, Ellie's cassette collection laid haphazardly near her vintage boombox. Despite the apparent disorganization, she never had trouble locating any mix-tape in that pile. Music selection was not a frequent problem, though, as her two very vocal love birds' cage occupied a central position in the living room.
Jason had been sitting quite uncomfortably on her bequeathed bargain couch, though not due to the lack of support from the couch, but because he was essentially held hostage there. His traitorous kitty decided he wanted to spend time with auntie Ellie after being catnapped. He crossed his arms pouting, trying to ignore the smug look she had on her face as she entered the kitchen. “Whatcha want to drink?” Ellie asked.
“Earl grey,” Jason said, “Also you’re evil.” “I know,” Ellie playfully replied as she disappeared through the doorway. 
As much as he wanted to right then, Jason couldn’t seethe forever and eventually released the breath he was holding. He knew she was just trying to help but he was more scared than angry at her insistence. His gaze checked around the room for anything potentially breakable and expensive. By the end of the first week of being a circus freak, he’d picked up a new awareness of how fragile things can be and how much of a hassle it would be to replace them. Jason stood up from the couch, not wanting to dwell on how much money he was already losing, and made his way over to the pair of love birds. 
“Ah! Hello Mango and Papaya,” Jason greeted them as he leaned over to the cage,  “Oliver is in the guest room right now so you two can stretch your wings, yeah?” Mango squealed in agreement as the door to the cage was opened and she hopped excitedly onto Jason’s hand. Papaya decided to stay cautious and only peaked her head out to check on Mango’s well-being. Mango had always been the more approachable one out of the couple. Jason’s thumb scratched the love bird’s neck and ruffled her head feathers. She leaned her head towards his hand in merriment, as her closed eyes smiled in bliss. For a minute, Jason completely forgot that he was forced to be there against his will. He showered the bird in affection until their wholesome interaction was cut short. 
Despite the desperate neck stretches and opening her beak to show authority, Jason didn’t realize that Paypapa wasn’t going to let her soulmate be taken by some human tart. She thought to rectify this slight and confronted Jason with a hard bite on the fingertip. “Owch! Okay fine I’ll put her down, god-” Jason stammered as he let both birds onto the top of their cage. He rubbed the small bite mark on his finger as he saw his aggressor frantically groom Mango. Despite the pain of being chomped on, Jason chuckled after the fact. “My apologies,” Jason said, “I almost forgot you’re a bonded pair.” While he was not a bird expert, it was obvious that Papaya was just trying to protect her sweet girlfriend.  How romantic.
Only for a moment Jason got lost in thought, unaware of his surroundings as his mind was swooned by the very idea of soulmates and his longing desire to have one for himself. To be honest, he did feel a tad jealous these birds have a better love life than he ever will. The train of thought crashed as he heard a loud gasp, tea being spilled and the feeling of the ceiling pushing down on his head. 
“Oh gods, J-JASON!” Ellie stuttered, trying to regain her composure from nearly suffering from a heart attack by the sight of a giant suddenly appearing in her house.  Panic flooded onto Jason’s face as he realized he wasn’t as careful as he thought he was. “I-I’m sorry!” Jason begged as he tried to crouch down, trying to make him seem smaller in vain, “I’ll try not to break anything on the way out.” Before he could start crawling towards the front door in a fit of panic, Ellie rushed to set the un-spilled mug of earl gray onto her coffee table and approached him. “Wait!” Ellie said, with her phobia and compassion at war with each other, “You don’t have to go! It’s fine, I swear!”  
Jason halted and looked at her in disbelief. While he wasn’t the best at reading people like Ellie was, even he could tell that Ellie was terrified of him and was just trying to be polite. “I know you’re scared of me,” Jason said bluntly, “My feelings aren’t hurt, I’ll just take my leave.” 
A harsh tug on the bottom of his t-shirt stopped him from turning around. He looked over to see that Ellie is gripping the fabric as if she was able to actually keep the man the size of a Honda from escaping. Though that sad desperate look in her eyes may as well have bolted him to the floor.
"No! I might be scared, but I'm even more terrified for your well-being!" Ellie argued, “No matter what horrifying thing you turn into; Giant, cockroach, hell, a giant cockroach! I’m still not going to abandon you!” Jason sighed heavily and before he could even begin to formulate an argument, Ellie cuffed her full hands together. “Please let me help you,” she pleaded, “you don’t have to deal with this alone.”
Jason felt this stomach tie up in knots. He’d already felt guilty for being a terrible house guest, but he couldn’t just say no to her insistence. Jason stared at the floor in shame as he admitted defeat. “Fine,” Jason said, “I’ll stay.” 
Ellie smiled, releasing her shaking hands and turned to pick up the spilled tea mug off of the floor. “We’ll figure it out,” Ellie said, “Besides, what kind of a cat dad leaves their precious baby behind?~” Jason groaned, “Don’t push it.”
This impromptu study session really did bring back those college freshman memories when Ellie and Jason had to cram for exams. However, the tension wasn’t being built by a demanding deadline. Ellie felt the stress when she peaked over her laptop and saw the gargantuan man sitting next to her couch trying to gently sip the tiny mug in his massive hands. His fingers fidgeted around the mug's handle uncomfortably. He also kept hesitantly pulling the cup towards his lips but, whenever it got near his mouth, he pulled away reluctantly. Watching this constant backpedaling was starting to be unbearable to watch. “Dude, I can make you tea in a mixing bowl,” Ellie commented, glancing over to see Jason’s grimacing face being offended by the mere suggestion.
“What? No,” Jason said as he tried to ‘properly’ hold his mug, “I don’t need to feel anymore out of place than I already am.” He uncomfortably shifted as he glanced down at his remarkably large hands that nearly enveloped the little mug. Ellie rolled her eyes, sharing that same gaze to his mug. “Getting accommodated doesn’t make you weird,” Ellie said, taking a sip herself before turning her attention back to her internet browser, which had several open Wikipedia tabs. They’d been looking at a variety of human body size disorders that could fit the bill. None of them helped in the slightest, since it seemed like Jason’s condition was anything but normal for a human. Ellie started to mass-close all of those useless tabs as Jason sighed in defeat and sat the mug onto the coffee table gingerly. 
“I don’t even know why we’re bothering trying to search this… thing on the internet,” Jason said, folding his arms, “It’s not like some other poor sod could be going through the same deal, and if we do find something, it’d be some weirdo’s fantasy writing.”
Ellie thought for a moment before snapping her fingers. “Myths! We can look at legends around the globe for answers,” Ellie said excitedly as she started to type search terms in the browser bar. “Why myths?,” Jason asked, “Shouldn’t we be looking for, you know, factual evidence?” “There’s a nugget of truth in a lot of cultural tales,” Ellie explained as she pulled up more web pages filled with different stories concerning giants, “Maybe one of them is actually true.” “You’re sounding an awful lot like Motor,” Jason said as he pushed himself a tad closer to Ellie and arched his neck so he could get a look at the kind of ridiculous stuff she was searching for. The listings had notable large figures such as the treacherous Gogmagog to the vastness of the Daidarabotchi, though many of these listings seemed to pull up gods or malevolent creatures. Jason was sure he was definitely not either of those things.
While Ellie may have been on the right track, Jason couldn’t see how any of these beings and monsters had any relation to him. Though it was getting hard to read her laptop screen as she kept tabbing through websites at top speed. While this made Ellie great at procrastinating and getting away with it in her college classes, Jason wanted to research too.
A brief flicker of recognition flashed registered in Jason’s brain as he spotted golden fur for a split second through Ellie’s browsing. Quickly Jason leaned over her and without thinking, slammed his hand next to hers. “Hold on! Can you… Ellie?” Jason attempted to ask before he realized that Ellie’s body froze suddenly. The only thing that was moving was her shivering hand. It felt like her entire soul left her chest and seeing a huge hand that could have weighed more than a brick nearly missed hitting her frail fingers. Ellie’s neck craned slowly tilted her head upwards hesitantly to be met with Jason’s wide chest. Ellie was rendered speechless and Jason eventually picked up on that. He lurked away from her, sputtering apologizes as he proceeded to sit on his hands. “I’m so sorry I-I didn’t think about- I’ll keep myself right here,” Jason nervously trembled as he watched Ellie let go of a sigh of relief she herself didn’t realize she was holding.
“Warn me next time will ya? Geeze,” Ellie said as she tried to regain her composure and sense of safety, “could’ve lost my writing hand.” Compulsively, Ellie rubbed her wrist as she kept her eyes off of Jason for the time being. For now, she pushed down that icky feeling of distress and flicked through some of the back pages silently to see what Jason nearly broke her hand for.
“...It’s uh- … the golden dog I think,” Jason muttered with his gaze glued to the floor, “It looked familiar.” After a quiet moment that felt like ages, Ellie finally spoke up again after taking a swig of her tea.
“The Golden Beast,” Ellie began to read out loud, “A phenomenon seen around the world of a large golden canine that is very elusive, but it is said to be a symbol of great change and good harvest.”
Jason waited for a moment to listen intently to Ellie’s lecture, but nothing else came. “... and?” Jason asked, though he got his answer when Ellie shrugged with a disappointed look. “That’s it, not much information written down here,” Ellie responded as she went ahead to search for the term elsewhere on the internet. Both of them would be lying if they said they weren’t disappointed, especially Jason. 
“I swear I’ve seen something that looked similar but,” He commented as he easily finished off his tea with a single sip, “I just can’t seem to recall anything.” He sat the mug down and watched Ellie peruse through a few websites, but in the end didn’t seem to find much else about the mysterious beast. 
“Another brick wall… bummer,” Ellie said as she stretched her arms outward, making sure her wrists weren’t getting sore. Her bones cracked as she rolled her shoulder, she had attempted to loosen up and let go of the pent up anxiety she had plenty of. In her peripheral vision she could see Jason reaching his head to the side to look hopelessly at Ellie’s laptop without having to get too close to her. 
“There really is nothing that can help me is there?” Jason said as he slumped, “Figures.” The two of them sat in silence for a while, unsure of what they could possibly do next or even find a trail to follow for the answers to their building questions. Ellie even half-mindly scrolled through news sites for anything unusual happenings. Though other than a couple of strange meteoroids being found around the globe, it was all mostly just news of politicians lying, groan worthy e-celebrity drama and a heartwarming story of a local pit bull named Twinkles saving a bus full of deaf school children from falling into the Vancouver River.
Ellie took a deep breath, “Jason I’m sorry I can’t…” Before Ellie could properly apologize to him, she noticed that Jason had a few visitors perched on the top of his head that were tugging tufts of his hair. Though he didn’t seem to notice it himself until he saw the despair disappear from Ellie’s face and she started to chuckle. She couldn’t keep a straight face for even a second. 
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[Image Description: Mango and Papaya are playing in Jason’s hair and Ellie is just sitting there. LAUGHING. ]
“Hey, what are you two doing!?” Jason exclaimed, trying to gently shoo away the uninvited guests. The birds of course, did not even acknowledge Jason’s attempts to evict them. Papaya just tugged at tufts of his hair to see if she could make a nest and Mango naively rolled around in the strange grass they discovered. If he had just been a little more stern, he could have negotiated with Mango and Papaya to retreat. However, Jason’s hesitant hands and soft voice made it clear that he wasn’t going to risk being slightly rough with Ellie’s pets.
“Uh- a little help please?” Jason asked as he turned his awkward gaze back to Ellie. She stood up from the couch, and from there, she had to hold on a second to take in how large her friend had become. Her mind could still barely comprehend a giant human being real and be sitting in her house. However, that pleading look in his eyes that paired with his helplessness from the invasion of her birds made one thing very clear: Despite her skin crawling, he was still a harmless dork. “They probably think you’re a tree,” Ellie giggled, feeling confident enough to wave him down closer to her. The giant hesitated, unsure if he really wanted to loom over her like a beastly ogre and give her heart’s well being a run for its money. That thought ended quickly though as Papaya started to nip at the brim of Jason’s glasses. “Oh good grief,” Jason mumbled, rolling his eyes and leaned down towards Ellie’s direction. His shadow engulfed Ellie as he eclipsed the ceiling light to draw closer. The heart in her chest might have exploded in fear when he bowed his head at her. Though upon seeing the little trouble maker’s untroubled play in his hair, Ellie’s shaking ceased. Perhaps, there wasn’t anything for her to worry about after all. Ellie reached her hands out to coerce her babies onto her shoulder and pushed aside tufts of hair to get to them. Though she froze when she felt a huge sigh brush against her legs. “I don’t know what to do,” Jason groaned, “no one in the world is going to know how to help me, never mind fix me.” His fingers halfheartedly fiddled with his socks, not really giving Ellie’s fiddling with his hair much mind. Ellie frowned, placing her birds onto her shoulder and gave the crown of Jason’s head a few pats. “Thanks,” Jason said. “No problem…” Ellie responded, though she did pause for a moment to contemplate a suggestion that Jason probably wasn’t going to like very much.  “You know, ” Ellie continued, “there is someone who knows a lot about giants and he already knows about this curse.” “No way,” Jason objected, raising his head up to look Ellie in the face. She stepped back in a panic, trying to not be in the path of his drastic head swing. “Wait- hear me out,” Ellie pleaded, “Motor might be a bit… eccentric, but he might be our only available expert on how to handle yourself when you’re like- big.”
“He’s not a professional Ellie, he's a nerd,” Jason said, folding his arms indignant, “all he’d be able to teach me would be how to level a hospital.” Jason kept coming up with complaints while he watched her carry her birds back to their cage. Though most of those unwarranted complaints went through one ear and out the other. “And he’s just not all that bright honestly, how could I trust that ido… ” Jason’s rant was cut short by the daggers Ellie was staring at him, “My bad.” He learned to shut his mouth and sat there with gripped hands on his knees. “I know you two aren’t always on the best of terms,” Ellie said, “but he wants to help you and might be your only option for insight.”
The very idea of Jason having to grovel to Motor for help was already humiliating enough, but reaching out to him about this life threatening disease? Jason would almost rather stay indoors for the rest of his life. Realistically however, it would be only a matter of time before he hurts someone or destroys his house. Unfortunately it would seem like getting help from Motor was going to be his only option even if it was going to be an agonizing experience. 
“Augh, Alright then if I don’t have a choice,” Jason said with a defeated sigh, “can’t help to feel that this is going to be a big mistake.”
Ellie closed the bird cage behind her, “Come on man,” she said as she walked back to Jason with a smile on her face, “What’s the worst thing that can happen?”
“Something terrible I reckon,” Jason responded, his fingers gripping his knees with another long sigh, “Also uh, can you help me shrink back to normal please?”
Nothing happens in Stanley, Idaho. Well, that’s how one particular citizen would like to keep it. 
This unassuming older woman stepped out of her lifted jeep with little effort and made her way inside the tea shop. A subtle exchange of knowing nods were exchanged between her and the front store worker as she walked past the meticulously put together display of various tea leaves. Upon reaching the elevator in the back of the shop, she proceeded to press the following buttons: Lobby, 1, 9, 8, 7, and pound. The elevator closed, and took her below the ground floor, which shouldn’t be possible for a two-story building. 
As the elevator took its sweet time, she glanced down at her Hamilton military watch and gripped onto her steaming hot americano in her other hand. Seeing the watch read ‘5:00am’ made her groan with distaste. It was way too early for her to be up at her age. Duty calls, however, and she begrudgingly accepted.
After waiting for what felt like an eternity for the elevator to stop on the correct floor, she stepped out and was greeted by a long metal corridor that was barricaded with several security doors. Unperturbed, the woman walked up to each door, the same song and dance she always put up with to get to her damn office. Fingers to the hand scanners, eyes to the headache inducing retina scanners, and the most embarrassing of all, sticking her tongue out to a DNA analysis to let her through the final door. She had wondered if the engineers thought that last trial was some kind of bad joke. 
Nevertheless, She slogged into the massive intelligence operation room that was filled with the panicked voices of government workers. They have all been responding to all sorts of calls for assistance to deal with found anomalies and confused 911 operators. However, the older woman was used to this chaos, and promptly walked past all of the pesky underlings trying to ask her questions. Even if she wanted to answer their queries, she had no idea what was going on or what she was called in for during her vacation. 
Once she got to her office, she took off her windbreaker coat and wearily donned her standard issue FAIRA director’s coat. Before she headed to her desk, her hand shuffled through her windbreaker coat’s pocket and pulled out an opened box of cigarettes. Today was going to be difficult, why else would her superiors spring a surprise call-in on her? It didn’t take long for her to sit down at her desk and log her passwords into the computer with the help of her countless post it notes. The video call did not take its time either, ringing the moment her desktop loaded. She rolled her eyes and answered. 
“Witch reporting in, receiving you loud and clear Eagle,” the director spoke before she heard the ear-grating voice come from the other end. 
“EEEY BLAIR! How’s it goin’ grandma?”
“Sir, we have discussed this, we need to use our code names, also do not refer to me as grandma ever again.”
“Of course, sir. Anyway, was there any godforsaken reason why I was pulled from my vacation?”
“Calm down grandma! This is your crop and you gotta be the cream of it, ya hear?”
“Just get to the point.” “Aye soooo, we got a situation brewin’ up in the lil’ Washington, oooh yeah. You gotta take care of this ASAP. Ya see, they found these shiny rocks fallin’ out of the sky and it looks like your ring, if you catch my drift.”
“Right, so why isn’t NASA leading this operation?” “HMmmmmm uh, remember those budget cuts?” “I see.” “And while I love my guys in camo, they ain’t got the brain cells like your eggheads do, ooohh nooo.” “Fine, I’ll dispatch my team in the pacific northwest immediately-” “Oh no sister! You’re goin’ to pack your bags too!” “What!? Why?” “Cuz I noticed yer always sitting on your ass in that chair for years and I think you’re forgettin’ what it’s like to be one of your men, grandma.”
“My way of running things does not hold any relevance to the situation and for the last time; stop calling me grandma. I have a codename, Eagle, use it. ”
“It does more than you think chica, with somethin’ this big, I don’t think you should skimp on it. Plus, it’s the big Eagle’s orders so ya got no choice ya hear me?” She groaned, “…Understood sir.”
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fancy-rock-dove · 2 years
Chapter Head Art for Maybe Sprout Wings (Full set)
I have had just, So Much Fun working on these. This story really is built on such a great concept, and with such fantastic worldbuilding, and with action so thoroughly in tune with its themes that it really does reward digging into. @moorishflower's writing kills me in the best of ways (and in the sleep deprivation kind of ways but I have no regrets), and designing them was a great time. And on top of that, everyone here has been just, so lovely, so I'm very excited to post the full set of chapter head illustrations!
Stylistic consistency continues to elude me, but hopefully these look like a matched enough set regardless. Cursive titles are the chapter titles, block print is my own title for the illustration. Just for fun, and in tribute to the (probably truly unhinged) amount of time I spent thinking about Symbolism while making these, I'm including one selected Fun Fact relevant to my thoughts on some part of each of these at the bottom of this post in case that interests anyone!
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Ch 1: Baobabs are some of the oldest living flowering plants on the planet and can live up to two millennia. I have a lot of feelings about the sheer volume of life these trees can contain (both spatially and in time) and what that means for how we look at them.
Ch 2: If Abel were looking to avoid anachronism, he could still absolutely have left out books that were machine-printed with moveable type, but they'd probably have to have been in Chinese or Korean, from somewhere that had already widely adopted the technology by the 14th century.
Ch 3: Homer's works contain what is believed to be the first written mention of apples in Ancient Greece. Its writing is about as many centuries removed from the events of the Odyssey as the events of this chapter are from the first recorded mention of apples in England.
Ch 4: An ink quill is definitely more aesthetic, but graphite had actually been discovered in England and pencils invented in the decades prior to Shakespeare's first writings. It's entirely possible he could've been jotting down quick notes with a pencil like any stagehand today.
Ch 5: Though Corinthian style architecture is named for the Greek city of Corinth, with which it's associated, its inventor Callimachus is actually thought to be Athenian. The spiny, curling acanthus leaves used in its motifs are generally associated with long life, immortality, and rebirth. Go figure.
Ch 6: Symbolically, clovers are a sign that others are thinking of you. They're associated with good fortune, and apparently also male energy, and seen as a sign of protection. Excellent Fiddler's Green groundcover here.
Ch 7: Three-masted, fully-rigged ships became common in Europe by the 16th or 17th centuries during the Age of Sail because the extra space for sails became more necessary with the increase in open-ocean voyages. Making them the go-to type of vessel for both trade and exploration.
Ch 8: The simple but effective design of drop spindles is largely unchanged from their first documented use in the first century CE. there's evidence of their use for spinning (making a single, stronger thread from many disparate fibers) dating back at least to the advent of agriculture, some 10,000 years ago. Definitely what I picture Clotho using.
Ch 9: The fractal, branching structures of roots, lightning, and Lichtenberg figures are all self-similar: you can get much closer and they'll still appear very similar or identical to the way they were at a distance.
Ch 10: The throne room scenes of Sandman were shot in Guildford Cathedral. The Dreaming's Castle was intentionally designed to be a mashup of a whole ton of architectural styles, but the facade and throne room definitely feel gothic or neo-gothic. It's been a classic for centuries and the gothic-style window is definitely the kind I picture Hob's room having, at least on days the castle's feeling a bit fancy.
Ch 11: The item at the front left there is a weaving shuttle. According to Artemidorus, while dreaming of most kinds of looms indicates that you should expect rest, dreaming of a warp-weighted loom -- the kind which was common in bronze-age Greece and enables multiple people to work together on the weaving -- indicates an upcoming journey.
Ch 12: I feel like I've already talked about the symbolism of this one elsewhere, so for this one, instead of a fact, a comment (that I found fun): The binding circle in this only shows up in areas covered by the puddle of the Dreaming Sea, the means by which the nature of the "gilded ring" was elucidated. :)
Ch 13: Greek ships often had eyes on their bow, which among other things, was intended to imbue them with some will and ability to avoid obstacles. The Argo famously had eyes and also some innate awareness/intelligence, and could actually speak to the crew.
Ch 14: While Calliope, muse of epic poetry and eloquence (and the one invoked at the beginning of the Odyssey) is associated with a book, scroll, or tablet, Erato, muse of romantic poetry and love stories, is depicted in crowns of rose and myrtle. My title for this one was very nearly just (Invocation pt. ii). Also, I have a headcanon that Dream has only seen very bad performances of the Odysseyif ( he's seen any at all) since antiquity. Any show that literally begins by calling his ex is something he's not gonna stay for unless he's really sure she won't actually show up.
Whew! thanks to anyone who actually read to the end of my rambling here! Clearly this whole story has been really, really fun to just turn over in my mind. Cool stuff just keeps falling out of it! Since I would literally be two photos under Tumblr's limit on this post otherwise, how about a couple bonus alternate versions at the end here? Because why not?? I added some red accents to a couple of these for fun, and though it doesn't fit the for the chapter headings, I do think it looks cool!
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hoerbahnblog · 2 months
Great Shorties: Dämon der Wissenschaft – oder der Buckel
Hördauer 18 Minuten https://literaturradiohoerbahn.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Great-Shorties-Der-Buckel-UK-upload.mp3 Eine Groteske von Uwe Kullnick. Es ist fast unmöglich, die Fackel der Wahrheit durch ein Gedränge zu tragen, ohne jemandem den Bart zu versengen. (G. Ch. Lichtenberg) Autor und Sprecher: Uwe Kullnick Georg Christoph Lichtenberg, ein deutscher Wissenschaftler, Schriftsteller…
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grumpyarcherkitten · 6 months
Writing Meme: First Line Patterns
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (or however many you have) posted fics and see if there's a pattern! I am only doing two chapters of Built to Fall Apart because otherwise, this will be half that fic lol.
Thanks to @awlwren-writes for tagging me!
Zack still remembered how he laughed, how his pout looked when he was confused, and how he liked his hotdogs. (Built to Fall Apart ch 1.)
When Cloud agreed to let Zack spend the day unsupervised with Logan he gave him three rules. (Built to Fall Apart ch4)
“Bro, I am sick and fucking tired of always having to clean up after this sick fuck,” Reno muttered into his comm as he rode the elevator to Hojo’s private Labs. (Cracks of Light)
Regis wasn’t focused on the meeting around him. (Long Story Short, I survived ch 1)
Titus knew it was his own fault. (How to Parent a Glaive)
‘ Too fucking cold,’ Nyx thought as he shoved his hands deeper into his hoodie pockets and hustled down the street. (Diamonds in the Sky)
Titus looked over at the sleeping body next to him and sighed heavily. (Swaying as the Room Burned Down)
Nyx Axis Tredd Pelna Libertus Luche Crowe Sonitus remembers the day it happened. (Lichtenberg Figures)
“Hey, Dad,” Noctis sounded anxious about something even through the phone Regis could tell. (It's a scene and we're out here in plain sight ch 3) 
When Titus defected, he never thought this would be an issue he would have to deal with. (Love, War, and Sacrifice)
I don't really see any patterns apart form I seem to like starting fics with character names upfront and center lmao.
Tagging: whoever wants to do this!
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mwolf0epsilon · 2 years
The Protector's Protectors
Summary: Rhythm couldn't leave well enough alone and calls in some backup, just to make sure Olly got the memo.
[Something still felt a little unresolved, so here's a missing post credits scene for Coruscanti Meat Shield. Just to wrap things up a bit more.]
"Well, this is an absolute dump." Olly freezes, one foot just inches past the threshold of the little space he'd claimed for himself in the Guard's barracks. He'd just finished taking a quick icy shower, the damp towel he'd been using to fruitlessly dry his hair nearly slipping from his grasp.
Usually at this time of day there was no one around. Lunch rush was a terrible affair for the regular patrolling vode, and most turtles like himself and his boys were either rushing through their meals, or showering to get their one hour nap in before their next shift. If they were lucky they wouldn't have to be called in before they got some rest.
The two vode sitting on his mattress aren't brothers in red. The blue and the yellow were a stark contrast against the haphazardly decorated dark gray walls of their tiny cell-like room.
Considering yesterday's happenings, Olly shouldn't really be surprised to see Lichtenberg and Pretty Boy waiting for him here. Even so, he was going to take a pillow to Rhythm's face and smother him when he next had the chance...
"I think it's kind of charming. I mean..." Lich shoved PB ever so slightly, clearly disapproving of his previous comment. Out of the three of them, it was their 501st brother that had the most tact. "It's got... Decoration? How many brothers get to customize anything but their gear or a ship's nosejob?"
"I'd hardly call a bunch of greasy pinups, random trinkets and patchwork curtains decoration, but I guess the potted fern adds a touch of homeliness... I think." Pretty Boy was undeterred by their older brother's rebuttal, certainly lacking the charming graces of the 212th's general. He only saved his prettiest words for things that interested him specifically.
Why invest on empty praise over an obvious hellhole that Olly and the rest of the Corries had tried to make into their own space? Pragmatism ran in their lot.
"What are you doing here?" The towel is tossed into a basket full of filthy body-gloves. He doesn't envy whichever of the boys had laundry duty today.
"No hello?" PB pouted. With the way he'd tied his hair back today, the expression looked remarkably cute. Then again his ori'vod wasn't called Pretty Boy for nothing. "No admissions of missing your bestest ori'vode in the whole galaxy?"
"I have those?" Olly hummed. "I don't think I've ever met any..."
"Oof... You're killing us Triple O..." Lichtenberg grinned. "Straight for the throat. Ruthless."
"So proud." PB snorted. "Good to see you've gotten sassy Ol'ika. If you kept hiding behind that little shy smile of yours even now, we'd both be very worried."
"Not that there's anything wrong about being shy, lil brother." Lich reassured. "It's just... We worry you know?"
They did worry. Funnily enough, Rhythm also worried. Now there were three fussy and nosy worrywarts in Olly's life and he had to deal with that fact.
Still, he can't bring himself to be too mad. He's far too tired for any of that, and his two di'kutla batch-brothers were taking up his bunk. Luckily none of them had any reservations about sharing cramped living spaces.
"Kit off." He orders as he puts on the bottoms of his body-glove. "I want the middle, both of you are tiny and I'll just roll off the mattress otherwise..."
"Oh hell ye, haven't had a pile in a while!" PB smiled, beginning to remove his shell eagerly. "I'll tell you, being this perfect's exhausting... My reputation would be tarnished if I gave in with the lads back with the 212th..."
"Speak for yourself. The 501st has huge piles at least once a week... It's a lot of limbs to keep an eye out for, and some of those menaces kick in their sleep... I missed our tiny vodpile." Lich groaned as he began by unlatching his chest plate. He made a point to rub his ribs. "I swear Hardcase must be running and fighting Clankers in his sleep... Or at least taking droid-kicking classes from Commander Cody in Dreamland..."
"He doesn't really do that, does he?" Olly climbed into the mattress, pulling the blanket he'd claimed for himself during his week dumpster-diving with the vode. After a couple of washes it was as good as new. Natborns were so wasteful. "Kick-droids?"
"Kriffing hells, yeah he does..." PB reached over to help Lich with his vambrace. "Rumour has it that he and a couple of the lads dog-piled General Grievous himself..."
"Wack..." Lich returned the favour by pulling his vod'ika's gauntlets off.
"Agreed." Olly waited patiently for the two to remove all of their kit. Once they were properly de-shelled, he pulled them downwards so that they'd each rest comfortably snuggled up at his sides.
All settled, blanket over all three of them, the trio sighed peacefully and relished in the physical contact.
".... You know you can always count on us, right?" Lichtenberg murmured softly.
"Yeah..." Olly's eyelids began to droop.
"We may not be around as much, but you ain't getting rid of us Free'ika." Pretty Boy whispered before he snuggled closer, wrapping an arm loosely around Olly's midsection.
"I know... Just..." He closed his eyes. "Don't like being a burden..."
"You're not. Never have been." Lich reassured.
"Never will be. We love you Free'ika." PB added. "So do your kih'vode here. An' the ori'vode. We can tell..."
"You're in good hands." Lich's smile was pressed against his side. "So are they... We're proud of how much you've grown."
"Hm..." Yeah, he supposed he was in good hands. And as long as he was around, he'd repay his brothers in kind too. "Hm..."
Curse Rhythm and his need to poke around in Olly's business... But also bless his vod'ika for making damn sure he felt comforted after everything that happened in the last couple of days.
The protector too needs his protectors sometimes. And perhaps a nice dose of cuddling as well. For old-time's sake.
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mhafanfics19 · 5 years
Ch.6 Fall for the Devil
"She wore a smile like a loaded gun." ~Atticus
You're currently making your way back to the hideout, Shigaraki had sent you on a supply run for some training camp raid he had briefly mentioned.
The whole trip didn't take as long as you had originally planned for, you weren't complaining though, it just meant you could get back to Dabi faster.
As the weeks passed you both had started dating, it was a little sudden, but being villains any day could be the last time you see eachother.
So when he asked if you wanted to make it official you jumped at the idea, sure you had arguments like everyone does, but at the end of it you always made up.
Just as you begin to enter the bar, a sudden force almost knocks you over, your gaze landing on the familiar black and grey mask belonging to Jin.
"Jin, what the fuck dude? Are you alright, is something wrong?" The irritation that had sparked at the action diminishes when Jin removes his mask, your eyes meeting worried bluish-grey ones, brows furrowing at the distressed look plastered on his features.
"I'm sorry, I'm fine but please don't go in the bar. You won't be! Go in!" Concern bubbles up inside you, thinking Jin had done something wrong, you gently grab his hands giving them a reassuring squeeze.
"Whatever happened, we can fix it together okay? Everything will be taken care of before the others get back."
Jin realizes you have no idea of what's happening on the other side of that door, the rest of the league members had left to recruit new people for the raid, all except Dabi. The burnt male hadn't known Jin was still there when he brought her in, that's why he had pushed you so aggressively outside, Jin knew what would happen if you found out.
"Y/n please, I'm begging you don't go in, I don't want you to get hurt." At his words a creeping suspicion rises in you, the only other person here is Dabi, this wasn't about Jin.
"Jin. Let me through, I promise I won't get hurt, everything will be fine." A smile, that doesn't quite reach your eyes, slithers onto your visage. You understand why he didn't want you inside, you are a lot of things, but stupid isn't one of them.
Reluctantly, he moves out of the way allowing you to enter the place you call home, an undeniable sound reaching your ears. A woman calling out Dabi's name, the sound makes your blood boil, though on the outside that smile never falters.
Your legs carry you purposefully to your so called boyfriend's room, the door is ripped from it's hinges, from the force of you literally kicking it down. Bile seeps into your throat at the sight, Dabi is in his boxers, while the woman straddling him is only wearing her undergarments.
The woman looks at you, a sly smirk gracing her features, green eyes size you up before she turns to Dabi. "That's your girlfriend? No wonder you wanted someone like me, why don't you tell her how good I make you feel?"
Blistering rage overpowers you as you stalk towards the woman, in a swift movement, her hair is wrapped around your hand as she is dragged off Dabi and towards the middle of the bar.
"Y/n! Stop, you don't need to hurt her! Kill her!"
Jin‘s frantic plea falls on deaf ears as you toss her onto the cold floor. She scrambles to her feet, for every step she takes back you take one forward, this continues until she is only feet away from the wall.
Large amounts of borrowed electricity from the bar come rushing towards you. Dabi's voice sounds off behind you, his once carefree tone now laced with what sounds like concern.
"Y/n stop, we can talk about this she's an innocent person, this is my fault. I know you don't want to kill her, doll."
The fake smile on your face contorts into a malicious grin, lightning sparks around your body as you shift to face him. "Oh Dabi, of course i want to kill her! I really, really do." Your eyes return to the woman in front of you, the moment her face morphs into recognition and fear is almost addicting, she knows exactly who you are.
"Inazuma..oh god, please don't hurt me! It was all just an act I swear! We never did anything before you showed up!"
Slowly approaching her frozen body, lightning still dancing around your figure, you step behind her your orbs locking on to Dabi's. Gripping her hair tightly you roughly pull her head back, whispering the last words she will ever hear, all the while your voice is as sweet as honey.
"Do me a favor beautiful, burn for me."
Jolts of lightning make direct contact with her body, after a few violent spasms her screams stop, releasing your grip on the charred remains your eyes follow as they crumble to the ground.
"Good girl."
A wicked smile plays on your lips, your words send a chill through the two males that had just witnessed the ruthless act of violence. Your sense of victory is cut short, agonizing pain immediately shoots through your body sending you to your knees.
Lichtenberg figures begin to appear, they were worse than normal due to the proximity of the attack.
"Fuck! Y/n, are you okay?" Dabi's hand gently grabs your shoulder, you recoil under his touch, shakily standing up your eyes stare into his.
"I should kill your pathetic ass just like her, you make me fucking sick. If you ever lay a hand on me again I will kill you with no hesitation. Do you understand me? Whatever we were is over, you're nothing more than a pig."
Not caring to hear his response, you exit the bar, your body swaying from exhaustion and the various emotions invading your mind. Before you can make it to the end of the alley, you lose your balance stumbling sideways into the brick wall, giving into the need to relax you slide down it.
Your eyes betray you, as hot tears pour from them, an unfamiliar ache in your chest makes it feel like your heart is physically shattering.
What Dabi did destroyed you more than you would ever admit, one of the most wanted criminals in Japan doesn't cry over some stupid heart break, but damn does it hurt.
Even under the ruthless villain persona, you're still human, and you still have feelings. You don't care that a woman, you don't even know the name of, died a brutal death by your hands. To you her death was warranted, but with that logic, Dabi should be a pile of bone next her.
He made you weak, you should have ran when you had the chance, but no you had to drag feelings into this. Now look at you, tear stained cheeks, burns splattered on your skin.
All because of him, a scoff slips past your lips as you get back to your feet, this would never happen again.
You would never fall for the devil again.
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bounnostra · 5 years
ch. 5 || TRIAL 5.4 || SCOURGE || [ re: ivey/seattle, bams, aki ]
Suspicion was going to come around to them either way, but it sure frustrates SCOURGE to know that being upfront seems to have done so little in the grand scheme of things. At times, to hold their temper back, the grip on their pen and loose fist turn white-knuckled. They shoot appreciative glances or nods at some who defend them or express doubt in their culpability (...except IVEY). 
( SEATTLE gets a brief, complicated look at his mention of an embarrassing story also. Oof. )
They force themself to let out a slow breath before they blow a fucking casket.
Their expression is much more obviously stressed now, strained and irritated.
“...Yeah. I’m the one who opened the car in our investigation group -- was just guessing based on what I remembered was locked. Was real surprised it actually fucking worked. I also identified the electrical marks on the roof as being… that -- also not a smart thing to do if I was the culprit here.” 
Almost antsy from the tension, they click their pen a couple times. 
“For the record. The marks on the roof were similar to Lichtenberg figures -- what you’d get from a lightning strike, but they weren’t exactly that. I…” A tired sigh. “-- genuinely can’t really describe it, but they were just… a lil’ off than what they’d normally be.”
There’s more they want to say -- more protests about how the wounds still wouldn’t fucking make sense if it were them, more defenses. But it all feels like molasses going uphill and there’s a raring migraine starting to crop up behind their temples, so they squeeze their eyes shut for a moment and pinch the bridge of their nose before attempting to refocus. They need to be productive.
“Uh-- [Prez], the handwriting between the notebook in the stall ‘n the notebook underneath the stables in the locker room matched, yeah. Confirmed that bit.” 
They listen to Aki, feeling a little distantly surprised that she’d even bother to give them any information at all. But at least it’s helpful.
“...So if [Aki] --” Sorry, Aki. They’re not a respectful sort. “-- So. If she didn’t need to escape, likely wasn’t trying to kill anyone, ‘n woulda known the car wouldn’t’ve helped, then that throws all these ideas of ours outta wack.” 
Their voice quietens a bit, sounding more like they’re musing at they turn their attention to their notebook. Scribbling out some outdated notions and such.
“Maybe… mm. Maybe the killer’s the one who had salt on ‘em ‘n there was some kinda transfer to explain it being on her hands… or they tried to get help from her instead of the other way 'round?”
The way their brow furrows at that last part implies they don’t think it makes a whole lot of sense either.
“Y’know. All the kitchens were missing salt -- including the top floor kitchen. But the car’s in the basement. There seemed to be salt on the battery, so. Why would someone go up to the top floor to get more salt, go down to the garage to try fixing the battery, ‘n then end up back on the roof? The battery didn't seem like it'd been outright removed, only that the wires had been messed with. So there's something majorly wrong with this timeline here. Yeah, there was that used pot in the ground floor kitchen, but putting that back wouldn’t require going all the way up again.”
“It just… doesn’t make sense why anyone was way up there in the first place.”
Sorry, folks, they've got no ideas about Mothman right now.
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dawning-games · 1 year
Twelve's "loud noises bother me and I need to constantly be in movement" autism versus Lichtenberg's "unaware of how loud he speaks and repetitive movements and noise upset him" autism.... doesn't result in a fight, actually, though can and does sometimes mean they need give each other space.
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linguisten · 7 years
You were really nasty to that anon. 😒
It is almost impossible to bear the torch of truth through a crowd without singeing somebody’s beard.— G. Ch. Lichtenberg
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tenscupcake · 7 years
electrostatic potential (28/?)
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ten/rose. teen this ch. summary: as the doctor and rose traverse time and space looking for adventure, they slowly fall victim to a mysterious energy that can manipulate their emotions. though confused and unnerved by the cerebral affliction, neither of them understands its cause, or realizes that it could jeopardize their friendship. what will it take for them to discover the truth? unbeta’d... this chapter on ao3 | back to chapter 1 on ao3
The Doctor’s knees buckle beneath him and he crumples to the ground next to her. He presses two fingers into the side of Rose’s neck, tries to ignore the pounding rain and howling wind and concentrate only finding the right spot. Every muscle in his body freezes. Waiting for a heartbeat beneath his fingertips.
But there’s not even a whisper of a pulse.
“No…” he commands, as though her unconscious body will heed his admonition.
Fumbling in his shorts for the sonic, he does a scan of her heart for electrical activity, but detects none.
It feels backwards, but he’s fleetingly grateful it isn’t in a shockable rhythm, because the closest defibrillator is inside the TARDIS, and she’d be braindead long before he could get her there. Calling on dormant medical knowledge, he immediately goes through the motions of resuscitation. Switching on his respiratory bypass to give her as much oxygen as he can, he takes a deep breath and seals his mouth over hers.
It’s the only time he’s ever touched Rose’s lips and felt anything but joy. Instead, it’s only a gruesome reminder of her condition. Her lips don’t mold against his soft and warm; they’re cold and wet from the rain, and utterly unresponsive. Too pliant, too yielding beneath his mouth. Without one of his hands holding her head in place, it lolls limp to the side. He never thought something so pure and beautiful as a kiss could be twisted into something so excruciating.
His hearts are racing like they never have before, hands shaking where they’re resting on her body. Every breath is a ragged gasp. Nausea churns in his stomach. He wants to run around and scream and plead to someone for help but he’s the only one on the island who has even the slightest chance of saving her. Grave statistics run through his head unchecked. Even in the most medically advanced eras, the average chance of survival in these circumstances is less than fifteen percent.
He should have been watching her more attentively, prevented her from running off. Or perhaps he should have listened to Rose when she said they should stay in the room and forget about breakfast. Better yet, he should have rushed them off this planet as soon as they’d seen the Bad Wolf inscription.
Maybe he should have never taken them here in the first place.
Rose is only twenty and she might die here because of his negligence.
Doing his best to hold himself together, he starts the first round of compressions, using his weight to push as hard as he can, hoping it doesn’t break her bones. But a Rose with a few cracked ribs is better than no Rose at all.
He gets to fifteen and stops to check for a pulse again. Still nothing.
She needs epinephrine; her chances without it plummet to less than three percent. But all he has are his hands and his sonic screwdriver.
Impulsively, when his lips touch hers again his mind reaches out, searching desperately for her.
It only takes a moment for her to answer his call.
Soft and warm and familiar, tendrils of her mind swirl at the edges of his, already so attuned to him that they find their way back to him, even in unconsciousness. She can’t communicate with him in any substantial way, can’t use words or emotions, but she’s reaching out to him. Even if her body is hanging on by a thread, she’s alive in there. Confused. Scared. He can’t reassure her with words, but he embraces her mind with his, exuding a sense of comfort and peace. He doesn’t know how he’s able to summon either, as he doesn’t feel either one himself. But if Rose has even a shred of awareness in there, he wants to ensure she doesn’t feel frightened or alone. He breathes comfort into her mind as he breathes oxygen into her dormant lungs.
He can’t let her die like this: pumped full of an artificial sense of security by the very man who’s put her in harm’s way. He has to bring her back.
Suddenly, he remembers something.
There are some telepathic abilities he has never divulged to Rose, and didn’t plan to. He can warp, hide, or implant memories. With the briefest touch, he can scramble someone’s thoughts until they go insane. With a few seconds of contact, a series of simple commands to the brain, he can induce cardiac arrest. Provided they don’t have developed mental barriers, if he can touch someone, he can kill them.
He’s never used his telepathic abilities for malevolent purposes, and he never intends to. But if he can stop someone’s heart, he should also be able to start it. He can hijack Rose’s brain and force it to overload her system with epinephrine.
It’s the highest degree of violation. It flies in the face of informed consent, defies the natural order.
But right now, it’s his only option to save her life.
With a few milliseconds of analysis of her neurological signature, he deploys the appropriate orders, then pulls away from her mouth and resumes compressions to ensure her heart will push the hormone where it needs to go.
One. Oxygen to brain. Adrenaline to heart. Two.
He counts mechanically to distract himself from completely breaking down. Maybe he already is. With the rain pouring down his face, he wouldn’t be able to tell if he were crying or not.
When he goes in for a third morbid kiss, he reinforces his command, hating himself for having to do this to save her. He only hopes she’ll forgive him, if she makes it through this.
He never dreamed he would think such a thing, but he’s once again relieved to leave her lips. He never wants to feel them so lifeless again.
One. Hold on.
Two. Rose.
Three. Stay with me.
Four. Please.
Five. Don’t leave me.
Seven. Rose.
With a loud, heaving gasp, Rose jolts to life.
His eyes shift to her face as his hands pull away from her chest, and yes!!! Her eyes are open. Definitely open.
There’s blinking! Cheeks, lips moving, forehead scrunching. Alive!!!
Relief rushes through his body, deliciously warm and fuzzy.
“Rose!” He yells down to her, euphoric.
She tries to sit up, but something prevents it, weakness or pain or both. She rolls over slightly onto her side instead, coughing and spluttering water out of her lungs.
She doesn’t respond to her name, and looks confused and pained. She puts a hand over her heart, wincing. It’s only then that he notices the branching red veins protruding from the skin on her arms. No doubt other places on her body he can’t currently see.
Lichtenberg figures.
The designs are commonly seen on scorched organic matter and polycarbonate after a storm. It’s rare to see them on flesh, due to how unlikely it is to receive an adequately high amount of voltage and live to show them off. In fact, he’s only ever seen them on skin one other time, and it was his own – when he was struck himself in a previous incarnation. The patterns are caused by ruptured capillaries near the surface of the skin from the excessive temperature of the electrical discharge. He is capable of withstanding much higher voltage without disrupting either heart’s sinus rhythm, but he had the lightning scars on his skin for a few hours. Rose may carry them for longer.
Rose is breathing heavily, but her eyes drift closed as her head comes to rest on the wood beneath her.
“Rose!” He lightly slaps her cheek a couple times, needing to keep her conscious. She blinks her eyes open reluctantly, looking to him for instruction.
“What’s your name?” he asks. He has to shout a little for it to sound clear over the rain.
“Rose,” she answers, voice raspy and not nearly as loud. And somehow, despite having narrowly escaped death, she sounds annoyed.
“What’s my name?”
“Doctor.” Yeah, definitely annoyed.
“What planet are we on?”
“How many fingers am I holding up?” This one he does just for fun.
“Four.” She cracks just the teeniest hint of a smile, and he can’t help but return it.
Lightning flashes to their right somewhere with a thunderous clap, striking one of the nearby huts. It does no damage, but both he and Rose flinch away from the sound. He hunches down further, ensuring he’s below the level of the wooden railing beside them.
“Can you move? We’ve got to get you inside.”
She nods her head, and he helps her roll over so she can crawl along the rest of the way to the hut. He crawls along with her, though not before taking off one of his shoes (rubber soles) and holding it above her, protecting her from any future strikes.
It’s slow going. The soaked wood isn’t easy on their hand and knees, as Rose is still out of breath and in evident pain.
He’d much rather be carrying her, but that would just be asking to be struck again. They have to stay low to the ground, and Rose seems to understand that. Still, it’s miserable to watch her drag herself towards the door, exhausted and in pain. They have to endure several more close lightning strikes, and each one makes him cower with terror, paranoid that it will somehow find a path to Rose. Not to mention his ears feel like they’re bleeding now. Rose’s eardrums may well be ruptured.
The minute or so it takes them to reach their hut feels like an hour.
Once they’re safely inside, he stands and carefully scoops her up in his arms properly and lays her carefully on the bed, not caring that she’s dripping wet. She relaxes a little, sinking into the mattress and trying to calm her breathing. But before he can lie down next to her and soothe her himself, he has a more important job to do. Pulling out the sonic again, he quickly flicks through the settings and starts to examine her for any obvious signs of other bodily injury. To his surprise, he only finds one real injury, a nasty second-degree burn on her hand where it had touched the metal zip on her jacket. He quickly heals it up with the appropriate setting, and Rose thanks him. She hadn’t realized how much it was hurting until the pain was gone.
“I can fix these, too,” he says, gesturing to the branching burst capillaries on the hand he’s holding, extending up her forearm. “But it’ll take a bit longer.”
“Doesn’t hurt,” she says through her teeth, fidgeting.
Even with the burn gone, she’s still panting and clearly uncomfortable.
“Where does it hurt?” he asks.
She places a hand over her chest again, and he could just kick himself. Of course. A side effect of the epinephrine is a heart rate and blood pressure out of control. Her hand is trembling in his, most of her body quivering with the excess of the hormone. Chest pain is to be expected in such a circumstance.
But it’s not as simple to treat as a few skin burns. Not something the sonic can handle. He knows how he can help her, but isn’t sure if he’s ready to confess what he had to do to keep her alive. He deliberates for a long moment, biting his cheek.
“If you’re okay with it, I can slow down your heart.”
“I…” He wavers again, recoiling at the mere thought of what she might think. But there’s no time for guilty vacillating: Rose still needs him. “I went into your mind, just for a moment, while you were unconscious. You needed epinephrine and didn’t have any on hand. I used some of my stronger telepathic abilities to dose you from the inside. It was the only way I could get your heart started again.” He pauses and looks down at her, waiting for judgment or shock or horror, but none of them come. “Now that it’s beating again, I can go back in, send a few of the opposite signals to your brain. Correct the imbalance of hormones.”
“Okay. Do that.” She nods, completely unfazed by his explanation of what he’d done and acquiescing to his request to do it again. For a moment, he just stares at her, overwhelmed by how thoroughly she trusts him. To manipulate her brain to the most sensitive degree without a second thought. He confessed to being furthest thing from human just now, and she should be terrified but she isn’t. She doesn’t ask questions about how it works, or suggest less invasive alternatives. She trusts him to make the right call. Trusts her with her life.
Wanting more contact for the precision required for what he’s about to do, he stashes the sonic and sits down, resting a hand on her temple.
Without hesitating further, he directs the appropriate signals to her brain, to accelerate reuptake and metabolism of the epinephrine, as well as circulate the appropriate vasodilating neurotransmitters to counteract its effects in the interim.
Right now, he really is her Doctor. He’s always had some distaste for her using a possessive pronoun in front of his name (not that she does it often), if only because of his aversion to commitment. But she’s just retroactively and proactively given him permission to make life-saving medical decisions for her. Her endearment suddenly feels so true, he almost wishes she’d say it now.
“My Doctor,” Rose breathes out as her body starts to relax.
That floating feeling from this morning suddenly returns as his hearts swell with affection.
She’d heard him. Of course she’d heard him.
Rose’s pulse and systolic pressure start to drop. Before it dips too far, he ceases his telepathic directions, and slowly starts to retreat from her mind.
But before he can sever their link, a wall of golden light flashes brilliantly from the depths of Rose’s mind. A high-pitched screech pierces the silence in his head, and, desperate to escape the sudden ambush, he flees from her mind. But even when they’re disconnected, the onslaught continues: blinding, deafening, scorching. Whatever it is, it’s not confined to Rose’s mind: it’s a telepathic signal, intensely powerful, interfering with his own telepathic wavelength, clawing its way into his mind.
He gasps out as he lets go of her, getting to his feet and stumbling away.
“What’s wrong?” Rose asks, sitting up now that she feels closer to normal.
He doesn’t answer her, clutching the sides of his head to try to stop the noise and the pain but it doesn’t help. Vivid memories of Satellite Five inundate his brain. A glowing, dying Rose. So many Daleks, so much death.
Something catastrophic has happened. He can sense rigid timelines softening around him now, deforming, changing. This moment ripples through time and space in every direction, broadcasting its incongruity. Rose doesn’t have the power for such manipulation. This isn’t Rose’s telepathic signature. It’s Bad Wolf’s.
Slowly, the effects of the intrusion start to wear off and he lets his hands fall to his sides, panting, staring at Rose in horror. She’s abandoned the bed completely, standing right in front of him, gazing at him with wide, anxious eyes.
“What is it?” she asks, completely unaware of what she’s just done.
“No,” he shakes his head in disbelief. “No,” he repeats, over and over, instead of answering her. Spiraling rapidly into a panic.
Did he not completely rid her of the residual Vortex energy? Is it starting to consume her again, as it did before? Will it take more than just his own death to finish the job this time?
“Doctor what is it?” Out of patience, Rose grabs onto his shoulders and forces him to look at her. “What’s the matter!?”
As he meets her eyes, though, they suddenly flash with a bright light. A golden yellow consumes her irises for a split second, telling him his speculations are correct. And faster than she can blink, it’s gone.
He swallows hard, trying to collect himself.
After a moment to sober himself up a bit, he realizes he has to act fast to figure out exactly what this is. Especially given the likelihood it’s life threatening. But there’s nothing he can do until he gets more information. And Rose will never let him get more information until he tells her what’s going on.
He motions for her to sit on the edge of the bed, and when she doesn’t move, he takes her hand and reluctantly leads her there himself. Sitting down next to her, he suppresses his instinct to pace and rant. Tries to regain his composure. She deserves to know what’s happening anyway.
“What’s wrong Doctor. Tell me what’s wrong rightnow.” Both her her hands curl into fists in his shirt, demanding answers.
“It’s all right, Rose.” He puts one hand on her waist, and another just under her chin, tilting her head so he can look at he properly. “Just sit still for a moment.”
Worried and filled with excess adrenaline as he is, his eyes could have easily deceived him before. Fear can manifest physically as hallucinations; any decent psychologist could tell you that.
Both hearts in his throat, he stares into her cider brown eyes. Waiting.
He doesn’t have to wait long before another flicker of vivid, bright gold emanates from her irises, just a fraction of a second. His hearts palpitate in his chest and he looks away, afraid to see it again.
“No.” He feels like he could scream. Destroy something. This is exactly what he’d been afraid of the night before. This is Bad Wolf. This is an imminent separation, or death. Whatever cataclysm in their timeline has occurred, it can’t be good.
“Doctor, what!” Rose is getting hysterical.
“Bad Wolf,” he murmurs, barely audible.
For a long moment she’s speechless. Processing.
“What’d you see?”
He dares a glance up at her face, and is relieved her eyes are still their natural color.
“Light, in your mind. The same light that was there when I absorbed the time vortex. And just now, your eyes were glowing. Just like they did before.”
A tear rolls down Rose’s cheek, and his hearts clench in his chest at the sight.
“What does this mean?” she asks. “Am I gonna burn up?”
“I don’t know,” he confesses, never having felt so helpless. He wants to reassure her, but doesn’t want to lie to her. “As soon as this storm clears, we’re getting you to the TARDIS to run some tests.”
She doesn’t look at all consoled by the idea of tests.
“Am I gonna die?”
“No,” he insists, and the word cuts through the tension too harshly. “No,” he repeats, softer, taking her hand again. “Whatever it is Rose, I’ll do everything I can protect you. I promise.”
She nods, but still doesn’t look mollified.
“I’d like to go into your mind again,” he suggests. “Try to get some information from you directly. If you’ll allow me.”
“Yes,” she agrees instantly. “Please, Doctor.”
He doesn’t relish the thought of confronting that thing again, but ‘please’ is a word he can’t say no to. Especially not coming from Rose.
He gestures for her to lie on her side, and wraps an arm securely around her as he lies down next to her. He wants to comfort her to some degree while he does this, but this is all the intimacy he can manage for the moment.
As soon as he crosses the threshold of her mind again, it becomes clear that something is growing within. Burgeoning. Something golden and transcendental, getting stronger and consuming more and more of her mind. But unlike the first encounter a few minutes before, it doesn’t torture his mind with dissonant interference. And unlike on Satellite Five, it’s not burning her mind up this time.
The lethality of the Bad Wolf entity was immediately obvious when Rose burst out of the TARDIS doors on that ship. Her physical form couldn’t contain such a massive quantity of energy; it was eating her alive from the inside. Her mind was on the verge of an apocalypse, screaming that it was about to explode.
But right now, it’s calm. Neither her body or her mind recognize it as an invader or threat that must be ejected. It’s as though it’s not something foreign at all, but something that’s been there a long time.
Is it possible the dose of voltage to her neurons activated remnants of her union with the heart of the TARDIS, residual energy left dormant until now? It’s frustratingly intangible, but so clearly real: buzzing in the background, racing through the highways of her mind. A hint of something ancient that triggers his time senses as it trickles through her system. It sends light scattering everywhere it goes. Not destroying or erasing. Healing. Altering.
But altering what? He can’t quite pinpoint it. It’s not human, but nor is it distinctly alien. It’s just… energy. And from the feel of it, a force of life rather than death.
His mind slowed down enough, he suddenly can’t ignore the fear from Rose’s mind overflowing into his. He’s been so fixated on observing and analyzing, Rose has only been able to get hazy flickers of his thoughts. Too vague to giver her any real consolation.
Reassured enough for the time being, he refocuses his efforts, concentrating on opening his mind up more to Rose to share these findings in detail, allow her to feel what he’s feeling from this ethereal presence in her mind. But in addition to that, he reminds her that no matter what, he’ll always be here. That even if his judgment is flawed, and this thing is more malevolent than it would like them to believe, he’ll keep her safe. He overwhelms her with these thoughts and exudes a sense of security and serenity.
She starts to breathe a little easier as she welcomes his reassurance with open arms, but suddenly, he has an even better idea.
With a moment of concentration and a few adjustments within their link, he starts to reconstruct the garden. It’s the perfect place for them to hide away from the rolling thunder and merciless rain that only serve to remind them of her brush with death.
He imagines how they may pass the time, lounging in a field of flowers together, a plush blanket beneath them. Maybe Rose could climb onto his lap and he could cradle her against him as they wait out the remainder of the storm sharing languorous kisses.
Rose isn’t shy about being on board with that idea, but when the landscape of the garden takes form around them, they’re both stunned into a silence that puts these fantasies on hold.
Sunlight brilliantly illuminates their surroundings. More sunlight than should be possible. And yet, it doesn’t burn their eyes to behold. It feels natural, as though this is the way this place was meant to be viewed, or their eyes were designed for more intense light. But aside from the light raining down in sheets from the sky, everything within view gives off an ethereal golden glow that seems to emanate from within. The phenomenon doesn’t discriminate between the living and the inanimate: flower blossoms, trees, and birds are affected just the same as fountains and benches. They all emit a radiance one might expect from Mount Olympus, or some other mythical heavenly place. There’s no real-world analog for what they’re seeing that he can think of, no matter how he wracks his brain.
It feels counterintuitive to interpret this renovation to the garden as ominous, beautiful and seemingly harmless as it seems, but they both do. A chill runs through them both as they process the breathtaking sight.
He turns to Rose, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her against him, and she squeezes him tightly.
Both of them are speechless for a time, still taking it all in.
“Whatever this is Rose,” he rubs her back and kisses her temple. “I’m not going to let it hurt you. If it makes any plans too, I’ll destroy it. No matter what, I’m going to keep you safe.”
He holds her for a long time, and both of them try their best to comfort one another. Their willpower occasionally slips and their fears seep through, but they never last long. They’ve both become quite adept at sending the right wavelengths to soothe one another.
He loosens her grip around his waist just slightly, and pulls back enough that he can lean down and press his lips to hers.
“How do you feel?” he asks softly.
“Mmm, little better now.” She grins, biting her lip.
“You are in curiously good shape, considering.”
“’Cept my head,” she adds, melancholic.
“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”
He kisses her tenderly again as a distraction. He savors the feeling of her kissing him back, her lips warm and smooth as they melt into his. It helps shake away the memories of feeling them cool and lifeless.
Normally, he’s the one jumping to the worst possible conclusion. He isn’t sure why he’s not doing that now. Something about this new energy – it’s giving him a sense of hope he can’t explain. He was terrified by the memories, and the gold in her eyes, but it’s hard to feel scared in here. It may be naïve and idealistic, but he can’t help the inclination to believe this is different. That she’s not at risk. It’s as though the angelic light has had an intoxicating effect, temporarily dampening his ability to reason.
He hopes he doesn’t kick himself for succumbing to it later.
They ease out of the kiss slowly, still holding each other close. Rose hums contentedly, resting her head on his shoulder. They linger in an embrace for a long moment, swaying lightly together.
 “Oh my God,” Rose breathes into his neck after a time.
“What is it?” he asks, worry returning with a vengeance.
“I got struck by bloody lightning.” She giggles a little, and he exhales with relief. He’s inexplicably glad to hear that sound.
“You did.” He grins despite himself, elated that she’s alive to tell about it, and in his arms no less. “A new level of jeopardy friendly.”
But at her reminder, the harrowing images of what happened assail him anew, and he’s reminded of the fact she ran off by herself. Put herself in more danger.
Anger suddenly sizzles up inside him, spilling into Rose’s mind.
“Rose, why did you run off like that?” He asks, all seriousness now. He pulls back to look at her, meeting her eyes awaiting explanation. “I was about to insist we go back inside. Didn’t you realize how dangerous it was? That the storm was too close?”
“I did.” She clutches onto his shirt, her mind pleading for his forgiveness. “I knew it was dangerous but… ‘s like… I dunno what happened. Something was telling me that I needed to run. And I just listened to it. I didn’t even think.”
“Something like what?” He narrows his eyes.
“I dunno, ‘s hard to explain. Just, that voice in your head. The one that tells you to just go for it when you’re second guessing something. Or tells you when to run away.”
It does seem to lend credence to his prominent theory that Bad Wolf is entangled in all this. Bad Wolf scattered pieces of herself across time and space – messages. He only discovered so after the fact, but those messages had all along been a trail leading them to Satellite Five. And it’s seeming more and more likely it’s what led them to this planet. To that cave. And what compelled Rose to sprint off on her own in the middle of a lightning storm. It tingles in the back of his mind again, that sense that timelines are quivering and vanishing around them, aftershocks of this event are rippling through the universe.
“Can we stop talking about it, just for a little while?” Rose asks unexpectedly. “At least until we know for sure what’s going on? I can’t stand thinkin’ about it anymore.”
“Of course, Rose.” He pauses his chaotic analyses for now, and eases them out of their embrace. He takes one of her hands, and opens his other arm away from them, indicating she can choose which path they follow. “Lead the way.”
Rose begins to feel better as soon as they’re walking side by side together, fingers intertwined. Being here takes her mind off the real world, and he knows that. It’s why he brought them here in the first place.
Rose leads him to an area of the garden he hasn’t seen yet.
The path leading there is not an archway of red roses, but a long marble staircase. The stairs are deep enough to take several strides between them, giving a sense they’re more for decoration than utility. The stairway is flanked by two miniature aqueducts of marble flowing with rivers of crystal clear water. Short waterfalls cascade gently at each step.
The courtyard waiting for them has a similar layout to the section they were in before – a neatly divided neighborhood of flower blossoms and walkways. But the botanical selection is different here: dominated by lavenders and white lilies splotched with violet centers. And unlike the other garden, this one has a large grassy area in the center, enticing its passersby to a picnic in the sun.
The Doctor is about to ask if he should conjure them a blanket as they step into the grass, but Rose beats him to it.
“Let me see if I can.”
He grins at her, proud of her initiative.
It only takes a few seconds before a plush purple quilt appears in the center of the grass.
“Nicely done,” he congratulates her.
“Gettin’ the hang of it, yeah.”
He settles down onto the blanket first, and Rose does exactly what he hoped she would: settles onto his lap, straddling him carefully. She runs her fingers through his hair, gazing between his face and their surroundings every few moments. Resting his weight on one arm, he places his opposite hand on her hip, thumb rubbing the skin just beneath her shirt, and savors the feel of her hands. One rests lightly on his shoulder now, the other tucked between the open buttons on his shirt, tracing slow, sensual circles on his chest.
His eyes flutter closed with a sigh. He could get used to this, ignoring their problems and responsibilities in here.
“Why d’you think it’s all glowin’ like this?” she asks softly.
“There’s an excess of energy flowing through you right now,” he explains, trying to make it sound as mild and nonthreatening as he can. “I think this is a side effect of that. The light is in here even when the garden isn’t, though it’s not as readily observable or concrete –”
Rose interrupts his explanation by pressing her mouth to his. She wraps her arms around his neck and presses her body right up against his, and he has to steady himself with his other hand to prevent them from tipping over. He yields to her completely, responding to the insistent brushes of her lips with only tenderness. She breathes out a sigh and sinks into it, telling him that for now, all she wants is to forget her questions and get lost in him.
Which is exactly as he intended.
They’ve already said all they can, and superfluous discussion would only lead to more speculation and worry for both of them. He’d like to get lost in her, too.
He’s more delicate with her than usual, considering he did have to resuscitate her mere minutes ago. But they end up horizontal despite his efforts, him on the ground, his arms secure around her back, tethering her body to his as though gravity won’t be enough. Neither of them escalates the intimacy further, hindered by lingering fears deep beneath the surface. But both are content to immerse themselves completely in this gentle pleasure, unhurried kisses and lingering touches.
They stay entwined for such a long time, even the Doctor loses track of it. But he’s okay with his time senses being dulled by her lips. Even if he doesn’t count the minutes, the more of them they spend kissing, the better. He’s had his first tangible taste of the torment he will endure when he inevitably loses her, and he doesn’t want to waste a second of whatever time they have left.
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jfberlin · 6 years
| Kita-Dialog gGmbH sucht Erzieher, Kindheits- und Sozialpädagogen | Berlin | Anlehnung an den TV-L Berlin | ab sofort |
 Wir suchen Dich!
Erzieher/in, Kindheitspädagoge/in, Sozialpädagoge/in
 Ab sofort – in unseren Kitas:
Torgauer Straße, Hand in Hand & AbenteuerWelt
 Du profitierst von:
- Der individuellen Verschiedenheit unserer Kitas und unseren fachkompetenten und inklusiven Teams in familiären wie auch großzügig offenen Begegnungsräumen
- Einem aktiven Miteinander zu Kindern, Eltern und/oder Senioren sowie Bildungspartnern
- Weiterbindungen und Gesprächs-Zeiten im Team, um pädagogisch gemeinsam und eigenverantwortlich neue Erfahrungsräume zu entwickeln
- Einer leistungs- und qualifikationsbezogenen Vergütung in Anlehnung an den VL-L Berlin mit Leistungszulagen
- 30 Tage Urlaub und der Möglichkeit, an allen frisch zubereiteten vollwertigen Mahlzeiten teilzunehmen.
Besonders bei uns besteht die Möglichkeit, innerhalb unseres Trägers in die Verschiedenheit der Kitawelten entsprechend deines Lebensweges einzutauchen und so individuell deinen Arbeitsplatz mitgestalten zu dürfen.
 Wir sind
ein dynamischer Träger von 6 Kindertagesstätten für 750 Kinder in Marzahn, Hellersdorf & Lichtenberg. Seit 15 Jahren widmen wir unser Wissen und Können den Kindern, um sie bestmöglich auf ihrem Entwicklungsweg zu begleiten.
Wir stehen füreinander ein, leben die Gemeinschaft und tragen individuelle Verantwortung in der Mitgestaltung von kleinen und großen Aufgaben. Jeder bleibt sich selbst treu und zusammen sind wir (im) Kita-Dialog.
 Hier geht‘s zur vollständigen Stellenanzeige: https://kita-stellenmarkt.de/job/erzieher-kindheits-und-sozialpaedagogen-m-w-in-berlin-2/
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burlveneer-music · 7 years
Brutalist Mixtape / in memory of Mika Vainio by mHz | M Hz
Virtamuuntaja - Pan Sonic | Plastic Star - Byetone | Plastic Star - Byetone (alva noto remix)| 11 - SND | 2:47 - Blir | 1110_01_lv_1b - Grischa Lichtenberger | Another Wedged Chicken - Shed | Barbarians - Mika Vainio | point - emptyset | Supersolid State - Ueno Masaaki | Mean.Streak - Frank Bretschneider | Rhythm Variations 02 - Aoki Takamasa | data.reflex - Ryoji Ikeda | Pulse - Xs Version - alva noto | Im Rausch Der Gegenwart I - Atom TM | Chlorine - Richard Chartier | 25x - Taylor Deupree | Afterglow - Monolake | Clap 05 - Original - Komet | Empowering Change (Version) - Diamond Version | Hovering - Kyoka | Hiss No Hassle - COH | Harbour Chart - Porter Ricks | Knives in Hens - Biosphere | ch.1 - NHK | Errorbook - Ryoichi Kurokawa | U—bahn - Ø
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gustavomundoequino · 8 years
Tumblr media
Un magnífico y bendecido día viernes de Marzo 10/2017, les desea mundoequino.com.co Foto de un ejemplar con hermoso y curioso pelaje. "Es casi imposible llevar la antorcha de la verdad a través de una multitud sin chamuscarle la barba a alguien"..... Georg Ch. Lichtenberg Firmes en Dios y en su poder!
0 notes
mhafanfics19 · 5 years
Ch. 2 Jin
"She was a storm. Not the kind you run from, the kind you chase." ~ R.H. Sin
"You said you had things to discuss right? I'm all ears." Your voice comes out slightly muffled due to the cigarette between your lips, you quickly light it, and lean back in the bar stool waiting for Shigaraki to speak up.
The vermillion eyed male watches as you take a drag inhaling, and blowing the smoke towards the ceiling as you exhale. "They are more of questions I guess, I gotta say I've seen some photos of the cities you've all but leveled, it's pretty impressive. Can you tell me how your quirk actually works?"
Flicking the gray ashes into the ashtray, you nod as you speak. "Thanks, if I'm being honest most of that wasn't even intentional. My quirk can be unstable and lethal not only to people around me but to myself as well. It's easier for me to demonstrate if you want?"
Shigaraki eagerly nods as you put your cigarette out, stealing a glance at Dabi an idea comes to mind. Your quirk activates, a little bit of electricity slithers across the bar, and into your body. Lightning soundlessly flickers in your hand, you lean slightly closer to Shigaraki, your voice a barely audible whisper.
Shigaraki snorts and nods for you to continue, a smirk plastered on your face as a you shoot a small bolt of lightning at Dabi's glass, shattering it instantly.
His body immediately bursts into blue flames, in an a second you are ripped from your seat and harshly trapped against the wall, a burnt hand gripping your shirt tightly.
"Was that supposed to be funny? You really want me to burn that pretty skin of yours don't you, doll?" Your brows furrow at the flaming man in front of you, "Don't get your panties in a twist, I was fucking around, if you really want to act all big and bad I can easily burn you more to a crisp than you already are."
Lightning sparks in your hand, showing Dabi your words weren't just an empty threat, a low growl rumbles in his chest as he releases you. "Don't pull that shit again, I will fry you next time."
Rolling your eyes, you roughly push past him and reclaim your seat next to Shigaraki. "At dark I'm going back to my apartment, I have no problem being in the league but the comfort of my own place sounds real nice right about now."
Shigaraki is silent, mulling something over in his head, after what seems like forever he finally speaks. "Take Dabi with you, I can't have such a useful member getting arrested by the heroes, now can I?"
You choke on air at his demand, total bewilderment on your face. "Are you high? Did you not just see what happened? No fucking way is he coming with me, I'm perfectly capable on my own." Red eyes narrow at you challengingly, annoyance lacing his words. "He goes, or you stay, this isn't up for debate."
This elicits a scoff from you, crossing your arms over your chest, not dropping the subject as you press further. "Why can't it be someone else? Literally anyone but him, because if he goes, I'm the only one coming back tomorrow. He will be extra crispy in a ditch somewhere."
Shigaraki's fingers twitch as the urge to scratch invades his body, "You act like a child, but whatever, take Twice with you." With that he walks away, a door slamming a few seconds later echoes through the bar, spinning around in the stool you face the villains all occupied doing their own things.
"Which one of you is Twice? Shigaraki said you have to be my babysitter." A man in a black and grey spandex suit bounds up to you, "I'm Twice! I'd be happy to watch over you! You're pretty badass you know? No I wouldn't, you're a weak ass!"
The second voice catches you completely off guard, quickly collecting yourself, you respond to the man. "You don't have too, I can just sneak out by myself. It's not like I haven't escaped pro's before." Twice frantically waves his hands in front of him, not wanting to give you the wrong idea. "No, no don't listen to the second voice, I really don't mind at all company would be nice. Fuck off."
You couldn't contain your laughter, a smile settling on your usually stoic face. "Okay, okay, what time is it now anyways?" Pulling out your phone you glance at the time, 9:30pm, letting out a sigh of relief you hop off the bar stool. "We can go now, if that's cool with you? I've had a hell of a day and I just want to go home."
Twice nods in understanding, you bid goodbye to everyone with the exception of Dabi. You know it's childish but you could careless at this point, he was being an asshole to you. The both of you exit the bar and begin the twenty minute journey to your apartment.
The majority of the walk was consumed by slightly awkward silence, much to your relief the male beside you decides to speak. "I'm curious about something, how does your quirk work? I saw what you did at the bar, but I didn't catch all of it. I only seen a spark of light break Dabi's glass, which was funny as hell by the way. Who cares? It was way too lame."
Twice sighs in defeat at the contradictory statement, you nudge him gently with your elbow, focusing his attention on the warm smile gracing your visage.
"Don't beat yourself up, it doesn't bother me, and I'll give you the short explanation. Basically, I can absorb electricity from my surroundings, anything that has even the smallest electrical current is drawn to me, once it enters my body it's immediately converted into lightning. I can either shoot it from my body, the way I did at the bar, or I can run it through the ground resulting in a massive attack."
The outline of a small smile peeks through Twice's mask. "That's a hell of a quirk, what are the drawbacks to it? If you don't mind me asking. Tell me bitch!" You chuckle shaking your head slightly, you answer the conflicted man.
"They can be pretty deadly, I'm not immune to my lightning, and because of the intense heat and depending on the amount of electricity I convert, Lichtenberg figures will appear on my body. If I absorb too much electricity, a massive strike of lightning can form. That's when it's dangerous for me, my body will essentially boil from the inside out as the temperature of the lightning increases."
You finally arrive at your apartment building, stepping in you proceed to the elevators, the information seems to have registered in your male counterpart's mind. "What is a Lichtenberg figure and what happens when your body start to boil? She dies you idiot."
The elevator doors open, walking down the hallway you stop at the second to last door on the left, swiftly unlocking it you shove the door open letting Twice in first. "They are branching electrical discharges that have fern-like patterns they disappear after twenty four hours, and you were right, I would die a very painful death."
Twice enters your apartment, making sure to lock the door behind you, wandering into the kitchen you open the fridge pulling out one of the many bottles of beer you stocked up on."Hey Twice, you want a beer?" A few seconds of silence passes until you finally get a response. "Yeah that'd be great thanks! Step on it!"
Popping open both beverages you shuffle into the family room, your eyes fall on Twice's figure sprawled out on the couch, you hand him his drink before going into your room in search for the many pairs of men's hoodies and sweat pants you have bought.
You pull out a black hoodie with sweatpants to match, setting them in the bathroom attached to your room, before joining Twice on the couch and switching on the tv. "I laid out some clothes in the bathroom for you, feel free to take a shower and get comfy."
His eyes widen at your unexpected hospitality, "You didn't have to do that, but thanks. A shower does sound nice right about now, where is your bathroom?" Taking a swig of your drink, you point down the small hallway. "First door on the right, you have to walk through my bedroom to get to it."
Without another word being said, Twice gets to his feet and makes his way to the bathroom, at the sound of the shower running you sink further into the couch. The droning of the tv results in you spacing out, a pit of guilt forms in your stomach, the fight with Endeavor weighing heavily on your conscience.
Innocent people once again, lost their lives all because you lack control over your quirk. They didn't deserve what happened to them, and you knew that, even though you're a villain you don't kill anyone that isn't deserving of it.
You're ripped from your thoughts as the couch dips under Twice's weight, your eyes wander up to his face, he is strangely handsome even with the large scar that adorned his forehead.
His sudden voice startles you, he had caught you staring at him, "Y/n are you okay? You were zoned out there for a minute. She thinks your hot!" You had taken a sip of beer when the second comment was made, causing you to choke at the directness of it, air finally refills your lungs as you stop coughing.
"S-Sorry about that, I wasn't trying to be creepy. I was just thinking about how I know about Shigaraki but I know nothing about anyone else, including you. If I may ask, what's your real name?"
The male smiles and holds a hand out for you to shake, which of course you do. "Jin, and you can ask me anything you want, it's only fair since you've answered all my questions."
"Nice to meet you, Jin."
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