#i also don't want to work anymore. my life is trickling away and im spending my time at a development point behind a cash register
vilelittlecritter · 6 months
"hey! I think I found my footing in life!"
*proceeds to have the most earth shattering and perspective changing months of his life*
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OHMIGOD I LOVE THE TRANQUIL INKY ASK SO MUCH YOUR WRITING IS SO WONDERFUL I HONESTLY SQUEALED WHEN I READ IT. If you wouldn't mind... Could I maybe have some happy ending reactions? Like, the inquisitor gets the rite removed and they immediately run to hug (tackle) their old friend, crying, but with the biggest, doofiest grin on their face and starts rambling about how much they missed them? You don't have to do it if you don't want to. I just think it would be so cute. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
Dorian: He’d been working with Cassandra whenever he had free time. He was furious at the Seekers, furious that Cassandra didn’t think to tell him that there was a possibility that he could cure the Rite of Tranquility for his friend. Eventually he simmered down and decided the only way to speed up this process was to work with her on it. Maker he’s nervous. He feels like he has a swarm of butterflies in his stomach and he’s trying to keep himself composed as Cassandra tries the cure on the Inquisitor. With Corypheus defeated they’ve finally had the time to relax and work on it. Dorian bites his bottom lip nervously and waits. It feels like it takes forever but before Dorian even has a chance to ask the Inquisitor how they feel he’s tackled. The wind rushes out of him but he’s laughing. His friend is laughing! Dorian can’t help the rush of tears that start trickling down his cheeks and he just hugs them close for a long time. It’s an odd sort of reunion. They’ve been reunited since Dorian joined the Inquisition but now it’s like they finally are. Before the Inquisitor was emotionless. They were glad to see Dorian again but they was all. They didn’t feel joy or excitement, nor the want to ask him what happened since they were gone, but now it was all flooding them. The two sit up and The Inquisitor is still laughing and crying as well, their cheeks red as they keep wiping the tears away. Maker it feels so good to be able to cry again. Dorian just grins and wipes his own tears, “You’ve made me ruin my mascara.” He jokes as he rubs his eyes, now looking a bit like a raccoon. It’s hard to explain really. The Inquisitor had been his best friend, someone he could trust with everything, someone he first came out to back in Tevinter and yes he’d had them during the Inquisition but it was like having a shadow of the person he once knew. But now they were back and they were grinning. They still had that scar but it was faded, just a memory. “Maker we have so much to talk about but I think it might be best if we get some wine and go somewhere comfortable.” He grins. The Inquisitor nods and gives him another hug. Normally Dorian’s not much of a touchy person but damn he’s missed his friend. “It’s good to have you back.”
Solas: Cassandra never really shared what she had learned about the Seekers or the Rite of Tranquility, not until she thought she was close to a cure for the Rite. He feels excitement and hope for his friend. He still can’t get over his anger that his friend had been forced to undergo the Rite. He can think of nothing that would ever make that just a possibility for someone to go through. He wishes Cassandra luck and tells her to let him know when she thinks she has the cure for it ready. Then the day comes and it’s so bitter sweet. They are so close to defeating Corypheus and Solas knows that once they do he must leave. That hasn’t happened yet thought and he wants to be sure that his friend is okay. Solas walks to the room to check in on how it’s going only to be tackled. He lets out a laugh of surprise to see that familiar grin and get another big hug. He blushes slightly before hugging them back and holding them close. There is still a scar but it is faded and in time it might disappear completely. “It is good to have you back.” He murmurs. The Inquisitor just grins, “It’s good to see you out of the Fade.” They have a lot to catch up on. Solas takes the Inquisitor to his room and has some tea made. It’s actually a kind that he likes this time.  While they talk time seems nonexistent. Solas tells them about what he’s learned of the fade, the new spirits he befriended in the Inquisitor’s absence. The Inquisitor asks questions about everything that happened. They remember it quite clearly, but its the first time they get to process it emotionally. By the end of their talk the sun is coming up and the Inquisitor is exhausted. They smile at their old friend, “We should journey through the fade again soon. I might be a tad rusty.” That grants a chuckle from the elf. “Soon. You do need your rest though. I’m sure undoing the Rite took a lot of your mana.”
Vivienne: She had done some research into what had caused her old friend to receive the Right. It wasn’t some terrible crime to Vivienne’s relief. When Cassandra tells her that she’s learned the secrets of the Seeker’s Vivienne’s quite intrigued. She can’t believe that there’s actually a cure to the Rite. She works with Cassandra to make sure that this cure isn’t going to make it worse or backfire. When this gets out, that Tranquil can be cured, there is going to be a lot of debate, a lot of questions. They need to be sure it actually works before going public. The Inquisitor actually volunteers to be the first to undergo the cure. Their logic is that with Corypheus defeated and their knowledge in the arcane they would be a great asset in helping research the cure. Vivienne isn’t opposed to it but she is worried about her friend. If it goes wrong she won’t have them anymore. The day comes when it’s time to test the cure. Vivienne hides her nerves well but her hands are shaking as she helps Cassandra. It’s over as soon as it started and she watches the Inquisitor nervously, waiting for them to wake up. When they do they rub their head and look around confused before breaking into tears. It’s a good sign! Vivienne moves to their side and holds their hand only to be pulled into a big bear hug. She lets out a noise of surprise and hesitates before hugging the Inquisitor back just as tight. They have a lot to catch up on and as soon as the Inquisitor can compose themself Vivienne leads them back to their chamber so they can talk. 
Blackwall: He really doesn’t understand magic. He knows it can be useful, but it can also be dangerous and make things worse. What he does know is his friend, a kid who was so sweet they wouldn’t even kill a little spider was wrongfully made Tranquil. Then Cassandra starts talking about a way to reverse it to cure the Rite of Tranquility and honestly he doesn’t understand what she’s saying so he stops her to clarify and it makes his heart sore. It means his friend gets a second chance just like they gave him. Honestly Blackwall never expected his friend to just… let him go to get him out of the Orlais prison but they did. They explained it was because they needed him for the Inquisition and it was best to give him a second chance so that he could continue saving lives while atoning for his past sins. That explanation was given in a cold and emotionless tone but it still meant the world to Blackwall. Now his friend could really get their life back. Cassandra explained that it would probably not be perfect, that they would sometimes feel in over their head and Blackwall swore to himself that he would help his friend through this. He gets called in when the Rite is over. He calls their name cautiously. The response he gets is a surprisingly strong bear hug. IT makes him grin and he hugs them back just as tight, “Maker you really had me worried there.” He laughs and helps them stand. “What you need now is to tell me everything. I know you’ve been doing inquisition talk but we should really catch up… I’ve got some explaining to do too.” The Inquisitor nods and just grins again. It feels like a dream. Their smiling again and laughing. If it is a dream he doesn’t want to wake up. It’s just so nice to have something from his past be good again and not something he wants to cover up. 
Iron Bull: The more time Bull spends in the Inquisition the more he begins to understand about mages. It also makes him feel bad for his friend. Being Tranquil sounds like shit. He still feels bad for his friend though. When Bull goes Tal Vashoth he is shocked. The Inquisitor could have and should have told him to sacrifice the chargers, but they were still so gentle even with all of their emotions suppress. They said that it would have been illogical to sacrifice the Chargers just for one supply of red lyrium. They could come back with more people and still take care of it. It takes a bit of getting used to, the idea of being Vashoth but then again he realizes it’s not different from how he was already living. The only difference being that he doesn’t report to the Qun. He knows his friend is still in their head too, just emotionless right now, so he starts asking around, seeing if any of his contacts know something about getting ride of the Rite of Tranquility. He doesn’t really have to go far before Cassandra shares her findings with him. He’s thrilled and nervous at the same time. It’s gonna be an adjustment period if it works, but hey Bull will be there to help. It’s not like the Inquisitor would be going through it alone. With the Inquisitor’s permission the do what needs to be done to cure the Rite. Bull keeps rubbing his hands nervously. He doesn’t need to wait long though. When the Inquisitor wakes up they gasp and get overwhelmed, tearing up. Bull quickly goes to their side only to be pulled into the tightest hug. He grins and just holds them close. “Hey… it’s okay. We’ve got your back okay? We’ll help ya get through this.” The Inquisitor nods and just gives him a big grin. 
Cassandra: As soon as she learns of the cure to the Rite of Tranquility she throws herself into work for it. She wants her friend back, even though that sounds selfish she knows now that the Rite is something horrible, something that no one should be forced to go through. Especially not someone who just simply wouldn’t be able to pass their harrowing. She nearly works herself to the bone when she’s sure she’s figured out how to do it. She tells the Inquisitor what they’ve done and lets them decide. “I understand the risks Cassandra. I think I should undergo the cure. Even if I become irrational and emotional you can help guide me back. You need someone to try the cure on so it might as well be me. When the cure is complete Cassandra is at the Inquisitor’s side nervously, watching and waiting for any sign that it worked. They begin to wake up. They’re quiet for a moment before grinning and tearing up. They get up on shaky legs and just hold Cassandra close, “You did it… you really did it Cas!” Cassandra feels her own eyes get a bit misty too. She smiles and holds her friend close. “We have a lot to talk about.”
Varric: “So let me get this straight, the Seekers actually knew the cure to the Rite of Tranquility this whole time and never told anyone?” “Yes.” “And you found out because you took the secret book or whatever?” “Yes. “And now you think you can cure the Inquisitor?” “Yes.” “But they’re probably going to be overwhelmed by emotions for a while and not the stablest of people?” “Yes, Varric what don’t you understand about this?” “Oh nothing I just needed to make sure my ears were working Seeker.” He grins. He never thought he’d hear the words cure to the Rite of Tranquility. Oh he wants to do it. He wants to help his friend out, but first he needs to be sure its what they want too. It’s not like they’re just a guinea pig, they’re still a person. Thankfully Varric and Cassandra get their permission. It’s hard for Varric to hide how excited he is. Look it’s been years since something from his past actually had a chance at turning out well. Besides no one deserves to get stuck emotionless, especially not the sweet street kid who’d work for extra coin just to be able to put out food scraps and milk for the stray cats of Kirkwall. Varric may hang out around a bunch of magic users but he’s never going to understand it. When the cure is finished he watched the Inquisitor rub their head and start to take deep breaths. They look a bit overwhelmed but then they start laughing and grinning and it makes Varric smile. He goes over to hug them and they squeeze him close. He laughs and pats their back, “Too tight!” “Sorry Varric I just… it’s really nice to see you old friend.” Varric understands what they mean. They have been reunited since the Inquisition, but up until just now the Inquisitor couldn’t feel, didn’t understand the emotional significance of finally seeing each other again. “It’s great seeing you too. Now c’mon I think there are a few strays around that might help you with the emotions thing.” He wants to give the Inquisitor something good, something to help with the mountain of stress they’ll no doubt be feeling. He also just wants to catch up and see them happy. 
Cole: The way Cassandra worded the cure made it confusing to him. When she words it differently it makes more sense. So, she can help his friend start feeling again. Cole thinks it will be good for them. Sometimes he feels bad that the Inquisitor cannot experience the joy in seeing a moth flutter through the stars and land next to them, or the happiness of getting one of the first cookies from the kitchen. He knows that they feel unease too. Their mind tells them they should be feeling, that something is missing in everything they do but they just can’t reach it. It’s just out of their grasp and this cure is going to give it to them. Cassandra also explains how this will most likely cause the Inquisitor to become irrational and lose some control. It’s understandable. Reopening that gate after all of these years will be like releasing a flood gate after a storm. Cole wants to help though, he will help. He’s good at helping with pain. When the Cure has been completed Cole enters the room. He can feel so many emotions coming from the Inquisitor. When they look at him they feel a wave of sadness at first, remembering the Cole they had known in their past died at the hands of the Templars, then they feel anger, but it melts away into a sort of happy sad mix. Cole gasps as suddenly the Inquisitor is hugging him tightly and it makes him happy. He hugs them back and closes his eyes. “This is nice.” He states and they give a soft laugh. “It really is.”
Sera: She’s not gonna lie she’s a bit scared at first when she hears Cassandra talking about curing the Rite of Tranquility. Don’t get her wrong it would be great to have her prankin buddy back but it’s gonna be dangerous too. Cassandra saying that the Inquisitor might be a mess and out of control afterwards doesn’t help too much either. It takes her a while to come around to the idea. What seals it for her is thinking about what if she was made Tranquil. What if she couldn’t feel. It would suck so much and her friend has been like that for years! She wants her friend to be able to laugh again seein the bees get all bumbly and bump into flowers, or really enjoy cookies… or just… just havin that friend to curl up again when the world was all shitty and Sera just wanted someone to tell her it’d be alright and give her a big smile. Okay so maybe that last bit was selfish but… whatever. They make sure Inky’s alright with it first of course. Sera can’t help but pace as she waits for Cassandra to tell her if it worked or not. Finally the door opens but it’s not Cassandra. Sera lets out a noise of surprise as she’s tackled by a hug and then she grins. Cassandra’s a bit to shut off to pull something like that so that only means- “Holy shit it worked! Oh no you’re cryin what’s wrong?” They laugh and wipe their eyes, “Nothin’s wrong I just… It worked and I’m so happy! Sera I missed you so much.” “Awe… I missed you too. I mean you were here… Gah you know what I mean ya dork.” Sera laughs and gives them another hug. “C’mon we got lots to talk about and I gotta show you some new pranks I’ve been thinking of!”
Josephine: She feels selfish for wanting the Inquisitor to get the cure. She is delighted by the news of course, but it’s the Inquisitor’s choice. Honestly she doesn’t want to get her hopes up. It would be wonderful to have her old friend back, but this is the first any of them have ever heard of a cure to the Rite. So when Cassandra tells her that the Inquisitor agreed to undergo the cure Josephine feels a mix of emotions. She’s happy and nervous and scared and excited all at the same time. She needs to keep herself composed though. This is going to be very nerve wracking for her old friend no doubt and she doesn’t want to make it worse by looking nervous. Josie keeps herself from hoping for too much, so when she’s tackle hugged by her friend she can’t help but giggle and start tearing up. They are laughing, maker she hasn’t heard that laugh since she was a girl. They spend the rest of the night catching up over tea and some baked goods. Josie can’t stop hugging her old friend. She knows it’s going to be an adjustment for the Inquisitor and a hard one. Josephine is going to do everything in her power to help them and make sure they have everything they need. 
Cullen: Cullen can scarcely believe his ears when Cassandra tells him about the cure. For as long as he’s been a Templar he never even thought it possible, yet there it was in writing. He doesn’t want to get his hopes up. There are a lot of risks and even if it does work the Inquisitor is probably going to be unstable with the rush of emotions. It’s not going to be a perfect fix. He knows that. He can’t get his hopes up… but he can’t help it. He desperately wants his friend back, he wants this Rite gone. He wants them to be okay. He can’t help but feel it’s his fault that they ended up Tranquil. He knows it’s not but the thought still haunts him. He helps Cassandra set up the Cure as best as he can. He helps prepare the Inquisitor for it as well. They want to do it because if it works they can use that knowledge to help the next tranquils who undergo it actually deal with the after affects. Even without emotions they’re always thinking of others before themself. The cure seems like it’s taking hours. Cullen keeps pacing and running a hand through his hair, so much so that it’s no longer neatly pulled back and a few curls are falling in his face. Finally Cassandra tells him it should be done. He goes to the Inquisitor’s side quickly and waits, almost holding his breath with how nervous he is. They start to wake up and a look of shock crosses their face, followed by that oh so familiar grin. Cullen laughs happily, feeling tears in his eyes and before he can say anything they’re hugging him close. They talk for a while. They both have a hard road in front of them, but they promise to be there for each other. Cullen can’t believe its actually happening. It feels like a dream and then the Inquisitor pinches him. “See not a dream! Okay now pinch me to though I want to be double sure.” He laughs but does it before giving them another hug. It feels like getting his family back and it’s… wonderful. 
Leliana: She’s an expert at hiding her emotions. When Cassandra tells her of her findings from the Seekers book she nods. Leliana helps Cassandra find whatever ingredients and components this cure will take. She has so few friends left and if she could even get the Inquisitor feeling again that would be enough. She doesn’t expect them to be the same or even happy. So much has happened. So much has changed. The Inquisitor has so much riding on them and Leliana… well she’s not the same girl they once knew. When the cure has been completed Leliana enters the room. She looks at Cassandra for any sort of sign of confirmation but doesn’t get one. It doesn’t bode well initially but she’s brought out of her thoughts as she receives a swift hug with enough force to tackle her to the ground. Then she begins to smile as she hears the Inquisitor laughing above her. The hug is so familiar and soon she’s hugging them back. “I…” She gets interrupted. “I can’t believe you guys found a cure… I… this changes everything.” Leliana gets hugged again. She lets her guard down ever so slightly around the Inquisitor now and when they talk she can’t help but smile. She has her agents keep an eye on the Inquisitor and instructs them to let her know if the Inquisitor seems to be having a bad moment. Leliana is going to help her friend. Nothing is going to take them from her, and they aren’t going to go through this alone. 
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