#i also feel way too highly visible there like an ant being hit with a beam of sun through a magnified glass
thirdtimed · 3 months
ive never had engagement to this extent on my art cross platform between tumblr And twitter before... it's so surreal to me. thank you all for the kind words!!!
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pangtasias-atelier · 4 years
Ferdinand left the Empire after what happened to his family and when he found out about Hubert's off-the-book executions and assassinations. Even still, Dimitri doesn't trust him, so he keeps a close eye on him. But instead, he notices Ferd gradually getting fatter. One day, he sees Ferd pop a button after eating and it's just too much. Dimitri decides to bring Ferd to his room, forcefeed him until he's ready to burst, then claim that plump Empire butt all for himself (NSFW Drabble)
Sooo, I had a lot of fun with this one ajdnshsms. It may have been just being able to write some simple chub stuff or also just finally getting to write on my laptop but here ya go!
I'm really proud of how this one came out so I hope you enjoy it!!
And the cheesecake portion was a bit based on how I felt eating half a cheesecake sjdkskns
All smut will be tagged #risque
Strands of golden hair mar Dimitri’s face as his reflection stares back at him. His soft light blue irises of his reflection peer away from Dimitri, the edge of his eyes crinkling as he splashes some more cold water on his face. Nearly deigning the thought of waterboarding himself, the thought tumbles out of his disoriented brain as another crazed and ridiculous scene takes hold of his imagination.
Long rich orange lock cascading down, the seamlessly flawless hair swishes behind its owner as they delicately step forward. Cape forgone, the once well-tailored coat now seems far too tight. The hint of a curvaceous ass bounces under the tight oppression of the mid-knee length coat, each movement and ripple only tempting Dimitri. A dark blue belt embroidered with gold, the obvious intent upon the outfit’s inception had been to elongate and slim its wearer. Now, it only does the opposite, their bulging midsection forced into two, the soft warm pudge from his upper abdomen and lower abdomen squishing to conceal most of the belt altogether. The puff of his enlarged chest makes the opening of his coat seem larger, bulging out further to give it depth. His red cravat rests on top of his chest, as if puffing his chest out. The outline of his adipose filled body rests under it, his arms making the sleeves bulge as well. New folds and wrinkles on his clothes where there once was none, the extra weight the clear culprit, its owner seems unbothered, no upsize or let out seams done to it. Armor unneeded, their blue pants constrict and hold back his squished, compressed legs, overhanging folds of flab visible. The figure turns to Dimitri, Ferdinand smiling and waving at him. Their filled out face only adds to their idiotic charm, their bright eyes and smile illuminating the cold darkness further. A sea of blue washes them away quickly enough.
Grunting, Dimitri’s soaking face heaves. Gripping the edge of the sink, his knuckles turn white, the delicate porcelain emitting a dangerous sharp crack before he lets go. Coughing, Dimitri yanks the nearest towel. Roughly blotting his drenched face, the low sting of the fabric scratching at his face is unnoticeable, the rise and fall of his chest more important. Rising to his full height, Dimitri shifts his efforts on drying his hair. Thin strands eventually fall back into place as they dry, Dimitri tossing the towel away. Taking a deep breath, he exhales, his broad shoulders sagging.
His stomach grumbling, Dimitri heads to the dining room. No sense of taste or smell really left, grabbing something to munch on then leave, sounds ideal.
Finding Ferdinand seated, the idea suddenly feels far less than ideal. The notion of slinking away unnoticed poofs away as Ferdinand spots.
“Ah, Prince Dimitri. A pleasure to see you!” Ferdinand jovially calls from his seat before rising.
Dimitri hopes imagining the cool splash of water helps calm down the heat rushing to his face, Ferdinand’s plump figure just as ripe as his vivid imaginations. In fact, the realization of his own thoughts underselling Ferdinand's figure only makes the rising heat worse.
“Prince Dimitri, are you perhaps unwell?” A delicate yet chubby hand rests against Dimitri’s forehead.
“I’m not your prince, you needn’t worry about me,” Dimitri gently extricates Ferdinand’s hand from his forehead.
“Nonsense, I swore my absolute fealty to one deserving of it,” Ferdinand doesn’t catch the hint, wrapping his arm around Dimitri. “While I must admit, my father may have tarnished our name, I, Ferdinand Von Aegir swear that the name till holds some decency to it,” Pressing an open palm to his soft moobs, Ferdinand bows, his long flowing hair suffering the effects of gravity, the same as his stomach.
To most others, Ferdinand’s words of bravado would sound none other than those of a pathetic socialite wishing to worm their way into whichever upper echelon of society. But to everyone else, Ferdinand’s manner of bearing his entire heart on his sleeve is his charm, the overly enthusiastic noble meaning well.
Originally a part of the Black Eagles house, Ferdinand had quickly become a fixture of the Blue Lions after a few months of Byleth’s cajoling. Upon Edelgard’s declaration of war, he had left for Adestria upon Byleth’s disappearance only to quickly come back upon hearing news of their return. The reunion with his former classmates had been moderately well received, Mercedes and Ashe no strangers to kindness, until Dimitri’s sighting of Ferdinand had nearly left the former Adrestian noble with a spear in his abdomen. With Byleth’s insistence, Dimitri had tsked but ultimately skulked away, his dreadful lumbering footsteps etching their way into everyone’s mind.
Dimitri still partially not all quite there, he had thankfully resigned ignoring Ferdinand just the same as everyone else, a tense uneasy partnership occurring between Dimitri and everyone else. It hadn’t been until much later that Dimitri snapped out of it, slowly easing himself back into the human emotions that he had casted away. And upon gaining focus on his fellow members, Dimitri’s eyes found that removing focus from Ferdinand was proving to be rather challenging.
And while a part of it had to do with his infectious cheerful nature, the other part of his clearly had to do with Ferdinand’s body. Lithe muscle nowhere to be found, the initial realization of enjoying the view of Ferdinand’s heft had led to some confusion before that strayed to wondering how it must feel, so warm and soft.
Which made it increasingly harder for Dimitri to speak to Ferdinand.
“Thank you,” Dimitri clears his suddenly parched throat. “Ferdinand,” Even speaking his name brings a trickle of warmth in his chest, the thought of whispering it to him, the two huddled together, clothes strewn about as-
“Of course. Well, I’m sure you must be famished after our sparring session earlier, you nearly rushed out after we finished,” Hand encapsulating Dimitri’s Ferdinand leads him back to his table, half his plate left uneaten.
The servers immediately bringing, a plate to Dimitri, the serving of chicken with vegetables is barely a spoonful more than Ferdinand’s remnants. Only a couple of bites into the meal, Dimitri’s fork hangs still, midway to his mouth, upon the sound of a dull ping hitting the floor. Reflexively looking around, Dimitri spots the culprit. Careful to not keep his mouth agape, a button on Ferdinand’s coat had popped off, his vest showing.
Ferdinand’s eyes wide, his hands scramble to cover the mishap.
Unable to process anything else, Dimitri stands up and grabs Ferdinand’s hand. Leading him away, Ferdinand’s puffs of complaints and questions draw some attention from the few people littered around the monastery at this semi-late hour. Upon reaching his room, the two step in, Ferdinand highly confused as he stutters out half-baked apologies, too focused on trying to hide the noticeable gap in his coat from his popped button.
Dimitri absorbing the situation, he balks at himself for being so rash. To drag Ferdinand to his room, all for what? For the unlikely chance of something more. And the far more likely chance of making things impossibly awkward between the two. Yet glancing back at the other man, Dimitri finds his worries washing away, Ferdinand staring at him with a sudden shyness.
“I…” Dimitri clamps his mouth, the trapdoor of awkwardness closing and opening. “I think you’re handsome,” His eye shut tight, the ensuing silence drives him mad, the silence unable to be stabbed like most other things.
“You truly believe so?” Ferdinand’s eyes already misting at the edge, his amber eyes remain in tentative shock. He reaches a shaky hand downward. “Despite all this?” Grabbing his stomach, the pile of supple fat only seems larger so up close.
“Because of all this,” Gently laying a hand on Ferdinand’s love handle, Dimtri brings him closer. One arm wrapped around him, the tight embrace allows him to feel nearly every inch of Ferdinand, everything so soft. Leaning down, Dimitri holds up Ferdinand’s chin, his thumb gently rubbing the edge of his lips. With bated breath, his lips crash into Ferdinand’s. The excessive force makes him stumble, Dimitri’s rough hand on his lower back keeping him steady. Huffing, Dimitri pulls back. His face a red shade, the tint is nothing but a red ant to the sun in comparison to Ferdinand’s blazing face.
“I have something I need to prepare. Don’t leave,” Turning around, Dimitri stumbles back at the awkward exit. Professing his love only to leave. Turning back around, he grabs Ferdinand’s hand with his own once more. “Please,” Gently squeezing it, Ferdinand nods, his face not losing a single tint to his radiant red hue.
Slowly making his way back into the hall, the instant Dimitri feels he’s out of ears reach, he rushes. Taking long strides, he scares the poor merchants in the marketplace with his sudden appearance. Knowing the time, the leftover selection from the bakery’s goods for the day are surprisingly still abundant. Nearly reaching for enough money to buy the entire selection, he calms his overactive brain. Setting on a somewhat more reasonable selection, he instead purchases an entire cheesecake.
The cake in hand, it takes all his nerves of dropping the cake to not rush back. Not even having been gone for what can possibly be more than a few minutes, the fear of Ferdinand leaving keeps his pace quick, Dimitri finding himself back in front of his door in no time.
The door nearly slamming open, Ferdinand jumps up. His stomach sloshing about, he gingerly places a hand on it. His eyes avert themselves from the cake in Dimitri’s hands, Ferdinand’s face flushed.
Wordlessly, Dimitri cuts a slice, the huge chunk a quarter of the entire cake. Ferdinand ready to accept, an insistent hand from Dimitri stops him. Grabbing a bit with a fork, Dimitri expectantly brings it to Ferdinand’s mouth, his good eye agape.
“Oh,” Letting out a chuckle, Ferdinand takes a gulp before taking a bite of the cake. His face alighting from the taste, Ferdinand happily accepts the second bite. And then the third. And then each ensuing bite until the slice is finished. Enough leverage allowed from one button already destroyed, the rest remain snugly but securely on his bulging stomach. Dimitri immediately cuts another slice. Ferdinand’s eyes widen, a bead of sweat rolling down his forehead. “I didn’t know you were into…” Ferdinand pauses, considering his words. “Such things,”
Dimitri nearly nods, bringing another bite to Ferdinand.
“If you insist,” Shakily taking another bite, the sweet cool creamy texture of the cake lulls him back to his enjoyment of the delicacy. Unfastening his belt, Ferdinand lets out a sigh before he sits upright, Dimitri’s free hand rubbing it. Another bite offered, Ferdinand keeps at, only slowing down near the end of the slice, both his hands on his own engorged stomach along with Dimitris. “Dimitri,” Ferdinand groans, huffing as he lies down. “I can’t anymore,” Pawing at his own belly, the mass of fat and food rises into the air with each strained breath.
A hand caressing his cheek, Ferdinand lets out an ‘oof’ as Dimitri helps him sit. His gut resting on his plump thighs, Ferdinand merely groans. A hand on his coat, he yelps as Dimitri tears it, the buttons flying across the room. A hand on his waistline, his suddenly unbuttoned pants give him some breathing room. His vest grabbed, Ferdinand obligingly lifts up his arms, the sense of freedom for his aching gut relieving. His undershirt goes next, both tossed into a heap on the floor. A hand tugging at his pants, Ferdinand pauses, resting his hand on top of Dimitri’s. Dimitri’s calm face staring at his, Ferdinand lets him continue, Ferdinand left in nothing but the tight fabric of his boxers.
Resting his back against the wall. Ferdinand continues to groan. Some more shuffling fabric, he keeps his eyes closed until more cake is pressed against his lips. He does, however, ignore the noticeable erection in Dimitri’s pants, Ferdinand somehow redder than before.
Dimitri shirtless, he holds the last half of the cheesecake.Ferdinand huffs. “You love cheesecake,” Dimitri whispers.
“Sometimes there are limits,” Dimitri’s hands not moving, Ferdinand scoffs. “You beast,” But that doesn’t stop Ferdinand smiling as he accepts the heaping bite of cake.
Wishing to get on it, patience not one of Dimitri’s stongsuits, he spears the cake with his fork, heaping portions offered each time Ferdinand almost finishes one bite. His chewing slows down, his swallowing slows down, the smack of his squirrel cheeks slow down, Ferdinand reaching dangerous levels of full.
Bits of cream on his lips, remnants from his dozes of prior bits still remain in his mouth, willing himself to eat more. Swallowing, the bits feel like lead slowly dropping down only to punch his gut on the way there. “Dimitri. I don’t think I can,” Groaning, he smears the frosting with his arm, the pale flesh on his arm jiggling. “Truly,”
“You can,” Dimitri rubs slow circles on Ferdinand’s gut. “Just a few more bites, I know you can do it,” Bringing the second to last bite, Dimitri forcefully shoves it in, Ferdinand struggling to chew it. His heavy breathing coming from his nose now, before he can swallow the last bits, Dimitri shoves the last heaping forkful in his mouth, Ferdinand painfully smacking his tired lips in an attempt to finish it all.
Wasting no time, Dimitri helps Ferdinad rest his back against his bed. Ferdinand’s labored chewing and groans egging him, he quickly disrobes, his slim yet built body glistening in anticipation. Gripping Ferdinand’s boxers, he tugs them off to reveal his own chubbed up dick, the thick shaft of it slowly engorging. Climbing onto the bed, Dimitri rests his knees right in front of Ferdinand’s dick.
Ferdinand finally finishes the cake, his mouth so dry and tired. “I…. ugghhh,” Clinging the bedsheets, his hands go to his bulging midsection as Dimitri lifts up his legs. His moobs squishing into his double chin, his overtaxed stomach rests heavily as the overfilled lump falls down.
Dimitri placing his arms under Ferdinand’s legs, he slowly aligns himself. His dick slick with precum, he slowly enters. Dimitri groans as the warmth of Ferdinand’s hole envelops his dick. Ferdinand right underneath him, his breath turns labored as Ferdinand squirms, rubbing his stomach.
“I’ll take care of that in a bit,” Leaning forward, Dimitri kisses Ferdinand, a trail of saliva sticking as they part. Ferdinand grimaces as his legs bend a bit more than they’re used to at this weight, nodding his head instead.
Unable to wait much longer, Dimitri thrusts into Ferdinand, Ferdinand’s hands now reaching for Dimitri’s back. Ferdinand’s noises sounding under him, the always chipper, bright man simply huffs under Dimitri, biting his lips as he tries to hold back his moans.
Wishing to get closer, Dimitri wraps his arms under Ferdinand, embracing him as he humps him. Digging his head into the crevice of Ferdinand’s neck, Dimitri huffs.
“D-dimitri,” Ferdinand gutturally moans, right into his ear. Cum sticking against his warm body, Dimitri nearly chuckles as Ferdinand cums so early. His body reprimanding him, his knees buckle as he feels himself so dangerously close, his throbbing dick begging for a release. Giving in, Dimitri crushes Ferdinand in his embrace, his soft supple body digging into his muscles.
"Tired,” Dimitri's arms shake. Huffing, he ignores his own seed slowly spilling out of Ferdinand's ass, as he pulls out. Ferdinand exhausted, his belly rises with each tired labored breath he takes. No important task required of him tomorrow, Dimitri reserves the task of cleaning themselves up tomorrow with a warm shared shower. Crawling beside Ferdinand, Ferdinand leans back into Dimitri as his body is cradled in Dimitri's built arms. Spooning Ferdinand, he breathes in his scent, his dreams knowing peace as he dreams of fattening Ferdinand further.
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theazurerat · 6 years
OTD - XII “The Cursed Empress”
(If you have any questions, feel free to check out the about page in my sidebar!)
+++ Ordo Tartarus Inquisitorial Datatomb Lexob accessed  +++ +++ Awaiting Inquiry… +++ > Retrieve OTD - XII +++ Retrieving… +++ +++ Datatome Found. Clearance granted.+++ +++ “Success is measured with blood – yours, or your enemy’s.” +++
OTD Number: OTD – XII
Designation: “The Cursed Empress”
Threat Level: Malleus Extremis
Status: Captive, in stasis.
Conditions of Containment: OTD – XII is kept in a medically induced coma in a Polyphemus pattern stasis tank, within a 20m x 15m x 10m holding chamber. The chamber is equipped with 3 redundant plasma generator subsystems to minimize the chance of power failure. The control room for the OTD – XII holding chamber has cogitators for communing with the machine spirits of the stasis tank, and the chem administration systems. Tech adepts controlling this chamber are to administer Elixir – XII, a chemical mix consisting of Tyche’s Kiss, Amnecium, Pherlyxa, and [INTERDICTED], every 12 hours. There is to always be enough component chems in storage to maintain the being’s stasis for at least 5 terran years without re-supply.
The Polyphemus pattern stasis tank is heavily modified. Ordo Malleus daemonologists and psykers have inscribed 3 complete pentagramic wards on the outside of the tank. In the event of OTD – XII awakening and attempting to breach containment, a Truesilver Sarcophagus is has been constructed into the base of the tank, that will emerge from the floor and seal in the tank completely. Should the need for this contingency arise, on-site Astropaths are to send out an encrypted emergency signal to any nearby Ordo Tartarus cells and retinues with psychic capability. Simultaneously, Levy-XII-Primus, led by Primaris Psyker ██████████, is to be immediately deployed to pacify and re-contain  OTD – XII. Astropaths are instructed not to send out any signal indicating tranquil status until complete repairs of  the being’s stasis tank and holding chamber are completed, and OTD – XII is returned to a comatose state.
All armed forces responding to an attempted containment breach by  OTD – XII are instructed to engage entirely with non-lethal force. Despite OTD – XII being an immediate threat, terminating the being’s life functions would be tantamount to a complete containment breach. Levy-XII-Primus is to utilize their psychic personnel to assist in disarming and subduing OTD – XII. Any lethal blows struck against OTD – XII will be punished with immediate execution.
Description: OTD – XII is a Serpent-XI class daemonic entity bound to the body of a human female. The vessel OTD – XII inhabits is no longer identifiable due to extreme mutation caused by OTD – XII. The lack of any semblance of human soul within OTD – XII indicates that it is a daemonhost, as opposed to a possessed individual. The mutations have changed OTD – XII into a 2.8m tall being with very prominent musculature. Its flesh has become a porcelain white color, and the subject’s eyes are entirely black, with no visible whites or irises. In addition, the being’s right arm has mutated to resemble the claw of a large arthropod, and several violet colored horns have grown out of the subject’s shoulders and face.
OTD – XII is highly prone to violence, and has suicidal tendencies. The being will intentionally seek out battles it knows it will be defeated in, and charge into combat with no concern for its well being. When attacking, it will either slash and crush with its claw, or slash with the talons on its left hand. The talons are sharp enough to cut through carapace, and the claw can crush with a force of up to 600 Pascals. OTD – XII is also capable of sustaining hits from most solid projectile and las weaponry with little to no damage. OTD – XII has proven to be vulnerable to weapons crafted of Truesilver, psionically charged ammunition, blessed armaments, and direct psychic attack.
OTD – XII has been interrogated, and has revealed that it is currently under a curse from ████████████, an Eagle-IX class daemonic entity it encountered █ centuries before its containment (See Interrogation-XII-I). OTD – XII has expressed an intense grudge toward this being, and has expressed a desire for vengeance. The following are the conditions of the curse.
1) Upon vessel death, OTD – XII will be barred from passing into the Warp.  OTD – XII will then manifest within the body of another human and be permanently bound to them. There is no determined range for this process to occur, which leads Ordo Tartarus Inquisitors to believe that it could occur anywhere in the galaxy. 2) OTD – XII is to be laid low in battle six times, before its full daemonic form will finally be restored to it. At that point, the seventh human OTD – XII manifests within will instead serve as a means for OTD – XII to pass into the material realm.
OTD – XII has died four deaths in battle already. With each death, and subsequent binding, OTD – XII’s vessel mutates into a stronger form. If OTD – XII were to be terminated, locating the entity would be nearly impossible. Because of the battle tendencies of OTD – XII, it would likely suffer its fifth and sixth death before we could locate it. This would result in the complete manifestation of a Serpent-XI class daemonic entity, which would result in [INTERDICTED] leading to the potential destruction of an Imperial World, or [INDICIUM PURGED]. The following interrogation was recorded by an optical Servo Skull.
+++Interrogation XII-I+++
Subject: OTD – XII
Interrogators: Inquisitor A█████, Telepath Deetris Arbolo
[Inquisitor A█████ and Deetris approach the holding chamber. They are flanked by Inquisitor A█████’s security detail, five Tempestus Scions on each side, for a total of ten. Deetris reaches out and places her palm on the stasis tank holding OTD – XII. There is a silence for two minutes, before Deetris’ head is seen jerking back. The popping of bones can be heard as her spine bends backwards, before she freezes, and her eyes open. They are entirely black, similar to OTD – XII. Deetris’ face becomes a smile as she rights herself]
Inq. A: It looks like you’re ready to talk, warp-spawn.
OTD – XII: It’s something for me to do. Keeping me in this can of jelly doesn’t make for good entertainment.
Inq. A: These wards keep you in this can, and the Truesilver sarcophagus ensures that you can never leave even if you did wake up. You should be grateful I allowed for the lowering of your cocktail dosage so we could have this little chat. But enough of your condition. When you’re slain in battle, your spirit is freed from its vessel, is it not? Why did you not return to the Warp? Why did you immediately possess another vessel after being slain?
OTD – XII: Wreaking havoc is just that fun!
Inq. A: I wonder if you’d jib at my questions if I adjusted your cocktail? I know how I can paralyze you, but keep you conscious. And then, I will keep you in this can for three centuries, and forget about you. And you’ll find, daemon, that time moves far slower in our reality.
[Deetris’ face falls. She has an expression of mild agitation.]
OTD – XII: What, then, wretch? What do you want from me? Tell me what you want to hear, so I can tell you, and have you out of my face!
Inq. A: Why do you transfer from victim to victim instead of returning to the warp?
OTD – XII: ████████████. A daemon of ████████. They did this to me. They cursed me.
Inq. A: Did you just give me a daemon’s true name? Is it the way of daemons to betray their kin so flippantly?
OTD – XII: Apparently, yes! Seeing as how the tentacled son of a whore did the same to me, first! The delightful children of ████████. Typical.
Inq. A: What is this daemon, exactly? And what did they do to you?
OTD – XII: ████████████ is a ████ ██ ██████, a greater daemon of ████████. It was during one of those wonderful events on Cadia. One of the earlier ones. He always talked about his precious plans, and always acted like it was him and ████████ that wrote the book of fate. Like everything we did was at his bidding. So, during an attack on what you call Kasyr Valan, I stepped on one of his little pets. I looked right at him as I twisted my foot and felt their bones crack under my heel,  and the Warp pull him in. It turns out, that little thing was a ██████ belonging to ████████████. He was not amused. [INDICIUM PURGED] he started letting out this chant in his arcane tongue, and I felt the warp itself turn on me! Helpless, I couldn’t stop him before he drove his spear through my chest, and blackness washed over me. When I awoke, I was in the frail shell of a human. One of your soldiers.
Inq. A: And thus began your curse.
OTD – XII: I was enraged! Do you know what it’s like, for someone of my power to be confined to the shell of one of you ants!? So, I did the only thing I could think of doing. I ran towards the nearest human and killed it. Then another. Even in my diminished strength, the vessel was augmented by my power somewhat. It took a while to destroy it. Then, a firing line formed and opened up. Death.
Inq. A: Or so you thought.
OTD – XII: Or so I thought. I awoke again, this time, some man in a prison. Apparently I had interrupted something. Everyone in the cafeteria was staring at me, terrified. I looked at my vessel, and it had changed a little, and It felt just slightly less confining. So, I repeated my course of action. I killed everyone in that cafeteria. Then, and only then, did those burly men with shotguns come and finish me.
Inq. A: That massacre was here, in this sector. On Striss. It’s remembered as the Nightmare of Tower 8.
[Deetris’ body laughs]
OTD – XII: My! That was a while ago too! You remember it?
Inq. A: The Ordo Tartarus doesn’t fire and forget, as other Inquisitors do. Everything of note to us is put to paper and data.
OTD – XII: Wise. I’m a little impressed even. So, then you knew exactly what was happening when I came back for round 4, as you would say.
Inq. A: It was a church you appeared in. One of the Choir girls. You [INDICIUM PURGED]. We had to purge any survivors we couldn’t wipe with Amnecium.
[Deetris’ body sighs and nods wistfully]
OTD – XII: I never thought I could have so much fun in a vessel. I’ve been around for many millennia, but that memory isn’t going anywhere.
[Inquisitor A█████ stares. Her expression is unchanging, and Deetris’ body starts to chuckle. Her chuckle gradually turns to a cackling laugh.]
Inq. A: Deetris, I’ve heard enough. I’m stopping this. Now.
OTD – XII: Oh, but just a little longer, Inquisitor! I don’t want to hang my flesh phone up just yet. There were other parts of that story I never got to tell you!
Inq. A: Deetris! End the séance!
[Inquisitor A█████ flinches. Before OTD – XII could finish its tale, Inquisitor A█████ draws her shock maul and strikes Deetris across the face. Deetris falls unconscious, but her body continues to jolt with electricity. Inquisitor A█████ stands silently for 6 seconds.]
Inq. A: Interrogation’s over… I said it’s over! Get some men and pick Deetris up off the floor and take her to Medicae! I wa-
[The recording cuts out]
Addendum XII-I: All parties present for Interrogation, with the exception of Inquisitor A█████, are subjected to Amnecium therapy. Deetris regains consciousness, but the sudden ending of the séance irreparably damaged her psyche. Inquisitor A█████ had her sent to Terra on the Blackship Scale of Anubis for purification.
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