#i also love the idea of like. before the thompsons and haddock and calculus it was the team at le petit vingtieme that kept an eye on him
26labrd · 2 years
i just love thinking about tintin and le petit vingtieme.. i generally like mundane aspects of characters and fiction but i especially like this because it is so fundamental to tintin as a character that he is a Reporter, and yet it’s an aspect of his life that we literally never see
like. thinking about how his older colleagues might have helped and guided him when he first started out, polishing and refining his natural skill. he has a desk that they keep for him even though he’s never there. the daily comic strip that they print includes a cameo of snowy once a week. he attends the holiday parties. he’s in one photo on the break room fridge. his colleagues are all fond of and protective of him on some level, even if they’re not very affectionate or familiar with him — they watched him grow up, after all. he’s part of the team, part of the family
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