#i also think he would DEF go back to being an emt
911firefox · 3 years
Finally saw the ep, so here's some jumbled thoughts:
-Chim? Yay!
- Eli!?!?!? I'd said a while back that seeing Eli and Chim together again would be awesome and they did not disappoint. And makes sense that he was the one Chim needed to talk to.
- Hen and Karen storyline, closure I didn't consider the needing but I loved. Their bond is only going to be stronger and I loved it.
-I def growled when Eva called Denny her kid
-So much Chim, yay. Though I understand his anger to Buck and that Chim needs time but I didn't enjoy hearing his threats. I know it'll happen but hope it's sooner rather than later that they can have a reconciliation. They're brothers after all.
-obvs there's other stuff to come first for Chim and just glad we're seeing him again
- lack of Eddie. Well, I'm guessing it was just his day off since it wasn't explained. No one feels the need to overthink or discuss a normal day off.
-since even if not in a storyline he could have been in background doing stuff/helping the search it makes me think Ryan requested some downtime for either professional or personal reasons, he has two very young kids after all and life happens.
-basically I'm saying no one worry or listen to Eddie haters who want him dead and gone. It's just a day off (let's hope that Eddie's using it for some mental health time or talking to a therapist. Unlikely but still)
- Police and reporter stuff don't tend to be fave storylines for me. There's a billion cops shows to watch, I like my fire/rescue/EMT content best. That being said, nice to see Lou back. And someone as frustrated with TayK needlessly popping up all the time as I am was enjoyable.
-I don't hate Tayk before anyone accuses, I just don't really care anymore. Last season I was enjoying a show showing ex fwbs duo being platonic friends and disliked her making a move in tge finale for multiple reasons.
-Only bit I did find interesting was the role reversal for Buck as he found his self being the one worried
-Also did she move in? Or can the just not be bothered to give her a home set so she always stays at Buck's, he never stays at hers? Apart from the coming home alone moment, she's always in Buck's flat.
-Harry and Lou closure/bonding I liked. The end of the storyline is a relief. Athena is FUCKING FINALLY in therapy. Also blanking on his real name but I felt the acting from Harry was really good for a kid his age.
I think that's everything for now, what did you guys think? Am interested to hear :)
9 notes · View notes
Hi!! I'm not v active in the community I LOVE your ocs and I saw you were looking for prompts? Okay so: A knows B can't be doing too hot--not according to that excruciating voicemail B left. A heard C's voice, knows what C is capable of. A finds B, fearing the worst, when B makes some sort of tiny noise or movement to let A know they're alive. It's open ended from there! And if you ever want a writing partner please hmu, I have SO many ocs that I love to use and I def want to learn about yours!!
Ah, I love writing with people and I’m so glad you like my ocs! I was a little hesitant to add them, I mostly share fanfics online so it’s fun to think about doing original works too. 
As for your prompt, your wish is my command. (Feat. an oc belonging to my friend elphaba-fang, because our ocs are all interconnected)
Character A: Ammy (elphaba-fang’s creation)
Character B: Connor
Character C: Unspecified baddie
Ammy slammed a file onto the front desk and glared at the sergeant on the other side. “Paperwork done, sir.”
The old man grinned crookedly at the beat cop. “Thank you, officer. Now get your scrawny ass out of here.”
Finally. The people around her gave her a wide berth as she stormed out of the station, eye twitching and teeth set in a grimace. Ammy was tired, she could still feel the mud and slush in her hair and all she wanted was to go home. Never mind that they’d accidentally stumbled into a drug bust, that her partner had pissed off the narcotics detectives and gotten sent home, the highlight of the day was definitely when that purse snatcher had tackled her into a snow drift while trying to escape. She felt like there was snow in her damn underwear.
Pulling on glasses to negate the way that the sun made the white ground nearly blinding, Ammy began to head down the street and turned on her phone. It was nice to see it working again after the beating it’d taken in her spill. There were two messages, the first from her bank wanting to talk to her about something or other, and then the second one…
///Hey, Ammy, pick up please…/// She stilled to a stop, the foot traffic around her continuing on its way as she listened to her partner’s voice. Connor was whispering and there was an edge to it… ///So, I did something stupid. I went to confront Mathews,/// The lead detective, her mind supplied. ///and obviously that didn’t go well and I think I’m suspended now, but on my way home I thought I saw the guy with the beanie from the warehouse and I’m not totally sure but I think he’s following me.///
The man with… Oh, shit, the man who’d run from the bust. She could hear the sound of a door being unlocked over the tinny voice message. ///I dunno if I’m actually as paranoid as Johnny says I am but I’d really feel better if you’d pick up–/// Then there was another voice on the phone and Ammy began to run. That was him, that was definitely the man from the warehouse. She’d approached him about a busted tail light, how was she supposed to know that there was a deal going on and one of the other men was an undercover. She heard Connor react in surprise, then a sound of movement, sounds of flesh impacting on flesh, an unfamiliar grunt of pain, crashes and then a thud before the message cut.
Connor only lived a few blocks away. He wasn’t far. He wasn’t far but the message was from forty minutes ago. One block to go. He fought back, Connor’s self defense skills were a lot better than when they met. Ammy barreled into the apartment complex, almost running over an older woman in her haste. Dammit, why’d he live so far up and why was the elevator never working?
As she pounded up the stairs to the third floor, it didn’t occur to her to call for backup, she just wanted to get to her partner as soon as possible. Door 305…door 305…
The door was open and she stumbled into the room, pulling her personal piece as an afterthought even as her eyes were desperate for signs of the younger man. The couch was moved out of place and a chair had been upended while the coffee table was shattered into kindling. The porcelain vase that Anne had gotten him for his birthday was also in pieces, the aloe plant lying limp on the carpeted floor. Ammy gritted her teeth as she stepped over the tipped over lamp and around a pile of books that had fallen from the bookcase by his TV. Miraculously, the electronic devices were all intact. It had been one hell of a struggle. She scanned the room to make sure it was clear and stalled at the sight of Connor.
The younger man was curled up behind his couch, his back to the door and completely still. There was another lamp on the floor next to him, incriminating crimson stains on the heavy base. For a second Ammy couldn’t breath; it was as though her body was trying to mimic the stillness in front of her, to prove it didn’t have to mean he wasn’t breathing himself. Connor wasn’t dead, he couldn’t be dead, she couldn’t have to tell his brother, she couldn’t go to their co-workers and–
Then his foot twitched.
Scrambling to his side, she hesitated before trying to pull him onto his back. Connor let out a muffled sob and curled further in on himself and she jerked her hand back as though burned. She couldn’t tell what kind of injuries he had and the likelihood of some of them being internal was too high to move him. So she scrambled for her phone and punched in 911, rattling off their address and that there was an officer down while trying to think over the pounding white noise in her ears. The blood matted in his hair was scaring her the most, she knew head wounds bled a lot but… He twitched again with another little moan and she shuffled over again.
Ammy grabbed his arm as he began to shiver, he flinched away and whimpered again so Ammy made a soothing noise as she rubbed his shoulder. “Easy, easy. It’s okay, help is coming…” She tried to help prop him on his side, worrying about his unsteady breathing. He groaned and she braced herself against the guilt that swirled through her. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry Con. I’m just trying to help.”
Most likely recognizing her voice, Connor’s head moved slightly as he tried to look up at her and she smiled at him. “Hey, it’s okey. Help’s on the way.” There was movement at the door and two EMTs entered, quickly taking control of the situation but Ammy continued to hold on to his shoulder as long as she could. “It’s going to be okay, Con. I promise.”
The ride to the hospital was a blur, Ammy unable to look away from Connor’s pale face. The mask that was helping his thin chest move up and down covered much of it but couldn’t cover the blood and bruising. The noises of the car and the bright colors marring her partner’s face all started to blend together, creating a static that covered her eyes and filled her ears until–
For a second Ammy couldn’t think of where she was, the dull walls and gentle noises throwing her off. Then she realized she was seated in the waiting room, had been there for a while based on the clock, and a doctor was watching her carefully. He smiled once he knew she was aware of her surroundings again. “Your partner’s been brought out of surgery and his brother has been contacted. He’s listed you as one of his next of kin so would you like to go over his condition?”
“Yes. Please. I-Roy’ll be a while. He was away on-Yes, please tell me.”
“Alright. He’s got quite the concussion but the bleeding is under control and we’ll keep him under observation. He’s broken several ribs and fractured one of his wrists.  Lots of bruising, little worried about his kidney but overall this could have been a lot worse.”
Ammy slumped forward, head on her knees. He smiled kindly and patted her on the shoulder. “He’ll be in a lot of pain for a while and need help and care. We’d like to keep him here at least for one more day to make sure everything’s where it should be. Would you like to see him? He won’t wake up for a while but it might be good for you to be there when he does.”
She agreed quickly and soon found herself seated next to the hospital bed with one hand grasping the limp one resting on the white sheet. Trying to ignore the various tubes and wires attached to her partner she let out a long breath. Connor was cleaned up but the bruising on his face still stood out against his pale skin, the white of bandages peeking out from under his gown. Impulsively Ammy reached out and ran a knuckle over his brow, noticing the lack of tension that normally characterized her partner. “They must have you on some damn good drugs.” Unsurprisingly Connor didn’t react but she continued anyway. “I shouldn’t have let you leave like that. I mean, I know you had to go home but I should have driven you there and made you stay there because of course you would have this happen. You just…attract crazy, you know that?”
“…would…explain why you…’re still here…”
She grinned, squeezing back as he held her hand. “Hey.”
“Hey, did they get the make and number of the semi that ran me over?”
“Funny. He’s a damn comedian. No!” He had slipped his hand out of hers to try to take off his mask and she quickly stopped him. “Keep that on, idiot. You broke some ribs, you need the help.”
“Knew I felt like crap.” Connor looked up at her blearily. “What happened?”
“What happened was that I got a very disturbing voicemail and found you half beaten to death in your apartment.”
“Oh.” Connor nodded slowly. “Yeah, no, I think I’m starting to remember. They catch the guy?”
“I dunno, I’ve been a little busy!” Ammy huffed and rubbed a hand over her face. “Con, new rule, if you think you’re being stalked you go to the police office, not a secluded spot where they can corner you. Got it?”
“How often do you see this happening? Don’t answer that…” Connor shifted slightly and his eyes widened. “Please don’t tell me…”
“They’re worried about your kidney.” Ammy grinned.
Connor groaned, flopping back. “Shut up.” He tested his other hand, wincing at the pull on his fractured wrist. “I bet this is going to start feeling a lot worse before it gets better, huh?”
“Just imagine how it’ll feel when the bosses find out what happened.”
“Oh man…” Connor sighed. “I forgot about Mathews. Dammit.”
“Brought that one on yourself, partner.” She stood up. “I’m going to get the nurse okay?”
Before she could step away, Connor put his free hand on her arm. “Hey, thanks. For finding me.”
She moved her fingers through his hair for a moment, indulging in his rare openness to being touched. He leaned into the contact slightly, letting out a little sigh as she grinned. “Every time Connor, every time.”
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Best Car Insurance for a teen?????????
"Best Car Insurance for a teen?????????
im getting my liscence this week && im only 17. i NEED to know, whats the CHEAPEST car insurance to get in los angeles, california??
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Health insurance cards?
I need the template for a state farm health insurance card or the information, thanks""
I need health insurance.how do i get it?
i live in albuquerque and i work part time so i dont have insurance.my tooth is starting to bother me and i think i really need to go to the dentist but i dont have insurance.how do i get one? please help :(
Can I get money back if I cancel my car insurance?
I share a car with my mum but she doesn't allow me to use it, so I figure it would be best to cancel my insurance policy if I get some money back. I only need a car to get home from work on a Thursday night but I have asked my boss if I can do an earlier shift so I can get a bus. He is letting me know if I can do this by the end of next week but in the meantime I would just like to know if it's worth cancelling. The policy runs out in April, I live in the UK and I'm with Zurich if that helps.""
How much money would it cost to have a 1992-1998 BMW E36 1.6l-1.8l for a 17 year old on your parents insurance?
How much money would it cost to have a 1992-1998 BMW E36 1.6l-1.8l for a 17 year old on your parents insurance?
""What is cheaper, car insurance or motorcycle insurance?""
What is cheaper, car insurance or motorcycle insurance?""
Car insurance quotes: What is car trim?
I'm trying to get some car insurance quotes in which one of the questions is asking for the trim of the car, with the options E Match or S Help?""
""California has had lawsuits capped at $250K for years now, and it didnt make rates go down one cent....?
....In fact they are still some of the highest in the Country. Can some conservative explain how this is so given their constant claims the 5% (!!!) of insurance company budgets that go towards lawsuits drive prices up?
Does my mom need to add me to her car insurance?
So, I never got my permit. I have been waiting to turn 18. In the state of Florida. I do not need a permit 18 or over. My thing is . Her car insurance won't let me be on her insurance without a drivers permit or licence. I'm stuck now. I was wondering will the dmv require me to be on her insurance in order to take the drivers test ?""
Car Question 101: Which car insurance company is the best out there?
I am planning to buy a Toyota Rav4 by next year.Car cost would be between $20-25k. My credit score is ok about 690. How much should I expect to pay on car insurance? And is it per month or per quarter like (2x a year or 4x a year etc). Thanks! :)
Cheap car to insure mpg above 25?
Looking for a car that you may have had experience with that is cheap to insure, with decent mpg. I was looking at '95 and '97 civics because they are older and I thought might be cheaper to insure and get pretty good mileage from what Ive heard. Mainly looking 4 doors not too shabby low insurance and decent mileage. Thanks in advance for responses everyone""
Can I ask my own car insurance to pay?
I was a passenger in my friends car when a tire from a semi ( that drove away and identity is unknown) hit several cars and my back hurts. I want to go to a chiropractor but have no insurance. I don't want to sue the driver or go after the drivers insurance because he is my friend. Can I choose to ask my own insurance company to pay?
Need to find cheap but good minibus insurance. Can anyone help?
Need to find cheap but good minibus insurance. Can anyone help?
""When people turn 25, should they just kill themselves?""
College is over, you're no longer young and you have to worry about decreasing in health, plus you get taken off your parents health insurance (if you went to college) because society expects you to be paying for it by working now for the rest of your life. You no longer can be immature. Marriage starts to happen, and then kids...blah 100 other reasons more, etc. Source: 17 Year Old, (18 in April) Senior in High School""
How can my car insurance go up from 128$ to 178$?
My car is all paid off and has been since I bought it. But I don't know why it went up. I looked up other car quotes and there much higheer then what im paying now.
Insurance on a ninja 250?
Hey I have been looking for my first bike and since I have no experience shifting and riding I want a small bike so I was thinking a ninja 250. From what I have seen they have plenty of power for me, and in my price range so I was wondering how much these cost to insure? I have allstate for my car if that matters? thanks a lot. and please don't tell me I need to be safe... I am already signed up for my permit class and a safety class. and I am no wheelie riding 100mph rider... just looking to commute and go for rides. Thanks""
Nissan GTR Lease & Insurance Cost?
Approximately, how much is Nissan GTR lease and insurance cost? Thanks.""
Do you legally have to declare having a medical cannabis card to your insurance company?
Does this prescription count just like every other medication? Do you legally have to declare having a medical cannabis card (or say that you use cannabis) to your insurance company? I live in California. My insurance is Blue Cross.
My uncle bought a school bus and I'm wondering how much insurance is gonna cost him.?
My uncle bought a school bus and I'm wondering how much insurance is gonna cost him.?
""50cc Scooter, insurance?""
Hi, I have just passed my CBT for a 50cc scooter and hold a provisional licence for the UK. I am 16 and passed the CBT on 24th August. I am looking to buy a 49/50cc scooter but I have found that the insurance is extremeley expensive. I have looked around and filled in quotes from comparethemarket.com and the Post Office but the insurance I want (third party fire and theft) always seems to come out at around 300 a year! I know that some people pay only 50 a year for their 50cc insurance. Does anyone know where to get a better deal? Or does anyone have any tips? Thanks""
Car insurance premium went up because of the state?
I noticed that my monthly car insurance bill increased by about $40. When I called my insurance company to ask why my premium went up (since there were no accidents, changes in cars or policy/discount changes), the rep told me that it was because of the state. I knew he meant government and he said it's been happening all across the country but the increases are highest in California, New York, New Jersey and Florida. I live in California. Has anyone else experienced this? Can someone explain to me in specifics what the government may have done that lead to the increase?""
Lookin 4 cheap car insurance!!?
how much does car insurance cost for a new driver (17 years old) in the uk???
Where can I find the cheapest health insurance in California?
Basically I am enrolling in this EMT course and they REQUIRE that you have proof of health insurance before enrolling in the class. Where can I find the cheapest insurance just to fill this basic need? Doesn't matter about coverage and co-pays, etc. just need something to suffice until I'm done with the course, then I'm going to drop the insurance once I get it from my job as an EMT, ya know. Me: married 23 yr old female in perfect health.""
If you are 17 and have a drivers permit can you have a car title in your name and insurance on your car?
i have my drivers permit and im 17. i have a car and its in friends name i want to put in in my name and buy car insurance. i live in florida. also how much will insurance cost me and what is the new law about car insurance do? thanks and please answer
Car insurance for new drivers!?
Will car insurance for a 19 year old be allot cheaper than a 17 year old? Both being NEW drivers.
3.0 GPA car insurance discount?
I applied for the discount during high school, back then my gpa was 4.2 so it was more than fine. Now I fked up my college life and only have a 2.9, so would they require me to submit the GPA again? or if I continued using their car insurance, they won't ask?""
Best Car Insurance for a teen?????????
im getting my liscence this week && im only 17. i NEED to know, whats the CHEAPEST car insurance to get in los angeles, california??
Do I HAVE to pay for insurance if im not driving but have a license?
My mom is trying to tell me and my brother (who is 19 and I will be 18 in about a month which is when i will get my license) that we cant get a license unless we have money to buy insurance. I think its really f***ed up for a student who got a license and doesnt drive any vehicle has to pay for insurance. She says that once i get my license, the insurance company will force her to put me on her plan so i can be insured. I think its a load of sh*t. I have never heard of anyone being forced to have insurance when they dont drive. When i say dont drive i mean, when i get my license, i wont be driving until I get my own car. Please dont respond to my situation and how i should deal with it, just tell me if thats even possible for the insurance to do that.""
Driving without insurance?
I got pulled over for driving someone else's car in the wrong lane. He had his insurance in the glove box, but all i had was my license. I got my license less than a month ago, but dont have any insurance of my own. i got a ticket for improper lane and have to go to court. Is there a grace period for insurance or am i completely and utterly screwed? I live in Illinois btw""
Can I insure more than one limited company on one business insurance policy?
I need to know if you can have one UK business insurance policy, which includes employers liability, that covers more than one limited company. I am getting quotes for three limited companies and some insurers are happy to do ABC Ltd and/or DEF Ltd and/or GHI Ltd, whereas others are telling me that I need three separate policies (at three times the cost!). Help please........""
Is there a way to get inexpensive short term insurance for....?
An item like a video camera or video camera equipment. And say you wanted to rent them to people, is there a way to get insurance for those items while other people use them?""
Hsa savings plan through health insurance?
my job has hsa plan through insurance...anthem.....and my medical card says hsa covered but i didnt activate the account yet and dont want to...decided against it......will i be penalized or act as if i didnt want the plan?
How much will my insurance go up after a DUI??
I got a D.U.I. and i am going to get my license back soon and i am wondering how much my insurance will be compared to before.
Please Recommend Cheap & Hassle Free Car Insurance?
I am looking for cheap car insurers that DO NOT - Ask to see license sent through the post or does not check records with the DVLA or has the option to refuse. Please only recommend if you use yourself or know someone who does. No reviews please, just insurers that don't check at the start of the policy. My initial thought was Tescogood or bad idea? 10 points today for most relevant answer. Thanks!""
Whats the typical cost for teen auto insurance?
I know their isn't an exact number, but what the typical range. Lets say in my case that i'm 16 almost 17 and driving a 7 year X-Terra. How much would the typical range be in Texas?""
Can anyone explain the Affordable Care Act to me?
I'm liberal on 99% of most issues, but Obamacare confuses me. I'm all for universal health care, but NOT free health care just for the poor. So what exactly is Obamacare, what was the thought behind it, and what are some reasons why I should be for or against it?""
What is the easiest and most profitable insurance to sell?
Is life and health a harder sell than p&c? Also what company is best to work for, Aflac, Farmers, Allstate, etc.?""
Pass Plus lower insurance?
Ive passed my driving test and looking to get a car. The plan was to get a car and put my dad as the first named driver and add me on. From what ive found its around 2800+ which is a lot of money. My driving instructor says Pass Plus is a good idea for when you pass your test, will it lower my insurance? Or is it just a myth?""
How much does insurance typicly cost for an 2003 kawisaki ninja 636?
i have my m2 (just got it) and i have full G car licence.. i just wanted to no around how much insurance i would have to pay for the bike for 3 months durring the summer. btw i am 18, and i have never been insured, i would just like a really rough estimate range""
""I need to cheap insurance, like say, $50 a month. Anybody out there have any ideas?""
I need to cheap insurance, like say, $50 a month. Anybody out there have any ideas?""
New Driver on Parent's Car Insurance?
I'm looking at getting my driver's license, as a 17-year-old male about to turn 18. If I hop on to my parent's car insurance, how much would the policy raise? Do I need insurance to drive or only to own a car? I'm kinda new to this insurance thing.""
Car Insurance Question? Price?
I'm going to be turning 18 on July 14th 2009, and I was wondering what the cost of insurance would be if I got a used 2003 or 2004 Nissan 350z. I got my license April 08, and have had no crashes or anything. I plan on going to college, but a community college for the first 2 years then going to a 4 year college. Any ideas? I mean the price for this one is only 13,000 and it's a good deal.""
Whats the average cost for teen motorcycle insurance?
Ok so I am 16 years old and I have an 08 Kawasaki ninja 250 I live in a rural part of CA with low crime rate. I want liability only and have maintained a 4.2 gpa if that helps with insurance costs
What would be the average price of car insurance for a 18 yearold driving a scion tc in Florida?
Thinking about buying one, trying to see what the price of insurance would be like.""
Health insurance plans?
I live in Florida and I'm a college student. I want to know what are good affordable insurance companies for college students or people in general. I prefer to know about those that are well known and have a long record history and not some sketchy insurance company. Thank you!
Can anyone recommend a good dental insurance company that offers orthodontic coverage? ?
I have to get braces for my daughter and would like to get a good dental plan for her so that I can get as much the cost for her braces covered as possible. I know that there are few good plans out there that cover any significant amount when it comes to braces, but there must be one or two out there that are the best for orthodontia services. HELP!!!""
""What should I do, i cant find a job but I can nanny. How do nannys get insurance? help?""
I was laid off about a week ago. I graduated from college with 3 degrees that I guess are useless ( Associate in graphic design , B.A in Advertising and minor in Marketing) I have been looking for jobs since i graduated un 2011.I nannied for the first year. Then found one with awful pay and 60 plus hours did that for a year. Found a new job the paid great until they changed my pay in 3 weeks and then laid me off right before my insurance would kick in and said we are just looking for part-time. So here i am again I love nannying but I cant get insurance I applied for mass health ( lets be real, that i wont see for months) I though about severing two but I do want a life. I have a great bf and we will get married and everything but that wont be till like 2 or 3 years. I cant wait that long for insurance. Any ideas?? I be applying for months and nothin. I have had my resume and cover looked at by professionals so i don't know whats wrong.""
Switching car insurance?
I live in North Carolina, and I got insurance when I lived in south carolina under state farm for 160. When I moved back to be with my family, I was searching for car insurance for North Carolina and found Geico with 60 a month. I didn't notify state farm of the change in insurance, and I am currently insured under Geico. I'm wondering if my license could potentially be suspended or I have something on my record about it, even though I did not have a lapse in coverage, I did not notify the other insurance company. Any info would be greatly appreciated!!""
When my boyfriend turned 18 he lost his health insurance. where can he get health insurance at?
He doesn't see the importance of it, but I know he needs it. dental and health insurance. He doesn't make a lot of money either.""
No fault coverage of automobile insurance in California?
What is no-fault coverage? When you get in an accident, how it works? I don't know and understand the term.""
Homeowners insurance vs. property taxes?
which typically costs more homeowners insurance or property taxes?
Can I lose my job for not having insurance?
I have heard so many different things. But I called my job today and I found out that they are offering insurance but it is to high to buy for me because it would cost $30 per week. ...show more
Best Car Insurance for a teen?????????
im getting my liscence this week && im only 17. i NEED to know, whats the CHEAPEST car insurance to get in los angeles, california??
Do i need to be on the insurance?
im going to take my drivers test and my grandpa is going to let me use his car.do i need to be on his insurance to drive his car for the test?i live in connecticut
Will I loose my parents health insurance if I fail one of my college courses?
All too soon I'm going under the knife and I'm worried to death that me failing my online english will cause me to loose my parent's health insurance. Does anyone know if I will or not?
Car insurance cost if I want car insurance only 3 months?
Hi, I'd like to buy car insurance for only 3 months, and I'm wondering how much this will cost me approximately. * car price: $3000 * city: Phoenix * new driver, no record Could someone give me a ballpark figure please? Do you think it will be more like $300 (this is $100 per month) or more like $1500 (this is $500 per month)..... I have no idea. Thank you in advance.""
Car insurance: why is a quote for an older car model higher than a brand new car?
i'm 18 and about to get a car. if my parents buy it for me, i'll be getting a toyota yaris 2010 2 door hatchback. if i'm purchasing it myself, i'll be buying a used 2000 toyota echo 2 door. i'll be paying the insurance either way, so i got quotes from desjardins for both the cars. for the 2010 toyota yaris, i got 260 a month, while for the 2000 toyota echo, i got 295 a month! why is this?!? the only information i changed was the model of the car! is this an error?""
How much should I expect to pay per month for auto insurance?
21 year old male with a new 2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee. I have been involved in one minor accident (my fault) and have one traffic ticket.
Where can I find the cheapest auto insurance?
I am a new driver and I need to go on my own insurance policy. I am 19 and am wondering if anyone knows?
Report old ticket to insurance company?
I am looking to get new car insurance, and I had a failure to control ticket over 2 years ago, which means that it is no longer on my driving record in my state. When filling out insurance information, it asks me to report any violations in the last 5 years. If my ticket is not on my record, should I still report it to the insurance company?""
Can you insure a car that does not belong to you?
I am driving my friends car with his permission and have taken out a car insurance policy in my name. Is this legal?
Can you get credit from having car insurance?
i just got my own car insurance for the first time and i wanted to know if i can get credit from having and paying for it?
How much would a 1970 ford maverick cost to insure (roughly)?
I'm an 18 year old guy, completely okay with the minimum coverage. I see almost everyday this 1970 ford maverick coupe on my road, and was wondering how much it would cost to insure. I have no tickets and no accidents, as well as good grade discounts etc. don't need a specific number but an educated guess would be appreciated.""
Insurance on a used 2006 EVO 4 DOOR?
This is just a maybe. I'm 18 and was thinking of going for a 2006 mitsubishi lancer evolution. I just got my license not to long ago But I'd probably be using the car to go school and to go to work. I might use my parents cars every now and then since they're better on gas. I might finance the car. I KNOW IVE TRIED estimates but CAN I get an average? And would it be cheaper if my dad was under the insurance policy and I was added as a secondary driver? THANKS IN ADVANCE
""What is a good but cheap body shop around the riverside, CA area which will work on an nissan altima?
i wont use insurance on it so it must be very affordable. theres alot oof scratches
How much will car insurance cost? 10pts?
Hello there! Assuming that a seventeen year old girl passes her driving tests, has a land rover, does not use it everyday (attends college via bus), and only uses it for picking up the animal food, how much can she expect insurance to cost? Ps. The car can be parked in a garage, which is in a field (not on the side-of-the-road) on private land in the middle of the countryside. If you need any more information just let me know. Thanks. :)""
""If u wrote-off a $5000 car, on average how much would ur insurance company give you back?""
If u wrote-off a $5000 car, on average how much would ur insurance company give you back?""
Insurance on a Subaru STI?
I am considering getting a Subaru STI but I was wondering about what insurance is going to be. I am going to call my insurance company to find out exact but first I wanted to make sure it's not going to be way higher. Here is what I have paid in the past: Age 17-18: 1998 Mustang GT $110 Age 18-20: 2004 Dodge Ram 1500 $105 Age 20: 2006 Subaru STI ?????? Based on what I paid for the other 2 vehicles what do you think its going to be? Thanks!
What does comprehensive insurance mean?
I am trying to apply for state insurance for my daughter, who is currently on her fathers insurance through his work, and the rates have just gone up considerably. In the FAQ, it says that families who voluntarily drop employer based comprehensive insurance must wait 6 months to apply. Can someone please tell me what this means? Thank you""
17 year old auto insurance? new york?
okay so my parents don't drive...(my bro does tho...except he moved to LA for business for the next year :( ) so my parents want to get me a car...you know so i can chauffeur them places and stuff. thing is i'm 16 and i have a class DJ license (i was able to take the road test because i took drivers ed. ) i'll be 17 pretty soon and i'll have a regular class D license. So i wanted to know even thought my parents don't have licenses and don't drive can they legally buy me a car and auto insurance? please answer! can't find anything online! :)
Do insurance rates always go up after fender benders? even super minor ones?
I was in a minor parking lot fender bender, more like fender TAPPING if you ask me, neither car has more of a scratch, I am pretty sure that she is more at fault in this situation because when we tapped i was all the way out my my parking space and she was only out about half way, hence why our bumpers tapped on both of our rear passenger corners. she has a witness claiming they saw the whole thing and that I hit her, but regardless of if my car tapped hers or her car tapped mine, I was all the way out of my space and she was the one who wasn't looking enough to not hit me. I was about to shift into drive right when we tapped, I had my foot on the brake, which is probably why we didn't hit hard enough to do any more damage than a scratch. ANYWAY she is basically making a huge deal about a small *** scratch on her 1998 honda in which i am sure that she is at fault for. in maryland, I have always been told that parking lot accidents are equal fault cases no matter what. she called me 3 days after the incident and also called my house number(which i did NOT give her!!! creepy) she got mad that I called the police for advice on what to do and said she is going to go through my insurance to get things settled. m my question is, will my insurance go up if she files a claim using my insurqnce info? even though the repair for her tiny scratch couldn't possibly cost more than 200 bucks? It is so small i feel like someone at a body shop could buff it out for even less than 100, maybe even 50. it just baffles me that someone would make such a big deal over a scratch that is less than an inch, especially when my scratches are deeper and longer than hers! you can tell by the direction that my scratch was in that she was the one who hit me, because of where the paint was pushed.""
How come my name isn't listed on the auto insurance card even though i AM insured?
My parents have bought auto insurance but whenever they send the insurance card (proof of insurance), only their names are on there. However, if you look up our policy number, I AM an insured driver. Why is that? How am I suppose to carry an insurance card? Is it because I'm under 18?""
Car insurance companies?
Are there any car insurance companies which don't appear on comparison websites that are cheap and competetive? In the UK. Thanks
Is there any website I can use to get cheap car insurance?
I've been using Auto Trader insurance comparison and the cheapest I can find is 4,400 ? Yes I'm 18 and I realise it's going to be expensive, but come on ! The cars only 750 ! No way am I paying that much, I will honestly drive without insurance as it's a pure joke to be expected to pay 4,400. I don't believe I should have to pay that much. I only want a car to drive to the Gym and that is honestly all. It's like having to pay 4,400 for the Gym a day !""
What is average car insurance for 19 year old boy and girl?
Well, I am taking my test soon (hopefully I will pass) and I am 19 --- and I heard that car insurance is worth a lot for youngsters that they can buy a BMW second hand with same amount money that they pay for 3 years. so, how much do 19 year old boys pay monthly for it and how much do girls pay ( heard it is a lot cheaper for girls). -- my younger sister will turn 19 in 2 years time till then if she passes her test -- how much will she pay when she gets licence---- what would be your solution -- if I want to get cheaper option (I heard of pass plus scheme - would it work)""
What is the best insurance?
car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc.""
How/where can I get affordable braces?
Hey Yahoo Answers, I have been wanting to get braces for the past 5 years (since 2007). My main obstacle is affording them. They're heinously expensive. Also, the idea of ...show more""
What is the cost of insurance for children and teens?
How much does insurance cost for a child from age 2 to 12? What about for a teen (from age 12 to 18)? Please list these costs separately. Thanks so very much. I really appreciate this. It's for a school project in case you are wondering. =)
Best Car Insurance for a teen?????????
im getting my liscence this week && im only 17. i NEED to know, whats the CHEAPEST car insurance to get in los angeles, california??
Under Obamacare if you have stage 4 cancer and go to sign up for health insurance how affordable will your?
rates be? Is there anything in Obamacare that's going to stop the insurance company from charging you an arm & a leg?
Isn't $300/mo TOO much for car insurance?
So my BF is planning on purchasing his first car, a 2012 Honda Civic EX Coupe, and he's trying to get a plan with USAA, but the quote says he'll be paying 300 monthly for insurance which is basically another car payment. What's the deal?""
When will a vandalism( to my vehicle) go off my record for insurance purposes???
About 2.5 years ago some kids used nylons and a hamburger wrapper in my gas tank to set my truck on fire. It was a brand new tahoe with dealer plates and it had to be deemed totaled due to damages. Now I am trying to change insurance and get quotes and even though I was not at fault and didn't even know these children it increases my premiums by about 600 every 6 months. Does anybody know when this will go off my record? I cant understand why I'm being held financially accountable for some delinquents behavior.
How much would insurance cost for a 16 year old male for a 2006 corvette that is used and cost 15000?
the person has never had any tickets or got into any trouble ever.
Affordable dental insurance?
I need two teeth fixed, one molar extracted and braces, prefer the invisible kind. I'm looking for some dental insurance, that's inexpensive, that will help cover paying for these things.""
How much is insurance?
I have a 1971 Ford: Charger. It is fully restored with a 550HP+ engine. I have no air bags, but I have racing seats (seat belts like NASCAR). It has great speed but ok handling. The brakes, suspension, etc are are new and installed customly. I am 15, but I need to know how much insurance is when im 16-18. If you have any more questions about my car t o determine the cost. Feel free to ask me at [email protected] with LOOK as the subject. THX""
How much would insurance be on a dodge stealth?
i am going to be sixteen and i may be buying a 92 stealth and i need to know how much insurance would be. it is only a 5,000 dollar car. but the speed meter goes to 160mph.""
If your a 20 yr old female in florida how much do you pay for your car insurance?
I just moved here and want to buy a car but i was wondering how much someone my age pays for insurance. A little help please? actual numbers would help
Car insurance quotes with no deposit for monthly payments? Doe's this still exist?
Saved up for my car, bought it and now abit short of cash and can't afford the large deposit these companies are wanting. Is there a car insurance company who will offer monthly payments without a deposit? My brother done this before but the company he done it with now ask for deposit because I tried.""
What are some affordable life insurance policies for people with diabetes?
What are some affordable life insurance policies for people with diabetes? Looking for $400,000 in coverage.""
How much does insurance cost on an international package mailed via the United States Post Office?
I have to mail a package to France and it weighs less than a pound but the item inside is worth more than $100 and I am curious to know how much it would cost me to insure this package if I were to use USPS.
Car accident? How much should I expect when I settle?
I was in an accident 6 months ago (it was the other persons fault) and I am still going to the chriopractor and doing physical therapy, I got my car paid off which was totalled and this accident has changed my life and many of my plans were changed due to it. Im still in pain and have a scar how much money should I be expecting for my pain and suffering since I already got my property damage. Will I have to pay my medical bills with this money? The other insurance is a branch of allstate (i dont know if that helps)""
Can i insure my car in england with a insurance co in bulgaria to save money?
ive heard that people in england are using insurance companies in bulgaria to insure there cars here at home as it is supposed to be a lot,lot cheaper? and if so does anyone know of these companys?""
Can i park at my aunts to get... a good price on the car insurance?
The insurance is double the amount for cars in my area compared to my aunt who lives at the other side of the town, can i park at hers to get good price on the insurance..?""
How much can I expect to get back from a written off car?
I wrote my peugeot 206 off last week the insurance are sending out a settlement figure as soon as they have valued it etc I was just wondering what sort of pay back you get im not expecting much but am hoping to get a new car with some of the insurance money the value of the car is about 2,500 before the crash.""
Are Saabs reliable and cheap to insure?
Hi, I'm a 16 year old male and I've been wanting a Saab since they are cheap (2004 model) and very nice looking. Do they break down a lot like jaguars and range rovers or are they very good and have no problems? How much a month is it to insure one also?""
Should I change insurance companies? How to change insurance?
If I don't pay insurance, company will cancel insurance, right? I don't link an insurance company to my bank, so I think stop paying, insurance will be cancel. Should I change insurance companies? Someone told me insurance company will increase fee every year, changing company may save money. In my case, I paid $650 for home insurance last year. However, I have to pay $800 this year.""
Baby insurance?
whats a cheap and reliable baby insurance? any advice? my sons a month old
Why is my car insurance so expensive?
I'm 18 and I drive a 2008 dodge caliber. I've been paying 200+ a month on insurance and I'm sick of it. I will be 19 in the summer and have had my license going on 3 years. I have a clean record accident free and incident free. Will my payment ever go down? It's bad enough I'm already a poor college student lol.
English c european car insurance???
I am with tesco which doesnt offer euro car insurance so I'm wondering if theres a company that you can just buy cover for like a month or something without buying the full year?
Whats the average cost for insurance for a corvette? but monthly?
well i want to get a corvette but i want to know the average insurance for it?
Young peoples car insurance?
ok im 17 and i passed my driving test in july but i havent been driving because insurance is too high and i couldnt afford it. So i was holding out for my 18th birthday in jan to see if it went down abit. I have just gone on my weekly check of confused.com and for third party f and t its now 2500 (same as always) but when i change my DOB to 6th december 1992 it goes down to 1544 so does that mean when im 18 in jan i should get a qoute with a similar price or will it stay at 2500? cheers
Car insurance????????
I am a 16 year old boy and for my first car I got a 2005 mustang GT. All of the quotes I have gotten for insurance are between 4000 - 7000 a year. How can I get a much lower price for car insurance. ( please don`t say get a different car )
""Getting a used car, and insurance the same day (which first)?""
Today I will be looking at a used car a costumer has in their mechanics shop. There is a Geico agent right around the corner from where the vehicle is, and I would like to know, if I should get insurance on the car before I test drive it, or after I know I want to buy it. I also would like to know how will I drive it after I have bought it without it's license plates, and if I can would I be able to take it to the DMV, and get plates the same day?""
How much would a doctors check up be without insurance?
Please excuse my grammar, but I'm a bit panicky. I need to know the cost of a doctors check up in California for a 21 year old man without insurance. My boyfriend has been having some chest pains, and we think he sprained his wrist. I'm so worried about him. He can't afford insurance at the moment, due to the fact that he can barely pay for his college classes and food. I need an estimate from anyone who has been in a similar situation. Thank you so much in advance!!""
Best Car Insurance for a teen?????????
im getting my liscence this week && im only 17. i NEED to know, whats the CHEAPEST car insurance to get in los angeles, california??
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