#i also took insp from that!!
abyssin · 10 months
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hc: ajax's parents
mikhail zakharov. father to ajax zakharov. a hard-headed man whose heart is meant to be in a good place, were it not for his stoicism to the world. once a soldier who served in the military, mikhail had been unfortunate to be deployed on. friends, neighbors, and innocents were killed in front of his eyes. he run away from his post shortly after, swearing into pacifism, but the blood underneath his nails remain, no matter how many times he scrubs and scrubs.
mikhail lives his days as a woodworker, bringing wood to life: carpentry, furniture, sculptures, there is nothing his talented and calloused hands cannot make. he takes comfort in stories, especially in days when the screams in his head would get too loud. he had the final say in sending abyss-tainted ajax into the military in order to discipline the boy, as they had done with him when he used to be a brazen youth. when he heard his son had fatally injured and killed military men and women alike in his training phase, he knew that ajaxーthe adventurer, his sonーhe told stories to was gone.
though ajax is still with love for his papa, the distance between boys who once dreamed of worlds beyond their own had become a chasm of its own.
anastasia zakharov. mother to ajax zakharov. raised in a high class family, ania lived most of her life in luxury. beautiful, well-spoken, and charismatic, the world was at her fingertips. she could become anything she wished to be, with the influence and wealth brought from her familyーuntil she met mikhail, a mischievous and charming boy, so unlike the men her family tried to promise her to (ones she had been unwilling to love). they would elope at a later point in life. with her knowledge as a banker, ania had stolen a good portion of wealth from her own family to make sure her husband and her family would be raised in the comfort she had lived in. she bears deep blue eyes passed on to most of the zakharov children, her gaze always loving and kind.
ania offers prayers regularly to the tsaritsa. she believes all her good fortune is thanks to the archon. she had been the first person childe confided to that he has been indoctrinated as the 11th harbinger: tartaglia. childe remembers how she tenderly took his face into her hands with, smiling in the shadows as she told him: "if this is the will of the tsar, then you will do anything to serve her. do you understand, tartaglia?"
after all, it had been ania who insisted to her hesitant husband that childe should be rehabilitated in the military. and she was right. her son, reborn with the divine tsarina as his patron: tartaglia.
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notdysfunk · 3 months
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Tried my hand at making my own designs for an AU 🌙☀️
An AU where they're kinda just like dudes , just furries livin in the world LOL
but then i couldnt stop and made them full bodies
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I am asking this to take my mind off of the update because the anticipation is killing me
where do you get your art inspo from? As in the art style :3
yk this is kind of a question i've been dreading! because a lot of people can answer definitively - they'll give names, urls, blogs.
but uh.. I really don't know? I mean there were some deviantart blogs in elementary/middle school that inspired me then, but since? I couldn't say! My style has evolved from me doing my own thing, I suppose. I'd take little bits from other people's tutorials/advice and then stitch it into my own Frankenstein's Style.
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milkbreadtoast · 2 years
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idk how to draw dark choco's armor... but here is an attempt at designing one...😩
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demi-pixellated · 6 months
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Freije Known for their fringed ears, thick dark hair, and natural resistance the frigid temperatures of the north. Freije seals take on a white or pale-blue hue, contrasting against their dark skin. Typically asymmetrical and unique to each individual, they have been widely (and fittingly) remarked as resembling snowflakes and frost, consisting of radial pattern of crystal-like markings.
Matriar The military and naval prowess of Freij is recognized across Elothia, and its Matriar reflects that. As Leader and Admiral, She dons the military vestments of the region, although ornamented and embroidered to indicated Her regal station. She also carries on Her person, just as the officers under Her, a dagger and sabre. Typically these would be highly decorated commissioned works, much like Her chokha and kalpak. However the current Matriar has forgone the tradition, preferring to don and wield the standard arms of her men. As Impero recently saw a Patris leave the throne, Freij is likely to see one on theirs in the coming centuries as the current Matriar has only one son and seemingly no interest in bearing another child.
Czars State officials and Generals to Her Majesty. Much like the Matriar, Czars are outfitted in military garb and keep a dagger and sabre on their person. While still decorated to denote them as officers of import, it is not to the level of the Matriar.
Citizens Despite the high tolerance to the northern climate that they have become known for, Freije are born incredibly susceptible to the cold. Newborns are heavily swaddled in thick furs and kept indoors for the most of their first year. Even when younglings are finally able to be brought outdoors, they do so thoroughly bundled up, almost comically, in several layers of thick clothing and furs.
It's not until adolescense that the Freije's cold tolerance truly begin to build up. They begin to strip away their heavy coats, scarves and furs, and many, many, layers as the years proceed, and by their first century the typical Freije can brush off the low temperatures with far lighter apparel. To the outsider experiencing the bite of Freij's Spring chill for the first time, they may even look underdressed.
In opposition to this are the region's wealthier merchants, barons, and city officials. Setting themselves up at higher altitudes, far above the crowded docks and fish markets, even their natural resistance isn't quite enough to keep out the colder mountain winds. As a result, upper class Draken remain relatively bundled up well after maturing - a fact that's earned the ridicule of many common folk, thinking it make them look childish.
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foxceus · 1 year
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theonlyadawong · 4 months
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alt outfits for claire, ada, and leon
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graveweaver · 1 year
What other pieces of media (other than other webtoons) would you say ITGR is similar to? I'm trying to think of ways to describe the comic but the things I took inspiration from are very different than the comic haha (like world of warcraft...)
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juicezone · 11 months
hiii we usually don't req off of anon but for an art req ill do it so we see-
could we request Elizabeth Afton (Five Nights at Freddy's) playing with dolls/plushies? whatever ya come up with for the situation is fine with us!
(its for a fictive she says hi)
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Absolutely :D! I hope she likes this- I decided to go the route of playing bedtime :P
Check my pinned if you’re interested in sending in an agere/related art request ^^!
DNI if nsfw/K!NK/ur blog isnt safe for a kid
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ghostbustingreen · 8 months
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Been playing Wonder for a few hours and guys, it is SO SO good!!!!!!!!!! Luigi's new voice sounds great too. It's a bit more high pitched, it reminds me of his N64 voice. Charles' Luigi got a little deeper as time went on and he aged, but yeah, he sounds great!
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metiredlr · 15 days
After getting overthrown and betrayed since none of his so-called trusted friends did not come to his rescue, a hurt and revengeful king Genda desperately prayed and begged for Aphrodi, the god of love. It was one last desperate attempt of getting help from somebody, anybody in his delirious-broken state.
Heart aching at the state he found the king in and at what he heard, the blond decided to answer and gifted some water of the gods to Koujirou, who drank it like a thirsty beast after days of not seeing any water. Aphrodi had no time to tell him of side effects as the burning sensation started spreading from his throat into all his body, causing him to faint from the pain in his savior's loving hold.
After recovering, he stormed back into his old kingdom, as a one man army, to reclaim all that was unjustly taken from him. The hands and fists - said to rule with care and kindness - now broke swords, spiers and bones with their renewed hold, to teach the lesson that what wasn't learned with love would be taught with pain.
Once he sat back on the throne, clothes and cloak stained with the blood of those he once trusted, his god came to check in on him. Aphrodi got in by a window, his shiny pairs of wings helping with the soft landing on the ground near his king, Genda's eyes were on him since the minute his holy presence was felt.
Given that the old one was broken in battle, the blond offered Genda a new crown: it was adorned with golden leaves and shiny, polished jewels that glinted in the soft light emitted by the deity handling it. Crawling into the thone's occupant lap, Aphrodi softly kissed the artifact before safely placing it in Koujirou's head as a sign of his pride and joy for the success his beloved archived.
The bitter feelings in his chest and mind getting overpowered by warmth had him looking up, meeting by his lord's red eyes and soft smile directed solely at him. That made the king smile for the first time since stepping in that wretched palace, the feeling of blessings rained down on him as holy hands tenderly caressed his face and a prideful voice whispered to him "Long live the king."
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darabeatha · 2 months
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/ G.IL?!?!??? IS THAT U????
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the complete difference in styles- (me when i draw)
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aromanticasterisms · 1 year
actually. realizing the god that died in the oasis was in fact the previous hydro archon and that focalors in fact had nothing to do with her death. i'm crushed
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spearxwind · 2 years
I like the sea robin post circling around with the tag "his name is nibelsnarf" bc i dont think a lot of people know its one of the guys from monster hunter and it almost looks exactly like the sea robin except it has a huge fuckoff mouth
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i’ve always associated e.lizabeth s.wann and wendy as having some similarities. in light of my last post about p.eter and wendy being very much about the female gaze, and thinking about how p.otc is also very rooted in the female gaze and the wants & choices of elizabeth, it’s just further confirming the link between the two in my mind.
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aotoreiki · 2 years
Ages back, I was looking for insp to help flesh out the Almian legends more because of... there not really being anything really tying them together. And something that matched Almia’s super vague theme of the soul or light/darkness in the heart in general.
Somehow I saw this thing on wikipedia about the three legendary/imperial treasures of Japan and that they were supposed to signify the three virtues (benevolence, wisdom, valour). (Bulbapedia theorises this is also part of the insp behind the Lake Trio as well.)
So I worked that into the idea I had at the time. It fits with the super vague theme. Cresselia is benevolence, Heatran is valour, and Mew is wisdom. Together they balance out. That’s also kinda related to why you need the three gems together to restore balance with the shadow crystal...
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