#+ if any of you know the horror rpg mad father
abyssin · 10 months
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hc: ajax's parents
mikhail zakharov. father to ajax zakharov. a hard-headed man whose heart is meant to be in a good place, were it not for his stoicism to the world. once a soldier who served in the military, mikhail had been unfortunate to be deployed on. friends, neighbors, and innocents were killed in front of his eyes. he run away from his post shortly after, swearing into pacifism, but the blood underneath his nails remain, no matter how many times he scrubs and scrubs.
mikhail lives his days as a woodworker, bringing wood to life: carpentry, furniture, sculptures, there is nothing his talented and calloused hands cannot make. he takes comfort in stories, especially in days when the screams in his head would get too loud. he had the final say in sending abyss-tainted ajax into the military in order to discipline the boy, as they had done with him when he used to be a brazen youth. when he heard his son had fatally injured and killed military men and women alike in his training phase, he knew that ajaxーthe adventurer, his sonーhe told stories to was gone.
though ajax is still with love for his papa, the distance between boys who once dreamed of worlds beyond their own had become a chasm of its own.
anastasia zakharov. mother to ajax zakharov. raised in a high class family, ania lived most of her life in luxury. beautiful, well-spoken, and charismatic, the world was at her fingertips. she could become anything she wished to be, with the influence and wealth brought from her familyーuntil she met mikhail, a mischievous and charming boy, so unlike the men her family tried to promise her to (ones she had been unwilling to love). they would elope at a later point in life. with her knowledge as a banker, ania had stolen a good portion of wealth from her own family to make sure her husband and her family would be raised in the comfort she had lived in. she bears deep blue eyes passed on to most of the zakharov children, her gaze always loving and kind.
ania offers prayers regularly to the tsaritsa. she believes all her good fortune is thanks to the archon. she had been the first person childe confided to that he has been indoctrinated as the 11th harbinger: tartaglia. childe remembers how she tenderly took his face into her hands with, smiling in the shadows as she told him: "if this is the will of the tsar, then you will do anything to serve her. do you understand, tartaglia?"
after all, it had been ania who insisted to her hesitant husband that childe should be rehabilitated in the military. and she was right. her son, reborn with the divine tsarina as his patron: tartaglia.
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kirvia · 1 year
Hey, do you have any rpg maker horror game recommendations?
here is my veryveryvery subjective list of rpgmaker games that i personally played thru. i probably forgot some sorry
(edit: just gonna use this as a masterlist of stuff that i went through)
playing through and/or on the to play list
forest of drizzling rain remake
lisa trilogy
in stars and time by insertdisc5
faves ever
OFF(!!!), mad father (original not the remake), ib, witch's house (read the light novel)
love these
wadanohara, omori, zeno, cat in the box, hylics, elevator hitch, any of the yume nikki stuff (my favorite is yume 2kki online)
like these too
to the moon, cold front, end roll, shtdn, hello charlotte, the gray garden, eloquent countenance, flesh, blood, and concrete, tide up, 8:11, oneshot
just silly
ao oni, superassfuck rpg, misao, too impatient
trashy but i like them but i wouldn't recc these to most people
yanderella, mogeko castle, corpse party
neutral/no strong opinions/mixed feelings; someone will probably find more merit out of these stories than me LOL I know i'm in the minority for my thoughts on certain titles here.
uri's games (mermaid swamp, strange men series, etc.), hello hello world, escaped chasm, angels of death, dreaming mary, grave of traumarei, underworld capital incident, hello...? hello?, alice mare, ayakashi akashi, faust's alptraum, pocket mirror
I did not like these.
savior of the abyss, alone, ann, the dark side of red riding hood
liked a lot but i'm waiting till it's released on steam to finish it
your turn to die
hiatus/dropped but I hear these are worth completing; i just experienced complications on my end
yuppie psycho, witch's heart, dweller's empty path
emphasis on Subjective please don't kill me </3 there are some other games in the #game recc tag that i've made that you should check out!
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deathbxnny · 11 months
I see requests are open now.
Time to traumatize Yanqing again.
Imagine a happy, go lucky boy who isn’t afraid of anything. He smiles brightly and does his best to improve his swordsmanship. But the worst moment of his life, the scarring “canon event” that shakes him to his core.
His gn! S/O, who is a horror enthusiast.
He cannot bring himself to enjoy horror movies like they do. He’s scared of Xenomorphs and Necromorphs make him stay awake all night. Supernatural horror makes him ready to beg Jing Yuan to call a priest or something. And don’t even get me started on the games. He’s wrapped like a burrito as his S/O snuggles him while they play horror games. With his back against his s/o, it’s easier to feel safe. But he always flinched at jump scares and hides his face.
He loves his S/O, but the horror genre might be the death of him.
A/N: This feels accidentally targeted, because I am incapable of handling horror of any kind myself. BUT I absolutely adore old rpg horror games like "Mad Father", "The witch's house" and "IB" (I'm obsessed with them, please tell me someone else out there is too-), so thank you for this request! It's honestly pretty tame in comparison to the other Yanqing angst I've been getting.
Content: Mentions of horror Content with no real description, traumatising Yanqing as usual, fluff, kinda unserious, established relationship, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
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Yanqing was taken very much off-guard by your love for horror, as you didn't seem like you were into things like that at first. He didn't think much of it either, mainly as he just saw it as something you really loved. And so, when you asked him if he wanted to see a scary movie with you, he obliged. He was confident that nothing could scare him anyways... or so he thought.
He died inside when the first jumpscare came in and felt his soul leaving by the end of the movie. He was practically unresponsive for a good 10 minutes afterwards, since he didn't expect it to be this bad... or well, bad in his terms, as the movie wasn't scary at all to you after all. You thought that it would be a good starter movie to ease him into the genre, but were clearly in the wrong.
Which is why you decided that video games might be a better way to introduce him to your love for horror. Who doesn't like games, after all? And surely that would be more fun than just watching a movie. Yanqing for some reason foolishly agreed once more out of his deep love for you and ended up wrapped up in endless blankets, leaning against you, as he anticipated the game to start. It was just a game anyway, how scary could it be?
Very scary, is the answer. Next thing you know, he was slapping his hands over his eyes and letting out screeches of terror. You didn't even get through the first level either. You decided to give him the controller, thinking that if he had more control over the game and, that he'll maybe enjoy it and find it less scary. But that resulted in your controller learning how to fly.
Alright, so, Movies didn't work... games didn't work... perhaps fake supernatural TV shows could? They weren't scary anyways and were all staged, so surely, surely, he'll finally begin enjoying something. And it started off fine enough. He didn't seem concerned, maybe found it even a little stupid and funny, when the actors were being obviously very fake with their reactions. But then the paranoia got to him and he began believing that every little creak and sound in the house was a result of ghosts haunting you two... A very grumpy Jing Yuan was definitely called in panic at 3 am that night and he was NOT happy about it.
Yeah... it's safe to say, that you've given up on trying to make him also love horror as much as you do. But that's okay, because he'll support your interests at all times, with all of his heart... from very far away.
A/N: I hope this was okay, because it was actually pretty funny to write lmao. Not very angsty either, but I deserve a break from the pain for the next request I have to do from the legendary Anon lmao-
But anyways! Thank you for the request and I hope you enjoyed it!
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Vision Of The Crimson Rose AU
(Made by @klai-16xoxo )
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Welcome one and all to the world behind the curtains of reality!
Would you like to accompany Kalim and Riddle to their adventure through what it’s meant to be hidden from the world? And unlock many roads and stories and meets new characters that may or may not seem familiar to you?
If that the case then let’s go! Firstly why not get to know the two main characters a bit?
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{Riddle Roseheart}
In this au, Riddle had been raised extra strictly by his mother to the point that his mother had developed an unhealthy obsession of perfection and placed a lot of expectations on him. That why when he started to go blind she didn’t like that and viewed it as a huge flaw… in which she was willing to do anything to get his vision back. So kuch so that with some connection, a mysterious Doctor had offered her a beautiful crimson red eyes to be his, in which she happily agreed… not knowing the dark secrets and event that followed those beautiful Crimson eyes.
Riddle in this au kinda has Abathy. While he has shown fear,anger,compassion and happiness, these would be rare, fleeting and moderate. He dose not fake his emotions tho, so whenever he shows them, they would be 100% genuine, while if he faked them it would be painfully obvious!
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{Kalim Al Asim}
Kalim’s past is unclear even for himself, all he knows is that he had been drowned and his eyes had been stolen from him, despite that he somehow able to still use his other senses to move around and interact with his surroundings. It is only when Riddle had claimed his eyes that he finally can see again but through Riddle’s POV, Kalim want to uncover more about his past and would do anything to achieve this goal!
As for his personality… well it is pretty much just like the one in the game, he such a kind soul and always try to look at the bright side of things but deep down there is more to him then meet the eyes.
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{referring and small facts}
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// this au is still under work and tbh I made it for fun and it story still being worked at, meaning I am just going with the wind! All I know this au is like a horror rpg games like pocket mirror, mad father and so one! Tho I had a lot of help from @sleepy-meep when making this au so thank you bestie🫶 anyway let me just attack ye all with random facts!
// as for the fact, there so many bu I would not say all of them but here are few!
Riddle in this au may have abathy but tbh he such a sweet heart and a lil silly but I like to imagine him like Rachel from Angels of Death.
Kalim actually basically fucking Paimon from genshin lol he make sure to guide Riddle around and tell him all he knows… which surprisingly is a lot.
In the au, the two would go literally behind the curtains of reality and to multiple realms that is ruled by different Wardens and each one had it different themed
There this one character titled as “The Archiver” and the most powerful character in the au that oversees everything in the realms (also he is my twst oc, Takara lol you can learn all about him from my blog @klai-16xoxo )
In this au, NRC dose not really matter that much at, since the boys didn’t even go to it soooo~ yeah! I am not even sure if it dose exist hahah
Kalim can beet ass and wouldn’t hesitate, keep ya hand off Riddle ò<ó
Sometimes I would open an event where a “Love DLC” happen where you can romance the characters that or have Riddle do it or any other characters you ship but keep in mind that some would not be answered if I find them inappropriate!
This blog is like a side blog for me and idk if I would be that much active in it but I would try my best!
I am not the best writers so if I wrote down some stuff they may not be that good so forgive me!
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waywardwhump · 7 months
Tw: main character death, car crash
You know those RPG maker horror games? Ib, Mad Father, Witches house?
I've had a concept idea for a while. Probably not going to get much further, but fun to think about.
Trio of friends, one works in an underground science facility, one is a detective, one is a baker. They've been friends since childhood and remain close despite their wildly different career paths.
The scientist is doing illegal stuff. The detective is unknowingly investigating them.
The game starts with the baker following the detective in her investigation. She thinks it will be helpful to have a new set of eyes, and given that the detective hasn't had any luck thus far, lets her come, breaking the rules but doing so under the assumption that they aren't going to find anything anyway. The detective's been at this for years, the trail is cold, but at least this lets the baker feel like she's doing something helpful.
A few tutorial segments later, whoops, the baker successfully helps the detective find the underground science facility.
The scientist heads them off before it can really set in what they've stumbled across. They haven't entered yet, they're just outside, but the surveillance system caught them a while ago.
The scientist is supposed to report to her boss, which would see them captured for expiraments. But they're her friends, so instead of doing that she comes out and it very quickly devolves into a shouting argument.
The baker tries to calm them down, she hates seeing her friends fight. The two of them, the scientist doing a criminal act and the detective looking to bring her(and the lab) to justice, snap at the baker to just go. She's a civilian. This is dangerous. Leave. In the heat of the moment, they aren't exactly kind.
She leaves. The argument goes on for a bit. Before the detective can call for backup, the screen blacks out and all three of them wake up somewhere else.
Very science fiction mixed with horror; the lab was working on a machine that can hook brains up to a dreamscape, and was illegally experimenting on humans to do so. The boss, having realized that the scientist was essentially betraying them by not reporting her friends to security, sent out a pulse that dragged everyone within a certain distance of the facility into the dreamscape.
Now the trio is stuck and they have to fight their way out.
A lot of the dreamscape is based on their own fears, something of a silent hill thing going on, idk. They make progress and work together, but the whole time the detective and the scientist are fighting.
The baker tries to get them to stop, but she seems distracted. She tries, more than once, to ask the scientist about something, but the other two are arguing so much that whatever her concern is keeps getting talked over. She gives up after about the third time, somewhat early on, and focuses on trying to keep the group together.
The plan is, of course, to escape the dreamscape, wake everyone up, and go for help.
They get to the end, and they're about to leave.
The baker says she's not going to follow them.
Upon being asked why, and upon them finally giving her a chance to talk, she says...she'd gotten in her car after they'd yelled at her and driven away. She'd been upset, of course, and was driving fairly fast, and then the dreamscape pulse got her and she woke up in the computer.
She'd been in a speeding car when they'd all fallen unconscious.
She's uh, pretty sure she's dead.
They part, the scientist and detective leave her there, and the last level of the game is them escaping the lab to call for backup and get the whole thing shut down.
It ends without direct confirmation that the baker is dead, but it's highly implied. The other two(the scientist especially) has to live with that now.
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lskamil27 · 1 year
Hey, do you have any rpg maker horror/rpg maker game recommendations?
I have some that I do like a lot, however, there is a chance some people may not be TOO crazy about it since I am someone who likes it a lot when a game has lots of lore & story that I can bite into and think about more when I’m done!!
I think, right now, what I like as of right now ( these are not ranked in any particular order ):
1. Fausts Alptraum - Free to Download, Artbook You Have to Pay For: A game about a girl named Elisabeth who visits her family’s old home after a funeral, being trapped inside and having to get out.
A BIIIGGG favorite of mine, due to having a nice balance of awe and admiration of its art direction, while balancing tension and unease as you explore
2. Angels of Death - Pay to Play: A game about a girl named Rachel who wakes up in a building and is forced to progress through its floor levels to get out, each floor having a leader who seek to hunt her down.
Another favorite of mine, because I love the story and characters! The symbolism and juxtaposition of Rachel and Zac is so fun, along with plot that had me hooked into it! ( I will say, I am not the best at playing high stress games so I had to watch play-throughs to see the endings LMAO )
3. Mad Father - Pay to Play: About a young girl named Aya who lives alone with her mad doctor of a father, and his assistant. Aya is forced to confront the horrors of her father’s crimes to try and save him when she hears his screams on this particular night.
This was a game I had gotten into when I was WAYY younger! It definitely left a lasting impact on me since I am a big fan of medical & body horror now. I don’t know how to say it, but trust me!! It’s a lot of fun!
4. Fear and Hunger - Pay to Play: Between a cast of 4 playable characters, you are tempted by a personal quest that leads to the Dungeons of Fear & Hunger, unaware of the horrors and depravity that lies inside.
This is a big time favorite of mine, HOWEVER - I do not recommend this to everyone, as the triggers and violence in this game can be extreme for some others to go through. I highly recommend reading any available list of triggers for this game before trying it out, because the content is pretty dark. However, I do like it for its art direction, the lore and its characters, that the creator has made for it’s story and sequel!
5. Flesh, Blood & Concrete - Free to Play: Focused on the protagonist, Lera, who’s car breaks down on a snowy and is invited into the apartment building nearby by a young girl named Nika. Exploring the strange building, Lera encounters unsettling visuals and strange feelings of deja vu.
I recently just played this, and I adore it a lot for the story that has been crafted by the creator, with its message - as well as the welcoming, yet unsettling art direction it has, with the various home-y apartments and depictions of meat & flesh.
Now, these aren’t RPG Maker games themselves, but I will recommend them because I think they are fun to play on free time:
Soul Void - Free to Play: Gameboy pixel style, regarding the protagonist who explores a strange world, looking for a way out. Very beautiful art, and beautiful message!
Saint Spell’s Love Guide to the Magical Student’s Spellbook - Free to Play: Pixel Visual Dating Sim, very pretty, very fun routes to play, my friends and I loved playing it during our lunch breaks in uni!!
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witch-of-bears · 1 year
Sorry I'm going through a rpg maker horror games spree in 2023 but I'm gonna be a Mad Father true ending apologist. I get very well as a horror fan why it looks frustrating at first but it really is fine when you look into it for two minutes. Lots of writers think they're soooo brave and subversive when the actions of the MC (and by extention the player in the case of games) don't matter in the end, because there was no hope from the start, the big bad villain was just too strong! It's so overused now is predictable and fails to actually scare or even create engagement, I know. But it really isn't the case of Mad Father.
"Aya's quest didn't matter, she became like her parents anyway"
The thing is it DID matter, she turned out different from her parents. Aya took by the heart the lessons of understanding others suffering, giving them compassion and her promise of never forgetting any victim, and she twisted all that in the most deplorable way by becoming an "angel of death" kind of killer.
It's similar to The Witch's House ending. It all mattered in the story, just in a way that feels like a backstabbing to the audience. I'd take that over so many "and everyone died cuz that's horror lol".
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just-a-carrot · 11 months
Our Wonderland is very unique and amazing, and I don't know how you do it so I need to interrogate you for your secrets. Did any media (or anything else) in particular inspire you when creating OW?
(-Definitely not a garden mushroom)
KDFJALKDSFJALSKDFA omg......... a garden mushroom in my asks........ I wonder who it could be.....
i would say the biggest are probably:
Alice in Wonderland (ofc...)
American McGee's Alice (I think the cauldron idea was directly inspired by this if I remember correctly...)
It (I got really obsessed with the first movie when it came out...)
Vocaloid songs like Alice Human Sacrifice and Fear Garden
Various RPG horror games such as Witch's House and Mad Father
there have also been lots of smaller random bits of inspiration, like mario party(????) and final fantasy xii(????) that inspired some of the monsters, etc. and i'm constantly inspired by music, stuff like scores from sinister, 13 cloverfield lane, 28 days later, the dark knight, and a gajillion others lkdajfalksd i really love movie scores and game music
thank you for this very precious question, i shall now return you to my garden... 😌🍄
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dreamland-arcade · 1 year
FHS cast headcanons/ how I'd re-characterize them part 1
Los Animatronics: Weird Kids!!!! These were the fools who roleplayed their childhood interests at recess.
Freddy Brown:
>Freddy and by extension Fred are weirdly obsessed with horror games. Freddy was exposed to the internet at an early age and ran into those scary RPG maker games. Mad Father and Yume Nikki are his favourite games. Will say random shit that he thinks relates to the situation but in fact doesn't. "This is JUST like when the ghost threw Mayu at a wall at high speeds, killing her on impact." Safe to say, he never had a lot of friends back at his old school. >Also, due to his intense childhood trauma, he developed DID and his first and only known member is Fred. >Has borderline personality disorder but takes medication to null it. >Romantic disaster. Tried to confess to a guy he liked back at his old school but it went so poorly that he was the face of ridicule for months until he transferred to FHS. (And my favourite headcanons) Gender + pronouns: Trans man, he/him Sexuality: Bisexual
Fred Shadows:
>Like Freddy but way more intense. Really leans into the gorey horror games, and makes distasteful jokes about character deaths. He would be the fucker to make "Sayori hanging around" "jokes." Eventually his behaviour got Freddy in deep trouble so for the safety of his host, he chilled out. He still makes jokes from time to time, but mostly at the expense of Freddy and his emotional attachment to the characters he likes. >Due to being the first and only known member in Freddy's system, his appearance is heavily based on the host considering Freddy knew nobody else other than his mom at the time, so Fred's visual appearance resembles Freddy's. Though eventually Fred did decide to change his appearance to better reflect himself than be similar to his host's. Also they aren't related. >Hopeless romantic mixed with a romantic disaster. Gets jealous whenever Freddy shows interest in anyone else due to his own attachment to his host. Afraid of what will happen to him if Freddy starts a relationship with someone (Spoilers: nothing. He's just jealous. Also Freddy is his FP which exemplifies his jealousy. Can you tell I'm projecting?) I'm not gonna beat around the bush, I have an agenda and it's liking Frededdy. Fred has a stupidly big crush on Freddy but doesn't know how to go about it or how Freddy would react so he hides how he feels and covers it up with basic jealousy and the fear of losing him. > Fred gets the worst of the body's BPD and it makes him more annoying to deal with and Freddy seem like a problem child. Gender + pronouns: Nonbinary, any pronouns (defaults to he/him) Sexuality: Bisexual, fem lean.
Ann Chica:
> Ann was a Warrior Cats kid. Ann *still* is a Warrior Cats kid. She used to hiss at classmates who annoyed her. Calls herself the hollyleaf or whatever of FHS. > Ann has BPD and is unmedicated. Her shift in moods has killed off all of her potential friendships and while it would take a toll on her mental health, she held on to her relentless optimism, unfortunately to a toxic degree. This has also killed off budding friendships. >Changes interests every few months. During the start of the story she's been hyperfixated on fashion design. But she eventually drops it for baking and then being an artist. > Her first true friendship is with Aiden Fox, who still stuck around her despite her behaviour. She's grateful to have a friend like him. And when Freddy transferred to FHS, Gender + pronouns: Demigirl, she/they Sexuality: Pansexual
Bonnie "Bo" Coelho:
> Conspiracy theory kid. Aliens, reptilian government, cryptids, you name it, he's deeply invested in it. Head of the "Cryptid Club" at FHS, and surprisingly not the only member. His weird and offputting personality does put a strain on his relationships with the club members. > AUTISTIC!!! This boy is autistic and there is nothing you can do about it. All of his mannerisms make him come across as someone who lacks empathy, but that's just his disposition. He is a quiet speaker, speaks in disjointed sentences, and is very blunt with his words. Doesn't know how to express how he feels so he never talks about his feelings, often putting them to the side. > Is genuinely convinced Bon is a werewolf and stalks him frequently to see him in his "true form" and be swept off his feet and get married. Also admires Bon's guitar skills and views him as a god among men. This is awful for Bo's mental health and self esteem but he recovers from this phase after he and Bon start dating. >Him and Onnie are cousins, and Onnie often picks on Bo for being the way that he is. Bo thinks that Onnie hates him and feels the most insecure around him. Gender + pronouns: Bigender, he/it Sexuality: Gay demisexual demiromantic
Aiden "Fox" Addams:
> The most annoying anime fan you have ever met. Not many people know about this but those close to him know about his undying love for anime, and will often roleplay as his favourite protagonist. And yes he used to Naruto run in the halls, and still does when nobody's around. > Puts up the toughest front around people. He's really insecure about his maturity so he comes off as cold and hostile to protect himself. Though this attitude makes people like him less and therefore he has no friends. And the friends he does have he met through odd circumstances. >Only became friends with Ann because of an unrequited crush on her. Was weirded out by her personality and only stuck around because she was cute. Eventually came to terms with his feelings and realized that his feelings for her were nothing more than platonic, and confessed to her about this. The two are BFFs are Fox would literally kill anyone if Ann ever got hurt. >Used to bully Bo for being weak and weird until he learned that Bo was just like him, and felt bad for picking on him. Tried to apologize to Bo but ended up making things worse and made Bo hate him. The second apology attempt with Bo came out worse, Fox sobbing through an apology trying to explain how sorry he is that he didn't mean to make Bo hate him, and that he's bad with words and Bo realized that he and Fox are in the same situation. Bo accepted his apology and Fox promised to be nicer. >Strained relationship with his sister Meglody. After the death of their father, Fox distanced himself from Meg with the excuse "I want to be independent" but the truth is that he doesn't want her to see him as weak in any way. Him and Spring are closer and call themselves "brothers from another mother." >Fox's first introduction with Freddy was Fox getting pushed by some kids in the hallway and into the lockers, but to fix his balance, he slammed into the lockers, unbeknownst to him, accidentally pinning Freddy in the process. The two sat in uncomfortable silence until Ann called Fox to which Fox embarrassingly slid away, without breaking eye contact with Freddy. (This sparked an unwanted crush on Freddy by Fox and it was made worse when Fox found out that he and Freddy were in the same classroom.) Gender + pronouns: Nonbinary, he/him Sexuality: Straight (or queer unlabeled)
Gina Golden:
>The only normal kid out of the group. Doesn't have a weird or offputting interest to set them apart from other people, except for them being born into wealth. >Was kicked out of their home for being a trans woman. And will never be welcomed back unless she detransitions. The first person she came out to was Joy, who celebrated her almost immediately. Golden was closeted at the time of meeting Los Animatronics, but after coming out to Joy, decided to gather the courage to come out to her band. They all accepted her because of course they did!!! >Because she was born a child prodigy, everyone sees her as perfect, and due to this, it makes her afraid to start a new hobby. She's immensely insecure with herself and wants to avoid the spotlight in fear of failure. Ann is helping her overcome this fear. >Has a crush on Ann. Gender + pronouns: Trans woman, she/they Sexuality: Lesbian
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call me hygrif, hy, griffin, hegrep or whatever you wanna call me i use ANY AND ALL PRONOUNS 💥💥💥💥
i am mostly active on instagram and discord which is on my profile description
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my current interests r jjba, hotd, the ocean hunter, rpg maker horrors games like ib and mad father and MORE, i also may post oc stuffs
proships, fujoshis, kodocons, NSFW accounts GET OUTTTT‼️‼️‼️‼️
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antipeegirlarchive · 2 years
Why is pissy so anti-Gabenath? I'm not a fan either, but she always goes on about it being toxic or a "mad father" relationship.
Yeah i don't know why she hates it, other than it reminding her of that relationship. Like technically you don't need a reason other than that, but her hate seems a bit extreme.
For those who don't know, the relationship she refers to is from the little horror indie rpg "mad father" where the titular father is doing fucked up evil science. Possibly to revive his dead wife, but he was also doing it before she died so. Several years before the plot starts and his wife dies, they take in a girl off the streets and employ her as a maid. She finds out about the evil science and assists with it because she's in love with the father. I don't know if any of the characters have canon ages, but when i was playing i got the impression that the homeless girl was about 15 when she was picked up, and around 19 when the game starts
I've said it before and I'll keep saying it, but gabenath and the mad father relationship aren't very similar. Yeah they're both a kind of boss/employee relationship, but that's really it. Nathalie (theoretically) isn't dependent on Gabriel for her literal survival, and they're both actually adults. Still a gross power imbalance imo, but without the inherent exploitation and skeeviness of dating a barely-adult who lives with you
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moxxbox · 1 year
Hellooo!! I just read ur rules bc i don't want to send anything wrong😭😭 can i have match up with TWST? I don't mind what character im gonna get tbh
Ah here some things about me?😭 i apologize this is my first time doing this!!
I like pink, cats,playing games like, corpse party or old otome ones, i love reading and im obssesed with being a Transplant surgeon ( i want to be one when i grow up) i love learning about psychology and many more that have to do with people mind + human body ( not in a dirty way😭😭) i like hello kitty. I love drawing due being an artist. I love sleeping im also pretty lazy i have zero motivation im just pushing myself to do things,,, i hate not being clean or my room not being clean, i hate toxic people, people that bully others or just being mean and i hate stalkers and dark, loud noises, fighting.
I am a girly girl that is obssesed with pink and things like that ( i go by she/her)
I also love cooking!
Im more like a peace person ( if someone saying something bad or anything im just blocking them) im doing this mosty for my health bc i get triggered easily. Um my hobbies are: reading,drawing, learning new languages.
I cant do sports bc i cant run due always hitting knee pain so i avoid any sports.
My personality ( from my friends POV) :
funny, calm and very respectful, kinda stupid bc i say stupid things , lazy , very energetic( only in chat)😭
For my pov: i dont really know my personality or to give an example of what is like, so im gonna write how is it easier to me, im stupid im gonna believe anything others tell me i have high trust issues, mommy issues..( these arent a personality ( i think) but i think i prove how dumb i am💀 ( i also i always go by logic in things)
Uh i cant focus on things i also always lose interest in things most of the time.
My ideal partner type is: a nice person that i can communicate with bc to keep a relationship u need to understand each other, someone that understand me and have some of my interest so we can share and enjoying or time together.
My love language is: able to read a person so i can be able to understand what is wrong so i can comfort them. ( i dont like physical affection im very uncomfy with those so i just give my advice even if they dont need it)
Bro ur English is fucking amazing omg<3 ALSO ANOTHER CORPSE PARTY PLAYER!!! Im still in my playthrough but it's so 🫨🤩funky(/POS)
So Anon I match you with...
Me☺️ (/j /p)ok ok but actually,
I match you with...
Idia Shroud
HELP IDK IT JUST IF I SMASHED YOU NOTH TOGETHER YOU'D BE A GOOD COUPLE! Cat lovers unite! Also like a date night of playing horror RPGs (I think that's what corpse party is considered...) Like Corpse Party, IB, Mad Father, etc... Idia honestly could most likely help with your studying to be a Transplant Surgeon, you could test psychology stuff on him if you asked😭. Would buy you Hello Kitty stuff!!! Would definitely want to see your art if your not shy to showing it! He'll do his best to keep rooms clean, even if he also is a tad bit lazy. Nowhere is dark with him due to his hair... He'll buy random stuff off the internet thinking, 'Oh, she'd like that!'. If you were in the position of Yuu(being transported to TWST from another world.) He'd fake you a doctor's note for Physical Education. He'd do his best to communicate but if he has difficulty verbalizing some things(which he will...) His emotions are easily noticable by his hair and face!
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dearest-starboy · 2 years
I am Too Afraid to ask this on my main but you have Horror RPGs on your carrd and I wanna know if theres any specifics
I am reaching out and sobbing for more rpg horror fans, especially of the obscure ones,,
hiii! I haven't gotten into all the horror RPGs known to man... (I'm saving them so I can experience them with a fresh pair of eyes. isn't it great to let a friend who's never seen your favorite movie enjoy it as much as you had when you first saw the movie? that's me) So here's a list I have off the top of my head that I like:
Mad Father
The Crooked Man (my first RPG horror game I've ever seen and really liked)
Ao Oni
The Witch's House
Yume Nikki (To an extent... Tho I don't really understand it too much)
I'm considering getting into these:
Corpse Party
Stray Cat Crossing
Space Funeral
Hello Charlotte
Project Kat
at some point, but idk when. I'll try to find a good playthrough to see.
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dzthenerd490 · 2 months
SCP: Horror Movie Files Update
I'm just going to go ahead and remove Mad Father and ib RPG form the queue. I tried and I just couldn't figure out a way to make them into proper SCP's without fucking up the original material. It just wouldn't work out, sorry everybody. I just felt it would be good to let you all know now rather than forcing you to wait any more than you already have. I will ALWAYS let you guys know when stuff like this ends up happening.
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sobredunia · 4 months
TENA thanks for the funni videoANYWAY what is step one (1) on making an rpgmaker game. (I am EXTREMEMLY BORED rn and feel ambitious. (Step 1 BESIDES owning rpgmaker i already own rpgmaker))
I have a tendency of like. avoiding placeholders like the plague. if a new character is goign to speak i must do all their sprites just so they can say their one line and return to the void. if tthey visit this one place for like three seconds i must do an entirely fully-detailed background before i actually implement it in. i recommend not doing that. use placeholders i beg of you
if you're gonna focus on the rpg aspects like fighting and buying better armour n all, i recommend doing a lot of placeholders like enemy sprites and hero sprites to make sure everything works fine and the battles r satisfying and fair before actually making the final graphics
if you're gonna do something like yume nikki that focuses on exploration with next to no dialogue then make a bigass fucking map with random interesting things throughout and walk around to see if the exploration feels good and the atmosphere is mad crisp
if you wanna do something more like rpg maker horror like mad father or ib i recommend that you begin working on the puzzles first, since they're the bread and butter of this type of game. also the chase scenes if you're planning to have any. the map is half the fun of the chase so you should most importantly focus on where the collision boxes and hindrances would be
if you wanna do something more like your turn to die and kenikari which is more point and click than anything then make sure your maps have no collision and that your character sprites aren't so short that they get 90% obscured by the text boxes
if you actually know how to program and want to mess around with the code there is nothing i can do for you bc i cannot code for shit. you're alone on that one. use stack overflow
also sound effects are important to make your game feel alive, don't be afraid to use them and take royalty-free sounds from the internet or get silly with a mic
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lucimorningstar812 · 1 year
Gay on main time
My partner doesn't really use tumblr, so I'm gonna just ramble
This is probably the happiest I've been in a relationship for a long time. Not to say my last relationship wasn't great, because I still love him dearly and their my best friend, but we both realised that we were on the aromantic spectrum and our relationship was just friendship with extra steps
In terms of romantic feelings, this is the most content I have been. Regardless of where those feelings lie on the spectrum, whether hyper romantic or very little, I know that I love my partner in a way that goes beyond that. I loved them before, and if things ever get to that point, I hope I can still love them after
In the 9 months we've been together, they've shared so many interests with me. Far Cry 5, Hatsune Miku, Helluva Boss, Gravity Falls, old RPG horror games (Witch's House, Mad Father and Misaou), as well as things we already both enjoyed and could continue to bond over
They also bought me a freaking lego piano for Christmas. Do you know how much that shit is?!
We both deal with things in similar ways, go through similar emotions, battle through similar struggles, and understand in those moments to be patient
I have never met them. This is someone I grew to know through online communities we shared. October will be the first time I get to meet them, after over a year of dating by that point. And yet, I feel more comfort with them than any previous partner
They really mean so much to me, and it's a little sad to think that when I first interacted with them, I was put off by their negativity and even avoided games with them because I found it draining. Once I got to know them, learned why they were so negative about things, I grew to not only understand but actively tried to support and help them, which led to us growing closer and closer
Anyway, if anyone reads this, hi XD wanted to just ramble about them for a bit because there's a different joy talking about your partner just because you can rather than doing so in a way that they see/hear it
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