#i also very much agree with ayato having lots of moles n beauty spots !!!!
watatsumiis · 1 year
hi general, passing by to send you some kisses /p
im handing you blankets (if the weather is cold where you are) and your favourite drink <3
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might I ask you to tell us about any random hc you have about ayato? (for example, that he has lots of moles or that he has calloused hands because of how much paperwork he does) If not it's completely ok!
Hiya Lucas! It's great to see you in my inbox !! thank you for the blankets and drink, feeling very cozy right about now :> !!!!
This has been sitting in my inbox for a hot minute because I just haven't had much motivation to write, so sorry about that!
But Ayato headcanons, hooh, I certainly have a few!!!! I'll toss them below the cut :3
He's ambidextrous - with both writing and weaponry. He can seamlessly switch and tends to just use whichever hand is convenient (though he favours his right when he's doing calligraphy so he wont accidentally smudge the ink).
He tends to hyperfocus on things (especially work-related things) and will often forget to look after himself entirely, only realising that he has been sitting hunched over his desk for hours on end when Thoma tells him.
Speaking of, I really love the idea of Thoma and Ayato having a QPP-type relationship, they're really casual behind closed doors and just act like best friends when others aren't watching.
Ayato is really good with kids, though he isn't particularly fond of them (as in he won't go out of his way to interact with them). He got a lot of experience growing up with Ayaka and always knows how to deescalate situations or play along with silly little games and the like.
He shares a study with Ayaka, so they can keep each other company! They have two big desks in one room, though Ayaka tends to be out and about more often than not.
He gets really irritated if anyone moves anything on his desk - he's always able to tell right away, even if everything has been put back in its rightful place. His desk is often a horrifically chaotic mess, but he has a system in place and archons help the poor new hire who tries to neaten it up a little.
Terrified of insects. Gets super grossed out and may actually shriek if he comes face-to-face with a creepy crawly unexpectedly. Thoma is also afraid of them, leaving Ayaka or another housekeeper to have to scoop them up to take outside.
Had a bit of a rebellious phase growing up, though after his parents passed he matured quickly, though sometimes his defiant streak may shine through, especially when dealing with uppity nobles.
Can and will bitch and moan endlessly about all the stuck up idiots he has to deal with on a day-to-day basis. Ayaka and Thoma often get an earful of this - sometimes his gripes become super petty and specific (for instance, he hates the way that the Guuji Yae smacks her lips when she eats).
Speaking of bad noises, he totally has misophonia - he's extraordinarily good at masking his negative responses to things (especially around others) but certain noises just trigger the rage response - Thoma and Ayaka have learned to keep an eye out for that slight twitch in his eye and the tense way he holds himself when he's close to snapping - not that he'd ever do anything outright rude or bad, but he may try something a little underhanded or not ideal for the current situation just to get out of it.
Ayato is a bit of a pessimist too, he calls it 'realism' and cites the fact that it's good that he's always "either correct or pleasantly surprised" as an excuse to continue being vaguely negative about things.
He twirls his hair a lot - I like to imagine his hair as being longer than in canon (more like how people theorised it when he was first revealed) and so often he'll just absently fidget with it.
He's awful when it comes to music. He cant carry a tune or hold a rhythm to save his life. If he's heard a song enough, he may be able to sing it presentably well, but ... not amazingly.
He likes to play silly little practical jokes on people when he gets the opportunity. I'm imagining this scene from mlp when it's in a situation where he needs to be polite and well put together, but there's definitely been times when he's had a bit of extra time on his hands and pulled together a pretty crazy and elaborate scheme (such as making poor Thoma think the entire household had been replaced by yokai after he'd been out to purchase some things)
Oh also !! I like to think that Ayato and Kokomi would get along pretty well and have a lot to talk about. I think Ayaka would also get along really well with her, but there's just an unspoken bond between Ayato and Kokomi as heirs to large important families who were burdened with their duties at too young of an age. They often correspond through letters and the like.
His expensive taste is not optional. He will literally break out in a rash if he has to use cheap soap or crappy sheets.
Does NOT know how to deal with animals at all. Has been chased around by the estate's chickens multiple times (mostly because Thoma babies them too much and they think every person is a friend)
Ayato's sense of personal space is really ... weird, too. With people he doesn't know well or doesn't care for, he stands several paces away (probably a little more than what's considered socially acceptable), but for his close friends and family, he's practically shoulder-to-shoulder with them.
Is super prone to misplacing or losing his things - others (read: thoma) usually have to keep track of important things for him or else they'll just disappear forever in his eight billion pockets.
Wears lots and lots of layers because he likes the comfort that the extra weight and pressure brings.
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