#i also wished we got the wink and closer leaning in the beach scene but
guiltycorp · 10 months
Not that i mind but i wonder if some changes to the shown dynamic were purposeful? The ending especially showed a lot of Gojo's regard for Geto, it was very cute (although I did think that Geto's depressive state in it would influence anime-onlys to see him as this typical brooding teenager who is annoyed by Gojo... and also im still certain that Geto showing middle finger in the group photo wasn't really in character for him). The lyrics of the opening and ending also add a lot of context for sure!
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Then in the last episode they did a great job of adapting Gojo's emotional reaction, going even further with the excellent voice acting, erratic movements and bleeding from clenching his fist too hard... And of course the ambiguous redness under his visible eye after the dream, i'm sure we aren't going to get any confirmation whether it's from tiredness or tears (or allergies, or artstyle) but the implication alone is enough.
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But!! At the same time in that final episode they chose to downplay the scenes where Geto mentioned Gojo before defection. And they didn't erase those moments but instead chose not to show his face fully.
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It's like... His last hidden warmth towards Gojo, only shown to the manga readers. I'm not sure what the animation team's intent might have been with this, but I have to say - to me the manga had felt more ambiguous in regards to their relationship, their emotional states and feelings remained mostly subtextual (and i don't only mean the romantic overtones but just specifically Gojo's attitude towards Geto in the backstory). Meanwhile the anime chooses to focus a little more on Gojo's appreciation for Geto, clarifying a lot of things on his end but leaving Geto's side of things a biiiit less apparent? Which might in the end be for the best in order to make the sealing moment unambiguous. As it is, it was easy to interpret Gojo's fatal hesitation as an understandable shock at seeing a person from his past that he had killed. One could imagine him reacting the same way to Toji, for example. This way, however, Gojo's feelings will be clear. Also, I do remember how before s2 a lot of people claimed that Gojo didn't care whatsoever, citing that as the reason he had missed all the signs and why he 'had no problem' killing Geto in jjk0 (as if he hadn't avoided it to the last possible moment). So I believe it's very important for the audience to see that Gojo absolutely did care, and their sincere friendship just wasn't enough to overpower the messed up world they were living in, at least not without Gojo understanding that the system required change (which he didn't fully get until after Geto snapped, and even then... haha...). This in my view makes for a more complex narrative than just Gojo being a narcissistic person without personal attachments? It wasn't a one-sided narrative, both of them really were friends and liked each other outside of just going on missions together, it just wasn't enough. Anyway yeah, it feels like the anime showed a bit less of Geto's POV when it came specifically to Gojo, but we got more of Gojo's emotions in return, so yay!
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openheart12 · 3 years
Tales of the Heart
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A/N: I was so stoked when I found out TC was filmed in NC because it’s finally good for something dihgjkdgjls I’m trying to keep this as gender neutral as I can since I don’t tend to write fics with real people because I try to respect them, but I had this idea and wanted to write it. I’m not completely sure how I feel about it yet though lol but it should be a couple parts!! 
Summary: During filming for The Conjuring, reader is living their dream of being an actor. They didn’t think life could get much better, but then again, they never expected they would fall in love. 
WC: 1,314
Pairing: GN reader x Vera
You were in Wilmington, North Carolina for the filming of The Conjuring that you were just casted in. It was a movie based on the paranormal investigator couple Ed and Lorraine Warren. The movie itself was actually based on one of their real life cases that you had spent hours researching on to prepare for your role, however minor it was.
Acting has been a dream of yours since you were little. The red carpet had always excited you and now you were just that much closer to achieving your dream. 
It was late February and a cold chill was raising goose bumps on your arms. You were on the way to EUE/Screen Gems Studios where the first day of filming was taking place. You were told filming would take just a little over a month and you had planned accordingly, bringing almost your entire wardrobe, but it was better to be prepared than sorry.
At least that’s how you justified it. 
This was your first time in the state and you were taking in your surroundings. The window was down, your hair blowing in the wind as you did some last minute research on your phone. You pulled up the first article you found; 
The movie was based on the Perron family case, a family of seven who lived in Harrisville, Rhode Island. In January 1971, they moved into a farmhouse where they began to notice strange things happening. It started small, Carolyn, the mother, would notice that the broom went missing or seemed to move by itself, she’d hear something scraping against the kettle, and she’d find small piles of dirt in the center of the floor after cleaning it.
It wasn’t long before the children started to notice spirits around the house. 
Carolyn  researched the history of the house and discovered that it had been in the same family for eight generations and that many of them had died under mysterious and horrible circumstances. 
She found a woman by the name of Bathsheba Sherman who lived on the property in the mid-1800s. She was rumored to have been a Satanist and there was evidence that she was involved in the death of a neighbor’s child, though no trial ever took place. She was buried in a nearby Baptist cemetery in downtown Harrisville. 
The Perron’s believed it was Bathsheba’s spirit tormenting them. 
The Warren’s made multiple trips to investigate. At one point, Lorraine conducted a seance to contact the spirits that were possessing the family. However, during the seance, Carolyn became possessed, speaking in tongues and rising from the ground in her chair. After the seance, Roger kicked the Warren’s out worried about his wife’s mental stability. 
The family continued to live in the house until they were able to move in 1980, at which point the spirits were silenced and the hauntings ceased. 
You let out an involuntary shudder. As excited as you were, you were also nervous. You didn’t think that a horror movie would be the start of your career, not that you were complaining. 
The car pulled up in front of the studio and you got out, looking at the building standing before you. You thanked the driver and gave him the information of the hotel you would be staying at.
You straightened your shoulders and took a deep breath before making your way inside. The first thing you noticed was the noise and the chaos. There were hundreds of video equipment scattered around and more people than you’ve ever seen before cramped together. You weren’t exactly sure of what to do so you stood off to the side, in a private little corner.
You took in everything, from the people to the millions of lights that were already beginning to make your head hurt. And for a moment, just a moment, you began to doubt if you could do this or not.
“Hey, you okay?” A soft voice called out to you.
“I’m fine,” you replied, turning to look at the person and stopping in your tracks. The voice belonged to no one other than Vera Farmiga, the star of the movie you were here to film, your idol, and the woman you had a slight crush on. Okay, maybe it wasn’t a slight crush, but nonetheless, you stood there in shock. 
“I’m Vera,” she said, offering her hand to you. You took it with a shaky hand. Her hand was so much softer than you expected.
“I’m Y/N.” 
“It’s nice to meet you,” she smiled and you returned it, still standing there completely awestruck. You had seen every single movie she’s been in, she was one of the big reasons you wanted to go into acting and standing in front of her, you were speechless.
“Vera?” A male voice called and the two of you turned your head to see James Wan, the director, walking towards you. Yet again, you were awestruck. You loved his directing and Saw was a favorite of yours. “I need you and Patrick to start getting ready. We’re going to start the opening scene of the Warren’s.”
“Okay, perfect. James, this is Y/N,” Vera introduced you and you gave a small smile.
“Hey,” you offered.
“Hey, you’re playing the student at the university, right?”
You nodded, surprised he remembered your role.
“I don’t think we’re going to film your scene today, so if you just want to hang out and get to know the other cast members, that’s fine,” he said before going back to work, leaving you and Vera alone again.
“Maybe we can get together for dinner later?” She asked and you swear you heard her voice waver just a bit, but you played it off as your ears playing tricks on you.
“That’d be great!” You exclaimed, a wide grin on your face.
“It’s a date,” she winked, walking away. A slight blush adjourned your cheeks and you felt very hot. The chilly air from earlier was now gone.
The rest of the day passed by rather quickly, you had stayed on set getting to know the gist of things and of course watching Vera. 
She was captivating while in her element, doing what she loved. You were entranced by her beauty. You didn’t think that there were many people who could pull off clothes from the 70s quite like she did. She even caught you staring a couple times, smiling at you when she met your eyes.
You also saw Patrick Wilson, the other star and other half of the Warren couple. You noticed their chemistry right away and couldn’t help but think of how you wished it was you playing Vera’s significant other. 
When filming finished for the day, you headed to your hotel room to get ready for your “date.” You were giddy with excitement and bouncing with nerves. A million questions were going through your head: what would you wear? What would you two talk about? Would it be awkward? Where were you going to go? 
You weren’t familiar with the area and you didn’t know if she was or not. Dinner on the beach sounded nice to you, but maybe she didn’t like the beach or maybe she would change her mind. There were too many things unknown and your nerves were starting to get the better of you. 
Just then a knock sounded at your door and you went to look through the peephole to find Vera outside. You opened it and she smiled, leaning in to give you a hug. 
“You ready?” She asked.
“Ready,” you responded confidently. She held her hand out to you and you took it, heading downstairs to the waiting car. “Where are we going?” You asked once getting seated.
“You’ll see,” she smirked. 
You smiled at the things you still had to learn about her as you got settled in for the drive.
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capsgirl19 · 4 years
wait I wanna hear about the gay subtext and wasted potential of teen beach 2
Okay, strap in because I don’t do elevator pitches. Major spoilers for Teen Beach Movies 1&2. And a readmore because this is LONG!
SO. Idk if this is a common observation, but it seemed fairly obvious to me that Lela fell hard in love with Mack over the course of the first movie. She felt trapped by gender roles, obligated to pursue a relationship with a boy over and over again, never even considering that there might be something more until this girl unlike anyone she’s ever met crashes into her life saying that she can do anything men can do, that she doesn’t have to fit into a little box. I legit thought the scene in her bedroom might be her confessing to being gay, though I knew it wouldn’t be. And like... the necklace exchange? The extended hug at the end? Not to mention in the second one, she’s desperate to escape her own universe so she can be with Mack again, desperate to live in a world where she’s allowed to be her true self. The fact that Brady turns into a garbage fire in that one doesn’t help my opinions on the canon pairings, either. By all rights, Lela’s story in the second movie ought to be a tragedy. She escapes a world defined by rigid expectations that she be in a relationship with a man to get back to the girl who changed her life. And she makes it! And she’s happy! And then it turns out everyone she loves will die if she doesn’t go back to her own life. She makes this tremendous sacrifice to save her entire universe, and honestly a sad gay story is cliche, but imo better than doing what they actually did with that ending.
As a little aside, can we talk about the unbelievable amount of lip service in these movies that the second one undermines with its entire plot? In the first movie Brady was kinda dumb, but a seemingly good boyfriend. Mack was so about Girl Power that she was trying to bring third wave feminism to the early sixties. In the second one Brady is sulky, jealous for no reason, dumps his girlfriend because HIS TRASH ASS fucking forgot they had plans, and never even has to apologize for it. On the contrary, Mack apologizes to HIM! When she never did anything to so much as suggest she’d find his interests stupid! I digress, sorry, it pissed me off to no end.
That finished, let’s get into the meta. While I don’t think the writers realized it, they wrote a super interesting multiverse. We’ve got the prime universe, the one Mack and Brady are from, which is the one all the others spawn from. My theory is that literally anyone can create a universe by writing about one. The intricacy of the created universe is based on how much worldbuilding goes into it, and the better thought-out the universe, the stronger the fabric of reality surrounding it will be, and the harder it’ll be to change from its intended path. This isn’t a new concept, but there’s an interesting level of equity in the fact that secondary universes can rewrite the entire timeline of the primary one if they change enough. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Wet Side Story is a sleepy little universe, not much thought put into how it runs at all. The characters sing and dance their way through the same summer over and over again in a contented daze, like the lotus eaters of the Odyssey. And then along come Mack and Brady, to stretch at the delicate chiffon of this simple place. The characters closest to them begin to stir from their trances, and there’s no way to go back. No way to unknow. Only an endless summer, a stretching eternity of pretending, and Lela can’t stand it. With barely a few months between, she’s pulling that fabric in the opposite direction trying to get back to the girl who captured her mind and her heart, currently in a failing relationship. And then she has to go back. She doesn’t want to. Mack seems to wish she could stay, if only for Lela’s own sake. She and Tanner return to their own universe, but not before Mack tells her that she can control her own destiny and shape her universe to her whims. Lela takes this to heart, becoming the solo star of the film. It’s too much. The thin fabric separating her universe from the primary one tears as she severely alters its timeline, allowing her to throw Mack a leather jacket matching her own through a movie screen, and shoot her a sly wink as she dances along to the movie. This is the end of Teen Beach 2, and oh boy, do I have sequel ideas.
Here’s the setup: so. Lela goes home. Whoever wrote the movie she’s in has long since abandoned caring for the universe they never bothered to build a world for, and their grip is weak. It’s easy to wrest the pen from that loose hand, to bend her world around her until it suits her desires, and she writes a great story. But it still feels empty. Lela is the queen of the beach, but her friends still seem their happiest playing their new roles, over and over again. She ascends to godhood, taking the reins of her own universe, but it’s lonely at the top and she’s as high as a person can go. She is peerless. She has nothing but time to ponder the nature of everything, and to yearn for the only equal she ever had.
The final film doesn’t open with her, though, and this one’s a fuckin’ doozy. Think Infinity War (the comic, not the movie, and maybe a little bit of Marvel’s Illuminati plotline too) meets a lesbian pulp novel. It opens with Mack, a few years later, now in college studying oceanography. Things keep sort of... glitching out. The camera pans past a character or scene from Lela, Queen of the Beach, or maybe even Wet Side Story, but when Mack looks back at it it’s always normal again. She decides she’s being silly, and it’s just been awhile since she watched her favorite movie, so that night she makes some time and puts it on. Lela herself steps out of the screen after one of her numbers and restores Mack’s memories of the timeline that got dead-ended by Lela’s alteration of her own universe. Mack is thrilled to see her after so long, and they hug, Mack explaining what she’s been doing in the time they’ve been apart. For Lela, it’s only been a year, and she never aged to begin with. Lela tells Mack how she took her advice, she changed her movie, but things were still so unbearably lonely. She tells her that whoever created their multiverse is cruel, that they had no regard for the people within, but that it’s alright. Lela knows how to handle indifferent creators, after all. She’s going to merge it all into one universe, no hierarchies, that she personally will oversee. She’s come to ask Mack to rule at her side.
Mack is afraid of her power and afraid of her ideas. She tries to talk Lela out of it, but to no avail. Lela is deeply sad that Mack doesn’t see things her way, but out of love for the other girl and a genuine belief that she’s too powerful to be stopped, once again forging her own destiny, she folds the necklace into Mack’s palm and returns to her own universe to continue her work.
Mack and Brady went their separate ways after high school, not on bad terms, but because a long-distance relationship didn’t seem realistic. This is the first time they’ve spoken since she left for college, but Brady is her only hope for someone who might understand. She manages to jog his memory, and they have to work together to try and prevent Lela from remaking all of creation. There are posters throughout which serve as markers of how close she is to achieving her goals, shifting gradually closer to their final form: Lela in iconic pink jacket leaning against the side of a motorcycle on a black-sand beach, a galactic sky behind her. The title reads, “LELA: QUEEN OF THE MULTIVERSE.” This is also the working title of the third movie.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand that’s all I got! How does it end? I don’t know! Probably Lela doesn’t merge the multiverse into one place, because that’s never a great plan. Maybe she just gets to live in Mack’s universe and go to college and find a girlfriend and have a good life? And her movie’s about Tanner and Bucky now (bc holy god there’s not as much of a story there but Tanner is fucking gay as hell), but it has the same story as the original? That might be good. Could also be called “Mack and Brady Save the Multiverse” idk.
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mind-reader1 · 5 years
The Twins of La Huerta (Ch.3)
A/N: This is a collaborative fic from myself, @bbaba-yagaa, @brightpinkpeppercorn and @roonarific. It is DIFFERENT than the one posted by @sceptilemasterr over the past few months. That being said, this story doesn’t strictly follow canon, it’s got crack-fic moments, serious moments, NSFW moments. A bit of everything and so we really hope you enjoy! Not for the faint of heart. (This is the last time this warning will be posted.) It’s also come to my attention some tags aren’t working, please let me know if that’s the case! 
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1,920
Catch up with Chapters 1 and 2 here!
Last Time: The group decides to celebrate having the hotel to themselves with a pool party. Estela and Tyler had a little heart to heart under the stars, and Taylor saw something strange in the jungle that Jake tried to help her forget. 
Chapter 3: Trails and Tails
She woke up the next morning, Jake was gone. Slipping into some clothes she found the group downstairs, chaos reigning. Raj had made everyone his famous 'hangover cure’ breakfast, no one had time to eat it though because Lila came in with big news, she had figured out what happened to the guests. They were at some emergency shelter, only no one knew where exactly that shelter was.
“I'm in.” Jake said, everyone looking at him confused.
“You said you were going to look for the shelter. I was supposed to be on a beach in Mexico by now, everyday I spend here is money lost.”
“Me too! I'd love to see the island.” Quinn giggled turning to Tyler who was looking for Estela. This kind of thing seemed right up her alley.
“Are you going to come Tyler?” She rested her hand gently on his arm, but he ignored her.
“Whaddya say Princess? Are you coming?” She could feel everyone's eyes on her, she couldn't stop thinking about the tiger, the way it stalked her in the bushes. Her hands were getting sweaty, Tyler watched her closely, worried about her.
“I...uh.” Jake grinned.
“It's okay if you're too scared. You can stay here with the rest of the goof troop.”
“We should stay Tay.” Tyler leaned over to whisper. She scowled at both of them, she wasn't some scared little kid.
“Wait! I'm coming.”
“Why?” Diego asked.
“Aren't you at least a little curious as to why no one came back from the shelter yet?”
“Yeah, but that doesn't mean we need to go looking. It's horror movie 101, but I'll go just so I can say I told you so when something attacks us.”
“I’m going too then.” Tyler jumped up as the rest of the group was getting ready to leave.
“I think we've got enough Boy Scout.” Jake grinned.
“Tyler can protect me!” Quinn giggled grabbing his arm.
“Who are we to stand in the way of love Jake?” Taylor teased her brother. Strolling through the forest, Quinn began to admire the brightly colored flowers, they seemed to be glowing unnaturally. She leaned in to smell them while Jake took a step back, something about overhearing stories in the right dive bars and not trusting anyone after running secret government missions. Taylor took a step back from the flowers wary, Jake pulled her closer to him.
“Good call Princess.” His arm snaked around her waist as they walked together. Tyler's hands balled into fists as they walked, catching glances of Jake's hand sliding a little lower, as Diego grilled him about Estela.
“Oh no! This doesn't make any sense.” Lila frowned looking around.
“What doesn't make sense?” Taylor asked.
“The shelter should be right here according to the signs!” Aleister rolled his eyes annoyed.
“Great. The tour guide is lost. What do they even pay you for anyways?”
“Tactical scouting 101 kids. Get to high ground. See that rocky cliff over there? I'm checking it out.”
“Ooh that sounds like a waterfall nearby. I'll bet the shelter is near it.” Quinn piped up.
“I really think we should stick to the trail, the shelter should be just up ahead.” Everyone was bickering about why their idea was better and it was getting old.
“Why don't we split up!” Taylor suggested.
“I'm staying here on the trail.” Diego said, Aleister plopped down indicating that he wasn't going anywhere.
“Want to keep me company Princess?” Jake winked. Tyler jumped up to interject but didn't have time.
“That'd be fun.” They ran off and Tyler tried to chase after them, but Quinn stepped in his path smiling at him.
“Want to come with me? Keep me safe?” Quinn giggled. Tyler rolled his eyes and let her drag him off.
Jake deftly leaped and ducked as they combed through the forest to the mountain.
“You do this alot? Hiking through the forest that is. You seem pretty confident in the outdoors.” Jake turned to look back at Taylor and smiled, make sure she was keeping up.
“I grew up in a Louisiana town that was so rural it wasn't even on the map. When it comes down to it, the swamp and the jungle ain't so different.
“Probably less gators though.”
“Less gators, more jaguars, I'd call it even. How about you Princess? This your kinda scene?”
“I love the outdoors. Blue skies, fresh air, a soft sea breeze...it's perfect. I mean I should be more freaked out by...whatever that thing was I saw last night, but being out here? I can't help but feel happy,” she saw Jake watching her intently as she spoke a twinkle in his eye, “the company doesn't hurt either.” She winked but Jake had turned away and didn't seem to hear her.
“That why you come with? Wanted a nature hike?”
“It’s not a nature hike unless we're au natural. I came for the company.” Taylor tried again and this time he heard her.
“Oh!” She could tell she caught him off guard.
“You're not like the others here Jake. You're confident and capable, and you seem like you know what you're doing. I don't know what it is, but...I want to be near you. I feel safe with you, is that weird?”
“Naw, not weird. Just classic Princess.”
“Are you ever gonna use my real name?” She playfully crossed her arms.
“Only when you've earned it.” He winked.
“And how do I do that Top Gun?” They emerged at the base of the cliff they needed to climb.
“Well how's your rock climbing?”
“Let's find out.” She sauntered off in front of him, shaking her hips, knowing that Jake was watching her. They began climbing the cliff using small handholds to pull themselves up. Breathing hard, Jake crested the cliff first, Taylor just about to follow when the rock she had hold of crumbled beneath her grip.
“Ahh!” She grabbed the edge of the cliff, before Jake could even react she was pulling herself up.
“Nice moves Princess.” Jake walked over and looked out over the forest, it was an incredible view. The forest went on for miles in different shades of green, blue water just barely visible on the horizon. She sidled up beside him, but he wasn't paying any attention to her, so she decided to have some fun. She peeled her shirt off.
“It's soooo hot.” She fanned herself and Jake turned around, his eyes widening as they raked over her body with desire.
“This place never stops taking my breath away.”
“It's one hell of a sight.” Jake grinned and forced himself to look away.
“Hey Top Gun, that look like a shelter to you?” She pointed out to a small grey building by the river.
“Hot damn Taylor, nice eye.”
“So, I earned it?” She grinned.
“Don't get ahead of yourself Princess. Maybe before I leave we can go on another climb.” There was a genuineness to his voice that made Taylor smile.
“I'd like that.”
“Let's get back to the others.”
Tyler and Quinn walked in silence until she turned to him.
“Thanks for coming with me.” She grabbed his arm and smiled at him.
“I just wanted some space from Jake…” she trailed off, tears welling in her eyes.
“Not your favorite person?”
“No. He made me feel dumb earlier… calling me Pippi Longstocking and throwing pumpkin spice lattes in my face. He has me pinned as a spoiled, sheltered college student which isn't true at all. I just wanted to enjoy the flowers! This is my first time ever enjoying the outdoors, I didn't have a normal childhood.” Tyler did feel bad for Quinn, Jake's comment had been harsh and demeaning, he didn't know what his sister saw in that low life.
“Yeah, that was pretty messed up. I'm sorry he said that to you, I don't think you're dumb.”
“Thanks,” she giggled, “is this your kind of vacation?” Tyler nodded.
“I really enjoy the outdoors, everything about it. It's just... peaceful.”
“Maybe Jake just doesn't understand that. He seems like he's seen some scary stuff.” They heard the sound of rushing water getting closer.
“I just think he's a dick. Don't worry about what he thinks Quinn.” She smiled just as they emerged through the trees and into a beautiful lagoon with a waterfall. Quinn quickly peeled off her clothes, wading into the water. Tyler hung back on the beach, a pang in his chest, he wished that he was here with Estela. They could be bitching about Jake, maybe swimming together, he could finally disarm her of the stupid pencil. He snickered to himself and hung his head between his knees as he sat in the sand. He was pining for a girl who threatened to kill him with a dull pencil, not once but twice, and told him to stay away. There was just something about her that drew him in, like a moth to the flame.
“Tyler come swimming!” He sighed and peeled his shirt off headed towards the water when a glint caught his eye. He bent down to pick it up and it was a pirate doubloon.
“What'd you find?” Quinn wadded out of the water, resigning herself to the fact that she wasn't going to convince him to go swimming. He showed her the piece of pirate gold and her eyes widened in surprise.
“Do you think it's real?” Tyler shrugged.
“We've seen lots of crazy stuff on this island. Wouldn't surprise me much.” he snatched it back and stuck it in his pocket, Quinn frowned.
“I guess we should go back then.” Tyler nodded and started the trek back.
Jake and Taylor had found the shelter, it was a short walk from the where everyone had split up, off the path.
“Why are we celebrating? Is this place not giving anyone else 28 Days Later vibes?”
“Shelters are made to keep you safe, not look pretty. C'mon.” Jake led the way into the dilapidated shelter only to find it was empty and worn down on the inside as well.
“Maybe pop culture Petey was right. This place is giving me the creeps.”
“I don't like this Tay.” Tyler appeared at her side.
“Anyone else want to go back to the jungle with pretty flowers? Anybody?” Quinn's voice was shaky.
“Lots of muddy shoe prints. They seem recent, someone was here.” Jake knelt down. Tyler uneasy feeling began to grow.
“Tay. We should get out of here.” He grabbed her arm.
“I'm not leaving our friends Tyler!” everyone jumped as they heard a skittering noise, like rats, but it was something much larger. They followed the source of the noise to a large black hole where the concrete wall had collapsed, the flowers from outside growing out of it.
“I think it came from in there.” Diego pointed. Tyler took a deep breath and stepped up to look.
“Something's definitely alive in there.” before anyone could process, a small figure came bounding out of the darkness. It was a small, blue, fox looking creature, ice clinging to the wall behind it. It seemed afraid, no one knew why until they heard the low, deep growl behind them. Turning they came face to face with the creature Taylor had seen the night before.
“Jake! What do we do?” Taylor looked at him and it was the first time she had ever seen him look scared, he grabbed her hand, she grabbed Tyler's with her other one. 
Perma-Tag:  @brightpinkpeppercorn @sleepwalkingelite @ooo-barff-ooo @endlessly-searching-for-you @agent-bossypants @roonarific @likethetailofacomet @zaffrenotes @mysteli @vickypoochoices @kayann93 @jlouise88 @zigortega4life @findingdrake @bbaba-yagaa
Jake Tag:  @endlesstaylormckenzie @sophie-summer  @darley1101 @emomoustache​ @xo-endlessmayhem-xo​
Twin Tag:  @sceptilemasterr @queerchoicesblog
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giranswife · 6 years
Truth or Dare Au || Ch. 1
Summary: Ashley and her friends take a trip to the beach to enjoy some time away together. While they’re there, they stumble upon some interesting ruins that a few of them wish to investigate. Which will quickly become their shelter from a storm, and they decide to make the time worth it by having some fun. Little do they know that by starting a game of truth or dare, they will be sealing their fate with a vengeful spirit.
W: self-insert x canon, fluff, eventual slight nsfw, eventual horror
Ship: shirey
Next Part
(( Note: This is my horror au just in time for halloween! It’s a multi parter, I know that I have a lot coming, please bear with me!! This is based off of and heavily inspired by the movie Truth or Dare. I will be using scenes and maybe some dialogue from the movie, but I will definitely be twisting the narrative a lot to fit my mix of comedy and less death. Think of it as a slightly watered down version. ))
The warmth of the sun from the window served as the perfect light for me to catch up on a couple pages of my book. I leaned against the kitchen counter, using the morning sunlight as my only light source. My initial idea was to finish the short read before Shiroe was out of the shower, waiting for him patiently while also completing this book. I had been trying to finish it for months, work and other things keeping me from it.
I rubbed my sleepy eyes, sipping on my tea beside me. The house was rather quiet, and I felt myself falling against my palm that rested against my cheek. The words on the page below started to blend together, and my eyelashes slowly fluttered closed. It didn’t take long for me to slowly fall asleep.
Before I could slam my head into the counter, I felt a hand slowly touch my shoulder gently. It caused me to jump a bit, my eyes fluttering open as I glanced at the man beside me.
“Oh… hey Shiroe,” I mumbled, “Did I fall asleep?”
He nodded, his hand running down my cheek. The warmth of it calmed my thudding heart, and I relaxed into my chair with a sigh.
“Yep. Almost. Are you sure you want to go?”
I nodded, sitting up from the stool and stretching my arms.
“Of course I do. I just didn’t get enough sleep as I would have wanted to last night. Besides, Sayeko and Marielle would kill me if I canceled plans.”
Shiroe shook his head, chuckling as I yawned and leaned my forehead against his stomach. He ran a hand through my hair, delicately pushing the strands as he held me close. In the peaceful quiet of the kitchen in that early morning, I could easy fall back asleep in this position. But I was both excited for this trip and ready to get out on the road for some damn fresh air.
“No they wouldn’t. I’m sure she’d understand if you were tired.”
“Yeah, but… I’ve been looking forward to this weekend for months.”
Shiroe let out a sigh, but didn’t protest. He knew that I was right, and he definitely didn’t want to upset me.
Today we were getting ready to meet up with our friends to head out to the beach for the weekend. Me and Sayeko thought it would be fun to get away for the weekend, all of us needing a break from everyday life and stress. I haven’t spent a lot of time with my friends like that in a long time. It would be great to get away and have a fun time.
After months of deadlines and meetings, this was what I needed. Shiroe felt the same, but he was just looking out for me. It’s why I loved him and why I was excited for us to get married soon. It was another reason why we needed to get away. Lately he and I have just needed a break from the world. We would technically still be with friends, but we did get a separate hotel room in the hopes of having some alone time at night.
Just as I was getting used to the feeling of his arms around me, I heard my phone chime beside me. I quickly picked it up, reading the text from Sayeko through blurry eyes.
“Oh, they’re about to pull up,” I said, quickly shutting my laptop and throwing it into its case, “Are you sure you don’t just want to take my car? It’s gonna be kind of cramped.”
“Yeah, it’ll be easier to take one car. Besides, they already agreed that they trust me driving more than any of you guys.”
“Now, I have no idea why they’d say that.”
I winked teasingly, slipping my bag onto my shoulder.
“Hey, I’m a pretty good driver,” He said, then took a better glance at my face, “What?!”
“Yes, babe, you’re a good driver. But more like you’re… too good of a driver.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
He followed me to help me grab my bags, just as Sayeko pulled up in our driveway. She should have already picked up Akatsuki and Marielle, and we were their last stop. I helped pitch in some cash so we could rent a bigger vehicle since most of us who had vehicles didn’t have one large enough for all of us.
Biting my lower lip, I tried not to giggle too hard as I spun around to face him. The look on his face was pretty adorable. He looked almost betrayed in a cute, joking sort of way.
“Shiroe, baby, I love you. But you drive like my grandmother.”
He scoffed, “I do not. I drive responsibly!”
“Too responsibly!”
“So would you rather me drive like Naotsugu?”
My eyes widened, and I had no words at that point.
The lift of his brows just made me giggle loudly, gently pushing his chest playfully. The thought was already frightening enough, and he knew that. He was there when I specifically asked Sayeko not to let Naotsugu take the wheel. At all. I’d much rather deal with Shiroe’s careful driving than his… fast and furious kind.
“Yeah, I thought so,” He laughed.
“You know, just because you won this time, doesn’t mean anything.”
I poked his chest for emphasis, pursing my lips as I noticed him getting closer. My chest heaved slowly as I tried to catch my breath from laughter. The distance was slowly closing between us, and I felt his fingers slip through my own. His lips pressed against mine so softly, that I almost didn’t feel it at first. I kissed back, smiling in between each one as my cheeks flushed red.
It wasn’t until I heard the loud knock near my ear that I suddenly jumped and yelped rather loudly.
“Are you guys ready in there?”
I rolled my eyes, quickly opening the door before he could knock that loudly again.
“Oh, there you are! What’s taking you so god damn long?”
“None of your damn business, bitch.”
“Now, that’s just rude!”
I stuck out my tongue at Naotsugu as I walked backwards towards the car.
Sayeko was already rushing out of the car to give me a hug, helping me get my bags and throw them into the trunk. Marielle rolled down her window, reaching her hand out to pinch my cheeks.
“There’s my cute sister!”
“Marielle, please, don’t-”
She stopped only long enough for her to open the door and yank me inside. Her arms wrapped around me in a tight embrace, and I was already beginning to gasp for air.
“Marielle, do we have to do this every time?” Akatsuki asked from the seat near the opposite window.
She rolled her eyes, giving me a sympathetic smile.
“Didn’t you two just see each other yesterday?” Sayeko asked, appearing behind us as she tried to help Marielle relax her fingers.
“Every day away from my sister is a terrible day!”
Finally, I was able to break free from her hold, and I slid down onto the ground as I gasped for breath. Granted, I was being a bit dramatic about the whole thing, but it really did feel like I was just getting my breath back after a long time. She literally knocked the wind out of me.
Sayeko helped me onto my feet, and she tried not to giggle from the face that I was making. I rubbed the base of my neck and chatted with the girls while Shiroe helped Naotsugu put up the rest of the bags.
“Are you ladies ready to go? You got everything?”
“Yeah, yeah we’re fine. Just waiting on you two slowpokes.”
I winked, ignoring the roll of both of their eyes.
The sun was beating down above us, which was both a good and a bad sign. It was a good sign that it was perfect beach weather, but it was bad because it made me miserable. I was feeling much better once I was inside the car, sitting in front of the AC that was blowing right on me.
“I’ll stop at a store and let you guys get some snacks. We’re about two hours out,” Shiroe said, giving my hand a little kiss before he started the car.
“Ooooh! Did you say snacks?”
“Yes, children, he did.”
“Who the hell are you calling a child?!”
“Naotsu, baby, please. Shhh…”
I rolled my eyes, folding my legs underneath me in the seat and getting more comfortable.
This was going to be a long, long ride. But I was looking forward to it. My friends may be weird and sometimes wild, but I loved them to death. This was one of the reasons why I knew that this weekend was going to be the best.
But little did I know that there was so much more in store for us. So much more than just a simple beach weekend.
Something much… much deadlier.
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