#i always automatically type out your writing blog url when adding tags instead of your main LMAO
bearseungmin · 2 years
can you give us a snippet of not so strayed??👀
004 not so strayed | ot8 miniseries
not so strayed... my lost boys! au for skz that's been in my head for nearly two years now and yet it's still not finished. I'm really hoping to have time to work on it before spooky season ends considering I have an entire other series (aka 003 the price of a bite | ot8 series) that is based around the same theme (except it's a fic per member instead of ot8 all together making you question your sanity). but, we will see!
see the WIP GAME that this ask refers to!
snippet of not so strayed: part one "figments of your imagination" below the cut!!!
His scent was thick like the smoke of a fire, the distant man passing by your form. By fate or karma, you took notice of him. His leather jacket swayed through the crowd like a drop of rain moving through rocks. Undetected, but impressionable.
Lights beamed and music blared, the crackles of the sparklers in people's hands giving an aura to the overwhelming pier. A concert played in the distance, the orange flickers of the flames presenting shadows along your skin.
You tried to move at his pace, to keep up with the mysterious man's figure. But just as you caught a glimpse of his side profile, the smirk telling that he knew he was being followed, he finally fell in between the cracks.
You halted just outside of the calmest store present, the long aisles of thick and thin booklets enough of a distraction from the stranger to make you move inside. Comics with colors bright and looming, your eyes sifted over each and every one until a gruesome sight caught your glance.
A large man with a distraught woman in his arms, blood dripping from the main artery in her neck. Her face was terrified, while he was satisfied.
"The ones who tread at night are more frightening than monsters in closets." A deep voice caught your ears, a guy at your side peering at the same comic.
Fluffy blonde hair pulled from his face by a red bandana, his skin was amply illuminating that you could count each and every freckle on his cheeks until they met at the bridge of his nose.
The first to offer you guidance since halting inside the desensitizing town, he blinked his welcome.
"Name's Felix, and you're new here."
"So I've heard and lived." His faint smile warmed you, blood rushing through every vein in light of the acquaintance just in time for his sight to dart away from you.
"We get new people often, but none with your tone."
"I'm sorry, have I already done something?" The angle in your voice was unveiling, the guy shifting from his heels to his toes as he lifted the comic with his index finger and thumb alone.
"Most people who come here aren't looking for a good place, but a good time." You watched his lips finish speaking before they motioned the words of the comic's title, 'Dark nights, Cold Bodies'. "You, on the other hand, seem so out of place. You didn't come here on purpose, did you?"
"Blown tire on the freeway. Happens to stop a trip, ya-know."
His eyes got wider with his nod, the pearled teeth between his lips admirable. Felix had said so little to you, but his attention still sat upon the comic in between his fingers.
"On me." His teeth went behind his smile, lips a pale pink as you stared for too long. "Might save you one day."
"Vampires are a figment of some very good storyteller's imagination." Your response sounded sarcastic.
"Then how do you explain the found burials of those that have risen. Broken coffins, long teeth, stake through the heart?"
"An odd last wish. Someone with a sense of humor knew what they wanted even after death."
His head tilted to the side with innocence, eyes casting sight of your face. "Clever."
"It would be smart to think that far ahead."
"I mean you."
© bearseungmin 2022. do not modify, repost, or translate in any way. please.
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buffyisms-archive · 7 years
Tumblr media
Below are a list of extensions and how to use them to help you RP on Tumblr. Some of them pertain to help you write (grammer, ect.), some of them make your dash easier to manage, some help organize, some do other things! I use all of these in my everyday RPing and it seriously helps things so much. This has a huge portion on Xkit and all the Xkit extensions that are super helplful. The Xkit is at the bottom of the post, because Xkit is the most popular and well known. P.S. One thing I’ve struggled with is organizing and running multiple blogs on seperate accounts, so there will be quite a bit that will help you with that. P.P.S. I have posted this on my archived blog so it is better for viewing a long post than it is on my current theme.
Omg session box is MUST HAVE FOR RUNNING MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS. If you have ever wanted to be logged on to multiple accounts in the same browser, dude this is amazing. You can have one tab be one blog, and another tab be the other. Download it for Chrome here
is a chrome app that can make you stay focused on writing. It will block distracting websites. How I use it is when I need to do drafts, I will set it to block all websites except tumblr.com/blog/buffyisms/drafts (obvs replace buffyisms with your own url), it will even block the tumblr dash mode. You can set it for a time of day or a certain ammount of time. Download for Chrome
is a chrome app that lets you type shortcuts and it will replace them with longer things. I find this extremely useful for QUICKLY TAGGING THINGS. I talk about different ways to quickly tag in my Xkit secotion below, but honestly I find this so much easier. It stores more and has more freedom. It is so useful if you use fancy tags, or if you have tons of character tags to remember. For example if I type ism in the tag box it will automatically replace it with ( & ⁱ'ᵐ ⁿᵒᵗ ᵗᵃˡᵏⁱⁿᵍ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ˢˡᵃʸᵉʳ. ⁱ'ᵐ ᵗᵃˡᵏⁱⁿᵍ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ᵇᵘᶠᶠʸ | ɪꜱᴍꜱ. )
is an app that you can highlight a bit of text and right click and hit word counter and it will tell you how many words are in it. This is good if you want to match your partners reply and make sure yours ins’t too short, or long, or whatever. For example this paragraph has59 words. Download for chrome
NEW XKIT. AKA the HOLY FUCKIN’ GRAIL of tumblr roleplaying. Since Xkit has like five million things on it, I will be listing the Xkit extensions that help me with roleplaying, what they do, and how to use them. Seriously Xkit is God, and if you RP on a desktop/laptop I would HIGHLY recommend getting Xkit. First off all, you can download Xkit here for google chrome, they have Xkit for firefox as well. IMPORTANT: DOWNLOAD NEW XKIT NOT THE REGULAR XKIT AS IT DOESN’T WORK ANYMORE. YOU CAN’T HAVE BOTH AT ONCE. ONLY HAVE NEW XKIT INSTALLED.
XInbox What it does: Enables you to tag answer posts before you post them. This is amazing, and necessary if you use any kind of tagging system at all. Delete multiple asks in the mass editor mode. This is good if you are cleaning out your inbox or if tumblr fucks up and gives you multiple of the same ask someone sent you Tags usernames automatically aka it will tag any answer you publish with the askers username. This makes it so they can find it in their tracked url tag. Tags anonymous posts with a tag of your choosing if you have a certain tag for anons. Tags answer posts with a tag of your choosing if you have an answered tag. If you have different tags for ooc and ic asks I wouldn’t use this feature.
One click postage This is my favorite feature and I literally can’t be on tumblr without this anymore. In short what this does is create a hover pop up over any reblog button on dash so you can reblog straight from dash. You can use keyboard shortcuts to queue, draft, ect. Buttons to straight post reblog, queue, or draft post Creates a green already reblogged button to let you know that you may have already reblogged that post. Remove caption option and a box to replace caption
Tweaks This comes with every Xkit and is a huge list of any tweaks Xkit can give you. P.S. There are tons of tweaks and i’m not gonna list them all, just the ones that I use to help me RP. Wrap Tags so you can read all the tags someone uses on a post without it getting cut off. Show new post icons on secondary pages aka your blog page, your queue, your drafts, ect. You can create a new post from anywhere. Always show the move to top button on queue aka any post can be immediately moved to the top of the queue. Show the mass post editor and blog setting button
Anti Capitalism Gets rid of ads, which is amazing because none of us want them.
Blacklist This is a must have for anyone with triggers. This doesn’t just block tagged things, but it go through the text of a post for your trigger words. It has two options one is a warning for trigger word posts and the other will just not show them.
Editable Reblogs This is a MUST HAVE. This allows you to once again be able to cut posts, because no one likes a dash that has 32094380x replies and takes up the whole dash. Just click a little button and you can edit any part of a post. Including you’re partners reply, you’re previous reply. Also good for those little survey things so you can actually fill them in, or bold them, or whatever.
Notification Block This will block notifications from you’re activity page on a certain post. (Note: only works on the actual activity page and not the activity pop up.) If you’re like me and you make tons of ask box memes or little guides just like this one, you totally need this one. If you have a post that has become popular and ruined your activity so you can’t see the activity you actually need to see to RP, this will make it so it does not appear on you’re activity page if someone reblogs your post. This goes without saying, but don’t use this on thread posts that ya know, you actually need to see when someone reblogs it. Example, if this guide right here becomes popular I can make it so it doesn’t mess up my activity page. (although i’m posting it on my archive blog because my current blog has a theme that would make this harder to see). HUGE NOTE: To get this to work right you should have GO TO DASH installed (that I will talk about soon). So to get this to work, pull up the post on YOUR OWN BLOG and click the little hand. This will take it to the post on your dash. At the bottom with all the other buttons, there will be a button with a hand and a lightening bolt. Click this to stop all notifications for that certain post.
Outbox This saved your sent asks. It saves the last 50 of them. It saves both things you send people and private replies. Super good if you need to reference something with plotting or if you can’t remember if you sent that person the same meme.
Post Archiver This is a totally underrated Xkit extension. It is amazing if you have multiple RP accounts. It is also good for tons of other things too. So pretty much you can ‘save’ any post into the xkit archive popup. If you see a post you don’t want to reblog or queue yet, but don’t want taking up your drafts, you can click the button with a down arrow at the bottom of it and save it to Xkit’s Archiver. With multiple blogs I use this if I see a musing post or a meme that doesn’t work for the blog i’m on but I would love to use it for my other blog. You can have categories you can save to that helps organize your archived posts. I’ll have a category that will say ‘Buffy memes and musings’ and when I log on to Buffy I can view them and reblog them on her. This is also amazing to save resources. Any guides or anything you can use later on, save to the archiver and view them any time.
Post Block This is amazing if a post people reblog keeps on appearing on your dash and you don’t wnat to see it anymore. Pretty much makes it so you don’t have to see the post anymore
Quick Tags Dear God, this is another one of my life savers. This adds buttons to when you reblog or post a post, both in reblog from dash and normal reblog, to add tags that you choose. I will say that this only adds 30 tag bundles. But each tag bundle can contain tons of tags. Some people will add tons of tags to a bundle and delete the ones they don’t use. For me that’s too much. But to each their own. I use this for quick tagging musings, memes, character photos, promos, ooc posts, ect. With the click of a button it’s already tags. Amazing if you use fancy tags, or can’t remember all your tags.
Reblog Yourself Literally you can reblog yourself. Good for rebloggin your self promos
Tag Tracking Shows tags in sidebar to track. Essential for tracking your url tag and group verse tags.
View My Tags Another amazing thing to help you tag everything. You can use instead of or with quick tags. This shows you your most recent fifty tags. and you can search for certain ones. Because it does most recent tags, if you use this I would do frequent tag drops.
Bookmarker Adds a little line divider on your dash from the last thing you read. Great for lurking on the dash, it will tell you that you had already read (or sometimes havent read but last time you refreshed the dash) below that line.
Old Sidebar Returns tumblrs old sidebar. I love this because you can easily get to you posts, queue, drafts, ect.
Tag Replacer Must have if you redo your tags. You can put in your old tag and it will find everything tagged with that and automatically replace that tag with your new one. Amazing for redoing tags and maintaining blog organization.
Auto Tagger I use this to automatically tag certain kinds of posts. I.e. it will tag all queue posts with my queue tag, or all audio or video with a tag you have for those kind of posts.
Find Inactives Omg essential for cleaning your dash. it can find blogs that have been inactive for an ammount of months that you set. Unfortunately it can’t unfollow them for you, but finding them is like 3/4 of the battle! This will keep your following number to the people that are active on your dash
Enhanced Queue Totally freakin essential for anyone that uses the queue for anything, ‘specially if you queue replies. My favorite feature is shuffle queue. If you queue up a bunch of gif sets from a blog but don’t want them to come out one after another, or queue up replies but don’t want them all stacked up, you can shuffle the queue. Note: It will only shuffle the posts you have loaded. If you want the whole queue shuffled, scroll down until the end of the queue is loaded. On that note, if you have a large queue but don’t want some of your replies to end up coming out two weeks later, when you queue up your replies, only load one or two more times and then shuffle. That will keep them still in the front. Just don’t shuffle the whole thing after or it will redo that.
Hermes Underrated GOD of xkit. If you ever scroll through your dash for a long time, you will notice things starting to lag and it’s so freakin’ frustrating. This is because your browser still has to remember and keep loaded those posts from the start of your dash. Hermes makes all the posts you have already seen blank, so your browser doesn’t take as much memory to remember them and lessens dash lag.
Mass Deleter This will delete all your current drafts or likes. Now for the drafts, I don’t find that useful unless you are legit clearing out everything. I wish there was a way to toggle the draft button off because tbh it’s a scary button. But it has a confirmation pop up so don’t worry! On the other hand I love the delete all current likes. It keeps my likes more clean.
Shorten Posts Do long posts bother you on your dash? Whether they are memes or other peoples replies or whatever. But you don’t want them to completely disappear, because hey! you might need them. You can set a set pixel length and all posts will be shorten to that. You can click a button to expand the post to it’s original if you want to read the whole thing.
Pictaculous you can upload your theme background or sidebar pictures and it will give you a color scheme to use on your blog
Screenfly is a site you can view your blog on different screen sizes to make sure it looks good on all screens. Includes ipad and mobile phones too.
Subtle Patterns by toptal has tons of subtle backgrounds that work with tiled backgrounds. Great for pop ups, or your theme background, or graphics, or really so much.
Tone Analyzer is so freakin’ cool. Paste your writing or replies in, and it will tell you what emotions you emote in it. Not just which ones, but the percentage of each, and which phrases, sentences that have those certain emotions. It is just so freakin’ cool PS if you’re an angst queen like me, it’s just gonna say sad most of the time lmfao.
Grammerly is a google chrome app that can help you correct your grammer way better than the autopmatic spell corrector.
Readable is a website that you can paste your writing into and it will analyze it and tell you cliches you have, or if your sentences are too long, ect.
CopyPasteCharacter is great for all those symbols that you might need for anything. It has like all of them and by clicking on them you automatically copy them.
Aestheticizer this is great for any kind of fancy script. Put in words or sentences and it will convert them into any kind of fancy text. This is awesome if you use the new fancy tags trend because then you don’t have to copy and paste every character.
Discord is pretty much an online alternative to skype. Create a chat group and invite people and just chat ooc or ic!
Evernote is a notebook organizing website that I use to help me keep track of EVERYTHING. Tag names, things I owe, plot ideas, everything!
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shukrant25 · 6 years
So You Probably Must Have Heard About All The Cliche Talks on How to Rank on Google Without Backlinks.
There are exactly “1,27,00,000” Results Right Now on Google Which  Are Talking About How To Rank w/o Backlinks, But none of them has any type of practicals examples included.
I know, I know …… You want to see the proof of the traffic that I’m talking about.
So look at it first.
Satisfied Now?
Now let’s talk about how I actually got there.
Before starting, I’m not going to share the website’s URL here. You can leave if you’re only here for the name.
I registered this domain name in July this year. For those who’re curious to that from where did I register the domain? I got it for 200 INR from Bigrock. Also, It doesn’t matter where you buy the domain from. #CouponsRock
The site is based on WordPress. It’s the best CMS for personal websites.
For those of you who’re thinking that I am lying about backlinks, then here is the data on top linking domains from Google Search Console.
Most of them are Social Media Sites for which I set up IFTTT to post content automatically. You can not consider them as direct backlinks.
Still not satisfied with the data?
Look at this ahrefs report.
Now I can not convince you more than this. You can stop reading if you don’t believe me.
Still here? ……. Let’s Jump into the real deal.
So you must be wondering what special things I did to this website.
I’ll be breaking all the things pointwise so that they become easier to navigate.
#1 Site Structure
This may be the most important thing, that’s why I kept it on top.
We all know about creating categories on our website, but we forget about the real meaning of it. They are made to make your website’s navigation better.
Don’t just create categories and forget about them. Instead, work on them. Wondering How?
First of all, create as many in-depth categories as you can create. This gives a much better signal to Google of what the content is all about.
Now create a menu around your categories and add them to the header. This way it creates much better navigation around your website.
Enough of categories, now jumping on to internal linking.
Internal Linking is sooo sooo powerful that it can change your entire rankings by 180 degrees if implemented the right way.
Wondering how I internal linked in this website?
I basically Internal link 2-3 RELEVANT web pages from the website or you can say that the pages that come under the same category.
I’m not a huge fan of internal linking any post just for the sake of doing it. Google’s much smarter than you. Don’t try to fool anyone.
Only Internal Link relevant posts on your website under the same category. This creates a huge impact on seeing your site from the top.
You can also link relevant category pages as well. No doubt that it works.
#2 Bombard Content
As much cliche as it sounds, It is THE THING If you aren’t willing to make a ton of backlinks.
No matter which niche you’re working on, There’s always some content that you can put up there on the Internet.
Let me talk about my approach to publishing new content every single day.
First & foremost, Make a structure for your posts. In my niche, Every article kinda followed the same post structure. So before publishing my first article on the site, I made a post structure on Google Keep. I wrote all the Sub Headings, Content Structure there and whenever I needed to publish new content I just copy pasted the structure from G Keep, Edited a few things here and there, Sprinkled with some on-page optimization.
With that said, you’re good to go.
At least publish 1 new article every single day.
I went a little hardcore by publishing around 4-5 articles per day.
Because you don’t know which article make your site boom. Try to cover every single bit in your niche.
Google will start loving you if you update content frequently then your competitors, This way the crawler will come more often to your website because it saves crawler the budget. Your content will start indexing in a lesser amount of time.
Also, Internal linking also plays a huge role in indexing. I noticed that content with internal linkings of famous posts indexed way faster than content without internal links.
One thing to keep in mind is that Bombarding content doesn’t mean that you start copying other’s content or start spinning it.
I know writing that much content could be boring for a lot of people and coming up new ideas every single day is a difficult task in its own.
For that, you can look at what your competitors are doing, Get some idea from there content and structure it in your words. Do anything you want just DON’T COPY THE COMPLETE THING.
You can hire a content writer if you’re too busy or just not interested in writing. or Make a friend who loves writing
Are you thinking about how long that content should be?
Ideally, Anything about 1000 words has the potential to rank if optimized decently. Try to break down your content in as much heading and questions as you can. It just works.
#3 On-Site SEO Optimization
When you aren’t working on your Off-site SEO, You need to make sure that you’re doing everything right on your On-Page Tweaks.
As the matter of fact, You can use any SEO plugin that you want to use.
Personally, I Like Yoast.
A few days back a new plugin was also released named “Rank Math SEO“. I recently started liking this plugin only because it has an In-built schema feature. I like it’s SERP Preview as well. LOL!
Plugins are not going to help you if you don’t set up them the right way.
One thing that I want to tell everyone is that I feel like you don’t need to incorporate your categories, tags & author pages in the sitemap. I only keep Pages & Posts in it. Try to make it as much clean as possible. Don’t create a complete mess out of it.
Now talking about your SEO title and Meta Description.
Try to add your targeted keyword at least once in both of them. Also, try to make a clickbaity type of title, It will help you increase your CTR.
Adding Numbers to your title also tends to increase their CTR. Check what the Person on No. 1 is doing. Try to learn from it. There’s a reason why he’s on No. 1 & you aren’t.
Big DISCLAIMER – Stop giving a shit about those Green ticks in your SEO Plugins. They don’t mean anything.
Now If we’re talking about CTRs, Let’s talk about a thing that actually helps you increase it.
Wondering How to get these for your articles?
Install this plugin
Easy Table of Contents
Show the TOC on top of your content and wait till Google crawls & start showing it.
Now You must be wondering How to optimize images to rank higher? 
Don’t apply any rocket science to it.
Just add your targeted keyword with different prefixes & suffixes to your Image’s Title & ALT Text. With this You’re good to go.
Your main aim with On-Page optimization is to tell Google that what your content is all about.
Schema helps you doing that much easier and I know for that fact that you aren’t doing it on point.
No matter what your niche is there’s a schema structure for you.
Confused about what’s good for your blog?
Go to schema.org
Search anything your niche or article is about. Whether it be reviews or games or music or anything, You’ll get an answer.
Still aren’t able to find?
Take your 5 competitors for a particular article.
Take their URLs & put it into Structured data testing tool.
Check what kind of schema they are using and learn from them.
That’s It, Bud.
And Yes, You can get those stars in SERPs with the help of it. It Helps in Increasing the CTR.
Now as we are talking about ON PAGE SEO, a lot of you think that putting in your keywords “X” number of times in your article will help you rank higher in SERPs.
I won’t lie, It actually would help a bit but only for some short period of time. At the end of the day, Your site will get vanished and you can also receive a manual penalty from Google. I know you don’t want to get your site vanished from Google. So STOP playing those dirty tricks NOW.
#4 Site’s Loading Speed
Now It’s a Ranking Signal from Google as well. So Don’t take it for granted.
It plays a major role in rankings & acts as a backbone for user experience.
Poor site speed can result in making your site’s experience worse. It tends to increase the bounce rate, which tells Google that people aren’t interested in your content.
Even if your content is excellent but lacks speed then people will start leaving your content straight away.
A major role is played by the server on which your site is hosted.
I am not a big fan of shared hosting servers but if you’re just starting or have little to no traffic, You can use it. No issues with that.
But with time you should upgrade your server.
I personally use cloud hosting servers.
Also, you can make tweaks to your website as well which will increase your site’s speed.
Use caching plugins to boost your speed and try to minify your code as much as you can.
I use WP Rocket for optimizing my website. You can use pretty much anything which goes with your hosting server.
When talking about speed, The page size is the most important aspect of it and Images are the one dominating the size.
Which clearly suggests that you need to optimize your images to get much faster speeds.
I use TinyPNG to optimize my images before uploading to WordPress. Then After that, I use the SMUSH Plugin to optimize the images much further. Even after doing both of them if the images are not getting compressed, Then I use Adobe PhotoShop to compress them. This method works best for me and I’m using it for a long time.
After doing all the tweaks make sure your website is loading under 4 secs in GTMetrix Dashboard in your desired locations.
Create a Free account on GTMetrix with the help of which you can check your site’s speed in different countries from different devices and browsers.
#5 Content Sharing
Sharing is caring.
So Start caring for the people who are interested in your content which means start sharing your content more often.
With that being said, I’m not asking you to share every single piece content manually on different sites.
Let’s talk about how to fully automate this process for FREE.
For this task, there are different tools in the market that you can use for FREE.
On this website I use IFTTT, This is the best service that I know till date.
You can attach your WordPress website to it and create different applets that will automatically run whenever you’ll hit that “Publish” button.
Keep in mind that I’m not asking to just share the link. It looks spammy.
Show some creativity and use IFTTT’s Feature to the fullest. You can make some serious damage with it.
Make sure that you’re sharing it on all the famous social media’s such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Quora, Instagram, Medium.
If you don’t like IFTTT for some reason, Then here’s a WP plugin that can work as an alternative for you.
NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster
It Just takes a little bit more time to set up but then you can manage the post sharing from your website as well. Also, In addition, It can impact your site’s speed as well.
But you need to understand that you have to share posts on Social Media Sites. It gives a positive signal to SEs & makes your content look more engaging.
#6 Making Your Own User Base
This is a thing that I want to start a conversation around.
I’m pretty sure that you must be knowing about PUSH NOTIFICATIONS.
It is very important to have push notifications integrated with your blog. There are several reasons that why you should do it today.
You should not be totally dependent on any single type of source for your traffic. Maybe Tomorrow Google makes changes to its algorithm and you lose all your traffic because of it. So building your own audience is a pretty amazing idea!
It helps your audience to get updated regularly with all the updates that you’re making to your blog because search engines take some time to reflect these changes while with push notifications you can let them know instantly about them!
If you know how to play with your visitor’s mind then you can do a hell lot of damage to the market!
Over these months I grew my subscription list to over 15k subscribers with the help of push notifications.
The best part is that all these people have an interest in the niche that I’m targeting, So I can also target them later on with some other content.
ONESIGNAL is the best Free push notifications add-on that’s available right now according to my POV.
You can do the same thing with E-mail marketing as well. I like Push Notifications much more as it gives me direct access to their phone’s notifications.
What’s Your take on it?
Jump into the comments if you feel I’ve missed something important or you want to ask something.
Peace Out.
The post Ranking Without Backlinks: How I Got 1,055,811 Visitors In Just 90 Days! appeared first on Shukrant Tanwar.
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The Best WordPress Plugins
The Best WordPress Plugins
To understand which are the best WordPress Plugins for your website you first need to understand what a Plug-ins are.
If you were a website developer some years ago you would need to be proficient at a number of coding languages in order to add functions to your website. If you think of something simple like adding a social button to your site like Twitter for example. The web developer would need to write a piece of code or a link to Twitter and add an image on all the pages.
With the introduction of WordPress and its many associated Plug-ins, this is no longer the case. All a developer or site builder needs to do now is search for a Plug-in and install it with the click of a button.
Why Do We Need WordPress Plugins?
We can’t truly understand why we need plugins until we’ve planned our site and understood what we want from our site. When we have a good idea of the functions on the site requires, we can begin to understand are the best WordPress Plugins for its needs.
What Do WordPress Plugins Do?
To understand WordPress Plugins, is to understand that there’s nothing they cannot do. WordPress.org is an open source project meaning anyone can produce any Plug-in they wish. This means for every problem with a WordPress website, there is a solution in the form of a Plug-in. Many plugins are used for data capture and SEO. We will take at look at some of the best SEO WordPress plugin shortly because it’s on the list.
Which WordPress Plugins Do I need?
The first thing to do here is please, please never have more than one Plugin doing the same job. If you do, only failure will follow.
Secondly, the Akismet anti-spam plugin which is by now the best know Plugin is no longer free, so I suggest using WP-spam shield or SI CAPTCHA anti-spam.
So What Are The Best WordPress Plugins, And Which Ones Do I Need?
For this WordPress Plugin tutorial, I am going to outline what I believe to be the minimum requirements to run WordPress website safely and successfully, starting with a list of WordPress plugins and a description of the function.
So, let’s get started with our list.
1. All in one SEO Pack
2. Google XML Sitemaps
3. Hide Title
4. Mail Subscribe List
5. Pretty Links
6. SEO Smart Links
7. SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam
8. Sociable
9. WP Fastest Cache
10. WP Spam shield
11. Table Maker
12. Contact Form 7 + Download Monitor + Email Before Download
Notice that number 12 contains 3 plugins which I want to talk about as a whole because these are used together in order to create a subscription before download function to your site.
Also, as a starting note, it’s always wise to run on as few plugins as possible due to the recourses these plugins use. Don’t start to panic, it’s just something to consider when you’re adding your plugins because the more you install, the more resources that will be used. This could end up affecting the efficiency of the site, such as loading speeds.
All In One SEO Pack.
The all in one SEO pack does what it says on the tin. One of the best SEO WordPress plugin ever! Essentially, it installs an interface that allows you to configure your site SEO, so the search engine can easily make sense of your content.
It includes all these options
*XML Sitemap support – submit your sitemap to Google and Bing and improve your SEO
*Google Analytics support
*Support for SEO on Custom Post Types
*Fine tune Page Navigational Links
*Built-in API so other plugins/themes can access and extend functionality
*ONLY free plugin to provide SEO Integration for e-Commerce sites, including WooCommerce
*Nonce Security built into All in One SEO Pack
*Support for CMS-style WordPress installations
*Automatically optimizes your titles for Google and other search engines
*Generates META tags automatically
*Avoids the typical duplicate content found on WordPress blogs
For beginners, you don’t even have to look at the options, it works out-of-the-box. Just install.
For advanced users, you can fine-tune everything to optimize your SEO
Google XML Sitemaps.
The Google XML sitemap plugin will generate an XML sitemap to help search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo and Ask.com to better index your blog. This sitemap describes your site to the crawlers sent out by the search engines, meaning those search engines understand your pages and can serve these pages to people looking for your content.
The plugin supports all kinds of WordPress generated pages and custom URLs, and notifies all major search engines every time you create a new post or page.
This plugin has been around for 9 years and highly rated as a plugin providing a complete XML sitemap for search engines without slowing your site down. so clearly one of the best WordPress plugins in my view.
Hide Title.
This is a simple plugin that you will appreciate once you start creating pages and posts. If your page has the same name as you content title, then this will appear twice at the top of your page. What if you wanted you page name and content title to be the same but only show once at the top of the page. This plugin allows you to hide the page name to give you a single view.
Mail Subscribe List
If you plan to create a mailing list then a subscriber mailing list will be essential for you.
Visitors are allowed to enter their name and email address on your website and the details are stored and available to view and modify. The data capture can be added to your WordPress site as a widget or added to a page using a shortcut code.
Advanced features include 3rd party integration, mass emailing and double opt-in options to qualify your leads.
Clever coding means this plugin works with all email service providers as well as allowing the exportation of the mailing list. The customization is also impressive including all the following areas that can be displayed as you prefer.
“prepend” -> Adds a paragraph of text just inside the top of the form.
“showname” -> If true, this with show the name label and input field for capturing the users name.
“nametxt” -> Text that is displayed to the left of the name input field.
“nameholder” -> Text that is displayed inside the name input box as a place holder.
“emailtxt” -> Text that is displayed to the left of the email input field.
“emailholder” -> Text that is displayed inside the email input box as a place holder.
“showsubmit” -> If true, this with show the submit button, return required to submit form.
“submittxt” -> Text/value that will be displayed on the form submit button.
“jsthanks” -> If true, this will display a JavaScript Alert Thank You message instead of a paragraph above the form.
“thankyou” -> Thank you message that will be displayed when someone subscribes. (Will not show if blank)
The list of customization are longer than this article allows, but I think you get the idea of just how versatile this plugin really is.
Pretty Links.
Pretty Link, is a must have plugin for any affiliate marketer in order to protect their affiliate links, and also makes their readers feel better about navigating to product pages.
A typical affiliate link may look something like this.
As you can see it is not very attractive and some people do not want to click on such a link, but what if you could change that link to something like this
Instantly, it’s more friendly and more descriptive, and all you need to do was enter your original URL into Pretty Link and add the link name of your choice and click a button.
In addition to cleaning up your links and protecting potentially valuable affiliate links being stolen, Pretty Link can also track and report on the use of your links. Without a doubt one of the best WordPress plugins out there.
SEO Smart Links.
This is another amazing SEO WordPress plugin, helping you create internal links between your pages and posts, which in turns tells the search engine crawlers how important certain page are, and really helps with your SEO.
The SEO Smart Links can automatically link keywords and phrases in your posts and comments with corresponding posts, pages transparently.
Whenever a reader leaves a comment on your post they will need to enter CAPTCHA anti-spam before submitting.
This is to prevent to spam attacks that that fill your comment intray within hours.
Features include:
*Configure from Admin panel
*Valid HTML
*Allows Trackbacks and Pingbacks.
*Setting to hide the CAPTCHA from logged in users and or admins
*Setting to show the CAPTCHA on the forms for comments, registration, lost password, login, or all.
Sociable gives you the option to add multiple social buttons to your site.
It is a feature-packed plugin allowing a degree of customization so you can select and customize features like text, color, and length in order to ensure visitors have a great Sociable Experience.
This is a free Plug-in with over 1.5 million downloads so far which is a testament to its abilities and popularity as one of the best WordPress plugins
WP Fastest Cache.
Every time a web page is opened by a user, both the server the website it’s on, and the computer viewing the website utilizes resources such as CPU, Memory. When pages are rendered, PHP and MySQL are used on the server taking up precious resources. The more users or visitors the more resources used
This plugin helps the process along by creating static HTML files from your dynamic WordPress site, meaning fewer resources are used and load times are reduced.
The setup is simple. You don’t need to modify the .htacces file. It will be modified automatically.
WP Spamshield.
This is WordPress anti-spam protection with NO CAPTCHAs to challenge visitors, working instead, silently in the background.
Most spam hitting a site originates from bots sent out by the spammers, but there’s still quite a lot sent by real humans too. This plugin works like a firewall to ensure that your commenters are in fact, human, but also that those humans aren’t spamming you.
It’s a powerful and user-friendly WordPress anti-spam plugin that eliminates comment spam & registration spam.
Table Maker.
This is a very simple Plugin to use that helps you to create different comparison tables. It has functions which allow you to use plugins to create different types of tables, comparison, TOP, specification tables, etc.
• Responsive option (stacks)
• Predefined icons
• Rows or Cols lines
• Option to mark first column for specification labels
• Option to add labels and featured row and cols
• Works with shortcodes
• Option to add subheaders
• Option to choose color of header
• Great and simple design
• Option to upload and use images
• Optional center aligning
• Export tables to XML. Import ones from XML/CSV
Contact Form 7 + Download Monitor + Email Before Download
Contact Form 7
Contact Form 7 is another simple plugin that allows you to add a contact form to a page or post with a Short Code. You can create multiple contact forms that can be customized with simple markup. Should you wish to use it, the plugin also supports CAPTCHA, Akismet spam filtering and so on.
Download Monitor
If you want to offer downloadable file this plugin is for you. Download Monitor provides an interface for uploading and downloading so you can insert download links into post and pages.
Email Before Download
Presents your readers with a form where they submit information, such as name and email address before allowing them to download a file. This integrates with the Contact Form 7 and Download Monitor plugins, allowing you to create any form you like and manage your file downloads.
Not only that, you can also export the list of users that downloaded files and create your contact/leads list.
WordPress Websites with WordPress Plugins are now the de facto route to website ownership for millions of individuals and small companies alike. The versatility and ease of creating the sites and adding functionality for free and without knowledge or experience of coding means owning and running a money making websites is now truly democratic.
Now, anyone with an idea and the dedication can create and run an online business.
Add to this, the ability to install SEO and mobile friendly themes and it makes WordPress websites the only viable option for those on a budget and limited experience.
service a boiler Ata Rehman
0 notes
Amazing Selling Machine 8 Review
Home My Account Rewrite! Archive API Affiliate Program F.A.Q. tuyen le (Log me out) Your Spin Rewriter Access: valid until September 20, 2018 Your Affiliate Earnings: [ check your Affiliate Program earnings... ] Spin Rewriter 7.0 - Step 3 « Back to Control Panel Home Continue to Your Archive »
Article Name for Your Archive: Article Category: Uncategorized Switch between spintax formats
Step 3: Generate and export unique versions of your article.
» Would you like to further improve uniqueness of generated texts? I want Spin Rewriter to use only synonyms and no original words whenever possible. More info ... I want Spin Rewriter to intelligently reorder paragraphs and lists whenever possible. More info ... I want Spin Rewriter to generate strict HTML format (e.g. newlines become tags). More info ... Fetch relevant videos No relevant videos are currently selected. Fetch relevant images No relevant images are currently selected. 964 words, 6152 characters Uniqueness Stats: Generated text is 92% unique compared to the original.
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The video was pretty compelling, so I decided to try it out and I am absolutely shocked at what Spin Rewriter is capable of.
It's amazing software and I have NO DOUBT, this is the new best spinner. Dax Deegan www.DaxDeegan.com Copyright © 2011-2017 SmileyTech Solutions • Terms of Use • Privacy Policy • API • Testimonials • F.A.Q. • Affiliate Program Use your SmileyTech account tuyen le with the following services: Spin Rewriter a revolutionary article rewriting software Spin Distribute a popular article distribution system Smiley SEO great tools for internet marketers Pro Article Writing a professional article writing service You can use your existing username and password with each of these services. Check them out!
Spin Rewriter: Choose the desired Spintax Formatclose Spin Rewriter supports all popular spintax formats. This way you can use your spun articles everywhere.
Select the desired spintax Format: { first option | second option } { first option ~ second option } [ first option | second option ] [spin] first option | second option [/spin] {#SPIN: first option || second option #} ac Skip to main content Skip to toolbar • About WordPress • IM REVIEWS • 21 Plugin Update, 1 Theme Update • 2323 comments awaiting moderation • New • View Post • SEO Enter a focus keyword to calculate the SEO score
• Delete Cache • Howdy, mrken Log Out To make your site as secure as possible, take a moment to optimize the Wordfence Web Application Firewall:
If you cannot complete the setup process, click here for help. Edit Post Add New ________________________________________
Introducing AMP Page Builder in 0.9.62 WHAT'S NEW? X Appreciate it? LEAVE A REVIEW → This theme recommends the following plugins: Content EGG, Envato Market, MDTF, RH Grandchild plugin, Visual Composer and WooSidebars. Please, activate only those plug-ins which are necessary to you Begin installing plugins | Dismiss this notice Post draft updated. Preview post Enter title here Permalink: https://www.im-reviews.com/872-2/ ‎
Word count: 1095 Last edited by mrken on October 5, 2017 at 2:15 pm Preview (opens in a new window) Status: Draft Edit Edit status Visibility: Public Edit Edit visibility Publish immediately Edit Edit date and time Readability: OK SEO: Not available Move to Trash • All Categories • Most Used • General • Blogs • Internet Amazing Selling Machine 8 • Social Amazing Selling Machine 8 • Tips & Tricks • Video Amazing Selling Machine 8 + Add New Category Add New Tag
Separate tags with commas Set featured image Hide icons in this page? Add post gallery images Add video links, each link from new line. Youtube and vimeo are supported Some post layouts renders gallery thumbnails automatically. Also, you can add them to post with shortcode [rh_get_post_thumbnails video=1 height=200 justify=1]. video=1 - include also video. Height is maximum height, justify=1 is parameter to show pretty justify gallery. Redirect URL Full URL path to where you want people to be redirected. Alert Box Message Alert message that people will see when they try to exit the page. Choose Type of Post
Video Post Video Url
Insert youtube or vimeo link on page with video
Auto thumbnail
Enable auto featured image from video (will not work on some servers)
Enable schema.org for video?
Check this box if you want to enable videoobject schema
Set title of video block or leave blank to use post title
Set description of video block or leave blank to use post excerpt
Gallery Post Disable height resize for slider
This option disable resize of photo. By default, photos are resized for 400 px height
Image Remove Add Image
Video Url
Insert youtube link of page with video. If you set this field, image and caption will be ignored for this slide
Add More Image Review Post Add slider of images to top of review page?
Disable height resize for slider
This option disable resize of photo. By default, photos are resized for 400 px height
Images Remove Add Image
Url for image
Video Url
Insert youtube link of page with video. If you set this field, image and caption will be ignored for this slide
Add More Images Connect review to offer
Important You can connect review with woocommerce product in select above. If you want to add offer directly to post, use Post offer section below. Check help for affiliate functions of theme Note You can add countdown before offer with shortcode. Example - [wpsm_countdown year="2015" month="04" day="03" hour="14"] Woocommerce offer Set woocommerce product
Type name of woocommerce product
Enable slider
This option enables slider in top of review page with images from woocommerce gallery
Disable height resize for slider
This option disable resize of photo. By default, photos are resized for 400 px height
Enable shortcode inserting
If enable you can insert offer box in any place of content with shortcode [woo_offer_product]. If disable - it will be before review box.
Woocommerce offers list Set woocommerce products
Type woocommerce names
Enable shortcode inserting
If enable you can insert offers list in any place of content with shortcode [woo_offer_list]. If disable - it will be before review box.
Review Heading
Short review heading (e.g. Excellent!)
Summary Text
PROS. Place each from separate line (optional)
CONS. Place each from separate line (optional)
Enable shortcode inserting
If enable you can insert review box in any place of content with shortcode [review]. If disable - it will be after content.
Set overall score
Enter overall score of review or leave blank to auto calculation based on criterias score
Review Criterias Remove Name
Add More Review Criterias Music Post Music Source Music from Soundcloud Music from Spotify
Soundcloud embed code
Insert full Soundcloud embed code.
Spotify Song URI
To get the Spotify Song URI go to Spotify > Right click on the song you want to embed > Click Copy Spotify URI > Paste code in this field.)
Go Premium • Content optimization Enter a focus keyword to calculate the SEO score • Social • Advanced • Readability OK • Enter your focus keyword • Snippet preview You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor. SEO title preview: ⋆ IM REVIEWS Slug preview: https://www.im-reviews.com/872-2/ Meta description preview: Having a hard time Making Multi-Level Advertising and Amazing Selling Machine 8 Work? Try These Tips! Numerous are battling with means to increase their rev Focus keyword Enter a focus keyword This article is cornerstone content Analysis • Bad SEO score No focus keyword was set for this page. If you do not set a focus keyword, no score can be calculated. • Bad SEO score No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. • Bad SEO score No images appear in this page, consider adding some as appropriate. • Bad SEO score No internal links appear in this page, consider adding some as appropriate. • OK SEO score The SEO title is too short. Use the space to add keyword variations or create compelling call-to-action copy. • Good SEO score This page has 0 nofollowed outbound link(s) and 5 normal outbound link(s). • Good SEO score The text contains 1117 words. This is more than or equal to the recommended minimum of 300 words. Beta Feature Video Tutorial Rate Welcome to AMP Page Builder. 1 Column 2 Columns ImageBlurbTextButton Use This Content as AMP Content If you want to add some special tags, then please use normal HTML into this area, it will automatically convert them into AMP compatible tags.
Offer url Insert url of offer Name of product Insert title or leave blank Short description of product Enter description of product or leave blank Offer old price Insert old price of offer or leave blank Offer sale price Insert sale price of offer (example, $55). Please, choose your price pattern in theme options - localizations Set coupon code Set coupon code or leave blank Coupon End Date Choose expiration date of coupon or leave blank Mask coupon code? If this option is enabled, coupon code will be hidden.
Button text Insert text on button or leave blank to use default text. Use short names (not more than 14 symbols) Upload thumbnail Choose Image X
Upload thumbnail of product or leave blank to use post thumbnail Brand logo url Insert url to logo of brand or leave blank Offer currency Currency in ISO 4217. This is only for schema markup. Example: USD or EUR Shortcode for this offer section By default, only next Post layouts will show offerbox automatically: Compact, Button in corner, Big post offer block in top, Offer and review score. You can also add next shortcode to render offerbox:
[quick_offer id=872]
Thank you for creating with WordPress. Version 4.8.2 ac Skip to main content Skip to toolbar • About WordPress • IM REVIEWS • 21 Plugin Update, 1 Theme Update • 2323 comments awaiting moderation • New • View Post • SEO Enter a focus keyword to calculate the SEO score
• Delete Cache • Howdy, mrken Log Out To make your site as secure as possible, take a moment to optimize the Wordfence Web Application Firewall:
If you cannot complete the setup process, click here for help. Edit Post Add New ________________________________________
Introducing AMP Page Builder in 0.9.62 WHAT'S NEW? X Appreciate it? LEAVE A REVIEW → This theme recommends the following plugins: Content EGG, Envato Market, MDTF, RH Grandchild plugin, Visual Composer and WooSidebars. Please, activate only those plug-ins which are necessary to you Begin installing plugins | Dismiss this notice Post draft updated. Preview post Enter title here Permalink: https://www.im-reviews.com/872-2/ ‎
Word count: 1095 Last edited by mrken on October 5, 2017 at 2:15 pm Preview (opens in a new window) Status: Draft Edit Edit status Visibility: Public Edit Edit visibility Publish immediately Edit Edit date and time Readability: OK SEO: Not available Move to Trash • All Categories • Most Used • General • Blogs • Internet Amazing Selling Machine 8 • Social Amazing Selling Machine 8 • Tips & Tricks • Video Amazing Selling Machine 8 + Add New Category Add New Tag
Separate tags with commas Set featured image Hide icons in this page? Add post gallery images Add video links, each link from new line. Youtube and vimeo are supported Some post layouts renders gallery thumbnails automatically. Also, you can add them to post with shortcode [rh_get_post_thumbnails video=1 height=200 justify=1]. video=1 - include also video. Height is maximum height, justify=1 is parameter to show pretty justify gallery. Redirect URL Full URL path to where you want people to be redirected. Alert Box Message Alert message that people will see when they try to exit the page. Choose Type of Post
Video Post Video Url
Insert youtube or vimeo link on page with video
Auto thumbnail
Enable auto featured image from video (will not work on some servers)
Enable schema.org for video?
Check this box if you want to enable videoobject schema
Set title of video block or leave blank to use post title
Set description of video block or leave blank to use post excerpt
Gallery Post Disable height resize for slider
This option disable resize of photo. By default, photos are resized for 400 px height
Image Remove Add Image
Video Url
Insert youtube link of page with video. If you set this field, image and caption will be ignored for this slide
Add More Image Review Post Add slider of images to top of review page?
Disable height resize for slider
This option disable resize of photo. By default, photos are resized for 400 px height
Images Remove Add Image
Url for image
Video Url
Insert youtube link of page with video. If you set this field, image and caption will be ignored for this slide
Add More Images Connect review to offer
Important You can connect review with woocommerce product in select above. If you want to add offer directly to post, use Post offer section below. Check help for affiliate functions of theme Note You can add countdown before offer with shortcode. Example - [wpsm_countdown year="2015" month="04" day="03" hour="14"] Woocommerce offer Set woocommerce product
Type name of woocommerce product
Enable slider
This option enables slider in top of review page with images from woocommerce gallery
Disable height resize for slider
This option disable resize of photo. By default, photos are resized for 400 px height
Enable shortcode inserting
If enable you can insert offer box in any place of content with shortcode [woo_offer_product]. If disable - it will be before review box.
Woocommerce offers list Set woocommerce products
Type woocommerce names
Enable shortcode inserting
If enable you can insert offers list in any place of content with shortcode [woo_offer_list]. If disable - it will be before review box.
Review Heading
Short review heading (e.g. Excellent!)
Summary Text
PROS. Place each from separate line (optional)
CONS. Place each from separate line (optional)
Enable shortcode inserting
If enable you can insert review box in any place of content with shortcode [review]. If disable - it will be after content.
Set overall score
Enter overall score of review or leave blank to auto calculation based on criterias score
Review Criterias Remove Name
Add More Review Criterias Music Post Music Source Music from Soundcloud Music from Spotify
Soundcloud embed code
Insert full Soundcloud embed code.
Spotify Song URI
To get the Spotify Song URI go to Spotify > Right click on the song you want to embed > Click Copy Spotify URI > Paste code in this field.)
Go Premium • Content optimization Enter a focus keyword to calculate the SEO score • Social • Advanced • Readability OK • Enter your focus keyword • Snippet preview You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor. SEO title preview: ⋆ IM REVIEWS Slug preview: https://www.im-reviews.com/872-2/ Meta description preview: Having a hard time Making Multi-Level Advertising and Amazing Selling Machine 8 Work? Try These Tips! Numerous are battling with means to increase their rev Focus keyword Enter a focus keyword This article is cornerstone content Analysis • Bad SEO score No focus keyword was set for this page. If you do not set a focus keyword, no score can be calculated. • Bad SEO score No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. • Bad SEO score No images appear in this page, consider adding some as appropriate. • Bad SEO score No internal links appear in this page, consider adding some as appropriate. • OK SEO score The SEO title is too short. Use the space to add keyword variations or create compelling call-to-action copy. • Good SEO score This page has 0 nofollowed outbound link(s) and 5 normal outbound link(s). • Good SEO score The text contains 1117 words. This is more than or equal to the recommended minimum of 300 words. Beta Feature Video Tutorial Rate Welcome to AMP Page Builder. 1 Column 2 Columns ImageBlurbTextButton Use This Content as AMP Content If you want to add some special tags, then please use normal HTML into this area, it will automatically convert them into AMP compatible tags.
Offer url Insert url of offer Name of product Insert title or leave blank Short description of product Enter description of product or leave blank Offer old price Insert old price of offer or leave blank Offer sale price Insert sale price of offer (example, $55). Please, choose your price pattern in theme options - localizations Set coupon code Set coupon code or leave blank Coupon End Date Choose expiration date of coupon or leave blank Mask coupon code? If this option is enabled, coupon code will be hidden.
Button text Insert text on button or leave blank to use default text. Use short names (not more than 14 symbols) Upload thumbnail Choose Image X
Upload thumbnail of product or leave blank to use post thumbnail Brand logo url Insert url to logo of brand or leave blank Offer currency Currency in ISO 4217. This is only for schema markup. Example: USD or EUR Shortcode for this offer section By default, only next Post layouts will show offerbox automatically: Compact, Button in corner, Big post offer block in top, Offer and review score. You can also add next shortcode to render offerbox:
[quick_offer id=872]
Thank you for creating with WordPress. Version 4.8.2 Skip to main content Skip to toolbar • About WordPress • IM REVIEWS • 21 Plugin Update, 1 Theme Update • 2323 comments awaiting moderation • New • View Post • SEO Enter a focus keyword to calculate the SEO score
• Delete Cache • Howdy, mrken Log Out To make your site as secure as possible, take a moment to optimize the Wordfence Web Application Firewall:
If you cannot complete the setup process, click here for help. Edit Post Add New ________________________________________
Introducing AMP Page Builder in 0.9.62 WHAT'S NEW? X Appreciate it? LEAVE A REVIEW → This theme recommends the following plugins: Content EGG, Envato Market, MDTF, RH Grandchild plugin, Visual Composer and WooSidebars. Please, activate only those plug-ins which are necessary to you Begin installing plugins | Dismiss this notice Post draft updated. Preview post Enter title here Permalink: https://www.im-reviews.com/872-2/ ‎
Word count: 1095 Last edited by mrken on October 5, 2017 at 2:15 pm Preview (opens in a new window) Status: Draft Edit Edit status Visibility: Public Edit Edit visibility Publish immediately Edit Edit date and time Readability: OK SEO: Not available Move to Trash • All Categories • Most Used • General • Blogs • Internet Amazing Selling Machine 8 • Social Amazing Selling Machine 8 • Tips & Tricks • Video Amazing Selling Machine 8 + Add New Category Add New Tag
Separate tags with commas Set featured image Hide icons in this page? Add post gallery images Add video links, each link from new line. Youtube and vimeo are supported Some post layouts renders gallery thumbnails automatically. Also, you can add them to post with shortcode [rh_get_post_thumbnails video=1 height=200 justify=1]. video=1 - include also video. Height is maximum height, justify=1 is parameter to show pretty justify gallery. Redirect URL Full URL path to where you want people to be redirected. Alert Box Message Alert message that people will see when they try to exit the page. Choose Type of Post
Video Post Video Url
Insert youtube or vimeo link on page with video
Auto thumbnail
Enable auto featured image from video (will not work on some servers)
Enable schema.org for video?
Check this box if you want to enable videoobject schema
Set title of video block or leave blank to use post title
Set description of video block or leave blank to use post excerpt
Gallery Post Disable height resize for slider
This option disable resize of photo. By default, photos are resized for 400 px height
Image Remove Add Image
Video Url
Insert youtube link of page with video. If you set this field, image and caption will be ignored for this slide
Add More Image Review Post Add slider of images to top of review page?
Disable height resize for slider
This option disable resize of photo. By default, photos are resized for 400 px height
Images Remove Add Image
Url for image
Video Url
Insert youtube link of page with video. If you set this field, image and caption will be ignored for this slide
Add More Images Connect review to offer
Important You can connect review with woocommerce product in select above. If you want to add offer directly to post, use Post offer section below. Check help for affiliate functions of theme Note You can add countdown before offer with shortcode. Example - [wpsm_countdown year="2015" month="04" day="03" hour="14"] Woocommerce offer Set woocommerce product
Type name of woocommerce product
Enable slider
This option enables slider in top of review page with images from woocommerce gallery
Disable height resize for slider
This option disable resize of photo. By default, photos are resized for 400 px height
Enable shortcode inserting
If enable you can insert offer box in any place of content with shortcode [woo_offer_product]. If disable - it will be before review box.
Woocommerce offers list Set woocommerce products
Type woocommerce names
Enable shortcode inserting
If enable you can insert offers list in any place of content with shortcode [woo_offer_list]. If disable - it will be before review box.
Review Heading
Short review heading (e.g. Excellent!)
Summary Text
PROS. Place each from separate line (optional)
CONS. Place each from separate line (optional)
Enable shortcode inserting
If enable you can insert review box in any place of content with shortcode [review]. If disable - it will be after content.
Set overall score
Enter overall score of review or leave blank to auto calculation based on criterias score
Review Criterias Remove Name
Add More Review Criterias Music Post Music Source Music from Soundcloud Music from Spotify
Soundcloud embed code
Insert full Soundcloud embed code.
Spotify Song URI
To get the Spotify Song URI go to Spotify > Right click on the song you want to embed > Click Copy Spotify URI > Paste code in this field.)
Go Premium • Content optimization Enter a focus keyword to calculate the SEO score • Social • Advanced • Readability OK • Enter your focus keyword • Snippet preview You can click on each element in the preview to jump to the Snippet Editor. SEO title preview: ⋆ IM REVIEWS Slug preview: https://www.im-reviews.com/872-2/ Meta description preview: Having a hard time Making Multi-Level Advertising and Amazing Selling Machine 8 Work? Try These Tips! Numerous are battling with means to increase their rev Focus keyword Enter a focus keyword This article is cornerstone content Analysis • Bad SEO score No focus keyword was set for this page. If you do not set a focus keyword, no score can be calculated. • Bad SEO score No meta description has been specified. Search engines will display copy from the page instead. • Bad SEO score No images appear in this page, consider adding some as appropriate. • Bad SEO score No internal links appear in this page, consider adding some as appropriate. • OK SEO score The SEO title is too short. Use the space to add keyword variations or create compelling call-to-action copy. • Good SEO score This page has 0 nofollowed outbound link(s) and 5 normal outbound link(s). • Good SEO score The text contains 1117 words. This is more than or equal to the recommended minimum of 300 words. Beta Feature Video Tutorial Rate Welcome to AMP Page Builder. 1 Column 2 Columns ImageBlurbTextButton Use This Content as AMP Content If you want to add some special tags, then please use normal HTML into this area, it will automatically convert them into AMP compatible tags.
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Thank you for creating with WordPress. Version 4.8.2 Multi-level Amazing Selling Machine 8 Woes Plaguing You? This Article Will Aid
Whether you're trying to find a company Amazing Selling Machine Review can begin in person or online, you ought to explore multi-level Amazing Selling Machine 8. Lots of individuals are generating income doing this, and there is no factor you can't be one of them. However, you won't succeed if you do not have the appropriate info. Continue analysis for some great ideas you could make use of today.
Be honest when you do multi-level advertising. There are many individuals that operate in this kind of advertising that are dishonest and also have dishonest sales strategies. No matter what sort of stress you're under to prosper in this advertising, attempt to run a straightforward service. This could easily make you attract attention from the remainder.
Learn how to pay attention meticulously. Thinking of your next sale or remark when a person talks to you isn't really listening. Actually, doing this can cause you to miss important information. Attempt just concentrating on the other individual and their words. This could help you much better comprehend their demands to ensure that you could increase your product offering success.
Always treat multilevel advertising as an occupation. Even though you may have the ability to develop your very own routine and do a lot of your job from home, Amazing Selling Machine need to offer a specialist look and also attitude to consumers as well as members of your group. Chances are you are representing a huge firm, so your professionalism and trust is both suitable as well as valued.
Look for items that you actually regard and also maybe even like. It's tough to market or market just what you can not stand. You'll discover your work in multi-level advertising and Amazing Selling Machine 8 a whole lot more challenging if you dislike the items you are dealing with. Do some due diligence as well as discover an item that you truly such as.
Take into consideration new ways to market your product. There are lots of Amazing Selling Machine 8 experts around offering lots of products. You have actually got to locate a means to break through the mess and also be seen (as well as listened to). Brainstorm on innovative means to showcase your item both online as well as in real life. This can make all the distinction.
Never ever make use of dishonest techniques in your service. Multi-level advertising and Amazing Selling Machine 8 has a poor online reputation as a result of the numerous deceitful individuals that has capitalized on the business version for obtain rich fast plans. Shield the people working listed below you as well as your own reputation. Prevent the temptation to do anything you may later regret.
Among the important things Amazing Selling Machine can depend on when participating in multilevel advertising and Amazing Selling Machine 8 is that you will should go to a great deal of gatherings. Keep up with exactly what is occurring in your neighborhood as well as strategy to attend area occasions. These are fantastic opportunities to satisfy as well as greet others. You make sure to find brand-new consumers and also new recruits. You can also build a name on your own in the community as well as establish a reliable public image.
When looking for your Multi Level Amazing Selling Machine 8 chance, select as intelligently as you can. One point you wish to immediately keep an eye out for are is the company's age. The older the company, the better off you are. A business that has actually been around a while is likely successful, trustworthy and recognizes just what it is doing.
When recruiting people, keep in mind that high quality is constantly better compared to amount. You desire passionate people that appreciate the item and want to place in a great deal of initiative. A couple of individuals that strive are mosting likely to make you even more loan compared to a loads people that typically aren't really trying.
Hear your advisor. Equally as you will certainly instruct your employees, your coach will certainly have beneficial information to pass on. A great mentor will certainly realize that by raising your sales they will make even more money as well. Take exactly what you have actually learned an pass it on to your very own recruits to complete the cycle.
You don't need to jump in with both feet if you don't want to. Start small. As opposed to releasing a whole site, you could constantly adhere to social networks. This allows you create your skills without way too much stress.
Keep the interaction lines open with your down line. Your recruits have to feel like they have your complete support. When you look at exactly how they are doing on a regular basis, you allow them recognize that you are available to help. When communication is lacking, they may feel discourage by the lack of assistance.
When you enter multi-level Amazing Selling Machine 8, keep in mind that success will certainly take some time to achieve. It will take Amazing Selling Machine 8effort and time to advertise your product. It will certainly additionally take you addition effort to hire as well as create your down line. If you believe this is a get-rich-quick system, you will be very let down.
Make the most of social media. Given that you want to recruit as many individuals as possible, an excellent method to connect is via social media. Use Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ to let all your loved ones know about your brand-new organisation possibility. Be careful though, overdoing could backfire when you begin getting neglected.
When you are researching ONLINE AMAZING SELLING MACHINE 8 programs to join, along with obtaining familiar with the items, ensure that you totally understand their compensation program. You desire a company that offers you a great compensation for your effort. Review the fine print to make sure that you will not be surprised by anything negative to you.
Now that you've read this details, you have a structure on which to build. Execute these suggestions as you develop your organisation, and also you can't fail. Strive to grow your customer base, as well as you will not be disappointed with multi-level Amazing Selling Machine 8. Your hard work today will certainly compensate you tomorrow. See More Details: https://www.mylinkspage.com/amazing-selling-machine-review vMulti-level Advertising Help For Any individual That Thirsts For Knowledge
Multi-level advertising is one thing that is difficult to begin. Consequently, a guide such as this can be very useful. Use these points to your benefit and ultimately you'll do terrific with it all.
Amazing Selling Machine 8might have the magic touch when it comes to Multi Level Amazing Selling Machine 8, and perhaps relating to others is not your specialized. That's even more reason why you should take great care to endure the participants of your downline. It may not be as easy for them to prosper at multi-level advertising as it has been for you. Make certain to offer assistance and support continually and also give your team members time to prosper.
When doing multi-level advertising and Amazing Selling Machine 8, selecting the ideal product is the vital making cash. Make certain you choose an item that you rely on. Likewise, make sure any type of claims the product makes could be validated. It's a great idea to choose an item that is special which could not conveniently be acquired at a neighborhood shop or at a lesser rate.
Be ethical when you do multi-level Amazing Selling Machine 8. There are lots of people that operate in this kind of advertising that are unethical and also have underhanded sales tactics. Regardless of what type of stress you're under to do well in this advertising and Amazing Selling Machine 8, try to run an honest service. This can conveniently make you attract attention from the rest.
Maintain your very own ethics in mind. Multi-level Amazing Selling Machine 8 is chock filled with gamers with much less compared to meticulous methods. There are a lots of questionable tactics available that likely could get you into even more problem compared to they deserve. Maintain that in mind as you move on with your advertising and Amazing Selling Machine 8 objectives.
Keep patient and also stay devoted. Multi-level advertising possibilities are cluttered with failings. These failures frequently involve people seeking rapid and also very easy revenue schemes. Nothing is ever before basic, however there readies cash to be made in Multi level Amazing Selling Machine 8s if you are patient and dedicated to the reason and enhancing yourself.
Try to see to it that exactly what you are offering is one-of-a-kind. It is harder to sell something you would not buy on your own and aren't especially passionate about. Find something that people cannot stroll right into the closest store as well as purchase. Find something to offer that is both unique and attractive to you.
Never ever make use of dishonest approaches in your organisation. Multi-level Amazing Selling Machine 8 has a bad track record because of the lots of unethical people who has actually capitalized on business model for get rich quick plans. Protect the people functioning below Amazing Selling Machine 8as well as your personal online reputation. Avoid the temptation to do anything you might later on be sorry for.
Consider the items a NETWORK AMAZING SELLING MACHINE 8 company has before working with them. Consumers do not see your products from the viewpoint of productivity. Thus, you should have the ability to view your firm from their perspective. Exactly how does your item advantage individuals? Is it something that they would come back for more of in the future?
You could have believed that multilevel Amazing Selling Machine 8 would certainly be a very easy means to prosper. As soon as you start, you will swiftly find out that this is not real. There are times when every little thing works out, and you make a nice earnings quickly. On the other hand, there are completely dry times when you are not earning a profit, and also you have to spend a good deal in your MLM endeavor. Regular effort and hard work are actually the secrets to success in MLM.
You might be able to gain more members via an effective blog site. It is very important to flaunt just how well you are doing; individuals are highly drawn in to success. If you're interested in ONLINE AMAZING SELLING MACHINE 8, you would do well to find expert information. Your blog will certainly ensure that you develop your brand name. Your readers discover terrific details as well as motivated recruits come your means.
In order to conserve on your own a long time as well as energy in your Amazing Selling Machine 8 efforts, consider hosting an event especially for that function. If you could assemble a team of enthusiastic people, you could conserve lots of cash and time. Host some sort of real-time event every week to unite your local group and probably broaden your network some.
The majority of multi-level online marketers make use of the Internet as their key Amazing Selling Machine 8 tool, and also you must as well. Technology makes it simple to obtain out details regarding your products and services, as well as automation makes following up simple with possible contacts. Make the most of any kind of and also every tool Amazing Selling Machine 8could locate to lure and hook leads.
When preparing a get-together to offer your multilevel Amazing Selling Machine 8 opportunity, be sure the criteria are defined. Restriction the moment to a hr or so. In this way, you will have a lot of time to offer your thoughts, mingle and answer questions without having the event eat your whole day or evening.
Consider developing wonderful conversations as opposed to tough Amazing Selling Machine 8. This suggests pay attention greater than talk. If you locate on your own doing the majority of the talking, then you typically aren't really selling. It appears strange, however it's your goal to search for issues that the person has as well as remedies where your item makes good sense. As well as this starts with the ears, not the mouth.
It's a good idea to discover what you could around multi-level advertising and Amazing Selling Machine 8 so you could get to a better target market. These ideas need to be advantageous to you. Make sure you take full advantage of all suggestions as well as techniques offered over, so you could use them to help you be successful. See More Details: https://www.mylinkspage.com/amazing-selling-machine-review
0 notes
benfchristie2 · 7 years
Blog SEO: How to Search Engine Optimize Your Blog Content
Search engine optimization is incredibly important for marketers. When you optimize your web pages -- including your blog posts -- you're making your website more visible to people who are looking for keywords associated with your brand, product, or service via search engines like Google.
But it can be a pretty tricky tactic to master with Google's copious algorithm updates.
How do you know what matters and what doesn't? What are today's blog SEO best practices, and what's considered "old-school"? How on earth can you keep it all straight?
We understand confusion is a common issue facing inbound marketers -- and we want to help. In this post, we'll cover how to optimize your blog posts for the keywords you care about, along with a few other optimization tactics you should keep in mind.
Note that this list doesn't cover every single SEO tactic under the sun. Rather, these tips are meant to get you started with improving SEO for your blog in particular.
SEO can be confusing. Listen as HubSpot's own Matt Barby and Victor Pan clear things up:
HubSpot customers: If you want to see specific SEO optimization tips for your individual blog posts, click the chart icon on the far left side of the blog editor when you're working on the post to access the SEO Optimization screen.
If you're not a customer, you can use these tips as a sort of checklist as you blog.
(Want to learn more about content creation, strategy, and promotion? Sign up here to be the first in line for our new Content Marketing Certification course.)
How to Search Engine Optimize Your Blog Content
1) Focus on 12 long-tail keywords.
Optimizing your blog posts for keywords is not about incorporating as many keywords into your posts as possible. Turns out that'll actually hurt your SEO because search engines will think you're keyword stuffing (i.e., including your keywords as much as possible with the sole purpose of gaining ranking in organic search).
But that's not cool with search engines, nor does it make for a very good reader experience. Instead, you should use keywords in your content in a way that doesn't feel unnatural or forced.
A good rule of thumb is to focus on one or two keywords per blog post. This'll help keep you focused on a goal for your post. While you can use more than one keyword in a single post, keep the focus of the post narrow enough to allow you to spend time actually optimizing for just one or two keywords.
Using long-tail keywords may be more efficient to this end, since website visitors searching long-tail terms will often be more qualified. In other words, you'll bring in the right type of traffic -- visitors who convert -- by using long-tail keywords.
2) Include these 12 keywords in specific parts of your post.
Now that you've got your one or two keywords, it's time to incorporate them into your blog post. Where are the best parts of your posts to include these terms so you rank high in search results?
There are four essential places where you should try to include your keywords: headline, headers and body, URL, and meta description.
The title (i.e., headline) of your blog post will be a search engine's and reader's first step in determining the relevancy of your content, so including a keyword here is vital.
Be sure to include your keyword within the first 65 characters of your headline, which is just about where Google cuts it off on search engine results pages (SERPs). Technically, Google measures by pixel width, not character count, and it recently increased the pixel width for organic search results from approximately 500 pixels to approximately 600 pixels, which translates into around 65 characters.
Long title? When you have a lengthy headline, it's a good idea to get your keyword in the beginning since it might be cut off in SERPs towards the end, which can take a toll on your post's perceived relevancy. In the example below, we had a long title that went over 65 characters, so we front-loaded it with the keyword we were trying to rank for: "on-page SEO."
Headers & Body
Mention your keyword at a normal cadence throughout the body of your post and in the headers. That means including your keywords in your copy, but only in a natural, reader-friendly way. Don't go overboard at the risk of being penalized for keyword stuffing. Before you start writing a new blog post, you'll probably think about how to incorporate your keywords into your post. That's a smart idea, but it shouldn't be your only focus, nor even your primary focus.
Whenever you create content, your primary focus should be on what matters to your audience, not how many times you can include a keyword or keyword phrase in that content. Focus on being helpful and answering whatever question your customer might have asked to arrive on your post. Do that, and you'll usually find you naturally optimize for important keywords, anyway.
Search engines also look to your URL to figure out what your post is about, and it's one of the first things it'll crawl on a page. You have a huge opportunity to optimize your URLs on every post you publish, as every post lives on its own unique URL -- so make sure you include your one to two keywords in it.
In the example below, we created the URL using the long-tail keyword we were trying to rank for: "email marketing examples."
Meta Description
Later in this post, we'll dive into explaining meta descriptions. Your meta description is meant to give search engines and readers information about your blog post's content -- so be certain to use your long-tail term so Google and your audience are clear on your post's content. At the same time, keep in mind that the copy matters a great deal for click rates -- the more engaging, the better.
3) Make sure your blog is mobile-friendly.
It's been some time since Google revealed that more people use the search engine on their mobile phones than on desktop. And for all those valuable search queries being done on mobile, Google displays the mobile-friendly results first. This is yet another example of Google heavily favoring mobile-friendly websites, which has been true ever since the algorithm was updated to do so in April 2015.
While responsive design and mobile-friendly websites have always been important for user experience, they're becoming more and more important for SEO as well. So if you haven't been focusing on improving your mobile experience, you'd better prioritize it now, or your search rankings could suffer.
(HubSpot customers: Breathe easy. All content created on HubSpot's platform is automatically responsive to mobile devices.)
If your website uses responsive design, your blog pages will only have one URL instead of two different ones -- for desktop and mobile, respectively. This helps your post's SEO because any inbound links that come back to your site won't be divided between the separate URLs. Any SEO power you gain from these links will be centralized, helping Google more easily recognize your post's value and rank it accordingly.
Pro tip: What search engines value is constantly changing. Be sure you're keeping on top of these changes by subscribing to Google's official blog.
4) Optimize the meta description.
To review, a meta description is the additional text that appears in SERPs that lets readers know what the link is about. The meta description gives searchers information they need to determine whether or not your content is what they're looking for, and ultimately helps them decide if they'll click or not.
In addition to being reader-friendly (compelling and relevant), your meta description should include the long-tail keyword you are trying to rank for, because if we're doing blogging right, that keyword is representative of the contents of your post.
In the example above, I searched for "newsletter examples." The term is bolded in the meta description -- helping readers make the connection between their search term and the result -- and the copy "get inspired" catches attention and compels clicks.
Note: Nowadays, it's not guaranteed that your meta description is always pulled into SERPs as it once was. More and more, Google has been pulling in other parts of your blog post that includes the keywords searched, presumably to give searchers optimal context around how the result matches their specific query.
Let me show you what I mean. Below is an example of two different search queries delivering two different snippets of text on Google SERPs. The first is a result of the query "no index no follow," and pulls in the original meta description:
The second is a result of the query "noindex nofollow," and pulls in the first instance of these specific keywords coming up in the body of the blog post:
While there's not much you can do to influence what text gets pulled in, you should continue to optimize your post for readability (see above). By creating reader-friendly content with natural keyword inclusion, you'll make it easier for Google to prove your post's relevancy in SERPs for you.
5) Optimize your images.
Blog posts shouldn't only contain text -- you should also include images that help explain your content. But search engines don't just look for images. Rather, they look for images with alt text.
Because search engines can't "see" images the same way humans can, an image's alt text tells them what an image is about -- which ultimately helps those images be found in search. Alt text also makes for a better user experience, as it'll display inside the image container when an image can't be found or displayed, and can also improve accessibility for people with poor vision who are using screen readers.
Technically, alt text is an attribute that can be added to an image tag in HTML. Here's what a complete image tag might look like (bolding added for emphasis):
alt="image-description" title="image tooltip">
Adding keywords to your alt text may seem minor -- and it isn't going to impact your search rankings as much as other things on this list. But it is worth the extra minute it takes to change the name from "IMG23940" to something accurate and descriptive, like "puppies-playing-in-basket:"
Read this blog post to learn more on-page SEO tips for keyword optimizing the most critical parts of your website.
HubSpot customers: The SEO Panel will recognize whether or not you have optimized your images. Though these elements are not as important as some other optimizations, they're still necessary (not to mention easy to add).
6) Don't use too many similar topic tags.
Topic tags can help organize your blog content, but if you overuse them, they can actually be harmful. If you have too many similar tags, you may get penalized by search engines for having duplicate content.
Think of it this way: When you create a topic tag, you also create a new site page where the content from those topic tags will appear. If you use too many similar tags for the same content, it then appears to search engines as if you're showing the content multiple times throughout your website. For example, topic tags like "blogging," "blog," and "blog posts" are too similar to one another to be used on the same post.
If you're worried that your current blog posts have too many similar tags, take some time in the near future to clear them up. Choose about 1525 topic tags that you think are important to your blog and that aren't too similar to each other, and then only tag your posts with those keywords. That way, you won't have to worry about duplicate content.
7) Use URL structures that help your visitors.
The URL structure of your web pages (which are different from the specific URLs of your posts) should make it easy for your visitors to understand the structure of your website and the content they're about to see. Search engines favor web page URLs that make it easier for them and website visitors to understand the content on the page.
This differentiation is baked into the HubSpot blogs' respective URL structures. If I decided to go to the Marketing section from this main page, I would be taken to the URL http://blog.hubspot.com/marketing. If we want to read the Sales section, all we have to do is change where it says "marketing" in the URL to "sales": http://blog.hubspot.com/sales. This URL structure helps me understand that "/marketing" and "/sales" are smaller sections within the larger blog.
What if there's a specific article we want to read -- perhaps "How to Do Keyword Research: A Beginner's Guide"? Its URL structure -- http://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/how-to-do-keyword-research-ht -- denotes that it's an article from the Marketing section of the blog.
In this way, URL structure acts as a categorization system for readers, letting them know where they are on the website and how to access new site pages. Search engines appreciate this, as it makes it easier for them to identify exactly what information searchers will access on different parts of your blog or website.
Get more best practices for URL structure from Moz here.
8) Link internally when possible.
Inbound links to your content help show search engines the validity or relevancy of your content. The same goes for linking internally to other pages on your website. If you've written about a topic that's mentioned in your blog post on another blog post, ebook, or web page, it's a best practice to link to that page.
You might've noticed that I've been doing that from time to time throughout this blog post when I think it's helpful for our readers. Not only will internal linking help keep visitors on your website, but it also surfaces your other relevant and authoritative pages to search engines.
HubSpot customers: The SEO Panel automatically suggests linking to other internal resources on your website. Think of it as solving for your SEO while also helping your visitors get more information from your content.
If you're looking for more internal links to add to your post but aren't sure which would be relevant, you can click "Explore some internal links you might use in this post" for a list of recommendations.
9) Use Google's Search Console.
Google's free Search Console contains a section called the Search Analytics Report. This report helps you analyze clicks from Google Search, and it's useful to determine which keywords people are using to find your blog content. Learn how to use it by reading this blog post written by my colleague Matthew Barby and by reading Google's official support page here.
If you're interested in optimizing your best-performing older blog posts for traffic and leads like we've been doing since 2015, this tool can help identify low-hanging fruit.
A lot of content marketers struggle with optimizing their blog posts for search. The truth is, your blog posts won't start ranking immediately. It takes time to build up search authority. But when you publish blog posts frequently and consistently optimize them for search while maintaining a reader-friendly experience, you'll reap the rewards in the form of traffic and leads long-term.
10) Use topic clusters.
The way most blogs are currently structured (including our own blogs, until very recently), bloggers and SEOs have worked to create individual blog posts that rank for specific keywords. The result is disorganized, and hard for the user to find the exact information he or she needs. It also results in your own URLs competing against one another in search engine rankings when you produce multiple blog posts about similar topics. Here's what our blog architecture used to look like using this old playbook:
Now, in order to rank in search and best answer the new types of queries searchers are submitting, the solution is to use the topic cluster model: Choose the broad topics you want to rank for, then create content based on specific keywords related to that topic that all link to each other, to create broader search engine authority. Using this model, this is what our blog infrastructure looks like now -- with specific topics surrounded by blog posts related to the topic, connected to other URLs in the cluster via hyperlinks:
This model uses a more deliberate site architecture to organize and link URLs together to help more pages on your site rank in Google -- and to help searchers find information on your site more easily. This architecture consists of three components -- pillar content, cluster content, and hyperlinks:
We know this is a fairly new concept, so for more details, check out our research on the topic, or the video below.
0 notes
jasonmkemp4 · 7 years
Blog SEO: How to Search Engine Optimize Your Blog Content
Search engine optimization is incredibly important for marketers. When you optimize your web pages -- including your blog posts -- you're making your website more visible to people who are looking for keywords associated with your brand, product, or service via search engines like Google.
But it can be a pretty tricky tactic to master with Google's copious algorithm updates.
How do you know what matters and what doesn't? What are today's blog SEO best practices, and what's considered "old-school"? How on earth can you keep it all straight?
We understand confusion is a common issue facing inbound marketers -- and we want to help. In this post, we'll cover how to optimize your blog posts for the keywords you care about, along with a few other optimization tactics you should keep in mind.
Note that this list doesn't cover every single SEO tactic under the sun. Rather, these tips are meant to get you started with improving SEO for your blog in particular.
SEO can be confusing. Listen as HubSpot's own Matt Barby and Victor Pan clear things up:
HubSpot customers: If you want to see specific SEO optimization tips for your individual blog posts, click the chart icon on the far left side of the blog editor when you're working on the post to access the SEO Optimization screen.
If you're not a customer, you can use these tips as a sort of checklist as you blog.
(Want to learn more about content creation, strategy, and promotion? Sign up here to be the first in line for our new Content Marketing Certification course.)
How to Search Engine Optimize Your Blog Content
1) Focus on 12 long-tail keywords.
Optimizing your blog posts for keywords is not about incorporating as many keywords into your posts as possible. Turns out that'll actually hurt your SEO because search engines will think you're keyword stuffing (i.e., including your keywords as much as possible with the sole purpose of gaining ranking in organic search).
But that's not cool with search engines, nor does it make for a very good reader experience. Instead, you should use keywords in your content in a way that doesn't feel unnatural or forced.
A good rule of thumb is to focus on one or two keywords per blog post. This'll help keep you focused on a goal for your post. While you can use more than one keyword in a single post, keep the focus of the post narrow enough to allow you to spend time actually optimizing for just one or two keywords.
Using long-tail keywords may be more efficient to this end, since website visitors searching long-tail terms will often be more qualified. In other words, you'll bring in the right type of traffic -- visitors who convert -- by using long-tail keywords.
2) Include these 12 keywords in specific parts of your post.
Now that you've got your one or two keywords, it's time to incorporate them into your blog post. Where are the best parts of your posts to include these terms so you rank high in search results?
There are four essential places where you should try to include your keywords: headline, headers and body, URL, and meta description.
The title (i.e., headline) of your blog post will be a search engine's and reader's first step in determining the relevancy of your content, so including a keyword here is vital.
Be sure to include your keyword within the first 65 characters of your headline, which is just about where Google cuts it off on search engine results pages (SERPs). Technically, Google measures by pixel width, not character count, and it recently increased the pixel width for organic search results from approximately 500 pixels to approximately 600 pixels, which translates into around 65 characters.
Long title? When you have a lengthy headline, it's a good idea to get your keyword in the beginning since it might be cut off in SERPs towards the end, which can take a toll on your post's perceived relevancy. In the example below, we had a long title that went over 65 characters, so we front-loaded it with the keyword we were trying to rank for: "on-page SEO."
Headers & Body
Mention your keyword at a normal cadence throughout the body of your post and in the headers. That means including your keywords in your copy, but only in a natural, reader-friendly way. Don't go overboard at the risk of being penalized for keyword stuffing. Before you start writing a new blog post, you'll probably think about how to incorporate your keywords into your post. That's a smart idea, but it shouldn't be your only focus, nor even your primary focus.
Whenever you create content, your primary focus should be on what matters to your audience, not how many times you can include a keyword or keyword phrase in that content. Focus on being helpful and answering whatever question your customer might have asked to arrive on your post. Do that, and you'll usually find you naturally optimize for important keywords, anyway.
Search engines also look to your URL to figure out what your post is about, and it's one of the first things it'll crawl on a page. You have a huge opportunity to optimize your URLs on every post you publish, as every post lives on its own unique URL -- so make sure you include your one to two keywords in it.
In the example below, we created the URL using the long-tail keyword we were trying to rank for: "email marketing examples."
Meta Description
Later in this post, we'll dive into explaining meta descriptions. Your meta description is meant to give search engines and readers information about your blog post's content -- so be certain to use your long-tail term so Google and your audience are clear on your post's content. At the same time, keep in mind that the copy matters a great deal for click rates -- the more engaging, the better.
3) Make sure your blog is mobile-friendly.
It's been some time since Google revealed that more people use the search engine on their mobile phones than on desktop. And for all those valuable search queries being done on mobile, Google displays the mobile-friendly results first. This is yet another example of Google heavily favoring mobile-friendly websites, which has been true ever since the algorithm was updated to do so in April 2015.
While responsive design and mobile-friendly websites have always been important for user experience, they're becoming more and more important for SEO as well. So if you haven't been focusing on improving your mobile experience, you'd better prioritize it now, or your search rankings could suffer.
(HubSpot customers: Breathe easy. All content created on HubSpot's platform is automatically responsive to mobile devices.)
If your website uses responsive design, your blog pages will only have one URL instead of two different ones -- for desktop and mobile, respectively. This helps your post's SEO because any inbound links that come back to your site won't be divided between the separate URLs. Any SEO power you gain from these links will be centralized, helping Google more easily recognize your post's value and rank it accordingly.
Pro tip: What search engines value is constantly changing. Be sure you're keeping on top of these changes by subscribing to Google's official blog.
4) Optimize the meta description.
To review, a meta description is the additional text that appears in SERPs that lets readers know what the link is about. The meta description gives searchers information they need to determine whether or not your content is what they're looking for, and ultimately helps them decide if they'll click or not.
In addition to being reader-friendly (compelling and relevant), your meta description should include the long-tail keyword you are trying to rank for, because if we're doing blogging right, that keyword is representative of the contents of your post.
In the example above, I searched for "newsletter examples." The term is bolded in the meta description -- helping readers make the connection between their search term and the result -- and the copy "get inspired" catches attention and compels clicks.
Note: Nowadays, it's not guaranteed that your meta description is always pulled into SERPs as it once was. More and more, Google has been pulling in other parts of your blog post that includes the keywords searched, presumably to give searchers optimal context around how the result matches their specific query.
Let me show you what I mean. Below is an example of two different search queries delivering two different snippets of text on Google SERPs. The first is a result of the query "no index no follow," and pulls in the original meta description:
The second is a result of the query "noindex nofollow," and pulls in the first instance of these specific keywords coming up in the body of the blog post:
While there's not much you can do to influence what text gets pulled in, you should continue to optimize your post for readability (see above). By creating reader-friendly content with natural keyword inclusion, you'll make it easier for Google to prove your post's relevancy in SERPs for you.
5) Optimize your images.
Blog posts shouldn't only contain text -- you should also include images that help explain your content. But search engines don't just look for images. Rather, they look for images with alt text.
Because search engines can't "see" images the same way humans can, an image's alt text tells them what an image is about -- which ultimately helps those images be found in search. Alt text also makes for a better user experience, as it'll display inside the image container when an image can't be found or displayed, and can also improve accessibility for people with poor vision who are using screen readers.
Technically, alt text is an attribute that can be added to an image tag in HTML. Here's what a complete image tag might look like (bolding added for emphasis):
alt="image-description" title="image tooltip">
Adding keywords to your alt text may seem minor -- and it isn't going to impact your search rankings as much as other things on this list. But it is worth the extra minute it takes to change the name from "IMG23940" to something accurate and descriptive, like "puppies-playing-in-basket:"
Read this blog post to learn more on-page SEO tips for keyword optimizing the most critical parts of your website.
HubSpot customers: The SEO Panel will recognize whether or not you have optimized your images. Though these elements are not as important as some other optimizations, they're still necessary (not to mention easy to add).
6) Don't use too many similar topic tags.
Topic tags can help organize your blog content, but if you overuse them, they can actually be harmful. If you have too many similar tags, you may get penalized by search engines for having duplicate content.
Think of it this way: When you create a topic tag, you also create a new site page where the content from those topic tags will appear. If you use too many similar tags for the same content, it then appears to search engines as if you're showing the content multiple times throughout your website. For example, topic tags like "blogging," "blog," and "blog posts" are too similar to one another to be used on the same post.
If you're worried that your current blog posts have too many similar tags, take some time in the near future to clear them up. Choose about 1525 topic tags that you think are important to your blog and that aren't too similar to each other, and then only tag your posts with those keywords. That way, you won't have to worry about duplicate content.
7) Use URL structures that help your visitors.
The URL structure of your web pages (which are different from the specific URLs of your posts) should make it easy for your visitors to understand the structure of your website and the content they're about to see. Search engines favor web page URLs that make it easier for them and website visitors to understand the content on the page.
This differentiation is baked into the HubSpot blogs' respective URL structures. If I decided to go to the Marketing section from this main page, I would be taken to the URL http://blog.hubspot.com/marketing. If we want to read the Sales section, all we have to do is change where it says "marketing" in the URL to "sales": http://blog.hubspot.com/sales. This URL structure helps me understand that "/marketing" and "/sales" are smaller sections within the larger blog.
What if there's a specific article we want to read -- perhaps "How to Do Keyword Research: A Beginner's Guide"? Its URL structure -- http://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/how-to-do-keyword-research-ht -- denotes that it's an article from the Marketing section of the blog.
In this way, URL structure acts as a categorization system for readers, letting them know where they are on the website and how to access new site pages. Search engines appreciate this, as it makes it easier for them to identify exactly what information searchers will access on different parts of your blog or website.
Get more best practices for URL structure from Moz here.
8) Link internally when possible.
Inbound links to your content help show search engines the validity or relevancy of your content. The same goes for linking internally to other pages on your website. If you've written about a topic that's mentioned in your blog post on another blog post, ebook, or web page, it's a best practice to link to that page.
You might've noticed that I've been doing that from time to time throughout this blog post when I think it's helpful for our readers. Not only will internal linking help keep visitors on your website, but it also surfaces your other relevant and authoritative pages to search engines.
HubSpot customers: The SEO Panel automatically suggests linking to other internal resources on your website. Think of it as solving for your SEO while also helping your visitors get more information from your content.
If you're looking for more internal links to add to your post but aren't sure which would be relevant, you can click "Explore some internal links you might use in this post" for a list of recommendations.
9) Use Google's Search Console.
Google's free Search Console contains a section called the Search Analytics Report. This report helps you analyze clicks from Google Search, and it's useful to determine which keywords people are using to find your blog content. Learn how to use it by reading this blog post written by my colleague Matthew Barby and by reading Google's official support page here.
If you're interested in optimizing your best-performing older blog posts for traffic and leads like we've been doing since 2015, this tool can help identify low-hanging fruit.
A lot of content marketers struggle with optimizing their blog posts for search. The truth is, your blog posts won't start ranking immediately. It takes time to build up search authority. But when you publish blog posts frequently and consistently optimize them for search while maintaining a reader-friendly experience, you'll reap the rewards in the form of traffic and leads long-term.
10) Use topic clusters.
The way most blogs are currently structured (including our own blogs, until very recently), bloggers and SEOs have worked to create individual blog posts that rank for specific keywords. The result is disorganized, and hard for the user to find the exact information he or she needs. It also results in your own URLs competing against one another in search engine rankings when you produce multiple blog posts about similar topics. Here's what our blog architecture used to look like using this old playbook:
Now, in order to rank in search and best answer the new types of queries searchers are submitting, the solution is to use the topic cluster model: Choose the broad topics you want to rank for, then create content based on specific keywords related to that topic that all link to each other, to create broader search engine authority. Using this model, this is what our blog infrastructure looks like now -- with specific topics surrounded by blog posts related to the topic, connected to other URLs in the cluster via hyperlinks:
This model uses a more deliberate site architecture to organize and link URLs together to help more pages on your site rank in Google -- and to help searchers find information on your site more easily. This architecture consists of three components -- pillar content, cluster content, and hyperlinks:
We know this is a fairly new concept, so for more details, check out our research on the topic, or the video below.
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baburaja97-blog · 8 years
New Post has been published on Vin Zite
New Post has been published on https://vinzite.com/all-new-wordpress-plugins-for-bloggers/
All New WordPress Plugins for Bloggers
To understand which are the best WordPress Plugins for your website you first need to understand what a Plug-ins are.
If you were a website developer some years ago you would need to be proficient at a number of coding languages in order to add functions to your website. If you think of something simple like adding a social button to your site like Twitter for example. The web developer would need to write a piece of code or a link to Twitter and add an image on all the pages.
With the introduction of WordPress and its many associated Plug-ins, this is no longer the case. All a developer or site builder needs to do now is the search for a Plug-in and install it with the click of a button.
Why Do We Need WordPress Plugins?
We can’t truly understand why we need plugins until we’ve planned our site and understood what we want from our site. When we have a good idea of the functions on the site requires, we can begin to understand are the best WordPress Plugins for its needs.
What Do WordPress Plugins Do?
To understand WordPress Plugins is to understand that there’s nothing they cannot do. WordPress.org is an open source project meaning anyone can produce any Plug-in they wish. This means for every problem with a WordPress website, there is a solution in the form of a Plug-in. Many plugins are used for data capture and SEO. We will take at look at some of the best SEO WordPress plugin shortly because it’s on the list.
Which WordPress Plugins Do I need?
The first thing to do here is please, please never have more than one Plugin doing the same job. If you do, the only failure will follow.
Secondly, the Akismet anti-spam plugin which is now the best know Plugin is no longer free, so I suggest using WP-spam shield or SI CAPTCHA anti-spam.
So What Are The Best WordPress Plugins, And Which Ones Do I Need?
For this WordPress Plugin tutorial, I am going to outline what I believe to be the minimum requirements to run WordPress website safely and successfully, starting with a list of WordPress plugins and a description of the function.
So, let’s get started with our list.
1. All in one SEO Pack
2. Google XML Sitemaps
3. Hide Title
4. Mail Subscribe List
5. Pretty Links
6. SEO Smart Links
7. SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam
8. Sociable
9. WP Fastest Cache
10. WP-Spam shield
11. Table Maker
12. Contact Form 7 + Download Monitor + Email Before Download
Notice that number 12 contains 3 plugins which I want to talk about as a whole because these are used together in order to create a subscription before download function to your site.
Also, as a starting note, it’s always wise to run on as few plugins as possible due to the recourses these plugins use. Don’t start to panic, it’s just something to consider when you’re adding your plugins because the more you install, the more resources that will be used. This could end up affecting the efficiency of the site, such as loading speeds.
All In One SEO Pack.
The all in one SEO pack does what it says on the tin. One of the best SEO WordPress plugin ever! Essentially, it installs an interface that allows you to configure your site SEO, so the search engine can easily make sense of your content.
It includes all these options
*XML Sitemap support – submit your sitemap to Google and Bing and improve your SEO
*Google Analytics support
*Support for SEO on Custom Post Types
*Fine tune Page Navigational Links
*Built-in API so other plugins/themes can access and extend functionality
*ONLY free plugin to provide SEO Integration for e-Commerce sites, including WooCommerce
*Nonce Security built into All in One SEO Pack
*Support for CMS-style WordPress installations
*Automatically optimizes your titles for Google and other search engines
*Generates META tags automatically
*Avoids the typical duplicate content found on WordPress blogs
For beginners, you don’t even have to look at the options, it works out-of-the-box. Just install.
For advanced users, you can fine-tune everything to optimize your SEO
Google XML Sitemaps.
The Google XML sitemap plugin will generate an XML sitemap to help search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo and Ask.com to better index your blog. This sitemap describes your site to the crawlers sent out by the search engines, meaning those search engines understand your pages and can serve these pages to people looking for your content.
The plugin supports all kinds of WordPress generated pages and custom URLs, and notifies all major search engines every time you create a new post or page.
This plugin has been around for 9 years and highly rated as a plugin providing a complete XML sitemap for search engines without slowing your site down. so clearly one of the best WordPress plugins in my view.
Hide Title.
This is a simple plugin that you will appreciate once you start creating pages and posts. If your page has the same name as you content title, then this will appear twice at the top of your page. What if you wanted your page name and content title to be the same but only show once at the top of the page. This plugin allows you to hide the page name to give you a single view.
Mail Subscribe List
If you plan to create a mailing list then a subscriber mailing list will be essential for you.
Visitors are allowed to enter their name and email address on your website and the details are stored and available to view and modify. The data capture can be added to your WordPress site as a widget or added to a page using a shortcut code.
Advanced features include 3rd party integration, mass emailing and double opt-in options to qualify your leads.
Clever coding means this plugin works with all email service providers as well as allowing the exportation of the mailing list. The customization is also impressive including all the following areas that can be displayed as you prefer.
“prepend” -> Adds a paragraph of text just inside the top of the form.
“show name” -> If true, this with a show the name label and the input field for capturing the users’ name.
“name text” -> Text that is displayed to the left of the name input field.
“name holder” -> Text that is displayed inside the name input box as a placeholder.
“email text” -> Text that is displayed to the left of the email input field.
“email holder” -> Text that is displayed inside the email input box as a placeholder.
“show submit” -> If true, this with a show the submit button, return required to submit a form.
“submitted” -> Text/value that will be displayed on the form submit button.
“thank’s” -> If true, this will display a JavaScript Alert Thank You message instead of a paragraph above the form.
“thankyou” -> Thank you for the message that will be displayed when someone subscribes. (Will not show if blank)
The list of customization are longer than this article allows, but I think you get the idea of just how versatile this plugin really is.
Pretty Links.
Pretty Link, is a must have the plugin for any affiliate marketer in order to protect their affiliate links, and also makes their readers feel better about navigating to product pages.
As you can see it is not very attractive and some people do not want to click on such a link, but what if you could change that link to something like this
Instantly, it’s more friendly and more descriptive, and all you need to do was enter your original URL into Pretty Link and add the link name of your choice and click a button.
In addition to cleaning up your links and protecting potentially valuable affiliate links being stolen, Pretty Link can also track and report on the use of your links. Without a doubt one of the best WordPress plugins out there.
SEO Smart Links.
This is another amazing SEO WordPress plugin, helping you create internal links to your pages and posts, which in turns tells the search engine crawlers how important certain page are, and really helps with your SEO.
The SEO Smart Links can automatically link keywords and phrases in your posts and comments with corresponding posts, pages transparently.
Whenever a reader leaves a comment on your post they will need to enter CAPTCHA anti-spam before submitting.
This is to prevent to spam attacks that that fill your comment intray within hours.
Features include:
*Configure from Admin panel
*Valid HTML
*Allows Trackbacks and Pingbacks.
*Setting to hide the CAPTCHA from logged in users and or admins
*Setting to show the CAPTCHA on the forms for comments, registration, lost password, login, or all.
Sociable gives you the option to add multiple social buttons to your site.
It is a feature-packed plugin allowing a degree of customization so you can select and customize features like text, color, and length in order to ensure visitors have a great Sociable Experience.
This is a free Plug-in with over 1.5 million downloads so far which is a testament to its abilities and popularity as one of the best WordPress plugins
WP Fastest Cache.
Every time a web page is opened by a user, both the server the website it’s on, and the computer viewing the website utilizes resources such as CPU, Memory. When pages are rendered, PHP and MySQL are used on the server taking up precious resources. The more users or visitors the more resources used
This plugin helps the process along by creating static HTML files from your dynamic WordPress site, meaning fewer resources are used and load times are reduced.
The setup is simple. You don’t need to modify the .htacces file. It will be modified automatically.
WP Spamshield.
This is WordPress anti-spam protection with NO CAPTCHAs to challenge visitors, working instead, silently in the background.
Most spam hitting a site originates from bots sent out by the spammers, but there’s still quite a lot sent by real humans too. This plugin works like a firewall to ensure that your commenters are in fact, human, but also that those humans aren’t spamming you.
It’s a powerful and user-friendly WordPress anti-spam plugin that eliminates comment spam & registration spam.
Table Maker.
This is a very simple Plugin to use that helps you to create different comparison tables. It has functions which allow you to use plugins to create different types of tables, comparison, TOP, specification tables, etc.
• Responsive option (stacks)
• Predefined icons
• Rows or Cols lines
• Option to mark the first column for specification labels
• Option to add labels and featured row and cols
• Works with shortcodes
• Option to add subheaders
• Option to choose color of header
• Great and simple design
• Option to upload and use images
• Optional center aligning
• Export tables to XML. Import ones from XML/CSV
Contact Form 7 + Download Monitor + Email Before Download
Contact Form 7
Contact Form 7 is another simple plugin that allows you to add a contact form to a page or post with a Short Code. You can create multiple contact forms that can be customized with simple markup. Should you wish to use it, the plugin also supports CAPTCHA, Akismet spam filtering and so on.
Download Monitor
If you want to offer downloadable file this plugin is for you. Download Monitor provides an interface for uploading and downloading so you can insert download links into post and pages.
Email Before Download
Presents your readers with a form where they submit information, such as name and email address before allowing them to download a file. This integrates with the Contact Form 7 and Download Monitor plugins, allowing you to create any form you like and manage your file downloads.
Not only that, you can also export the list of users that downloaded files and create your contact/leads the list.
WordPress Websites with WordPress Plugins are now the de facto route to website ownership for millions of individuals and small companies alike. The versatility and ease of creating the sites and adding functionality for free and without knowledge or experience of coding means owning and running a money making websites are now truly democratic.
0 notes
New Post has been published on Pagedesignweb
New Post has been published on http://pagedesignweb.com/the-best-wordpress-plugins/
The Best WordPress Plugins
To understand which are the best WordPress Plugins for your website you first need to understand what a Plug-ins are.
If you were a website developer some years ago you would need to be proficient at a number of coding languages in order to add functions to your website. If you think of something simple like adding a social button to your site like Twitter for example. The web developer would need to write a piece of code or a link to Twitter and add an image on all the pages.
With the introduction of WordPress and its many associated Plug-ins, this is no longer the case. All a developer or site builder needs to do now is search for a Plug-in and install it with the click of a button.
Why Do We Need WordPress Plugins?
We can’t truly understand why we need plugins until we’ve planned our site and understood what we want from our site. When we have a good idea of the functions on the site requires, we can begin to understand are the best WordPress Plugins for its needs.
What Do WordPress Plugins Do?
To understand WordPress Plugins, is to understand that there’s nothing they cannot do. WordPress.org is an open source project meaning anyone can produce any Plug-in they wish. This means for every problem with a WordPress website, there is a solution in the form of a Plug-in. Many plugins are used for data capture and SEO. We will take at look at some of the best SEO WordPress plugin shortly because it’s on the list.
Which WordPress Plugins Do I need?
The first thing to do here is please, please never have more than one Plugin doing the same job. If you do, only failure will follow.
Secondly, the Akismet anti-spam plugin which is by now the best know Plugin is no longer free, so I suggest using WP-spam shield or SI CAPTCHA anti-spam.
So What Are The Best WordPress Plugins, And Which Ones Do I Need?
For this WordPress Plugin tutorial, I am going to outline what I believe to be the minimum requirements to run WordPress website safely and successfully, starting with a list of WordPress plugins and a description of the function.
So, let’s get started with our list.
1. All in one SEO Pack
2. Google XML Sitemaps
3. Hide Title
4. Mail Subscribe List
5. Pretty Links
6. SEO Smart Links
7. SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam
8. Sociable
9. WP Fastest Cache
10. WP Spam shield
11. Table Maker
12. Contact Form 7 + Download Monitor + Email Before Download
Notice that number 12 contains 3 plugins which I want to talk about as a whole because these are used together in order to create a subscription before download function to your site.
Also, as a starting note, it’s always wise to run on as few plugins as possible due to the recourses these plugins use. Don’t start to panic, it’s just something to consider when you’re adding your plugins because the more you install, the more resources that will be used. This could end up affecting the efficiency of the site, such as loading speeds.
All In One SEO Pack.
The all in one SEO pack does what it says on the tin. One of the best SEO WordPress plugin ever! Essentially, it installs an interface that allows you to configure your site SEO, so the search engine can easily make sense of your content.
It includes all these options
*XML Sitemap support – submit your sitemap to Google and Bing and improve your SEO
*Google Analytics support
*Support for SEO on Custom Post Types
*Fine tune Page Navigational Links
*Built-in API so other plugins/themes can access and extend functionality
*ONLY free plugin to provide SEO Integration for e-Commerce sites, including WooCommerce
*Nonce Security built into All in One SEO Pack
*Support for CMS-style WordPress installations
*Automatically optimizes your titles for Google and other search engines
*Generates META tags automatically
*Avoids the typical duplicate content found on WordPress blogs
For beginners, you don’t even have to look at the options, it works out-of-the-box. Just install.
For advanced users, you can fine-tune everything to optimize your SEO
Google XML Sitemaps.
The Google XML sitemap plugin will generate an XML sitemap to help search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo and Ask.com to better index your blog. This sitemap describes your site to the crawlers sent out by the search engines, meaning those search engines understand your pages and can serve these pages to people looking for your content.
The plugin supports all kinds of WordPress generated pages and custom URLs, and notifies all major search engines every time you create a new post or page.
This plugin has been around for 9 years and highly rated as a plugin providing a complete XML sitemap for search engines without slowing your site down. so clearly one of the best WordPress plugins in my view.
Hide Title.
This is a simple plugin that you will appreciate once you start creating pages and posts. If your page has the same name as you content title, then this will appear twice at the top of your page. What if you wanted you page name and content title to be the same but only show once at the top of the page. This plugin allows you to hide the page name to give you a single view.
Mail Subscribe List
If you plan to create a mailing list then a subscriber mailing list will be essential for you.
Visitors are allowed to enter their name and email address on your website and the details are stored and available to view and modify. The data capture can be added to your WordPress site as a widget or added to a page using a shortcut code.
Advanced features include 3rd party integration, mass emailing and double opt-in options to qualify your leads.
Clever coding means this plugin works with all email service providers as well as allowing the exportation of the mailing list. The customization is also impressive including all the following areas that can be displayed as you prefer.
“prepend” -> Adds a paragraph of text just inside the top of the form.
“showname” -> If true, this with show the name label and input field for capturing the users name.
“nametxt” -> Text that is displayed to the left of the name input field.
“nameholder” -> Text that is displayed inside the name input box as a place holder.
“emailtxt” -> Text that is displayed to the left of the email input field.
“emailholder” -> Text that is displayed inside the email input box as a place holder.
“showsubmit” -> If true, this with show the submit button, return required to submit form.
“submittxt” -> Text/value that will be displayed on the form submit button.
“jsthanks” -> If true, this will display a JavaScript Alert Thank You message instead of a paragraph above the form.
“thankyou” -> Thank you message that will be displayed when someone subscribes. (Will not show if blank)
The list of customization are longer than this article allows, but I think you get the idea of just how versatile this plugin really is.
Pretty Links.
Pretty Link, is a must have plugin for any affiliate marketer in order to protect their affiliate links, and also makes their readers feel better about navigating to product pages.
A typical affiliate link may look something like this.
As you can see it is not very attractive and some people do not want to click on such a link, but what if you could change that link to something like this
Instantly, it’s more friendly and more descriptive, and all you need to do was enter your original URL into Pretty Link and add the link name of your choice and click a button.
In addition to cleaning up your links and protecting potentially valuable affiliate links being stolen, Pretty Link can also track and report on the use of your links. Without a doubt one of the best WordPress plugins out there.
SEO Smart Links.
This is another amazing SEO WordPress plugin, helping you create internal links between your pages and posts, which in turns tells the search engine crawlers how important certain page are, and really helps with your SEO.
The SEO Smart Links can automatically link keywords and phrases in your posts and comments with corresponding posts, pages transparently.
Whenever a reader leaves a comment on your post they will need to enter CAPTCHA anti-spam before submitting.
This is to prevent to spam attacks that that fill your comment intray within hours.
Features include:
*Configure from Admin panel
*Valid HTML
*Allows Trackbacks and Pingbacks.
*Setting to hide the CAPTCHA from logged in users and or admins
*Setting to show the CAPTCHA on the forms for comments, registration, lost password, login, or all.
Sociable gives you the option to add multiple social buttons to your site.
It is a feature-packed plugin allowing a degree of customization so you can select and customize features like text, color, and length in order to ensure visitors have a great Sociable Experience.
This is a free Plug-in with over 1.5 million downloads so far which is a testament to its abilities and popularity as one of the best WordPress plugins
WP Fastest Cache.
Every time a web page is opened by a user, both the server the website it’s on, and the computer viewing the website utilizes resources such as CPU, Memory. When pages are rendered, PHP and MySQL are used on the server taking up precious resources. The more users or visitors the more resources used
This plugin helps the process along by creating static HTML files from your dynamic WordPress site, meaning fewer resources are used and load times are reduced.
The setup is simple. You don’t need to modify the .htacces file. It will be modified automatically.
WP Spamshield.
This is WordPress anti-spam protection with NO CAPTCHAs to challenge visitors, working instead, silently in the background.
Most spam hitting a site originates from bots sent out by the spammers, but there’s still quite a lot sent by real humans too. This plugin works like a firewall to ensure that your commenters are in fact, human, but also that those humans aren’t spamming you.
It’s a powerful and user-friendly WordPress anti-spam plugin that eliminates comment spam & registration spam.
Table Maker.
This is a very simple Plugin to use that helps you to create different comparison tables. It has functions which allow you to use plugins to create different types of tables, comparison, TOP, specification tables, etc.
• Responsive option (stacks)
• Predefined icons
• Rows or Cols lines
• Option to mark first column for specification labels
• Option to add labels and featured row and cols
• Works with shortcodes
• Option to add subheaders
• Option to choose color of header
• Great and simple design
• Option to upload and use images
• Optional center aligning
• Export tables to XML. Import ones from XML/CSV
Contact Form 7 + Download Monitor + Email Before Download
Contact Form 7
Contact Form 7 is another simple plugin that allows you to add a contact form to a page or post with a Short Code. You can create multiple contact forms that can be customized with simple markup. Should you wish to use it, the plugin also supports CAPTCHA, Akismet spam filtering and so on.
0 notes