#wip game 2022
chateautae · 4 months
hi <3
my lovelies are you still here? i'm thinking of dropping something 🥺
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wip whenever ♥
thank you @allaganexarch for the tag!!! i exit the Void(TM) to shove my horny larissa content at the general public :)))
if anyone's interested in my jane murdstone dominatrix fic and would like to read about larissa weems getting caned, i guess this wip is for you!
tagging: @dianneking @notinmyvocab @the-frankenman-writes + whoever wants to do this consider yourself tagged!
“Are you ashamed of yourself, Miss Weems?” she asks as she walks around the desk. Larissa keeps stealing glances at her as she walks, unsure and shaking with the thrill of it all. 
Jane stands in front of her. “Well?” she asks again, coldly. “Do answer me.”
Larissa closes her eyes, swallows, then opens them again. “Yes,” she utters softly, staring in front of herself.
Jane sighs and tuts. She puts one finger under Larissa’s chin, urging her to tilt her head and look at her. “Miss Weems,” she starts, almost gentle now. “I’m aware girls your age are wont to… experiment. However, the school simply cannot encourage such inappropriate behaviour. You ought to know better.”
Larissa’s voice is but a whisper. “Yes, Miss.” 
“You were always such a well behaved pupil. I must say, I’m very disappointed in you.”
Tears well up in Larissa’s big, blue eyes. She nods. “Yes, Miss.”
“I can tell you’re very remorseful about it – but you’ll still have to receive a punishment. It is a grave offence, after all. That will be seven strokes of the cane.”
“Yes, Miss,” she says, unable to hide the thrill in her voice, despite the tears. Jane fights the urge to snicker at her – she shouldn’t do that just yet. There will be time for it.
“But before I give out the punishment, I want you to tell me what compelled you to even think of doing something like that. Have you seen it somewhere?”
Larissa swallows thickly. “I saw… I have a…a magazine,” she stutters. “And we saw… pictures of… women… doing things. And we wanted… We wanted to try them.”
Jane makes a sound of fake surprise. “A magazine! And however did you come in possession of such an inappropriate item?”
“I bought it,” whispers Larissa, turning her gaze to the floor. 
“That is how you spend your parents’ money? My, my, Miss Weems. I never suspected you’d be such a dirty girl.”
“I’m sorry, Miss,” she mumbles, her face red with shame, but her eyes glaze over at what Jane just called her. 
“You should be sorry, alright. Honestly, who’d think such dirty thoughts could live in such a seemingly nice, polite girl’s head. I do worry about you, Miss Weems. I’m afraid I’ll have to change your punishment to match the severity of your misdemeanours. I want to make sure the idea of buying lesbian pornography never crosses your mind again.”
“Yes, Miss,” Larissa says, voice breathy and pupils dilated, her cheeks still red.
“That will be two weeks in detention, and no off-campus weekend this month,” says Jane matter-of-factly. “And I’m upping it to twenty strokes. Ten for the act, ten for possession of pornography.”
“Twenty?” exclaims Larissa. “But Miss–”
“There will be no arguing, Miss Weems,” she interrupts her sternly. “Skirt up. Bend over the desk.”
Larissa takes a step forward and slowly bends over the desk, lifting her skirt up, then leaning forward on her elbows. Jane can’t help but feel a pang of excitement when she sees her pale, round arse. She imagines how lovely it’ll look with red stripes all across it, how it’ll jiggle when the cane hits. She wonders if she should make Larissa remove the lovely, teal, lacy knickers she’s wearing. 
She decides she should.
“What’s that?” she asks harshly. 
“What, Miss?” asks Larissa, with her arse in the air, worry lacing her voice. 
“Those aren’t regulation knickers.”
Larissa’s breath hitches. “No, Miss.”
“Remove them. It’ll be a bare bottom caning. Not that that flimsy thing would provide much of a barrier anyway.”
Larissa quickly pulls her underwear down, eager to please.
“I want them fully off, not just out of the way. I’ll be confiscating those. A respectable girl has no business wearing such a thing.”
Larissa obediently slides the knickers down her long legs, and steps out of them. She leaves them on the floor and returns to her previous position on the desk. Jane bends down and takes them, inspecting them. 
“There’s a wet spot,” she says. “What am I supposed to make of that, hm?”
Larissa doesn’t respond.
“Do you find your punishment arousing, Miss Weems?”
Larissa shakes her head, gazing down into the desk.. “No, Miss.”
“Well, what is it then?”
“I don’t know, Miss.”
Jane scoffs and crumbles the knickers in her fist. “Of course you don’t. I didn’t know you were such a perverted girl. I do hope you’re ashamed of yourself.” She pauses. “Well, I can assure you you won’t enjoy the cane in the slightest. I hope it’ll make you reflect on your actions.”
“Yes, Miss.”
There is complete silence in the room as Jane goes to fetch the cane. She makes a show of it, walking slowly and deliberately, heels clacking with each step. She circles around the desk, lays out the soaked knickers on it, then walks over to the shelf, from which she takes a long cane with a curved handle – old school style, as she knows Larissa will appreciate the attention to detail. She turns around, and catches Larissa quickly bow her head down again – she’s clearly been staring at her as she walked. 
She caresses the cane as she walks back to Larissa. “I could see you staring at my backside, Miss Weems. Shameful, really. I hope to cane those sick thoughts out of your head for good. Maybe I should do more than twenty strikes.” 
“I’m sorry, Miss.”
Jane stands behind Larissa, caressing the cane, playing with it in her hands. She looks at Larissa’s cunt, bare and swollen, peeking between her buttocks as she leans forward. She enjoys the visual a lot. She briefly wonders if she could interest Larissa in pussy canings, and makes a mental note of it. She thinks Larissa would enjoy it – but she’ll save that for a different scene.
“Perhaps I should cane you all afternoon. How many sick thoughts must go through your head each day, I wonder. Do you stare at other girls in gym class? Clearly you go out of your way to corrupt your friends with sick ideas you got from looking at your lesbian magazines. What else do you do?”
She pauses, trying to think of how else to taunt her. “You know, I ought to call your parents. Wouldn't that be shameful? For everyone to know you sit in your dorm room at night, rubbing your soaked knickers to lesbian pornography?”
Larissa whimpers. Jane smiles. She seems to have hit a spot. 
“Depraved girl,” she tuts, and then, in one swift and expert move, she strikes her with the cane. Larissa yelps in surprise and pain. Before Larissa can recover, she strikes her another time. This time, Larissa only inhales sharply. Jane isn’t being very forceful, for Larissa isn’t warmed up yet – but even a light strike is enough to make her arse sting quite a bit. 
She lazily drags the cane along her stinging buttocks, letting her sweat in anticipation. She lightly taps, and Larissa flinches. Jane laughs at her, and Larissa whimpers. 
“That’s only two, Miss Weems. I want to make this last. You need time to reflect on your actions,” she says and strikes her quite a bit harder before she finishes the sentence. Larissa makes a strained sound and flinches. She’s breathing heavily and pressing her thighs firmly together. 
“Three,” says Jane nonchalantly. 
Silence, only filled with the sound of Larissa’s shaky breaths. She squirms, anticipating the next strike. Jane lets her stew.
After a minute or so, she strikes her again, hard. Larissa cries out and her muscles convulse, but she doesn’t move. 
“You’re taking it so well – one would think you were caned before,” says Jane with amusement in her voice. “Did your parents spank you a lot as a child?”
“Yes, Miss,” Larissa breathes out. 
“And what for? Were you often a naughty girl?”
“I don’t know, Miss. I often didn’t understand why they did it.”
“Well, that won’t do,” says Jane, dragging the cane over the two red stripes on her buttocks. Larissa sucks in a breath. “In order for the punishment to be effective, the offender must know what they did so they can correct the behaviour. Repeat it to me, Miss Weems; why are you being spanked?”
“Because I… I was caught–”
Jane strikes her again and Larissa yelps. “No, no, Miss Weems. You aren’t being punished because you got caught. You’re being punished because you did something you shouldn’t have done. Try again,” she says and strikes her another time. Larissa whimpers.
“I… I’m being punished because I kissed another girl, and I… we… we touched each other… inappropriately.”
“That’s it,” says Jane and strikes her hard. Larissa flinches and squeaks. “That’s six. What else have you done? You did earn twenty strikes, after all.”
“I… I bought p–” she tries saying it and fails.
“Come on,” Jane taunts her. “If you could look at it you can say it.”
Larissa takes a deep breath. Jane strikes her. She yelps. “I bought pornography,” she spits quickly and breathlessly, as if the whole sentence was one word. “With my parents’ money.”
“You did, you dirty girl.” Jane’s voice is flat and void of emotion as she says it, almost disinterested, for she knows that makes Larissa wild – how impersonal Jane can get. She strikes her one more time, harder than any of the previous strikes. Larissa lets out an embarrassing squeak. 
“Eight,” she says, and decides to make a longer pause before nine. She lazily drags the tip of the cane along Larissa’s long legs, starting above the ankles and going up. When she reaches the sweet spot where her thighs meet her buttocks, she – seemingly accidentally, but very much on purpose – lightly grazes the cane over her soaked cunt. Larissa whimpers and shudders. 
Jane finds it truly fascinating how wet a bit of humiliation and a few strikes of the cane can make her. She’s literally dripping down her thighs.
“Oh my,” she fakes a gasp. “What’s that?”
She lightly taps at her cunt, and Larissa whines. 
“Tsk, tsk, Miss Weems,” she tuts, “The situation appears to be graver than I imagined. I don’t think your punishment is working. In fact, I think you’re enjoying it. Am I right?”
Larissa shakes her head. “No, Miss.”
“You get another five strikes for lying.”
“Yes, Miss. Sorry, Miss,” Larissa whimpers into the desk, head buried in her elbows.
“It’s pathetic how depraved and sick you are, getting off to your Headmistress caning you. Perhaps I’ve been too gentle with you. Perhaps a more forceful caning will teach you a lesson.”
“Yes, Miss,” says Larissa breathlessly. “Forgive me, Miss.”
“You disgust me,” sneers Jane and swings the cane forcefully, hitting hard over the already glaring red stripes, making Larissa convulse and cry out. She strikes again, and then again, with the same amount of force, and Larissa cries out each time. 
She strikes her four more times. 
“Fifteen,” she says coldly. “I can’t believe you, Miss Weems. I thought you were a good, respectable girl. Your nice and wealthy parents sent you to a prestigious private school – and this is how you repay them? By being a perverted freak? By being found by a prefect with your head between another girl’s legs? By getting aroused by your punishment?”
Larissa presses her thighs together more firmly. “I’m really sorry, Miss. I’ve been so bad,” she whispers.
“I wonder, is it the punishment that arouses you… or is it the fact that I’m the one giving it to you? I saw you look at me, Miss Weems. It’s quite pathetic how attracted you are to a woman old enough to be your mother.”
Larissa whines and rubs her thighs together. “I’m sorry, Miss.”
Jane strikes her – hard – and Larissa keens. 
“I’m afraid sorry won’t cut it, Miss Weems. You deserve a caning after which you won’t be able to sit for weeks,” she says and strikes her again, and again and again, starting to get into a rhythm. Larissa twitches and whines pathetically with each strike, squirming and squeezing her thighs together. Her cunt is clenching along with her arsecheeks. Jane keeps striking her, and doesn’t stop when she reaches twenty-five strikes. 
“I’ve changed my mind,” she announces flatly as she keeps caning her. “It’ll be however many strikes I see fit for you.”
“Yes, Miss,” Larissa all but moans. She keeps squirming and twitching, but doesn’t move in a significant enough manner for Jane to reprimand her for it. 
Jane, however, notices the way she shudders, then relaxes, moaning quite a bit louder than before and pressing her forehead into the desk somewhere around number thirty-five. 
Jane scoffs incredulously. She knew Larissa needed little to come, but this was new even for her. 
“Did you just come from this?” she asks, trying her best to hide the amusement in her voice. 
Larissa whimpers pathetically into the desk. 
Jane strikes her. “I asked you something, Miss Weems,” she says sternly. 
Larissa nods into the desk, hiding her face between her elbows.
“I want words, girl.”
“Y-yes, Miss. I’m sorry, Miss,” she whispers barely audibly. 
Jane laughs. “You’re truly incorrigible. I’ve never had such a depraved girl bent over my desk. It seems like no matter what I do, you enjoy it. I could kick you in the face with my shoe and you’d thank me.”
“Yes, Miss. Sorry, Miss,” Larissa sobs. 
“In any case, I don’t think you’re learning a lesson. Perhaps the punishment didn’t go on for long enough. Or perhaps I’ve been too gentle.”
“Please, Miss, I– ah!” Larissa cries out when Jane strikes her quite hard just where her buttocks meet her thighs. 
“Do you lie in bed at night in your dorm room with your hand between your legs, thinking about your Headmistress? Have you imagined being caned like this for your own sick pleasure? Perhaps all of this has been a ploy to get yourself in this position?”
“No, Miss, please, please, ah! I’ll do better, I’m sorry!”
“You’re a disgrace. I’ll give you such a whipping you won’t even think about coming again. Dirty little dyke.”
Larissa whines at the insult. “Yes, Miss.”
“Say it. Say you’re a perverted dyke that rubs her pussy thinking about her Headmistress caning her.”
“I-I’m a perverted dyke that – ah! – rubs my p-pussy… ah! Thinking about my Headmistress caning me.”
“That’s right. And what are you sorry for?”
“I’m sorry for being a dirty girl, Miss. I’m sorry my pussy gets wet when you cane me – ugh, fuck!” she cries out after a particularly well-aimed, hard strike. 
“Language, Miss Weems, or I’ll wash your dirty mouth with soap.”
“Yes, Miss! Ah! I’m sorry, Miss!”
Jane keeps striking her, relentlessly and without pause. She can tell when Larissa enters a blissful state of being. Her eyes are closed and she’s no longer able to utter coherent words. A soft cry escapes her every time her muscles convulse when the cane touches her skin, a barely perceptive smile on her face. Jane admires the neat, angry red marks across her buttocks as gradually slows down her rhythm, decreasing the intensity of her swings, bringing Larissa down from her high. Soon, she is only lightly snapping the cane against her skin, dragging it along her buttocks, lightly tapping, until she eventually stops completely. 
Larissa’s eyes are still closed and she is breathing heavily. Jane lets her have a moment of silence. Eventually, Larissa opens her eyes and lifts her head a bit higher up, but she’s still supporting herself on the desk.
“I still feel floaty,” she breathes out.
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sambambucky · 3 months
extremely curious about “Marie Laveau and her family of terrible witches”
hehehe soo this is something from a halloween bingo a couple years ago, but the prompt has long escaped me.
bucky's a loner with a vague crush on sam, who is always taking random guys to his room (across the hall from bucky naturally), never to be seen or heard from again. after hearing more concerning noises than ususal one night (Halloween??) bucky finds blood and broken glass all over sam's dorm room and follows him up to some fucking castle where sam's family is having some kinda goddam coven meeting .. here's a snippet!
“You didn’t know where I was? You came looking for me?” Sam asks in a rush, impatient, but something else too. “You were worried, that’s it?” “I guess,” Bucky shakes his head. “Yeah, I mean – yeah. I thought you might be hurt. There’s blood –” “Put the ring on,” Sam says, reaching up to turn the light out again. “Make it fit.” Bucky slides over his thumb, and Sam helps him into the robe. “Where are we, actually?” “Stay behind me and don’t say anything. No matter what, okay?” Bucky laughs. “What kind of fucked up costume party –?” He tries to step out of the closet and back into the drafty hallway, but Sam presses in close, shuts the door again. “Bucky,” Sam says, pleading. A few hours ago, Bucky didn’t think Sam even knew his name, and now he’s saying it like that, burning him up from the inside. They’ve barely been within six feet of each other in the last few months, and now their mouths are inches away. Obviously Bucky’s going to do whatever he asks.
idk ! there's blood magic and dance rituals and a sibling power struggle and if i ever figure out how to make the bucky pov interesting while sam is the one doing all the fun stuff it'll be over for you hos!!!
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passinoutpieces · 2 years
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arthur morgan, the poutiest cowboy in the wild wild west
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vendetta-if · 1 year
Yanno you saying that vendetta is similar to batman (2022) has changed my view of vendetta as in whenever I pictured the setting it was always normal relative to the setting in the batman where no matter if it's day or night it's always gloomy and depressing , so it's really cool that u pointed it out
Oh, anon, you’ve given me a chance to gush about one of my fav movies! I love the grittiness in the Batman movie and the beautiful cinematography, of course 😄 As I’ve said, that movie is how I would want Vendetta movie to look like 🥹
But of course, in Vendetta, we have way more scenes set during the day. It can’t be helped with Batman because Batman literally almost only goes out at night, during the day, he’s Bruce Wayne.
Also, Elysium City doesn’t really have that Gothic architecture influence that Gotham has, but the grittiness of the city really hits pretty close to the more impoverished areas of Elysium City.
I actually have recently finished making an MV Edit of the movie containing shots that I both love and kinda give off Vendetta vibe. I’ll post it later on 😁
Also, Robert Pattinson as Bruce Wayne/Batman?! He’s so good. He plays a different kind of Bruce Wayne than Christian Bale. This Batman is more obsessed and unhealthy and is just starting out.
When I first watched the movie and see him, my mind immediately went, “Ooh, he’ll make a good face-claim for one of my Vendetta MCs.”
But then, I thought he might be a bit too old for MC before I realized he’d make a pretty good Luka as well since both Pattinson and Bruce Wayne in the movie are in their 30s as well 🤭
What do you guys think? I’m just going to put up a just-for-fun poll to see what the majority of you guys think.
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WIP Whenever
tagged by @lowkeyed1
From chapter 3 of Say You'll Still Be By My Side
Elora had Airk's late night conversations continued as did Graydon's attempts to eavesdrop. “. . . haven't been this bad since the first night in the Wildwood.” “I'm sorry you don't have another hut to lock me in.” He was clearly still angry about that, but there'd been no other choice. With everything that happened and all their stories to tell, they'd all forgotten to warn Airk about the truth plums. He'd eaten three before they could stop him. Airk had spent the rest of the night telling any and everyone how he and Graydon were going to live happily ever after with the empress and take turns filling her up with babies. When he'd started talking about them taking turns filling up each other, Elora decided he had to be quarantined. Thankfully Graydon was still recovering and spent most of that night asleep. Airk had spent the rest of the celebration under Elora's watch and depressingly sober. They couldn't chance him slipping up again before they talked properly.
tagging @sarosthewizarddude @rotaryshakes @ankahikoibaat @smilingbuckley
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jackdaw-sprite · 10 months
Got tagged for this game by @ectoentity and @echoghost1. Thanks for the tag! (sorry it took me a bit -- I was frantically trying to finish some Funerary Rites chapters)
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Well well well. For my own sanity, I'm going to use only gdocs stuff, and I'm only going to use things I'm doing solo and only docs with unposted narrative in them, so pure planning docs and working draft docs with only summaries and outlines are out. Also out: docs with redundant information (either already posted, or chapter final drafts that match what's in a working draft document)
That leaves me with:
A Goodbye In Two Parts
Star Nursery
Adoption (Draft)
Spider Brains - The Wristwatch
Funerary Rites - Day 2 working draft
Ectober 20 - Fight
Fine - Working Draft
Nine entire people is a stretch, but let's see if I can do it. Feel free to ignore if you've already been tagged or if the vibes aren't quite right, etc.
@datawyrms, because I know what your WIP folder looks like and it will be funny.
@strawberrycamel @seaglass-skies @astatia-ghast @tourettesdog @underforeversgrace @reading-wanderer @modordracena @ovytia
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quirkle2 · 2 years
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guess what. sans
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cass-foxx · 1 year
2022 VS 2023
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My design for Stannis Baratheon didn't change much but thank god my artstyle did 🙏
Working on something that I hope to finish soon :]
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lowkeyed1 · 5 months
WIP Whenever
tagged by: @tallangrycockatiel here's a bit from the 2nd chapter of my current in progress as yet untitled unpublished boorman/graydon slow burn -----
Things went downhill from the moment they entered the great hall. King Zivian’s eyes immediately flicked from his son to his son’s companion, and he surged to his feet. “Guards! Seize that man and throw him in the darkest dungeon!” Boorman flinched. He’d expected as much, but at least he made sure Graydon arrived safely. Zivian couldn’t get rid of his son so easily, now that the entire court had seen him. If he had to rot in another cell, so be it. The two guards at the foot of the throne hurried forward to do as commanded. “Shit,” Graydon muttered. “Um. Follow my lead?” Boorman looked down at him quizzically. As he watched, Graydon’s posture straightened, his face hardened, and his gaze became steely. “Halt!” Graydon shouted, his voice ringing off the walls. The guards skidded to a stop in confusion, looking from Graydon back to his father. “This man is my sworn knight, and will remain free by my side. He has given me the traditional oath of fealty,” Graydon said. “All his prior crimes are now pardoned, as long as he maintains his good and faithful service.” Zivian scoffed. “Absurd!” ----- tagging: @bisexualshakespeare @blackdalek @bizzybee429 @littleblackraincloudofcourse @storyspinner91
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jacaranda-bloom · 2 years
unbonded for the wip game!
Ooooh thanks for asking Anitra!
So Unbonded is a story I've planned out for the 2023 @1daboficfest and I'm so excited to write it!
It’s a pack ABO fic, which is something I’ve not attempted before and it will be Alpha Louis and Omega Harry, whereas I usually write Alpha Harry and Omega Louis. 
Harry is bonded to a horrible alpha, but when he is unable to bear pups, the bond is forcibly broken and he’s cast out. He is taken in by a neighbouring pack and Helga, the pack’s bondmatcher, puts him to work as a carer for the pack’s pups. 
Louis is the pack leader, and an unbonded alpha. He’s been away at war for more than a year and Helga’s brother, Julius, has been acting as pack leader during that time. Harry is happy with his place in the new pack but senses there’s something off about Julius. 
Louis returns from war and Harry is instantly smitten, although he tries to hide it. Louis suddenly falls gravely ill and Harry suspects something more is going on than a random sickness. He convinces Helga to allow him to nurse Louis back to health so he can watch over him.
It’s hard to say much more without giving the entire story away (lol), but other ‘stuff’ happens, it’s all very dramatic, tables are turned, someone saves the day, the bad guys get what’s coming to them, there’s pups on the horizon, and a happily ever after (of course), the end!
Anyway, I’m really looking forward to it and I think it’ll be a fun challenge!
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dallonwrites · 2 years
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Winter’s Slaughter - NaNoWriMo 2022 
[image description: a picture of a snow forest with evergreen trees. the photo is  dark and tinted a slight blue. in the middle, in a white serif font reads in all caps “WINTER’S SLAUGHTER” /end id]
hi besties i am so excited to finally talk about my apocalypse wip! it has bewitched me btw
Genre: Post-Apocalyptic  POV: Third Person Present, Multi POV. Might have some experimental form in between  Setting: I don’t pinpoint a real world place but basically picture a big forest in an area that has brutal, cold winters. Do of that what you will <3 Aesthetics: fog, cracked ice, frost, the crunch of snow, overgrown foliage, empty roads, statues covered in snow, wind and rain against windows, the glow of a candle flame Logline: Over ten years into a zombie apocalypse, two small communities - who are trying to focus on daily life instead of survival and heal from the last decade - have to put aside their differences from a years long, deeply embedded conflict, after a new strain of vicious zombies and a rescue mission gone wrong threatens the safety of the forest they call home.
This is my silly little personal project where I do whatever I want. As the logline says I wanted to start with focusing less on survival and more on daily, especially the social/cultural practices that characters maintain/develop. But also I don’t want them too comfortable lol, which is why ~mutated zombies~ and ~worrying people from a closed off community entering their safe space~ and ~reckoning with trauma~. These two communities have a long history of conflict, but have been trying to live in a forced harmony for the sake of their forest; its natural resources and scale - which puts off outsiders from entering it - are traits both communities consider blessings. That harmony and safety is about to be very threatened, all whilst preparing to try and survive another long, brutal winter 
My Deal With Nano 2022
Okay, so I am currently ~going through it~ in my personal life. I am purely using this novel for escapism and I am purely using Nano as a way to have some structure. That might mean I write 50k words that might been I write 500. Who knows! Because of this I’m calling this novel “low stakes”. I’m not worrying too much about plot, plot holes, pacing and structure etc. This is never getting published and what I write is very much gonna just be what I Want to happen. I’m not trying to write my "best” work here and that’s okay. This project is also pushing me out of my comfort zone with things like worldbuilding and plot, which are my weakest areas of writing. But I’ve had so much fun with it, I love this novel and it has given me a great deal of comfort, and I do want to share quite a bit of it on here! Updates may be sporadic but there will be Updates
Winter’s Slaughter is an Apocalypse AU in the sense that any OC I have ever made is eligible to be in it. There are characters unique to this story but there’s also a lot of familiar faces, mainly my RR besties Beau, Felix, Dorothy, Jolie and Isaias. But there is so much to say about characters and I can’t fit all of them in this post lol help!  The characters are split into three communities: two small ones based in the forest, and a larger one in a closed off town. The latter is where the Rescue Mission Gone Wrong takes place. None of them have names LOL so I’ll refer to them as Community 1, 2, 3. There’s also a couple of “drifters” who live in the forest but not in either community. Community 1 is the most developed atm so they’ll be the majority of this list:
Felix: Community 1. Takes a leadership role but there’s no strict hierarchy in their community. Good decision maker, bad at close combat. Good at ambushing/being a quiet, sneaky bitch, bad at being honest. 
Isaias: Community 1. Felix and him are the Dynamic Duo. Probably the most mentally stable of the group. His demeanour is pretty mellow, but he knows how to fight and you don’t want to get on his bad side. Also he has horses <3 
Dorothy: Community 1. There to keep her twin Felix in check. Is sick of his shit. Likes killing “bad” people a bit too much? Girlboss 
Jolie: Community 1. Dorothy’s gal pal. Local lesbian herbalist. In charge of the flower garden this community has specifically for brewing teas. Best apocalypse chef out there.
Jarvis: Community 1. Beekeeper and garden keeper. Requires walking aids because of an injury/subsequent chronic pain, so he usually stays back to help maintain their space. In his mid-40s, making him the oldest of the group, he acts like a mentor and jokes that the group are his adopted kids. But sometimes, he feels a bit trapped. 
Beau: Community 2. Takes a more defined leadership role.  Good at close combat, bad at not making impulsive decisions, thus he and Felix complement each other but they’re too busy having a homoerotic rivalry to realise this.
The Hag: Community 2. NOT her name in the book this is just what my friends lovingly call her. Every apocalypse story would benefit from an old grandma in there. She keeps the kids of her community in order and sometimes bestows them with her Wisdom(TM)
Loris: Community 3. Refuses to leave the derelict, crumbling botanical gardens building he shelters in full of his wilted, dead plants. 
Ada and Ross: Community 3. Shelter in an abandoned art gallery. Extremely weird couple who upon meeting Beau and Felix, make them attend the funeral of their “friend” and Beau and Felix are like they killed this guy right? They definitely killed this guy. 
Valentine: A drifter who mainly lives in an abandoned train station, but also splits their time between Community 1 and 2. They like to keep to themselves, but helps maintain communication by sending messages between the two communities in exchange for resources. Their design is inspired by old postal outfits and they have a cool cloak
I usually just have a general taglist but I think for this one I’ll do a specific Nano taglist. Again don’t know how much I’ll post because! going through it! But also tumblr is the only social media I’m not on hiatus on because, like this novel, posting on here feels low stakes <3 If you want to be on a taglist for this then let me know! 
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dianneking · 1 year
WIP Game
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thank you tagging me @yourlocaldisneyvillain
So you wanna have a glimpse into my WIP stash? Be my guest! I’m afraid most of my tiles are semi-definitive ones so they are not as descriptive as you might wish for...
Among the outcasts (NSFW)
Birthday Wishes
Feeling Seen 
Forging New Bonds
Ghost from the past 
Intruder (Phasma)
It’s not goodbye until I say so
Killing me softly
Larissa’s Gloomy Summer
Metamorphmagus in the Quad 
New Teacher in Town 
Nobody Cares
Online Dating (Melissa x Barbara)
Shapes of Love 
Only fifteen docs! I thought they’d be more, but then again, I also have a random word file where I jot down the fic requests and plot bunnies I have not yet started working on, so that surely reduces the clutter. 
No way I’m going to tag fifteen people! Hoping they haven’t been tagged yet, I’m tagging @juicyflawless25 , @alder-saan and @cissyenthusiast010155 (feel free to ignore/change/swap the tag however you please!) 
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laiqualaurelote · 1 year
WIP ask game: 📄 👻. Thanks!
📄 What’s a WIP you never finished that you would like to go back and revisit?
Thank you for asking! I wanted to answer this in a way that was relevant to your interests, which means dragging up something that isn't even so much a WIP as a half-baked idea likely to never come to fruition, but! I always really wanted to write a heist AU for The English. I've mentioned this before in an ask to @calligeniascorner but trotting it out again here:
Cornelia and Eli meet while attempting to break into the same hotel vault. She's trying to elude security, he's trying to hack through a wall, they run into each other in the corridor and she's like "Quick, kiss me!" and he's like "What?" but then he sees the security guards coming round the corner and decides that fine, he'll kiss the crazy Englishwoman as a distraction. Once security has dismissed them as just another couple trying and failing to get a room and moved on, she's like "you don't need to do that by the way, I stole the master key" and Eli is deeply confused but decides to just roll with it. It has nothing to do with the kiss. It really doesn't.
Flashback time! This is the first step in Cornelia's grand revenge plan against David Melmont, who 15 years ago took everything from her in a long con. There's something of his kept in the vault of the Watts Hotel that she needs, which is why she has talked her way into hotelier Richard Watts' private office, drugged him and stolen his master key. It turns out that Cornelia, to her surprise, is an excellent grifter. It's her face. Some men look at it, apparently.
Meanwhile, this is meant to be Eli's One Last Job. He's only here because he's doing Touching Ground a favour. It's not even like he's friends with Touching Ground, but she seems to think he owes her just because he was there when her husband was gunned down by cops during a bank robbery gone awry, and she called him up from prison and told him to look out for her son. Problem is, White Moon's got himself tangled up with Kills On Water's crew, and they're going to send the kid into the Watts Hotel after a package that Black-Eyed Mog has parked there. Eli knows this is a suicide run for a thief as green as White Moon, so he offers to take his place on the job.
After the unexpected success of the Watts Hotel Job, Eli tries to walk away, but Cornelia's now set on recruiting him for her crew, which will also come to include: Thomas Trafford, the hacker who turned on Melmont 15 years ago because he fell in love with their mark, Cornelia - leading her to become the target of Melmont's terrible vengeance; Martha Myers, a former cat burglar who left the life to raise her son Jed, but who's been lured back because she, too, has an axe to grind with Melmont; and White Moon, whom Eli would prefer not to have involved, but it's this or letting him go back to picking pockets in casinos. At least on the job they can keep an eye on him. Eli really doesn't want to get another call from Touching Ground.
The other half of the story is told from the point of view of FBI Special Agent Robert Marshall, as he tries to piece together what led to the shocking robbery - and murder - of David Melmont.
👻 Is there a scene that you find intimidating that you have yet to write?
In my current active WIP, all the men and women merely players, I'm aware that at some point I need to retrieve Jamie Tartt from the wilderness and reform him. I find this daunting, not least because it's very difficult to write the Mancunian accent. But needs must.
(from this WIP ask game)
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bardic-tales · 2 years
Three Images
Thank you so much for the tag, @365runesofwriting. I love your images and the mood they convey.
Rules: Find 3 photos/images (they can be anything at all, memes, vintage photographs, quotes, anything) that you feel describes your WIP.
I am going to do this for Heart of the Horseman, my NaNoWri project.
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bizarre-art · 2 years
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Current progress on my Guardian from Stray cosplay!! Basic shape of the head. Gonna work more on it tonight hopefully :}
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(The) Guardian
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